Clinton New Era, 1875-12-23, Page 1... . ... .... 0 -Ass 014m'bor 00 Aro, 414154 oliri� Sol -.00 WOM.4 WASHA 'Wromfu Popped the 41001maerself, $DAY X. PUN 0 1 IQ$ now. No A wife will I 4ir'a tho, 44"Isait her husbilp4hooh -his hair out ot g $ 4 *" . � a4 . not, ri�d it* - op ite Iff" A jltrAnj -this -A "'G, . _" bat lot him go ll?mo go hair. go", g In hili i4voroot %nd pholl 0,0 TZ4X8-_$L5,0, in Aclir $414 ju .14 ofore bo Fes# taf A country p _fper says, 1"bionable �yqapg ot the year. ot the year. ot thil 44 ot the yoArt peoplo Ave Palling 100p"Amewy, to Th 11, W 77 ted in'Ailrit-oWs vents 049 W-Aerein, the yotinglady dailaos n c000Q_tlou, Work oxiloa, er AUU11M, Around tho, houso 4,lod lovUiaftOr every. iusmior, on,the o.b. At Vkry� , q qrtext notice, 4144 Vol 61—Terms, 060 P CLINTON) OXTABIO�L TJaU. SDATO, thing. SON, F.HOrUIVT Zomonable rate#, we )us Tho, fellow wh�se Soul 1104, up t1i �erss; bad it about so b04 am auyone "Novor cowe I how the winds may blow, to, wrife 'The following o -Dark th6 nig IgST"Op, AT - b -I WT 0 N T111111uh 5NOW." I'l Indeed I and what's her iiamo.. 11! pistlo Was 14t In tit 1olograph, $oryloe, -'1ORNATR-XT Solicitors 144bancir 4, and C-1 Miss Leigh ; Nolli X -A ±4 o* A flLeigh." it of hIa. efforts fade 091 remu _lit nor the boautjf�ur bltow 0 voyo 130mutilul I now 119 call' Ott so, .; Yvu­i9Auro,t.hopoopv oreveryougQ, ,Rahl or wind Are og to It, was T tlrithjt Pic. Iflion. omfo tar;' to ligh now' Miss 140)B-Ait MISS Lmou :-F o.r'llie fit -at time telogrpph ingpeotqr in 4,nglaad. ve. PUMP IWANUFAGMY Filling life with-brioory-hquies with woo, Leigh," he repeated,. 050 the l6voly girls I atu going to LUNil QN AEAL XST+TX, n T, ORAOBY, GRADIVATE OF TRINITY neartlopo, plWeps, merollo0s $now., eAVOUs I*ALdg0*,y.o4,Fbf0ai1AlI�, thOiagh-y6a- (ioubt. cetitIX PrA0804 JI)LO, Ills Service g rdt u 'der G, A.WAridlf, wo College, Toronto, Physician Surgeons. 4ic!,*Rlxtb, You 40 not mean to say she 141 " Board by,.tho day orivook;1I vd 1 11 Woolf. 1UND41tSIGNED REG 190 RETURN THANKS Ae%utIfpi_`aover I afri(mdthA the neigh� lose itailathairobeen for Some time award of 1140'�61WWWg li�94861! o1rcuinstancea : 'It uttered THE t!o 09 $Old, Y the link Which 10'86at0i Wa� conneo t ai r lie glanced at 9, Flu. Opposite obsuc's Hotel' borhood'i"l 120,1075, "for pAst fayors, and hereby Inform the public gone- NV110 visits Ouch suffering on RQyorty'41914, Was ne 6ung Tinkor4oq, 01, 4b:?011.0i01­ 4. 4. n1'oVerhAul a cable xn� , I . to. no. The �01� of4ireq Y' rallyo that wlih ldoroaood. foollitiog, an(I A fkrst-014801,-� HIPA. to the wealthy, but 0414714 fQoi on dintl seem fond of ji�rll she paid time has novi'arrived whoix Jortain, longth low, Wel AAWROX W MOVADDEN stookof me, ..a Boau, "itpovor�ua the doolsift 14' card in w .11 cAn. get ki they Are propand-to %make mud Pat In more , A not, qo- A RESIDENCE the most. super or Ito made luregard by the hour vhere, I The ural I of ev Jaw on,tho 14, a to be taken 4t of the tube w1n, PlAtiful'. no ryou I ou!k. � the Agm tea I R. APPLET0N,-QR10X0E.:AX0 d000ript$6 quietly. to Our futUro-whotheir we d WrU D _r, ;A* W'a MOST RE, ASO$, -6 must blame;. TigoigUalyj I hate fast shall go throilglp life togetliqr�, r op V :111 at: ethoop,7ve plaier t ]a* -, ISTSUS MAAKXT OQ143304 The Iroah� lately QjQRWQd by U Vair S1. , 6 -0 a Ate 4 �,Q, SHGATEST XQTZ� r n ftUd� on n t Ommenced hailling, lie r he. piano and the Wesleyan Churolt, Rattphbufy, Street, Clinton. ABLE TEAB.g1W. 0 c at o landloril'a dAughto 8.1y Ourtorombracob9l g1lovertylow, girl.01,11 said he at, lost no.efor6irer. I Will not donoeal, from you my recif�4 poQtry* in the- parlor of ie X, 4� C4*00% "W. As Nov- ys 1, 1570, How do ;,,nd twith at having taken , the pro9gutign osm's old Rta111d rw beautiful.. Itilqeopnowi t, b� t Aemcmll�er the plac, eve as Oil know hows. yq�11� dear Bliss Eeigh thst for some, years 1. next door to A.%zlibilsonwis 1111UoA.- B I I . I I . 11 Aye the other a, w o Ginger-broAd gormAnall Are the new. oftutiful, all, Low appoaranocom9ok; 109ko(I upon ou as my a And , 4r � by wiliqh'ib vor 4 or. 4 in' the pro$. b B -Ph inA the tubo dftor eat and inost reasoiable. entertainme'rito., in So. the w4ato 61 the no8dy ypqlxo stern mag "ok, gloom - . potiliod brid I b have considered mygeii,fOrtunsis In' U ru you "I've heard fillop N &,0AMPBELL, r inii�pZtl It n r white flaunting r0beirl to And Irg, . ) , . epairs, Tit ma fly Feet of '44,4111ance vi d, question, arose AM about Boston for- young 14 0, ww� Xroodleso of suitoring ruerevir yw� go# ith one of whose beauty how thh cable was -to, to restored to.'.' Ito bvo not "Come oat," die I8$UZI1 OF XATLATA.014 L1. .011tito.ps ;une 14id, 187fiv and1g6oduese I have heard go ihch, I�t� is 09""; %pre hat I i�ou be about' U P a'- (;;1ut9nk 061?t. 26. 1874. plelan, Surgeon, to., Coroner for W We rd, or I,,' do that ray 1 0 ; 14nd'herothQ ingepnity of:, the An.; 14,�Ated, iligepebroad andlemorliA0 re' ]DR. RKAVE, Pity but recently that -1 have dloc6jerc(i mpanion sharply.*, heart is no 16ugi - and -now' 4,14 the -Oirla go'hdmo t; teir, maxide,4 its of) spectol was manifested, He invok the the viafi County of Huron. Why there waw Esirnest Brown. - Residence and 0mce-Comer of r mine to 0joidile 91, 4' AlAbrtf.md=188treatol Olitota. he f*61 that to urge. yoli to fulfil bar ongagom,,t aid On ist cotchor and, provided with a- mothers before midn 0 1 . � . I , - J T 'four, 1w �a. met with her a while ago. She talked w-oultd"be t 1 9, insure 4g t h# 60, a Millinejr,' Te e wa M as, T sl. ". Beesley� wc Qm, T 'loery.for �Gth. large'; uttorell, ogdd. twenty- .40 life long m atl , P, ferret, an4 a hall of string NINd Trf��NiO: T A pretty sensible young lady remarked . 