Clinton New Era, 1875-08-19, Page 4"qWW,T-r1 T "'�VPT7.,T,-_Tr—_49 W-711047' -1- Alt, moil I -A 0 Tax 14 japroylsow 1110 flAro. to, (19sth with hoop.sgirt xua a perst % W9 wot' to sea onterftise,,oand Vieso who 40"A't k44Q.*bOW to ifudlq a hoop, .00" of ointo or 00 JIXAMN, mor4o live, hirt bvttor thiiw'that dimoryao pr9014041, XUOU TIM 4MI 11 X1110"s At - � I an vas, Tea to woo 0SA00Xu v - oSO Tea.g,l 83 Econ ad , wil IN -am. 10A01MI. llhutlio r= b4z. . - . :E,'', T hatrol times live 40010,�'Ing it. obork the yory vemsily nood4o). Wt only f that (Ate. o proof of thlit oAA be x4 a')NO win judeModont time cSO two 11144 Mae 111 "boring 'at 4tioed, cot ma, Brando ruy Is oon;lQed on priml .. 't m 101y In bet to, the villogo 0 The most, �1414?v ow., tho at rd Tea Company by Rumnlating, tile form. to., town, AM atteft oxf 0404 '61404, flul ft I OJAC ;tipi 0E M811 living with any tjoli� god, Ono. of them, Isomillf to o�or hold in, Loudoi, Ono hundred 46 kept AN . I ... .. ov ""_ p OZO TO INVOUX THZ PUPUCTUAT bt bo, man of the ti�o, inqu red MAIO wets exhibited includifigoua Which oconoiny. only to 40 uoto03'stom, Nina AN the g9o0ast ORT# IN V, sit there wore Any. W14OW-6 or orivil. 0" wh t to iaiA: But 0.0 formok five fiarts, of'milk A 447- The "0 L IN T Xr. W, 116*al r000r, 0114tQ410 ouisojo ton only gopa 9140, Wow 100#03 hovs bo#43401A woujil Uke; 0 1114111ge in - no AssQo"Ident hog been wads 04 Ito P0.11474,to 4"0 lot T - flesh of' the: goat is extremely three years and walf,vidloo Ito calli and prqis[;�� IL 1404, more pr noeRc11"t vote tor, paid Ito; Wa f4claa here 11411 the notoet TORN, Im rtQ4 *V012 rQ too have been apoontioul4tiago, while the h P41 M14 d thot, of the ki t osaA"Wife. (W PUMP MANUFACTORY milt, C sea on towto, ougm hag rqoajt, proNided bo L,49V Ilia m9ney-WitIl ' liefirt found og QX or a I Or, IT, 30 upolftmbool but the act Lila tie 19 to 15 nolit $10.0 lortue Vtale term Of t rag josrod W44 On. oroolp any, degrie,of li.40r0tibrl, . Tbero is -no roftection the itituip, Of a cortoll, bit.berv) has been the. leanness ... 01' 1 MR 11 11 quo, t a d, ea W. the A out 14 County of, Alurona ATIA 40 on"904, AT UP 4% Is ow propavea to IV, 1 110 erg. MR, 1ATAP tA Apoolot Itim. lov wboso troONA401 no ario where One hurt- bereavool ne w1ko given 49, is! poosibiltY- eRoad. hereby Inform the public, gotio, XXIJYj that With 1110rQ4804 facilities 644 A Ard-01404 loulars Apply by rag 04V4 or- of , etirb000t drpod, tp. Ono: bousarid dollAm CQU14 mot h%,Ve ery litt], m . I 4V widower,and his WOW VOPAII704 eat go its, bones, but otoickof M*64411 thor, *to pieparod. to =04, SA4 pat 14 11940100, 94LY to in 'A.oaya 01A V. ly )lease of tho, 01 b! IORK. XA6OX, -'ely situation bf SHORTHST 140TI and 04 the X09T A's ceAnL00 , #to -0 ri 0 It be sorrowful W!4.QW ; the r% the -oil NOV _17 Or SUV41% of QYOr` 11800, Vti U4 0 perfect 4� breedin � Me c4 g go , refully All the Ch�r� kid illy. inIn western Qat killed -and cooked ill be Is be 4' responsible lif the com"14 For Porth at 04. 0 "_ fifty/ per was told, 104 It. GILR_ OYIS, 'WATE NOU -E to retaTA twenty to notpriatIC4.6f can be "IV Tgaus. Cied eOth tt towould be A tlw ofai VU*jX ITO R )K tAllo 0 Yrur X fox 10 000 Lotlid . U with two anthis,,io ne among the 0� 41, W .. job, of puderd I Aiiiiii wili-41wkiyo. return. pw Will I yQQ Marry this, gf have in ylowl. skop. coot, Q41 toony (4) ilea, and ot erg bu, Ite-entbor 449, Old 0011111 ANA URI 0. a own. ati uo�der mat orleall and the' in aption jeoto tillit the promoterij of tile:�40' ittex$ 4091P to A. Nothemon"m X10.0114, r4iniog:; Ana MQtb ovj,tabje uo Wsslow OF $�J 0 13 t There 10 41 )f the, verily,'� jbp gub4tim6o i WOO, it wentoll vcquiro,fivo About tw6 weeks since Mr. Xps$Qn, 1114yeir,14go,returiv 14 oralulug fill lItud ucresponse, Wit 0o to Jill praviou$ engageluents, itfid .61,9-4e0jior at the X. plid XXNANTS OF SILK t1lipty-throl;e per, Weeks. R, end f five office,at Des. Mines (Towit),,boo�nve Large stock of good 1101180,hold FtIppiture, itC4 'ain Oft 'bO bQ11911t at a' )0110' At ha smallest living child Malture.0 en home luallAfactuiii, in (Is of 6o4sonod material. P-OPIAINSI, Weeks