Clinton New Era, 1875-08-05, Page 2;7, .*ww 0446i� 31 0 ila— 1!..4 0,010. CANADIVAM w 'CANAMUN M, ni h .47 14*14.1 TA,ow ecilulim will b0i fouvd WMAI VAT" AMBUT.—Wo -reve to Ism of an W desib".0tiop ar4wd - lonak SRUWPY T4W*!W*1019* s* waosr was .00 (Ahl, We an &o1dout to A Young boy. x4nod SmIth, of Tko Du X%W- 0440"XiI, Was 44SUOY44 A colozed physWo-at of Xomllt�o, has been amuts, of the WU010,44 I = �­Tboralvgbl by wh" a V Via 9,144 he wax laotatly: 40- PY Are gis 144AY- 4,444 474 1" praoldox W"w A license. X Two, want, m in BCOAS44 lost W""k, menuo0ol 09100 ou"406 F.Avo VA atill allpo U olip4ora that an Mon- 440 eoi 4 r tit injury of hqrsos and and *%tile, br whot 4 ovorcoals, but 41wili Visa It has inpdo.1*4 sowo WYAT. 'day morrilothe wont out withbismotheratia but wore xhQt bigroril 18y *144 Injured atWoul. have Arrived At Mo reasOA in not md'o kA Atroal 04 their WAY -W ladies, wore driwog own. Thin ORIZO so A. X "diono.woltatt "Able, slitortoplo berried. A Wall ku v%6 and v4b4 lultnba- IOUs, the tOW4`1JLAio b0svesin Disrah.*% 40oll 0mos.-411" r ilk, Stpillor,graw wind, w4loh wAg blowill very, strong At ilia Ot;6,0,dn The q#Amer DolivitIlon WAX burned to OhAAAr 031*14M14111t, W appoAfo to ba very muoh On the 133croo0i 1.25 1>1 X. 91ch, tin onion, this goaron 440,08 -measured olivoia timo,ble* over a tree, 11%lob. day evening, the ot Apparently " if eithor 4 ortion, of our 1.26, F. X1. 0,100 P taolle4m. olrolluatoronce, Ank. w fellow in its 1411, smashing Wo bralup out wAter's 949, abovit lilix mil–os below Chatham, .0, wriagois broke, I xowipg g, 5 09. 1p. 74, 0. 2 0, IV: U eigho4 o1glit rq' dent 1)14004 Are Ia o1rou. on $Atuv0y 344ht. ounce#. Who Can best that breaking his thigh . bones, Tho1mily had - 4 VArnes"'Over do; ixont, WU04 but''rocintly oome out inquil England, but 1144 run I oycr by 1111ng her Inatuatly. n WAI polativ 0. sinking In tho, 00410 of U VsAwAy.—Ovk Friday afternoon 4, former �011114 twell, or . A PATL Of '000,171% U91; A. ma.4 named J� kA pa, W1914. a Ito w`04t 'an Ore. brutal- 4 act atilille very many friondu in that time, allo 94tfol!tham- ; he Londoya Testa, whoso name wo 41 , f A 0ala of oat!, At, rio# 9A Saturday, 4.04 Nw. X44 Xonoo" .0, Umbeill, owas sk learls, suffered ilia outilro domplitloa of his whom ognipAtIllip deeply with tile rollltlyes of Two Young Mon ware Arreate4 lost. woo ot h BrAllimt.bea which hAs:pr9duo9d, 4 noyelty, bocmiu& VALL $NOITS. VA0114ton Ile C rd AITA, lizuttloa, on ti orribly *,an Bar OfA do East NV oloA izodi or tp Aug AWA,,UQab, oil 30th, 00p.. Toronto, for iloup , Kid -At thoge 11 ;t Beigriyo, Ealtti wogg.Qu, cut Victoria Str6ct, by big barged no. rAvq OR, two 3 Quo$ Xr, X on, of Ribbort, sola. A load This consist$ of on X033.410 AWAY. 110 was. himself sorvewb#� ow, Wheat Oil I IQ Mitchou I i , ­oi, 0 % il so girls., ShQQk1Q Mot 1% , jo in T14 AVG. '0, b4,604, 444 Vicious 04400 Of000001 The, DIV'SUril %0V market lootwook;, Anot Or, t $Utsido one being ounces b- nb@uttboboa ----JVcqtsrA-7aJr, J�* o*Q A barn belonging to Sheriff Group, near at tile rxto of �LIQL per bushel. In weight thia inili4o, one but -oughtly Aden $tbi 20441 Pill, viorpor4tiongof those 40AA '004 on y # $0ptomber, Arid 14i 011;."Zor. V. -M OANA15A 131BLIR Quolpla, waodootrojoit by Are, with''Itil OOA; Tbo otoamor Cumberland ran ommop egg, 1300A 11470 A f SOQZX . TY. . from Collin oo done Out ofa puro spirit 0 spite or. veni he, "th 13(atoLiLI&Y. One evening last week A bur;* teAtp, on ThursdAy', amollor Ilion Morris, at Myth, oil tho, 12th 044 13th of', Auntlal A �eport of the Tjj-por Can %�4% Bible Jar 'commilt1pa Ia tile store And.awouitig wood. to Puluth Ana back, Ia the quick, tluI6 Octobor, Society bus just been issue. i in whioh wo Avid woo Senator Koulbaoli's residanco,eAt Lun4erq, geangg, 4 Six dayor and oJouteen hours, J', 0 gp�g;d­ldy vbarveo oud, stores f cruelty QMr, ohs 60ton, BuohfieW, Mr. Ila, As th; propolliir America, fr rk I Clay: 0 . lips upfreig! , tied$ 4144 V27 9064111. knifoslog degree* on the oth an it 9 d, 4.61.90, And weak destroyed by 4re, 'sadt*oOf A WOO, Ifilron, tit V 14" And, t4ot Clinton fir a 9titrilin. Milton Was AWAY on business All ill 1760k, Wag lout named X1040)son, At X10811ten, wines, was 11$44fagr Ili ib# wb , oto Ist, �CALJI,. a little. wore as Uon collect. a 0f At $iAgAra and wick044000 4ifliq1tit to be r@A f'OotobQr. � loavlag Mrs. Hamilton and A. olone, Mrs. stabbed Another xnau-namod, Conway IQ soyoro. on Toosday, W Also learn th at 1.4 girl Ilia 4orvauts. 0400�04.40444 Ibilroin, Sailor I anvils Are Silent, ray Spin, 44, but not. In time to bo, ingludod in tile re- in the, nigh oraing, a young, boy, suppe,A� in thi land 'of climbeg And School. Hillliiitt, at Clinton, an, ill 844 2A4 Eamillgavas woke Dy.two Mon �Olw ROOS, of Clifton, has beon. Arrested, Ana ly that, his life, la dgspalre4 of, ,!4108 motionless" An 1 '0 , � doollpittoa t9stanil h od^to be J01111 13111, of Toroato, trial to. Avy wdirkoli4g closed till 0, WiAQ i4bgrroom, who inquired 11006,'�Ramilton is trial on the ob4v$o of not east down, MY 08- lionseni slid r isok Ayourig mau,notoodri-rancis, son0glarin. DRIP 041ho. 'Wharf -before: I � mor bad showing, thero is I criminally Assaulting. go aid, womAil.... what they wAlated, Usborus, and Stoplio on oat,). , ItIlTu"O -M er,"AoTort Bawell, W046 Aollivig a few da a landed. Ilia foot either elippe4, or tripped Ap. . r, J. T. Harland, of the firm Wag", a4i), on he ioro for evell iiiiw,my fields Am tooluluig Wl fi 14 for the, labor's of thO �V of Harl4nd Bras., of this ?Igloo, who bag been got no answer, $be became frightened And Th% p9stmar 6, r I -of in 4undant Ilgryciat, And when 0 40941int- bar, 7tli AA(i, Stil, to, at -St. Lugo, MotapeidiRo vinood, Ocori, Aftvfbiq bo wa foun i3O t .0 a running a branch store at, a Something, An 110 foll into the water. ,a Ise k gathoroil in k.ilygrain, lour fao- r 110 AWAY, rolid,"Allat, Quebec, lia.ii been A 4 Ana water, ad, in -and held him by thel b, WIngliam, has fted to a 4olglilbor's, A quarto of A In �ottiug, Was quickly Ormped Luoknow, At Luokuqw, Oil F riday, Ook lot# closed tile'same and returneill4o. this'towA to Xu the Meantime, the burglars t9o0k several committed, for tri Air, AV( As gar live, While we regret the nimessity at b t'rolato, of Ill ln$tthat the boAt Al Ou.4 PhArgo of, Tabbba the A lumut meteor via$ �ituook. d, worelicuseo. will.again redound with bri .1% I n is Valuable o0jolex Irvin: the store, a small oura �X V, a, a head, but diatio,v t 0, lad hum of industryo hi -drxwer,'aM all ihk WA orlipe IA v...e0447 evening. was to orul'al, I lot so oft 0'. - All '1110, in,. quaboo'A on It . 00 in J�uglaaabjiho severe appl1q4'ti plooin have. Ilia agaut - 4­� ob noof the, 4tiouto of Toronto, - Ia. Lad 1wo, d 07, ext -stock of-104cc T a -­'-4­0Ti'6r to wborQ The phencirlionort a "cia seconds, All a Jilot-98, 1 the.. of tile.1,%olir we thin, oil Avea. himself. Theal*vo k this burotou T ursdaY 146t, fl,9941111g tile Street, then . �Odjan I ra gorg' Mrs. JJamiltaiii luld, fled., Arose And wont t -to prevent scattered- kbout Aftilion-*OuRond mill operativ.QA .rgled Nr, 10 s, and a, to be brought in o 1) tkoea. 