Clinton New Era, 1875-08-05, Page 14? .,p , .7
'41 MrWeA1=
Jn4jpA pW Stu
of US 000, Fla-
t1o, Stirs for bo 11 WM
the -pot 0490, Olia is
Urs, Partington. 4'Wbr, Ike lia
TWUS.-444o 1A iAy&=- #.or It *4 JA only two in his, 44
4 1 oqu Aoy* koop
two, Months firm". fto �r 0111*0408 or V 1 .
tho-m,4 AtUAL11
At tho end, of the yookir. . ......... 'Arg
715 111 1 these ooapa all o
_g lit
-Thq Job 041100 144hal 00 0 1
0 "Crpuoe
ire Ate, .,y o
No MAI&M, thovoii 4 on oents," ro.
in connection. TR TUSDA771 &UGUIV 6�,, 18,701, J10L 1 1 . . . . I
-on, the work 10tuto, 0 X—NQ. er anulm., OLINTONO ONTAR M
oh*ost uOtlow, lat yory V011,
piled the :1AW04 you
7A., A gentleman who hao 06 600414's wiroo
in tin awor- to Pa. itiqu L
A0)rXJ4T11$Xx0 ItAwX". Cz VATT94 TUAN C194bo;, The Froniler on Free MrAdeo fdotl4erla,. (19dis Ory after hoaltbp
h9noe once, ate bythoinoolvoo. Afterbrook. A Matressing praft 0
-a She,
fast, tillo trig disbanded, and the * day after, Ron of the opeoQU was pitty Well, ouly, spblod'alt,
bettor thin 7rty . ling Ph
qQ14" The- foltowlog is 4, part do- M A faPIA10n4blei par yj a. 7,0
ubpo wo.ut South on business for his father, lijorod by Hon, b, YGjqiaA Carlo 0 theatrical, 40040to 106M timesito .4 I(breghing out Ill. tj th"
hoso M . 16 ;,n
Arat woortiofi.,8 canto perline, 4 Thai* rank, ouol title a thousand 19 do no a co fro QU
ro A happy b6dy, a mind st, OpQ, r.. Mackenzie,. at the batt, present spoke 'Of a is pstiox W
so t 0 young, y; At .. William Irl. Whalley, 09 Aotor, 13Ut WOW
lit per 1449 paqu times not goo, Xay,' whou 4pot-, cas Chicago. , qA Oro go hlkii4o
04 094to a Ito cionsillor9d a very critlolktl-0110, UP had tU4 part to, play of Richard Crixddo* in,
IT, 09409y, M.P., GRADUATE or TAWITY And a 1000ficaroo that Always P10649 Ito found out a mlotAko tbq lip. bad-maolo. .4144 olyoiii by tuo &Ut4df1tiQa of:0144409, no a
College, Toronto, Physician 0 &o.,' �Pljth, A. bor'ov90 *ud, refers partioalmly to Aid W, was, 'Ivory oorry to logo him, for It theY.04n bear to hea� another iyo"uPsl
W. -times in the day of the 0, , L Child Steoer,10 In quo VIA
OT RA .9, �
Oat, offime-oppoulte shazia'at Hotels, 4 Ahura MR Join With a 64=011 slow, Mpy thought many 4% had
Am VrqLo Trade was % noble, youni M4,u, but very papoopsoart. to be hanolou WAS regain . rly 10114ilmsext0led"Withoutlo 'ogivau�i'
oar, 7 0 onfold, 4 soon, and Wool Jy. Qonqbruoa About his opul, an frQd: All of this,
!Mylill. 4n. goo ;870. With sympathies, largo enough t. Audacious face olke )is bad grown QV
Ail mon* oi brothers$ As bettor than 604. an A Companions wore pl9aPQ4 to refer to Ly 'poll Phrietiano done on Wednesday last, Thoproperty
400401 to regard it. quite but whis d man, for 4 Mirro;
half oplipoition oj.2,Qno on4ject iucreawd big. agaltatiaii by,t�tlkiilg with bb4 V JJandoafrik *blkp,L
i atid, whilel quite p.'to see if.thflir
. i -W.J.1-048
TON. No RASIVATOT lqd Poen Awas
�4tqr. Win gojug a, oonoclonaaolo hor'f1rok I i
Zola Thquf.,h telling ltorbraaLit In, An bomblQ Sphere I Q tii -vit I; yow that %';0;40IIw %0OURU it, 19 right.
90. owvffir, -op, comouv if, 'go -wished Mri4i i 'Pon ja�V 'o feet it pair Qf PA10411Y
koneal)y those merry eyes, ano eatal d6aqll
14 oupyear, .. 4000 Ptw - I ", - , k loq
Doubyblootvit4oputont4.nd?aoalth, 1� rj�ropor al politico,.' Would lot ilia patielits Alone, 3)
Half VOilto the wooloyanob t, Olwtoit; lust of coven And wealth, wondered why I " : - . qath wits but
4 half r' of a, girl with 00 par, -to opea, of fight, boots that day, He looked the band,
12- 1upaid, that nothing, will, curg a
"vor - one 1, It 0 of voll4cal AIR "
loving A ositio4 tio 1414y'a should r4fuev, Culls On WIlialloy's m1riAs at the Oropor time lVet's 4
0 7 1 loft I ought �diloi �111 e Itighor brancho aadloso Bloep, the religion of Christ a 40,14.
ulay 'or -to' polit!041 prilwiploo, I Sion, A owors were, not pot one free
months, JMilb life, *A N, -lid its foll thp , tion for his i4bl, sooner - than
S ST15WAR�!O- P., 0. M., QUADVATP OF or An Ion 006, affer of marriage After another, and Putvillf We, IrOy in Ills 0090t, walked - 10 catch her fit
-fpurtb, one year . ........ q--. a 09 m ourgoon and Itighe tLoUltUre or in COLLIgOU00, 4 dinner table QX0AvA_
a 0 0 a aid 0 tJQ all'�_ 'at of re oxguons 0A trAllo, so. far-: A4youug lady.sittlug ricAro' Ond'6110- Of�tbD He forgO6'4I"1;out*thc koy And ?Ls�ly ll
28 - or 4 grain __ , r plan, got 4"' 91,V'ree XXAOQ To be the 6
X9001 University, , for obehad scores a ovors. i to visit da
Ono an f 'At r out '01� 4 "E00 F, I
' . 4 � ting th
eatimpaM0 8 9 kernel of a blaitefifut 'With'4
panic-stri4eaf6ri QvQAQ we Be �4�badono. 'I'lNolie, rapany, Bald, zuy - - - - —1-7, 1 -- � , - - - -- -- , -
04 .3 in,ont'lls, .00 -WAAUA�y 4, 1 WMY0,61fillut� 7gay006 Of that QO K,
P,084. A�114raOu me-- low miuut6gawr
Ids and-wh -thq -hc
otter t 01 1 oo at repopo
Oite-eighth, one "yeW, ....... 12 z ,, .1 . I . L 1. . 1 9 9mAgO 0, wo 0
19, . L' Surgeons ate.,, cd;onQr for, t a no, 4. of to on t, eir h4bliv tb fQ)I,* WAS soon- jil. the dressin �.`fc Liziie, aren't you
4. 00 11"29AVIll"'Phy0foi a Amin.0t.'a p?9fQ$ of. iojl�V
a been refused by one Woman, there' seema Us 40. t1lo ourt
0 lie 6f Richard Obb
I clone I .49A and the doctor, but I c. n at o4i �ou talk,
. A a
an' otter t a gall in t to YQQVmpuso sloop,
Count HuX6n. --Comer of 'his slumber's -all priiaoii 9p of Vitae Tito -qv g�
or the world are rem4in slon ;oing
lltosiftoeaml cap, to be An irresistible impulse which, leado Bar rooms in 4 statp, of forlogo excitgato
sa V& " t a I't At 0 On t, Calling
months, oth 2%9,. ?V, it,,. aunny IN tb a morning' 1�&, dear, the pewu
I ..;. �, 09' A I Strooto.01inton.' Bring oloppi ff draugh to try Vr th )me so bard to he roal;X146ploo. of olivilloation .; find I be- gion ; I noviir kiievranything about it �X rl- alond property 41 vaahungry;
8100 Ang"t. Q prize-whivia sec. an, He -%
QAe.bWp1ftb, One year,, li�ie that whaxavlbr tboss principles: arq:. thlor was. a Christian'. - he
4 IfL" ;, . , , 600 Where luxog pillows be bad
I , Ila A sllmplQrb�,rl , win, later. mentally, but fy Me . An egagement with A rq�au , w4utid 6.nar
.... .. 3,1W it. OTAX33T GTLADUA ate labor oloome z A tpro;l with by -rcstrictio,uif opitrado, b� aitifici- Timos *itholit number she' has taken, ras rest ; It . aroed man. yoti.know, AnaLI)COU1411
TF' OF T'M =DX0At A. shoroor food to the fund of ar t last Msy'somollow get ilia title of a flirt, 9. wi.%.ntc(j to got tl)6se aeo W
Is' Of citovis Unlvero0y, Toronto for- lid her go . u . ty, beadstrou father cam think
a' 9 to h4r 41 woaq fe. that extent, ffibr� iii A retrogros-' With liar to liar room, do with hei bond The lriroperty�maiq Wi
ojAXtM9Ut of VA And Di Arica, Now Wrk, BotiaX ilian'gola is the t1iinkingvilgo- fr6m.tho higher, ohe�diVgtoioint. 90
ices.ind' under, I Year, 09 it, and said he LWOU14.0 oaserker a husband g At 0, jlloe�
Ion" if .. _&on priciples *of- civilization. nybead, she hgappayod, thak. Goa would that mol.nalit blooko away, oWeadu
'h 'Ho'p I Huron. 4Y.Vindi, Out "lot I,, the realm 6f, boolis $an And' ' 7 vleW:t4k�AL 1y the, p4o,�le = Ala we for ilia 4ies,' Two
ments of Straye, aliv to Bit , TPUB4 �Ould marry hfi!h' 'S 1 - k abotit r-grAce to, tr maker., Whalley was in despair, IS oaicl A vary, quiet and unobtrusivo lady
Advertise.a B6 he'4h X - 0, OOL tag eclons mother ol�
a, Lost, Fonn , Car'. il-'%. as
d' an That I'think is the
in of, Canada, generally, We have amongst. us Years ago m pr ad, ana the
Ire; s not -exceeding. 10 lirles,'Arob outbi 41 knii live, with the gre t 4na-gooaLaf,y'ore. him, ]to decided upon a�rloh old bachelor who that mail would be, gqne and his supperwoula. createdqui
is L Ila TQU�. have Was te ion a A campo
R. WORTHXXQTON,:PHysXQ SUIROWK Win! Paying Court to no oloub amongst- yoq,.pop.ple v6ligion she. oved, through life sustained her be cold, A die �4f'
L - 'I IV - 4 - mpgting the. other
D *a the true trade, prino x* in hat, dying.bour. 'She called Ag aefimonth, 60, each Mouth- The elgies of ompir miss M Procured and -the stage
Aqeaueheur, IrAconLiato,of the is pagsed away who haL idea that the ed
oto prevent pboplo.'conaing in or keO uEf to meot horju,.hetiven,
yield pleasure better than gold. PIP is to build U A is 's Ono' aul bout four o1olock now 'all Boa ll�' t lii6e WAII Q0 And, *4 pr Ago a limag stock &rle r tlLQL laear
ate SUlf Oronor for t1l won n;y. daqh- grVobopper-mil
as, 0 t Of li� 0 1 will stop with' glory, commenced 4tLa
ad . p taeven. ho,tuoQecolea,in filing through, cub, eslway to yoo
for sales not r. tons 0 West. ter'o'sport." Aflikt 13 she,? Let Pee. going. Q11t and. I pro - I
not exceeding 15.1ines,first mo0b, t 0OAtr PeRcO41 home, . . 1, gr
'Residence; nex 011001, Where mholjay; "Lot us keep the trade'to oursOlves, mioeol to AO so, Andi'llow", said t
All fireside charities com6 and _x -'L-. - .11
yes * a -month will be enough td at all the young 10 them,. It fts alniositi.inErfol,,.�l�Q.,g.yQi)i4X
�bz�qi;,eiL2tmoiith�50itnd.75.oeLi�t�' -the fro, ' t - he -owix-mal Jady ugLd a,displayi ear �oan no-ouppet.
& Hallowed by mother; or sister, or vUe;- ...Axing B -we can -only make. our thatallthiois I a i osio 9,that. 49 a
�40,� # all andermoon, girao , on y atte IV&
Advortioernei'i's -),�i 1? . Q th in all M ay fool's; d �6641t; I I lit we camilot d In b i h a re
H, DOWSLET, X. D., Imbablaflio hams m9ybe, I become...Mrit-Ja At as: 'and in at a T " r 0111, another hande. uff COL aboUtL
Will be'inserted till'for%di and y by trading with other nativ lip, Should pdetry
of Colle& of Physicians and Surgeono oforktario, wisait Undisputed fgQt GAUT on n ddinal sloop 2. that ella never will t jo g friepci Bugg - eged tht death an
Or tried by sorrow -with HeAwn's deaveb, 4 iho gra�ve
rig Y I ae,Surgeon of. go audLylng-!n The blessings that never were bought or derinoouWas ugly.
dividuals.; and I'q4ite appeoiato y 4akpa a tl I the resuAec'- go, Whi
efun toll General He had a very red faces our gain in, ie morning a 6 h did *Hcking to, her'bonn
ther,, ONTICH Pt4t'th.e POO&L of. Da�ndee And Caudda don, a that I shall see, he et comes back 6601 - the, mil-
Hoopit Physiolaki Surgeon and Acciouc An Butt ttor than goM riaomore.? No; sBut by othero,arebo a -turned up nose, rolind, and very pale ey6s,.;,&
Albert ptrbot,'oppooltsFaIr's, Mill,: an
1. N shoal Andeavor to 1 trade a little more in the loannot,.1villuotbeliovdi.0' Her-b;t4ther third
at oalto pomm6olul Hotel, Cllutpr� Qnt. Ala head with little tuft of early 'ion t,
Id n arail; r41P b hair.,cover f4mr than they. have doniilu tlao past. Ian.' tiedto quiet her, fQrby this tizue abo'had �rh�'ivad -to sqIt her,
P T. eoLch ear, whiAmiado,hint.lool; �qojte fr1oky. No I's Said 'L 09s Ite Moll.
ug to -phat. the, att gard
rl� KA _10 Was not'veri lall, �bui he w4i very rouna, _a YOUL that nothing will be wanti Ontian of all'pisse she a girl,- with tea
YALLQW111:035 STORY. slid then. be had a million do 0 -a do
PBELL M.. D.' as 1VI.
llars� safely iu� end on the part of the C adian Governmon, rot, er, lot m6. defendL Tay 149t4or 'a Godv. The famous passage of th Pachna Ph? n I OAIX go longas I have attnuslatedby'4'166 DuVois,'baa been part.of ell may jaw 'and jaw,
vested*. the honor of being one of its �rel in ier eyes,
-,oving Stephen Audi C liftou ikeatio Code of the tboUL
VIEROR. hands with a- ang so left the do Hindoo� to. r an and rip n el teal�, I'll. marry
DEN members and r 16:i6,Uo'CanadiAu Gdv6n T a p, sician. m4de no rp
u-T,�d Me
YJAMB OF MdG1LL'-CQL&G)9, MONT LEAL, he oo a was found is ortly site- -die fic nd Jb6 Old
iuent, whate�,er the, political rairty, t X �c,, MARIM-T SQUARE' MayAudloy; her firm, friends, have tisfacdoul-at theis -choice he, bad made for , Aide sands o1years. Aepoi ky, to theHindbo law� John Stewart if
siker of the college. of Py6lolani �ud'Sur- tempt to hidder the itoligion'o the true prin. -Pacing the fiber of amadjoining. room, in sr#At. giver' r
B " goonn; -Coroner for the County I of Huron'. Mace Ana =h beit all any,. And, t4 quote Mrs, hisdauqhter. "ShiWouldheo0poulfortably 4 llas� no -god--on lvth but her
to C4 mail
W�, H, By Sta Ion, Clift Cipla of free trai rid, ag pirit. Whatris thii Ifusb back. and realized, that he,
,th RAUV t mself And and- no, rel tiVeL "
ealdenep-MaInStroo Outh'Lile" d Is' The way 1hose 9 rip settled,' he tholt4littobi Is, -all over the wo itation, iud Motions of a - lbane4
oil a own wor '9,, igioia except to as well try
ishag"been ii-gony.611 I V eyan serve4 im.� Lethorbus an ,so to pull 4 Q
in a position in't b- -ndhgh to drive a *B`Sliil�a Ii Ve e ghou b6 � . he cioiarse of matter enquired, Oh be ob d
ad tAidal-ofyov business, . "that y, oung lad,
-the house."' -They have not. no a a, but th, a ad a A, wrea y !a right.'. Her words Thive took6d,infirm, alfeicS've; let him be irascible, CanWa Compimy Lan4s one also out of L it alleween shadow haunt; elieve we shA31 be ablej by theL way of I
-half mischief eup We Is Pierce&my so ike an arrow, I, too, must irregular, a drunkard, a gamblers adebauchod;
yet concocte& her still and left no place in her heart for nit have the religion I have despised,' Mr. horenze, Day
other'fao4: But how t , a escape, the fate her the Pacific Oceans to carry, your tea, across our or I ini'lost let him, be reckless, othis dom' having arried
olpu� Iron! the laugh g and.talking in the next Salt L of eatio affhira� 0 S.Mar.thl, Week, 4,1008,
jJST OF LANDRIN HURON FOR RALE B iu - I. L I I fither had prepared. for hat, as her'otudy by [late China forever, And the re the conviotiong. if posoeised by n.devil ;' in the
A the, Canada 0 y mayb6 n At the offloo,01' room. 'railways and to trartspait your goo, paper com-
by onto that at.jtqoont If than Awak6nod was, that both the yo4fig is it Ugll.,
....... a much shortef r world *ibbout; hOndro , though he'bo d44f'or" men
food. t Aroyou going to,,146 now? day and night.. Sbe hill,iloided'With.. hiO C ILTZA S H -OUSE,' COURV we �do '111obtaluspate sd�antagog in snalb4hydioiaii,weito. cionver0dol.-to Christ, blind, And wl) ally ivoiigh�d down -by crime and A Day is ni�d
.0 R OF CORMORANT There imist be soiniething important to release liar, but witla no subeem, hayou Ia. ill-'Oeok ii lost,
Clinton, 17,1871t And Store L Ptioato,' Victoria, 'D. C-S; TQuoo, Pro-. Ayoman'g wit is, lidweiveri oft6latiniom A xstarn,.for, wherever a largo Amount Of busi- slid are usefut gild influential merabdrs of tile, itifirmity-still,sli&II his Wif
week, ilia But time shoqld not complain-
trinapir6, jud&g from"your anionittions!' Said— aregard him as, - ittle Dad enough,
tor-gicoullent Mae is transacted,,. Qtpre � must . be.. .6 farg� Church of God, 09tering jVoro�,I, her god 'With all.1or might shall a
ON; Bed siad.'Iloardi porday,. $1.0of Single Mealo, M Crift&ir, as she entered the room whpito zadt6h. for a -man's Ibbitinacy, aml. when t her
CTE' 0. 'B rS Amount of profit� to somebody. A friend, of rVe oon ba Ii
Were. prayers- are dfta aaV, liar tact and ingenuity him, in all things obey himi deferdtp ju To make thpWeekgain.
0 mother P 6ribd out Clarai We Njait are formidable fee's t6'bii telvIrsonLeS9 - 1 Let.1a, t46 $tin. his llaracteiri and 'give him no Cause of U
Is was mine ikq discussing* the' subject,with me in X*Widat veil just invented a, R
A-TST ID 01FV !is, 3BF4LGRAvE.___WrLLf= Isarliaina�t-iiapriyitp., Media 'The'oban.
ARMERIS HOTH pasineass. Nay, more , in. every stageafher
J3ROWNLEX, Praprietor, lately'keptL by William NOV to try shown in this cai try is going to ruin ; the Wall; 'Of trade is -.By o'b'derving the aevelovemefit,of trees on -exists it her, Slan giv6 y
, 01m;&RIO, , I I 1 .1 dt In wh4tway, my dear 2 1 think MAY Was pacing hei reouldistrogo6a at i the' nee woman lives. to obey -At firE s the bride tbe-Appearan'ce of
LONP,6 F our fortunes; may we 3e.
risen. Tholabovo'hotel, fitted tia. soAgainst up Iftow can we- ciontinuo to go on this tbe� margin of. woodUlide, -it .,may readily be 'Parents, 'next her husband and his para�ts, n alligel; wings and all: [§oirlo brides
la good styles and th6ught. of heftpepQy approachin
'fame and otholr Teal �eataf.,. =t6vot ornmod11on-for t 6 odilvenleice ancY would- be the better Plan to Allow fortune. to 9 marriag -vig in -her old age she must �e'ruied by r 'would req it
Or al 111100 - L way many more years? bar exports fast ye
orproonally., vollety and theEltlillo generally. The bar when QlATA-01iften Was announced. Clara boa seen that.thoi,proflision;, or., and brilliaboy and
Apply billetW to you in te. time to cable ; but how a -a a ISE tlfii kind 6 ive
is SO Oro, aud:cboLoo aigairs, tell i ' tself t are so many mill children. 'Never du her %�ho e, life.can, the eiL 9
be tire yourortanes 21' of May's roacli ions, and 6ur imports so of foliage is atrikingly jieater on �that portion' in)JPHOdL with good winesi y heard. the. nQwa ling nuptials. W TI -
Goo tabling and attentive oat eras �49. you oing a ry app an aug-e-l",
0 1 ayA ith many millions 2hore; and we are the. of thecftLauj�yiug the'dogrep of, San she'lib under her.own eontrol.� ic appearance, for welliz.
11 dloy knows, she hasbeen t -befilead, . L 8
rpng PRICE OF slboX IiT TIM. Belgrave. Dec. 8, %874; difference between the -import's and exports,' light. L me across sdm,j_:.:1niuUS the Ve .L
lin�s of ouch knowing that such'&. �=;%Vrlsge would be ex- Tile game influ�noo ii visible on tand- Theso are the generalpivinciples iit��dar which co splendid Way. 'You know I said we camint, be ard trees. L T 6 north side is almostinvaribly the life of women in Inji-4 ii:Ao-bo acinducidd,. �Alelntine represenba4ion
R&TTENBU-IRY HOUSE-re"RATTIONIMIlly this, is Hallowe4p', and if tromely distaBtefullo her. poorer,, becadseU6 dif-- looked like,thA
0 'W:Jf `ZDL'f� -you gointo,*-a room frence between I the'export . a an 'the
T Jr.9 ProMetor-One door south of'the Post 0130' All Alone,. and look Clara was ready -witted and Proposed a Plan a imports dwarfed jqi6ie. oi7' leis, &it the Want .6flust Thd Hifidoo �W.Vft asiderath- enough
. I t. . er was coi to of !'old Harry!" himself.]
I r -i Victoria Streets Clinton. The"fittinjondfurnigoluge represents the' �rofijS we have mAa4, .. 16� what baSL ooeaiioned 1 .1 1 ,, I
growth add a few partiddlars :- , . . ".
of.this hottiero all now, and evorythiz* is provided to an ap- de., a more vigorous If hir'hnsband
Ly tthe -lie sai send a cargo of ten thoisand, barrels of flour on the sunu� aspects.
S 14Tt MIN in tile mirror, While yon -pare and eat at on
Mee L wishes'and wants of the travelling public, and 0: bleman who is16 be FWliy not run away, a d Tlie7 oftidtis especially laughs a ugat to JAUgll,;, 1 0 - ceps, she. .Sonie gentlein in
F Z0.Zi3)0N9. he -feels confident, I train long o4orloncet of being able ple, . th fees of the g6lal t pain, fifty thousand dol. observable- on fruit trees, in both foliage, slid, ought to Weep ; if en were talki. g about,.,
I , . your I 'L over will- a he Where to 9 '1 only wfoh I could,k' sighed. -dis oe 't a eak, a 0, to was comfortable An *h . 0 nioy favor him-vith their ulder. hals she j49-grious-coquettp, when one. of thoM
largo h or is Vetter develop, - t
3bouia reoulto pooi Uay. ion sell itforninaty thousand ; wit fruit �;.�he ]sit id; ought to join. in'th c6 er ' !on, - Thfis is
.-Has b.oanincreafi4to 0.11 pe& nUaro.",l Lpliny. i. Good Stabling and attentive hootlard, May. we, 3.pother clear" pleaded over, Clara, or roduct L S. The influenee is no the goodness of be a a .0 "Ashed big compiLuiodi by isayinj
topreeont er in flaver and Color.
indications' ca6h abar6 now Coating: Ban "'Well now,.1come.hoiie with - Mo. I Am thh-Lpinety thdAisand you bay L oth An a is -1a a
aClult s�oulc 21, 1874'L
only $10j.WL as, in, her winsomp wayi -she caressed her -mo. lorA, f -686red he" 'y h d
-be winth from JAI00 to 4150� - �Buro your A4 have spy objection' And b1% thern baok-io Canada.' is a leis striking is the department of r The womati would qmt n r In an yestbr ayan
ther and1nallygained i6 -c6n* Sent' to whit first
Y W lowlillbre
J or.t -maxinkqvi richupes of tint. and'frAgrance is do-, bad big fill ?, If he ab§tains, 'she-. R tilibi ilie, ace'eptecl-it..�' 7 O'Efe
-iill7y- Ceedin4-- 1114 -and -I;_wilI - ogether" op . a . r . degree of sU li hf,- --Now- 5�taV;
!�Zor Proopoottli, dtm# ilp�iy to she termed, A to -that-, -and_ Y6,, _ �ther, yaa account for,tbG difference of podont'o'n'apr
'W 'AARAN; c L . - , ' 1) ft7 -13Ut-d It , t �;;7i.fbelse�clivilishbziotbasor
Union. expo 0. you S�" Tell us all about iV' exclaimfiaL tho"
jw. r Thatis aP ell 06vington, think of some way. efor you. �ou a, e. a oar row
lend1a;11 Cried IT -e- as or restrie. great is the cob Arm PC I UI ? ind-ifhe is giy', illblie%ot leap for joy?
the ticiest May readily consanted,_aud, they. were -This. is tW tailia advoi �trast in3he appe, 0
tondon, *my 12, 1�76. 1hittioi ad witol]i of them, All, ad ohpi:bounced. mOteL . -
`9 - . . tiou'argtia.' We say the, tra a t stele peasant"ohildren, reiarcil fivn9pen sit-, -with In: the abiaqno6 � �f b ei husloind *'liar raiment' D . ited gentlemen.. 0 IjL *gl� 'just iniq the middle of-tha iooim.�` � I'Aixd wthdi Mrs. Olifton!s
1) flor. -6 head And feets- And: often Such has been the concelitiou �748 gettildg-O
and the inore the balance of trade seems,againdt hat %.oiiihibus, was't i
'RGE OR SMAMSU . NO, Mri. Clifton has gone e will dolt I rig I lit Away, a :no haIn6rdi-iikely I Are we to, obtabil . a 4- be . dies, 411'well. sun bi mpaied Of we aPs duty to mail by all't , hb IiAlf-devel I olitie6.
EY TO LEND, IN LA I I.Tust like a man i thought Mrs. Clifton,
Wild ill go first 11) - ' '. I ... - good mortgage security, at,maideralib rates of otoo. And this profits again are investe with that of children reared 'in fashionable, "ope raties from tim6itainoincrial,-and -such,
an fell, ih ve is.
'agreed, We must outwit hilini 16 is ars A
1, b
911! a., a ke Young M with,
home ruin Ji
IneesYou'ar&'the one, they all - in Idaus to other countxlea, and: in IQ 6i Bunlegs silluence, oUTeloped in furs and Aan- Willis day are the ta�it depitand and expecth�
Cluit no Auglapf9th,48130. VufNalWoolired1hatshevas ndt going o th ypiness in this way,. tAL
no-couu;TX6 in
0. f -gone -speci-,, tion. of thi�, brutalized male's -fiervant-but'laelidd -thij-
-ghe )1lity -of .10 earo!�_ hers )ttl Isemlit, r 0 pal��
..... ..... ... ah - the reopen I mot4a). froikdr Nod of the,mbroi maid
OTE vanced racoo-, L
MPRTO 8 dL be a f6w da, 1 am suire that in Canada the peopleap--' ll�ons'of parasol production 1. Thp� same of -
CHARLES TrAVIT TON, BUSIXETELI), ImNsft e"'that. she w0al an old foi, dra�les-Pq;-,tati, in ITar er so.. At I
-Always jelt:sur ya at t thi ible Per's Courage to toll h
-Auctioneer for the County of Huron. solei of'Fama r recia a., a principles And the general intel- foot"f-oolar-lanen lh _Jbu
16 as arp.�equa _y_iNds
not se4,1RY_ono70Vpr' �)a her-,qn"venJng�feJdhinj holn�
AjD aabinaid and So We�u 61oaa;,phe said; "Well uowi Vay,
THEEk stock, Rosa Ejoate, &a., attended to ai� r have . a an sun i some relatiti yo ligence '-;j1i1bh pviiails over . that'dountry Lin animals of the lower order'$. Toj�gohjpkeijs e th6 cows
eWhv' d6nt van Ro. May.1 0 ini sure -there -is -mo -danger- 'of -i
0 witu TM-arlatidu on U off
Buslifleld M 20. 511. -th4IF17 - --ana4arkoys-kept-fronr-th
y 67 q7� .Well; !` you kniow-all about it oUntil of'sun W111 _�wwarf.
. . . . . . . . . 'Flrsl�niwr Tit.
I lit Outi I tiever finilingreop4nse -in the' 'ad, their fiatlipiio Wilf stir Go May consen faffibes -has ]lad timd,'Io burnL i r6actibudry polic3 their it round. her� neck, he Said, fThat's a ban-
od'Seouritloo Furh ted, and.. went. ii:lto. Qlara'g. dres-i ppotites
HO1ffSON,*CLMTON, hearts of any considerable Ai�mber, of our, will be feeble,, tbey�are subject to -ititas that as baily wu&
AXA9 'givioam. The-jirliiiOlIbived her far onougli: think -lip *ill himself see, the absur4ity bf, it, diseaspo slid rnio ha�nkie irIONE jb,..,.County of Huron, In prepared to if you could be got out'of' the- eo are ' -generally. infested- with vermin, present. as'tbo miadlenWthe �eighteenth Collin Ay'
W.. Piz, to to See'ller stand gaziag steadily into her own way S . w P ple t ik"L ' t
k0flg Stock and Realotato at rea- US a a r ing Leon rast,-when' compared with t` :ine ye like it, blin. asked. an
14 104;' -7 eyes, And then rdtired and,closed thd.'do r. months . en erpriom genius ntrd4.ncdd umb; mary." ITO' gob 1oth.
Clint 47., sonabloo rateov, at tae,'
eiting and o6inAh'aFfAto,
'Dder with a S.teilmero, gouial,'ing effect of the great vitali- sedan cbairs 0 to the students at So m uch pef-,, Case 'of Mistaken identity, took
187", Yes, I have in aunt, my mother'& �istar hoso'oftlfo sAme agei that have, enjbyea the. Ox rcaifibriagid,jettig them out, like
living' in"Flokola. MY fathir had- soni's, Jul, cha.sing a
lot US look'abroad &u&_oae if We L can r d1s6ov6r vable ffoui hour, thus I eilabliu& -poor Young men to pass
a zer, The very great'oenomy -oleri
WMGH&M, �ny*itiiihery in the air. , The: nightis clear
-Notice 0 0, Fablice T SOTAOI-TOR, Understanding with bar befdre motheVa.death, - The'Portland . 0 rgbnian desortbosian opi . soda Solar heat in dwellings, andn Abodes for, our place. as the' cars, left the depot. -A
and the. -a 9'sSaid.MrS. L 03, 4ulding to building to their. lectures
tvss appointed Agent ferthe Colonial Securities Cam . And she has never visited us since." from
ny6f England; he is,also agent for oevairal, private store Itud the sky as thi rly as jaw- t4he 4th, day.of Jnly thus ;-11 OA the after"
�NiEMVIKGIIEEN iPPOINT- pe, "'Do you romemberber address. ' auim�algj if-46vailed of'in the fullest degree, j�itllout belinisdirdichad by. rain*.' But lle.iple Pretty girl, With l�r handkeroh* f
HE IU14DERSIG , nt6rf, capitalists oil Torblifo; *ha Man miwic at � very reason- els a diadern.� Natuib repose. Not A 1 .1 noon , of ilia 4th, !net, as the stialilor Xa�ih . for tlie sligkt additional"cobt le, up to
XD Issuer of marriage Monsoon, W -the 0 014tqn, taking May's wrappings and carrying 0 compensates no more thought of4aking aii.umbrella about her eyes,had seen'bei loier seat him -
county Of Huron, in now proparpd able rates. Interestpajabloearly. cha* breeze otirs the. tree _Woeo noth. Wilkens was on her 'way from *V reeport to
:Joversiment, for the LoronceP i thei into the idexiti6al digsaing.;room who!Q Xalama She'S' of azoa Walls.' The ding'
on k. t Ilist.
ing suporwitural, and turn to go in,-bi r about by sunlight, is giving, to. wau�. a luxuriant bed to.sleep in, Or Steve to warm thdmgcl�es whil
to do so at his reside 0 In Bayffaid, opposite pollockla, Also solicitor for the At fear �of .,Is iiarpots the strooti of A town or city, thiiiii of tAiiiig a Self ill the lagt'seit Of a: 6a hub
Hotel. Fees Dalian- Windham, AprU7,1870. inaoW ? W; are herfate-first appeared on the Hdllo�veen; two j 10 a dear in ibe rive shel w, air-bathea in teiiv, SIC6 aid not's,
ALCOMSON & WATSON, BARRISTF118, AT� ready to cry police,"wtUon something in the years ago,
da�ita fit the Is that a robber w the latt6r place.- Vllon first seen Awo ing the glool a4d giving gap. by, as. -they wont�abaaut their r6gular badness.
Hd 10 also A Connnioploner for he was about one-third of tbd way Across ifid� po I A to A lie Ofi
QuOOA`0 33811012;fOit Coitutias of Huron and Druco. of-doetors, ho. citbar, know Th It& person that. tlietrain� hia backe#,, a—
TORNEYS42-LAW, Solicitors, in Obancary, dud man a a P Baid �rays "Sha-11�68 at St`�'&U Striking out -Who ventured on such an in.
Piearanoo strikes its as familiar, a Iday for the, Oroigon shora.L ThG
Convoyancoro, Offtco-�Xort door to Royal Can& sly forWird to ocrutillize his not the.causo.6fAlia non-hygianio condition
ndmortgUeB., Feed,&,, steanter.wag 'baedlor Ithmin. all: of. many households on whose. misfortunes ',old gontl6man'to whose exorti6tis-
convoyanpjIng done, such. as Lenag idg, Contraqto thia.", - 1 , I nas Ranwaya--the same bo� diffetoint oar stood ialront of her" hat
U e loan, anxiou haito axid� aJo
I.Vills, Denotes ii I�How %,cry fortunate;" oxelalmed.,Mrs. thara�bein; havolent presel
featurea-moreclosely. He astheappearanco Clifto nfire arins on"boArd, except a itly she ocilcea up. -ana wibh's
A no ON lazAtestA.0. Icy, that'it ii,,. as,'s a returne
----7---XoN=,aeTAXOED 09. ni 'ng the 041100,'80168111Y n nd-oi eath nd6f its sm
xzy To Xxx a-gentlemaii,.and-all, i�lb see b id to herL seat by, the amhu Pocket pistol, it was . decided to tr-v to' hyor, kniiWi it, from" arin�' sweet smile said 11 joe -V
ilia unw. soaietyps and to -whose mdffioi ro n, 'A L
6 MACOX00 I X. is Ralph, Clifton, "who has been on-thevonti- fire. I'Iscothc.�wayout cloarlyL� -Whys my captural him alive. noose was isaaer 1 explanatl6n of ila h a ye darling" to
Bayflold; Sept. 22,1674. C=4, Itily 2f, i�Vfg, Doiall -0 going a a forttiiii�� olaven, of fashion; Thousands of as monumebt in Wc a se6nished and bashftt -yonug mitia
Q. A. WAT900.
"zien -forthelasttwor ro.. rope pd throiVans the boatapproached, but proinWiliv, c1lildroo *us, ever were bdrit,- have.- w(ty ad t6vollba in China and at 'was sit
t Is Solis' 11alph, aiid my die or, I' �stntinitorAbbqy,. Alr.,'11
Thatio a'durious way toontdr hii is ders. to St. Augustino next wook.-E m4 has hold a minsed the game. - The dear %yhirlada�d made': of w- ting , there, in, t a DLECOMBV,, HURON ST., liar pliy- for the Washington Territory aide, -wbilbb. Was irlsiflf q - flo fatall ty by a in , general where'-, the bther,J6llQw:All0uld, 'TO -LI produced'ani(I in d use, an aving,
11 os m2pposito the, Commercial 3104olf hou"Sop" yoll-will, "a ter two, years 00ligli,tasycid know, all the fal.i;'a,nd. ..been hurled into untimely qrm�.os by, maladies the Eas't."whero umbrellas '-wero with -hifil, been
PAN had xecommonclosl lip ,d. d h little steamer in fine istyle and I eadod,hl-M ol. ing them ofilloge ficest gifts qf heaven,
the nexrosts but Capt. Hunfln ban buyncid tho
eahat he keeps galph told niei,all.ab of AN air and- Sunlight, wid-sadr-wIzolcoalo idtMie ftho pubife generally, t ass 80A of duriodityo ho,at length ileitoinij ad-
outfi, allow, you,must not allow scruples and obodi
conoNSUIr on I a largo tud well asserted stock, at once to inflitattoo yen- in this Case. - Your fa- to avdift. him
Clocks; taboo andTowellery, --which-1o, will sell At me-, W) toll YOU just how it, happoned. The ighas xCling. Saco aide Will 'continue so long as parents - are 8 proseative benefits,- and Varieties
s light, dome do),,. Ve a now. became a 'A Lid a one dayho ventured.on the attests of Lon�
T E F.V derate, prices. REPAirtwoldf 6 4oBorlption pro pt Ho.hadictuinedlio�aouiloxpectealyI both tber do of course, and we 'will- ap- tinte'this 'rO�do wdr6 -thrown nsuccessfully ighra,6 of the tru6 and all-oSpontial, influen don,.holding the so queor-looking appr
FRIVA N jD . 8 . it?Thacel4bratOdR 01 and ilia door, though makiiig proolipaue of. Lratuall,
oxe6utad at readbumble rates. tollimidICAnd fiN..,friend, and thought hi will be 1arule es of those vitalizin elements. (;ad speed
Watchlkopb constantly In stock, poar to be the dames �and Assist* bim� in, his 9 .6ve'r-hfs,b�ad,,altring,�lioavyr�in. Perhaps,
on, NOV, 8111, 1860. 20.1y Would just p6eb Wfo �do if his �idthor wag in forto totioll.-the share, was a t1iird time a The -Chicaao 1-2do-Oceda says.'tfierd�
if he: had -known what Shower of �-idfdule. are 35,000-youp
tthe clay whon! that dark ignorance s11411 be a
theiro, as that bad. boon her privato'oitting. 00ai9 Thie.tiWo 'both ropeo - eaught'in his baishodIll tile llglii of Iiifits, slid When
It for y6ul and at some future day, whon. find 0eu abuse lid was provoking, ho. would g hi�a in. that 'citj who
3EENp L.,� room at ill() time he left. The rdoin. had ree he hits, jr6g4ined. his sousoo, wo. will turn 'his horna ;lad after -a ol�iperiito struggle he was for - want 6f :iather have facell'tho ial cannot afford to marry. And doubtless
face Sunlight" Would if am
bH,&RGES M D RA DAI,p .6ontlybecia. fitteduro"*a, drossing-roorn for yard or olsoturnyours - nottlit auled on V6ard and seatirolY fastened;1 but brAced in them, coaso to be the truest line in hustled him on the'Sid L n. Is or groupi of men
0 E -, t I . He
T9. PI -_ -.1 �. * Onj o-Walkaysindcalled him, an equal number who are sorr
D E 9 T I S'T, ara,,but talphs, not knowingthis, strode Ilorn wag broken off in.the Sir infautilo energies. ihey are
a until he came 'to An is wall. Islay is aboard, the steamship d to be a four-yoir PIA,,b1f9k it d in fine toad ; woman, from doors and w1ullows, Clap. able to afford it.
eagerly through.tbo gardo prove it . I . a a in
R. OAUBN, DENTIST, STRATFORD, WILL B blip windows and the,, to started back with a Illinois, The'last trunk is aboard, A young condition." pool their hands..and laughed , in mmatthe Rattenliftry House,01inton) the third Tues.., - hualiand and wifii have just'partdd on s cr6WAR Lrau aft journal, hits f6und� thqb
APPLY TO day Ana Wednesday of cach, mouth. suppressed Halloo f who the *duco is, that I a- in their. or him, bidding, ootin , An
NA�LCOASOXI She is studying ilia 65ntou'r of her face Close. Wharf, With Unutterable sadues The ( 1tipago Jouenal gives this iiitlo glmpse ovei, p0ting-Iiint with Stones, t soon they there aro from 160;0.00-to-200,000'haitla� ......
jia !ilia i Utiful hearts, pressed back tests in their eyes; 040 of. humart'naWro, awit is dovelopid in that graw tirgid of such shimaid sp
tas a matt
to' oak at Ion": It u et it it
o. 00 Mr4s and. Insects. ul rts, a ol,took in a woman's head. The of
downlyal ;�gr
N A tor ay, hdlbOrrainor all
clluton,.Sop I t. 7, 1874: Luber, this is All staggoes Aj he striviga to assumo a braia, air Tile birds have'a taik which varfoui goveta� n. hinds a-
ACCOU TAXT, 1�00]KKEEP:p1t, ET stra�je, A1 I now I remp iieitSiclocaryosterdak. Jrustasitrain a
going aboard, She has -ah, a womauso 're, -monts have tried in vain to job dona-byoffer4 or fl, ionally he invited a Nioiid, to, ably,on the length of time he veili
1huoweve_Aga IA, Ing I cO fdrtAbIo all
ejeoks pogtibd, uui�de up. balauce kpyQ6q1tbis is Clara try' fage and vent for 11 put 09, Sho,4(1 Only a largo parasol to protect share is
,e3 I M . to thuh-vitizen toy alter tim;hnitall agr bd
Accounts ma4d Out Aud 0011403tied. . ing
Bank- her fortune, She wi I not know me at any hearl,broakiug-teard'-The 8 to dbst ad tlia very hAraest, she want6d to get
Ro�al C, anad�an rate, and I have a mind to otartto liar a little paddlo-wheols are it! motion, and soon many 711 pronouncing it ery pleasant; but so Afraid- Is genoral'thilng� we doL not implore
at pest, But it has 'boon found that] her. She, fldAoted about and. snapped At ;ffgre they of ridicules that it as
otorilk Streets opposite the Ititionbury noiad. ing over her shoulder. ?y miles of Old Ocean's drear and melancholy the bilm are -the only ektarminators of . the, ' more than.
by poop Ithout everybody as if the conductor and passengers threa-years I ps gentlamen: to
No -sooner had those thoughts p enemy, wi war a first ex'erf_ YOUUF
-world iixelzorki-tho - i
-bors-iin-keeping-thainseet 'If ill U;
ewaste" will stretch between May And the he. Whoop divinely appointed la- emaiat�bufoiv aiio , &,,,,�ay �*ol',,biit, ey wi. wear
Uacolo-Gandorm _pongible fq t o -min, in
MXTIiACTLD WITHOUT PAIN. through.-Udah!i�mliatliaii,ho-- -off .-hl&- --tc! th. .
'02 EFITI ter remain on thei car till it Blacks up,' said: A
ITAL ised the window, 'which, - As the vessel whieh.boara liar I oteAm e- -'oat -all umbrella. 16nag the roar pockoib, Of their pailtalooni, it
pulled pour�ka to oivu or carry
__tp Q&92 VC. CATa"wxroW DSo'804i6ii )you- boots ind.o6INY' . in world Would soon be made void. synaoathotc*volco� in the -nor,- The Proud _ffaWy died in 1776', and for the Iftetlbirfy
L. Its as at the
tint, extracts Tooth without PAW Is a u A out 6f Now. York haibo* -or gaunt fqmine woniaxeign over all
afortunatoly.for his Plano, wont up without. to theie e4t �gliqpingj gild *omaa turned her hiadto see -who rko, n ..would be in ordinar.*fivor to tho"Rugh.,
Of tile Nitrous-OYAdo GAD. 01firicic-opotHeyih1h. Rost k n4i 4a,
'd- the dittingrooln . Ad. rings. fo a or i)[ itt realine The EtWo746 fit)dlng. t4at. ib was only a. plain y -dressed ever either still or rain such- as have brnaa
OfIL as Stratford, He then enterea,the'room, and gli rophl of September years of Ilia life he Carried, an jambrolia
An office be# boon open X at 6 'ad otiftly behind M
CY. tury had Pqsqod. more mental b.
6f in the 6 de t I re�eviaa his laligh. api&ars and inforins hamn t I has not 1868, atittled, its roide�jjby. the following- do' working womin, Was maddqr.than ever. Shd �ftjldetad Ono desirable-.- ing p0lid-to, S�JeCbL*
CLINTON A -GE -IT the now Royal Canadian c1iiitioit., If 04. the whole, we are car Yet this preian j. orders. 'We lik
Rank, building, liattenbuty- St over -her oLhAoN;d11car( l a to f4el. surd.
ing f4di never. oulitilugthat been seen sinebtroakfast, whoiL,o 0 -- ittout tallylY would not (!sign to r0ply.16 each a person, tfi.a� Its first decade
Clinton, where iostlbi6fo *4 reoplYO attelitic intention of ShOpbilig. Mr. o9eakintyVith'In the, bounds- when we Assert but held liar hand higher, and itirood. up hot lao became Wore fb use of Umbral- if!sa, halridkerolliefj thati all,
times, iba It wag Ili's sister Ciari. with the declared i
ver AOOO pailosis have he'd teath e%titaotddloy Maysereamida, bubwas too much frightened Audley Ate his dinner, and did not suspect at, to in One yoar with another, this can After -tioch till insult shoL WAj
Oil a moon] ghi.`night. a.,Mother'hid
aftooed use of the Ones at DriVoldtWO 6MA601 NOW York. C6 look routid at the- ketreatiag figure of the trick which had. boenlkyed. until after it try suffera from the depredations Of, noxious bound to get out'any w -a- �opped, f6k Difly Lite,. I I a -
Cent The oar sl dialollowirig bservatioln' int 1
oil Deposits, -dark, hod'arouna he thoughi she vvAg stepping. on the pavement Lad 4, her
Atritiord, idb.dth, 1470. 7 4e Sto.tq Out of, the win . dow, in a btiatua quite lie ihai; das guointy by het,'86n, a I U16,1irobiln. of abotib, six
R ul"din In Pretty quick thoes donsidoting big Dalm, a Swedish bbianisto.-at. the ilu'egdation but went down in.i% mud, hole ton inches deep. D6, io t express-yonr opinioll, too freely and'
31. ]LOT.IGH; Agent" !OOL. �- wm izINTON VOUNTY 16hatludtArfangeoltha lace, ourt - calling up and questioning closely, the Of Linno)UN. J'U'1146, was sent by the 9wedish Thow a gutit of wind took the puraspi out -of deoidddlY When it differs - from - them arbti. years of age 1 --JI It ainet beAll riqlallonfle,
I$ go'n JOL iinfille of. both seXao ATiL , �ia and foot, [io neXt -6616runiont to niAkid A botanical tout thr6 h 14 p6pple iq tho
Ub I lutd thii 'serVAnt$ and Beit0liNg t40 11,614801 TJ ug liar hand and carried it half it Ila Ytnj ifiiply for the 4ki.brif s'Ayiug 'I think"' mothers about iber6 -he
from 16U 1) a of the � AMY and Province on eqn2 closed. the window, its tho'kirlo r I ek. 136fole 1.
Clinton, Oat, 20, 11n3i 1-Y4 ration is siveli in gin team# tagor to*4o;it what Xoy'o lover was I 1hing to do was to"ordir the carijago and gorthAinorloa. TiflijoYoluminousreportbe 8110 got that, liev builafe, dropped in the mud. when no -good Will be clone, Oh flicaule
Zliglisli, AW ton maucavlous anu AN drive iftoiii whiy had tob -that It After the great de. - Thou it diaritt: Ili. trifled ho - CCU14a—f
moons' , "(Why ABA V*
A commotal look lite, hastily to Urs, Olt illdlaantOy otafool rala.but poured, Xabody cargo, Try to give. up y(f�r will and WAI
the French Bud Germau gr a, Studentaito pro-- , Slid.,00ald net sodak for dome time, �tlt fit Been May all day, This *as tilde, AS. X struction. made niftiong * thd blackAlida for a ko"Opt'66, kind-hearted wb g hey crush thomsoWaa to.
pored for the Unityersitles, the learilba professions, And 1, rkill Oman 14, as wall as'lia mrd'important watiiarg,, . except -half moon
moroautilo puronito., Special Attention in paid -to the' Idat Xaver-herfright en6ugh to ten them bad. stayed oil the moltaing at Utz. I Clifton it bounty, of threa pefteou oloien, the north Col. the Whore'principle is Involved gothero when it Works, studisisrequJolte for dommon School Toneheis, - Tuition all'6out him, 'That he had very handsome sigtorlt house, Owns in NOL experienced a complete 1086 of Do hat corplain of little discomforts, but
rein, 9 per uaft;r, Orin, Students fro wal - - � A.. T. SteWart ta his Store. beat them chearfully, trtia nuti, can bdar� almost Imp
qaf I distaned at wwo to dovourid, by in-
glizow JO brown eyes and 4 mouth that in then as t I Ala checkmated, and that bi gross and rain, it'llich
ViEft tea in thc� gq 0 vo moderate rate,, -growled out. "Well, I p-60 .1 1 .11 4�! �11 in this �orld of trial aliaL tiibUl&tion
laaeatablo r6bb i
ThigWalmitTaimwill co 'too on 094yolOULAug-o Try t4 avoid Ala tarkg
.2 11, iliz on EAA are
Amiling matt 11 hd seats.", T a older civ tit( 9 of the
WAS he brown, or lights May to, A�kpd she is safe enough somewhat#, and I appreciAti,�e and proteotiv at biraff than ur Stewart rung -hid store on the d6tedt"V00ye- � of any'dogoriptic, bitt, when' a dozen 11iis oil M rd 1872, PhAller lufonnatlon�*Ill be gly9r. on A tion In time She will Come 'compatia I one. foake-no unpleasant
H19ADSTONESt roOnally or by letter) to any mor If -cad of back ijain, Ana than own, ' In !upon they Are d nev. torn. Each man 16619 that he is undair-ilid, I � '2
re, pber,of the atack oil him, at 6 O'clock on. it hot
itedn, vis,, Coats, . 8, Fisher, '04 of th eye ofgome one -
Ana -�ork of all kinds Ili Amoflosit Atil Pataign Mazlilo ;,14tadvoi, M.Di, Boy. VI NeQualgo'aud. As Worthington, 0 he Was VerY brown," aildertil May; L�:11 The remaindof of the denier that he Is *Atehed and no'
ace rilmained or Jeatroyed. on'tho docital 6 Visli to Do not Perform disagreeable diltidg With'4 Ing, La just covers his bda& with
'Shodo and Njr. Aualey irtittirgha to his tha country in 1864, Of 'tfid� Aquadra 'SeS the amiloy'AbOd this fact gtvei martyr -like air, hat always cheerfully, morhi.
delisted And breentalln the bait sille, and at X oz`� 0 hter, Mr, aramooT UAo !jall I i.
�64$ BE D., or to _o404 unfini one diarl
carry A
was pretty cod loot t& m6nae&-by Cowin6dore Perry, who dbonetlit him, Was in the store' trags. the . other, and- d6,Wjl
hisLOAX �jtlljm,'at any rate," ga (I practical 'Clara, 3 dAYo Ana in 06u-. n4 indulia fid the idea that in a differ, r the shoetj , at
fi laylisdiii3vor met ltalp�;Cllftan face to, to the oommorcel of the United States, several vereation with sit emyl6yaiii. It Wits not a ent position frona th t it hich God has p1do. Over his togs, sweats ata swears th
Mantles of Various dolored.MAZU6 SUP- 'to Xdll ? could it face, and during the two years Which bad, in. at 419 officers, and day, went out to,allocii birds busy tlmti� and all, hands seamodto be laying: ad YOU, you w6uld.-lead-a bettor at happier 'this world fiRSL no Charms for him-#
. 11 %)lie AGS NOY QFFIM� pLy,,T1t.. , What doou think of 1 ad changed ftoinoWhat. lot their analasomelatz, The nitivao Wore hot! off, Soniii0oung6d, oborie,manta, Oe or two Ito, ana
d S . h , Ort Notice, r6ally have been game ones Oil ate 'the Fatdi fado� ll traction Of gat"at the bo)tes. . In n'morodfit the scene in. fflental�y acknowledges that , his wifo.
10606 to-tright 21, For -Ono thlyj whisk6ra covproathe well-4urn. fft4tirioken hon.scoing tho' dee
W. H 0, 001tLBSI oft think we had better sdatch tbo roomoso ad ohin. This'provdated Mhy from racog, their favorite birds,'and ram to the 0ouirb6dare tho-abore. oliai�gjd OX damo'to "attention," has a debt otnearly twenty izinl. wouia ta, a better his' place.
ONUVANCER, SOM01TOU Ilt ocn.4f.0,11ty, AND Ada 9011, hini at ends, but his eye wore unalter. t6 remonstrate agaiust the cruol o6poluct of his sharp. No one was 966il-no one, spoke, 110boo Liverpool binteon and olic4iAlf millionoi. ", The kresbytetian mifiister at Findlitr,
WORTSD 046bl.WXA, Attamey of the L%* dicd'9441% ur a a Ireland, This soon put A1fL end -to the r, aeli than' wag etc6t ; the loungeto came to AW41109tet '401110 sixteen millions, Leeds SOM46
Genealogists Land, Leon, and Rota il Agent, Low, Life And At it thty y�diat, behInd ilia a col, ilia sani6 bbyielh frankness looked Out of gobordinateo.
them,-.. and the game morry twinkle kid sport; of American bifol-killeti Ili Japan slid tholit, folot'; there was not, An idler in the stairs, iW01VO inillioni, slid taking the cities of Bng4 WOO -wits buying. some oat -moil -oils a
and Firs insurance, And General Agent, acold, under the lotilngo, tinder the tabled, And they WT., I
W ollu OVOU A if 4 man there, May kno th t It Iforri'llIS ir of1bsi;1Ntt Isind ha� remarked to the,boy to 6
, am a nce. 8 As the ordii dduw�u,*ill
UdAid When the treaty bbtWedn the two* ocialitri6o TU -6 moment Mi, StoWaib CanlOL if) so 40
Ws it. 000 . P911; $in_ 1 Irish And uni. don,14 it under 4-A qtombft, - Ittio cotipa on 016, curbstone. He #Oka to t4ko t`W011t`Y-obo of them, faclolaing the dbotd,, ,2 'sn000 Authorities wore I -lie always used ta as
Oro gn Notate$ Itiva t Aoit sag�oot their ie him that lit I
U 1814. i In Europe trinuact6d la al 4oclar6d MAY" I It, v�a a tea, anaw-orod to �hota throtlghljor qVrrt eyeff, -' cideftll. to h4ye J[U4erfpd 11 Wield Pk6td6ti*6 no Ono, Beamed to T00094196 tie 006. He oave With An'aggrogard popUlation of sit nifiliono, ib was good for miking blort 0 0 his
Eut eanFirms'. 6moolfi. as, do An The voyage down IVA9 Joy .01Y. Ay found of the birds of thikt; Win ry Ront AAefloivu a sharp glance right And' -lefto and, orept: up -to got A debt ad big
0 Years Slope or at 6 0 lia ei man, hole gono.01 as the city of New York.
2,ral; Ire wite.g6ttitig ratheto a lak&6 Iquinthi 'thf
�ey totpin�xrlvftte ftmm 1 41 [4 :11st than Mrs. Clifton cai�p la�agli. her aunt with eaqo, and witl� tho ol atto fowlara.,, Stairs. you beothatglAfice t0l paid the Loutlbu &it& the surgoan4ing. municipalities
battles.,, Dabti an Noted collie clerk Rarga* evory Ono of s and '00uld owd lose than hglf�ag much, as poston. OLtice boy opened h oyell tin
oa, At their soared ftioba When she had heard dha& fallifig on them, aftol moonlig tjfti
.OV 'Uyth, ' ... being. o6frigtenea obs became the promised wif of JUIP tell wlia� ode� mat wts do, While Stdww like Liverpool Ana �uuiiheste Are vastly less lj,,Agked,� thi
Plot -10,- all tho�fgV" Id oft.of '6s, of th o me ol
aPeLeing",V tat they would have boon -disap, Ono. thing, remained to (10, that Wits to art rornMu94 not, 0, matt 11141 O'o r. afteutubtlood than alti a a -a tongrogatioil V,
hot fablierAtonsont. This, Ralph thliakii so in
pointed about if they had not siiori� America. tmlug�ham, for pkamplis, owes. 'ntry- adit6f wag very d4o
tile undbtsiguc& hits moved his stpok to the can got by Applying: -tit sta. so than deals American cities young cou
she did not 'think that Max ]lad seen a $2,865,000, or 16
oadapiodby Misid, PAolio, next MOHAnu, ISSURA or UAARtAGIA Ist. maeta face, butt�at hot azoitid imagination 'Me, Audley has:9aaly inigsed May's On bivinglotio-olovnth of its optklatioli, Chi- sirous, of gaining the"good gkitoes'of tht
Shop former
door to the tproas 01060i *her, W11 otiooz#j face, allot gladly, cog6tu to her matriage TwtAtoft land faL bad tnbidgh, but thirst sit osgp- liair the babbdiaim to so veuoy into g ilia usw'Adar). and in describing his first
a he will bor elffit latutea, ate the 6 Pi r meet -old cuiii4mel* -to whow Ito at,,, 16, 1674. - Irlil opi good and rich a man AN Ralph Clif vila, with Wittak oVotywhoke, yet not a drp to Aii6rioxia oitlog,� -Slid owes UAK than lilalf ad. nI'V,
his Unto the T0:0m dothogi
r . Xe WUA. 0 "p.* g6d .444 pdv1Q, theia 6 j� to be& tit R W on t 6 lunoi y6o" om motor vp go._ -drink funed worse, of 'ho is
tfturtlo thinks lot 4st 'INTOX LODGE, XOo 801 It . , , 'k 11 there will doubtless N A 00'A Will X it InAy form $6 , agftjr 4M=h AV nooteD,4rta I tV"lV'S MIllorm 1664 L t I han
al*aya keep orit.0114gooclatook bf oss Ma done 3301tfnimr, h ter, briaoL in Aft, 4ua is astonish 6 oa 0 The girls were not oiltigiflOd Yillty- OW01 la's, hAttoo, and the OV Uou, *hon,06 read, At 14"a OsLoo Of a laid AM;7 A, Windt boy In 011lq, roo6litly observing 0, But to, 111 in u an th am X
Aua,aj& not, oAoh in turn Whidt"tho 149,U01780A opmt.q. f at
ATCHES, ad JrIKL, to, TtNog ft"M -veto of A 1�oaeo It oaii Out
hot wreak, of the euyvi cre;� 'small flook 6f'q*IS lb, big fatht?o corn -field, ment of all the inhal)itantiy 1.
or olot,
r1HIs ho n HOLDS ITS NEE ttlt gazerl hit0tho depth Of bar ow OY69 slid saw Wly ditinklilf the bidoa of their d6&dL Corn' rbaolyed, to Witch their )iaotjo -he, 'Thoy put. t1i ' Ls -next morning In type,-1t:ff6' It AV
TUESDAY evening, at Eight 6141dok, In the only the fair ptootfl4g her own gbouldlits, si 0 0 0 iada, No onoi ,n6wit what bit evil foirtuno- sued 4 V6rY rogalAt d4urge in tbolf fori into
Hall known- A* cated . all), Huron, Strict, VISM129 more, One aw Ulu hi t euatira� Vor 'tile beginning on one Side of ilia flold- taiing ost Ifiiserablo, oudolbof I ftiq:iftitr",
(jg, nn ton hi id, t Wpm All, excel Yon r�ay -'do yet% pUsto, bone wo make 0; About five rowii, hn(I )go M an , can, te 11 1 ' InothL 000 realinkno
JAS. A� TVYLV, godret 0 a Am NtAlWart Irish' labor4t *0 One, d1tY
p1d mAiai, your hard f6ttuna, And wish you were vi note 'of ilia folloWing question put b7 - the 'to the . %P&A6 end', tettitning in the gain
d§#ih4Sd Afid WAttAsitilid. alp I$% urkaided by Doard, of Trade axAminero to the can idatag mAniftortivii, *he nott five f6wd, Thoy 0
And tyc they migit as well tellito at, once. Million times ovbti� but all the Wishes 6 for O'bittifidi%tog ofoompot6lJoy ASInAtool in 'the, da in thjs� potilrod till t This they foith*lth did, Actions will not fetch a hey had mt�lorcd tho There must; lie W Btitish. zhOdbaui; What- Would groator Patti L Of tho 1161d,, The lad, balieving ea X �Ultldldd bt to, d3tilglab
In ilia hitatitinte, Itelph Clifton, had soon a llappl6r cotolition. to tllL frets With nothing a -pulling Up'thp Ocilla, firoa into the gal
hit fatherad motbet, and had 'told Ills Mo. Awl fatigue. DISC tll it WWI, %ter *a iiboter. The labotor 'fitild 80i,
"Inir, 'Ifir killing but one of tholip, anct 6k. f6t000d hl# it yer �tit water ab Iamd 211 The awor is, t'a0fivok,
i4oX06.0 du ilia o
their of the Art he had Played, in 11(thig th(r In the Whole mothr id ClAithIg future, And, lit it *6yod with, undnalited spirit, Ones on I the ioak voil wh!A -outid.
Mat YO 11 A miatalto-that it *its not; asut ahol bollof fit'ultimato succom mutt b 64 witl Drinking ealtwator to which thoylladtravot8da lie founa but Ono Itatol'Ittlion, tteoit,ontiia-
I hrld told h"m ol Ili be, allay ill tNt gotorer: bled, ; but tin Stock 'of corn disbutlidd. This wis nearly fflAttbr With y
every 1 '64 eaves Clem but May *hoso,�Atd hhald'atdAtod in atapyAturo Ana quality to it sta _OU to proVolit.)
itoft I I ill brine wants sea ext 'ng, *dy p4ja d
htbvainl. - A, del! water bath from uni ottsba 4, J 1, 0 'WAU4 solia g, arAA1 hppli0lifoll of it giV(d relief, Rh dooK gorAt0hedout, -of thd grbund, but the iomth .1 th4 oato 11 Ab
v1platig I an . Bits, of raditt, bra ana aoia 11*4ftitO AW64 tho.dozands of OrAying,nx. still a4hyrad to- it, % the- c6p f tile TItil that'a thrU4 fOr y6jol tOPHO& VA 14' bot
�Vjkdbj Aot wr to, Mollafflid's Bookstore. otathra Kroiorakily If%, Ila ro u6sted -his Mother nok to call CIA% whodo. iniliffat6fildo is be, 160 tolera 0
I I V la rot Wlih to L�oadiags; Ate thitwv &wok Vhl thq Might tatal Xtis 4 pity, that thisizogl6j, Yot Iftly, lid found 6*6 4tt worth, t*daty.ono Art oil
94=91ol V 1116d. Ru he Lai goo MAY, thaltbfileloug thoughtlagg hatloof Of a Dog to Xuawn' a U016W of fiftil butdoud oxi handfid chillon Iftl thqn, yor
of h6pliq to t000mplu
hoUrt Mid# 11A 10149MIs 66 witt, 1414 at 46mo, C1 IN,,j�TON i, N., E W ER N,
Ad 14 p
F m 0
9 "
... ....... ............