the inatrill.4011141 knot Wag jQyf4llV thQtitik 11 0 tho NT �11 pay, Ono bundred,por fide, li Do o!nQoi It is iaX0 WASHER -0 A Ono' mtoo widell wi tied., piovingthe nterprl4o to liQ -6 P) ever born j assortment of imported work, isvelt gboR, Wholl Wood 4114 0alle seat 011 SIA99, 1401114' p,,arid another the affair fif GRENAWNES, All colbsi4 takeis tit its lli)ud, and and th little Chap Wei the first Oro inel-01180 "Ces. -Nots, -adl9s, " .03604, 6pring Qat,- ill . the, to.. happi g9o, What Ql Matti per c Made acquainted. with this: wicked world j �,Tathle.qif the farm. ., sornoctilli0l, by 11jr- prollip, oe"01 ecision, ana earnestness. ou SAVVU). IS. MONEY' N usti, Pr i e, STUFF* exactly two pounds. Itissoom a Bado, Qrvod Bracketso I Q An F1 &Q�; all tb io�o. Ah. extrik hanil for two ]MIAM4 091.1- , 9 1 Art, of "o %%,Ito fili.4,14h lkolve lain Para- framed with Gilt or Itoobwoca'alool, SUITINCTS, t�h b to Avelnen All. 1�ustib cent joko-lik-op d6ll! -Its-- -featAre each as ii.egipro hor 'nine tuav be Inoduced , iroli, � sit long an(I tho OtAl UINO e city on the part of about t et thong A QlRjEAT WANT FILLED or Plain, repAre's, inor ra 41 fair onej srvo polumiandation rather limbo 'ounte, 1M. 0 - � I I COB t e are propo-r1i It is lively Wed value divert to all wha mqy OTJRGS1 -G 'UST -bid' i properly QOP1494, ilAn is RIM' tO Any tion It I sa . Ice T whibb, foi- its own sake,,Arod for t. a het Tiamont Washer to Ind -here health of tjQpy Ul _-RINTS,- �oother,kind of burjness and, yet there is labor savloag 14 Taluett. in. "cQuintencting It to the, M orafton of t�40 V n---------- public I can 'do �o with fhe fullpot confidence In' Ito 0 its, excellent. parents, Xr, and Mrs,: OCR$ Absent Noustrus, , a, diseases. no.occupatign wberein_surpl.us Ability to do its wtirksatialaotorilyand Itt'a 11144417 of 0INGRAMS Kingston, girls are opposed to 1141 known - They are Prepared d be in let, or system, ill that city, With the greatest caroo: under the personal$upsr, 880 1, we trust t ary'la the old way, which the eotimony, as Female Weakness, tan be used ith gre4ter'ptofit ll h 1,1611014160111"Oh%ye it in use in this I part of the g.oun. 4W-11ITE COTTON13 That 7aroiiug g the 'a hav� Another railway engineer -bas shown. at Im.411da -h Visloil of a physician iyho has m entirely �ufe f4oin logs, I The id one bf el"'. �, of try, Go welt sio. other parts, go to adprort, Ads fetal th te f FA COTTONS, stimorov of hundreds 0 letterw t ;Yt the house Then iv hord, A trairij. On Friday, ases a,special study for mOY It, has been tried IA competition wl t go to the post offloe, And wron't have waselito ug-Oinclnnattand�as running claiming to do the. work. Andpo far as our. knowledge Are a BledIcIne. On Titoloh I �J) Ow. J.GW ,t6 Ilse t1feir oesit has saw T atfiwks -% Ito Ir n o7o been awoosofal. not all I y bxcose for goingfiown, town. with cOusiderable sReqd� when, on reund� �R capital' vrofitfally. That it does it is simple, durable, And easily, operated; can be. SAI -MN a chil(L apparaMly.t�Wo�And placealuzr easily -ABA llnioay of luillions-Inor i0g-a ci qa4 depend the, litty, I the 00 -Tile Aubur -Ader vashboaid; canbe workeAto great advantage. n fiar-, A an no ng 11141f, or throe �Cars old was, discovered =2 by a child t,%,elvo years old, thus jn many cases liberat- vbb. ilem-oinstriste their iwsition most temarkable case of pre enco of inind v- , -. FE414ALE RHOULATOR. Lug those of more m%turb years, whosetime id4 strength are r4alred Irk 01 tlx tire rigli t—* �7,as dispTa�4 by,it'geolioln . nu of Svra- igipeor too ( LOOK part 61 house work; Those �h H or one box, 81;,,fjlx boxes, 8§; pent Conclusively. 0 bhev acpaitin6iiia,tiom the most labor-' ing to I, a, whilaiii Ais city-- hundred fLet ahead. - The-ei a egan earse -bet) L lie *4 foul. 01"fin on the tr k. 4 it distaneQ U K' 1E.R.