4thororgh- Rousehola furniture, &a., of Mr. P. Rooney, - SIXERV KALLVD,�taO Weak Several, fart 0 tIlQ but the, a -4S.qtQ 0 aipply i piped intimo A little d4ugbter of $cImmingo, lio8an, at Blyth, an Wedileadg,.25th, just'll at A in Go4erlob- townallip, loot. a number ofohoop otote, but tliq hastily loft As be approaoll- serious damaged. 19ad of hay ATIP Out 0 , op V oyment at Fall Ri JW,-` o'n, its 17 tried wor I coup b ief' qx on4tion to a cartoon IQ ­ And have Since elAded 4oteotiQu. a few days place,. sad �r the A one dog, was ad fail train a or, ass, r AN fenleUt Ot this Primal Qiqlook, P�, in, 0. HAMM on, Allot. by being worried by dogs. or the Wheals of: the "WaggQEIL PA$$Qd Large numblers of they 'V a the act,,birld of course Suffered: the ­94-plim-fired And flity thousandfoet of ale Over and in, struck k ih, I. to at caught I gencral'suispen" of the. will$, And I Von . alt'v 1, t�4or lifq i#�do ion b lumber Were. burn, Ju, d.ho Ott Ing oille1001144moir-Aro re nts, Commerce and And that, no timo-should be losb,by our till Vorsaus. gettineg t air bi ogo. It repreoe gai; a, Pit death. dTh'iF,'Va age is's LYTIR old IA the, railway yard. at, d, of., J�— -. t-- W --r--4 prcyjalfi fi­ e 91 -4=4 siA in vin, veal, ingill the uow� Industry, two sittin�g. female WiNuar-o 4 V "a' -WIIl-b4-IQMhJQ - - -;- ­­ - ­ " 0 ­­-­.- -­­ ­ -"1%v"dd­P6t ­ J- 'a*--- Nill reed. on 0 f 4 =049 A Itar out. 0 or I abo�,P! free. . ........ gather, The storekeepers of the place,, -A­a�� lo�io� b- rAA-(-a 'Cov 0 Around thovl� Malcolm Mourogori. goal) worthless our h ZtY'af U60611, I$. oild to ]lave bad, thirty' ragm or vp take the mati�i On 9 , . prou on* obal ro d d, but the, Ave given' t ifethe cpar4tivo T t area. 'Ton of than% A haiti6o ilia -vKr,' BA likei recently had a number of sheall'stolpo, can ELOO67rox- ruey,' ad soon as lie igna,are Pie sod, at tile, Sight of as cult4roit st sufticiently recovers fourCtho iiijury he red ilqd ti), find any trade of E, n8liell the streets of,tbat city. aliaing, nith. it I& daily Married,, -to in 4' -up on the meeting of� the L.oeal �Iouse- T9,014 COU4011, And,. so far;. hits fa swallows: it othor twenty Are alive And in Afford to tal;q:a, vaqA n they can afford tc�. 40 4 for their -golt§ Solve Alle Canadian, a alkell in It is..reported that the hunters i Pay 'as 0, And thatiIi6c d 40 � 0 ON. ceiVod by jumping out. of ills run%,WAy bus, I'M W DRWA Are I R the Worth re them. Thig 6pef d. put' f- -!00�ulwgll. V.QR T­a`i.R��Tbrgo weeks, ago tile streets of. this P14,40 occasionally, West Territory, have soizo4suid cot it will bo gll�ort until they got 0 an t4l1f,a0dressirig o regular. monthly indetingof the Council will form a-Arardatitiolub, forth, pose 9 .1fiscatod work: FREE T409 AND VAOTECT'101. took PIR06 014 Monday Qveninf, ; All members Thier will bring the is a true illustration of tl�o condition of instructions in elocution, &a.- 'Parties % young man giving the 4. onto OfJ4Qkd'O1)1'Put Two young ladies, named Miss Murtqp, of property and set"up, go. . poin n h own men to tll�jr senses W ­ r ent . a: Pie or and Slnith�. =a Of connecting Ibe ul� at Polloek'4 botisl, and" 6a his ilp � a vo, . a t oft Sir xcept 'Messrs, S , pavture, Prdess - Allegiance to the Q' quick.as Anything.- mael*es, with th And Miss Hamilton, adopted da,d�!. although they U0011 I I umato Ito A Mr. W thig-e-ounir, OfOrth the po� 'We copy-. tbli following frowf tea of previous Mi club, Ea!�7 coivmu�up4tq,,w h several of the, )�oq4erp, Missed articlegof clotx- N� -Watbrowi, Bi-autfordi wore An insano warrao named Dunn, an I y, and� fully get hoZead- gji9no tt acting road arid ado "Am` tell, ,p; presento(I their it .9K, p4p.ney"­ . t Thurs tar Of r Tho, Vinance.committge. then day lie againa�li ated I thQ am"da ;t �whilo-bath-- -ot-t a iposa, a a, [I iutereA'hqldS­tq-A4P and, 11eqrtily. 10 otALmend' it to the- CAXPWQ OUT, -­Ov� Mo�4gly last Mesita.' lug' ilfg.­­ �­t)h441#9%­%wrway, I . ­ - I ­­­ . f about twelve years -O voportwhioll, was, in sub at'Pollock's liolkrotestant-Or -hang, fhb 0 stands, that the fol- -whort-khovartios-who`hAd p �c 1avk,-J;-Cunnj#ghAiaji,AudT. -w- 'to taptod to murder same f tile. oervafits of ag(ii was iccidontlY IdJ10A-on­ Monda� 11, iapeoi miagedtheir y last a4slhould bowel ppud 11y, tb. those Fare, r Ohl W t that Institution on Thni dr family to Toronto, $9J3 ; �Jobn Fox. work Sherwood, left fai the p''Art.ot t6diffisillay ast a rain, noor arrig, oil a Ry night. She has by A gun wbiall. had *been givan Lose W116 Are. n pan hill carpet bX, when most at ilia stol, n yecially th A�-Vosi�ion to who tire inclined -.tovrArds fl. in the 2TOrtharn railroad, ran, into a team, at a bee 4.rrooteiX. field towns 1p, wheie,they intoild 11 camping m6therto carry t 6140- G out'i.for, fe 4�y 4aving, provided foun A, hat Ile kad All oMr, Crooks has b ro who St.Jameo!oWard, $06.06; W. Whittington an, articles wore 9 big j a 51�iilng ,6 'and B ifiolplek ptote ti6 Iiaing N influence or pontr�j. the legitl4tigh OW04. p, 0 11i and work iploe.motory, 6 Ated can dhoson nnthe Reform was working the fields, and Wislie1 to. outh Oxs Goa lii nO siaribi for a WOWS at Eight, Ito 'MA -de his molishing the waggoa nd aloWltaq MJUXMg candidate in the'doraing.election. in S a ain a Feq an'a s,ollife un burn the hotel thi escape - d,: 'The little', otlVe ..: 01206t-OOMO Pl�gcoao, 0 low W, 1W-ard aM6 &Zlyo ade �%4ra ji6re As otinj dot onavas." . 41 , Ad, qO* farad, Theloctlov. at � X Macpherson & Co,, for oak Jum6er $6.38 - 3'. through the wifidow, and Mr, Pollock, fearing r. McCollum, to tile found lying beside the t )a no going L 4otor R�4 actress Hamilt�n ware Commons f4i Mouck isi'to be pretested. Id., "with the upper yi P plL ,qdenoo in Luis coun ".. fall Other policy t-- -to Ae adoptoa f dx,w6rkiu,8t, Andrelvlb WArd, 461.39 ;' G. lkoudlty a numoor Of the that 'he might atteffipt to a riy� it out, alit up. All iArt of his, head blowil,oi a person cai F."utgon, work iii 64. Jobin's WaN, $117;50; ok marrie.d.at th 'Be us, of-Ottaw.a, is Put'as the Government Ing u no a tempt was made. Next lost We as lanR in the pl tforrii of members belo-4ing to the lodge, of! 6ddfello*o oil i lit b t t cother unfashionable 3ted by Co , Bitillais 5te�r. hour. of thlroe o'cleck ln'fhe'EiQrning, P4 did can idato4pit4e, loo 1 '1 a and his., biains.' icattere4 ov� the indtialirlos, no. San I deny,' e. of the 1). Will. Futii, 1W - Iii, Ajoijug streets, $1.010o J, Al. itiond thi- day Jd*son was arral a a a txon In usdpA.' Oaf this town,, left for Londow, to.0 nq%uest Was, hold-. by Coroner Rellyj of and iliat to talk of f4g.te �ng o t 'lainson, work aad,gravoli $0 ; Thou, biDnEell, G, art, taken before. a magistrate, and aentencea. not )lava to do it escape an unwillin pr4 . th6 opposition ;. a ..end . I 'will not re of.