Clinton New Era, 1875-08-12, Page 4lt i'er Dmitri To Gfolottkei .140.otee 'ay* tho Aro few tifh)ge among the int1hY _ prnhi0M1 t agrleulturel seieneri, upon Whigh tie rend, diversity of oploion ex. open the eoWeekof saithm cattle. Metitered experimeAtei on tl$0 Of; *rat *fading ealt, the right \quantity, the time and the reanner to give it, are urgently needed. We leek to 442 Ono taro ffehool of Agriculture to eatahlisit. something definite on this point whoa -the inititutten is fairly =dot way, litettneihile„ wo intuit be contented 'with the indivithial experience or fortooro,oue „ the Weetero Rural, win) had been-, a dairyman from, his youth up, furnishes hie quetteef information. Will some of cOur Canadian farmers oupplement t ITU 'wintered twenty cows one 00A0011 without 'lilt for abent four months. They did well US to flesh, .but a majore. t.rof tbo calvethey deepped.thet spring 8101001' gota full breath ef air into their lunge, having an enlargement, or awoll- ing around the glottis that prevented breathing. This experiment satisfied hi that it wait best t� feed salt, ,It was tho uniyorsal practice, continued o 4 Dee Xeinell go paper ova t-" eat ockeurred Mar 'Viroqua, few tigei in a Willy vihplettme did n learn. There were theee tittle hild- rein, the cattiest liiitug flee Yeeree two, of whom went to the borp to lied hone' mete. They roma QUO, and crawled to it, end one of them throat 'Ida' haudt for. ward to got WO eggs, when he (141010 withdrew it, saying the old him hati bitten him. The other said ho won't afraid, and thrust Itiiihend forward, when he, toe, wee hitter'. Both then gereemed,which quickly brought' their mother le the epet, when it Was dis- eovered that they had been etreolt by a rattleerteke coiled in, thd. Asst. The mother seized the little hoyi in her arma an''hastened to the house, where a new holm met her gaze. In be r Invite to secure the boy.at the barn, oho had eet down boiler of hot water; into which the babe Intri fallen. In thirty' minutes all he e ehildree were dead.- • the oorreepondent. when I was a 130y, .. Breve eh% Miss Xate Larkin, of riiien, Fenn, to, salt lode, di-opiiii;kriii beave•girix- -$holiaelbeen-jek.aione,_ hand-fuls aleauf the field, letting eaeli anima do the best ehe coeld towlirds '04Pog her share., Obeervation led to ehange in practice, and the other ex- ' keine followed. ,A tub or kettle was • placed in the ovy.iu.4,,aud milt kept therein the cattle havieg free aceess -thereto and this Oen 3s still advooated • und practised to a' largo extent. My experience, 44:#.41/Serviitiene llaY4 -vinced.leie-thut-thitrialmt-the' most-pro- fitablemay3;k1-huvo,AsneWn,ccilov sru ndeit, the management of the most careful, to be entirely dried in their 'milk and 810i • for days, by gettiug too, much salt, pro- bably by drinking, brine from. the salt tub. There are usually eonie cows every.dairy that will eat more than' is • good for their health, and these are kept eontinually under the intimate°of •a cathartic which is destrective to •the greatest now of milk, 1.took .tc3 Mee': ' suring each pow her mess of ealt, feed- ing in the barn. Some wetild at it as greedily as meal and not be satis- fied ; others weuld lick Et little and want no mere, but the amount 9f milk sent to thelactory the next day would be be - IOW the Overage. The sepond 'and third• days would bo above the everage-,-Tlaie 'unsteadiness in the yield led.me to try the plan which. I lapse adopted and no% • advocate ; I feed every third- day, not more than a table -spoonful each, always , in the • barn, that each May have her share, and it never leesens the iteXt flow of milk, but increases it, and saddles the appetite also. It is also more labor to feed teas way than to put a half, bushel in the tub every few days, but when the neighbors whe meet ydtt at . the factory each morning begin to se - (juke, ." Ha much behind am. I to- ....