Clinton New Era, 1875-11-18, Page 211"W" j-0 ir q W, 0 r, '7- -:rMT' 00.001rrwl! IP, WFIROW"." 4WP pep Ir.T 1106 Iwo'. 6 Q-^ I , 7 t tivet an4, *o, as. If. Owe was no CANADA VAVIKV, 0ANADIAN =IV MR. 0"ADUR NOWS, fte X19W IMA and sant" —We learn O*t on W A011I Put Itblo" value givau lu rda0a Wit. The kab �k -0orrospon400t ivrlteg to $Ito London, Bug. jrvosh 0YANX4 son at Winnipeg at 01.26 Two kondr-A 4quiryols wore killad Wo fisomarl xqt ,Xr. Lailoolot Tooko W t4WAlibil), e�rtk 9.4 Noy. SAO J. '4- ply the r6presentAtiXe Of b "low Vs At Alviaoton, last wook; Howsouil, Auotknoar. Or& dleekly thrA, k, money Is Q oloon'bysa* vav� owl. with a bad gooldent. vil ut f The',oloctlou a miSliboi 10 ag gold to be on,,, of British Volombla moy, lie V03% 1074 14bor, and the holder of; 1I N9 in 140 We justly rated Sti6ttloh Yoe N door ho slippail PAT -Aided, so fAr as, relates to. the Tito #idon Griot Uilla, Woodatock, Vora Twobmik rks of L a outisineawoAto FAI in 440 qf A'Ouv, lot �1; 6013, 7, r no. —win all ontertolurno hi ow tie thq som,41.4uppoxt &!you to the WAM00voira- 4eetroyed byllrocu Saturday, logo �qay. o0 Toylor lit a d Qoderly towli I I in an Nor, give 040 tw 01300 A go MPA labor 'M possession t1w6vid the tr IlAfi, oil I hurea a, Joliff, oi a, as y, v 11houllor out al tint. 0"o dif. inelit. The Cause 4 thal. 140UP8. which 'm Howoort'.. Anotiailoar. 0 me: Ara 24; p.m. 0*" to! oft Winter hus. Wrly, Not. ino in 3roultolia, dry. unoodd bills, 0.1, of Mir aret ANk (TIOA- VQaOrWO, �Ud '40n Parting With Itt bar 2W. DoWt fall to AtAeud. floulty Dr. Qr% Rin rop,14aotl' the ahouldor, ally prevails Oman th few 0180tors 01 0,116"* AIRuPVYAI4I;AV,WTuA th"t 0or4wood 4 ocawo tit Winulpog aV48 per Two � Grand Trunk tvh U.r. Lavoll" of laltobell, Tho, same o*xing, While Mr. Jobu Ad4ley Province that X VAI )a Collided near FArm stook. with, lot $7, in it fair qbini�0oial tri r at Pmlo� 041.0 *th V0014% Val? 001itp QX- kenivill bola the F0. 4% 400ar colidtlocil the quarterly services In the Mt. was going for a doctor, lie woo thrown frout dorill. Gavorarpoint. to 0o fulAlwout of tuft Shortro4a, on "Thtiroday. No Uyes wore 1!?". 10, Hung* oil , 0444Y. Noy, 21% At.12 *. % lbkt but both otigl4e . Q clock, J4MA01Ovra#4, allot.. o thk lie receives, the thodhtollurob,ouSunday last, Thero woo M4 boron, which falling upQ4 libu,'llij aw qrp badly smashod. goo"* rects And belloyb 0 fAY urod Lie terms Imp000d by Lord CArporyon. This 1wo, sailors It ntroal, qvarroll04 P0. pro on of communioanto. Rev. foot Analog. Oil$. 41 .104bly Pro. sontiWentfs, amaturAl Cue, batUf WA14om Saturday, whou,quo out th�uthor's. threat On Saturday night A lire broke. out'iw 'There h a rumar "IM" T 11 aual " of 4a much labor, If not vil A. very lar -49 number Both, par$ wrant !a. -O#Aw* Ant Ur. Couttical, 13. 0. minister of tble place, has frosalug, 04111* ocristitu" Will 4liocover 4ifiloultiso- from ear to ce.r. Wall tui veriten,04 of Dr., DAY!* and, wife 11A.vo, bee# no his, =QRQjr itepr000l to, anti Which to oommoilood,rovivAl services at-AlwA. - We in the vp . 4000WIllp, and T000m, Allnerla, wages At CASalar, British Owltim. till it b4iX d-64troyodS240,000 worth of jro�:,CCM0utqd to juiprigourpoult to lifo.� llollaya oxtr4 sorvia4a. will Alloo be 4414 in so" Ili Cou"011, 04ors 11 T 8i", him is more yaluable than the Money, yerol other 0 urchen in. tb' , neighborhoo.4 tempt tot4o.soirduld rulathoolderProvincoo to,, are ouly,0 per Eloy, �Iit UY11%, is pyo, porty. V �i;;WAZP .:p (5, U1g t, A Kong lit The. -thof 1010001, afithoritl6a, insists upon tb� -portiobately do*r. A oblivoutioWof Choose naaaflaoturere Q , we . , I T Wore; vWx mQuoy,� is, -MA out 401' ohor*4 poultollvot at HOIF010.104h1ho Sth tacked Qii tavorh of Toho U�V, iwq woogovelits t isergeant, - tug, -an. The exto.n4ion, of the. Northern Railway will be holi At seafort un4orotau(I Ulht mr, Mauib#jgall PorfOrMAACQ Of impossible tAOU, $boy 0 I)ee-, And 4aoksou stroeto-, rii -They wa�sv* 0,44 th;. *06" okbo for IBM 61. v, the QOUUt1'.r,.wo 00 in oxoh4nge . Jindellifiia. W. Thornton, who so so f1truiell tha means whereby it to GrAyoullorat, in.tlioi Nvokoka, dlotrio�, 1% anti at Stratford, � on, TIIQ8dA 00. 14t, 1"tol%ad, the boose AgAil t1low out.orea and qoessfully conducted present, the ritioulei Of last meeting rsail And Act do 1000 thou , *qua V(t�44(1a, something 04, 14,Qon.4ik1Prea of %.note, 4; skating rink in the D44 640A last �g�sed.. ThgQlerkrea(Itberepl�pftlieso- U14Y.b9itcoolArlisliva, WhAtibe. anionitt of Won forinally opotted. on Saturday 14,4t. to 4extse some ,*o of goakago.­ The XI.M XAA, And ble oystora or inakirij. tied th TIJP061 ve000(� P 'in lay be oaqu, �wbiQ4 they illrow st000naubt,the' iqAtorto the Trustees of the L,� X41D.A.U. vostl AtA. The Tito Allip 041outta, treat quebeo 9hoopo and bAilling milk, tlJQ tulititf)TO out of dodrii iod sum V, 1$76,.wln. lie S.6;25.' The antiqorlp, *,inter" ii triakWg preparation- ae tbou the mo.uey.,. Qr labor, In. to Uver same Aa as it is 041d, fospooting,tho airplication Mello gor- the MA, union PA00 '11411WAY, from, � Omaha to 134M Ofilke� ;Uw A94'W1111 boo an fovw�rly, it �rda this winter. As wo veil pool, IY46 -wracked 'oil Grosso Xsle,., X S,lp A U '14 is splf-ovident,, and! could bg easily �Uoug good Ice, the I.Riult will be tured-Coapono to,our ViA1101000, 4 41atauoa R 1,700 miles, cast o curious action for damages was tried ,things, Tbirtoen of tliou�. tbou 0 iA annUm" To, Z;Aw SubSerlb.oXe We Wi, IQ 19 000. If 8Q, muoh, railwAy thre agil. a, 4n Sunday I ati the rb ddlQ4OX lizoo, at Uri- 4IQ WIN of Sergeant. Her inju IF)i arb� Of -qoft B A He oponvil, 14107w rr�ton will the ming AS folloi4, ov", RQ And twoutyt obolievQ Mr. Thai material portion 1 )000 fw;ti, g%A,'Snlith1q don, Gibson v. Griffin The plaintisT went' a, U b Cvory Quo' if ey woul but CCU, r4coiY4 tbelt pAtroriago which We efforts 40, lou di4po4ed of those, doban VZvolr gottled.'vQuutry, -ivlth great . fa- erlouo turoo ($.6,900) firet 021MVP P character, The police mado. three 119 siderievell for a few vliotponts,41iitt real- �40r rPall tho'Coupolls ollitles I g 0 . dapliea, -with Ali Crier. aw into �beL defendAnt'fi A,�oro aiid bogan a dial arrostw4pil are. After th pe th(l T 4 . which matured bo� Or Procuring rbAtof tlXQ gan TI;AV r , 4 411#1, Alhoaster, wore cleatroyod by Aro, on Thura- 91 !7� ;CX! AA"ab"A fore the 1104, of Au .91.t4a, line, eon, , q ity of I in pute, onlling 'A one of the worst in. thopity. The QN.