- ll�e,Grand Lodge thqio. The Ma . Au'Ingersoll Ivan ofclaXis. is teiming.03.76,;E.'Holmosik aI-t,waS supposed - that, provided a 'Spoei I t for 'the the. Of� that ac� to ayest'g Imp*O. wt at 9q4ri§4 jAil, aife" Sond'him down here, and if v acold ndelve .,the u n an aV Foster, rilig.. AI I eat occurred fr� attempting� to, Other iritgreq I t, at its -exp . *-* 0. � -A was oil-, Saturds� 't& his y imo 0 advertising, &0. comitiod4idn of' those �,nlavlg.n, starting A big6rilbIl lawyer Qk him n2arrigil in Short order arid., sler thau�bcl. regular ante layers on tVo G.W, R. AnT art's c6nt4hf, it vion't be * a r falah. 1oma d,61lial death. :W'ad returned. p WINC*H u -Ace, t" iille�hjgh: �,efijib ingbell, $0 - `J olin lodging, &o.,,to For, from GQdoxl�li ear - load'flio7gun, and accordingly viidiol of a the ox rome, party� '. 'Title a each of X 9401 Il morn- ra,l, $1.60 it, Walker,' for advertising re4tor- .1, erg tting beat. by such mien, deserve a I dow.u.bere 11 G;; If-, Cq "Ahero are los of mar. a a 0 0 red to below, will be, folund, bil-our. Ing rain. .- . I I . . t a. ey, of s6rild knew riageable young ladios left -and 469a loo Ing �ges.thait,4vp lic n.plii t meeliani i :TOfer a1lion. �Of '60 Aritup, $1 ;, the aeqouu As Mr, Philip Curry and dano:hter 'were ts of i.�Orl Xonday� ovening the stable,-&,' drivibg into. Wingh Taylor and Vm.- Little, weianob recent- F 'RE . eingage sue gilild othei-s quill.th ploasi: ra� a. little Pt or an' in h games. too. .�g mended to be paid, as they otcertified longing to Mr.. James Miller,, Situated'- near before eight t can ever"be wore n -o'clockFridaymoijii g;,th6irhorsas tool� fright A boy, son of'J. McGill, 'of.:411ullaTton, . A Meeting of the stookhold hit, A, substitute; dear that have been heldut to farnporr If We �were Vkea wbV, w1an li'eee TraaO 4obn,'tor the'affecitioli 9f a njiter to by, pardest the ik done. the laning mills of Messrs Stdvens Milter, at 3-Woda'sawing'E'daclia k t.dar -the str� 6 tile woods- -an' cis of the Huron prinoxii ad are ri illdly, � fix eadi6g,, the world 0, notion So(irle, see, by, Coun. isilway-attion, arid started 'down tho street d ling hfi�s 'Thursday, for the purpose of ohoosifig birec I Well sia Oide 11 1 , ­ ­ I with Ing At , yod froM his f, thers house filt 'Quelleo railway was h4ld at Goderich oil tg,entqr apd.'enjage­in r&rcantile 6rd a i6ok fire from Same little,boyo p oying -war C do again back upon 'Coopor, the report: was 'adopted Without matohes;.and liuriiaa to' the ground With its a few AYS. a 0, since whie"ri Wo Ell a Jotifi over, we Ili ona The *aggon struck�oa a Voat in front of -Dr beeft It% to Although the . woods have' tdrs,. notibno of politi I Monti tbit depeA44" ood, dea on �jVlofje other aciptiomy long a ard"6 : hi whea',thi. lollowin, g 'subscribers were n,ot Alt6gether ogl ,go explod 0, amend contents, With the excoptign-bfibuggy.and: MoDduald's, throwing out Mr. Curry ap`ja hip wb would replj� that it arlsoo'from our oon- is the -only artiol d And searoh z�ade everywhere. elected: Mr. Cluxton, Ntarborol; D.W. Dum-' is,T! i uii Conn. Irwin moved;'doo, by Coun. Stevens,. cutter, which we as teseuf4d� begn. ooqure ilaillised. depression And dullness in,, 4 n wind, dfiugffitor� Mr. Curry as'kii1e. instantly. Indian near* -Ville, ble, Feteiboro Teals, VaterboTo"; W. g MLSg H. to,.4nd intercourse with, the U amounting toL$113­bo,�paid- Fortunately, the �1`6,ha 6rlingl Vedne. $46rol . U, Dolme I the Gerniang' pointed," states , f " that ilia freight on two car loads of timber, Losai,,about'$200. lost hid lif L 6, 'On an lla$ars towns. and Cities, it! itiah in, In illai�6ouiltri;ja mozistrous� iyAt Wbicit ei �rAscaped witho Rt any Serious inj ury. Scott, iReter H. Calou ''The 'Ito ft M quitig a.gal� t the N 9diy' last, While. Axing . t t, -,of--tb �' 'Afirebro a -L -r( - , ba- �; ajor. eu,ron,L%kefteId;F. I ru Krtlp�ls. cannon of- protection for the. especial biinefit� ',direotli. from the houlio, otherwig ke out here abouthrea o'clook,on �aping Mtfahinp. raes became B' 1 4� ei f0tirof t, Evilry 6ne knows.-tbat -thetig tal.A.Stat.s. �%�oved, by Coun� Macdonald, sec. by Conn. wA $aturdai morning, in the W6r%4hop 6Xr. loaded with as woo fitapgurateabaforp Ne frightened' off, and $tcrliog fall on the Oshawa'; Hooter Camaroa� Toronto; and �no. Few twelve Searle, � that the health committee do-examino would ine0fdayii, buildbr,41lich 'togethei.with knives, receiving. injuries from Which he balls that Weighed dem�and fo rico -has b6on. Civil War, and two circumstances haVo tended, thb niain drain^passifig through from Ontario -hund ild eigbt, agai -ag itur ulo-�onW rs his residence, I was t tall �1.nsumed, with uF& n at 6. targot�-i*svcJ0­ - to potpoWate,that'systomdown to the �resent hing such die . a- in ih s, a samp, a a e, ness etlk, H B- nimild- Wqllaoc� and hear all- their 'doit The sup - very, 'greav for many arp, Vbtwith- h wbiob that toXing street,.with the view of I olitli 0 , the kin of ty,�nainely,tti.efea.rfnl,oebt*lt, , t-th-- OU -1110) ip , dsb to,have..W 'A father ou4stin named- 'Cote, when on a like �,� section Republic, And the equally a fr IlIg-qhito a '' i �er'mifun Work ef an incendiary. Maintroali, the Sun says "A short tims ago yi en the ass of v, ran away l6a�i n1a n 0 Eden entered th� yard' -of a. gentleman in e gr ux of this,c) the I on, E101Wfi6ri-cladi-Ana the.cannon ware fishing excursion W. ---�tAnding tb eA infl Same being used'as a common se,wer,', whilill Ia debts in tdwn, some of tr�nl of consider- Niablet. Que., F ridgy fearful *Inflation of the ourron The latter aaffeat the pa a 0, n6 itistIrance., The people 4 ell giniultaneouily� b OY, inity of Beaver rogaled thefil- lurope tha cirounist9hoo hai prevented, for a t must, from its present filthy stai able Amount. We learn, however, thit'th;a of. 8 a their syMpatIly for Mr.. kindled a fire against a tree, and then "Went to the Vie th ri'dischaig the -immigrants from. D line, the hpaltli of the Glialpitants-of that-ldicAlity as- 'In the meantim selves with the refuse mdat�oontalned in.tho electric.wire e 0 at llich they sleep. "Ja6fire burned the anad t h oat likely be'oettled, as, ' tlier V, b I about ' target. :Was. anni- offal WOM. "1g-- We tire pr coniinu a pid also 1611 burden of Protection ir b ­ te%. but and the t�wn'gefierally.-'�-Carrled. , trtinl�Qfthotrce-anil:i felloveion barrel-. L, The we e do sure jiff-both'ifie" Via fo be paid, paitiaii bomme-reoponsible-fdr them. lie a L nto t 1 # the.son is sober, and did war deb't a Semi' Lot appear t6 �6­Qf the loafing class. ien presented Ili av­ killed boy kinds of farnt produce, is in deinad- a.dL -thb currengy brought back to �a gpld basis, nual gtitbutent, which, an. motion 0j, Cou p oased to be able to adj: ihit. goremllj, t Vineal h6dily, and:it The fitte Of Miss .1 Newton-'� i6 , stirs *111 th' 6 came in the naar. futitre ontracts of this ioAa, fail into the hands' 'of 'PORTEWS 11ILL. -A6t(irixfac6oi�panied�by*rai,n,�pas'ied over' Seemed to 4njoy thoi eat Macaquald, Was received and refaqed. tot 0 honorable E�pn, who are endeavoring. to �see Ottawa recently, A house on NapdlQon-at, was conaiderablo time before they'attilde is a Sit. resh. Thetruth is,' time bf reckoiingfoi? that country, which even Was indl. qd d F illiNo.