-TAKING" joloitlg� Gail hhT6 ill' DIM t9vor-m4exe.. e. G e n em in In Qqs0,.n66 long oin I f H* " �yimlttlt_ R, adieg -lie tile0lod- be adopt, tooted before buying, froo of charge. ftom the aboioi qua ti in the, situation at a �luhce a d i�ev6raoid very no Shropols,'clocap. Funerals jittentle(i free Of postage p.ecurely pealed from qbserva oil, Making be cn the street sidorationo, I confidqatly r000mmend,itto the pal 0 Are'lan at the can and all furnishings. oil h d 'At.rbasduabld- ZRor full padloul Which u added- to^ later than, I his engioe,, rdering' Agents wantool, 0018100ory pay to responsible *an ars Witte. for our PAMP1114 a 'good deal of j, agnl6t is .11 . tau �!e wa apiroaclied by rates. .A largQ stock of moulded And we wiffioend-In, to any address Th,6 a' a wQuId,lio ove. goods must be cleared oi-Lt iNsIDE O TWO WEEK$, to .1 1 - I a - same motVent to take of it. lie. woeitled envolops d4ido.-which Are the.- p0st R., Ao LEGqFTT.,'_. on hand (tri her CA racOptorvoot qtu,-!) to Pre-payretuan Postage'. 110. C int6p, JUtibFflbb, I . 875 silv6r-plated. fa * I 'Goods, �s thi P am,, a mr4ed.to suit). el ace! for -'Pall ing the speediest avlim�ba to tile 146t, and �.by tbe4k ri,itiouro, or, otherwise.,. Mdresszll. letters for pamphlets orpm to., make pl Vveekli3tait. talking- OOA� An . ed hilwwatch. The oiitl"n snapped aud, will In which is repid iii the the dii'lua was reae"brid 'the 'a' wos,S6 WILUAK ORAY & Cj3 W rat it quill tooth , Remember Ue� Sta treet, oplio- ant to h4ve-them sold b6fore -I finiSh.' I, have also in -pick which he had'hi his. nd Albert ng, �x�epting 'the the propli ilkino, 3jjj-jSj 'siteilick.rket. Windom. On orcp- reitlIj �686 110thi hand twice'behinol Me We reduced tW at emomenthi, Myth 40 k" as if cook- STBVF THOS.. ,NSON Bold in Olinton by J MES. Ir, COMT1t, ind by atf in ing a revolver, and po use of ile mon s. inted A cigar At sprang 09,, graspodilid' child an'd switlig Ditiggisto ov6rywho'je_ Northrop,&, Lyman, Toronto, I Clintozi Aug. 26,1873. himself and. it safQy' optaide. the-rai , uder ;his. most a an 1JR-su. uviatment thus.. $he rufhan,,wbo immediatil took flight." bacrilior begs to. to y -ounlelrotils cuoho-- w�hilejbe engine VA!se4 on. Taiacbro thanks t6 his, irdge& in. h ii�udfik; tCwnshijs vma the 0 SS -AND --;SHOE%� will I. ish, capital for still' further im-. -FINE. LOT OF BO 'T who �rere in. in�msys in. t 6 purro� a in some- -liberal, patronage, -The following stpf7 ig'fro a louis-, liq,gooerillkfor their e eating, wreck -in; tlie� sea near;: the ilia -a-, or- 'IT, noP 'Both Men', -OWi d thing not bringing an immediate return, Honoret, on ilia "French andL WOMI 't is, veiy ex- -and id further y thopin-that-be haS his "' certainly won foll ng Or er emients to C U will be only so involi addition.to the I of. S traordinar' eUberl. Thi ativOspliere lately added most important improv Use coast, werei se,iZed bj, A, gigantic bb4, been,,surebargdd. with nio for his XuAohinory'by putting in a new. boil or -200, -Pat -o -eii�� adi wbi.chlolutA�40-ttiom, double tho��-poworheretofori use, nerally to make', imprQvemehts Boy P- oarse, B Oot� veoll 5 WO R- K S L". One of. such a long period of tirne..th�at.' ata ny other im. ortant.improveme... :A for, them t? in&. in :its alinly, biollboui tion. in general is not:enly attaWigg- o the I a9sL Millers, lie is prepare o derite, return give only 4 me -75 Yotith's Coarse Bo fortunatel*y hadLIlis aria free,' aiid. is to, A�.be, mOSt the investment unless capital rank luxuriance, but the do first-ol"s work in rang - thd alarni .90 bather -Shoes, ,,in unlimited quantity a iuodorata�pro bill, which brought Women.?s ehcourage4 into sp' -NC down. a crowd of divers; - armed with 7ega 1 OPPIN GTj $0 r ickman at the Women sline PAble.-Ociat Shoes fitable "improvement shuts the doo pick, —tit wj�ich they., cut Iniax-LIX60 C - ! 16- ylinilef �Thr6s4ing. Maelai as an WI iAe� ;;� , �i- -4 lots Wei It M 'SPrunell-i§� th& g ed,in.and out. :.Parties, from. a it . i�, It in bhl 0 PI n 10ombbiAtion-wid Vibrttil' Ines again t others wbic uld 6 Louis le-11Rtel, reports very singula ' WO ' On! al�coi Cali have their grists o e with or ter. ' 13a long.as a farmer iscramp6&by monster' t '*see as fort d instau6e of� this fact, , Vo :hhe, �ast ast only 4ak what' to6 measur"o three nitres. the same�day. Good Flour aiid Mill. so. them lack of capital, he in) cc eighteeii. rabixths' one of his hbrses, � bag read always fdr sale at mb.deratepripes. of A OULTURIL DfthMtNTS *41wa' It '4' 75 Infant's Sho es will pay, but hat will pay.. bqsi, and 'Tile schbortee Pamlico, of ChicAgOi worn 'it straw-siiu:ged-, patauWtatli'r -cot. ys On an W a200L, r Oes'' quiekest. 