—The nowl Are XIOW in the Bank Of Coramorce bere, sub, nootedau. tba east with the outim.rallway. er, alp 11111, door, end in the �tjqye st Moro. of t!io 4rl,iole purchased, is gaia An kicked him cat *bf tlj� ly Ch'UNT Tworryris Assomx4 tI Griffin, 414 Bristol bog., Qr1f. whiOl # 9;0; 04 the going doto, � Mt Pirtiea griat 1,46t, these Coupous I'll ropul4tion At sea '0114 tbloAso.ociation will b6bel(I joot rh 1Qat f0qN �ArdOada, of olobo,aeap, will Uu with th railwayo And o -the wast N fa%� Gibson broke. hio,artir, Yordlet for bri4s,"ind stance, Qd �YprodqcWrr something that. the cir- T, latoa,'-,on, tile srd to tb6 Older of ' tho Trustees, bo, will toul'of file United States, Rua oil , I Chooll, Olt Ana MR(A 41�.601 Ath of' VC0.1 0QI1Qu1qrioirIg oli'l0riday, At I cancel them And roWrA theiia to the TowriAlil ities of - Oregon, and Tho (x. W. U, JIAS, dotprnkinecl to use I "I . "! as- 30 P plolutia, 040., into it by tbel;ufflAno. Istalloes and popitioiic�f tha.pliv. P, IL Ap 6xtewivo pkograminb Ilia- bZx Ps noon 4% the -;next buBilloss ilil of, A exclusively, as Itial f9j4heir engines,, cup lit pho, T tha California, 'costs orig. t an ouormetua 6ulount QQ1 fti.y Xu* may bo, ziad ook 1 1. T$ ;ollea, aull Ivs mOxalike,, er enablos Win to (19 with Advanta7ge, preporoi� which willue taken part in'by tho. f—U6160, 8 ie hold, "Thia iepl`k was, quite. Patio. per, mile of be tt�o' coat Of. wood being. coudido% ad too. oxpofistve and 2 outhorli, and 4111110 worou)VIC re 1100 0 o factory to tho,Council, �W6 Clerk thou read 700 milea of railroad $rQm, ilao a wastefill. County InopectQrs,an4 Other pr4ctica MAIRR490. 01a I Teach, o er 0, at on t 9 o' r t o r 0 if lie t irpou himpelf the here nobody livgsi along of Lake Xiploilng, w -At W-Amn--Ups# T -A A4 Tea4horo, anti 9t4era �ntorootea. in Nait, A squirrel hullb Como oft )IIIMI1600k, 'to, IV, oric, 0 t, the rooldenco of the era, A 13y4mr,ho bad prepared by order of the -of producing the artiolo purchased. catim,'nvel cordially invite to a I Qouriodi,ap ropriatin f a earn.- tbo nepillA abore of LaRo qoporl% g the, surplus an orlogla. father, )prompt d . t -11 last Nvook Slid 'b on, an the 27th alt,, tot IS olwnolilptotba�ji� ii, of. I ha along lut o. wn in to ake ib tar %I 7 JU14404 a ly ty, onoli '41 0e 96v Corts, Mr. Tohri. Welob, vo4 We Buter. aimes a I and tho resqlt�6f 0, ies, l 14W na r od the balanoeta lisequ I .41� of the., fifty,tbird parAllel.throug IIU)ul . 110 (lay's 81100449 was port, and redet i a the, it 'tl ori Urizl P, "oTiso`Obarlottoll PrOmp ­ V4 00,1 _ h 4 ' ' '3-,035 and 2,70 squirrels f we n fyazete�, ard �uarrolling About thpir' " bited-iroaqrt'�:&nZT­46 Ou across Vaba% . . -PrARRAIllk, vlq4 or the-,'cliaerprit six of t cromi rep both -b iley-, Lonsea- OaMto -gh e U*8011001 Soetliol* fertile, oree-r- a o or anted of 41 era r T - 'Irza, I tile Tfmcg SAYing-it hA31100 to "Put UP" tua� tibin of adhool. houses - u.p the abveral �ooctibiia;l Mountains and tb�. (I pea'of rqqu I! a?) 0. Ing Q 0 �pe be broo murderod'mei� —Qutho I 2�th, inat.,, At the to W eggst lount, they can oxqql the GazOtii :it!. worknionahl our* fie th &o�, n normous an IP,. Tlie.73y.lawwAs approved f,,ana tit -Clark Yana the Pacific 0 1 olit, of at Concession otho'biiWo uncle, in Blerkhohn, aitIi All that wo. is, that, it the nP001- was ordered, t ththo' ustees. tell thousand whit's i�y Ta�on i ot the I P olouged to ohmol,thp.. Timog a Communicate W1 t is CAI 0 or,Altia all ripple tree, �llich Soo in, County 9 rinting we have soon f Word, IV, 1. L. Parking, of lu� 00 of said Ito 'seven Colutrili - The que tion is a simple one in rao I t Miss 0, -X, W'll on,, !)road, offering them ninety cents to -the 4ollar 0 Rua, submit as *4 liftle o of Qr4fib�ue, Quo.,, is at pr wei iri returj�' ieceivb fiouir them tobac- priterion to go ty, we would'Aar to lose -proportion, which'I.venturo bum simple ll tlY�Oar Yielded Sixty bilslleli'4 fruit.' a tie, of thiP'coiirity of Dbroheat6r� a hot it it w.a� Cars but as the Times, as, d b and'purobaso the entire, bly to words. of the immortal. Shal hip a ticles $eon tile luting of the is, oritutes given by thii Township, xeroise fox -the officinla in who. call bea $ont odvtee and we have ih6uld, the 0 br be accepted to submit a e4py the Coionial opaoo. In order to aPpIVOlinato hsin Considerable distress owing to the da twepla towor'lablq-to judge of its ability i of.the By-law for the ap, giaI of the curacy $4 figil4rig out thp result, i A. few lijilit;: since some 1wanips - brok h DIED. a; h being c4 all� d and liot Glivernor 4g6 dbille to t a CV.*Pd last OuroPler by.& -in St, Catharine irlto Trinit QbVr Ch, Mitoball). pritLOta fire, . . ater p9r: %grOvitsclkv� - collthi Printing 4UQ4. btoe "we 9, on the �21jj J aat, the 00nPAL-and oubmit Orreopondahce to on to1earin mind that the gre of.hail.. -There is, d4n,thoti nsa'otioh, �,N�j bore" a Vlap,Obuncil atits"next gittiftg.­ The afim-of 'libb woqla'b-e'.ov6r eight athe cusfilong ond i -M th :V�iltage' a' tion 0! luo 0 race too la foader for the cattle, and their OwIli "of tile d them city of . 01, -the cold rogion, where stands. ali5- down. by that 941ve, and resident of. this place, who has been ipaudind SS northof. r to plianufaottiro or prodtice', thes 35. 11 woo paid out by the TAasureir, but a or are�xn noo 'in the all 146ra' rep r -coal emberlorDorph 8 'A the 79 botte of tlie noocssarieP7 of life., OrTA rlj� Of Clinton, I T84 FREE TRAD94 tile. Burnwer in Mahifbblaj ith Mr: White. -it will Appea in detail, 0 tp d apita; that the obstacles b) the -WAY -Of comfortable 41 free Ili bills" lodging. eaoheaiticles'6,urselves, in9tqad­0L�XChRngin.T- -beadron the -Perablinw-Brimoll -R-.R;-jTot1lrned - -the Council eounid4od itxseleas4o-ow- aopub. obtaining supplies would ost te'tc winter in," He looks l4h the namea ef.tfie rbeip�o , lit$. adobiller not insurmountable thaki tbliL 0 U.Brownlidga,. of Esquesin Aa 6d.1, t,O to the. eiislatilre, lishto' so nr. r I- , * I I puit. The- -ing woula,� be vi I I ld his opan of general pur.pooe,hor aSL -sliort'--t1lot- timber for to e.. 00CLU6113 th4. Laye: bing, else As. bole and he'arty ev4r proagdo Wag grauted.l$25.20, ho'being- indl -,son, for ha gF, I r tie 1, a and ei sea, e14 Montreal And any- �4i td.