-Porgons in this fieZb own. A tree fell. on a I wom. L all on, their that all parties. e6iineoted,withit are conduot�' HAnvi �borhoad wad blown d depakiiii.9.11 . s . . . 0j ug-ooh,66), With cTraders ill grieve over, - though 'it ivill 0, motion of . Coull., Maclionfild, ' Sad' �y lug. their, business on the"square hhve tit tcd716 ci�t tlieir fall -whe Other, tho,Napoleon road ana'crushea hor,,66 deathl. The Carleton Sentin I y town und. idity-lidelness bag b6e�i 6 sm a fr0fii 4oaiddi their princi-' CoAnd1dilividon, the, acdolint of LI ffelvaos,,�t. little �boy who witli hei esesped. L A'LM egret to flutes' an�a v lab leaieg and inbon eams -done, t6ore being too do' -the' tiuMP11 Ia' I I'soon be ready. learn that inany people in some of thelew sot- 0 some in this count kinasof'giiiin wil an pled . There axe who,, is* of $17 00 'Sitious Rv14AAv-.iy.--On Friday. evening before 46v, - she ;Wi.nd ilucked-mid-mor- i 'deraaxidsii� and% a Observing only 6 fi 66 ry Cl Son, f6ranagistrat.es' blank'form Voksn Digix-As Mr. Jrnc� Elliott'Lwaa navied D4048, while on a, load of hay, was demerits And Madawaska, are on excoodingly -trading thlo.coanlr� tlxe stip r ci I orking of Pr - �waa ord.�red tOL be paid. last the horses Attached to buo started struck b lightning And killed. short-bomin6n P finding , I j. a , L inatter of dif- tified when sheL"heatd "her moth Vnited SUMS,, hayo-cus-tituted M in' 6V Ec" driving home fr6 church Jast Sun4ay 31 - tboogh th U 'ifCanada ii�6itles of ibe,exploded 0. a b I A-yotiug girl,,daughtor of A former near in't) by Coun.''Irivin,'s6b, by Qoun�Ste-� from the Otatiln after it few pi 'took ere is no do bt that a� "great ovdd %sib�gera had in�, bid liorse, WMob, r' aa, ValuA Ia one lo� obtain suffickut fefiil 'Whereon to pronouncea .1 Vona, thatihe gealth indpoetor be a ppower entered, vithquta driver, ana.conseq- - P. - . . .. gently FAW (Lnd died in all hour. tawa,:uamo Xowbigln� is attra live. This- isafi bxeedirjgly'pai�f ill foot. Anfenced' ibis fall iiiL doctrine. iudwouI4 have us reprod4ce in this Ing' soon Got iiito a ruh., in the course which d cting conilder.� On conipany that be -relief will -be -eipori ad to iaki prompt actioxi iii all oases affecil 0 -'PAs -able it Ia cause for rejoicino -that Nvent Up.gt4jr a epiiode' of American It, in d9ing which Vary dar,­fok Wa- t' L�Shb �Oufitrly-aii iiiifortunat i: the ssauggers Jt the, other hand, of Any �art, of this town without Isoirafter'61 adialovLof &Cono ainstem," �oi commercial circles, 'the-, abundant two weeks, gro.ZiggL loadif Ailrthg settleluentsi whatever- - � - ­- f --Mothers ought to* b proper- �y cations. -oorrupt" ihe to fivaite ille d oil :Mr.' and Mrs. If-. Bainiey�got badly hurt-, but 1111�:% TAR,. Ear only at their rb no being wine tuft616rlips withAeat: a 0, All 'b- prono . u0o. haV ­ , ' L' . P through* the -village to the farm Air. Burke, ailed: dustri had. beeir expendedi the I rropo. that �r6 now being 'gathered - - - - -d":' t davizerouply. . The-borsce, kept on in their. ro*ino crops thoie*e r6fill.' f yve son- 141MID 1P 0 i AD gular are a 'a praotic a c ping u Th wbere,4thare-lli' any il-nautity 6f- as f uch extant and proulis' !4 cha a6tei as w6ids cor�ectly i cpppany comb 6 Councilhqo A Jour* c L qurso 'fill they ran foul of the pu mp" opposi-6 raspbc-,rri Her caso-bas, so fai,-baffled Ali Scientific of - al.' is'dee rop d' tied. and Teturn with their paiis fillea;, I& iender he prospectr for ndxt year's !lying they, ought to, co�ciial. theinsilv -public. of the pump'maki Ing A -estoro her t'd boul�ciozuwfgs. do ot expect to. see I& -'perii at iin tion of 1he hotel, the hiinaio f.orts to T on hi the is. ftL' Country, 'so would some journalists who.. a, the bug breaking the cox6spalidont alsp sileks of "tho . A, dariiig aftempt, at � rohbc� - WAS mAde At Very satisfactory kitcheb�-Loz�isviil proTement in. this respeottpl, there re hole in'the bus,' and a, in the interest of imAlloAntifacturing,- all tied Vail the 4rinkirigund re�vclry a, irie(I oil 'it a' 'late' in'spin Resiur The following is writ oil by. 6, friend Es. .a 11he.Lato �irby. P :mp short off, which fell in the i out Toronto a few- nights ng bu iness men, and �OtLt 'the township, on thi $ahbatli day, cdinmoiut� of t ie night the. pro- -d 1 1 have lived� in this obunty -40�letiori amo .,a ha,r� us: also introduce Into CA Wfic- or -a stop in their racewit sevaialy therea but a -Withhold the d6rer -was aw�keued by hearing' some one Ili r tbirty years, anahavo travelled all through Mi Sax Recoi d tile death further darn�ge.. Sea c6ming to Ili ilia dhle I' correisponding. inerease.pf �rbiluoevs in tion. after the American ty We,, two i' irva, u�ounca of ilia 90W spooiacd, that if i, 1.0 tor, always noticin'g1he cropoi am, and asing wh6 wasthere, was r Saw, thorn L 0 fin L� Kirby, a fo�MeFyoaidentof this' -0 t on pf Mr. P -Olt' Tuesdoy.�aftotia the pradilcei is barriedquiarnot Ong h at b a a -Several jburnals with Ia elipfrout.the lie q-. y tho'burglai striking him-ovdr ii each umm, Free t Ho iftoon, 40, -hotol ':a -ilia dvv oll-will tll� o task for Cad -with o, bar. finmedi the shape of aggriculturift usually in decor have bee, taking Mr4 -place. The following, ich Wrhildretuiningfiin Stidhbqlsi� Ail they Xre thlis saisbu-4wheot, lbarle -'remier- dial W which V! There arerit-ilt large t ittle is of obAnir'y a rlil;v, -streat r, addhe di6a, ately grabbisA Tblf.-�=111770111 on 0 Lavaca road, diicl when About a miI6 from: filture.1 d soEiie hibitak he 0 -ontho-occasi6n-o"iFi-recen",isit-toll�ptqdec� gue-ee quarters". gave up"a.wittell, an d. birlay Worthl Trade seollmenti to. Which be. gave -a#erance *1 Show the asteolutyin which, he..was.hoia )qurod in good. order.- -- Wlleaf an ile jo- -4_uwailIL d gko y 'URI 0 "ittrby wad Wero:.six meii, broho, causiiig:the wheel,to, liave boon largelyllariistea. Althoughrivoney r, in' common vl�lk. a had Scoured, and hastily left, sitled'which no.. the re4tividarilb labor.oUthe untidy was With those-sentintailits Th L deiiLth Of r.. � Ral large body of.­E1156ral-Uotiservatiii S hert Ia this com-, ome off, thrOWulg'the occupants into-1he :thing ha's been hear Of mis Source. ioilaidering.the abundant oropm, an event Which fills mally.1 KNOx -ITI.Clinto"nii, on the 2nd a reare . no going.t -wife utilized. upon, votild lae Om oufoes: of JanIt, illthoug with foolings of sorrowau- grot.: �mula. 'Thohoriia titkingTrIght. started off At 1;rOot- i4tir i4 Will" tande bout Ess6x.Conb o frot,�ut iast-,� the na .;,Meg h we -Would hame-preforred to; d r6g -P Vil -in this village aboutL tomp6r, 'lloo led ad -11osarg. Thomson &.'Cornkok, L of Mt. G. A.'Kiiox, of A. dauglite great Speed. -coming u 3toria Str6ot here r. ado Mr. Mackenzie exhibit. a Incro. 