'If a good fence prevents. that city . with- a cargo of' lqr urittilit liall,becorifte somewhat all L Geht's:Fel,t 'Ove'-Sh' wofn, L_UMBER� To meet theklittge demand for our celebrated Threshing Machilies,. from Deal n ,p "'WOL;ll Gbnt's Rubbers-,— its cost corn for Livei 001 n, the 1i iil� of -Aay ['a parts � o 17 manuring or draining a. field, The c6llar was taken from tbo-animal may be clear waste of 6ioney, 001ai as U4;,'.a'nd - ar d - safely, bu t iohi The 8ftlisoMberwould also inform tho'pub- f ilia i . on, Ave, by-thointroduqUontof -the latest nd most approved in 1116ndqy afternoon, and hung up� ill' ;.160: Ladies� Felt O*er-Shbes`i,-,high bAtt6n, lie that -he has� a -Large stock, of timbeir df, mi�hino�r into, our, W�Cr�s, greatlk ineicasod our 'manufacturing facilities. We, ihei6fore int'profit is concerned, In fact, upon -her return she was b own. tw* ..y i0 4W different kitdsaud, lengthe': kinelrom, 10, Ition. to fill all or ors Promptly. pres ice the,'gtable.' During the- ncyli t the str one ts.for s6il: - across the Atlantic and L had '.get ro�, i in A posi of the strongest argurnen it. the collar actfially dprouted oll� form' of to 904b.... Hemlock, from 10 to 26 - Cherry, "bbeis' U t Vilite ,an, ing U that i U invested' pairs each ti v' ferakin to tl esti latitteritu -Ash,map 5: Chi t nloeks� capital. 1XIVint EngI6.4d.L Finglly h le, Sofiand Rojk .eU egatab)e I -aw 0 'to a 4 and ihoi ghly, tested, before le4v4ng, the shop,, an a in far ing-, atid allows morwprofita�le on thaAhird t - I Ella, ia-lengths.to suit he publio,,which cn.' Every machiL NVAriaateil ..give ria U-Mc-c-eMb-4 in which it was stuffied.. C * 6 aier?n. able$ hit;i t 411.,ordors �tfikt-ha- -may -be r who-'devo- ei kohing Cuolied, A 8 Y oyage. 9. ro amisradtion., TA use. - Ili -the and the f$ Lb. �ant. bis'-hbre�collai' 6ild raise favored with on tho shortest notice and most.' As 1 -.am' go o -tit of this line of trade be Mi ing kpdiis�skilj and JaVot 'to enriching the lasting- fifty -fire da,ii.. ile� owner!'at Ought , . I - � L t " L' Ali e, t zh�. V �'-Pos reason r o etting -900( S a, yolir'. Own ]Rrices.,: rim hicagqAever g; soll Could easily surpaSe all othert in 01. ive--her. lost, al ­ Movement 2h most of a0 PO n indsville-pijbILfeilli 8 extra- g od the'i com fdk. ri� V ds;�', -The, his friends 64 done10 0 S 6 ZIN else tolle 8 u ars,-Wi 61.4 UP& e 2, 2 -til" It, tileril. is io begin with those methoc �-veai­fioimoady-fok seasick Harres: , 4T*1bot-Cotnity7,Wvd ilea a' :to V day evening, a Is CA which pay the best until jougal; capital the Jburu4l.dw Havre, is a -We ha . a heard, th . V tli LL' MAXiL . V AND �G.Zt riksox, OH E_ aMACPHERSON &'00.- CLINTOM -do. everytbilig w1ii h pa THF, Y W OT' Q oerad.. T46 i's oealong t6 late tovilt to ys., tdr. At lash b en"Ldise the line of that'if ill' be kafe 'and pleasant: to . d" _' L" . I �of, wa and doea.Aii Talbot, an L arres -Counties ERY.GOODS OR COMING. FILL:WFOATHF-IR, Yfithj4ja State t1le''Wa W algrined. and are all the tooki a good many otbjer ithprovements, constitution of tile i44ividual, the merely for appearanoes'and -without re- ity. t uffe C more or-lois liabil the ground- to 0 .0 -L arr itch _0 Q* r fro5ra that haadug WOO L d Bard to com rehensi* In. . . is. g,majady-.- The Ulowid et in ;whd, a storm threatftea,, the GEORGE, P d* GILROY DIE lint the rec vo!, a6'wi W1,x the - report Wa C Op"Aug ipe fat'� V Tolugh weather ng . , other a .1 we nillIV Ztftiui to, s TIrg -Chloral, three grammes; olitilled. wiigro�:' 0. rrec i its: -01 8 Mas ftiffbXV -A ,-t t F ORA T 1 *1 as fifty a dt Maker, syrup,, sixty, tm6fiftiluess.. e, assl#bd� us thit most' )iYEA eT�i -WAS Ono day; as Zachariac Hodgelon eyery family hAd dtig into, the ground a' C urc 0. large. hole,from. five,to. tan fo -f -codf 'and owing to tbe'SiZe General Dea er in Fu�rjzilure fast, 6 purchased a Ine, Ish onvinloarking, 'the family.:. After gr4n:imeg; Fiehch essence Ofmint, t'WO ally avocation after break- ipi. �Aalf tl!W.