*Wio�a otllierwise himself its we Clerk'was given inattuQtjous inoeyerallnifior ''am which took; the third prize, T. C. Qtiimby ol", 11 do, it r, sleepers; ties, I bridgen4oubi noClio,easili at BrA pton. �001-.scnorat Wen.' but thipke to we believe , t neado the civil matters; honi-the bugin�qg being Concluded, procured lit th6 immenso.treelea, to an go by, an ii to suppose, -tht� otir pcoplo hayt) . izine influences of 8 Plains of fair this year, -for $64000,'. kupown. to the Aportiog fraternity 'was sb;m, not !, the great lone land ;" and; -without- reckon. a few pioneers before it 'will b.e*a very desir- the Council adjourned, to ost Again on. the buye tar 'What Should the first liely maitreated at Toriii4o a BlIcit time ate,' ve ill Opu the-�ueincss,d Lt rp to ]OCnte in by those wh4'bove Ing upon the displeasure of the ludiab since. r. At th T4.4A Vqrtonlxov-b�it ih4t the lopernmeit -and owe �rise Able in December. at JA, team be worth T An indignant, father, enzagid �at ail Ratepa�ers. of the 'JAirga PTTOX, vagibp of their hunting gr6un'do by rauway d the, 4i a Most, &h -41loged it tiels, Ali to�v ar wbiph is, conam t er. people joyed the'contf-rts of oldei"gottled -Countries, Ole . ik. la�lt to his, son'. Walked iul nt r9p., On o navvies, it Will be- -discoverable tlipt it would anie of'..Chl 012. Appearo'noW to 'I -- '. - -J - � , -, , -Quiltiby"Wpl-hoo-an gave iimk�orsewbip- ­_ -,b ­ � t so. e, , mpire a carry out 10001, irr,14M Lora AfalleVentoitis onSuriany. Ile has d g roWy bworning imbued With the Sol- es� :thq.13rit b_elomerlt-pre. to a bush back of -No* Edinbmigh Voptr o&sQn not GEN Eply r ping. A little later 06' 06ke the sQppslr� f abo4t 4ilit inchas', and the Cold 6U amil u wise determinati -be, wblt In v6 cavo the dl� kno ity`6 i4thhato to jou, iny'determizi0ion not Leit.it.clearly be.ilnderst;04 de0l 0 noradhiiig entirely beyond the capacity of the for wing what. thol 'At#Qr'- ]lad done, Want tan. ingEticientl Poo -we niontlid. W-hen'arreated severe to make oll that sea. to of the tile P36t'.f in and pounded :Hon. George *oirn,16oves-for Englan'd', U00,000 inhobitan, older provincLeslo bo� -u to. offer i5aself Again to election to the offloo wmwd tariff rate upon such th6n,,tbat wheli Mo6ey ig L Pflid Out there ads them ou their'whiter babilihi.6ato. this Was in &,filbby condition, Ilia hair boing thoL unfort, -note 'mau With his fiats, till lie .:.. I week. earnestly And were the, road i -on, a 0 no I dir�, bled. quita pr6f0e4. a , Mayor f this Municipailty, and'in order n A in exch'ange which AU,than 1havo teaming to do'-doell"s a good 'inatted and Ili f 6L bl k�witl th&tLYOU West) -have ample Ine, to Wise inetbing receiv( ailra6teq, itWoUld not do ArfythGg to �uorease�, may ti to' ake a' I "4je* A4 �ara or ca -be manu tied Ur Robinsou?s election (Tbrbnto of heavy foil of snow to makq slolghing, for the 3rcial relations -between bTontreal and - .04 opezlidg St. 1ohn's.0hurch,L stirling" one. to take my place. I cannot ereL. 0 V MON ovp -ptirpose o eon. auco seen' "a-, a-, on. Ow country, so,that a oomp;JAory 6, titiorl mill, and fadtory, Nbxwioh, wor is. oogid' d f alue 4ban the ioads: are in a ftlora�lo. cquaitiC14, A042. the.: PC g once. N mber 10fli,' foi- the a allow,thiw liteen months since ,iqatlibr, 'and 6loo, from tnea�. :'It is only, big, to you,.Que and all, My thanks. for-, %wie a)-fbd Tho'expepses of mos "�inerican single-track. duating ai.funeral service, it was found that the extra' amount, f�teAlrnug upon .hem ized v,, J�Cll a Ass ation. r wayo Q nilscr� -be clAirch afid it wag burned before. :'It had been t6built -the. conficidn - you have ro&sed irlL"M�- in -for �olo Couhg Mail 0411 equire a. freight charge 'of from 14 00m iut had entered t cc pkp"wlr of such ardeles, th gli, the. construotiah of -L.,. H. ILLRI ristia ill a very substantial manner, and -was ioll, Ili his'Halifax spoell, th Hon. Mr. N "' - . of Brilisels, b 'AdIdii -the bible; gr�,yer-book, and a f U me ht the head at umbers of farmers. woul(I be glad twip'o Client s a -cabbage- to 18 millo per* ton per mile to cover. 6n, tu0A.of As maunfa turer. -MO4 a costly road as the Caiiadian' Pacific miunion service. ` 0419 �Jlas y6t been rnished ith the best,inachinery to be feirs,for tlio past thrie.years, and also for, thii 'a ",no cotilitry cail-be weatber jet, as izt couRequeuceof the *at they stalk on whi6h' are six heAU�four f 0 a,, had, t08' to Ity Party. A lar#e amount eflirepared material generous support Which I have ieceive .YAJ011"auslowe perceive thisAisp have not boon able to do Ra'MUCh veloped. doiible'tbe rate Would be too little, found the pi Plowing'As But taking. th6 orrial . I&r sain of 21 a . cuts, per f6r the railway'attitions at'Wob lr hands, and by- ply, colleagana Lin groa wilbout th 1111, thoy could,wish, whilch.%iill have a ale and sfio� siormpr dat6*, aild YO1 e. -A fa PSaWiD and' baiuc;'ao niree foot- five ine -A f urious availed Council in tho, Carrying. Out of' the measures ton jcr�mile as the-cliarge-nocassary to cover, Stratford, tog6thei With CheeS6 hoops, were A. black fox, ill] as in to' L if: U tliefic-Iiiie with; thaii toronto,'on Sunda��­during� which the- I'L which were deemea be -in the interests of eq neiV __ L . , . I _tbd 11po ago Of a ton, of'. freight for COP surnot ntet our prot6st"agaitist. Kpenaes, the carri h6-loowcaiinpt be lessAlian etg*in e length, was. kill.ea by - 0; th, -IL:- � 000 tiiles would ant to. $75. Tiaffio Schooner Oliv.6 Branch becamo stranded our qmcip I t t Ct5null AYQVA4 r ew -0 OOvOn rill has had hisulill. and faittory burnt in ;or Ila: Loolin ry Cali, t� nit, it few aayfi� since. bor. hMev nt `mattaks,,And itave done 0 otidQ -cry import, zo-tb it­1s,--nti4 01 , the hot IN � �dr -Y :hiqh we ing of the Sdb4olt.6ard 'was beld,oA tho'even D,rescitod by a- utmo�t to carry thim through as aconginiciRlly wiVaout To -%v Yo, was getting does v.ery little lit freights; except little in worl Mr. - Ward, Who,- with tile last twelve" ye4ri.L 0 11 im tha'yary best interests of our L . I ;' :.-- - "1 0 value, ja­ as never had S t ing of tb� Sth inst. reseut, the Chairinall, out of Ili$ waggori a short tGe:oi�ce, when 1eas'and other light atiqlog_bf great, thioa , othorsi ba74rdod 'their' Own lives L iurll � e A Possible.* VVC 'have made, eap6eially any a The the Am is Ll add, that if it requires. protection. ger traffic and tha receipts for la Just tWo, ygar*s,. Considerable loan, draprove­ and.MeosiO, Malcqg��o . era, eeptin manufactures -i he -fell to the gtound, ts 1ifi'collar.-L Passen lit sav� oth co 0. 1. , . . , -own. %A�ry, not. 0 .9 A, M,4tlx i� 1 . ' . , adsi that they rnii� O't to t slio, Searlei-S-60ii, -aina Hine. - Mt.. -Shlep- uikn r�mber of in rill.: i he',,country i of which n immnso quantiby, was . obtained sueni4,! Wit , ich have 'added *Cr� much t- I 6iiAeujk limited rk pard's -Application- for tin itforesse of salary, fLre , InAhe-.Waahi oil Government, form ill ail, of diggfiig� fdr Witter is, ��nuary 8; .6ung inqu,-�, comfort Rod: aii rance of the Town,.althNigh ngt I Boring inste, I � mat ran of Mr� J. Nb libeaming ihoL Pkac�.ICO at L Winnipeg.' Wa- Ater. and us the -be 'LTosoph'Stevefison arrived from England,. &4VY'taX tie 're -Are. Would be gre. Moro prosper nd dia6ussbd, when 'it. ciTrapany's chief ra6urcesi and witli, -all these a NO. oatuag isight make fortunes, 01,116 Q was taken up A was as followed it,, yek,thle Walvonosh; .0611-taining the r6sult of his tar is foiinc .1 *t opth �allgiljg from 46 ta bat f6w who coluplilli. of that - so,lohg L As they a manu itre',Ahan moved by A-14 Maleahoon sec. by'Mr. Scott; �d Qb t4i 0,11 t th 6ot the stock of,the road is, usually of late,, below . taned ti witF to fill, �a. Sl�iia Lou as n a ty of the people geri- w' �Yitbaat 5 -feetill Bile liantiti the tub� -to . jig 6a a a of a majori . , I I , that he receive all additional .