6090 is untimely death-wAs.tKeeboded. by a. three ake ithinga as the, Cubus 'lie Huron Road, dow;l. pliou ilo,'.iEu ovapijoycA by them in the construction of the 'old, Ott` the 3Ist July,. the wealth, without inflicting, the" in they.turiiisaat 1, Jt�fiir'% i InWiig afte a efforts t& ovoreol MIRK$ Bayfi tion of the principles at exohaug� weeks!. illness, of ty�hoid fe4r during which briXgo do. tho. isb find 2nd cons, G uring As Mr. A. D.- Merlin,. Mi. Ale -c. MeBoth; t� wife of Mr, T. D,, Marks, oia, Son. -iof fill6rt. distance, in anion o of a, protective tAriff u- oIl' any. dnej or Thus Ili accornited, for, th�ough the Com' erdial hotel great bifli 'And it had rodolvocl �u ace ray, d p the ilia Miss Isabella Gunn; and Miss June Cliy, of Our Im' time every 'available mearis for big relief were Stables, onto Mary traist,then, again to the twouty,ono now meraborS dtfriug. tho qudttor the Pstreek or two, usuidly aarri0d, their .W,11,,etoWn, were out tai acticing oil ports,exceading ourExporta by a large.amount, put,to,use ; but, III. spite of tbo'btri0est at�, ay 113eal with them Ia a large.basket., tMt Stanley. on the 6th f �y, I el any interest. Huron Road, on which they contin ued Ili their just ending, *having now a. strong bqdy, all -Coli, joval., r. win. Murdoch mug by Saying that the differen ad kill, his don - b ng a detriment to repressEUT flia, Saturday lifternoon. with, one Of 9 the ivife. of M of d tontion and the beat of. medical 0, mind carear till thejr Were-Lexhaust.edn- Singa- willing to.work, ThQ-.bftI1 has bwcow�, too dad.worq,tharbby sayealthe tibibIa of walking veto, and of tbo a ter', -tlf W'worgi until.iwo o'clock on Mow - 4 . hamberg 4c6ldentally dis, profitrealizea. one lattef, NQw u,tyr9in diti6i-gre lar to say, no� damage further than tile brokart small, and A new Ono is projected, tind fulifl-l' One day-Jast, political economy. would have khown tbA the day, when his spir . it passe away. Ile was a litl WAS ill MCLUAN. .:-In S bri uly 26th,�th6- IT-BY SHOULD. IYE MOURN 'sell, to bi bIQ L 61, eat charged iti-iliootentN hil?i Mr. Mor d I %1asdona, altlidugh the ionic f6liowed are being rai w6dk theyworo'aI96 isavoil the frou Daforbi profit.wasinoliidt)diiitb6auc�ilqtLUt the tipie uila it., In ordefto of- the act of ro-Ici The ball passed wife -of Mr., If, Y. M 'a., L , So, very -circuitous Ono.' All open. orprising a ­ I . . . cLean, of the zomto,iil InforMation has been received of the membiji in gook'st9nding, of ax 0 fot their purpose,tho:Templars hold ing, by'W6 ent ows that: discovered Miss GutWa head, a ower our products Were exported. How,the fa'et lm rintwident of wa fitering the city, an was sups OfA Son.' church of this locating a few eifoninlis r6 good, Ole baskdt,. 1.g6bVlea up" *6 contents, e� u I g on dfracturo6ftho*sama It to be atebunteid filf, as 16. Mackeniie ought to Iva hL, , , L " A: CdVj.rdI a a il a camp El iuspension ofagite'a number of'Aiaeri�. have tho.ounday-scho9l. - Daring the brief � time of ', HoRsLo KiLtnix-Oit Friday Ili ento.rtail]LMent,.U,Ilioh�Nir,-La a acroplote gu0coss, save and excepting t 0 plates.' . . passed b4oh. into the threat, arid ZetioeL is, that a rapidly growing arid hisabode in this place� he iccumalated a host. horses got from ruiwford'd posture to the tile ball eng,c "to oxcess,. all(! tile trick, be�ond.h doubt. -Brus8ela Po8t. Y then ein Wall- prosper . on$ cot are. rail' ad,track, about , miI6-and awhalf,oast of roAvdod -spinai. oeltuld of th intry attracts cppital in the fIrlinam, who Mourn hirs'depart )p . a, into the, rigions. of the can business firms., -iome tprograrould',*11ioll consisted 'gains Way that a beAlthy and. expanding busi. The following 'resolutions When ilia night- oxp' Tile liginbor - of:immigrnts who'�rilvoa at lady-lica Ili a crit ght -%Oilth ..ending uly A I n,, of stu.nding, and thou were ph hsdd bthis place, and ress ca a -know neis Atractil credit,and that the prodominance the Stre4torledgbvf Oddfallows along, it struck two Of2thern, killing them -in. �docont y. dressed old lady entered the of Importli Over Exports in a raflighway ifidi- stantly ; �th� iemaining three rArl-on ahead NOW :One.. baitly was "given by: M r. 1675, follows ;�Eliglish, 635 - Irish' counting -room, of M Cc yea_. M to be perfectly. sound. The failure ok "'Whereas, - thr6ugh the ais, enbatign o an Thoulpson on and Was -veryhing- 9T) ; . essri. Jardin -At -.Holmeaville; on uly 29 MeunOnitoo,',3,-,-167') total'. terd,ay, atld� said that abdUt thirty years ago by the Rev, Mr.,Courtide, Xr.%W.. il. May'. ch . 11) It. , ingany Duncan, Sherman & Co., ofNew 77ork, being sb attracted. --Darigg tha;oorrespog Ing., month of she had -bought '�t a store, cornarof.Chdr6h. late- of Seafbrth, an(I fildoiitoii of'W. jWay'L cat6s, the omiinht.of foreign capital-whi IS 'all-wio Povidonce; ddeathL taken fr4ita the train till they cairio to the -bildge',croOR-Ing - J OOl a h6niong us our brother arid. friend uaipi, L. the -19ayfield riveri whara-ouoj�ayoung Solt'— ilities, d66.thouglit,- ana.magnaud, stre6t, atman tub, of butter, I Sho:had ilaia Ch"ton to-MiSsMagaret hilips 'oi year, the atftals� Ili' 882 Which e iNT Kirby, be it resolVed ilia Iverbelowpadistauesf about Isentimer. 1.58 -Ivlenno.i�lfds, 1,146�, the time and hnapromised: _louse Fwallow­Iii,humble umbedtothe-ri it. The *ritar is a bacholor,' �r Esq., a 0 In tha�butt6i at silbin noirn thirty tj and, wa ols' killed. The two -a divust, thiiirolore, write.fro observation,- 'total 2 tH OF Ex. Jo ISSiOn to the de0rb6,LAud deeply fed lilli, 175 1. 'The has brought 'down.several otbiars in its 714t0st comers: Vere 30 to the loss of our brother, U6 -haq been 6alled others reached &DiiAt the contra of the bridge, n", at. fkaini. nottial experience, Another ity for, or return tub, She had'deno b we ex.; VQonitea and 40 Engli4b, who-aftivea-an- ieAt) tliat�tfme the mduiory yi at t a rasi­ ffill. If should be'a matter forprofound. inara�v 01inson' rly Pienideni awiiY in thQ MO f his llfe�; that but - how, is'.a. Til.ystery,- as there was no floor� Was written by Mrs. WaTrick,.on ProhiVition, -Tliuxsda�- morning last. ; Of tbesb, thi'Mriner 6 bride'g fatbai, li� tb� Rev'. T. -Ingo I troubled, ' niclonce, so much riad-ved of thdfa,b had co , in L,- -tend-to--the be mother, br4hers, And Ing. . One hung by ibs fore foot over a, timb r, and. *was a. toaatet-p"i6ce, for on6'who hag, the' with the of a few faiailidpfL Who In* L that slid could not'rest longer v Albert, son' ,a: ie 0 * a thankfulness that Canada, �uadei -the of ihe "Uiited ':St 6 j &Tt9i friends of the acleell"'S'edi, OtAK, hcari-ielt sym ith of W. Pay, gsq,, 8a n At L pa; and was lowered by ills trdia,mou'(whioh had cares on bar mind to which a rhatro*a is- sub- tend Settling ill Markhai4, Wars, . alland eii6timstances, is, doing As, well a$ it is;- -Cw., Tenh see, oA Sunday.. Mfach. sym- thy- in -thliii. the dark hour of,their, affliotion -; Stopped) alidsome parties Wild, bad wont fr6m made ilia. pay. Railivoytto Sarah Ad-, daughtox of fipo�tbo ject. shd%iih'g that the liriticiple bt prohibition Manitoba, whilo.the-Ta-tier �daa- in Oxiiarlo. ment and relieved -her Mini of ilia burden of rinathat'we dr