0 THIA TAPIEw OF A. STANDURY, GRADVATt OF THE ED Slang to him the whoW thhel atifl,swore, of us ;. let aj then geparatb without a person Ind -On a Merge paper drum, lio,repaired it IOL FROM TT.Ir- tlioroughI7 go6d followi'good tempered. oil, `Q I in the presence of seven bare -faced" Olint9t; And its vicinity#' tot -Pok to'la. DI)o univereli.y. oronto for� I think Ito said, and-wapted to smoke. iatQr.vieW,,1ihi,qhwAI'&ouIy tube. young all, ",a ; iartmout of Victoria, 0 uunqcol- to t] e opening in th6 'Ehe _" flush- men hastill.09111111mues eM onnet good 166kini, and heir to a good property; a the Hospitals and DIspousarles,.Now iolk, the other night, that it just doubles the b t he had one sorrow -he -was engaged.to .-Then'Tivortclu.01d me..W6 *was iho`�best oary embarrassment, .,Aa, to Hillingdon, I re-', boxes" were opened, And thb rat with -ono theialue of a kiss, t -burrow, it 81 -over. all -that. you end of the.string attached, to biwbody froin under a mustache," .�buslnoss r for Bra'ntfokd Tea Compali brni at qu2tirig Artemus Y! ga it, to you willinglj�. feeling sure .0. ave. to B. TH40ANK, orP2,1874. y ard he OLD STA,ifl), ORP08IT Tuly a. Irl had. never seep, I . * t hbaird. woiih1.,ta.akq.B better was. morn.. b6fore a dispute had 'iy'vit ' d ­­ * - , even bott . lea t1no ten years h4 irl that quotes a master, than I. should p4t into t'114 pipoi - � �He scampiated a� GoN, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, )rE 13ro TO XNlrQ11,45 THE I"UBLICTITAT Trusting then some da on r ruggists sold a uro oan an ow arisen About M certain frillington estate in Y to, meet a racing � paoe, -With Tom Switched vicious. aDo.. obout 116iutlita of iho colleglo ofVh3rold4us of Some one mor& worthy 'to Io a 1344,111 opeff, and Surgeons o Lower Cauadaw and Ppovinclal Lieenti- Ltlicootershirp, to which' Mr. Lutteiall- 17 at thedaridelions with his cane, you aithabriae m- antil he reggliqd of tion t at Am 'a' at is our 9610'"Aggatl dear -Aliso the thel -aid i 11 f -pip ate mud ok-and-there- a att utl o Ile'Xi6-W, -.Y--64r ­aIn 64ro fil. ad. _0A_ 0 riot card air� e� as b I ng forluoily coopplod by Mr. Fo�oeM'hgToasinlilodloti-iot,,.andthat,%,oaroauy - TA631is Rsolq LL RAERS no WEND= Go 07 dhievolls smild. ferret ivas'thon p�ut in,' and'oll' wonc tile' too ireeb, sot Tome,. im artec' -ying from Leigh both laid claim.. - Litigation seemed, In's him with the fin ixim tbitit �.11 to 24, 1870, Ciliton, Jan. 10; 1871. .00090,centopexpound, oltherBla6k or Green,.,War- noyitatle 4,nd tho-legal6fraterni I wish you'd be Vei� keefless With -that hv�t rat again until he Sprang olpar.out thk)' it ivas a in ' r . rig, -T .111 do.,. 1 think I "lie fishould,ne�c X. Wonla mted- 1,00m, 10 to 13, COVILAN e1b.j-11LA., beganto. ...... t flush-lio ID -UpIs.ear w .,olie.morain 10 t my wa- der ol4iud re lity co"Weted. PrIC Smell of tobaccol-SimmO," as that, yrart- Vrj_et 104tv I --uttorell reedived the following T1 ter Arii thew have to go and get some h set of -body --bed- , "iii6bar6d to era. -.43. DOWSLEY, X.D., L.RX.P.0 MAER L 1111 AU &I otft U 10 wav -linen., Frorn'this cutorn all orim L.'r's-09 OOIIqge of phy0iolauRL mud Surgeons of Ontario, TRIAL FRANZ 4L, CO.. nc6,mmenoed -,with tho other bat'W6 IA� arried nDear Latterell hiye - heart. stoppOd I hort-A fb m6nion were' toiniod spiliAers. . If the old -you in I I . a. - 0 late House Surgeon of xingston General and tying Braniford, May 12,1670;' Row illeit, dovet 6i w yards in the pipe, aiiiI custom were e Id itot b a ma t ? % Tom, Leigh, with tar copliment Hospital, Physicians Surgeon and'Acconchoui. OPFIOE� good friendoall our lives, Ad there is n' 5 leaded� Simms was tbo�well trained to, allow dur: bbldly awaited the tiforced there wou e livitigier whom I have a reater esteem than p approacli'of the ferret. ti is at -anything he 6. owed and a wedding for, say, In M0RTGAQF-Sv-. Res pril AP for, yours0f. .0'ano e#16 this t,,here com,gip.099d, Ap�j_jt dayl­�nt.-the, Xa W_ - ot. wo"Phou. p *No 7 .'Why.not ?1 like Artennia-" wont- & -billd comba Clinton April gi, I 'T --'h cl-I "a j3h-duld-d- 4wtew-minutes- lrer-.return6d tirli-,.wokild all jjavo�ld -t,to rs., was eared, that one or bosh atifinals'-would wretched- business'withouttroublin those In. OM 6. rugge 11 snin a ANP OTHER ov "'Miss Leigho'compimento; -air, 9nd' di� in -'the pipe. But after sundry violont . - 11w k1k," to, 116fighton'Le "Well 11 his toinientorcontinued, "Ihivb that caletilidion. J�- CAMPBELL, w lqrnal awyers'l My uncl you anyp �th$r fault io fiii4 with lIr..,woii1d. you gFeAk i atring*, the-cbm- nd TAIL' STEA301TIP had a, suit that lasted twenty years d k did eirka h d b -sighted h 1),, 0. M., a her in -the drawing� a � een. given to the, ]FU131.114 4NT., R tatnts, s6parated ; -the 0irret- retur"fied to alte recently a short *r6om. SEA 'I'Imintheend, Wow listen tome; my dxugh-� bride 7�' sq%v a larid bouquet pf flowers. on, a chair, it ern ' 'f Oh, h wishing to preserve them froffilAdin, M got sit Iiifdeath; "She's ridt-Inybeide."' ere 4the rat, making for the andi 11"'ly. FRRAX; Uk'TE OF MVGILL OOLIX013, MONTREA,' terINTollio, will have all,I've giig her Biid Tom'; 'But w his ' maater,. An. and Mdrabor of thoollNe of Physician$. mud Bar- a first-class, full powere(it Clydo-bullb Steamahlb4 except Barnfield, which' goes to Jack'g. lioy. Of But she. *ill bb.11 'was no, escipe. The drawingroom. was cairiod:, -tho �Iaoad th6m Jin a., bisin of water. Gn" 467 ­. - '06unty-of-Huron.- 011f-ce wicl other extremity of ,the pipe� Clinton, Xoy. 9, 1874,_ ddmis; Coroner or Q I of the 411an Line, leave Quebec avory.SaturAay morn., Wliy� shouldn't she marry your boy, T�w,? Lot 4arkebed usbut , I Ilia wi bouqu V' 'halt si houv residence-Malu Street soukhs'pear the Railway station. t!.No, Xm, bothered if she ;v�ll V., To toe1teldotho,afternoonov string right through, and ad relieved the' fdaaw, to e for Liverpool; landing Passengers and Wells - at the pide�-ty aloner f tfie�. next ten yo" or. brokeont viih6mentli.. Tom discoveked a white 6 crure -tit ' the afterwards, alto ga*o F oylei for,,Londimderry mud Glasgow, - far inspector from his, a Sol. Then Xdifle will. be eighteen and Tom four. nce X0.1 17 -1 eald:-fitint6d"On. . 