$50 salary for were recently struck-; by' 70,,and foil on "Priday last to 64i Torofito.firot�elass reeta6ran . oet'gopd value r their money. e ty P' ing and destroyed.'. ing UP 'to tile' hurface of the ground, and i -b'L " , ' , �' Dqrin� ilia time. I have ocoupil ticularly, ti ein. IV t6o`man� ci a- the ensuing* year, butL the Motion. vjaj� lost iightni -a, what paisepg6s, ;�hat In . ecame allot .1 , lad --the, "pool- oulturalists par traffic or passenger nor�d of a,very, good-looking tion - of tl Weak d the I otcck of the �Cauada; PAciflo ))a r, 0 Al 0 0 lid Mayor, I havo,euii d Covers to discha*'Iny duty faitfifully f OwIly. "d Agri Messrs. Maloomson, -Scott Mr. Sohn White of Brussblsl; last.. �Woul :Cases.t overflow, It "takes About Wiitiroas ankaged at the same place, and Reeva a are striving,.��i , i,tbp tbi 'end of the, , I . "his L f V$,brth ? L T�o- agreamout entered ithi. with twd.dao to�put,4ow a of prop a _�ud oarlesply,' loWs prQsperous career would soon 'come ]?Ora L, -yesi.and Messrs. Aaiews,'Uathoson, �S6irbi gold arm of 00 iteres on the btheoh.,, n,6n -these wellia. , -a Maich prop bd oild 'Was. accepted, - the And 6v.o done in— wea L , 'to make an opening.�f6rapro.te6,",,audEiii6,-'n-ay. OnmotiopofMr.�ootf,deo, -Morris, Mr. Ditviel Kippc�n,- of North British Colunibia -to --iai s not We rogrot,to t tY gz or ai&&111'any ge build thv anni 4uriE. inafriage .,iVo the place immediately soh6me that has' Qa*% sither by the business bein byKr.Malii'jzns6n,ltwan,decidQa to ze.on- Hapthope' for $1,250 cash rst-act of the t proved libnefi6lal, to .Our 4 L ". '., I I .. only the We L n- past Oaks, Mr� BrUC6,- w Sbm6 six -o'r -Seven wc TO 'ey', 'for the'ensu, istration, lint the. r6ii-foolish Arrangement -of a.r.da , 1, . . . I v I"Can 0 gage te. prd eutataff of teachers, 'to Wire aiO R no ing.�eari, at the same salaries, with 6xception of Mr." t ai iug oil the foturli. on6onsion of we Qyer"% as u the case in'thd:salM The ipetitiezi . a . t tile return itwo or thkoe. w 'd a seen�b hCo-fol owing' ain orprovincil -in pon­re lu J�aresb in Ws county, or through a.gene,-, tpara� A rovincial h* d otebL ny villuer 013.- 011 present Adlnjniatratioil� tie b6ild made. her-appeai�nco,,ind, f eat intei of the third diviai Cinis a a of.t rests of the Towrtl of Clirito— &I -Appwaieu- -in the-country;bYL �d to. take the it Throo.of the pooF:afiimals, died, -aud, the �dipgjt r the at-- -g In $uni fichool Deigned on Saturday, being clearly pro- and they perceive it now when almost too late the resturant, asked for, Ste,'iellsoni- oapac iy -ran "Migistiato X hive ouw the Sam L h �otbor-two-woia -alrat. �.: TbijL IS a serious' Ono Countered, some ve , ry nful dutieg. to eusus, 1;13 t it his- olecti�u, Wag 'honestly =rtingthAtshowaslilswife. Stevengon� to receive $20 for a. lay. imnot-pvornptl� -repudiating it xit on catching sight, kalkstIve agency of the tarig, compolling not on.] a. lv,all home: Ivants., but are c to Mt. Bruce, wlio had the sy3#athy. of f6rm'�,V,4d L ted. made his a' _PXeSmod"iu­thC_ AIAGISTXCATn'S ',O1VRT­`Liit4voek- r. 111 lot- f y :4 ewcases dealt Smere to Pay more for the artic6fle ress.- "M U104%Ox u loot Tor mt a 16 fqsnale, and' hag neviir been seen.. . In A -wag: enter since. -Wife No. 1 r4lirned to',Englaua them, or 'with others than thezaso1vos,*ond,i led a smokiiig, a n the a- h7ing and dispOsiug of diffe t -ca Co. t kril for 'a 'number o years, as broilghtibeforohim. lie "Kelly the- Rake," was choked. to 1.11" 66jun�enfillg Grand Trunk oe 1,6w days ago whi call only say that in this, the tricst -important. ur town progreg a death .. The.:Tiondon Adrtkiie lie%train and No. �72 -s6jed there. - On Vriday'the, and .6norous duty which his dovol*od upon, Ike duty. and. ask no. prote6tion or fostering care ju.tbis diredtiolilat thld,sanil . ei . t has ".done by a place df ine&t while eating, his sup was-iti.109tion, aiid ift a sympathetic, and W01ROt Of the first Urn, Steve Pi 3V Olt the Speeches Ili Macdonald and risen ' arrived M 17 haye.:many times felt the ;wa4t of Axper the pre- froni a for the Past two Hon.' ohn L Beverly Robinson, the earnest tone said 1�'-" T6re lad hearing that the bigatniat had left the r*tion of duties tot n Ono. there is of or three yeari,.,we shall car- last Siiurday evening in a house -near Wall— if y In' maned �aud more time to read UPL'the lawt to taitily noon. require a police magis trate,. as it land unction,% econOlt Saturday, "clihritabi ao�sumas,: the n�xt, b4oh fainted .4woy. L He'S any' countryandhad'had some thuigaL t, L sent to GAaK6 me 6 (16 jilstice to All'"o oal �iidpr ioo.m. t6 e:ktond fartriific;:o&pjtion and. nat present, itis a great drairi upon tRe tim6 eman.hore Buffalo vioUps of somineree Appears tti spring, T y 8) vita tfie, successful candidatq�An'4 the great- gen lany liquor foe -her .0 28 o, went i4 hot�iiutuiti jurisdiction ; but. I must, say, that in ail L 0 Reports of iqfapticid'� nier rill ftem W Idea that commerce is apou of our chief magiatrate., �The followinpg cases moros. from chieftain Were',136th-under the ifindiloo of 'Men in that car irnimbdiatlolyL rose to their Several ing4nioui�inethods the case which come before, its, 1 tiiia ftel, there. need be, no' foolish -talk abaut op- to 'the' ap eri inde- L -by ihi Vbi -last'veek. '41frod'Howard) me as more reckless, un- fe6�,eiiolivvith�'ft"kinhis.ha-4d. Anl6r6 tatoes Den tried`;Nf4i Consere our beat interests as 0; town kand Were-aisposed of St. John and,19alifax, while at I*W a drawback to a oountry�and it_L 4tibr at the ti poriunitiiis for ille of,q charged *lth..Stealing money and Watch, from uniistial number of trialn4or inurd triAlif til; dndi�ccnt haraugilos 'Were'. never 0loquent-expressio, of' mity Could not ma. satisfaction I, intorestsof morallity - generally, and I trusi Ceti! n SYM lave 'morb Or 14 lit some - 0140r, barber, cominittea,for t�ial. Arthur. b asoault).'seduction, and. bikrny or. Wit oke larA there were of it the better. In- hl al id empliiyment of labor. a d0 ivered In: C;inada; V Th"d AdiMlfsers be c6nocived.