lodge-rooma in -mdurn- ths Station, " tho * other. -,WaA' lihoved, ofT the canlies tlio:cllotds at woman's bearb to vibrate They are mostly qf the pgricultural class Wellsi Esq. qI1 of St. Cotbari' The-giro6m is 1wa, especially that the haryegb,now p0by ig manifested by the Americans, Ing f6r Only monfl. t�rldge; both being sdalowhat Injured by 'fall., With 1* thirty years, -84 jolm (W�B; ) Metegraph., a brother of kr. 0. Ed PAY*, . Ing to river. Of6una castaav Thup, wb 'gad. that . Air. Quinii, the daring agent for the Boya, Of this place, and is wall known in this bee. being gathered in. is so oxcellent -in qual� 'dvei his dernised B deatk rreai- tomporailog is still alla`�img it grand, Ana: S6.: ton life dress, n . Ibited at Toronto, Towards the aaof last Mdnth a toautifAl- Lid " We Wish. " Beidt" "smootli gaffin over CUXAi vial influence. ow beirigoxiii nd talinted -young lady, A- daughter "of no u. 9 .a Tnm Onors in this neiihilorho . O'd � Am r.. *out O%Iton. Satu oMatrimony!s wat ity,and abundant ini�quantlfy, 11 df,deal Oraut is left' to be 'tbo only -m- an R''eaping Match. 15*6slox.�-Wo -no rd ay last,ila* oil exdnroioh boat of out oldest And most respected citizens, I -nQd ersF, rqatift that the voyage.. that tile Grand Trunk It. R. Las arrangedfor an& when aboutwelve miles out jumped over. - ill. be, a long one and. that a may reallie in t1tils'yeses harvest in Ontario been. -a -living - Who Wag. ever ileoted to ­the. mark -ably good; ancl the farmers are fokin board, deterinining.to remain in the water till somewhat Suddenly, and under pe,IX)jar dit- muiv, all thA reaping matbh under the auspices of a grand excluision, to Niagara Falls: aad-Buffa- curnstinc6s. OwNgto the lifiglikoaptearando a I and Ma0havidi! Asso�ifi- Id,; on the. 18th of August; - Tho.tritia ill forwitrd,to ilia etidiiig� of' a joS ah him tip OE[ its' �patad in, courtship. -Statea. tWHtiron Farmers the 1 tlOii Which was advertised to dome, off on- Theo, I( 'dh at 518'% Clinton tit 6, that they age. �oat 66uld PI return voy- of the.c6rpsb, her fidien4s as . a tioiiary am L; W falluro, t�e result wduild have. keep,, din- Pre of. the United Goderl , which 18 ju'st begin4ing, and hopin 116 paddled atotirill in tho'water for in - a he but, with well-fillea gran' ' �Though. bia,,term of 'Office -only, coifi-' ent iT 6nletdry- astrous, G. Stanbury bat fortli at 6.2t Ili th Will get good priced for theiVrain, the -- he fa;in of Mr. morning, the' fare f6r I - a" ifiglY ow gure It unfastened ' It -was very ft�queatly fffeT 64%4wr ' - and lie ag-taken up, none -tho worse for his.: visitildbythesupe'ninteadeo W�agnottut. GOOD PINT D VEST VAk9 ioft atthe excitetuout,cieat, of Old, rAlft W1 Arrive -at the Falls atone SOMOL burglars tit Montreal have robbed axo its, APOZ31 V6 day. Inconsequence, of Voatite. It has been pretty wait demonstr5*, til afaw days ago that any'sigas of de6ompo, there is a solid basis ior hope and co'nfl- cqsslir livin�t Death has. been busy ' leave at 6 p.m,, and an especial it If $J[1,000 Worth of, goodi,' ted that this suit Will kee. a person afioat in �daftion were perWvia 6 have a' a Among the Inachino manufactuiers by 'the P,M,t rrago- a Store c has, been�goivg on Among went as been Made to, Admit visitors to tfie The Prowler is expected. to leave Eng- the water, aud the hope, is at in. A on dolloo in, business circles. ri tora abro0A Auji dfAciabItin which that it pay be so . ton, Aug. 4.thi 181610� Ong leaIgg P811 Any person wishin toopenathe night corpse retaining an almost unaltered appear. them through tile paliars,oLbout the late mow- musewn. -*�d fq�'r Canads. at ilia and of no*t_Weo�­ clieliply constructedj, as to. bia--withiii the reach come -tales: t. baly. of-busi !e-gelibraturn an thotcyllowingdayowth6 o,r,,y a on d- o nosa-,de res Ing matoh-j'w yory- lwg6 ptliaring-6f at-PIlic Several buildings, at Norwich, were destroy. of! perg6lug having much to do witli miling &c� Pat r a to'. turers and agents Was on, tho, ground, besides excursion tickotl-by afty of the regular trains. ad by fire, on. Monday and also several at-W�-- The Indiana of Caughrawaga, ske'sonding ly he malwhat rowatkab a.- sionk but of unevampiea storms, can 9 a large crowd of fitimers from all Sections of This is decidedly', ilia cheapest. excursion we to the Qaoon 4 beautiful petition on tha inner - Oi I JDAIMES WISMNG TO- GET TIMIR 'j3O()Xff GISNERAL. I NEWS ITE the county, and son . ' - heard of, Arid no doubt evero Thursday last. a dhAd-of.Mr..'Langley, ulaaa, tip, Of Accounto x6ift out. Oan ba "itacommo, io, from a grelt'diitfitiEb �oid�dvlfb Will go. " to 806L na of blich bark, 4skihg bar to favoi With ho., damAga- to. cropa Ana loss pf we—im., 1421�2CVJO laylor,.cf out two,milat Out of town, wall If the weather liaa beea, fine thef6 would have the elilphiant't Erogtowil) had a Ives ab' doted by Op. ying to the u been g her.,paronAl presence, a Match b6t*eati, ill pr4paing, us with the thought that on 116n. A. Mackallarliaii,at last Fathers should give us ilia usual mird, oAh.S2007poigonea' by ating a playing.4n tho.yard, wag'attAbkod by it roost, a"t' been a 'mudh gtoatbr crowd, as great interest Our Town =00, ;XGLIS! Aciotnitant. tea Sheila of Wentworth,: , I 'community as tb is hemlo6k$ ot, whites and themsolv 9 in y nglaad-b.� 86tlan'a. or, and.WAS knocked ddw; And" the- -�hole, walking &11 illow:aniliolor all igoli. - - -was felt amonj the farming olvio holiday on this 16th "so that ovary Ono plant knoft . 'Wild. Pa'Iddri'01 vary intorestingid4at israfelTedto in the Spurred Save, M. Latellierde St. k1ust, Minister Of the result of this Match, MI bt, take advantage -of ilia o Pdrtualty, . Vinabdipation day, the lot of August, petition-, vu: -that W4eq. Pontia'o,:.the alit ral tiMeg in tho, face And- hid- before, tlia^mo, drawbadVs, Ontario, at the present WO, Agrioultura'and 4migration, will shortly �lsl f a weak, wad oelebro6tisd on Mondayo by the colotell high- chief of the, OtAAlkag, 'and head o� ther could rescue ltd� Dr, E*ing, who was t The following Machines word entered for, The above fiom tire &g)ja of tbi I the ey, _40St, wi I do well As it we had writ, called in, totrid, 1it one stroke pur on i for h6ro just as' ment, lu an' little to complain of -and citizdars Ju- the places of -the Do.' ciinfederficy formeiV-kr- tbaO trihop. torapiked had �dbptrfited the, b,iialnd ... The little suhNror The XinAst6 -Ana Pembroke Itail*a�r bad C6xV%Nnb MOWXR8 A-SE1 J.a Ito and ve,only.hope our worthy Mayor aotanored the soldiers ot W X In i 1-55tif aF�1DA1'JVLY'2bftoj, as muoh to be thahkful r&, an any part mv,7 to proolaim. thit-a- lidliday, as an old-lingared 211 great it -1bdrb Street, test Sheppard & Udoier's store passed into the hods of's locil company, who Mor Rake, Harris, Son & Co., Brantford, Ing a lualliot and 80th" to inlenig, Lit Fort MichilImpokifiad, otning, who o pr 'ill tha Work, agony until Saturday M, toodpl, . being done in other places Along the lines Whild, a steamer Was p4ad Is deatli Ver $80. n Orson rotuxmcho, ituld to ZOHR df the world. intoud occedl wi on the birthEy of Kifij George, 4th, ZTuha, am AYS that dnr� 0 00 Xlrby, HaMo, Son & Co. -, Champiou be. near Orillia, Olt Monday, Sparks from 3,or 1768 the pl4ying df the game of A a to Ito ralil;f, Dr. Ewing a 00 t the olintou. Mins' WIU bm' Robt, 4. Hopper LAS histitatell all actioulu CO.