10 spo r 1000 -TO -LO -AN, -_f!_What_ Lwill -and.bowed"i lt- ­�,­�. I - . - . V19 I I y6u. -buk your freedoifi, ith as he advanced. -e -LIST _02 -SAILINGS VROX (t)UEBEC. and-tWe ylik6iiniarrk then, well I "I Am delighted; Niffa Tj_v1gb,.he b'' LIVERPOOL LINE. a year egan and go ithdr shoulddecline t6 carry Hillington and'adven thousand ii.d had mistaken her op,. husba Sum ........ ­�Deo4 18, mer bounot;.witli its abuti out engagemen, e , a proper i(nee t-1: i t1i e the ploanuie-Holl Miss- 1�d*o the Ay -and think it cheap at-ths. -XORA.VIAN, ...... ... Doe. 25 other., Tk4s is ()omplimentary to Miss Harding'? Y64.hero 11' 61M) for 4 freshIy:euII6abo6(jb.et,. $CAD] 1 .6 rough -ideal of my planbigh VAVIAN . ......... A I OR Olt T -your-law -o . ..... 11 304M Cup& 6ORN61t OF C yerjl� - --ho aqWAhaJaughipg v too The Ja L-A low rates are usually small- aIS ore streffi, ro- ofrorod'by'thle Lino ftre vory ir ohn, Bennett, the' rid mount of contorts so. -shape. What do, y� ours, §6c�i,t -Iikel�. but- -never 2rtbea 'th -well knoini 40, . f I If, you, n. a, 6f.bisSettleborn .1 o JL am not Miss- -JunIlly, ono -BOR pal wea, beat aboo aoilattons, 4reatost 4 -ver bf pric x a outoAccomodad Hardin small ban&�iind, feet,, an ute exqoe(Tillgly:� Y, curity and Saf9ty fttt%1UKt110j Ruc, ShOrtORb Sea' PasMagO. CativVothLeigh-1.13ranfield. Leig $6. ad d t,$I.00.;­ 11. gal ii6na,on,deliver Riq is ed a, lecture the other day, Then who'in t d e ei 7 '50, neat in di Agly-WrTiftofttbg Mwed.-av Po he name of goo need Ara rose and coiffur'. Th -not, heir friends;. To this propos tiou 'Mr. is gen"r Ily aq 'do, the. fal1owitiger hap- tb brin4 oilt t Luttrell igrded �"Youlvo not f6ld me: your name ye , .u4ng which. hr as ina is yen !".,be do'manded eagerly. pposedp it true black, but- a, py metaphor" �6u can stop a clock at UODEAATE.. id tow, Af6r alwhile. ift Thvou h %I okois: Otkd, every. Apply t and Tom found himself du engaged man at s, is *a - pro - name', b never mind ked down d ure CHARQwF, rpHr, RATTENBURY HOUSId-VIIATT' is My nly n I a e , I o) hvar�_-Aaik brown I X Jr., Iwropriatcr.�Ono door south of the . A. STRAITOI I q, 0. T.:R. fourteen. $66n after ih Mr. Leigh was. she loo some instance' he said ca�nnot 1, 1 horrid X as eigb bou.noodred.' Its blac.kneso, And unfortunate- o6uy mQuien , I obliged to' leavo as Pu� I W .,With. th cuiaons. Sept UO, 1875. Vtigland for. nis healt 04 e replied. stop a' , atch, 96, itla e'thlk of. of this house are all now, and everything is provided to If But I do Inindyour name., Won't YOU, called'mo the'9ther'day." y proInotedby the t dn the coniinetkt 6f'.ho,vitig the � heads of children feemOothoemir. 'men and of women'. "M meet ih� wishes imd'vants. at the travelling public, and Olt &C. Sul y S It o reside T9in eat down, a at an. is"agrea ug y, 9 Moned that,. T very bldek c6ar I Im, APPLY TO he feels. otonfidont, from Ioqg or and his futur; ver3r'birth. Die maae46 -appear' is niaphinei but:you can iijeneb hi �.S.; WALCOMBONv to mako comfortable oil who, luay favor their 84 iTh he iaid mus- an ared. at� her ­prq� 'I Bfflt: CONFECT 7 No 9ently he -broke 6A into A name 8 lVie o ftagile,' i dwelled - 11 v F !at.* a14ugh) and glossy by the use Of ungubnts'amd bando. Woman is, 9, -beautiful Dompany. GoodSt b 1. In -7�'Oh-,-XiIja Ali velrit .*ell to Clinton June Z, 87;. gand��� -9nt fixed oin I B�10 iin made from �a mucilaginous plant. In Clinton,'Frept. 7,1674. It before the tirae 92 said it Like thing---mbut she will run till she Stops, of. isiou Tom betook hiffisiiilf t6-4 smill Shi�ll-I.p�ll'?6u�Neiltei.then'?"hesi'k' ne., the other sex, (and this, custdra, is unive'real his doe; 7 IIli-i herself," momen 'no, by among -people- df every, -Jap;L &o.*Alago of $attlob6tane, near to ed,' t 'more he was kne6li. athe,daily in . h -age in to a b A gentlem4V rom, Parks.paid A 11 Ce her chair, lookitlk*6p, into her�eyeq. (it water, a public ba cqgting oyal Canadian, .''Bank. R40, M 6 L E N..N_J!C N� Stockfavd, nominally to fishw bat in reality itailili maid cold y, and h di _jyj op -parat 'I told yen not to cull as prok a lovely w6:�6n, 'quiet reflop­ roe Nellie, y�s- ibited the tromisetious-bathing of both LEAVE TO RE�UUX THANIIS �TQ HIS get A.Itttle i getting cin -too fast. - tion; :-*hil ti i -Judy.j her�visitor BEnduleroup, fr and tliq publlo generally for the' Watched her4ile tyou -torday,".she agia,taitly. Boxes, formerly commoh. The w6men ab9va Upon, the entrance oftl it Oat lie i6lacea h a wr litly. Won, liberal share 69 pit onigo they,have afforded hi;n, since etched sent, 'me V! he pleade twenty ydars -old: iron, time immemorial;'have. natualli asked ]ter it the'picturo � wa's A, $2i000,000-' A--RTWRIGIIT commencing business in this plkco,.and hopes, by 0, real but este, rdhy ish 6 46,day we're -,-- d after %Aile. blickened their teeth With a �,mixture of'galls family portrait,'and-iv.� told that it repro, business, mud the, keeping on cred now." but first-class articles, to merit a Dow -lie- lay lazily'smoking- by and pow ered iron; buttheXinpiessAces not aefited her deceased -d-Auili r. "ORO day As the I'lo she'said' holditIR-her sketcli, d trict viithtobacco., hand and RTWftIGHs: OF-BT11iTFORi). RLS-OtEX- d,,Antg of 'at Arms long Zs�pjjib'tbeeffmct. ".Enga&dl, Sir te as I _A t,. -a high What after thid?', _Ce.ED 16 Donfol. Office o In Olintoil, on the Marke6 of th( same. silvei,bock, Something fell fr6ni tb,. to rig.' Oh hang t and w4ity ladies ite'ibandoning the fashieJ1.' been long aince ypii lost. her'? Aske - til o ed ligh . tlyont][I4 Yea, do;!' said. To m''; 1 8,80 ell Ito,., l6ttei. �kou�knft 'now The forniii OU16 'CLIN -his sons W.- E.Vart 1110 TON AGENCY. squ.re,hamealatev west of the, now Royal Caupdian, batilabdve, him and dropo f mArr ad women- shaving 'gentleman. "Al 11. .-1. 11 . - 4i I Bani,whi6hirillbeconduotedby r,� whil-,B girlldvo,24 exclaimed,: love you. to distra6tion.' Yclu7ier your off their eyebrows is also fallin fito, disuse. if as, Sir replie4tli6 lady, - Teeth -with wright. Tooib inserted in the latest style. exposed jypo treated, filled, wid. mations 900 all sound Us) n, my love; and you.wil -style of, coiffure alie,�IiQdjuib:after iorbirtbl'and I had Ohs' my* giicio h t Then 'I will,,. and glie'jave him her own iivAYji Miry The'yeohliar' Rread delivered (1dily 6'any part,16fthi. T62�n;' Illy, B� t once dis' th me dg'a�,` won't 7.oa 71, _a.pqrtfait painted '-Te�resent her fBother the yunug'woman. he'gtam- hand -with 'd most., adorable, Smile.' Tom liaaidep, viifae, wid6w.or sit Clinton the.',flrat Thurs Ceitainik 'no't. You said- I -was* fast she would hppear if she Interest from Fear -to Five per -dent Allowed% Mr.O.Cartivrightwillvi bled, d 9 1 ese now she'll Feet we �to felt sadli. inclined- to kiss it, but refrained, prostituto. All women-arecarefulli educated on Deposits. dii. Awridarpt overy Twu0s. as tumal. fetch it.1" supp ex - I . 'and that Hillingdonwonia be in.houstitiold dutiei' bui the-lowir classes ac, . now. )NFECTI0 11 Now," said she, consultin'g her watch,- And slatigy, KES and CC NERY M cheap:pri6e to get kid of me. And'then' quire very little book learning, though nearly. M. LOUGIH, Ageilto _310NEY TO LEND, IN LARGE OR SMALL syms, CA he Arose he looked tip t6,the, spot 111 musf Do off rcilnautic.�air no, more J ban athou-. men on good mortgage aecuiltyj at mi v W - 6t A: w mo, to carry. your this letterj�-Lot g6'my band"how dare all We c&u read nd'write. , The. young sand miles from he e, ere-blesitX70ith B% from, which the- v6i6e prodeoded , nd-will you'�Ilo Interest. . HALE. 1, Alwaysonhatal and parties supplied with 6 0 and saw a I you -sir I Be quiet ladies of the -higher classes devote mug:h time hudibee"6f 'daughters -T Clinton, Oct. 20, 1873.. '16yl: 7-tf Surinned ing6 I's )aokod Tom. Mt. Lutirefil". Tom 116 -eldest, was requisite loran evening's enfortiium Zi�g..With But'�i, that.luo ent'she AS caprici -Madeline the aroheA -bn� the bank tlong" t:T6m wis not Jo'.bo deraid"d. -.Aftbr -1,kth'gay silks and gold, They stood It ded H"lIL`IOX,BLYTH, ONT-y iaCENSFD embraidered third Rvlir�ei the-foilrth Angelin h Clinton 9th, IS cut girLwhoso bount him.� She th d?; .11 to fdalcy work, their bright-oblored robes being second' LONDESB03MOUGH alook of comic dismay after.tho fast'i6- as�iaaiea would be sometimes. and I-posi- 3�tj . ey V en CHARLES' idii., baare carefully tEkugbt -frbW various �bvdks de Auctioneer for the 06unty of Huron, Sales of Farm th-Is'spirited resisialt66 !Miss Le ren- to the, du . lo ! the fifth,mado itsuppear4nice,. and no 4ea of 'a mothei.'aAcl olass OUMMOILD114ko on hznd-lrl� Sehs�p. 'ceding hat, and 4oui had On opp v6fu'sed-to-allo�*-hin�,,to,,d6aiiy duch found with th d Stock, 'Real Estate, '&c., attendad-to,&V xtisonobl ortitniy AiveIr voted hons�ke6or..- en. arose a a ruggl -or the dered, igfiominousIy-.'-. � , name dohld be wuLmh woro,'nwevur, -1 V6I0b'Vj,`­( dxaminints� her -critically-, from theittle thing" Th t e Blyth, Nov. of fi'on- his shoulder, do, yoft really carelor me 'man!$ Great.study 1. Medic dRiST,anw head With its crisp b�,Own,halr,, set fo�rt n been reading of thd.fashioh�at"S'arato6, to tile sli fter a short xesist6nee. are �oar6 pa:, XCENSED, AUC- rein -whenachila. 2..Obedience.toher.hus- pounced upon a name very popular there*,.. j A.J�(AS HOW90N, CLINTON,' L 6RDi0 RUNCTUALLY ATTENDE Ii TO. by the wind; In ankles whjdh,'hej'. by ToTij a ON 800AT NO'XICE. c.position revealed am she,'atood'a ov And Iland"wheri a Wife� Obedience to her eldest and forthwith the baby''. was baptizcd­�- gGINE, AND TioNsEa for tho.Comati of Huron, 0breporad to b e him- S.fto trned and walked. ihajostipatly (Kissbs and protestations) ts 11AvING PUT "IN A STI-1AM El N attouti to sales of.Farka- Stoek-and RoAl I'stotOU FDA Running.,soive­ yards. down the bank, he Away" and Tow'githered up t to - imp e- You reall. w-bint to marr�. me t schinery# With improvelocents. the subbed son when a �iidow' Crino il;z. er m Coro, kisses and prot6ststtions:) Half their ecla enable 5. A,*:. j$TXLIPET, f%1ENT onts with a.gria, and followed her. When, P bar feel confident rf now being able- to accommodate i8,, V1CT0RX steppod,oat upon an-tAd. willow, which pro- in di re 6 d tormined to tam Clint6n, N 116n'? and �her voice sank lower yet, in bodki Vne iiiiettd, - There. ii no distinc-' They were, Standing in front, cif her gate, their customers at -All times, and or .. .. ... truacd over the stream.Ali4 waited inliope -ho.came up,*0 er she__wA&_'Sitt1pg on a then, take do' In let to a tion, made between politeness, and oa-*bhvin- j list r-Ru-rih6d f at a dabco. His out such work a will satisfir ei cry 'that the, current Would bring the *bit *ith-- 106kilig dreaminLly -orf the ground.. Wn thb -cara,"foi I ro DICIUNSON, LICENSED, WOTIONLER 201t. ed. ;,Mi, eof ight aim was occupiod.,in D�.thww County otIluron. Salesattonded1oprompt, M' OVAL I10'vAs not disappointed, She raisedher eyes ash approaci gentleman," Lyitig,-�6sating..doe ving, slandering., a holding hord oil Luttre yod rLOUR, BItAlT, 31ILL FEE y and At reasoumble'rates. Residence, Albert Stt6ots. nroa6b. ill, lie, said I Warif to speak to the like vice& are simply "not polite," -and so vVhff3fiiashoiildorfurniihodaiesiinLy at tea morcho was S�41 p ace and ina few inint, not pormisi3able.