-mixtureio 6 tl'*k wt, pquai�, WOOLLE going to 1�18 a MT R -To �C NTON N sent it home Witfi� diri6tion e un er3l C inl�ibltintg of CHM6 and surrounding eouniiy thai they, d 1 4 beg t,;inf6rm the to his wife Ttto b it cooked for' ainluer. * As' n- A -Trenton _(N. J.),paper has th, i , a 1aking out the dirt-thoy take off a foot haie enters m6L ave Co. Iv� returning thanks Wd rb t Co-Partnerohiplor the purpose of carrying on the business of maintfacturerg to big numelou"fria a an Ono- Ana Added aiiot;6 of.Chrriagos�,,Buggies. Waggong, Sleighs,.o at M Story': " 00 L Wedne or t*O df th( oomors, for past favors Rinao starting Ili ciinton,tvo r QuAom,baeding Machine, and oj.ix,6,r lake Cry, to w a is a sing'ulAr i sulifade 'dirt all iliouild the t hit" I yi day On tters, ft., in- all-it"arl6uw bianchdo eir TATticular kindof cooking was. proacrib-, a mill, and lisylug'fitted up allil PlaCOCJ�the Jo(I6fo in firit-iolitsi- running order, we W tif"Saintial' A lligoti, near Yrd.' topj cut-ao, 'hA9nd*ooAhaudjk I -old stand'. Hurdn Street,'dfintoo, undei'th style itnd fivir ed, the good ew larg�­tre6,� square them. yegiro.ago,mouli; Intimatio anx the of� m appetfully inform the farmers of :thq'.stirionfiding country that -he 'a no* prepared to anif place the logs side by siae until rely coybied ][-A d& whether she boiled it or' made, it Ville; n thig coifility, a man -,'employed 3 TUllni�g. With fo�jll the cave is entirdy alool seen WELL.' SEILE CTED STOCX nChowder, her husband would1jdola bar, eli the Place' wal s cloth 'ape Me SL wX he ;Iii be' 8��ied' t g whenhocamehome. BubsheresoivedL, �a fiftor: go' ' 'h - - Witilthese thlokl9go,' After laying t eepp No pain o execute Work equal to Any in the Dominion. Their Ion logs. ci�e r they, cover them w ith sdu'nd,: 4*4 wanIA respoetfully ask An Inspiation of the same. enables thbiii, t6 fully underitand the requirements of their cost and if .-ve "imd 1VX.-;-Lir)L-txth Lro coca in the Count�r l :for onqe ssiW, and opeh, when a bee or some other nOect en iuch'pIank-. and cover, tbe,�pld�k w they liopeo. by strict attention to' bitalness, to- give entire Satisfaftion to -all thos=may, tnordorccu Wep-oir save. flow,'into'his, linputh and stung him 'on W- re to minifacturin'g LOtJN0S,vhlchdor dotrability r`o latiror them-witlithel pit on tyles niul- vitilt--some.dif; -the, bhelgL rain ifid-aomfort,d ril different a -% - dyooT'�elltl,*,,.,,:b�tate-jLt-the -hen a cloud or cheap so "art kl.. Articles throvz� on- the delect stock of the 1�egt And was swa ot <3e., a. jLd iju- 11ie'b eisoned maieriiii 41ways om hind, 0rolersox6cuted' Ilowedj and.theelements look threatening, AR ficulty procured an amphibious " and� strange to say animal -0 1-4 t witholesp4oh: Uepq�rl done. ontlib shorte't ti from the brook and plumpled it into the 'very few minutes afterwitrolea, tish quit their fields, houses'- and. V69'ationi, a no ice measles broke ou f r on, An n Y 0 similar to and see4 safety in. their Aark caverns 6 'As he employe good *a km, - d uses- ime b 'at t over -tli� bait pod materIA1,10 dau therefore'wariant a the. husbanil ;come- golso pot. In due thb a -* dishes Were Uan!s whole bodi. The finilily did the. Cho, 6arth..!' W.bik-toboofthabo4td000riptioulatid,wiUiloishrink,� home. Some cover d 17 11 by placeil on the table and with a, frowning,. �esb they could for the inan.unti! a p 9W R19FAIRINO. DONE A -S USUAL. �jsi siciah arri*ed. At the last.accoq* 110. Epps's COCOA.-�-GRATEFULAX10 COMFORTIN as L� oing.very , ve ton &c.,- of first-class quarlity, whichid Will sell,or exchange for wj@, fault-finding look,Ahe.moddy "our. 'Fla will also keep -011 hand a full gtock c-thotoagh7kitawledge ofilid biturl 0 IRTINGS, F YJLL CLOT119, manced the conversation S which -govern the,operations of,di 14 . goat' giving '0 'UND 11 Well, wife, did you -gat the fish I Twb peasants, 'husband' wifi� Andbutrition, and by a; careful applicatioji the highest iarkot Price for goo,d Clean Vvool, to All."Who wish to oxchoinge the same, far cloth G. Cane Chairg -re-sen, edo� as good ax ne Persons living at' a distance from'Clinton, can'gat the"ir wool Carded, the same day'thoy fatcK of the fine p!ojertiesof wbll4elected cocoa, t bough name Itetti li-fe tit Plossis-sur-marne'. Mr., E roviaga our breakfast tables itj as f will ran two Carding Maehinos day aftol. night this surarner, And, Aecoldlitod4to oy, �i�ith a elicate �Jlavop Yes, husband." near. Paiis. The polb,verigo;w4iialimay'. all who favor rho with their patronage. 