- stili seemed 1 that Rn_�ppi a. may have felt, 'or yet feele Knox, -vs. Thomas' Spooner, ass iult, P V ified noied. in. throd �-*grie�ed at any of my ddoiiiona; will 't t6 r ctiticism,df�pisys a -gooa,6al of the Santa nlbIol-keepfir 11411- WOO& Which Irlarred thb'use heas of ible ry Ana *Ili of that �eing th . case the mord 'lio to.Oswe�6,io*end 84.0andLe Susannah-tSineltzar, vs.,NVm,, the Province. gholit InVen- cat, Led Vickeryi attribute it to an - error in my of. 04obaT ajnC6:,the harvat,vor4 two millioll. Youiig.'I Abush ea si.00 atia objectionable - tone. ag jha L ape aches with, i6na. Mr. Thomas Head, of Copetown forgive, and &ez aid unshackled cOmnibree. is,"pro. It. is expebted'thht general cut dcwn� which. I it deals, but in'point of fact it -is hot atation, Elgin C&..'elopeld the otlier. judgment, and . not to any illispos-iti6n. in., me bushels, About 20 Pei cent. ixiore* than _4 -a to have str�ceoded,jh �rocjucing a n last ',c6sts. Soo, Waulesg vs.. Thos. Tlihnson, of- a -Y lilt his hired girl., - Aged ab�ut fifteen AP994T .. I to do theta'arly wrong, as I ha�o -no f6aillaij 'Varna; Assault . , by L I ' d' In. the wages of thd operatives In the'New 'far ron ki. Itabinsoul'o atMel'- on Ifio nrw. machine that does; tho-wok in'a ing 414011% the widest and inost extended* year,, the, piiee averaging' from 81 to $1.22 wa-ved, trial pea Ing yo 41010- -hut, tills a AnA left for parts unknown, . A: wife voky best Wishawfor C! uglaud- mi IS - he'prosperity of The quality g6ilt. - Filled $5.00 and costs, Jlao Wanle Place� Ono BI n conspicamis bad taste. and tLwQ childion . itio left to take: care of at( there, ior About.70c. to 00c. here; as wilL soon take ake fMly Was 1 )Iicaexpeditiozi�, ecoriomical'and a 0Dsa@r4Cv1 Intercourse with other na- it is WellL kneWfil, L line keen il I Maucheter, X. , his'al- 'bliniont-alidthe eomfortL and happiness of All. remarkably varied.; -then c&usod';Tohugon' to be bound over-io.the langle in 1 Tha-Miniater.of ce'Llifinself is:o'f mu'rse" thomseludd ljy their unnatural lib4band and -factery.' This implerill'ant can Lbe. Attached its inhabjtautsj�agd hpa.that� Wo. ready given iiotico of:i reduction of. to fifa may gons, the greater bleminge will ROW - Tito ohiptrients t4 Ubicago, and Iffestern'.'points samof8600toheep*q so jr- I th to a, u-, p qef�praear.*. -Mv -661166W I I -place Of tho.outter Oak reputation Ja, Ina. a vingli inkchinal'in maintain arra prosperous Conseil Miller and hip brother, wh6, � lid* be4thy, and growing,vown, and a high' state otport is op T9E U-04 V14� IKELL6G6.L4�t is debts, owing * Will, � And borrowed -all fho bar, anil will take' oui oleArill At �qeh be* it.-- � This 6f proviouD -years,-. This barley.. i' Statementof the roventic.'andoxpondi- an.occupont of, the bench has no opport ' ' to digging appavart) f pu�li. wholly a -Western Canada business, and, at with extreme regret We are; called. upon to :ui mi y h a could, 41etimi2irlg a1armir nam. round. ' T1 roprality, I aterrok to bvil-doors, aild least in a commorcialpoint of viow,-an'ewpe6l--, lif ka. � them.. on. a 67 the that do well." era is a passes tin proofs of It so abund4ut,' illat 1b:' -chronkle the death of the Rev, Mr., Rellogg, ture ft account of the consolidated fund nity to reply; was .�dVbt,rto the amount L-0100. derneat'll. the'lialfato a praise. in qsarcely tiny necessity for -us to mention late past( urch, in this place,, of the 1),5winion'of Cailada, for Aho month. 'The 'Lpn�rty`of gentlernori�' have a,wortby And; ill nonolusi6n,L I ally satisfactory Ono, as the returns at quick * tatj,�O j In Ono of the depair shaking grate whibhjes� its lateral motion, Infatio- )r,of St. Paul'o all b would ask for 'a who. was suddenly struck down witli Ifeart' -ended 31st October, 18z5:­tRsC6iPta—Cus� Filireson Ln Mr. Uobin6dh;, As for tments, of our Com- SQp9raten thorn 4ont the.earth ho may be, your coirdid in goldi at, good, price won Splujoh'the other day, while a.ldnior- . .. " : .. � -diseftoo oil Saturday Thoin" tome $1,256048.28 .; Excise $506,891.86,; Sir JohA lie has alw�ys been c6lebrated. for theraL Clean oil the; surfabo;pf 1bo' �4 (to, a, ', L and hearty Co-operation Lin-, all. .4.3,:offorts t6 wtanoes. The export of oboe*so this yoax has roach- has. been ohiciatingsine he left thisr. ltGeography were being b:9,ruffidd, ;who- 4ice, and all shades of w Tr6teatiottistii, with h, goorl -dagree 'ad the -large ambfint'of 422,700 boxes, wbich,. re e 781.06 -, ]Vublic Worlm (in- verahiilUj='fbr- his retidinesa to rofind� i7hero - I is easy-buolIgh. to I pick agoL�$6 patlybie fdadlia . 8,% total value, town. all who lu&g.rally tjIivsti(,iI`ivas incidentillynakod,AlWbo' �Ays) $182,364,95,; Bill -stamps nelf 'to his 11,efivironinentm," - -,is DArwin. min, 0i theirl'up. It is drawn by nesolueordo torn hatevor gouice,th�j may, -853;998.80;Xo- Wol 1.1 a' were Acquainted, -with hilli and his loss vill� Ad siy, whibb, acdordibg to the doctrine Iwo horses With, louf - 0 ILAdtion., point to- England as � P. On DeiauOO, it, you put a mark irk thattppih n OVA- -of �2,5�Gi200.- -To this' add 92,000 kegs of bojeep, felt by the congregatio'n,overwhout.* ies and Cali to mandk�arby %. b Canada Tho clasal'ivas quite juvenile a' Qy- It Is :nelidaj and'xichly dese dance Qf the b bdtter,- Also LORpoitia, and #a got o; very Antis- tal' $2,009,103:75 'Expeudituro of bvolution acc6tinte for his uvas. ) also of,shimple construction, So 'thatL ally Mass your co-operation, enefits resulti 'gl�om top- -from he he wateled houloWhat singular fatalit 599.L81.. . . . ;'P, L. . sylKipathy aud,s�ppoft, lit' the discharge of y nnd the quostion: passed ad to. foot factory figure ae� thv�regult of ur dairylnduo� appeitrs'to attend `thiI miniatr connected the Tory leader. His'facult blackstuith, can niake or kopati it, Alto- hiazaany..AutieA. Aering and protec�bjug maglifa-ettir0s,'say- bef6me a gIv6n. At last a ixy.� What with'. tbo%inoreasod demandfor. qith the. me up the work things t6all men wasnof6l, 1nore Stronly all aswerwa. gother'tbls potato,digger a a, most valuable. roser+d any je arks ll�tiil, the Epiidopal Church in' thl for The Now. York ZrOutic all He struck and.he Ag hents already ing,as manufactures there were those irddu6ta, wild tire opening up of displayea thsit on - Saturday. night. inwithin the brief period Of about even yearn of Messrs. Moo(ly and Saiiikoy, and commands of L Crib ant confidefice, "".Simon resent -year, when I hope to hava protected' ie 'a , for live cattle. toltigland, the.pol 'y Of rasing threeir them for their honesty all' rd stupid, ignorant andrabid h di. loq� of the. are able sue stims, who had been a !olred- here d ca R.- rnesbneog. --Snyr- --had, &-crOM an opportun of Addressing youi and biddin'g cattle will be inoto And-malro­u OP66 I-- ­ ddrogs�and lie ada�.ted 'I . , ; dieill:- tie, supper, Ora to a good- b�oAo municipal, honors, in their infanqy, tkey now Gnette to firb 0 the editor :�Christianity in not a out of 't 0063fally to compete with manufacti;i-es =4 the farmers will learn the.visao.m re. 't Mr. Dabourdieu, wag real log berq. himself pierflictly-to their standp�int A boy' nialsdWillialn SpurWay"w. 0' The Blibcaygeou,1100 to P! rammer for librarian and draving-rConis, rer till -, pendentsaso, , . I olying ICA exclusively upoubne crop. h ; t 0, scoo ev. Mr. . r. It was not t 'spoke down tor -their level. ' T6 gravlaly tli 'ng,maoliine the ­otliw, A Ife and son, 1Urjied lit 7our.,.inoijobodfien ervant. in any other part of the wbrld' L This t, I of his deat F nod tiate, delicate, sensibility.. 0 Ailing a throziii . yeidoo,'viith big wx ear#, L a car n his dijtjid6L for the purp.6%o ol'taking. up ROBERT CALLAIJDER,. caulfiel 11ad left here abo t tw od" the cultured Classes thatChrist himself preach- crticligo anofter, I to 'harangnoof lliv day nt I& Josepli Iluman% 2nd'lino War-' THE DUTLQUX FOR LABOAEAS.' m I Er b pure sophistry, and the conclusionn Kell6ggabonb-t on .. 0. length of Old -but to the workink people, the publicans, Intoxicated,wilib. Party wick, got his'lof b 111cauglitin the goaring' howlJ.ocating himself. ..'no arrived lu, a Clinton, Nov. lltbp 1915. L , ; . . character to a mob vor U gon drawn by.a pair of horses, drawn are ;*ithout truth. It is tr e time" AAermed ind tax-gatherara, and used the and aectariarf-fanatidigm Would be aup�rflu- apparatus donnooted with the -machine. w a -e, L P . The*Xontieal Iliat tlid wardsona illustrations whicli wouldappeal and in this on he had. all his- w TgutznAwas.—Tho followitig offidais of thOL If Me , W, all Sir ated,.fo rftilly, th tjo� orldly Englaud is a great manufacturing- coun- . ... to them most forcibly. ioarS. Moodyand ?US_ knoliv that -John can speak The atill was lacer. a 1 0 in effects. He its I olfi4PA Savoia- BOar- -Pit - fot- Service. Of the �Vage--earnin- class, ax- Huron Star Iiod#o of the Vnited Temperance Saukpy, or any Him di. in. a.sonsible, dignified and statosmanlike dles wore torn and abont an inch taken but Ordot, (late British Templars, but now united Li speech. bf the, large bone, jint below the elbow litirildred,and fifty ruilesi.- started try, but it is the circumstances in which. Uh the D. Atneiidin Order, with the' above rectly lionio to men's ponVictions, and, lead manner when lie �ohooseaj b from aL zernoto part of Kansas,, vAete lie TREfINDERSIONED HAS ON EUS 1pnElaTSES, eept'firnil laboyarg, are� dreary, and that wi - UnPon Road, 064arl6h Townshipt ono 4ilo from Ofent to amend iheir lives for His ooke., let us OiInL04, a ftot-clama Roar Rig for oetjcb� she is placed that has and ould 'have, been 11 caraire to the milltj4 T1 a skin was torn off a spliceabout thri )lad boon, caten, ng batlilblo -onabled her, hard ti them may be L Cipectea,- duly 0. Stevenson,' thank God for tho pr�achar, find lot his tAsto tude,'i--Toronto SUn, :inches loug And two' tbirds of "the way outof overythi in some sense,. compelled her to'be such. oil for. the.pre, 'and grammor take date of thorrisdIves. a und tbe arm Above'kho wrist. 0osArn RYE, tit Urra d6derleh was a vorY She has the coal, the iron, the tin, the The ChAthord'Pland gays-;—Las6 Wedneg, 3fn;.Mb . ony.. Aim Tim Ono day last week 6 young WOM&ft Of HOP seven years since to -settle on 1 6 have ��o sorrowfurono., H6'lo16 Port this winter. We xio, doubt. but se . 0. Stoidnsoii),;.Prosident. bbis, is -true, 8'fAloSt Mr. 13, McLean and hi's father flawilton. want before tho'nia-istrator and- *6 boUndl6ig- prAitiej And reaching Ken. Fy Mr. Af. Tolwnsend,­ .Vice President. ollowing story is going the roulid of rhany mm c .6,0 . or Jal business bag been oVer- Mri. 0. R. As., papers -Moody, in hi� fiKst Address swOVG that Dr-' asid some land. He found CAUt INTO THE PSW6tS--Or,TUn SID31. lea�, Abe copper, &a., &a., in geat abuh- � ao 07. . . had a spirited chaseafter a deo� in Lake Y 1)eYlinlil ofhA city, had� saetho purch t ay §t; dance, and a teeming popoulatidii. that -Misff IV. '-Ili Y to out hunting apd saw tDth-pir a a: III America, told the following'incident 'of niado an Indecent -assault ' on her� fter tigation-thett-the nearest water. to - 9cilionb. 101 20# 8th,,a6fi.Hn1letf, iftiont a month -on-=as done during the past two or three,' n hundred yAtag his labors in Udinburgh —11 While. in the Dr. big land Wait - twant�-fivo miles distant, affords cheap labor, who must be am- yea"g- they got in their bogto and had been bound SIAM a DAUXURD ROOLY STZVIt, about it yeak,old, Mr. Win. 0 r ,hapain eut Oft the lake, - when necessary, -she mado andthor stateo *1th alliflO whItO 64 forehead. The ownat Is horoby sons and immigrants have Miss A, Holmes $allot. went fat it with thdir 410go-i but the doer baffled l4dinlitirgh a�=an was pointed oiA toluo b which isido I ar to drive cattle to drink, Be Ubtiflod to prova proputy, pay chargas and tiLkalb 4*oyl, P some. line, swit be routed a farm in a more favorabl a friend, �vho anid-i--1 Umd`­ that Wall ill nicut to the eirect that tt­-wiisdonly'a 0 ]OCR loyed at something other.than agiialul., boon flocking 16, t1le'L�t6w4s tillhg are Mr. W1111. COAtd,.o ........ railanciell. them for ti nming' Rome two ntlAcy 011, t 0 Pit d anoter lity 'etatchip g alaig for dtitue, he lost 4$AS. U�CIAUGEMY. a I ve'ratooked, and -fidw a number must Miss Mi Trove, i i ....... Asalt Secretary miles Out Into. thi lake. Finally they, came - I J lrulldkf, $qv, 176h, 1876, turo if they are to be Maintain d 'a the chairtuarf'of the a h' A of liorgelf ail Mr. , Mulloy ......... ... 4 Marshall,. near enough to So I went and sat down bLeside It from tho.Drj- five -of his- Six cliflilron by black,spot-fevot, Fountry. A Was the question of sup- lo� proo 6 L to imo anti we I am a 9 A. I;iiLnmxiiir,.".."..D'ty'Alarshall, a rope round its hbruw4C,,-,j7u1fed tile. *d! wait of courga.lot off,'anl& the two -women Still he labored on, but when, the � grataw Stray, go tl rougli[ i 0 i-sturvat, Miss 'tL .,iai BU11. i a Car at their trial, f or v Plying ilia laboring opulation of Ru�- 1r. G. A. Varrowt..;..Quatoo boat talshore A It wall yo6atthlarneeting. Aroyounuticoncern- bound to app hoppers dat. tip oVery. bladi of green stuff coniftce theni that all is not gold thit then killed, NVeight 160 -pounds. The Messrs. odnbout�ourwelfarol' ITogaidliodidn'i ing-blackniail and for perjury. Aut INTO Tnr suBscAmpn's misn' a,, land with. .6heaper.. food that brotiglit . L around thout lie.oaved in, fitted, a -goo4 316a A6.11511 Statlono.Aboutthqx Iddlaof Oo- Ish UcLoau have Also very good.luok lot fishing,: believe, In a�heraaf�.o�. a 'id "WAX ?i ala glittergi abd that if.tllby"W� raftlil- Ur, Win. Hemphill,. .,Past Frobi u Ton- lrbo� Afoorat6wn corrosrudent of the ab6ut the ab' —Alady bringing in 600 pickotal, ht ofte baul at TWO cover to ag i, p u I It Ilia Wife and t be t a T, W 0 U OLD 11OLL, 0o owner 19 hore- olition of the Corn laws; foi W I allE It 'a tr, k 4 0 6 tain a �6mfortitblo axiatbridoi a fair rillo- RowpLimiltnS iECO= MIgeAul" rict got down-bil yotir knees Snrnia 8hys A lolicht4 lad� gurvivin a for door old id a to proO rrotirty) rayahars4q, land taka it It don't believe in 1�vayelrl waighing about d %Wald borercould toe of j�, 1$town furfilaudd,ug with Cracks, oedral of 'thd *6z ison ; 240 pounds 16ft the toWna Canada. 0, On thexallok It was very clear that if the JEj of. thl the following, %ay for you 11 tit a to Sttle AS ail eVido elln MU,86 -teooma, produc to of 'nod of. how letterilL are lidinetialen all I tri6il'unhuccessfully. to., get the man lidr,�Cousifl not be fed as dheaply thdre as in other -Alto oofl., fAbort two r4optug oiq06-A.. young man- , She kindl seftit'liot) ab lu and The Barrie Oct.,4$4 mayN -,—We liRva boon countries, mantrfAoturine-06jj1d, iigg-be' U who sent her li - Thoinson, brother of Mrs. OQliday of this iolo the, I ii fi d el an d proy d -f or'-fif in TWA 'Ult§ ALT HAUX111 �A�a to Sarnia with a load of grain1hat day o e pot t office to' Rea if there town, ind'formoili a residenif of Tuoker. it good'dealof sport ove 4) Arid 1. ia told 1111A to bpy some good clothes to" ivitli Wo following'story from, 8; orefoke'. if successful r CLINTOV. dofte as 104 ; th QViUftli 111URIEW was a- letter, Uo gob the letter, but having Smith, but noW ofCowley County, Kansas, met him a good iiiany.times -in Edinburgil � hiinselfnd new boots 4% he �edaoa them, rOliablo and wo give it,to dur tead. competition was to be continnedj there fic people Of a most point Ill accident on the 8th that, Well, Pa year*Ago Ust And while lie wangolle, packe tip llot, Ora'" 's samPle of boraeth" no pocket inrbis olotbogig4yo it to a Comport. ThA ith after no'cut of the' Ila-, f afol U&I run Of L Wild beagil T the Dominion. will bol ion -to keep till th,11 get 6ino. With child- 6f Octobst. Mr. Thomson had purchnie(I Whil6, lit irid iSorth of Sootlina) �' I fact. the' bad and b6ddhig, and hqr clothing, Rua adventures, Xvlr. must be fxee importation of fo' like lorgetfghlbomr 0 4id keep it, and going glad to-loarn th6t �Ouibord's bqdy was. ik throshinglilhohifte, iforn Mr.' 0' Will- man 'again. PllaoinT a John ])&via, a former ill Sullivan town-i1jip, ZONE NlVxHT ONL7Z a I u6thoi on a TIalt tht innia davf 1113�' ]'And On hiA kissed It r liftli ones good b�o, soma, five Edgland had onjGyad free trade is raninje=4 ill the Catholio'bilryink-g- r'o&d the letter woo carriod with himi the child'i and coltimanced to worli'vilth"it �01 the, prajer 7' go, replied;, 'There is no heyoungeat an Intent, and, told aild has'ah unoomfortable habit'of got hundrad years ago to the same extent mother not kpoWng he-1pia ff,' till several I g one son, of this town, ina'bac r t 1Iv0d it shoulder, 1 askela, , Vasti,t, God answered to be good children tluclloyo their county Grey, own*a,horae which ent A ori, - TuAtiy, witli6at the weeks after. ru iblo Way the letter was clh�r. the IA6rlllllg Oi the Aist day, jitst After God. - Iam just the same aSI always havo tl!ort left for Unclo agmg dominion. out Of Ito. pastnto field, The 'other - ght, she. does to -day, -she would have beft. o # . boon. I? you bdllovo in dod'anct %4gwer the former, -as an experimobt, led tho tied through boveW Stq the person to, stortifij, the machine, Mr. Thomson slas to I've a Wretched life, 4 boattless -wd. I lid 1110, When his to priyer, do no I told you ; try your Imild *&dstoplioaitioil. or disturbance& The whom the letter was Arofi;elto in the mean. olling some part of the 0841 horsA f6re fact; togother, tin. aft him, all far better off, both moral a* maieri man.0 liolice, a large body a tinia, being very saillou *a to'gt; Ara Answer to Cent NldevO -CA11911 t WWOA tW6 c6s, 41vw- crime.' (Well,' I said, (Uodta tima Will hopinfiliat big Acheope vT9, d ppriq one she had'sent, A fowat%_v 'thentooliinry. inud conlev Thord7aro-tvgr'datltuiiypiigylhg for, on lyorbd"of tit nngally. A writor in Lrarper'a -g ago thel. 194Y -p ng is. left. arft1ito re -0 length to aily'. ty6f,g c-ornmerce ria n afth that you are goin�, to Woduesday, midnihtof Mr. Jacob Gallia- in0 goes tfi t, night a p'aak of Nvl�tf Rtva his oil tho 861ags of seotlrku�l Mowolvos Vial e neighborhood, their iving members of 149 kanfflYt had boo' n well understood at the tim ' Ilia r6niaing. �Aftkr the coffin,hAd been tin to the person-4"olonged AmPllf arctl, 4�(' Whorl th4-16ttlif b6 blegs6dj Alx,moirths ago I was in. gor, north of Cornwall station. I aaalstbd'by the lotlo 0 of linger, did not, a6e it, And on going to' 11113 ntifd bythe Ocallpnto JJXsff I=, trN 1=14EDY .................. sornAlvo. ZtAitwA AponbAw.—After a number -of -from' this intotinati6n , Was gainedlo Li�orpool, and there I got a letter front the howls being ly�shwlng it aWre the elbow. The injured eancl I have f his �Adlliabitk, till 6. t d 'th the reVOICUO4 it woUld neer h -1 taken lowered bito place, it was covero& wi of AnuoyAlied, and inconvenience, the Woo, w.titt000 there were hopes of Mr. leading, barrister of Edinbi-gh telling. no liahl shortly at tar 'daylight next morning, avo Yeats C ry. Last year the crops, lie found a turke a MIS In of'Mv. DavhjN hoqoo.. 11i *116 larmnng, XTU MARIOU1 . ..... X691'11AWO. portlaiib cempn� afflr'90tAll- 'etildit oommittte uavdl put down a plank bide' Thomson's recovo that my friend the4nildel to and two hell MR. 3mvw itrmppy . ..................... �Tzuft. place i dirl'O howover, �oy had disappear6d, land 1ho .......... ........ *lit Ilrogd, illub Putting ill the section Seel ,, silio'ke proceeding from to ti of countq where Mr. Thom- Christ, and that, of his club 'of thirty uea T�o idea of protection b6in hoped, welig close to tho G.T. list alk"00 kvIngbusinom som� ........ 9 a bene� Vent its removal. , It 1, a to � bd a, stop to the teama crossing th4 sidew eon rosides, wero entiroly destroyed by hard by, lie made tor the allot, 4n(r`, loww-trAngaob IC 1316 Children, going to at. %�e do that tfill will and the in so to be olosa to the of%tiolf�- The busses, ex. save nioq#_had,follpived his eample. Row lVho wMperform, sallootion of 116 to a country is eo*.abaurd th mattor. grasihoppergi and Ilia amongst the rest, se it had happiifrod lie cculd not Soy, 4tit the tmnipa round 6 fire oil which th6v had 646bl, hid obAbion; to pass by tUagagkuro dios, mawgaig, 4iia. itstlionizod ' ' I . 11 � !, Pre 36 waggoll I &P., will, nov have to stand.!�ut whbreasho woe onco bllind:now bo;amild 000klng� the pdultT.y in a till - bdilor itoloti. told ift which was tile branch horao, and not think that any but shallow th on the road, unlosi fho,'fallraga unthotitieff rued and pr)y.,." y . otbantnondo at S.' Admission 25 00 at. ifilf6ft g to worst possible time, Ilia p2anj friands in, goo, God has nuaiieted the, from his doorviny; Ile retu i6memberinq the Visit of th Grdat, dablAgo As beari done to �roi)prty ma (a some i�ora couvoniont way ofadoeo I did dutiAg. thin not know how' it was to, be and the few that will bd aoladftily bene. ll Vnglaud Ireland and b 5 ill platform,W idh they lu'oob certainly, ought a vVill deop�j ayijlpathi�o vid ourod, armed but found �oAqlft thd nitlit, the* went lit to y floodf -hing--ill AF ton QUI ORTI!, Artho4he-til I v, 1-b-alf6vWit �t� " gain aA?b1y-.--Thara woo -the all A They Wore, however verraken 'Platform without right enough, uibl!geds On Tdogilay laht, Is �lr. Obatloo Wbitnoy — !!! i , 0 *,,*, � but stafidin i 0 1 y gart or obstructing the otirobb, Va- undev Wag engaged !if lao 11,g eavo-tro on the, Vold to L non. to lghb acki 0, Singular petition AWAY off in the -field XING OF THAE"WeEKLIM. Diii Xho ve,, 10840 11411kali tot many I A. lot of Toxin; horses r6eautly Tito children apprOached, lidaparo'hod tho the -theory. Wo wcifk� ph the stand that most Gtfel)t attv*46111411U Will be noV oatmoaX mil , which is close to the fall. istfAtt) to mtad06' f0clIvalt tout? indirthte' o6 a h r4re lad at the, LJ?. & B.Z It'. otation,.'bere, for way traoicl the eud of the JAddar, on 4411ch he h6iao'o appearAndo, seemed motd'stranize, le-Weeldy e 1100spaj, 'at6nihotiaek, PUtpCA, Pit jn$t fig he liftilL'Silou Out hi "Ax� L 11rizori,at At Idet they li� ziigl ri T1104 qt *hle ddridIng Woo*oatl T thoroughl� UnderAtatid aily Oth r V to-Approach-thdPlAtfolk -without inter 6ldly dame uploa6l, and die jonic-dilir puU11.6406h... ark. of pWalea is meeting. with An yolng'. itish bi the approache# for foot travail Whitney *an so engaged in 10 work ill at he The Pi "tath tile did not notion'In ifirto that 4 train'vAd Coming' ant1luaillaiia f6boptir)II in Indih but fijo Jn'L amA4 Goqrgo kentatior covered the cause of the afilmal'i sErqngo tha gh I Eted mkipi o 4tDtoodan on 'Wodues. baudiltion" A large vijd��r tIOft Of momanti 401181(terall1a th6oght was I—" Bit MOO Oioth and W away It is top be hoped.tht the Authorities ,of � or OFRIT$ Vo mail givoth up oitt and where I ir#` -long will, olthet rotoov'o the Atatiott. to it tr to ick on whiah thd lad'der'restid, taid ulov&noul day MOrtil iocting, himself t 4!1dJA W nia oomowhAt tlyleirtaill br6ugh' his tore foot, �inuQ`l. 'A gr6lind. Mora or Open tip'ALWAY bouttIttairt owltif to tho. provalondc'ef allolor& Uagnifteent Portrait of this Qti�bbu to bib, n6as and tolly, (of jog' to a , the lio a ltvil'the t6volver, , 116 had. boon go to spoal% b� th, 'given 6wasr, tag u 14triots, I . . A todoty of mt-phtaro has boon form6a at td. the west aid of the feot_of, tile bottom who# tile WbdoIN Of the the 41 A. graa,4 inapy people drd fadudoa to It a k WOrki) Rith tW6 son$ of the Ret. Theo, llfilhAi An4'ioollid 14 sitoll, o, way that 06mblouir, in Bolglum. The niambatu. tit. ant stric tb'014dderikhookifigit(16*n�tilid 11' ftft 0 L og- 'Cloutiloo frofA *iiok to Weok TeldVAPhlb flb�Mthaty of I radot. 000i'A Weak Slid the prada6diUglik ' XjJw GOOD5.—At the UOILC0041- :001310 hag throwing at. Whittley'nordsathi rhil in frot ia a Wildd bY 661atteglor C%P6Wi6s, ittipodWo, The plucky equine become supportets of the proteotl6 Of and of tl�d, 11 1 01 toem t. t, lilL r whep tTowomd white tit work in. INtroit ith 0 tmo a to have Ubot. had dMolltly boon Attacked by tile savage %ftilliad Intollig6tio% lAtoasting Coffiydef& are. wound up by agrail3 (?) batilqup which list baoir opined no* Dr400d 00041fll' All W061 rbgtkAble Anjuial hold 4 # hoatifig a0d, lid1loVing ill of tuit aenclous -wide, At. 60 o1b., wortb; 70 - nevo, Ptoaoi!60 of Mi 8�'JrAo 'L When life hor8o'POW6V soVtvYing n1uhino, turna ea tinaer'n 4olubion otioa won 134, 9 WafAg ovAlAtA of the dayl Chi .0hati an for tb6 fill- oy) all 'A bfutday and after a Jallant,figlit he haftot. '114d *ffiqda.V$�' new the laddarVa ilomft 4 1616 of Cold Wdod lilion the that $4 000. h4a - bobti loft hi, lie hs,4 itotlltl d6phftW6nk A&ROAt Uplok 06 Ida& thAt they tied thug hoophig-tho prolidnolit osiddo, This LuotraAf hQ* Jl ru6k by the date bring4 to, illrow i Ail 611�.V 60tM his, la -ma lantal but niatingod, 'lit A thb jtt(.,f�At of th6 06ttk the oklanipt of the 91 porhoglo Society, ShiLw1j, bdot,valdo, t6 be founit 1 9 brilet of' ing it against his bo anif 0444 illoyh1gilm chfiw, lit doll) *AL bal ngaA f(I len4 the l'4Qfta to dledrolit thlil $ifla(llr Way JC CAP(lito'cl . almitttorliln tr g oa ho Icat hl Ali- And arra to' X0 Ono -y'At isha§ to ddetf by the rra adlon &tt4oh6f to Oothwill thtoiy.plt 06m6pob4aAdo t-641 All artAt UtIsh thd Rdrilgu In-' monqla the cottlittys duppoging that If w grAl nags, the beat And between the 0 1iii 11m& aloo be fell. Upon t1to how, wlii9h *Aggof -fill[ p4rtios,, and in '*no or two instailooer f1tori, being Around to rollovi the h6tse -he had 40066" 0 r, $ the fur- heaviest bag# Ift the, markof, itt OU6 per doz. 90 out of the '04� hototo both o4ti4� by"tha spodd, . ;T46 satr bttodk tho be iiai, be- pthgos, had boon prepared, Uls,aald that to hold hilt 64ptivo till 30. 1)4via returned 01�qa pot, Auliluodi rilige Orrin, I thO Mcindy to p&ro11tad,frddk golng,bil� iftit`zibjoq�t learned, Belgian bile (under the roghlAt ptlobj f "f U� *"A ilio. h 0j ) Ui felt Hats, th%t wh6olso'but hO doasloot hhdw 10 1961, 1411a, in 4A in tit 00b b6t1l: lie )lad beOonla ohyAgad 'to 4 young lady —Ova houp—whon the molt W49 dexpm�h'. "Allatica, of 18 is, rleoa� OrAd dowitry -a;. florAl goOla MUSt bb Won At the P4149 tot the Ancient Ara hitio, 16C mon Ana lityg, Aafiopp, tot moW struak,on %ho back by 000 'of thd hools Aria ato, thd'bc., SV=Nfill) AtIUMbot to fha- I a # log$ 014. owsonialived I aboutflew Who AVAS pr4abing for go ma noof 'that 116 64, him 4041P. taken to a milgl6tv, noftlab§L 16f at) ate 106'.A44ionod with and boy#, ihw taluk tot#, 10ift $90- j$w Lim. dightly, but idot sotioaly, in. itralit 404'46 1$' L. i Nest f6y,1$76, V111,66 1ptaltki6d vo'lth Ic liral&f t'a filofto and tho bxAvio antimal, tteh�* of QtYtJ1J;, saa a its, it4tion in ball tho "atilt, The, % -ft 91 W, 40 At t new ov4rooitilji, ha* agellikible to niti �10644'. 110 hod, All"Utda, Thd wisb life delloo I tit's gotfor It- fri)fa tho Jkli.6 heInhilliftarlis bi maitin U$ ioW A Ilarrow 6040, o.ana a., gailint aht tat, iiii, oub t1lb IA4ta- tllat we Was oft � t Ok of lild likothar goo# ed to A the 61- VWTORTA hokil0*10ag *Y All L4,01,1F, to b Some, WAS milt it 4 ilho but. 6a of' th&J, h-6 lii%d 116t gob afty' friondy, c6ptl on t1to. iiatk* " th 12 * W &a of liubonipor&W 4414 Oil bf I few bM 6*41 0104 41Z Alally to] )U1101 -mL ipiali a 6uglaoil ik'aot�o�t - and moyloal traly is nat to. YaAvk Old, w4t a wil 044 of Anbod tot 6 vs- #"t4 At PrAp 46misma nwoiag thi WAS int6*146ta­ Wad a W no ataundd tot, 4xpoolhg to, ,jii horld 041114 toid tho lb t6t likkY0110 d4y :Abd hila Aa at, I vskil PAIIIINA 6641 WON) §Ak so- a. Tt t ren propo"e I-rdl.g( iny tat d TWA, It. n yt'ef 9 a