*4--(Ii)ic$ntlati. Always on band and.for xale4 Clinton 0 for her little head. A they wore watolir - (MOD, 04, 18,1375. wfirma with 164 Zi Serious Y- nd P�l 0. iousinoo . n. � It was C -movoll hig siiiiek tie the Toni deposited- his burden on the ground till nose Acrobats., It har Ever thing kight and glorl BE^5�i6d by, Aliss tadio, noxt "I Inuit inake f6ends With Shop former! ..y W TZ be lie darefully dilea-4he drip. oat himself,on her,.aild the 8alle.44-inoon. which'had looked down a appoirdidqgelab for thi, Colonial Securities COm- docir to the E, -cprcss office, �vhdi,o-lie w.1 tie thotight as Tile Oiinesot t(imblers--laLbly intr6ducea -similai. scobeaf; but-somehow,it any of nglaiid; he is also. agent for several prlvatb godd-lookiiiij servant girl, of Winnipeg. On SO many cutomers, to i oatfior with his Imndkorchiof__- h had three beaux tor. herstring, vig:, a Is to of Toroatc, who loan money at very reason. happy to weethii old ping f I w4nt*t6,kiiow.if you are quite detor- tit.0, t e Jackson Street Chinese - Aesidemy" military had a differ�n t appoarinde: io-nigt.' It Ad Lumber of OvOry aosoriptlev"kapt. anhand for sale. of Music N indoo4marvels in't4dir lin 'y Abe too. Interest payable yearly. Chargosmoderatm idtams thanki fo.r past ptttron, "a; 1[i) v:411 The f4ir stranger bed-* i Leigh Ill man, a poueenign, �aua an ordinarywhito win. influenced the ounk man to such, a do..: d sweetly 'in d hot to oiarry Mis 06 ifoitoi for the St. Lawtouco-Bauk. always kebp 01.1 hand a geed stock of. froin"Ii6r elev�ted �6ff, 4�.d smile A-laumber.6tatfiletio Mongolian. appear,, Bills for L=ber Sawxi to order, April 7i 1875, 1. :. I . . ' I I still"' he replied, :looking steadily a Sho hail arranged. matters so that, separato grge that lie said With 'What. reful-r oil him as lie climbed tip the bank with- his ltssurit I or, apping his tcoth with the Stripped to 66 'waist And � begin, a Sort of eirenings. ore . set aside - Ior eich of -the ar,., reovere treAsuie. ­Shb -ha, t o . gepce d6os bright Lana qhed her rays upon. MoINTOSH, -DAY IN ES'and JEWE EBY il -evidently h or i.11 B combatn ilie st�ge.'-.At first tba-fighting. dent Young suitors, and three different'courses 611-inanituate creation,. weaving,*eird, . fan - J_ rriallo Lictoisea uud4i the now Act, Commisslqu� 0 jing, for -her weib p oil.. t of IoW ran smo, no unla6ky'evening, UVIIER B11, Cvl WATCH L . on boon ali' tell Appears to.borpromiscuous, but six Qr'eigW othly. 'D the leafless trees, Lonaosborough, Mai I 18t�? 1075- or for taking Affidavitd in ths-' QuIsou's Benchs, for Vona.. Also - the cturesque confusion around- "Since when* 7" finally ally themselves against howev,'er, all three sai tastio shadows among ;race, Conveyancing done, ouch as one � mail, tbro..clianced to.dr9p. in vis *of Huron mud I and,sproding B glory-. ovor all. . Do you He'liegltat6d. do, Coal 4 -and ttry to 'ovbrodtn affer another. 'An intbrval 'of -very do.; tracts, illo, Deeds, dadldortgagbg. I�T_TSSELL IWATOIL' her. Imperi- - e him by springing Ono oinpliq, rep ted against him And s6iking him 611 by the sulterycOnve an observe the � niagiii&6nt offeef, M cii when. rsatiatt d ombgrrassifigpliidses� Bmie sd - "and R11.6i6e.02.10in Rig de O-OpPosito Pollock' HQW4 I hope it's not damaged said To ea All:kind's of Watcl6 aul Clock$ fet� ."Yes introed, Henry,"' she'ieturne terminated by the pattbring of -a. fomale foot jg9palied,' Clepned and his inanip'alations. "I'm afraid the iiath- -holes With his -rn6ets this cuilods"inode of At on the Stairs. rd ard , 3 missis 'exclaime'd 07 ather ruefullyat the result of 01191 breast with the soles of - their did- see *that Jon Clemonglat the &I;c Psyneld, Sept. 14, f875. s'Ifs looked r, Toy;a began to digg little . .. 11 , .1 . - I I 1 .1. . . . , . tack�by Stand- She Yhoal(ll on laRt winter's dress, made; oVero or's in 4 bid W&Y. Stick, the girl, and the three gentlemen, b6ited into HURON ST., is,- Parasolsi &c., ft.' �dt . �ing like a-atatue; -while tfib others f"' 'tfiro adjoining rooms, and a i itipposed and Blie's.wora that blue waist oiior siylco I opposite ilia commarcial Iroralo jo*e1lory, Vrabrelli 99-�Oh -it dodo notTaiatLOr in `tII8'I0a,St Well within the -last few d404"; -He heavily up6n the, floor. A number. 6C is- nelitl'Y r.ePalred. 'of to be well. but 11 -the missiis," happah6d to canromember.' Inevor�sstw'lauch'alook- might.have seen the smile and blush� respectXuHy to Inform is thanlio.t 1161v W114 of -you to take samuqh bles are itext -brought 6fit 'and - Filed one Wansomething in the roarp. where the ord16. -ing thingwl' Tear gampod. - IZ.H14 %&&net the- public generally, that he keep,; ell lit up her face is he spokii. above th6 other, uhtit'a, constantly on hand a largo and well assortedatc Having had thirty icais exper. is troubl -tit for' ?)u I inu'6t have walked pleasure will a. height of aboub ock of' lew aaryeitizen *as, and. she encounteroa Mr. satisfaction til those who home bare headed!" You adds" ho'contin'tied fa� twenty feA i's attained, A erformer, Citizen right'there. Wat are YCLU doing. r, which he will sell at mo. in , I a my Cabinet Maker, UAolbterer, o rice . muo a over description promptly confident lie c4d'$ivo But liupposo it starts Off of., 1� when thorlit mlirriage, no'. title, -, Bud. &'man. likes Whose weiglit is no% less I hpaclebratedIlUsooll In 1111"With. it w4l. Remember -the, a: ban 150 pouuds!, here 7 Whit do you mean by being. in this a re 90 crates, cLay favor h` t 6. there's no one to recover it f..)r me.1110 she to choose his own Wife. I dare say there's thounts them, and springing in the, air tm.,. rbonil",indignantly inquired tbe missiat and ate 6 O oil it in at 20.1 place, next (loor to 11ollaffi0i Bookstore. I . t.,. 309. 1 young Person. 