-.4-7_11....41.showsethat-..eihneatkieniciethAn7 details will tell. • Fowls In the Horse -Stable. Fowls should never be permitted • have access tofthe horse -stable, nai• the feed room, nor the hay -mow. Their rooms should be entirely svparate from, the stable, so that they may not always be reedy tralihp an whenever 'a door is left open ; and that the vermin which • fest'poulery may not renehlioriexcitted- cattle. It is a well known emit „that fowls of all kinds, when ellewed to go on the hay tnow, or in the feeding-rooin, or anywhere in the barn, damage wore fodder then we are wont to suppose. We'd as soon allow fowls to live in the kitchen, and to hop on the dinner table while we are eating, and to roost on our. bedstead, as to allow them. to have free access to the horse -stable barn. • Some horses are always afraid of fowls, and when one enters the manger, or rack, the timid horses will immediately Bur - ,render their entire right, howover hun- gry they &ay he, to these. lawless 'ma-- rauders. And after they have scratch- ed over the food with _their feet, and smeared a portion of it -with their filthy droppings, a horse must be exceedingly hungry before he will eat Ms mess. Wily a hungry horse has been depriv- ed of his feeding of grain. by a lot of bold, gallinaceous robbers that had learned when and where to fill their empty egips with the feed of a jaded horse. Let gates and bats exclude •fov_Argnd epee from ilke_deore4104- Windows dell horse -stables. in the bouee, arid Was preparing break - feat, 'When her OttesitiOn risisaarrelited, by. th0.sounfi of footacips in the, dining -hall. Hastening thither ahe saw a tell, rough- • lookiug man etanding in the centre of the apartment The stranger ak once locked the door behind him, and NUN • Larkin, without exhibiting the least tor-- ror et his siugnIer proceedinee,stepped into the kitchen, aed having armed her self 411 0; :14,044114,XottIttAilltrOud- to9k. hop rvosition at the other door.. The man ad Vended t owar the ,place. where .slio stood, and as he did so, oho said, Doiet.come ally nearer, Oil Will shoot You." " You sheet," he Teplied,-..in de- rision, «id likelo see. yolieheot." He then draw it knife, and,on his eUmine nearer toiler, the 'briiie girl fired, the shot teking,elleet ire• his 'feet and legs. EY this time the stranger was very elm to ;Miss .Larkin, • utile smang behind. him, puSlied'him through the doorway Where she had ,stood, fete 'the., ether room., and locke`d the door. Apparent- ly apprehensive that the .report of the gun might 1011111110D atiistimosi 'the in. jured men inirtiedlji limpid away, curs- ing his sore legs, and. ",gals-wbo eboot fellers for iniffiii'." • '"" ' 'Japan HoUrree >A Yedo, Japan correspondent. el the • ChlaigieTributieoerites : The Japanese have no archlteeinte. Living as 'they do•on volcanic Bed, the ,first thing to be geercled against is a construction 'Oriel) would.° iuvite destenetion: Dwelling- heuses, even of the worthy, seldom 00n - of more -than ,_oricestory, many of the poorer clesoeshavieg simply e ground floor and .gartet.above.. They are all -constructed of solid wooden frames- of- etenetif-bamberee.woodretrongly-tiert braced thgethee, the walls being; either •a:thin layer -of mud or thin ,roof otheivy :The houses fia pan contain. no .furnitute'e The fleors of the'iroonas are .covered softmat ting twe Indio thiek.made into sections •elsout .6 inehes long and 3 inches \tide: and bomad with ablack border. There -are no chairerbederstoolfirsofaaj-or-any- thing to lie on or sit down upon,"13iteept .the.matting,. boxer; about '4' inches high see used: The side's of the tlifferent room are dude into sliding partitions,. about 6 feet high, made of fine white wood, lat-• tieed in- sinall squares and.coVerid. with thin, white, strong paper Which: reseni- bles Parchment. • . A Frightful acninter in Nevada. • •A. moat frightful and fatal affray oc.. eourred at Eberhardt City, on Saturday last, at about five o'clock p. m., between two men by the names of Sackson and Book. The former arrived recently - from Arizona, and the latter has been a tesident of Eberhardt Pity for the pok few Months' engaged in keeping a saloon. Thetwo had a quarrela that time before the fatal Meeting, in which Zaiiklien made an assault upoilEeck with • knifo, but wag driven: ofIby_llscit !With a fire -shovel. Some three or fourth honrs after thia .Taekson yeti:maid to - Beck's saloon, and while the letter was standing la the door -way Jackson plung• - ed a keen -edged eight -inch bowie -knife to the hilt into Iteek's aide, The two clinohea, and a fierce encounter ensued, • • Jaokiton using his knife end fatally stab:, bitig Deck, who, however, sueeeeded in • freeing himself from .TackflOnt and rah as far as Dana's saloon, a dietariee" of sixty yard, when he was overtaken hy 34oksen, who was pureuitig his victim with a bloody and Amediah intent. • Beck at this pier* called for assistanee, but before the astonished bystanders could interfere, the human' fiend had done his work -4e had given poor Beck ita fatal tabs. .At this Juncture a party by the 111%05 a Brown, seeing whet was going on, 10100k:hi Jaokeon. off from the poroh into the street ,with. chair, and while he was down, Book while actually dying, trawled to aitek, son, and taking the knife which had been used upon him, plunged it into holisonre breast, giving MAI 43, tidal wound. Beek died &moat instantly after being *operated from Jackson. The. latter was -brought to ihn mum, gaol, where he lingered until 'Wednesday list, when death. ended his oarcer, No one hetealmutg knowe galling of the former history of Jackson ; all that it known is his etstementt that 16 was frOin ArizOna,, Beek' was considered a peat:441e man, and leaVell an hinalitl widfitt to 1110litts his untimely ratio Plano (2sreva4) Net* A. gonthonart in Kingoton,A Y., hat could WI hen of a ttiotkfo. for hatolting. Stowe, dohs) bonito of water were in 061h j bUt Wien fitti-riketiktiffi Otplettlid WAr4 'uj, Cironky Centro, Lowe, announefte that now engaged in writing a new The miff wee ao hot inaaokeonvilie, Florida lard 'Wedneeday, thet people amused tliemeelvee cookieg egge m the eand. Quo pereon buried two. for ii minutee, and when taken out they were llard, AO though. they had, been boiled ' for belt an hoar. . The following is ;. posted in a 0004 house in a neighboring county ; "° tice to everybeddy. Etreiti from tbn. ander assigned en* yellow home a year o. o Throttle Brew oil ineeedlly disiippear • Oneeite. * Winlartalmeeemreve...eitotwo, CLINTON .PUMP 1814NPFACTORY iniDEZIOrotuto BEG BATUAN 1. tor Wit loom stel, bereby tatovn tbe publie grow rine two -with norease4 nonitioe nal a:Met-ewe isediot natorial, 41:ey ne rev:mate maket104 put in nla with 'Tante mane and tale almat 1 ritottrearPNOTZSE 44. en tlie 140A 4140int. hte where abquts 4s- arep.me word to-tho seine will be libbely rewerded. ,tonrein hope of Andieg him"' - hands high if any persen Ile anything & sP1,2 TORUS, Itellumnber the place,-Itosa'svolst 000114 next does to A. Itatlisesents 'nook* onsttis Skop. • VAROU801•1 OISTAROBLTe- eelita, zees see, Arm. A Oatholie prleat"r cfnsed to'oflicititt • et the funeral of a poor irielt. Woinan at Battle Creek, iVfiah,., repently, beeaese the friends could 'not pay. the.. itesees- monk. But the oldest deughter ,toed at the 'lead of her mother's coffin, reed the Catholie service in a broken 'voter before the fat sympathizing ne•ghbore ti wiz° had ceele in, arid et the con Usion burst into teate. One carriage fol owed ita-the-graVOZ' •-4 -. , -- A curious story is told of Goo. 0, Is,. Beane if Aegeega, Qa. At the *battle of "Ictorioeae7, MI., while leading hk brigade in battle, he waS etruelc in the left side by a Annie ball. The ball Passeethrough his' arm, and thenc0 through • his .body, • 1'n ploughing through his -coat-pocket it -tote -through • a paper, df plus, burying rsome of there in bui flesh. For the past . few months 1.1s hue been'..ti'Toel.jled Witli...a,-pein,-ahoet a foot and.a half frost the wound. A ;Week -or tivO. :Alia a bump jai -our as large as a pi,geon egg•was raised on tbe spot where the pain was most severe, ik few eleye age three or four pies work:- eut of thie bump, and it disappeared at - price- Thus for„ eleven years Mr, Evans has been.a walking ,pincuShi.7-=-33a/fi- pcninordinary, , Trite: . An extreordinary ()Vent oeenrred the other day.to a dweller in the 'Rae An- drau ik Feria. • For the 1110, fourteen years a woman living in that street has been believed. to -be a sufferee • finni. dropsy, She has had, 'all the simptoins of diseaen, besideeilie isunl extraerdine ary welling or inflatien of , the body, Alete weeks sinCeshe went to Bei, gundY to make a visit, end while there she felt indisposed. At, the end of a few days she experieneek,the pangs of • child birth, and gave, 'birth. to a- dead ehild. The child was of the °raillery size, bit its teeth midnails were full grown. Tha body him been sent to the Academ of Sciatica.. This birthafter our °en years jsericid not unparalleled in grance. -1n 183Z a lady died at Plutie;cle Who had believed herself to be affected with drop- oy for seven ' years. An inquest was held, and the body ot a child, complete. ly.411400,,..wa8 discovered. A Tender-llearted Broker. A couple of eoterpresing Dutchmen, doing the clothing buoirieile in Atlantie ere Interviewedpy tt. customer in foarcb of a coat. The senior of the firm hand- les the new comet, and Boon finds "a firat,class fit.": - In :mower as to the price, the response is "eighteen dollen:" "Well, air, I like your coat yer,y mitch;butdoret like the pritie.4 " Well, mine &nit), Za price it noting so you like ze 000.t4 WO let you take. 'CM at -fifteen donate'," - Tho customer still complaiiie of the saying that fifteen dollars Was too Mitch. This wirtoo heavy for thederil- ee eel taking 1112eustoiner to the extreme, end of the store, and drawing him into a dark corner, he whisper into his earl "Mine trent, 1 lee you have gat coat for twelve dollara and a half."' „ "1 W011f sir," eaid the customer, " like you °Oat very, reticle WA gin itetie- tied with tho price, yet 1 *Ma like to know why this mysterious pertarmanoe." ' 'Wellonind front, you see dot leek) • men dere I He was mine brother. Ile gob 20 heart disease, and. NO bolp. no gracitiilht if he was to heat me tell you •I' take twelve dollars and halt for eat' coat ha drop dad mit hit track," A ISlagne Of rabbits hair visited the ranolteir on OA Oroeit Nov., total'', doyostating.tho crops', having destroyed jrnOte than. one hundsoct aoros_ot, barley. The ranchero Made an attaok on theni and deiltrOyeif tut liundria in a eine° tight ; but it seemed to Mike no 411ilet- ante in their number, and they ink/armed into the ilaide° the next thy. Ono of the most, inconvenient 14(1 ktriket on record ocourred the other day at tho Sydenham (Bngland)Oryttall'ai. acid, A.bout '2,700 licensed Actuators ht,g, io down to it lipoid dinnot,, stla, put est they were' Wilting, knife and fork id 'booar to to11 ovon this good things, the wholo body ot hired Wilterti 'gkritAel kts 1$11046r *AM% tilto obt, Ituti tioolotitt to ttonie sitt pititrof ..1.1ay is neve dried by machinery in • 'England, is put -into an iron trough .0ix feet wide and •frOin twenty to forty fee t- I Ong, it dei fted dowe'frorn ote end to the other, and furnerrhy- Mee -hanker forks. Hot' air at rtliik'prortiiii. of 100 degrees' is blown into it hy.n.;fan, and. tho. lay, if reduced in quality by Viet - weather', is. restored to sweetness and wholekimmiess,---.It costs over -$1:0 a: ton to mike hay. in this way from freeh grass, but not more than $2.50 a ton in finishing hay that is nearly dry.. • Its chief wane is that it rebores the Vigor ,of the hay after' iChas been rained 'on, inueh-:- better .thatire ruin will do' it. It is..estimated that .from $10 to $15, and oeen $20 Per toe is' at times .loot' in England in consequence of 'the rain; So that although the ,nao.ehino Will not restore the quantitl, it miich raorelban pa§S for itself '137-iestoring the quality. This kind_orhay,Wheiv.maxert-avith dam Pcl-bajeimpievelAbe brilk-Of 'fernier. with machine of-. tTlickiii ti is not afraid to epee out 'his hay in a sun-, • shiny hour, for fear .of showers, and: thils time is saved. ,of this country there -are -few sumnaers 13161)41y wet enonela to Make 'the machine prehtable, POTENT PunsE.-The, Boston: Tranaoript 'says that n krone -story omes-feomellarailtonTltfilisteliOnlether "Blieders;! as. they are called, .of that whine Members • ahrost invariably. die of bleedift.. The legend connected: With it is thet • in Saleui-. Witeheraft times a sea ea,ptiiin .brought his Wife and little -girl to town, leaving them with a Spanislenurse, wbo was a quiok teiapered WODISI1 and, being an- noyed' by the peevishness of the • child deliberatey bled Ler to :death by open- ing vem In- bee alert at intervalsi, Iliteatening her meanwhile with instant. death 'if she told. • The Mother, niter the 'death Of the :found •ont the eaurie and fell into deoliee °tiding with latest*.breath the alaild'e mut.- derernialpredicting the same death to all her male descedente. •..An elderly woman who lives in the town is qtoted as saying, that to . her kilowledge;,. five sons have met their death. by bleeding, ono by bleeding at the nose and . others 137 wounds which .appeared but which no efforts of the physicians could close. ' EPPS'S COCOAGItATEPTIL AND CONFORMS -The agreeable clpraeter of this preparation has rendered„,it a general favourite. Made paAet is labelled .70terEs Errs and Co., Up.: meadpathieChetniats, 48, Threadneedle -street, and 17,e, Piccadilly; Works for.Diejetie_tro, paratiOns,--Enston-readandCamdenTown; London. • 'Attie oe bite no value except in so far as we use it in perfecting our SOWS, or for enriching our ininda with nelde qiudi- ties andforspreaping happiness around Us ; but we have daily Proofs of the great valtie Of the “Candalais Pain DelOroyer' sttbdning the torturing pain!: of rhonmatiam, neuralgia, dec., and removing pain of every nature from the body, Por Pain by an druggipt and coun- try dealers. Price 25 cents per bottle.. When it is lcieWi-igiit -nuni-ereim 640 ej poisoning anil several deaths have occurred, frona the use of Competind Syrup of Hypo. pliatphilet, Containing strychnine, and sold° everywhere to the publie :without labelling poison, prirehasere OfTir.Wheeler'is 0onipotand 'Fltrit. of PHOSPHATES andCaliaaya,are regyeeted to take notice that there is: no simi- larity, between tho teo/preparations, ottani-, eilly6Fibialichnitly,The Elixir isincapable° of Injuring child or adult. and may be Used for years, without the possibility of snisohie. „irotle results to the ,eystem, a very eseengal property in a reit:lady intended for popular use., ' A con -mien cough or cold should neva be trilled with, often when neglected it is convert- ed into a f orlons and generally fatalpulmonary disease. The more prudent,. aware of this,. preariptly use Bryan's Pulmonic Wehrle' a cu- rative which has sustained its reputation for over twenty 'years, theyare always efficacious and exert 0..trinat ;beneficial Inflizenee on all the Bret -labial atia pulmonary °roue. Sold by all. dathrbgglot.6 sad country clealera. Fria° 25 eta p "Ow:AN horses ire not 20 kiktd as Initn$f ihtppose, not such: great curiosities either, there ars many to be found, in vaticaie puts of the aourttry, but we doubt if they will ever prove ad valuable to their owners as the one exhibited, by tannin; we irtlegine their Ovniera would consider them rearivalitable without the wool, for this rough and Wooly date of the hair indicates thatthe horse is not In a healthy eon- dition-0,probably,bide-boond, or suffering item Solna disease which occasions this unilateral ere- nearatiee.; hi Atoll oasts .uso Darley's, Cori:Minh 'Powders and &auto lietive 'Remedy, it will purity the„blood, correct the appearance, re, move all obstetatioes from' the hove and itvot, Ad eve to the"coat a deck end ifilning Sprieat. AnOk. Ile:umber the tame,- and ietathat- the allnature of liurd & Cm it on oeoh package. mitehree te Lyman, Newcaatie, Ont,, proem. tine he Canada. Sold by all medicine 40014 • To litOltitteink Siefterort, nett sortswee ,,voerve lout 21/314 V. 204440. 4, Jun -wittier all Yiertottt de&1110 "1101418tir Mite teriditgh have eiretaly 1. n in. orotishly totted in Canada as le requira I1I2 th be add in their favor—as a eartalit cure for thou. illisttetAirig Ilivaritotria rIIng frout ebroief of riots,. 3)r. .7. ilittipeott swift 4 And tepee or th late Dr, WWI* StoMly, of LowlOti, Rit jam% ill, boat sabbratea ntanneity in the teOrid thin mil, getnia partner is now vlaltnie Ost,n411, p12011714 to t,c1`,110.61131'4'ttilii.!');7,. trir i``/ A Genii ittentryill thiel gtvtitutio tritailadttePlaisifenil.'" Est TitEMONT T/AID SAITDD IS 31191sTBr CtREAT.WANT FILLED. f` ,Teasj 1 1..tiotinte• );:tagtford Teat Copiptpay utivg ws 14:10 11.12011X 21121 PUS 0 it W. ilitrten, Pedlar, Olieten,ie our fiele font for„411104 pep 1.4 diablet, end that Wo are aapplr- Pit alna lamina awed Teas, iteperteat veryina nom ou to su per eoune, (gum Plea pi Gam mere ranted OM so to. 10 c*Onis ilh,, san- der' Wanfll prteem, anauty eenshierel, b ocor prepaeal te nli ordere. Kiss nat A, TWA. 8114NK .t 00. Ilrentfor4, May IS, 3,015. The`Tranent VAteher indisponsible whare,neeith and labor eavIngiii Tabled. Xn recommending, it to tho public X ran do so with the fullest conlideraco in Os abllay to do its work satisfactorily and In -a quarter of the time neoessery in the 014 warovbigh the teettmony oi ,htinaralll Who hitigi it In Mie in this part of tho ectun- frY. fts welt as Other parts, igo to anppert. . 11 hae teen :flea oorepetitien with many maohines dein:big te do the work, and ao tar as our Ifnowledge ,goes, it has shrive been aueeesaitc. and easily operated; oars' be Phieed in or removed trent the tub almost as easily 10,A AOten1011. Wilehbeerd OAU be worked to great Adele:item) by eland twelve years old, thus in. rinort caves Mont. Ig those -of more mettle° yearsi-wherie nine andlteength hre regaired blather denertmentoi from'the meet:labor- , lona Joert Of house work. Those Wishing, (matinee iti leete-d'itiffeierkingfiff, ireti-of'obarfkif. ;From the obeys eitniii.deratione, Teonndently yeeoramend 1110 11.0 polio. Aseite wanted, Batiabotory pay se iegomiblemen _ • It. A. , LEC4GETT. Cilium, !Me 911., 1875. 13lyth' Flouring. Mills. Tfig subscriber begs to tenderhis post • (tinder° thanks to ins numerous custo- mers in the surrounding townships end the :publio generally for their liberal patronage; And would further notify them.thit he has lately added most important improvements to his. niacbinery:-by putting :in a new boiler, double power heretofore' used, 'and by ,many other important improv.ements, toge- ther with firet-olass ratters, he is.Prepared to. ... do first-class work in, •GRISTINO :0 EIOPPING• 8ze ?its weighed, in and but.' Parties from a dietance can have their, grist; home with them the ,same day. -G664 Flour . and Mill Feecl always for sale at moderato prints. LUMBER,. • LIT1VIBER, The Subscriber would:. also infenn the pub- lic that he has a large stook..of luniber of different kinds and lengths : • Rita from 10 to 20 ft.;" Hemlock, from 10 to -26.; Cherry, • Butternut, White Ash, lhaple, Soft and Rock Elm, in lengths to suit the iniblie .whieh en - elites him to fill all orders, that he may be - ',favored with on the shortest notiee and most reasonable terms. • • _... P. Kgrzy, paopanadu -31yer-metzei-0-1872-.-- • GEORGE DIEHL,. ,Cibinee- Maker; ,70'ph-alsterer, General .Dealer in Purnititro, In returning thankil to his mune:one Mena and enc. tomere for past favore sinter starting in Clinton, Aye years ago,'wouldintinmito Olathe is at the old stindand- , has now on hand a • WELL SELECTED STOCE, 4n4 wea14 respeouani ask an Jnepaotion of tit; same, • neteleanefeeterlegiouNags, whioh, for ciarabiliti and cordial, defy twannetition, bra are et the sometime as Wimp so tome morthless articles thrown on the klarkot. .• . • . ho employs good workmen; find uses none but best seasoned. materiel, he can therefore warrant work to be of the boot deaoription, end 'moot Shriek, • . thlrEEPAIE/ltiCit DOI4tEI A .t.TSUALi, tain. Cane Chalrea ro•seitted, as good as no's!. . Is CALTi $01.10XTBRoi Itzuratesit THE '114014-HVIOTOEIL , GEOBSIE DIEEZ April 22,1874. 10.1y • • THE taltEAT BdOTYr O1 CONSUMPTION • CONSUMPTION • which can be cured. by it,: • -,thnely resort to this Atattai; . fwd preparaticin, as has been. proved by the hundreds of , testhnonials received brthe proprietors. It is a"cknowl. edged by many .prominent physiciins to 'be the most reliable preparation eVeir *educed for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, ' and is oftdred to theaublic, sanetioned by the experience of over forty years. „When resorted to in season it seti dem fails AO affect a opeplik cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping °ought Iniltienza, Asthma,' Colds) •aore Throat, Pablo Sere, ness, in the Chest and $ide, • Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, Svc, Tiristar's --Bolcom does nob dyy up ts Cough, and leave the cause behind, as Is the woo 'with mcist preparations, but it loosens, and, eleartaes the lungs, and, allays irritation, thus removing the cause of. the complaint, *AiLfl 11. SION OF TEE BIG •BBBSTBAB. (eaTelnuncso 18544 tOge 3 s Atiort EamtVa d ii Thoutziandif; Largo stook of gectl Household urniture home manufacture, made of soasoem material, A 0.44 assertraent of ieipertrel work, swab as Wood'aiul Cane Seat Obaire; Sofas, ;Loan-. gee,""What-Nota, Cradles, Mattresses, Sprin4 Bede, Carved Brackets, Itmitie Framea, 40. kieturea framed with Gilt or Tilaamt004.44 Oat Monldings,i,tuatio.tee_,...„_ree wood, mete - ea or plain. e7/41.19 Whamay-nur.chase, with Moderato prices. • Syrk Bovjes A Irvin oms neon Mr infs. Neve jetaZteuo za. extern:inner, l'otate Mose are to travd eastwards henanliateiy, oralve then:sotto 0p so Senors; FOE ni10,Er -42904 • 4.4:90 • $1114VRIX de, DAVIS, Irto ;quit heneslweire *tore, 144012040e le, me, • GILROY'S IV 0 Cure lf.esleorrhoza (or Weitere, aigut Nee. struatientrlceratlan or the Rome, Ovarian disenSes, Ahlent 4onstruatieis, end oll diseases known, at Remote:Weal:nem. They areprepared with the greatest care, paiderthepersenalauper. ,:vision.et a physician wholuts Itiaf10 foible dire . eases a special study for many years,- and ther are a ltlegoine,on which . . ; • NARRIBD LA3AES eau' "depend -wok tAii hitii 'OW 'lime Of'nee:0" as an 'unfailing . „ „ E -11 -TA -KI Istac-1::-.FEmA144 REGtaAfroit: , . , An elegant Hearse for Hiie, • A quantity of very fine Shrbuds, cheap. Funerals attended and all 'furnishings supplied at reasonable rates. A large stook of Coffins, moulded and plain, always on hand (trimined, tomtit) other silver,platcl furniture or otherwise. Ramon er the Stand -Albert street, oppo. Ate, thellarket, „. ; swivnxiON. • Clinton, Aug. 20, 1873.' 33LACIt AND COLORED 1413 STBE S, GitpicARENs, all colors, STUFT Eiroops, • " SUITING% ''; srz-- 00BOVIloa,. _ • STIZIPED Arm FIGT3'11ED ItUSTBES, • TAINT§i" " (41/441/A10, # COTTQN,S# (AY TW.NIEDS, - -.Xtrig,Soid,btaii-nruggiels evci7whenk----- Price. One box, QX; eiX boxes, 85; sent by mail free Of fiellage securely sealed from Obilopvatioit. Bor full particulars write for our pp.mpinet. which Ivo will fiend in a sealed envelcipe to.any address on :receipt of stamp to pre.pay return postage. Address:in lettenifertarephlets or pillato • .. • WILLIAX GRAY '&,00.. • . • . .‘ sou In:Minim by Janes IL 0011411E, end brat Tduggiets eyeryWherei , Northrop Lyniiin, Toronto Whoienneaaants. • . • , ameneemi Cy143.der - Threshing Machinep, Conablisation -ait4 Vibrator Tlares1-4ng- gachiites, And all kinds of .40moutiruit4 IMPLEMENTS alwityta on hand. To Meet the large and inareajing demand for our Celebrated Threshing Machines, froin .all parts of the\ Dominion, . we "have, by tho introduction of the latest and , moat 9,ppreved machineryluto mit- works, greatly increased our manufacturing facilities, ' Woaretherefore is: a position to fill all ordere promptly, , Every machine is ruo. and thoreughly tested before leaving tho she, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. Before okleri.ag eisewhei'e for (767oilors ,and Foster;.. ORO eediy. • GLASGOW, MA.615.11EiS0*-4 CO., 0Wrox.. Titt.'STIBSCRI13N11. TILV/ITC4 LEASED FOR A Thltit OP li..E.A.11.S THE UNTO WOOLLEN And added another Custom Carding Idachino, and other machinery, to what is already in the mW and. having fitted up andplaced flio whole in firat.class running order, would re- spectfully inform the farmers of the.'surrounding country, that he is not prepared to ta4cil,. Vtuli; and *Press and: Spin, "Weave, and Manufacture gen.erally,•on :the •ShAct*test " notiee,and in: the best possible St yle- . . • Fre will ale° keep en hand a full stook of TvvgEns, SHIRTING% Flim,OnoTns, FLANNELS, &c.; &off of-grab...class-quality, which ho.will sell or exchange for wool, giving the highest market price for good clean wool, to all vvho svish. to ;melange the same for eloth, Persons -living at a di:dance front Clinton,. can -get theirivool carded:the same day theffetch it, as 1 will.run two Carding Machines day and night this summer, and try -to accoirtmodste 'all who favor me with their patronage.. The subscriber having had. 25 Vara' 'experience in Ilia business psuld respectfully ittvito the publio to give him a trial, and • judgeffor theta - solve:: what ima of work he can do. •. "coiR,Etrzr. • CLINTON; May 12112, 1876. _ VotorzsAtt Axn urrAit. It SCHOOL BOOICS,., MISChLLAN-gOtTS i3001t8f • WALL" PAPER, WINDOW SHADES iadrS ,A,Nro ,• . • . il-A,NerZ • GOODS; VicitIN§ AND' OASES, • cOSEItchtleAS Alen rtztvgni, TICTURES itErFRAIVIES: TIIATELLING BATCIIELS ETC titS0, A LARGit ASSORTIUNT OF. • :Bolin• TOW, Slier ,Paiarns, and Beilin Woot. Goods. All the latest rapers and Perforlicale always on hand,. AlseAgent DA..trist WZZi•CLV 0.1.4013,E, ANI) MAIL; •A1tiOA.tOXBY 130x7GInT 4.11) SOLD. ar RW.11111E11, 11111 &US' AVM PIA:One-. Omer" Osit,- 0, la% • JOHN 4, NELLES, coition IVIAllitET sawat4 • livly CHAMPION HUAI OP THE 11011INIONI CIINANTP8 4..61,014 The undersigned. having put In a itOttbx engine and ether improved inachinery, 1* istiW Iii h 'position to, sacrist hiti:EXcht.stet PLikt Point on the ebortest notioe atid at reasonable tonne, Hundreds of thesolorke havebeen sold, .and haft( invariably. given iletisfaetene They only require to be teen to he fully :appreelated,, having taken prizem at a =miser of Provincial exhibition* end toutity and towbehip nhowe. P1111 ditto* -tiont, given -for using, itict nil information famished by.the patentee runt Mentikattferi Pulleys and 'other taeitling motility for nutting the imploniont at.tot waking: hider, kept on handl . . PtTER Cet. , ..,,Tb.eaboYggoo.s must be :cleared: out INSIDE OF TWO WEEK% make place for'Pall Goods, as tliii'''*eek I start taking stook, soiclia:ofore 1 finish. •1 3aikve also in 1.5 „ • stock a FINE LOT OF BOOTS '. 4ND SHOES, , oth:11/en. and Wernen'S in. the following order : • 200 T'air of Men's Coarse Boots, ' - . ' • • ,,Bors Coarse,Boots, , 75 " " Youth's Coarse' Boots, ., ., ., 90 ,.‘ WoMen!_s 'Leather 'Shoes; 30 " - . Wonien:s Fine,Pebble Goat Shoes, 50 " Womerts Pruncillas, • - 80 4 C Children's Prunellas,,, .,. 75 4C Infant's • Shoes, ' 200 ,, 'Genes 'Felt Over -Shoes, , . , 175 .,Genes Rubbers, ' 150 C4 Ladies'. Felt Gver-Shoes hi6b.'butten, ' 100. ,c Children's Felt Over -Shoes, 80 ‘, . Children's Rubbers. . —We' ----Ail-limTgOing mit of this rifle oftrade, you may be sure . offr etti,d' sLat.,_yoult-ciwasi..-.'priceS, _T No.4.7--poitiveir-TuE. idieso goodi at actug a -at, asTI *alit the room for Dry.. oods. - CALL EARLY '•4NI) GET TIRST exioic3P; THE. yg4,-,,agosto13.,T.10, COMING FALL WEATREE. -01intOn;:ii-uvIlth74875 ROY: NOTICE .TO The Undersigned hog toiijfotnIlie inhabitants. of Clinton and. 'surrounding country that thid---7 have entered into Co.Partnership for the purpose of carrying on the business of manufacturere of Carriages, Buggies, Waggons,' Sleighs, Cutters, ito,, in all its vanoturliraliiiii,-ii-their ,.. old stand, Huron Street, Plintim, :under the atyle and firnt of ' 13 .• S 31-4 No pains will be spared to ciecute,work equal to any in the Dominion,. Their long exbcirfr' once in the County enables them to fully understand the requirements of their customers, and ' they hope, by sttiet attention to business, to give entire malefaction to all those who may favor them with their patronage. • tir A large and select atoels.'of the.befai !teas:Med-material always ou hand. ' Orders executed' w4tlt despatch. Repairing done *n the shortes not de. . , , °Lunar •-• • . •ItUllIBALL it LESLIE. ' 4.131.( 2ro-15 .i. DERICl/EOUNDRY Oderfol). Ficnnidry dhd. Manutauring Co. .,, Big to inform the, public that they ire prepared to supply $r11..6*.ateL 1101X43011S Flour; Grist and Saw Mills* SiliNe; Shingle and Heading * 111aebines,' Ilpop Machines, &C., Iron 'end Wooden Ploughs, .'svith .Steel Boe.rds; tiang Plotighs, Chiltirators • Straw: Cutters, am„ sugar and Potash, Settles, Grate Bard, deed Cooking', , Parlor and Box Stoves, �f various ithads. • T 0 .OI1iE. Alen; /roll And treed:fit:sting:4 and tilliallamith W.1115: Jjoilerit' ,and of .1topicivi! done On Shore ordors addressed to the Compote, or beeretery, Will rbOolVe proMpt attention; ABCrnAta HOD, • liOitakp4 noitToN,. • ,Seoretary and Treasurer. , president. • BOURT RtI1TCIM.A.111. 0141.104- Mount. ct4 *au•. • • THICOONSOIN. ; W.I.LLIAIVIIIE6' AgriciOiturrit Itni4elnents,, and 1301,1er and .Vt.igitie Worke, lilt 0:4EZT-4 , _,IVICarexasiinifaoinringilargely this lemon, the eislikrAtect _ Joimeth- Belliatte Siegie NReeot nil the CO148.0110 Jr*" .loymil Which we 13elleve is *Lined iiiirliesting 1n4oe0: We 00 1100 reanufactering tia� •"icterznit'if itleittatstia leistINT ' 35110AT)041§T suntmxt A141,1„) OtItitriVATOrt. .AII kindolot MolouitotiItiplumeAti!icApt A. trial ot ivaidomenti, arena, ma Satisfectitiri guaranteed. .• woia with , DVD, or 0 A00,11140% Itiotr:th:4:4:61,703:the rieg:tatetsilat Meneinister, atiosototi4 Mot tor toAlking At beighborme 4er 1444E4 AlitH, L tritOMION sWItAteTAIdlit 1 ;I