'Xlie dub . so . ribor havitig had 25 yearia' oxperienoe in Labould 'like to know how you ged, six, to h . trial', ;Ind juage for them. hem they. are uniformly save us riliany heavy doctors'. bills. It b' the 1600meps, would respectfully invitb tlib public to give !in y cookedit. 111betauythingyousligiled. the'indkiolig us artiblea of Ai at CALL SOLICITED, oblves *)lot kind of work Jib can do. brutal. ."Tile Other day, the ch ild became e of � such at th a ConsT j,"Ron, . - . =_ -gradually built tip on. ch. ndlan4aotunli rolay be Qoder` Foun itfor my eating." (Takes offthe cover.) wear' RzxEx4zZ TIM' PLi0E_' VICTORU. y of lifefroal being beaten so often, tit strong 6nolh to resist e'very tendency'to STRnT Ot-INTON, Xiy. 12.6h, 1875.1 dry' -I thought so.. What in creation pos-, and descending to the: couri-ya-d �orlltero digmse'. Iran reds of' subtle maladies 'ard tb&��thoy 0E_o.BG11'D1Z11Xe Bog to,inforni: the Put are prop�red to�L SUPP"y to fry it I. WOPId AsAi8ve, a fko�iousbull dog lie ap-'. ilij�flfig Around.. `10 flunto Ap 18-974".- 0, 0 a , , Olot- a a 0 a _041ilit'yoti liked Tom; do .,Ybtr - 'Want to. eat me. up ill. A fatal on elvo ell, forti- le"goa eat 13ozed"frog." proache'd the aniqyd raeoluiely and said: allaft -by Why, husband, f th e p ap 11- ­ j) All pure lil S PrOpe y, nouriqli, it beat fried.,, Thii doilooked- tip and gr6rlad� but god wt I- I i I ng' SALE PAIL' DBALE P. IN You didn't think any. oil fk�ilna i rron W. the 331-66d -- - �1' - - -, - -, - -: i , , --- - uch thi WAOLt. AND xtr, S L did not -w&-e said 1 -he little IN' CA1LING ATThi-TTOX OF PRYSL 11.11-- -- -7 1 know lietter. I novefr liked" fried on . e, Flou�f G[riab and aw 9, Stae, Shingle and R60ingr you must eat me, beagwwpapg, mss and.the Public to Dr.. Mrheeler'i Como. 'BQ0K8 Mae 6s, -.Hoop lli6hin6S' . &C.I. You Why didn't you boil ixer' - SCHOOL BOOK& ? p CELLANE 0 ]1ow beck tie too mucli - aild Ilien. I'promigo ound Eli 6f Phosphates Ana Glaliiaya, it stupid I" %� you I am good o eat. sea I I shall dhomical,food'and Xatiritive Tonic, it is wall e tb stato that it had boon in use invivato prac, AN Why, ZIChRiiah, th last t-11118 We not and he threw a peb�le st i I . troiizi "and Vao tice for more thad (Ifteell years, in the treat. 0 C Iti t frealt'lish) you know, I don IhOugfig, *Ith, steel 8oards, Oauff Plougha, u vs, 0 r and. Votdah' Itattleaj. Ora to ars, old lingering Complaints known ONIC CoOkInik.' Parlor And j3oz Stoves, of Various :kinds. the dogo. who, springing fiertolyat the ment of those Straw CUttoTq.'*P" Suira, th Me most OW',, SHADES'L and you sixid yon liked iT bek�-MeW - threw hhu down and fastened his as Chronic Vatting iseases, vi WALL P It meets all tile indi( APE.Ry WIND But I have some boiled also. 96 say- tooth in -ilia shoulder. At this 14 ory results. a-in"he lift d- I -ougl Lion tho-cavoir,--aw -4o,+4hez -R�jj ghoul uorjumpau tin _Ltho winfjow ty, and owing, to its extriordinary aition as in T P A WS 0: 0, R ders of a boiled cod were deposited. andj driving the bull dog. AWAY$ sayea-, 0131tailt of rolittitiou slid in Augmenting norve in k diah-a sight of which would make tile child. FANCY GOODS 'VIOLIMS AND 'CAC and beneAt an epiour� rojoice, but which only Rd- E. IroftAnd Brats,Castings, god Blacksmith Work, r it will be fauna tot oure tWAKES TN WEAK STRONG1. I g'e-r r tlou�ofcaooea thanany conibillia. in Once tiddregailig doa to the ill nature -of her husband, Rwland Hi �ONJOUTXNAS AND rLUTEA; , ' "; ! I . I . . �L : I d ' . 7 -Thd PICT DUS AL 0�nd$ A'pratty di�b, this I phips and pqr- people Zf Wottou undor-Edge, risifig common tough or cold should noiver,bi 86jUjj6j& Q &jj6rd an a B Pors. done .04 Sh i6i;, f t -4 - . .. Co"AOtoxide 0, - 1PD -you hadn't.been one Of,ths bi fixdlaizn�olid "Because .1 9,m it, trifled with pfteu when neglected it lo'6onvort- De IF --& G Phil So' ETC' ridge I If ed into a oe;GA And generally fatal pulmonary Iron, is 86 oi6nabined as to Ziavo Ulm, 1AAV NX Will'ost stupid of womankind, you would arnest, mdu ball. Ina an onthusiagh. disease, The more Prudent, aware of this, the chavaceer o as- All ordersdaressed rea IV *piomptattlintion. have made it in aer I" fish came, intO this part of the bro,,nl�.uge Bryan's PulmonlaWafers" A c -u-. w an alimcnG to. the Compaq# or, bdaretary,. will a" 6 easily digesA64 and asidnitilateot LARGE, ASSORTMENT OF 1lix patient wife, with -a imile, imnlo' wag *aIking-ou yonder hill r. which b9A siistained its.reputation hir tvith Me bloodL as -the 8implest. over twenty years. they arl- Always. officacious. lf6od, Ua ARCIbALb,­'AOD Gig- HOUCH-UORTOX, AyatUf,016 LoWfl, nfity� B64*6 'Slip 0 diately placed a tureen before him, con.- a it garvel pit fall ia'and. bury And exert A, moist beneficial influince an. al 'of patf6v7zs, agd Berli ta throohaman beings alive. I the 866retary and, Tra ining an excellent chowder. 91 My I lifted up 13roholifif-tind pulmonary otgan$­ Jold by all Agent, Xron in shoo. bi6od anij dear," -said she, , I was resolved to ray voice go loud.. ;fdr tlp� jhaj�j_ Wee druggists � load country aealers. rrice 95 'eta. Par bok, 04res 'a thoUsand, afps;sj Z!,uply heard in the town below, at a; dishance, r,R.0BHRT RUNCIMAN, GurbRAt A14A0EM' I, you. There is oug, VAtittio oy Ltyg.'�-Lifo; has no value =t c I ways on hand, Alsor Ageni,or, the ..... . . of nearly ritaluing t le systent., so en kil-thel toot'ripe' Ana rbilocli al, dish.", 0, mile ; belii carak and doderIch sapteloUr 2adi eactl0d in so far as we uso it in perfecting ptir t,iched ajzd Idtalfted blood Ilier- DA,[Ey AND WEE twoofthesolTerers, Xitionealledulo or for onrichifik out mindo with noble qu ever PaPt oftft bod1j, Favorite dish, indoeiii idare say AlLY GLQ]�!P, AX)D MMIJ it is a ver , alatable wishy-washy itti enthusiast then; and When I -sea 008 and for apreaping b4ppinang around us.* tooWairing dainaugg and waste, y p oternal destruction ready I to fall on THOMSOU & WILLEAM.P.N. 7 i - . we; hava daily'Prootit bi the great valfie of' osearchittg out morbid aetre-w AMERICAN MONETZ, 33GtTG31T`AXD $OLDj avd bitt melfs ;T woul(i ;Ather I a boiled frog rtho Cana(li An fiain Degtr6yerl, it, sand�ipg flons, and loeaiitg than, the whole lot of it," sinners', k4d about to entomb them irro. the torttiring pains of rheumatistia, neutialgia, diseaso ;L�p fidect up oand,-'Poiter an of W66 &C. -L", -'a 0 Ono voirably in tin eternal an removing pt fjle�Aeel#40t,of fhe �toon�. This was a common exproegslon of biu, co, tin of every nature from REMEM139h IfIrE NAN91 and, had been anticipated by his wife, Ana call aloud on them -to 'Oackp` shall body. For saloi byanarug at mud Conn. aerpa success of ths rou2nedy in tr dealers.. PrIab2lidentsper. obtlo. InTolaElilig OXT� who, as soon its thd preference was ex, curia# IDyspopsia; Li -ver �Conto otTORX, A LLES1 I be dalled An ighthlIdutat hO I Pressed, 'uncovered a largo'digh ndite her 'nor I am 110 GlithuAillit in ad ditilog; and, NvOoU Housti-ooly homes tire not aq ------ m many aiipvoso� not such great eutiositits ,Ica It STAUX9T, SQUAltri till -frog at husband, atifl, there *aq a b ll on thee aloud to fly for Vefligo to either, thera Are many to be found ill varlous X6rvousAftecflons, pulgnaoioua� aspect filio hope not b4fors the6 in tho 0ogjj6j,11 ' doubt; it they "I Clifils - and VoLivers, Humors, pkrts qf thetoutoun but VOL Mi"ValUB, ototheltowitersasth LosN of COUStItIltional Vigo. oulbiNtim'o Oat, 22, 1814. r 6 one VL My An- old wan died near J?&rjS the *'R' full :' hib ted by Barnum; wi� imagitio their ownera IDIseases.. Of the kidlidyff - hnd' this tough mid wooly state of the lohir frightenba at ther unexpected i other da'who Wag,kho* ,,is the:,, bon_ would consider th -in more valuable without tile W110 door "it 91111y' slavb)" When lia'waa '26 tlia, the horre 1A tiat, !it it, healthy to Wife,, ill'a yearst of agco lie fell in love with it young and all iWeaes 6rolainating it& NA00HAAY F OF 10 0 dition-probablir blde-�ouado or suffering fro�j'n� 4L ontroating tons, to I hope you will at Adint disease which occulons-thid unnatural �V- tit ba state of M4 Zood, or ac- Itngth- he able to i1jit'kd�a, dinnev.11 girl, afid as bur fathor'tefuse4 1AS cn. I cues Use DAtloy's Copilitinu savants -, in kuA Soot, to their mr4triago, the� eloped, a a aud rabiatt llpav6, Remedy, it will state of the srisleju. OAANTOS,� PAT9N1rN purl oud correct the appea �Ucohol ft any f 'N'WhArls'li col"d not afaria this, ' �11i$ Th Vora p ka. orm, its 'ittattod, gild 'attested 4la t, & ra"e"i4r, 'efteroifting owda 4).6 otot fbz-'w surly Maod wits finally ovdidowd v 411 o at, 6iUs front thp WTig6 4ud 11 ZflotVoed b Oa 66t4olitiggIffilo r4thor. a a td the Coat a; sleek alid shiblog o%ppear 066moop6adine i-edc.- WkAre Mau fat u� I 'I tbid seaion,- the eaje�rAjea arof ? 11- �in mein e this name, and ode that the Ifoitj Im aie pbrinaneut, in&_ young man was tile or a xnce� r kn0*16d9ed that his *ifa. woo tight ana abduct niottu're of I Iturd & Co, is on each Package. ed big, boloved, she being tiot y6h. W %ro�,& L _# s&c?tF1h, V1000e, at$ tie. '11f� iW6 at pat -is of the Ayste)mj, .Sold by all madibind do& eta, alld bdilding up aij, zr6j$ con.6 ongitio aila Ot or improtia to I'm the gill6ys-. Thir daughter Wag ton or lidran, Xdwokatle, Ont., pro 'it A.podtiotl to atopply hit: Vx0pi,sroi vvhldh ire li*U�v� Is this bestliaivebting niitolhins in udo.' are alzonitttiufatu�nfl tht of ago,.ana was, condemned jo ton yo V Cite T d hnRton' wu wrong, and declared that She t � W16 , Nor', ag ay should 126yer Aga"' ha" OddiWl a a oil, 11, 9 , W, lt"(11. him tuoh o; l6agono aaa he was jT To NefVotIO Stilliekdri, nI good Ito his *oXa eci gml�oimvefttual institution. beem ochafte;bd 1]"kV. On thO 9110tteat h6tidd And. at as : tn.': 11mr, Aturton's Ow4fle oind ronto bit the ilae. 0 X011f191tZ* y0iii-p"assed, and on hit disollairge Jhf arsat ZY4484 jurmery fho, au nmiou# demar thig relnedy$ fj-6)ji Ititud-tedoptilieftF&N our herei found tha; ajujit,ilif his -d' grade; A011M), Out* aKOH , lihiord AlroAdy been 66 # ou erift ored- 1116yd been bold, atiolhave ln6flab glvefi� Mn0AX)CASTS1MDnR AND. -0TJLtXVAW6Xt. Ili bly tootted In Can$ A Alo to teqfflta litild, to ftrigo; jo 800noFf Ilf ?A =9111, Village an &-ek Rjdii� I -I., still Withral to,11m. Thay datlafution. Tho 1116 so; #eVa lattv, .79 a#tg to y only r6 61 Implaftillit Ordfid. And omen: 6111F SMAptoino Arislog figin orom oe�onth, appr f#464 6 be fully afilirediateolo' hav'Ifij takou'ptitoi- Al ItIA461of Agrioulturill Implb 64 Mind. at & ana m0rift, &fharl 0olue I hill 4*40 boon. rbmittkabit f6r 01gid r, d Ana came to Ad dittia dA c(Otnot lilqttot traffio, t' i R jup$6n WAN W PUpII natl rtitll(I Of i0e, they votarrio4 td Prgilge, and g6h�, t� Willis mootly .. of lAkidool, lilt, itate to otio at a trw, radointlY 414 the dxpetimont of open. ded down in thlp uktiirb, 19j 6 ifebrAted Authorify in, the world boo BOB 0 ib. county And township allows, Vall.ditod. ilia PArtudt it ptaw v1slijog cArloft. Boil le See that ea'c& bowd tiona given for using, and iii-itif6twittion 'AW pattlet hoVIA , o6do lileftu land, huflolbfi f6t, ]VIAX 'arolwiti *Aft vdiltisitia. JaL 1"'of SyfjUP blop Aag MAU Egol.; or JOIllf Ut,"Ity, or saloon . ther6i, IVIIA010 . 6 id"All, gild f ewaill ill? furillallad by tho pottofit6d.hud, wordwithW, W. P.A: I Jug it* ligat Ve rr I of 'Aga tof fl,6 joitabb I a , Illoil to-fidiltboging 0. J. 11 1 VIAN (11, othbr Uakllug t lalto for it Pitpr drAht's, Clint6ft 11tigh. Myth j "d It, j)0#hyj fidwitioloontoll fit tymid tbaftfl)dri Uttitig the imple 'Awat dogitoyad tho Atooki, that bg *Ag &jWjjyjJ 01111#d thij ftjabd if Poin jbt gg% W, roftt & SOK 104 h4ftd4 � ' ' � L - � ", _ a m4l4iidio Oil X196 16, hid-hoftoralify w'�n III flAij doduti-y 04*1upwot VV00, hisfit In fall work M Wit, &tid All lo4t4lid kept for repskiring ot, uilghborijig �illjijo#, op 116ift h1l4*4d 411 O&W, 1A W ja-A rt%t IF# $6%6 it ))Ito fadfoll 11#11111140 'Clo Ok .... .. .. .. . . ..... .... .... . .