11 L send foe .0 y 't dL 0 o the floor, slid the stages strikes -b&6, �61IOL'suparaddea the t1iroat. Is eeirig ..hot believing :There "are '"9905 e SAXUEt FO.W43II. Let ino guard it then, and 7041 may 'Peaks well for her, but Not with 4 beAvythiid upon1ho Vare'll east- Jho'poljol), B1 Citizen,,.balmly pointing to many poln you .. can see. and yet cannot Dealer in Fumt%rej :ciiuiton, Aug, 2�44878* Younro Setching I-seo' ofamanstsindin� aboutten.footfropi theL a, -or door; -ior . 9 Still -r tolh narked: "If -you.w.aiat the believe. (�eneral work in"Feace. I look;" fBut still What I 'You.'vo never s6on" fo L b of the tables, thiowing�hfiu violently� Police o is in there." i Tha misses 1 flevr to 11ro'Id 6 Pig ihoL mostprovident ofini, 0 In returning thanks to his 11111helout friends and ous� I). X� T I ST 011,, yes , but it's, A o r. 31OW-A I oor, found the policemafi, and inigartb, f�jlurel how can you tell yoii �roi* like her." to,the A 6 tit. 1.4 pan can sustain such a Spare- - tomaro for papt favori since startingin Clintoni-flrb )RD. Whi, BZ CLINTONN, BAKE RY' Ism afraid11 she said, laughing, as she, Vom bees a more and more A orbdd.in Lblow, I'a S,�'mjsjery� a ou the sicond vial of wrath upon hind mals 7�Becaiaso he always carries" 3id intimate thaiLhe is at the old standand in Again the agile so.' I)o rib or tKo, about lifin. years a[;*, wol has n6va ban& a at the attentru ones, linton, ilia third Tam- -Tom. oximincEl it And is excavations. t ou're a nice policsl,64�i Ain't you? day. hafided.it tar bian. bu intself proceed robat ascends to the top table, and spring- what -do, you"wean bythid-conduct ? I declare I atitirid upon the",soil of 4reedom I" being a bit otan aat r The truth is," Ito blaried out between jug U'pward, turns a ��mersanit, vihile all IVq . . if IG9. SCHOOL. THE CLINTON 'COVXTY llbladama,tre cried a. atump-orptrlp. No, exclaimed WELt SELE,PTED STOCK Iligh School ls.'OPon to pupils of both- maxes, G B L—A 0 K ed to criticisel,ind finall o'instruct. HO his dip the truth. isi that lately I i think the tables except- the to 'or oni a' -stand in r of IETL 2 * re sudden- 'torbotl the policeman, "nothin oagior;ifyou his..s�,o�maker you from all parts of the County mud Provinco on equal . ... ...... - found this girl very cha m rig ; she Seemed Vv6 dein the only. girl I shall ever care to ly taken awa�. * UPO)i the only table leff want the military you will fludlim in theret'l boots have ne�er boon paid for!"11i � is given In all the higherbrAnhoo of (LATt OF 001) 1 o v f, . Fbinting.to the third d00% Military didn't Andwouldreols otIDA of the same. tormai Instructiol so delightfully free fro al con entionality, Ask to be nik wife and he looked sud,don! ho fallgWiffi a force apparently gkaab enough ectfolly ask An inap� g Cotemorcial, English, mud Classical Ildreation, and in without at all rojambling his bateliol the ly tip at. her, for aursinify the French and German languages. students are pro, BAXERo CONFECT16NERA0- to break every bone of his body, ; but he wait to be uneirthod; be promptlyL 'eattie Photoftrapher (filom under the cloth) - He is manafiefurbs LOUNGE jirl. She r6me.,botifidse4,. and bog'an to consult leiIps- up a4hin immediately andt turns back fortliandealuted. Thdrp was A blight poream, ypukeep ilpiet?", Row.do you, pared for the UnlAsitloo, the learned professions# and t pyjnCUJ§ED THE'BAMNO BUSINESS ow (Ill ifo don6clential astheleagon her watch eaftestly, handapringfs across the atagd, Agn n IIL and a -pattering of the few I ale d -is evadilg the an the Epeolid attention Is paid to the suppose-" Subject (Who and comfort, defy competition, but are at the some time ILVINO They, gr as cheap some woriblefid articles throw,ri. atudlia requisite lot Common School Teachers, Tultion of Mr, R. Patterson, respectfully Intimates to the . mazedwhen on, obn- ILI-muat gd really. Ple�so give oil the kitchou stairway. The focus)-' "Be j bers, man't Wilix sit'Still that h proceeded, nd Word a me In Peo$, g Pei (Inaftorl$ tetra. studonto froju, a distance InhalbitAntit of Cliftteft AhA-Viclulty, a fut6nd" l This -is the park be r3r, 0 7 climb$ to ilia top of the tower of tables, i Ili the, village at very moderato rates, r watches, they discovdred that unds A while a second lies down upon A table a few came Away Without the usual ceremonies at be. ghot At Ili can 0 tau boarA g on the above business in 0,11 Ito btanhos, qn4 aultipg thpi 1,1d uses none but Th#Sommor TerflVill commence oftlbto�dayj 19th Augq ofpu�acpfttfohago. it �vag -half-past Six. 79irouble iron any more. foot froiri the base of the to'wer. Turning Am 6 employs good worlanon, it wlll� be giver on opplication . 2411111 the Cato. t's haraer"to keep track of ilia mention I material, he con. therefore warrant irmation .01 1872. Further. inf, shall be a R 0 It he- 'a Ic best seasonal ad winnot shriuk: oraonatty or by lettmt) to any member of the. BoArd of I muit hy, or 1 0. sprAD 9 6or. the v�or* to be of the bestdomotittlotIsA . , - "a . 4. - 7 stoog, v r: Messig H, Halo 11.� A. ,I ner breast fa -reast find ulg, A u woell In as a 0 lift you got 6ub firs a ave o otlibiog body,.thb two an ingt G DONS S LtS AL; tathe beat chance to, select a good umbrella, 1W REPAI to, 9HdsdU4itdr�Mr..Tani43gTtu3mbullf.U. SbiRtIg-S .,.AND PARI� ts, bound" off Again with, a second.. bmereau A laujiiabla 1�cldent oc;uitid at it d 01 e Ask- Other crobati climbed t varroua altitu ea (tHavoyon far to go? trilkea TOIA CrAftlY. en Shall I goo you again a from the pile at "the door. to assembly at Mount Brydges, one evening ro. 0, 1'.Aboitt a wild. 11m:,staying At Now- 6d, aa -ho hola her 4=4 at PattinZ -She 'and fell.,upoki the. 4igo �ali ti sq6are t- appears that in the village residag y w on B gro( CONVEYAN011NO &ND LOAX lThe* other da, h, ag Spelled lands. Good-bye. NoJeanioarrythoot,- allowed it to linger in his hand as She'. in' 'r hacks with a roe th was 63- om, we will nam A a Moo& pointed oat upon thoir hacks with a G_ I �&' ENOY. OFF10"P11 BLY Vane Chairs re-scateds 8 that YOU, a g good AA new Ike ; I couldn't think wered- lorso-featA afe 4 exeontea'by children the iidrd �and rdmatked� That word Of if 0AIM and CONFECTIONERY an� �m6rcf, 'Good -b' 6.1' '- Xnd A6"is off. Oh,' soon, I dare. BAY,; perhaps, When nion in a s6wi-nuds condition, s) that there the younger m6mbers IS flock are' very 6X.' -isn't qolldd� quitit right.," 118; 1 1 oW Y. Olt tbinking-a oreat you least expect it.01 And gently return- is no' chance for Padding thek 'Clothes," dmilary in conduct, Oe of tho boyg,,� Aged, laughed the grocer ;, 'folio . ould think.1 kept on baud, a Tom- went'to, Ilia ro 9 -W CONVEYANCER, SOLICITOR IN arrAor.RY, AND of 0611 descriptions, made 'to order and I . won about 20; is disposed to be " fast," and the fa- had no. IY And he cidised *it eat about his new friend, devilig jag the pressure of his hand', she turned WhiI6 the Americans in the thoatrp�ap-. A CALL SOLICITED, Attorne3i of the Law and J,;CJJ#ty Courts of Ireland) aencalogid, Lrknd# Loan, and Estato Aoofit, Laws Life. whore the charms lay, Which, even more Away, After going, a few 06ps she looked plaud, the Chinese make lie demonstration ther, seeing this r)wing upon him, struck oat,aT;(! wroia and Fire inmuranco, And, 06libralAgent. Deeds, Wills, than ]ter beautyliad fasoinae6d him. "Fer-� back.- of hpproyali but took Bfillidly,,6h. The. tj'P()n a happy matCd the night in question-, 1JLzxkxsEp,- THE T, -claims to "BREAD DtLIVEnED: IN To"T. hap, its h6f dress," he thought, "she dri& Any message for Miss Leigh 7'0 slid ask- nianagor informed the-Call-rdpotter ihat of curbing that, yating.tuan's wild disposition, �k,4&tky WhowwAs stooping tb *Ash his PL,LOE-VICTOilk MEX Tiffes,and Ul anIrish mudAVoreign.Efit. I ei? saw ; And od,allookingly, He was award that his son had promised to hands- in a creek, didn't notice t1r& peculiar DIXIII, naga in Europe traiwacted. in connection *Ith r1rat-olcoa es bet tOr Man any woman I ov the tumblers "iCro traited,f6m. childhood s Attend the dances and' tiroosely ordered him actions of a gaittinst behindim, o whint GimealoglastracodandPodigroo pre- growle Forty Years' Experience; charges mod0rato.- ltoato4,0 'tho terrible con. ta'remaift at home that night. , Tile son, un- he Scrambled out of the water aTirl ;v" ask- Clintobt A, ril 22.1674. then her boots I's Bore lie lit a oi�ar and ed Olt, ton fo and that Miss, Leigh I's and becomd'habi Wish she wai Ili I Owivuff.2 '611A only.by'�.dirg ofprAoflrd6, Us der- pr6tonoo 'of retirihg to rests w6it to, 'his ad how it happened, It Ans �ida to Losa-privato funds# And for Publio.cam. EME.Mlltn �HE �Vkftr 11 into a dro-wri about thi littI6 white fe Tom. .M. mud Noted dollodtod. - ! - linron stre'et, opPosite linox�ff Illowtel. hand which had worked i ind6briously Seating himself on the an� Added that ill training, or liedroota upstairg, an4 lifting up flie ivindow, dinino 1�activ ; but 'poate& a4 ef,do sho're BUSINE BUSINESS# Bl�th,',Taa, 18, 1815.' rifiditigly tinder the directions of his 8S And cc) watchod� her graceful figure till he could Xono of their feats are quietly, OR (lawn to the ground aukhied ftowed, 01. bit)wn, p�%v, All the Pext, day he waziller- goe*it tie longer. Suddenly 'he smoto his graceful, lluf simply, indioatin'g a tremen- hi'moolf to the town hall, where the dance was kindo . r hsted, a OlintonLshery, CLINTON 4ugAIthw 1915, c(l by. t6 riv.or, but she came not. That thighs­�,, By4ove 1 1 neydr gqt her kiattLe done Ataount of nerve and ondiiranco,—Han in full WAst. Hit fAthor hatl oevsion to call � -k 1ttlo follow who wait 'db a neighbor'W knd'hat house about, neon tho-d(h4t day; watched waa rdstlOag drid, ill.tomporaA After 110 $Aid. co, (lidt, him at A later hour in the evenill UNDERSIGNED HAVING PURMIASED THE lie Praildl 1, 1 . - lip, TINDEI191GNED MW8 TO INFORMTH2 rHr id every olI6 Whb tip-' Immediately 'on, arriving at Iiii inn J16 51 the - ptopAratit'ong for diiinor widi a� gregi that he is tie* In poo .04, witlI Ilia Hostess, at rdooiv.ing a reaporiso, visited the be t6am, but m tain a large quattilty of anhog, Jid thch -BIYtW flftri AM 81 ove tj bittl when Asked to stak Inhallitgnis of Huron, Ashaty, lately owned by Ur� Crawford, winhooto ob- T )(ord toquohto all lien, inb�tfo' of the of coarso o mati dent of intorea soventy-Ilva to,otd hundred led hint, : Tile day after Ito was-w6rd commenood, a cross -exam n t to supply fro to gave them forhim, and be VIII hand gathorors round mising w. re ie a ly refused., %u(1 giyo the highest Value In SomP fokthtal, fortunato. She was sitting in the, old spot hostess, by *11ich be learned. two facts, and oat tomoffiffig, he prompt: ....... -And �hy( ,,M, JrahbtVip "y6it'd bdttdf higy MRSTOLIS irth 1L. si*er&,thvnk6 to ilia numerous custo- it you're just in she said look wood -rack, wabagetl to 'got a eight at the lad facts in the oarrouiiifin�todnships . ina the Sir -1ohn Turnbull Arid , secondlY, that �a Twa of these A096 drag. so "It"ch 1anoors. 'Ili the widst, 6f'a sot, of quAdrillex cause asiTtlio litilo fefidwi 11 mot, Bala. At my ttea .. isn't it like those �dhutiftll there word two young ladies stayitig there, . Nothing dati be word exhilara. ba,tspied hkadn, god taking'aavdutago of an '-�iiblid generally f�r their. liberal patrofiago, ?pe man., m you ask the thkoe timeo, 8, Compgal� -8 yb' ting than dog bledging 11ahe Artie regions 6bert door,. immediately proccedea through Ceaiad' L9nds, a T3eo in the pickle bottl6i V Mija Leigh ma Mim'114f nlulnb iinlog and *oula furthei notify thom that 110 ling. cal"i'lowe" They invited him twice luore Vight off,: ANY, QUANTITY of ClUTTVAS6 Toln oat 00,4,11 and won't to wOrk on the ext day saw him spooding in a hansom on 'B fine day.- The'rAttlitig ado of th&. 'sot to rhpre W� erring yoUh Xas AtIST OFT'ALNDS IN J�VAON VOA SALE 33Y lately Added Most iMpOttankireptOVOW011tS to � while Slid w4to talb- from Paildington t6'his fatildt'S house' do rl sivoral .0 11 Madam," he said, "you geo b6foreyott the Canada eompany may be teen at the 6fileo of Ilor refractory tred, bed hint. Ig I I aa 01 throwing himself," .4nd tAmug him by, tie big machinery by Fatting in -4 ne%v bol go ; their intolli ogthoto I - gin!t d; by AU or of, thgod via - 117 h at laStf !'isn't tills in Brook destrp a blighted follow creature I I its; filgo- droad do- PAR bytho� team to Ono Powerful dog, ebr, A la ilia up"altious hl V fWasino *the, tranip-, i dora[SUpd. it, double the power heretoford used, lan 0 jsat streett injoht on y.i4g that throqgh tile broken 1qd ; the strict obedi� many othdr im ortant improvemoi ful?y ifiiPr0P6-r­V old gentleman, the All- on ,,,Jm,,,, . laulh, hi narm, I at I- have llad nty, d psc# of mind, 9a ome if NyI11%t askea Tom, Working %Way vi- touncoffient of his, determination'to give w1lond they elect their Young ma", fee .8. little, store of woldth Isla avisy, for these tiler millcra,'ho is proparo(I to leader ; tile arbitar 1waggons and Sleighs Removal. rainy days, b 4 do work in alloly. up MWIblghandUfllingdon. exercise -of authority by the master og Mativo; And. Sitntutl), het laikoa of theiboriallant use 6tthe'whip, and the run) - it f� by I ot. spebulation'biought, me to thia ead state in I Thd Way of'trafingtossors, is Iar n 6RISTIXG, iroducody, an(! 1 -the =06ff whorrlttlrifa� functionary Appear. Iiing cohvergation, 4mpt li�; by thit- drt"r hut-taAltefrienAN who mo -I - WAI'- 10119 Ott � tail, V61'ill ffi'b yiiiMda. at-raode tar ardet tit shelf GIMSMIT-11- .1 1 -6149011 h116, I OPLV .40LINTO weighog in And but, ParE6 from a don't in fh6loftst 'know i6vho you*hro or, wi(II - th well know fire attached, to th )f the" road htdck, hiatal, 4fid—Oh I W60all M01 notice. Wtv, IVIIANIUNO THE P4 ahou6 you, o, 'different, � ddgs wlIZ era. At the timb no humbag� omtgow bass k CaLady Turnbull woW4, No'sir -, Xr. Luttrell wont out with, their nairles, a ymont. W And vicinity iorthelifaimorpair with anythh)FA 40rd constant onjo homicide; of F i6k, E4WOta S. Stokes had Vo saw illAt Wood I Madam, r feel yo, 4 6 lie holl I Inform them that he hall t4movoil fr d 68 the& t1jelgamd days Goo And Mill havd'or. lit if Alto knew It") Mr. Leigh just after 111noll.11 RoWaVer Usofil they Alay boi. these Arctic dti, igod father and two brothers younger ohnnot reAlifiomy Situation.11. 066a Mom. .X la);gd qusolw)d 6 l fiLdt no asid, Tom ff". 't the 092 bimt M, aterial Rumbal 4 CA. Is 4 00f to a go 0 Alto i than hilntolf� Who devoted themselves to, on hall Mail Oro, 4 In Atillmorit F deaulwayo totaalo at'nidderato prldog� ItUr. Leigh I is horharal dogg seem to bo� a6flolent, in -that Affection. ing I'I-Bosfoiv Glolm. of* o afto 96 Aavipjhim With the nloAt untiring zeal,-' . I)aring a, r000nt, eoleb ti, roatot fitton ad 96. as My n6ino is Lpitrelt-70fil r, Yea, air ; Mi, and Miss Likh lirtited ate disposition Which) oft:Uars their ipooi ra ou of sotud L'UJVI ] nill Luttral or, if you: profor �t, Thomas herd this morning froth th& country. so much to man. AItay4or once 'said One lik0th0f died Of 0011211alptidn said tO evenb in tho Stat66, 'a caftnon. Was, being, of 5 haeB 0ATson Atv%ney Luttr011." 0 Tile d6lloo, I's haid Tom. It They' tho Asquirdaux dogs to have boon tangtil or h REPAIRINd knd 1009 The Sallsoilbof would, Mgo inror)� tile, pill). ty WIch 1.16 ftstollb&Vy the. In- 'llged to firs a salute, when a man: t�ushdd, 142. PROMPTLY ATT9NOto to. o had not boott sitting bohlilclItimf mo *hotover .1 go 'and retired pfoolpitA* Ud the r4oat, ungtkiefill cromutiri in or6a� t6nga aft3do guildeoz). '00 X601w UP td, the pel1611 managing the klair And lie that he has, # large Stock of lumber of Tom,X o noticed tho fiush whildh tol -pilot hav to Ilia oWu d,3114 tion. Ua had tratalled t,)r several hand. Addoutit, ; Ana iftow itia Stated that his fath- Said,. is vor Godliq sake, don't fire, ally kll kindir bi SlAtkiin'thIlie Work d6h4, kinds ifid spread mr ]'ter fcil 'it, this AnnOu Bring ftio ROMothindto oat here SiA164 rett mHot by blodge - Bud for bit weeks it or V11w) died #suddenly on ight%ittlay, was why -bob r Asked the oAtonibli. W 20 it - Hemlock, from'10 to 20,t-Chorry Wde r6gotakly fit' ifiolt Wd, slowly ana dopt lot Uisd Leigh know thatE Am was hi's duty regularly to food the dogs', but �brought to tile grave bv"tljo grief whWho od lalim! Thero'A 4 dead person lylok oaltonoxIt Hatterniti Whitelt8ho, wAPIo, Softfid Rook JEW C TO 6\.�T- ERoA Iz u ila dinth 0 by 8 0ii, f A 0 Ax j11Y*.,, 'AIAIL Loll ban. In ,th r 110to); mron ttoatwouthe (Cgo you'roVoin Lutir-011 V in the houmll aft6v Only 4 60 Wdekh" &bsondos o jt age," Baia ho. Ulfa, in longths to Suit the public *hick -en- ft the, otperionoad at the failurb of hige&ttll to If, tile lie lie dlooking. "What,40you he had Aftishod hit ItIT10h 00noldgloll Ofthe Joutiloy, they youla not ifech a ar on. SOW -hot .86*dh IbIts hivi to fill *11 orders that U, may be Yos,"'Agid, h $6 Will '9111096 froft maid lohn, it Sows, 4eaa the noigo voth kodomd, monaal of 6tovy- thd aftid eatim the shortest tiotide ind most know him luind *48 mAdo, up-, solodtinit 1% lArsto ito himln tile olightest dogroo.. It jet$ ifit -expiration -of hit sentenoo to hurb her, sha the countty must be, talrod", v(dilpff k�o totalalli, In,, reasonable, torms, IS a young lady tWying At NO ly Crowd bliebt of notil 04 90 M LO'JiV6 if iMp6A61bI6 t6d(ndeatloatd-the$6 drilAtUrbN filid Is.. lie 0 grdatl changed ; A br6ther it Item groarloa the inin., 1; t ktiow f ittf, as vitild., � i1i father p4 my niothot-ip lana Who lit it great' itiona of tuind -,`4hG the doouniont an laraotdr) he A%t 9A, uEdet todet 11*44ant they Mdkm ona who I dowli,. equated his olbo has toia ma Aoutyow! #4 and 40121100"d dioll 444 hu Woo 71 4991 W, kv ............