# Oshawa Q1' D- 40#006 ombirwil progross very f over. A$ . Ing the Superior court, Bucliilye. R. Bell-& Sob-, '86, George ;, Paisley T11E CRO"'Cilintluad t smoke4taok oat, it oil fire, an orth ore the, Fort,. wad the rvild ado a Rradtido of §yar twenty Y'Oarfl he riever ton, a. oid"16764 The Chntqn Nzw EnA is one of the olrganw Montreal, for $10, 000 damma. 0 was destroyed. p6da to. Pitt metwith, or heard of'such a case -berdiai Ed again Harvestari LaialaW Brad., Paisley ldoa,dovr Ak a rapidly iiponing. thouAh _fhe-.4arriaon off itlig h th first Lin -the hibt Mr. Brolum Ilk. agont,ht Mohawks; of the CoughiiaVaia Indiana tire de. 'ell' Ont ocrthe of the party 'who have at bout the consolidat. 0 6pi �sa 3)uylei of Goderl the fall -villeat I Tra And A"6 that the it 10 Or aps. a 0 -and- -thli thi)'Way it does MrIA1264 re -Llirki­tJ';-AI fott� n thly 61 T-�-SiragotdfferaI4� ing of tbg Dominion at *16jaf, Th berry is has ina plam Gilt, while ii gfriiiy 0 , )6rt is curve S1XGL19 Lark, . J. El. ORt In ttipir at, a winAow. of the seeridants, was tho only, tribe, with the Save. it --I The truth is Nat-Cansda, Ia taxing -her. A t at at Montreal, -A�n. a-goda,yield, There wIW Que6ri'd Rotal. I h 'Dostoolog, a mombar of the Quahog licit, London and t4orer,V111- b6 smoking, went t6 steep And ads, that iefusba to join in ilia masquore thong The tide -of immigration to ilia uni6a, C4*9: INTO T= plimmigns Or T=- STM4 sell to kilve tor a people (the British 061umbi. Li A, be an excessive yield of oato, as a btttir 86 002trilich, ab6tif the beginning of';uly, a X*S find to it or- or� fell to the groiind, a distance of. 85 feet, the-Ylwol`6 016 most P(JwbkfulL tribe At.* time. Ane2 who are unworthy'. of Aid and Support, Ministry, illas been Issuing forged papers to Braulford Xow Xirby Bahl orwR kei wAs� never neon in the county. Barle lisp, 0,266 ifor. much is this felt in Xew 'kotk; thatther Castle him a,bolluvorkber nook, Ths OW40f ex is nowhird to be ris, Sort Co. ; I I Cl isitlj�qdeswhloh will likely resuli Id ter jpwto property rby Controllable, D. receiving I. -who if they ware eliminated frail, the Do. the' tout of $40,006. He I -the OIV ,, ''And dryi it will -b -d� ung iesidibg ng�Lil. I I ­ - #Mp' !bpi Hall very good, � and if -weathet'ahouli.o fine 11r, A yd- Mdh di good.vioral ha Garden authorities are Almost Ing' ont. And iqg.,. t plivion, would he no loss or detriment to it,", a goo sample. Peas Ara pibW,,W0o otiwo, 'Th�' Njail. C6.,,OshAWS Canadian Ha vostarir L. the vicinity of Word 'baa a k this -who, wil"aro -is 11. froln, the Oshaw iotdoA Itafid. Aidut two ol L t hid Ia tiia' D. Sawyer & Co., Hamilton ;� TWO-whoolod dxtraoraipary, as they well cOv;t the ground, �Iodli on kovd4y In tration Of tho adage, 11 troa106 extort' ul nitieel torwhioll; Immigrants 0.. "Reform" party is bilot thorougli ly patriotic 2 Young man, who stand upon the Sidewalk and and Are h0fivily p r. X, Allen's furniture . Often 6 added. Mr. D, 0girviei o� Are bruke out in. 14 , never rutlg� ave "Ong a a yor &Co. - Ayr. Maohilaej Smoothly," *the other day. deaMB he tj 0 part,of Now That their Avery woiia, and dead is not qtuat� Spit tolloco juice thereon, to the polling of 8 Wye L. 3) Saw Hullett, brought us a basket, wb la evidenced Thoworkahopiworatio , N 1I W thato Is 't love of the A Iiv�rovoa St. Goorte, In' had been keeping a6laPittlY With A handsome 'York have -reacted against; an ad by:the puiia are Juhn'Watson, , yr; - d wth, being large And full ill the pod, P16teT destrisiod, and ilia she* rooms dhia. Thallk t liaiedresass', requested to takd Ilotict. Elors Manufacturing Co. Johnston a, 900 2 a fea1W a any regard for sectional considerations that the council has oids�id the, cous6ble it) lgrog.OL Potatoes, from' till aocounts,�- Will be tile most inage 1. It as with diffioultI. *erg young lady for Settle Affito Past, stiainst the in favor Patterson, L i parents, IratnigrAtioiti)%tothOD6tni7ii0ii, Patteroo kept.from spianding to th'�*- wished of her and stop -such *traorainsityeropolall, stitpassing'an re. a ;OlIn9:,plaia[bg and gradually ivereaslag. We.clilp the Ab0,41rolarthe Stfatfov k stay At o"000lol. gatheriugj Was donled It We do not 914eare thanks to his fO116*-to*nmMOnL'J0* the. J� out 0, e6offing quo tot At least twenty-flva- �parsr, -Ar - users of the weed mutt stand %%pon'the edge r, ortunately M rowl ownba, by Mr, It. Mil)cn, n Allba's want a andlon rush of strangers , a iteslay bbArtr 3hinner firt -whiph they tand , area hita 'e"d4r, Which appdarn to llhvt no I Of'.1he sidewalk and expeotorato in -the Street. fine d�Z,- and,'adedrditij to pontp6mim6nid From t'eIr rapid growth, It,waa fearadi, the lose to, obtursited at abo t. 48.000 illatt Eor mother, Who looked up the young Udy o 46rearn of goodi 4toidy�mbut aud,*omi�t Who in clothes, thinking thU to �ke,Va tj.,gon"ef blifLiltifiJO $6, glig time. G -but this fear Ili Hot. re Ili tit her going, ngothidat d f ,7 atowilling.to.work,1 'Usk of indiviaual or independent uttoratbes , Mr. dox, Aveciat i�teriorol, hu'robignad, till) Matahommenced at the time apeifidd would owatory, -but-hor-lovor,-nillit- to bi oiltiloilei%toila therMit Tho attend ands of Spectators was very larg us they are now Very fine and MeAly.' 'Mr. Ad' A �fauohjster dorreopoaMf-i6nai�i1j� ilia heart tOL go just AS h1le Was, Ito She 04 his seat as M.P.P. fdrthat0onatituaboy. -)Thb LratifhmRqPo*r-d#d. d:Ltlid, Uaiti & pal'i of boautRul speol. lowitig,:-Our Villsie `,�a V181tea t1ung of thought, -but that evJrY Court 'other day, there being not loss iliah 400 on the ground. it last'week by od well 6nouqb, and- " hus they"startea off to. N- - o6lotda it clarlitoli 0M4obfAtlg.0rd,;6J6., 0 or ireadom Oaks come before ilia Gorral brought ine years a 0 nii we can learn, the iela it, mail, Who toomber of the community -niust kilorig on. petition, and auf1lolent evidence wa* Radil- The, gold Ili which the Match came oft Wag M0114 And from , arla pid-lao. Pat y from Vyth; They, add gather, the airl, wftring her. din bonnet and go and IoVei one grain Standing - a,, theref6ro, tho price will lbote EL ifie baElk of. the aid to prro tuat domo of the 0entlemolit's bill im Vy:, hu a pleasant grbon a aproa, the Young man dfaast;64 IA, life bsst� bain to- Ong 1, of two' paid811) end , tb at * diiery % ttV g A'Sallor, soon left-hoing Id 4 vessel. Af. o�t roupon Ith A !lumber of oitr , And no doupt thinking the girl by his tide far ter nd to, a lit, 6ofitravaned the law, The 6. Pretty Ikell and evenly on the around. The he l"I but likely i ave 25 cents s, Efishel, Ad Maltlad, Arid togotbir W, CHANOERY. SAlimm u a 0 ey, roslipod ill dh� machine wilvAlIout they Ave already down it; 40 coil to, villagard, spebt a very pleasant Malting A few Yallwo, And the huglid - put -Py - Afternoln it, I VOiA 'OX lilinti1induf hpbk�� by a MainbOr 0 - 6x, . thrill Sh W ALL rA qiliatItity 74 - protbler than himself, and td prillrent R IdPOLP turningot, the woman gave him up. ad 10iti in thie 'oil at the moraing 000noi Proceeded to Do. -ind corlsiderec! h6raelf A wido%y. slid of sither. of thesis pattlop must Va con. kore.. hi6h was done itt about forty 4 a. no 81)Ion Ia tolt was served d the t 0 r dAft Euivittak, jamblitLio mor Apdo lidt6a lit. clin y :ttolt And ware ma,40,0116 by a V. S, DIVIho.