Clinton New Era, 1876-01-20, Page 2!A
Are well Aware t4at oo-will4latO are lAtttr 4owst
Start. Wow, Don't, Wait:
tilat this is. Xnty-six )load of'Cattla wero. NhIpped:
lit. t1dwi
front 1101-0 Ou Thuraday, over tho, L. 11. 6,
AAI�pyp OpAN 0,04,11U �4vpkp to SiiI`A1,Ll$XR '111
14 1 , .)
4 XO*Kof
slk,41776 for thwisiano'. will appe4v 114.1ioacl, by Mt. JAM04 Mal*, of Tuoher.
. 0 , A04 out for It o1olt W -A 1, 1 1 F011061%
.00i for- A94io aim P^P of t4 I I)- As there Oro no cattle polls orsoated vo
*Qrati(* 'or
bore Ott prosolle, a toillp"I'ary stagill� -had Edward leland, imf
it 34AA, 11 $0, PAIR'S ispored to W014,0041, flirmer'As f44, 211il"At prices, �but we U
UAN 4100i'01fulialf.' There will be lie Per.
f ST., A
W* been pro 3red and man� of tile itillabitants
tost, 3401WK at" Ali WA.U., V4 00 holpg frion A' ri, "n.,... �1 6Q bills, V!Q%Wst�,Wullp olour 3, on Supolayl&rsl. of the 0 lingo, with whoulAytis 1' 60, is very Zosoph, XcCO
. . ...... 0,80 va,
'Z,r iQ t6m, L( ij�irtltov.Dil. 'All will prenoli'lli the,
midstly 4.0d, 4 when thQ04 'Pomililaitite V
diatwilop, ShOU14 #,PAO, vxoxis Swiss BRL XWOURS will gi, tag Alext
46 910 lar� turn"I out to assist ftlily In last
Aga otat 10 40 Ru outgrtallument iii tv towa hall, here, QvWug, At the usual he three children
,T( Or of 7p, m.
R w 0 adittaigs ;k largo,604to Ol JQ0,at OL 'TONo ......... goo 1�il 1102(�uljg blo cattle.
ikI q laltucall0upo k - � - - , 'Ing Ale L - F tit ir dayi.s,
ia.. ol�hor turn Out to �.cl withotit foundation, 9 M, 2120 oil Saturday ovelii AT19S. 0040011lenoo Of tile
*Atte1r., , Spot, VQ4,614, 0 Ala; MITnX. 0161 1100. 0 rol 0
courso 1411TER, ...... ii... I, W_ 10 P.m, W611 known reputatioa. 0 , "y man 1140
y POO 040.Q or there is agQod roil,86% for the abilities wop a%, tatWeen tile Qrand rl 1.)k
10 And L A y oli ul,(,
Q4401i, ev the 8tatiop" f0k$1,5Q a �epi, _94vW111,
LOND.UNs, A.TdYao ...... 1 40 pout to Soo a foil 4uso. H. B. to, London, we, anderstaud tbAt tfl'o rolitppwaa drowpot.
oma by thd prod Nil.
U06 den
pur TAlota Qrvloit.-�-A gQ41-ile liv V0, to knei, � lities lisio rooltilied the f4rg it Ilia "NTBATS, 1�y, oil Thursda
Mixed. 30, tatted A* 0AVOlito London, AP4.0b", . � otil t I"-, MNT.-An ont6litaillinent clin,
.04. at, *dAJ?, Xxv IRA4"Way �q Ala At tile "00ok
"AW) of cliah)"'Illea, Totillings r .,During tile paA
riesig here OiVQ A Paso that vill 'pl'00 tilts town on Tu�slilay, acoompsn 4 by. a taoto, lnh!6�0,6004.
'too it' �4044�otltp, pla T01�vox, 4 80. 7' 00 A -in. aistiliL
'Xid filli
'lot. A week " two ago 4. former r.,xvwx5t, 610 1,105 otter, IwItlah followed him, � hrovol; Qi4 will Ile b0d in'tho TOMP61-40 0 -141
L�l 9OPY" or 644 11 pa .1 0, tl'on tod f too to. 570 ve
otrests Alke 0 .404, and aftrilote. r.4., crowc SUBSOAPDAll to the in
1.0 f St. Tho As �;rqn�q,
�Iouclay avenjug 110.4t, -o- 1)
:40tight in two very large llog�, for Jiuuopppirm� ...... 12 2D P,W. juveniles to watell tile be at has Prepaid hissubowiption, np to BUYING W1111AT.-XII, P, 0 Irro4p, 0
I oo
1 00 1 45 Auti creature. V, is now, And -
IV .., a w , "-2785* �f Well) that some of our subso -ail, for Ship t d A
wbio'll Ile. 'i'vas offe 4
V�L* red a 66rtalit- fkpro by LONI)Ek.31194 '18 - , ribers � buying gi me,, 41, lessro,
.......... 825 a 10 SICATING CA. NIVAL, OW194111 the. wea. iio�wi$Q,, but we, would Do §,M4- Potch,Ana 0 Tile 9
� Ond"a"'M NIJtbout WOW Ig , 1 8 ther bo� favorAblo, 0 'droop, .0. r lvAI I& gg', Oro- talking, of building A, Qx0lupiv
04-dri tic; - . 0 110
ro � li 111"o'"11, 11 0.8, fiedif
ANYWHINA Q ot ,A, good, ninny would pay up to tile. store houee for tile same poilporge. am
�vill be hold. oil the rinic pre, Q_ 0 1 Present Wifte, its there aroA Roll
_)r; ofibr4, lie d.rove to Seaf6rtli, where NOT,,.-mizoot trains tun norkit Ott Xonilay, wpilneo- It 08 Out! t here iberja AV. , IS OrmiAirxox. Ti 0 mr, ;1 conslimptial
lie obtainoo:l, i;ear y to , r1day, And SA- qn repro Wilson is again i 0721,
I It dollars oll3i;il And r Rory day, it toil - ii -Mr. JIM- $830721,
%4el-i dance. I Doods as hoad
,, W 11 b sawy - Mr.
Rrass 11al preffttk t . or, 0 all
thall tile o0cr lie received � in 0111ton ,,g.vpoir ?-O;t,,r, imp won s1q, hapw how -it
tb � old Blythlio, be hai )g ron tile
Town Coulloll. WOOD CONTAAQT,-Mr, 'G.,L. Go o pearly every preall you meet saititep
0 Coate toll. Upoii enquiry,. yQ I X4 � ?10 �
uwIth 14ZoAu %yol this, ain't lb but �Paw mill in -Blyth, for Mr. it
would bay prosent contractilf 110 a . , tilt
ogs.- W�lq T11a first meeting of the new Counoll' of Buffillol 'a at 0 40 Soon As be. gets post and, goes a
Itla TEN we found that one'Qf WO, it hioaglent, Alr� �., )Fleet, for th, olive f lophing . in -Btartin
evening last, All through the mud, lie exclaims, so This. in tile t1on, tend re g their
was. held on Monda� a large-quAtitity of wood Alan a most. wretchoa WQAtb.'Or I 0orsaff; bothqr it, , tAinments at An, darly day,
there is, invairipbly; n the a li
albera. p resout exicept X, R, -Mr_ Flo is,
which 4C4 ubber-gqnej� no
J In , d- to!
Fe ifLrt dd` -the 4132y w
AT r, _4 or last
reduction �i )11 thircl, oug it blo-town-his, hQadqgArtera,.
ft The -appointment of Auditors being the I I . .... I . , .
SpliXONO -T a Rev, Mr. Th 't "Cob(SERTATIVE FLALTROUR., and"if such hop OSCapo' (loteetiOno no first matter,before 1:110 board, the Mayor NJAW FAoT6' .- 11 otilson a
m -Another now fao.tor�-,
portion MAL on mmr
#bh �Q to reo
an, a RIO prqa Solaxillwy. -This Soloist otim Qinted Mr, W_W, Farr q one, of in addition to those Already in our-,mi.o. , $eel t ep, 4Q, tile may APP iestovterian Church. on- SundAv- som
A week, ago there wits a gatbering at forthe hartooly stwrt64 -ourroult-yearp , on Vibtoria fit., by MegsrS7- lost. - n tin a - 0 ouin Rex Ao_ thousand letters were ;024, Ail 0 camp 1 a FAL 0 temp
gain $10,00, —ro motion of Coun. *Johnson, -see. by Cowl, H. Scott and W, Moore, in the shape of.a every Monday niglit-oi*6 night readings banner to f . r a a An WIlm"is
ousily. goner U ning unopene 0 was too looly t1i -Rev. Mr. 0 1141 Ili' re A Ser- r--noxt niglit debates. Thoro:,'i oliver
0jokaville, in the county Of Poo], fQv qlly which wmmlost likely Cooper, Mr. . MoGari* wao also,4ppoint steam boading'and turning factr, Both a ways a to 4 stands by its coldro, It is owned by. sto
Q, as Wally to 6.6 il xieu of Ila lar -o attendance of tile outai Coo, �wllo Aro. 'not i4hamod of their ria'
�d ail Audtor. are persons. well known lit this nolghbor- a ublic,,
the purpose o. listening to Sir John A, a 0 eel Of th uro Qqq, od the Moot daring robbgries. Qiat
il o p4oe 'in tbo ab.oVo instAnce, 0 of th til'o Subject. -debated Inst
Mo-kil by Coan:. Jantioson,teo b ill -0 , ight- pies, and have Phown that. hore.aniong our
: . hoodo and We -have no doubt,. w oulogeed Konda
very eloquen 10 1 �W. 04 1 h it! orwich, too 0
produce dejxlers reasur Wfts, Repel ad . Ilia vCh h/,, ever a k pl� )o' -last -a a business litarpri4e oaq succeed
.XaodoDald, who, if 130t a are, koen business man,, Ilid i;--that-ther-t or be instructed in their xioWyinituroi. Dbo 'T -oll, OVgIQZ,_At olved,. �bat(vQliu bWadn 4day el�onxngl, �er
nA low 1) itran AlsIr at rum Tho it�bpse is near
'is not reasona aucel. all.paid coupons hold by him in n ply OR. wltlioixt the 4i�
a teller, and, is to c davl 4- be cold not be tiiiod, 'Ville ecisi n was r
speaker, is good story* day lost n Council met at 11 Pk
and it ble to suPpose that ew heir room in 's!k -a L, On th I h 11 t a olpts of' a
&c0iDz�,T,-Qn the I iist., while Mr. w in. fP the at reef Mr...Wedin, wato. a ,.e,rairoa(, as -a twl pp
'they .7. ill permit oppOWI it' deposit or otherwise, and hand tha, Same thotown, all And individually nitidetheirad,- tallation of a viroo 'a.
therel very attractive on'thmt account, - i of rnall� .1. Anderson, of Gi6d0rich township, and Orat class hotel,, and is man4l
n lee JoiWolfor, and. requested -to, Do a at ly H. A.
over to the Council. -Carried,, ollatatioit' , office., with the 6xcepticn, of Air. party. 1 11 . . I I I ;*e a
Ilia Soo, were hitching up A young colt "the ilffARY. $UIcGHoN.A new Watches. He selected one of, a _ Lbrl
ppear-06 IIRV6� ingsoinathing to p4sa the by, A Kilburn, In a manner. very aces a' to. big
but on this oc6asipa lie a in Moved byCoun. Slioplpa�d, 1130. by Barton, w is not in t6wn , but twaiity XHW VATE guests, * while his ratga are decidedly 'r
-of $10Q be colt.became resti I vei And.wlhil�, lie was hold- V911 I WNOIX31114 40claratillia,lit t vetqA I ry oldr1gol 4 at -a- iapid gait, and has 'n
. is ly9a I nePo. has 6t own -Mr -I -wandero vOr-the town
been unusually serious ajqd impressive; - Duri-nef this. And Ihst, veeki X -ng' it by t a lid, -it- etruo t, b4ol overtak UJAW Ot-course, 4
ovevaL PouR,,..S.teyseRq,. jtbat the earn aj&': ' him thQ, Ilia 6. 8 -
passed to the "odif of "lie SohiQ-Bo' The ouncil then, adjourned bill- the Do Ider, late of Roager"villo.. - Rb ha ran on.. ome and saw its onbotautial chur6besil. its
nQ doubt fully recalling, - as lie, Ili the loads of wheat It ore onacoolant-6festim'ates for 1870,�Carried., alvo bimn botil;ht h witl2t; �,beAd knock �g t e-illoull, avenin ad, the office litely 'occupied by Dr, Buii- . Alaptioxi fight.took placo-laot TuoodaY -spacious, but badly. located town hall, for pub�
jo I . .9
der out of which the do Qrp� have lie buildings, vhiI6 @oorvin isful a at from 95*to.97 cents, for. wll�y 6*1 loved by 0ouir. er, 60 nil. eoi. Mr. Elder coM64 �iell reco igU afteran, election atL Gatineau Point,
course of his speech stateg, tbiit ta. by Qo di
wasbec� touting an old maii-,-Wa a a -b -e- e -n -5-5-i -ea -o I s -e -w- Fe b a auuing.himlorJife. his farm 1 bb. coxi., Hullatti contain a expre�sioa to corrqk principles of
ly6 b& Advertise, for tenlders'fp� the weigh. scaleq lot 27 narycolege. Woodoulythe will do well in Roque, and their respective a4herlmto4._sign,gIv
day," and in conselluence wished to. all,,.- Have- that now the far the' to be received by this Ing 100 Acres, a which there are� a brick 'Seafoitllp as. we believe lie'lo a man wall There.,Awre.. fifty man on each aide. Tho3 Art, d Brattleboro is not so destitute of
naMoet4 a L
house and a lg' mber of outbiiii1dings, f I Al '6 erate one, -'-I$ )-limit the 'town hall. to such a men,
Council A.its regular meeting in Febru-' P . , , a pro, assion, an of,gpod I atur, kht was a bloody mild deep
ot 11 in, good ton� o Mr. Rich Carter, of
En-ce upon his auditors the necessity' cf ij in, rilifaing Pf tile Hilron Farmeips slid Meohani a itony .,ineii-Wipric'-dangerously wounded having re- gre lot as the ono.ea which ib atandSL It hftS
bed in all the auti phicl, �l bion., will be liel&, Ot- Bruce'flold; tor. Toqkersmitb� Sam of Ill "I somo,beautiful private iesidoo is
dming well posted es er-prioes,-w 01. P-rodu. o on 4. 1 1 $50500. This 0 evere cuts on � their heads; and full cap, whilli i
Thd Clerk wM also - inst& ctod tb.tLdvcr day, (Thursday,...An. 20,). for"tlho iclecti is one,.,Df tne a tip B farms thathAVe been- I of thii;t6' -have enter- ail -acre if Sao.' i sat6rated wiiih Brooks Uouse is more ologailt !than prefitalol
that would devolve upon 'thepi, if they, as; is done ill any, other place Nvest 0 tiso that'ith applicatioiis Am vas
a ilty.
PAATNH`RSHIi,14r.;.,.Cam d's
aOa. were Of oflicers r -the ansping year and the hari .0 w I should suppose, and- its banksindiolitte tbrift
10 . gold fowsonle i a. ad. 1 0, a parblaiship.:
to ba -in -by thii itt, piofeisi7onally, r. -blood,,
tiap§actilonofoblierbusinais. Theannual 0
be held at MQ a Y oteli Fikill. ohn Mason sold, a �igess is 4 Practitioner . f considerilble L OLt-
Ow IS r -c n tim a. " Icalled on the aod,-R�cord,
Staiens,,i b6 rieno6;'.and pi4aticed I& w�
had so fore ad, And been so i 'C ov! 14t,, W. paigle ra l tely -6 Liman of tile markdt by-law. Similiar troubl: [ng pleasant a�artmeuts and she
in.the evdiiingl; , We trust Wgi lie rhqet. flife heifer of three sold, three quarm PxPa es,, both o1clipi
BE, 0 18ftATION STAMPS. poilltof I He drcktW-ated some 10. years -agd at"McGill of If it wad not,
to tile folloliiiig.. officeh during tile ingt6adthodnn willbalafaQ atten 'a. teras tuoroughbred, 5 lbs,, to:. are felt. in every:city o(; I
mark �ng ovid4a,igns
ibly advooa ,wished to ciarry out the principles 119 Toronto. M A , by Coun. . ShepiArd, - See. 'by dinner will 11 a Irotoullf6a 9,10" 0 traventions i ?erous business in SPite OfLtb'e dull
long the champion of. To the young 9 3.01 eal. He came'to and town, t . prosperity.,
)osk)r, 8pringfield- ftubficon-Brattlo.-
plostiro of, thjA.0 Messrs. Daym pate who intend to 31antr San,. laws are being continually ropn f,
. I I I ealed,'renew or 'a
n Colle'etor'l and 0011101 six'niontlis agoi and, has �oin ad al6red or tile, fortunates 1 a dalfly,'but Ovitu'.now:lluti
men he said: -For"the convellie "co of tlio public, -Inspector -of - all'Lf6ense" TIVOY BLriT,.0u $atur4ay a quantity k6ep be f6rtli �.amendeolby 5,of..Mig�t have,
4-ppit r ti at icb, tilie thei. golden opiniobs from duOng who land reach ilia place two hours in d -
You must stand shoulder to shoulder in ad ftoir� this station 0 1 ..
ating't to rogidtilati w t�f 'Streees' Chimneys, I Bealth, otfat �pattlo were Fib to U a out% 00-16s. more. thib tahk of municipal go -
for facilit I on of lettdtp 01 -Dr.. Oarnplo .1, -dinner I.wont to
R, Esq. It . L"' I.., I '" , ror One vroul�
coming struggle. Your organization Broad)' Mifat, ska., to-rp iaWsidewalks, a attiond which was A thoroughbred Dorhmi acr r that' ani ell in the aleaii- vanes of:AII others. 'After
a r lee ouncillors in theorl factory of he Estays, I
Wns a of ill' aying 'noiw, me !one ani- lagoE
should b the widest And Most liberal char- and for more tborquglily"' bull, -raisod' by Mr, M. MoTaggart-,--lint will be, seen. the a. ove"', t- (I time li%vii ' ig ' a ve ' rk largo' practice, more i -wheial ilia markot1% froo, inak congi,;
actor. NO Marc party or personal feeling. �.Come-' lately o*1*1 by Mr.' E; Mailuini, or Mal that ft I indeed than 110 As soon think of join& to StrasVourg*w1diAb-
safety, tile post office, departmen1b has whon not otherwiWouiployeatlpal; Mal that ft I ciauld attend, to, -offered Dr. L 1 7
a bloo IIS on tile der - themselves'highly. blesseid... o deilfal I& as to
should actuate your CoulloilB. The voters'. tery, Su and three *eAs 1111dolq th"r-de y'llars. blodi �ejg�- calos. rew-partnerabip; which --ho b4g_ae- V reel ton. seeinglits Cathedral and 0 w n
lists must be watched year by year, f9ry9u, is I " . pt.� Collector of roll 0.1 -a -Dr.. Camp" ;'The owner of the Hiimilton,�nd v1sikBrattleboro �aad n t See this ostablis&
'tile :works of t)i6 Ing, the eng*rmous amount of 2,000-lbs,i Both will be found in
o6go.lisposed of his establishment Ili that ent.. Aa-1,Y�gAt-up; -the sight at eight' largo
ought to know what the otb:ei sideovill. do. loll.
colors, and ddnionli tions of Such value wimiciptilityi At ireceive or said And could have been made to -weigh 300 or olcu 03anger- wt, near tile stat"
n Ity on atur ay, -of vuifokm- ai�e an
Branches of the Liberal-Conservativo A ia- Q'.of $400 liar year, and. bo. more.' 1. as d find was Paid'$200 on dd� 'Slate.'o
ssoo 400.1 That �s thoi, brocd-to* give traiiis ciornmenced. runAing oul.tho L.,. . & B. MAQI$TRATP'8 Pivotal - cas
be established in every school sec- as. will be iquired. Those tb be-, used' services at the rat count. lit the evbnin.k lie drove towatda, wblllwated� improssion.bit my mind;
tion should heavy woighto at an-carly go. or; ou'r magistrates lately" h o -n16 lit h hi 10rdeltoiri- which the �asceut df. zk Jii tile Collitablei fees.;-- Carried. n Manday'last, .find* 'alkoaad� h4ve, on so lla�e 96me bef,
orapmy, � love tile
Coun, Shepp6rd, 'see., by . I - 1. Alking into
tion, the seniors being bonsulting physicians successful that the C b I' th did
`TnA:nrs Dtiriiigtliep-.tsfifowdayf;llllrA- have to put On second coach, shoal 'the fle I found in bla, wIWAsa -though
in the Dqiiihtio "are r(A for.the Unitecl Moved ll� 0 wil on6L.Cape-between. Messrs,, Colomain;'and he was- o - rtako by, another boggy n not obliterate. NV -quiptly
and th6 young. men captailits, lieutenants a9d nulls as it started. was,dedidod Volmii, ve n sensigns.11 States"' green, and the V.nited-Mngdo1ii, ievelis, that XTenry. Walker and J., bars of tr�mpslldve been in towil'and have buaiiiess conAl 0 na this tainingthlrooftion. Tliqlatteripmped'oub r fribud,
at Coleman appealing.. Another w sAliat of you need not o
. and robbodhint. of all the moneyin his.pos,
A. Wailes be appointed Assessors the"' besieged the residents for assistanceli game fi4rty.Ayel p*ong6ro vote taken to Le 'had *his day' supported by the ftt6:
uppose.eitherof us Led,
Not the Mh9telueeper, who. Tho senior propric�
session, $225, and then dr6ve back. towards tor welcomed me Most; cordially, anafter' a
derstaud, that -the n
he above advice, and it"I's to -did it
slightest objeetion can.�lioe blue., hese Stamps must be used,. 'saine'salary as last year; viz. :,$60 each. of thout, are'qb16-b6died and are not cottaiiily a good beginning, W.6 U L
taken to t for that purpose. onlr when- Alw, lottori M06d in Amendment, by.Coun.'Mcum- book,liurfiq�, but We otloar howthe ti It is; suppol -Rew
Ing of assiptarlco,.as. th,oy spend: whatthey Jrqight til is inerslashij, i6d the r,obbors L friendly ' chat, conducto
by Coon; Donfi, -that J. A., ITelles, case was dei d ma�over tlito esta.
.0 in in licinoe. ':The" is plently of w nei'thd rdacl. will,44jiubtless b f his' -boarders a and, foijoca,hitu tair' And, 'down'
ork ",and in Alabort tii what money he lia. blishment. We went up a a
be hoped it will be acted upon by Ro- is to be rogist6rod.` VhenLib IS' desired ace- doing a busitie)ss-th-at-will-compstie-yei was suspected of thd hot.
an n ssors. if- onl�' look Tor.ii 'but.,they y-favor-
A-phooplIalf, its j611; taken bff recently 11TO r Q4 r6
to register letter foi, any of r Mi -in�operption,'and I never -saw an establish.
formers as well. as Conservatives, and Yeaig.-Jamiegidui Millar,.1gonziesi', Bu-� -6- beaO. their- living by tibiling a; ably with.tbat of older lines. v0sm is - Vloiy., dull. at Present, the - . i so Mae unery were
tllreghiug Machine 6 1
ry t1taln o iw" o for P - r di being fit a *i0olipfl state. by the Shaft OLL-a 11
ey Pitiful tala� afrjX6Lj
that there will be an harmonious riyal- count tit Ach Stamps chRitan, kinart, Ekwin, Doan, ,%ad Chidl -'and working oil the sympathiols W.!-MoBriote's faim, in^EaPt Gar inent 6f ha size whore there' 'wa's SO much
n a
WI(AT it. COST jjj�f.---A t6wn '.4
of -a cred.11fobs Public. -Give, all"Atic5 char- 0 0 i!derandnoatuess.. Zvoryroomaud.
ry in Seeing that the voteralists aro free are orovided,-the ordintil stamp� will - Who has kept a record of theli4u,ot ho has. style wh.iob, for speed and as a well -dolfe .0 Nays -Johnson, Shep�avdj7 406dpor, and At findS )its a' partioula"r,wo,fik nothing
tero,4 I widoberth auA no 4a art'ler,", drank doring'tb6l pagtilL twenty years, '.0 job,cannot� be equalleol'byany orall of the. ent
Stev6ng�4. Ainen4ruent carried.. on- qu 1�'the quickiiessil'thorou&
from names have to be used. -butc ..
illegally there. But the IF, n :her"n tha_.Coonty.
__.NaT__TI PZACF,;-XCa -doei -Lnotap that -ift-that -time -he -bas-expdrided4lio-iiam was- Vale a 0 oriz 6 -Ville 6owu- Mopping over: the tumbling shaft, whenlitho 6st,iilig ment. It is, tbo, Aivis
n re �read -from -the in i)a coirricil.eleot of
inost t COm_. pear to be the 11 Western paradiioL lt�.hasl of�$L,460'forwhiskoiyOlona. --hoe loll . A 0
,important of his speech,was tba and Hook'alild Ladder Ship -of' al t, viz, : A.-Montaith, -Te, J.
f.)rm brought down to almost the loweA I orao6d,uptob ta we l6arn that'Mr., nearly it quit'r-t every dik during-thattillio.. 'cl Wobl'ai.okio side gob caught,.. in-, systoem� and. nicel 1.�ted r6 ib s'o the
part wherein he lays down a plat 'pandem, tenderiogAheir. ighations,-,�I;joch been bl'use ill-' �nci a. H wson, doultaillors, met' es- theon the Cable 0. Counter, a former resident of this to*n-,, 44 -this niilii6y beemPut to some- tit yi and"Wris numarous departi�enfsi -which -enable thain. to
sible' financial :'pint, wqrs6,orAered tobb-laid . .. : of turn
P. . 0 �, I om6 time,pince, failed a lead beina "worse than. thiawn. -away;-. boro, oil t Hth-lus.C, made aiiVoubscribid we T
ot principle�kLftor the great Liberal Colt- Dal then Adjourned.-., who moved thither a and Around % ff..'�ean out so inany 4ini;trcunenis,� every and'. of
a the �mlgti of oamou'ut of g000lit coald-lr4ve done' their,�Ale . tiond of office io'.the .be she6p,vVould have,: madog 'whioah-i9perfoct. They' are BIlipping.just now
and it is 'esp U- 6 bettiir his 66fidition as anti.cipatedi,63van of ecially gfd lit: a and qualification;
servative party- Wit, fi or off withoub 'to Pelt,bUt it-waS fly lastrulneuts-p ORY, will e toeir Ayer,
and entered n th aties fo th do
matter, andtherefore- hbavicf�Z�qtics to- Clilldren of Rfto?'a- residence of severiT aildhas and paved 'tii u*ch sufforing. eir.d' t D year.- Wtwo, hundred, per week, and of* these i li,x icisco, Ili theLho�OhOLC erimldo lecture is opntaii as., 'ingL al.]
th ri�o o Sai al r u ing react and confirm-. plea _a:L.1kQ_ dta not periuit iedinthes6figur AlinutoA of fo , er moot' ly 6augilb'and bib I the autumil,they havo�'forwardpd
this 6ccasion to pass wit 9 11AS -o giv a below statemen b of. the
IV . . . - --;'- I er, every one wil -Tlwm fteir . Vban A horrible death itsJust boan.�eporteol
hout definitely the postniiat ao—b a ed. Molod by Britten, teE."by ;F..HO'w5Qq,
ay, that n by piepared.4 and . passed tp f load. weli�ly �tb Europe. This gl�esjteady.
.of �Own - 111)� are Id ha:ve turned ard -law ix J�Qla.thoa Middlesex county goa ".:A, mail-
ljoaj tl�omseiveg cis i� of pchool-go� - be,*19 ooaskv - re- udred'p0soni and
quefted to publi$hAllb f(Alowing: biloralous ilia galarloo of ti iowuship �ollioera fft the. named Well Morrison was ibroughbiii
ad clearly enunciating their political. ness with hial i hpa -fr6in' employMent to fivd 'llu
.4 Inm aue and.,the-number who Attend the com� -instead MtVy 4rd an dad for Clin- they -retain -'th6ir old' help, one.,
views -and all of them, -for now we 0 sary in'tite )#ay a pro- 'm'&i 2 highoollools; and oilsa th. eld�--growii,by, Mr.:- John Uzell,"of Wits
to what is. ne'eg yi koa;ent�ear.-Cai ied. Thoby- th man la"lig
.on. two I L a
a nuinb6r J0311 .1 1 ppin a.fdw days ago on a chargc�,Of 49111- worked nearly folity years., I saw Argo
this road �iid paAPed, a-byT. Howson,�sclb.'
Ahat 'it '�ill attend no.se400l., ace, on a quarter, of, an acre �4 � mom). olle ing pork.. . 'He had been on, a continuous, instrtialefiti;:with t*6 - buics of keys, some
perly-stamphig lofV&S, SO -The first a out The figumliplal b�-. &Mason, tliaij-'. alviiiian-be-ail-Au itor,
know where to find them, and what they "thol-60 fto-sixth whoo' do not attend schodl cold oly indidateAhat ohn on- -I t d b ilig- did. 'fifteelt gtops, atiol -411 ilia aitaolimouts bding
mean when they are discussiu- politics, be unnecessary t . q. ask'Jr'.1fiforma- tidn., some n- 'at havlog"coni Account, tha6 has.,happened on Spree or over We. yLears, an on a
mangled, otberaworking,. any the, derstands the practicb, as Well as theory, of for the - preset, b year. - Carried rObd of �p ilia went into doclir'ium tremens fitiisheol* . UPL,fo I r the Russian trade� L Th d
-ad last and although. L the tfien'appointed Jae. CA P611 the other di7 P as
"i al y, -11ilree 'cent, is .. . 11 . c
1ways bavii-the case. rav 'tea a 1A
which has not'a nu I A .,and,the rontainder-idliogi about. -TW 'latter Bruce, ocauloi successiul. 'gardenin, Ing In 41$ Coll'in the'most frimlitfol, mAll- Mus. pvi , ant1be 1argestoi smalle t 4- from him dolit class is. not only' t 'b t ineAng ..Wedfieia tor. .- -Movdd-by,.T., H on, sm by X. Wftw it 'stilnu- strumbritsildw raddium. si�o'bdiag sold i . n that
otamp will carry &'Idtter.tOLA Y. of' oo numerous, u go ertoff. stutiou-.` yle :appears very large, (we might- s,,Ay al, era The goal p iysician gaval,
n d. to comp6l th6w to attend- me-persori1ad turoeid h6 switch , I vick, tht Walter* Cnni It * be-rse-appoint� '1101 land. Th"
Briefly, they are these shoul&bo,employe L I . I I , cAus- Mr.: Uiell is williiig to, ad. Assessor lof the pros ",Year -,-At to ( , , A a Russian 'artists qpiociato Mid:
sehool. . 011-201 'last, while.ilie-ext(mina- xng�l a- enter- the I Ing a'lld' substanti' ata�_fho I ' anilhisverla6ity !onto; but. failed uiethi011 ail. 0 will botlsoeii' frsim't
Canada o' c frieght -train t ei stAenielut, of oved J, b rittl5n, ssc.�, J�irn -infirifs_� Wxie; 6f tri Ivii eli�
that Unite StaltdS) "and ft'E.Ve t -a qrs was. in predress 'th till, in over is unquestioned. aeiii �te ke-a'L)ointed -k�yi.' ',An in4iieft wits held -and a verdict letter froni Blis
(1) Perpetual coilnection between England 6C,th prison, n 0 run pe&Aly�,off.tbfi the- tra .0 The follo i follow
re q - orow ogino alid ton 6 of - 80. Carried. Ofr the celebrated or lit of St,
- 03nb Stamp to Great Britain To r6&19- Council Yoom,-'thero we d' of boys af Mr.. yield :__:_pobat delith fro' ti :' of the I'ligs # I . rg
nd Canada. .(2) An arrangement of our tilt 8 4"no'
a We -think, tile a"; a. oes, cabbage Colleefar, at sal in conges an a ]Qtrbt,
iffthat will consult thoi interests of Canada wbo should have'bleein at odhooll, W. Blackwell, t 4 1 . I - detS. 10 b the hoa . rL
minion' 0 c 04 and. 450 heads onions U - b "I have often bad
g.. More o? 10 sh. flovea y J.�r L�ick,, see. in fadt� ents for. Qanada , Eve - aid be doing-gothill , t '11- 1. f . - U i ugh 171
altogether.� (3) Mak, this dDo magistrates wol I after a brief.delay, the ra t tb at the fi. 7. J; Britton, 'bro t on, n Alld tty play on the -Bitey,hailmnjunia'in st,*-.
a der the (36A. :all riAll bush. peadl.2 bughl. -, celery, 50 heads -, 'be-, llowing accounts b io: iz: , as. good Story
far the United State conts� tfian theii we 6 O -again as a'quantity f melonsi Jettuce, c. full, a
. . . . . . comes to Ila
The platform is certainly not very po. and eight jiluty, ifth.dy 0 aid Phir, for -plak for rts"; R., 11.' frolip LkAidb; Petersburg aftol and was perfebtly'
a tAliles to clear the dac dol 3, Do; Joballho about,a proininda Oen-,,,er in tbitt, iocli-' cliarated.-with, the PabbetioL t�(ine of these.
ty6 One of our tow
IL. B,� A. OC ET� intioti 110 can ?" to the United, Kingdomi I . ettel'S 1110 Ipg ob y be '�Tho annual' ^ hig the wpids of -vu) -immortal. Shakespeare 10 b
extensive, and we scarcely think there go 4190" as' they* a etti , -no In ait in orahaitte, onn iii4truments. 'Oil no ITr liftrMoulums call Q
'esqt On one -a nui- �et'US 4�a�.thiS. W. gravel d pli:lk ol�.,
bL 'to tl, nsi, A are oduce4 such purity. and, proecisioti, the
left unstamped ing pr One COMSiO Robert McKay, formerty of the, Aliteboll. ith
they, are son of the. Hallett ]Branch Agrictiltdrik]. Socidt 1873,74-75; and that'.611 I the -ac- 0 $,ai,
neea'be much reason to object to it by ice to the00firt air uoig nd dim6rder. took Place at.0010,P hote-If an th f, d trol choir-likii sound in tile lower, a
Dead Letter -Office and if thlply�Qro not' a 12th insf., S, S. Amx count of 1-1. 1-111111dug, papsed it revious oun L ry, wore in Ord 60 - Other I( ayo lar to &'fine church orl pleasure- I
al matter what his shade -of -pIngedfut hours it tile$ iin-gtrumalits .;'re-;
any one, n president, in tha.,9hai deliv elitir 0 0`1
A'6 0 3 Mr.' Js. Biggins, . r. mons war nicating- of Me -by. J whon.they heard A. gointleman talking pret
an in on is. . . IV 1. 1 1 iddin ()pie's
As to the firsr pl to o d era- leshrE sec.-. by J. Alason, that the 0 Whig by lolidly, against societies, and conintencling them,", most
k properly sta ped, when registrati -A. �78. Among the memberi present iv. WarWiCLIC, to tile ninaid:
politics may be. Flo. riah't'p, On behalf of the Sabbath Sclidol,
&Q , L persons reciove asslstance.frsim t 6 Of condonnih., itiong upon the
raquire sender EIP a lo-., ing pubfic.
J . Snell,' X. MoTaggart, i M08011i J- on the 9th inst., by Rev, L, Oa -1 them no impo
the less said about it the better, as it is q, tbool dti of the.. r3 WaS a
Coming, 0, McLeod', T. 06oper, W. Wipoi 'ran-
Ford,.T. Belli J, Ship. on the I3b11 a very in glacl,td know, -in visit Ar6iViw� during
morning and.Rev.. T... Ura&, in fbo a the tonship, iz, ohn BcakleL 75 lots. per, farmor. TJ`ntiI ment' Aliss Essipoff' 8idal raiders -Will, be -
'7: .0 81 "ItapleS allot wjfe� 63 or 1
b6 dc�eittect .011lifs , Job, Beaconi 7,11, teregiiiLil m6106r- of 1lis Organization tylli �to
5 1 -Ing. AV. McKolmid, 75 ots. per -week, ;belioviug,
now a fact, and its continuance it matter A. Moilionaid" ly the;eby� could. be be Sav ad.froul the comi g season. The Ustoys ar& prep ames,�s .. and J.. Odvior� : Via meeting- Wag held, itttenaed, by ' r - 1-' $1 perwick; all froni the.1st,J thAton n ar!
of course, but by discussing it opposition, British Colujulijit,0pinion,, i. '�t--J 51 75 5 "0. 6 alimites of last-moetift then road anil dreied bi tile R an. ]BIC) ort�on of he inerchatilsand. other some of th.eiiinetruments for, the Contounitil,
�g I were
t.. A fisr-Mesora, the et
't M doilArtued -, and the report of the treasurer d an. anclo,being the largest-'establialiniont'-lit the
'4 _iO was'red and ado it in A believe, this exbibi.
is naturally creatid, as is the case in g b He said, however, thafn6
Laird aMrock, slid ie;6ral.other gtntlo, be Tavern Inspector all human affairs. The second is ra- A 'Victoria.(B. C.) corgespona6lit of tlo int6i waa 1, �of this opinion. 1-1 a h "OhAry, and,the world,
pied, - A vote of ill n 13 men. -..Tho childronrobited, se�eral pieces, West Division of this township, and
Wibiess,-,wri�eb as follow"balt vyato.unanimotisly-6arried to thoB6 parti 3 and, A few diologues , were given.' Tile Alillsonic for tile East Division, And to taoilit 2� leson. that, It 6 would not tionwilLuot oil ly,bo'credi table to. thoms' pa',
ther ambiguous, aud 'can be made to Montreal crously given ap , b 6avict - is this He but to car. Antd ind,the nation.
the state of fe lfz)g.i4 tho,'Pa6irlc lirovince who had lie --en ocial pr t -I rccoi�e *I each fai ea6h taN*u in tkeIr re-' 0 torget,.and that feaso'n
.a t' - IzOp, choh to organi Corr COTr..
Total number attd,ndiiij Schools, '407; afid also to.tho president alid, (Aher Am - rend s load by Miss T. Ryan at - The Council Chda h -highest
do duty �y a member of either party; ra a 00 bushels of'wli6iit but tile
of the figuir that be
.A18' taughi at heine,'10 ; live years old not. com., "r it
PrOPOS of tile b Ilia so efficiefitly co -a 'Several i6ces"Df-mu sic 'to the
Y�ith regard to the 1&to raihv . �e adjourned, to meet again afl,otiole�Vois5l, on Could got fo ing, Marylf-.'
I !Oaloty wit n- great dolightr auffience. Oa blip foi- - At Toicinto, on Monlidyi1a, d 6to6tive, of-,
in fact, every government professres to of the Ottawa, 0 ovie 16LWill be seen I �0; -worklhg home or in shops, 47; cilad, was 0 ots. ai busliel This lie ref*d to- rested a �6uth namoid'Pri;ce Albert'Wilipox
rnmobt.- 3 u its Offiks, The election, of officers ]owing evening a docial,�vds ]told, at which tbd 22rod"day at Februnri for, ilia purpose of
for the ensuing e
from! to 12 i)ot going, 20, "'ti and
keep in view tb� interests of all sections that whteve the -local' yoni %via illion prooltailed granting ficates -for Tavorn Licenses, ecept, nd-docided upon ship�ping - direct
the. Itva. Mi. on and'Laird, and intheRossinlrouse QnjJLah
.9 arge of forpdry
With, 'rosidting fix the appi6intment of tile- the transaction of other. business, bnt al. - lie bonulli from Ilia nolghw and embazzlementi,to the tune of botl�'voea
of the country, and shape their laws So may do, the people thernsolies are gra- r.resbYtery -of Roil an delivr'ed a adreppo' I 'e Al do
folloliVing gentleffion —Mr. Jas...Xigging case rain 11 t _in JAs. Bttilfirw T, Tp.Olork,' 6ors so 'ant to aiaOT up two car loll'
-h for ..dually- coming to the concluaioA tj�lt S��r ____ — 0 t1ome he ) I - . .1 1. . I s $i0j000 and. 000 on big ' empi a, A
's prdabtlpry Presidefit ; Mr. otheg d f patio and -no k 'der mail ever atti
Thi met in,LCLlintoh 61 ohn t toil 0 6 applied to, SO riled for the St. Louis film named Anderson.
that no partiality Shalt be sho� John Macdonald made a -fool'f.� bargain Mas6u, $58,wphi hwMb bbat1fRS.W1,oroI TIrwas
one section over another. But in the 1 Toosday slont I Mr. J. .A. Nolleo,' Secretary -,,. Mr. purpose$'. lean al
and Wcauesdq-laat, there wis a good Aim Manitoba,- Corkespondence.. . Olson al tho.east, than� was this lsntlo� employed- as baokeep er and cashier, He
with them ; that thii Canadia would be toilaild-6 0"fministorgatiolielolors, Alril-Si6ve- Thomha Cooper, Treasurer,; 3' Govier, left -Sti Louis a week ago, Ali(! was followed
no man Alin ad -Ila aspiration An.high,
fools to Obtain . pt to car . ry oil w -H, Snell, A. McDona to coo I ad
mouth of John Al: Shipley, �id, Tjl� scaroolv. Ilia -but I I wn'when - lie. was obligod
� . just now it has the ap- t 11;jh'illat right reported that the Gaelic mission btatian Tff"the DUO), of thoi Era. I ' by An American detective,
pearance of a reflection upon the course hi G-oderich, wasorganizedil. as 'direatoaL by J. 13encom# S. Andrews, IF. Uumball and a local about the weather, for, oh6uld -we ;in. ' to Sell hig tiv car..Ioads felt 88 ets. per -
gentleman so recklessly proposed, andtht 'I, ,)� oryi TUp report Was received. And. H. ord,,Dircotors ; arid'Mossrs, (Ie6. B. ticipAte fialf an boat -ahead, ourbopes Might -J)z4a Siit,—You, perhaps, will like to bushels beside ing $30 for travelling
parsued,by the present Government; dliureb, Goaorilihowito i& now whatoorLol a Winter 'we have A"01,001,,�
they�j the Columbiana 'themselves, though tile a0asj6R of.Knom. Pay'and N, Robson, Auditors, Tho.mect- be� wreaked. We clin however, say. a up and a , and . abooil $50 -for ri ad. words about *bat it fi�; beold, : Last Tburs- here. Irell, We have u very pleasant on otaJ loas,of ovr, $150. nekt door, to trio Xxpr4jes Office, Albert
-but in-wilat way lie would have done grossly decci�ed. by the old "Go' structed to have ilia acrament,of the Lord"a Ing tilan lidjou" I CIL -fraigAht; makid t
day And Friday was ipfendid winter wootbar, so faf we It ay.4 only It ad '3116 or two stormy' - We iold6al rojo co over -ally lnan�fk Illisf011- tolilo friends iind the publioeneralir, that hehao on
differently, if he bad been in power,, so 'onteirtaftillog anyln:4 cajo of.a there -being excellent sloighing" And the'at- da f a person could not
ar� not ju�stificd in there, an( a ransmit �eeqpy. of the d6filmun Rr yg, and none tit Wasps but`tbink tilts gentlemdil richly do, haad it select Sic* of clocks, watelloall. :Welleglf I ftl,
neernedy tense, feeling of ail&er�becrtuso' the p open jail roll of that congraq peculiar *nature canto before Messrs. A., S.. served -Abe lie And. ib b Ph rtbs notice, and
'far as the tariff question is co' r , t ation, to this lotesby. . mophore not bing too. seyero, Olisatitrildy workoutiti. The lowest ther thernabuotor which he offerss 0 faabonalcle rates., iiiopawng o ia�erk
tery. 'A fi-om 57 member ' 1) Fisher, NY. W.1"arran ai d J. McGarva, Jr. it coinmenced to thaw, and continued till Sciri. hap been this yea deacriptloniullialiae, done on tlx( 0 t
Ministry reftises to-embartass the whole ' L potitiod a and 56 n T,, . veas. 351 below, kero. allould'be a lesson. to.all others ivho think t medoraje rates,
sad faithfully maintained his second Adherents of 13rucAfreld and vicinity ws read, P.'S, on Monday last. The facts of -the day, evenini,L when it rain -gap n
Ilion, Jan. 17,1876.
ad,' Monday We have. had no rain since the 26th bf - t
country. for ilia tempprary 'boneft. of praying 6at organized into a cougee- nioa'day�—overhead—bub milderfoct it nas. Ozin fill like in o o n o, 1.) a Ives have * any �ight to
plank, it is impossible for us to Say, for itald And case Are, that a traveller, stopeing. at the tomber and no thawing And fro ive, i ' I
small Provin Says the coreosplbild lion, Messrs. Isliffor, No% wretched (and that wolld*60tive a. but A fallit ti�&I!Aftt!ocatc, . . . . .
co ont gal CommorclaflUotol; 'lost &*Pce at book on Ontario. filling been rtaftiorec! th'atthere
he does not make it known. The tbird idea,dfhob&d1twai),' ToesTaywiidaomild. Lie'nse..Noticia
At the time of the Confatlarat thero'WA9 iinclabbrilugh appeared in Support 60116 Po' Sattirda-y-o-VoLning,,pontaiiiijig',a small gum wdre no btops in Manitoba tl3i� Season, and.. clip the following from the Xingston
of at the wealth of ilia at tition. The-prayor of tbb petition wag grant, as a may day, a heavy, mist hanging about
plank we look upon as a more pid6e I a bellof tit 0 wilf of inoqey, and s6iiiaefing a young mail tI the !1 hoppers" had -clearod all the 1V/iir1'�—"ThoAo who have,latel- visited
the command of ilia Doininiou;.anol ilj%t ig.and Messrs, Matheson -ithdo 'a A tr, IoAulrius wAxi.415 TAVUR -on SIMI?
buncombe, to produce offeob,-as e are ad, ald Nicenni 11104 Nvill, tht . vVas,llfrequentl till evening ; it raitopol in the afternoon,, d, oropolbbfora them, Now thisla not. -so ; in Zidense '
land really guaranteal the buil(Ting of ilia ea. And XAsh *Oro apfiointed. to attOntl to this '114 of 6oursamada driving And walking very ingatsm Penitentiary report Dr: Da. 8,for the Present year, must hand their- ar.,
t, I I Is. pifoatiqng to -240 hatlAtAt than the Imt cl� rely, nexI,
matter. call from the congrdg0loll of around the boial'aud livitig pnnfll�uous; lie agreeable,', Yeaterd this neighborhood some had very good via to be the perowhification �of till 61111APPY Illlio,�der of the Council,
already A. Dominion, and wi!l so remain naclo. Pacific road, It ling diffuRed ci.gra ay xb.wag,vory mild afid
h6vi. I). m. took outa, search warrant 4ild 1141 th.0-hO490 cropajAs hig4 AS 2000 bushels, 'and man. 110 sits am6ng hill fellows. in crime T. A. VELLES, Clerk.
Juallythr6ughthe Pe6pIo'llimt Crartbrook And B thol, In, favlor of o9uthiand rainhig slightly, clearing. off every
for an indefinite period, witli the prop- Uallaa� of Parry Bound, was sustained 'and in which the young, man lived thorouglily wit:,hin 'dbulpass of 10imilds, 000 on tile side of, i Pilo of stolics, all
would fall -on tile Canadian 'taxpayers only. V10496 of AOOW 4nd leaving no indication that throShod, . tllj6, is, ) I cl breaks,
ordiitq I bushels haVo been of,all
d to be transmitted to that gentloman, altatAcd by constable Paislp , on Sundoy, Vo were nowe tile'end of. Aliftaryt it Month bird-hoaOs'alt day long, his Mal$ bent, on -
pact of an increase in the extent of our Thiff'knowledgo was mixed with ail ulloasi kinds of grain, I will blgo'grivld you 4110, usna
feeling about Caunda's ability to stault). the Mr..#ergueon wao appointed. to *support the 6t railed to rind Clity artioFi8j,. -But w qatlao. ily fow, and hia.faco bearing a gloofty r4 Heifdf.
hil� generally of go Yore winter vreatlip;
territory and the number of our pro- drain, not that they eared that Canadit should C311 bafor&66 Pf-0sbYtdrY, Of Owe"' oulld, ill Ila engaged they discovred a box of'bcots Winnipeg produc& and-pro�ibioij markolt Ile fools humiliated, too4 ani, aklm SUI)SCUlb19915 ftEW18119, ABOUT
-by The Prosbyter thati.took,up all application.. and overshoes concealed land flid 11 as DisIlAbrDlifol OV 'xim r WhoatJ $1.40 ta holl t theraiddla of Septonalierlaoti a two ye4rlIngIUMr..
be *drained, but that lice. povoi should bar 5,00 th object of attontiolf from violtoi4
r. Cameron, of I a and also it bundle of toola in a elageb'tabla ; floor, XI�X; $1 --to $1. 50 *; 0 top cillorts, 'to hide big face,, ttpon partri PAY
lavish expenditureliere, Hardly any thoutrIlt of Al ftippen, will be seen by reference to ouroporb of has ThO 4 owndr is hereby tiotifloa. to prove pro
ell sea, and tako 4 AWAY nOE Sio done, it will be
-NOW,every onemust admitthat.if tile road woald be 6f ally. use wEgn' session of Bailield, foo what napkins,'otgrs, and . flaw other artleloo, - thecCouncilprooleediugs, thatthe Pioneci oats $1,25 ; barley, $1.50 ; groii�d, food, 83. whi'a6tho feelings of Ilia heart ate do plain� so�,Utopaycipcnscg .
finished, bab alf 6ked ta'roapiag- al,lifirvest course he shoultl Pursue in, the proscob cir- , Vire, Aad,96ok and thdolo dolnPallioa of '; brano %142.25,; banns, $3.25 to $3.- ly rolicattid, 'Still he's a dog tea, indiffer-
that is the Conservative platform the tallaeg off 4 tile congris nil of which wore idebtifled at the examin- t t,oas to $3,50 o R, RANSY0itD.
re during the cnstruction. New there 18'a feel- citing gation of 15%yfield, Ills town have taiidered. Their rosigna, 50 ,, buttelf, da 19, ationby4ifl*eront��iii'oaitxtlietowil, The iry-pitoked, 35 to 40 colltEf; ant part. of a mortals who wil grieve btit
ie no necessity of being excited or in* ing df ango� witliThe present- Administration U'llon the following inotiorio-.-moved fily Mr. tortant, Charles Iforsoll,'and his -don -:Ww�t o tho Codfiell,'40 have.'dsebAude. - Wo store packed, 25 to 30 dta.,; ity rollst'choico) little at'prosent circumstances', =4 6i;i
haste to turn oub tb6A pr of the Domitition for daslibig their hopes, Lab, McUnaig,- And ully seconded, And carried, it arrested An6 are sorry this is the caso, for they lidia'al. 40ota.; eggs, fresh, 50 to 60 cts, par 'dozen; deal of con I t o ro tray Heifer"
pserit'Govern the anger is vot deep, for they know, that ilia N )ecting tile matter to The Prelsby- Horsefl, waia at a rp tract, 80 A i n f ut future,
te4r- a a statement, wpysiovba themselves aw officient body eggs, frozen, 85 c.�, choose, American, 15d.; though far It i's under-, 8"Tayllp,
ment, as they are not ohly fully capable Canadians would, have been fools to bava ryv Fbin d Uri Caniaroal in tile lock -tip. ME 1. -Tackson t4dritified Qf' IRA, when their aotvi , con wore requif6d, rvr)ft CkUP INTO THU 1,1113,511SES 011
"' I " * b , the sideo 8 to 10c.; stood ho'holds'tho'balief th4bre verylont. TAlotandth, Abotit
also Ion billy of Mr. Sieveright, tile boots and shoes As part o CAnadiall, 17c.; - oaf y thasubAcriligr, lot g1l con, I
toil so mueh Ili keeping, a promise witich ft E tfiq'* stole" "b4b thy wore led to taRo tins'etall'boocadso Jr.
e is shop on the hiht, of the 23rd of �oli pork,nono:; potatoes, $1,50,to $1.75; Executive 616elloj will be in liG Of oatovolr last, A. white Rcifar,a years aid now,
of carrying it out, but have already don �-omptuilcr by cottain j;rdtesti And appeals, front Ili The Owner Is h erohy requlostod. to prove prdporty,' PAY
,should never bp�vsi boon fil4do. There may ado of tile wide , %6 appaiatus lifill Which llonaL$3 to $3.Z - bdef iness lit barrels,, behalf, and b
so, acoordiug to the construction Mr. have been some bluster about hiclopondvaco Against * 0; SO-eftlied," Meeting, November last, Atilt three parties Weotiflad* aSiielt a afitilds And take,hat away,
and a whipper of annexation, but thb first they lielol, oil boo.. 1'.1,which this Presbytory dilrei6ot Qr(jqJ'a4 of a job �f toola 4q'thoge haw"to combit tho.4eyy element. $18 ; pork iness par bbl., $10'; bacon, par icopfill all it, moy seem to him, is oxcao& uo�TEILI
I - - . b
Macdonald puts upon it, for he says Th -6 stolen fion) the bridge, over tbp 14ayfield lb, ; 18 to 20 rtsl;. canvassed hams, 20 to 22 ngly improbs ]a. During, ilia
kno* to �o an Absurdity, and tile oon4ition of by acelarsts fo bid irregular and illegal. The ail in waa,- it might 6 said, wbreaj
the portion of the union next to. the llre6l�ytoliy asset -to its rightful claim to tho� than uglea'o 0. being comp , lately used up 411d ther it is neceaury, for the
he will go to bit grave W bRppiness In fa oat river oil, tile L., B.'. R., in the middle to,; perlimiaii, dried b6ffalo-ulpdt,
desired. - Still the suni named it churcli property at BayfiloTd,'Appoints Messrs. tho wonder is tl)4ttllo companies 1104 to, Notioe 'to Debtor'& -
Um title last pro of 1�ovember last. Aft taking the evi. 15 ots.; oaffiical �cr 8 saIV per bbl., brealdlig 6bones J a have, their leeks
when he ees those principles tri in- Vie, Sieveright,I�IcVaaiFj. ministers, and lohn gothei NO long as they, di4 under tile air., $g. 25 to $3, 50
posal as a atioil for tHo breaking,of tile denoo;of the govern 3#, thomakidtlin- POP140 wood POVRed river As AVOII OF' nVuls OxOtaised, And for that pur. Scott, J. Slli4 plid 8. -luarnodban, elders,. as chinstances, Indeed, haol it, UTIES
and no one can truthfully say railway clause V.-Urms-G union is laugbied at tea committed Ik-Wilars, to Goderich td .. not boon.for -load, $1,25 to RUIZ ; Oak wood- Por cord,. Or.a.longti'l of RNIOX 0 for rofoasloilldla will fina
disprcp9;t Ott a hat.',tho D6. to co-ol tile exottions of tho, superior �officcrd; $6�to 0.60 , mixed wood, $5.50 to $4. time Around the Pilb of atone-, as direct'a tea ha'd lia-f�dnua Bayfieloij instructing the Said uu* st(mtt _. 1. . I a , ' r, Lend 8 or U Orwith,
1-1-Inioll )&�to jivid! tile session of obd they are made to.trot f
they arar--not triumphant, Well, it I for -its absuid' Dit il, to take httk V B Urb o 4 r 1
0 . the hope that batter -provision would be ' Winnipeg. for market :—Deaver par lb., o guard, ll�q so inany inexperienced
been carried out, Each; legil advice as May be fiedessary to prol- 0l)DrrtLowS' SOCIAt, madolhAi by the Council, they we Id have $1 'to 82, 50 � beaver par skin, $2 to $12 4, Tag. 1814,
pleasing to think that the difference Le- tile publitt r don't Ilko-thlei"but he hap ta
t -ween the two partiou 'is only Imaginary veifb�alf future intorfaronce. with,, viiii sodlatir .4pponfa ta -be composed of btokou tdp` Wig a=6; fisher, $5 to $9.50 ; lynx, % to $3 ; inartin"s accept the inevitable as gracefullyn$ POO --
worship of God in' till& churdli, AM should parties who li'ave the, rij'o4a�i And energ'y� bp done, slid to$2;75,; otter,. sible. Kra, Dais is a I Lots or Sale.
The London, gng� , dorroilmiderit, of th4 they see causp, to re(luat the Moderator toi at once, towards socuring. $1,50 to $0, to 11 ng a,
and not real. Gtobe Ili Ilia. last letter, mpooldug (if tho it- to got tip r�oQol to qp- 4oWo Protection from thal desEructivo ale
aill. A -op t -e.bybory oil tho $6 to 10 ; skunk,'40 to.75 oti.; wolverine, machines And',can do some 'fillp 'tompt 6" Aiiiiiih ilia V nglish ii0006 Wif jnattpr�l Thoolarkway instill to cories, air
1 athairtaccess. Oki: Friday evening last ino�flti. firp, or if a * #a, should. -break oo Ili $2 to 83 ; red fox, $1 to $1.66 " Oros fox,. ho:800mit Moro coilteliteol than liar 116*�
LARGE BUSINESS. cheap met, 8 "ya :.—It is groub ple. ad with tha Fronolb Evangolipt CoMwittea, they gave their dAid, annuit social And t6wn , situafed is WO Arlp 11tPV001t, tile loss , $l in k ban(L 011gibly siltuated lot on beill; Pad
)OT - 40 td'$8 , AilVair foxi $20 to $75 , its to
SlItO that We la tontreati for the purpose of goduripg the I concert, ill tile town: hall, hotloi Attracting
lear of ally ofil to saild. tip sustained might be otiffict4 P4Y Or iat, 12 to 22 conts,; wolf,,81. to A1 Those
tit tQ Wild.
mAnyonginog. Itisto 61 6
OaThursday, Friday and Saturday livolitock aud.poultry from totfutries where oervices*-sif Ur. Ottioliefi, a Frovelh student, to Thotopcortwagonoof 11oping to stilt pill.
6 to to dviL
meat and dairy peoclucal are chu. COna labor at PrIsdaleduritig th6 summer. A cl� atuatoor r a that liat oil wi I take immediat than eterprises of this sorfaro certain to lia plaa� 0'. ilia 1411 not to, have occupied too much of -your IVTSON,-111 ap, tile boat core 1
of last W k, thb farmers Availed them- '401j;o ft I Muni fronlJoss fi a tile earliest Pilo, time Atd space,
ad'vea of the sleighing to such an extent, Meet idith tile, boarty suppoit. L�j venor,) Thompson, Young and 1(ornichan, wpo tile V. aligba being Miss Nellie BAY" Minot Bible 4�4�ptj- your.4, tile wife of Wdtoon, of da(igh.
era. The laleat successful uttem 1�ated to vi8ib Dailgannou for the ptirp6pe Maria AlaTavislij andri, 1. Xenuodi, of'
in bringing their produce to warke't, that Pt to appo a rl)srga tin the 14th Ir . 186.,
part Catiadiall �raducq L4,G has co-,noL to d inducing the peoplo-ofMr. I Artloy 'two former mnintabind, 4AY.
r a t tam tile rodent 000 leagona
to raise tile 8til)6nd Man., boo. 23, not Im than $80,000 wp� -to them illy their rOpUfatioll As fiftf-014ag sih&lpra, And -aft editorial all at tho wito of Mr.' 16, ati (10 lolown Oft 114k, or On hill
the 6 _L_ 6 h1d cd, L
re L ).
,p paid re
oy'�n*, 16, dV6lu(vw1 -zlippliatcht bel
during the three days mentiofied, b A reference 'from tha- obasiou of, � OX lurh,
the Agent at, Bristol of the AllOn Steam were'loildt 4
for yloncowo ;
y revivllst'ja 4014,
ghipr Lina. Mr, Down toetived the otbarl, at dfopA a A
the_GiAtinia appodred batoro a01inton, OAVA front Grodorich express them- tdil XMIA, 10, 1874,
the produce dealers of this town. A oongignmetitof 400 Canadian tur* tip, And relnittod t6thip seggion, to 4 Oftit rudj6fito,-L e4rhoa for 111111gelf 1# & singer Oves nniiOug 10VAO dirlldb COMMU11104ii, Ugni-lit Locit ANo Xty to t1la title' of a
d y dead, but in, their Thit lier ptiblislicid lit Chicago,, by'U� El Tnton�l
k, 1. tiofl$ VVLith Loodoti V14 the qran4 Trunk to OTIC -8
vary large quantity of poile was, brought 10 ya I to Anti gonile stator, a, first-class po4itioll, Ilia
tioi it at CH t -6. trish'atid DilfnIr and gainp ate
poultry arrived in. fintilinto colidi- 0 do 606 bitild 4 bratioli, 00, 'If Pit wish to- kn6w -111 04out, GaY'Vf6 dt th bildela ftitileri, oil the. 18111 inst'i
in, whioll, at $7.00 to $7.25 per 100 tion, All were sold in Bristol And many day, April 2d, well r ndered, but lie. piltpassei till that line front ilia point kndidated to,theii1owil, :Ili Chicago" itud coii- 'by the Aov, . I V
potiforthed hera foi (�AftlojL Pfttty Waitor girla" �j000r�j to, it jo, I
Dowil ecanig, Mr. 1more could hA q beeit sold it soloo tittle in' his town. Not JQng, since 4 large sum wa lbs,. soon foots up a big sum. The large 11 Oil had thout to sell. 'Tilts wita tile, firsHarge molodia, %ore ate V46a 1) t a tos,on 1,44id of tile OuAwa, 1; !life �tbve and below ground's laethor side U lltniof $ate Itegistor U imily. tilt h
amount of ship , ebb 6 to On ), al) *49 yard, in tile q initui. Scheme 11na ifici 'the l�Storjo .6f- 13todway
11 'tba' to
"lull residence,
produce brought liero, whf6tl Ab at r the above sum rep 'sentfi, ivo Should toll- do � Plate nueoos� will open Partit Stock, &a,, of Atr. W. Murphy, lob'9% and. AVAH listened to Ivith tile lboAt, Profound faille a , f6itho pre hod lit Any taso Ohera I i)opa it 0 brido's motherl, 111%yJ Oli'Ltllo
a now Mr, con, 16, G000rloth town9bill; on tile 27th Attention.— Its was ouisoied, 4 ovety Ao�g coul b . but littlo valoci to Godotlely, A tiorlet, ieP no. !an poultri. for Ltek Ana Key, 100, Dec., by thei Rv. T. Waa6a, Atill. of partneirahip"
think, is good evidence that oaf dealor Ilowninform, i that ameAftstogointo inat, At 1 al, to. J., 116wgons Auot. he Ating on file PtourdInUlly '$ And lie will'bo, might 1101, 6: doomed to be undailtablo to and, dollar pot year ; 10 cents, ward Aitrahali, ofdoamiat VI), to miss
are paying the highest possible prielor, tile ttiada largoljols% ThAre is no: doxibb 'that : — - , libru,iffly wdloofnad Mr. W� to dongfruction of' a� 'new branch ad Something rich, rat& Allot. Annabolla Iteftioltd.
ILI town Weril 18 A by 41 n It you wenkt to re,
o0ory largo; -lh� granting a bonus of $5,000 to Son, of'Cloderich, played a fuiv (failing. f p6godtdbna with ilia Gratild ttoy*tlliSI611iat'�hat$'OUWa)At, It -is I All Ill, tile 13th
Attracting It hither, W if better 'Prite con. The rd%lt, Ar1r, PADT111 1X1MbTrD To TIM AOV9
good business to All oX-tienaiVo f6otifty And aollcittly on. tile I(ocord WA rL a 11 k)� li. L*00d pub them, 111, dltdcf 1. 61 is by the Rev, j4p. Lmird, lit flio, f A' 441164t4d toe V&Y thotulfte to IV. 0, Stttl,�),
a )aid be obtained it Would n 9601hat will- IV61 bonollciat riliko to the P n athl Ara r
lonwht voted on ht, got In 4"PlOAXAM), Aofiol* contledion 'With it of 0ountilyl., poet 611a kind latho world., ataov lit 1116 dono� of Arr, 8, nandook, Mr. 11attr V tiiiold #tAnd ofS6014
Ift'gedor Mi to AW 2r. WIrtispolo'dW. ?4oxidayj 0l tarried by, a nig., blo gna oiderl, inaunar, tOl 010 MAIN 44- h4M Whilih thdY 1106 to, Alldreso C,, E,, Totoll, ollooto kgalaot tho JUT AM 114t to we lojh� of t4oaftJoh.. toJy4$h1Pj
of W. ...... . . ....
... ...... . . ... . ... .