- Again, And ii6*haa two at throe; On gat-4rdiy; 0, 11til .'I A 1 6' Y Ji 6,% . I A'It M. L A X 11 N wit] Of - r1l wh,I fla logo, 0,11 having onjoy4a r)fills Arvugi the second marriag6j. .4 few da#aelaco ohs iurndmost atrootatto crime tooeiveas"IdL66r fioii% the 16ig.10 , -band, Patty to �11111jh he v'aay beliongil nnamUst 00hingA gAtli to Allow& oowto -, 0 ro` rl�o"r or Tim colonT or Ingly The wo'rk was generally vary well dinag he particulars o st, hill, Jual come to light at Tor6fitb. A YoilgL Informifig'fiiir't"t he ILA& boon wreohgdn this 1ruTclillsolf, d4to& iho "t (I f; Oi at *as most phooki arid be te, isal 0 On VX14W last, As 66 9011itlemkil Vote 15ra. avo. JL O'll'310"J's TAhdd Ift A Cbft&IU 0411116 Of COOK T; and the bid6ptioliL elf two or t1ifte a ay 6 till thiiiii b011 1`46011811)16 & lk- Wis 1116MOV Wish dould be votidared. dh, e*Am MI Ii,ft its iffloulty'lla do. dooding along tho Ilryonaing road, to Oo woman, natual, unkpowilk but *lie 444,evidenid, African: aosst, and Was dapturodby Ono filli will W @old by Pub1to Atistl6ni at the to J* JhJJ 610Aiftl OTL rAAkt) Anyboay or found that thb do*1is horn driter %chitiox, there was groAt di spring$ and *hall Ab 0 , '1 6 Ia or M Out. halt way btitN664 ri- ly Moved In good AobiotY, WA4.Lurifortunillid Habn "a I . . CA Cou rf of tbo; xbdombri to the dop of j sm, diding Which Waf! the Wit - 41id even the tiollig, oild -011 SPringgi thoX, observed ouio of1gugli to b000llio ondlenk , and to -AY61a tho he idW.6ftar #gj6jtd0AIOf: Jroub 6 1 saaaaed. Judglil 'poittua would &uLoo*WJJh.nJAny biho tor our baylogs, b(it Its 404ry" int of,the judges tip otliltlo olustotect togothar on Ilia toilai ADA ond -*&itr dffidtl a esoapo$ and 'was flnoo1L 011hoor, p, A AfiGii'lloalth n I " bt I' ' to Corn*11,161 ovw III Aboord rd as di them, 'tit Indwdo'01 Assistance "WAY home- to great bar, 'The Jpy of thdya. ftr L Y 11 DAVID, who W4 &AW thothol MAY nearly ivory maphlitle, appeared to A0407t looking 0 �$ i- bid 40ok pi6hilding from h )jML All abbrtiond While Un' id 3ndoibut, 26, liguAl IL or rolialvad to parf( *iil 4nd Will be TPAPO"'b'd tde th'bM, but. Washortlaod,atia iarpiitad,to Ana ia the Arsuad it SP641supportars. If Any ouia tojo, The stick was over two foot 101100 a 16 t 0 dargoin r fl, Ai 4A6 6*016ok In tho tjti4trfioafi,� pUroAao, a L machine, hard,. green Inaple, gpiked Lot ill � iftatalat At their handa� 014 withing to bo an otgAn of oor4nIoll h2oinhig tbat4X Ooiftplo of olshot to And dosites 0 and, And Wha a 9A, dQ0)tIOag suff6i'llig 1, t tiou ica of ilia worla marriage, it' With olbot lafidej L06 No. 20, In Ow 18th dog. of thd itackit of t 11 VAI hay,, kA4 )n$j'dero J110L best, he ghdUldL driven at 100st tell, fritibil lip Into the bruf6lo tivil ul how fired, Ana *6 '61 his hovdag bluti . latod to got what h4 w Oft' 84tarday night at iL ]Aid 116U co be halted, And thd 6itugtluwtt Tovanh fig tar tAs -a' head, 141or aDia about 7 Of 110h kral oliliktad Autt AadoV, OnItIVAtion. 001101 lkiiii libm qqitabla, in. 61indstboyonaiIallat, Ond,4vaoraolitilbeir, Attoja(l the Inatchea and judge of the, Wokk bo dif"'vAnto-AY watchman, 0 Toronto, notioda a largd, be. Made known to i a second Sharer of Ilar J6Y4 T :1 Wiph, NV6 ftj'aefaso the abdomen, QVIj, ty, 618 onepuboa them all. �, 'a# cAttait 4w4y There mve otboted thoirdon N Los( Mli#6 fiiA nAft, and a OrditO Of 40 d0fttryl� 0 vi , leatty with o. and, machine fophinigelf, '. I nai'k4ei, of. I from DAVilet r4i on, andhorvowist Tile *Omaft, Who. J%a dOWTmIa. VXsrA6 Shia. The Lot JJ fibitint SJ 1fiJJ&sJr6r4 tub Towit �idiytba, andits b6tralls Were sklios6d, fatMin AN illo 142411hadnot w6a: awArapa up to otthpotti io. boxt sagplel6utf he ilgdrila Wha, it lit .0a to welcome hop, lorig-Joil linibAull, kilatsk6l of Clluf6u, ropoRl .0014 say tho game In rartrance, to our A sickening Sight. doAd When fatibi aWhour r"t, Idight). we tit# unable tq gl�i latistad a fingword, 6 if 16 - ftp� har, Abode with him, to dilIlo Ono Who hts* Jouth of bid Dur4hess todrio 0 *,s11JgqI4t 40didontv OhAdoa F6 ad the cart, Ana kouna t7iot the box conjoin. 006UPI00 thattp-baltlon of hor, Ititotitiono but ho ofent with thili 40to)All to 16,46 UP OIAO-foutth Of t1lo tit, Thi� otbat liorso had biatri troAtoa to 0, long thonu OATI, Wl It tond0a, hot- . a woman, In. t6fdoom -to 1606 hot. SM idi,, therefore, bjutlt ohilidd ruoM� fit Ohd mouth th6ftWhOr, *11thott lulib Mi, ofill I fiL JtJ #Iddl, and At 606ty lJf#Atk' thd MA rhich being bottom -up fit mdday) ad thti�mutilatvd roulalub of ill Po I# lilt OVOII4 show, Is 60611 fd 116 held At Xing. ilia extrown reflection of tho son sat fire the at 101 vith Intormt to be. 104tirlid fl, tow, V1 t I Peas to woo no 146 or ifidivi Ia &rid ciodad, Thl$ 611106 Ioit to potplo;w what, to, do undot. the dirdumAtatloag grill ifli%U.pity. teeaWopsud#0 #61100, tin *6 the police, and ilia potsotifi Ihiplil Ill this all(! I kileld Wead its mititis . That anything krixtottalt 44410 ilia milval of hot dvilt 0014 the afiy�' of WA 'A Ia wholly -oft stati, Mae 10y hm btitorad throo', till au. to, 00144 split WOW$ f4l! hio by M669496 Upon the pr Ofty, shafficiful, ifAusgiotion '316 PtUdill- I bond, which Ia o1paotba boon. 1 1619 'itoll'id by Jho. 6U a# of I In the Abg p f oa agg bo t4ultia def th-Itty Month$ Old L j%fiCt none, twins, dolillidom havb As 144r4d, rath6v Pargdtlk" Aft do 11'simost bayou be piorilosi a k* omedo of 1400tv & rZtkofal ittia Q (titts, n84V 1 We that he had bapti iria4e, Award of: tit Mb 11 it dartolul -dittyingout Olt 134 "g0o A tot in thio business, Tli� oil Aentonod thAt tr16 At tfaftiiipit�ea Ia big 4hisonce, And fdr:NJU Gntmilo. It% thfi, Town of 13thr4pton. ittid 6f GVxiuln T nit A 41a, tho law k" the alia. rilplon bylildl 9' 11 �164 M�111,t At it 4116411 ho ofittida tote6n t4 (114-446 tl� Olt itittiftilit6d Up Itt 6 Alit, too a are 64d, it IA' 46 i ti b #I fibill th iiiat it 16W tiniol, its I'dumstAntes Of thid kil fiftitift dsvdlb IftobiN, h6fit fk 11T n6rol It thb rid 0 8 Ithi0h It! 6 0 done It th 13 1��110 4 41lowd Is'liftogin a 0,11, 18, CIO 4 tAil iho Hill dO 6f 16% 18764 thill top too uquat for"th - s'Ilk ohopto6mia lb thi �a%p 0 ilt,04 lit, 01 ot 62 4 ftv goo, JINJA$ 11 njolt 6), ah p t0 0 0 0 i t n t t ho -1 inu that rc in or A all A W she t i-Los"botit4i Id. tJQ Winki, in hovi, e .t�'r a AY Ycole in as d a lim h k atW IILI . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . ... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .