Clinton New Era, 1875-06-17, Page 2gill - 7 off, Ar form et i Masks 44, noi-L Sir. xtoj r A AV 040=00 Aw. 0, T4110 Widow 4lW"qA 1*1PIPIL *ioi�iiir, wmss, a 0. AIDYWATIOPDXT 14 oo %TV -Aug* TM 00"N on=$, Umbir $Qv Sale. T44 Ware k -6 It "a XAM 00010 "11%. Gom) WwouT.—Twornthmon. 0A040tioa Ina 11* K g, ut 1ut 4 ap ta A loox A S R, 7. A. X '7.00 A. X th 00 A CA And rUQQ RAUZ storra. t owl tw4yognoo'MMA romobit lot of %xv: weighed tv�o or a f HA"U's MAO'kWo to July is �b 4 I th 040,om of WO4. 101 'A, X. 1.90 vp 10 th its Zas pro of Alvillf, roork Mr. Adqa millov, 4 voll-Irpown of ow4to, droppq4 boAm $it. 400 1by 4,40 4, a As. Many 0 its a 04 arit 4444 from F"41 .0 bklo; Aim t sig, tuoro so,* Rbv Aim 5 6.00 PI., X. BAND,—The 01140a Brags Itsail took a to, well 111lostrotOd, thg A abo"o lot WOOL tAlk of � # 0 T1. X. 91 go P. X novels (ft on Thurldoiy oyetalug last p 40, ,go64 lippreNsloo of or qho8eq, bein The inlsablUato of UUCP* T111414, We' � joying their puggrt may be gained from the SAlrula pX004as to haye Net PbUble QVIlader Threfilhin x4emoes, $anted Itio Abuor U A,, U%9401'914P fith &A oral t 1. pov uuqs while on this. fative, Wou we's W L a Ont4trio Osibine� up I* Address, oopgistu oil bOoksallorg, the I,$, Town Council. pictures, For'solo by to ayors. will soon be asked to voto.,470 Met only ',Wall done, bl%t Yer -xV3eiHlPRQt1toX , 06fabinvition mud Vibrator Tlare -X4 attr4otlys to of marq TV VWPA, r toiken. place to the U*Al;.4 it be- T0414010S.04 the 11 They, Also 14* 44" b A*ot WAe Ill Ing hNard visit :1440 MO. a latmeut, to A Apoolal mooting of 0.004011 took Place 0.4 01AS, the rounds ot As press :-444, All WO spent time VIAYIAS� OW theL lkavorl,148T09,44 that BArauta'allippoarouto will A report 44J . sovao of t4e; vilmors"Weto, origiolmd by Zcb. Quor altaltly ropy Oro. M040y, evening last ; all t1homeiribers. prg,- - r of . visl0traV90 QA TIM .25* J-44.41tax9ar- thittho,Rv RAT =XT 'Alvwffoa. ul is 0 l4rot to f4o, gt04*a#A;* 61,0"Jmiog, ptil t $,out except Xr.4staxorm. T40 �,Qbjillt of the 91 eat point it will be to ftim town. , ho.so who will soon amals"".te. Who sma anxious The 00,0ty of 01vagar% disposing of oring� Increasing clomana for our 0,01 k Am �bo." meeting WaA for the lizaa of Tl% 1 4 so storopf Xr. oNichol, blya% near TO 3000 the WOO $in obratodT Threshing Use inivi from all aented, in 1�,%rll niept, for t o upt 0irty-fivo X x Us 11 D bertr IT re4ore dielm the bvihtess left un We ad q1l the. regular BusixOSS CUA 0 S,— 0or 0 gnd th wa the introduction of tho. latest And 4404t Approved return to makoit*ppoar that Wo yo 14 the. avert slad, robboa VATtO Of the P04111419, Aro-b . 91peA into y the $audfiold Macdonald, fatn0j, And Matiziel, ha,vo. movoil into, t bull 00 Galt, 's last. week liv "A we bove, by the C0Aw41I''FreihQW0r doors not 000 any Win Aii 0 all liq Sa4d; am to its, Mae. pence 't"0000. - , . ­ imadhino n Only . ding Ire much ligs boon 11 � of,goodo 10. the value Q 0,ourw.rk Am iA f1to. 0abluet, Ana 'eapocially do- p4ohAmOA by t1win, formerly occupied end Sploa4or, And the wondrous things ry 141 IT a# gro xtly X40auf%otu QtIQA, of 0911. a040041(1 be ' Thtift' Oaths A 01hues, We pro tborofore oodroasoA. for mor now fq .49,108 out of tbo,U to. b 4 A a , site t, fro Is, corner to by Mt. 0, R. Awhib%14. and Mossrs a. F44. Ties ponglo think the good In X� p9aition to All all 9X40ra 0 yer & Co., have lemod the store vacated by 0 iro". 0 - 2 Ini -fur for time It, opining At 10,11. utter can now b' f the, removal of Xr. Wxelllall I f, wo.lad seem 0' done And seen that t1laraim 49)�Oe or 4 reprolontatim They Cut r treat, A or ore, t be W440 four -us to iny anyil ther, Obtained, thoto at twenty cents, hose. presdoce o, togiaolous popplopdow foot revigUtily A , a in arry. thq�. 011gogi jlQid, Wr foot hc�ty Menzies; ad will Open the Battle DO -1 6 -' , shops APA wArraniod -to giYo in a feW.0 OT ftaxim G�pnm.—Wo aro, pleav6a to see, Ryotyjrlachine is Xqu Aud thOrqu. store laavipg. $40 in Liout-GenerAl W, O'GrA0 Holy, the 04104P u 041� tested b A.44 poeltion'b4a always been A -Aor pon, that fto di6rqut porhorip of the towA Are w4toWo 417, goods otgro, Rid otown, was di cbAof robbed pf a large qu�A*7, of 05-kes, voilrots, 01husfacuou'. th , in Oarildal 844 41,44111114- Uove.4 Y Coun�' Barton, see, by 0ouss. Porles, &o. title year rwiliv *,A, Ino thoIrfairallaro air side, "Thoro 10 0 0 04049 that WON gometted" so oia 4 Johnson tliat Wits 1140as, &a., A low evenings since, IT Foster be Appointed boll- MgTiropXSt Avrox"�Zlvro,—The following tion and that strieota, which had never bee -A 'A Th the xin4doa� S'evs, to tho 3A, � k of the, xwgKt. riager, ?1 the salary of' 00 par oiissum " bell 9,bairigpo baveboon tuA ")in role#raph wohderm whers, 0 CA, tba0pdowph, 414 ought to takeplace, Una that 0no ad, are nowbobig orided and drained., the Conimajidir of the Ratb $0 the last COPY 'Of to be r top a oplo will , e, Trials Six timen a. 4ay, And thrq tliqt., from those AquouaQ d last. weak each time. P-6,44 It Mr. Vostat 400liu'cs London' 0ozetts oxtaordivari. Q.4pt. as Urd, A. Mil$ aud.thAt 10, gravel 8144wolkoaro not the. 3400t 1W Refore 0'rdfrinff qAqW14er$'sen(Z XOP. circular$ a�a Postm, Qr$sj, frarj#. -One lesson hop been harAcc , L ceAio be fools AS to Invest ge, air 349,10, V is t�lliqgjln 41 or 'reaignAii(Ta once, caville, instead of a4m M lottorY ov,", 00. -0, A oil% ken' BAYR014, i'llatosidof J. 04 Q X or A the, we -W-vi resident. 910101 (4041, *413 bell ringer bit. gilver sidewalk Four hundred pohnao eight of Speo led Or CV040i- Tress roll) tQ4 ot'000PAni , Of 'tit 0 t Dean, the Street cow. I, ird. 1300% Jas, MOLAughlin, inistgad of .4a treat have Jost bc �bo At OrliliS 1A th 'hem FhAve,beenavefy good, minister, Seine *19, mittoo Were %dvisod to 'clean out the targiv At tuaknow, Brussels, 0, E.B -0 �Iw lty. to, brd�;r Xuolc wigka on, be '44 at do 4470o bY t1riec. Amoricars gentlemen. CILAIWOW'; 3fACPHERSON LINTON. at as being t CO., C 6i the'd ties of Last J`AAAQ1r,1;, As a, cau,414to for the As, from Valrys mill to the railroad, And 040,the now, J'. S. Fisher. pilOpleatho , . - I d stilliontinties to. ful U hQur44,LHQa --on- MarYstroot.. � � ,; �, � . � ­ I � .1 r Twq barns, p, laigo'quantity of gr Oil oeobly-,-X Tglox.—Tho cit4ter day iA, frorit,qf the Fin a, Q;O :�, One or witu, credit to hiluSelf and Sa- WAS d6foAQ iv. Woet'Elgro --l'y mr, W, G" on, =94191t of 091sn'. Fisher, the bill Asonina 14NIUrAoToity.—Oh, OD4 t A number of! - form utensils, were, isra burned WS 400 for ro- 1,00t Offlop"A., Armex10 waggon ogroo'Jappil., lug notWo W" g , obtu; - Wellaqdport,�X,Sistard4y. a, Though the oasting the bell and diiiy thereon, ani uutino, tri -Ivan in. -tho. town coulial tba by V ing, near Y, tr he is Without n' Munroe, A Uber4lCOUSOrVativ at with tk bggy of"another farmer . . and 'used the While ship. of pil. a.paia-' by.law would be introd 0 04666k, of thi town IPA LiA iOAtQ the Pon $34.91, Y -aa. 01 410f - - 0'4ot tb`6 libr%as 0 0 a , Instantly, serious, a cultural works,Qf Mr, Me hereon, tax, his. barn Aet 'jority Woa,but ten, there wam. great rejoicing. t f ­41i� h . x -6f,coun.Mag, , , -Fainters And- a ion-lor tert 1roars," "Ro baa'Nught, 4 4onald �hs Vic% -,,,IV . ad., fido t Is alts might Itave-M ow :, _ on,,: wasat ea, in the'legisliatil'ief,"--sitid therefore a,:M6rtg the orgaile, o�'or the reverie Mr. Hbd. qokso# dinner 604104 *eV6 leaig( COW far the a Quid Ali- block of 6, lots, pear , 9�014PAC.4nffhollle. i.rued; -to, the g. call"It fir )4 to W.- U Ilia purl wis: bu round. to ig aud others, it, passing iii conveysincoo" Sit t cause 014 1"dt fu received. of $10o iior,anAllin plqaty ok THEIR TH Carrying Out the pr ricip 00, jof Mr.' MQiWat!a Qovernlrril, -a tqko is A6 buildings wiligobob Y be completed#.. and in A-`XK$ �Q t= pRIM SL AND THE uy -b Ition of room, Sisoiu* D PU13UC Oamo. pr gonerally, for the A a qf� patronage that he ballot, and a,, soruti 1do'tiu,-`Fx.Uer,,14a rumlinstdraor ythefiraf.of1hearab The Assessment Committee recently A as of ie's Oita e. h The vottlic *wb om- fear of a dmem4urtuig tha�( ailo. voltible, or, 0 ix men of the votop V ar,� g been h0l.40 IS �1 wittee were instructed to purchase one-fifth. jporh4v Wo'cop the Above item froln'the �tratford pointed to ia jiignd having leased alled for Cling bodily ve4igate it 6ain in, Store Could. a injury. Novor run a SOO his. Ole Xdfbar- n- of 0101-1; to Mr. Upturns have n isk, Remoo, w Job. has referelico tgi Mr. ,ei of an aere tot A �ou d, the Cost PottO 6 sea. r peen, SirucU Off as bad, taxed At Wlronto, have. yory properl, A s time constituency, or his resignation.. Which,giYOS Xr-746d. Pon, of this town, who is at ptgs�nt O=d said ! ad HOLLETT BEL,&Jjolt, AQJiI0ULTtTjkL SOCIEjY, the foundry here. TU6 machinery he b that -it Cannot, by,,Cou., , 'r qualifica. . Th 8404sh that the' -petjJiou.::for--Whtgri;l -Iho� a Brockville Becorder.oavi ;—#T,.P, Wi '0 a The- St .1, �f N�W Move(I Avierscai 4qrA And has it on the groqua, haying 6b-. r �Th Bar York T1 Smith; qe�jn tlkiq town on _Monday fat Cattle tog T DA rq mcdc's says,.— to Canadian 0overm4Qat,kqa last,when WuodW� same'llt St, 00barinea, where the7 recently sent 130 iArdots be grantei urQScrrqyerage b t ini'for fishery �ompobgation, with the exboption o Yi0i Id th antmml�exhibitioa­jts were used in. thb manufacturer I I _ Wei be'y in, ropka OAS 'Of rill ers efot prepared -its clai _on in t t was, ociw to ho 0 o &Foi . ral i the.heavicat-A 'A strocf,-frola Gilroy's otoro to Cutter St., ,A the best top 2lat And 22ad Of at xWer�tha-provieions ofthsi�WAsbing6rt treaty. this, towii 04 the S4tember, Implements. We believe he into'do.princip4*� in or left an a that, a by"alaw bepr7e we *6 confinabinia6lf -to t4dift t- ?JVe % ­,�raa tor ievying max, � -A -committo . a' I arrafileturti of tll&eab: Will open the same in a few days, W OW It amounts to Some inilliolop of.dollars, and b I f "' AM' 0 wailappOinte ith a choid Oil of FRE OR GROCERIES iko!., Am t h rate to pay the.cos C N aud.%4 it'ba ing machines, OnMonday, Aikht somoLunknown, person -ted'-dart-bp; -a,v` y -s ott =ti "fakin, t the town -for anbacriptiOns ouddongitiOnp, they We have got� quits a parne for our high flayored Teib, WO Are def r Icei d Water a in e_A ei . g all t tugs into Apeour, , does 71�t ap. under, the, SupLarvIR'On of the rirt an. —'On TharRday�o lett At the door Of Dr.. Ragarly; London, for. SLr--A. T, GAILD, the'�rblhrator their Auty in a. few daysi 'It.istobb -5 to 15­0032thrpb� from to All the otho(led oarlovnsm�u* -give .-morJy­of­Logau,�.zL-,negro for t -*U- I ri,at-tho�qqoenls he Dominion, is fortifying'himself with on, or 10 1P.. Qati6d. The Cipgricii.then aajouFn9d­­... epartn'' The'Dr. n�turft'fdels annoyed. Jiii.' Aretibuld, n, the ov Win a liberal a of hiod re for 4, to. which piece he smiled from:ctodis. sr affected an eAttanq6 IN, TUA 1POR rRODUC T the, Ag. SoitOO1H& yir. 6�tihl. not, have,. and whatever d6ol listriot Agent for L ­Of no on V. Mad Crack Be, t We h A-TTLE-JF08 EN sio, Manitob VALVIJ G1 r 101. BEST 49 May assent 10,A40 tioultural Mutual Assurance Association Adelaide, ]am ek -the T-icksbur4i , !x v6 - si el t at'l@uod will�b�jagtt;, evening,*js spent in ahaed On board It Ca4ada, goad offipe, Lou4QA,,Ont,,: tie nQw social intercourse, and gathered up all the books 'and 'rho ollowing.6s,ndidateO pasadd, .'the! Inpro Oling4lid respond I tie And it '64 to tho...Uigli' �0' 0 ke, $14townehips,of. ing to I)afrio k the stbVeand set'fire to them, n i san�icelier� a few Thb�o popi . been making trance �xOmiiiat% sing for A few, w 00 V4 friend y,ttgasts, Mr. 4roltibAid, 'a iiiiiell. &Z lately Goacribli -Ana arries with A laborer name MoNiel, *Am. 'j4oldlfttally, 0 and trying to. Tuesday and 8Y e4tlesday last.. "Z-7 him the good *is PP 3r th!k,�rth"�n were sbi ed 6oraW 11- T-ock6ramitbi-16ti,thb. of expiring P'O" has of itlargo Circle of friends: killed At Lendonj on Thirodayi 1) Whol sale and'RetAiI Gj�cers bedkuBo licive and to Whom Ite,has'andeired himself by', big ur. wor mg, Caving. 11% OltijTox, June 16th, U75,� th� in whiols,bo, was k*---* risks orerall A 1, a Dr. 061e,,who,kas re, TwoOom�aniono w traaLhninoty-t�m. Oxon, -a-aa we, banity And. l[Aipgrity. War of him N ica a n. _fQnte re B I a 'CANADIA.NL t 0 0 by in&"$ of covered much hes, WS on -of 4, a piagimt, of A; i614 watch Malcolm -.Is Ca�ird; f1iiinstilranco. of farm audL det Bra recently accepts g y. On hiM.'L that they or d -in advanii forAb6ut andLQ�pifi,fl.OM'tho'GMPIOYOPPE&1611 theCanal,. JOm6phGrabam,­-.317 Ith and vigor Jared at the left at, Xnox a Hote mt9p, prior to July Since 148 late &tt t, Will L aa pxiik of their eistog'sn" for bim, ! The pa- MAty Call4nder, .�-.314. let, Tiox: be �;omptly ittend9d to-. ack, accompanied by his two -A few� evenitigas e co.0ome peraln put the L each, whiell, it 13' stated, would Nellie Turnbull,....313 daughters, StArted,for Engleind list Thursday,. t goaf NI) belougin $200 pore, chargo-that' if*as a�'vlolstioii ot the A I If INrTurn r. R. Patterson, of whee he Will -of throi g to.. Xr.Aoyd, hlao' Miss'44ue Moirow6s drowned A ruzrl ATTE ANCE 10. PAWITcULATZLY .0104r: �profif,. fttute,ana, that the funds ne66ssary �to,prt;T- E liv% bfnHaf1Io,.­.29e toL .'nor of dbg hich Wo be a I . I equestea at -the Meeting Oii FrIORY (to -morrow) lisve�uetted the Sbjppej­.A L a A g th Bimk of Otageriati on. Friday- eye 1 0 wit, is biv doinghimaolfp yjicaljocd�. 4 supper was Personal spite ag4just the owner :@ nin . WA1116 busluoRe.will, b Introduced. . 4 -A laborer-� 80 1* - xpeds6s, of 84" thoi fell-deadin Montreil On Thurs. B 011D), .000 puro the same'were-kept back from the monli Mag$ie MaDonala,..202 li§ve to be the 0mallesfin, I the � Dominion- It 4180 given tio Miss.E.'Smith, oit Friday enn, Ao.hayq been apposod Y, 4R.' 6er and"'ab��ve ali y 43,01d, WgigW do while rsbOveiing s'f Disease' th Edwi is thirtoen m4nt 0 two ifi-d- Vn&at*6 reiiidpiLko of 4. Irwin; Es b- th Aching q.i y of I ly —11early irty or ent or, the Canal Paymaster. 'While making 4 Kilty,.. a IgV, girths. He' P 0 thaflid" evious to her departtird Mr. Neil White, long and.fav rably -known onto wooden ba Yt p; iAxeitr BN inountam.out of b, mole, hill, the or arls. qons �Toh4 Blaiil... ten inches and �ls t9n inches long., is 'of: f6k, the old whither. she goes to.dajr Bay Compai Varworlti,11amil0), were d9stroyed,rby B01I in di ' �d r Wan ed.' to istive'f6rgotten'that Si"rJ6A A aacdoald JabotRobert to L StUnt jJS it salpeareL ver d an ordinari breed, bothing.hAiltig been done Mr. U. 110ted, fbimedy a reside Cof Fort Willivim,,bas mysteriously fi 9 on Thursday. We. bolieve',thiso have been the first di a A usan Minnia-lohnion '163 refused, but now of Louis, Mo., is, on a visit tokii 'entertained that A so4 irlor, aged* TTBN APPLICATIONS POR TiaT, ICE, was� 9 a U reelpient growth.. 'Mr,. Patterson and fears �are �of-Mr. i, -0 Civil Ser- Ruthana, '$100 for it. If any other place has got a Years, wap.drQwned on Thursday at,P&ken- OFF, Wed., .::::2(;l s- riat' �,do Miller, of Ari dollars; � from the omploy�ees of b dog friends her witliA sad end. Scores' 'of -mgjl;* are daily, I vir attempt. at ship�ing beef on foot to th:6 Which, it'.W&B Commonly r aI BeIrIlingoi, will be received by the undersigned 1ported, bad. Kate MoMqrchyj­..255 up to noon of Saturday, the 28th of uno. Salary oTAP 'while bathing. a should like.to heat OL Pvl�XLS.— 'A f ond XA 0 Of $80 FOV auunm­; the bell to be fung"jiLt- C that an be4t this for diminutiveness,,. We or 0 be, the atS,, i Jlro arching the iiiighbdoi at ot any fdttir6 other, countr, bujt to be 01krolmd out of..�heii Salaries" as'the ire itrL owdestlt dayp 49 At Moont, three minutes 0 s-O"M i Built ken shop and an adjiiining -buii4inj,�,-on H Obo a . �hipin, * Q -Is togot)ier-�-Iu Arith who is olf his Qii t eiai the resul t:- prornise '7- Y rapt Pro it tb fftdt", to o6usture Taking Boys. and tof _this line in Out oxamming the pupils. pf, ive farmai in the Province of Manit LL own h the grading' at 4dty in, the L h1a I Lursaay inc�rjeiug, Ql.i.nton . ­ . I being matle Wit theme institution Some five, hundred bumheii'�f , ased va been' .To on in, My, froni School �eotioa No. anythi like the. return' whiok .:.tllii ag this noigJ)boThq9d - to Book an'exite'lit is �bis -his farm atL Burnside �--- Aboili'aightlinfidred iiaideutii of Mara and ..and explain. , Aullett, staras-first, havingtaken 90 per op,of t . bq,, tr"k of his -town on Mondboyi-at 9 a. putin.on H"ehbribe­s ' L I I I I �ohoula Age oye a comp 1131C would have received. 66ii K new aii'd being done. that a greatt,porti d ing witli but 4 shorfluteriniii. tho'growWas,beingfleryline, d )ntary eke%itaiOA 94 positioli),says; Cont" , In Ehglish. Graminar, Nellie Turnbull, tl ail contiali 7`02461 Want6d.: The, Chatham, PlatiO' (Op is ready, f or . thq railA. On � 3foaday .a, large Ding, ly so apjreliensv7� o, graaliop�per: destrtf6tioii the Wi2nd RailwAy to�Lfndsay on Thursday rade opened, We believe We w 11 b Clinton Central S-dhdbl� tkes,first'-p1dee slon for diaiceir, till Six Iti the � dtie last. im-mens I will be d 'we I , a found o be correct number of iniiii and terms were moved further Ing that the Scholars we're not tersuitt to as 410-74Y people. 90 per cehf.' In Geogr 'hypj, It' L ird' orth, Idiving only. g&ill'giings, P n* "a Thice incandi I T whan we announ'ce, upon inforibstiori now be!. to c6mpleto page undbr-hispecti aM. rag in o' X14%, repairing And panti6g; the schoonjoidd, S.,SJNO, frenaL 01 n Sa- sh.kll no Iongiir bave'a plethora oi'c�tt from School Sootioli No. 4, TKU16p, stands bilorough rind , Bears ari.ragre than aerially numer,66-ana turday night, �Loss, about 812,,000. - A Yi. 4� Goderich Township, maklig a 'blaekboatd. and porch, Is furs us, ddrxv�d aouroot*it may be the levelling of tbaroaa bed. WeunderstaDa' earching exam naijon, and that the diities U diigtru6tiyo on the Gatineam. this draining and gravelling the sito, &c.) &o,, In be leb,ou -deemod-to-he-'good authority, thiit the Rim. IQUO aggie th9T. Broad lAyi rail at the 64, 1 at,naa. a firms spring gilauce Qimittee is kea,of As afirstowith 69 per cent. In Diotati 0heap -in this�eo�atr'- �We be. have Oommi,, means of July Brd,'at th dDonald: stands trot with 100 per -Cent,, or a ra 14: every I,, spect6r, if Qtlsfall�porforinedt` k had twenty Sheep killed p 'Pit' !al tioulars on application. to, Par. -A-,rchibald Maltellar:, has AniDy'socepted, the IMP 801114ern efid-of the line,'andthe mure, � The -subjects, of a' ti in one might rotecti lieve there is act a ishadow 064t- Sh.riff for the County of.Went I 'pei�fect mark. In Spelling, JohiLaird takes. -be �o far, advan- xamma on were, another lost Avg, and - -several wbrib probabilty.that the. workwill . , The'coniract for t4i building o6he L.. JOSEPH WATTUNS, Ldtin., Giepk,, -English' Grammar, Dictation, F o: Pfjmie�l .1875 90 Pat- Cent. In Compo- oth&rm lost In smaller,propartion. Alewdays­&1�6:.,, randeried vacant by the'dekth of Mr,' R, 0. the first place with 1, ced thaiffrains will be. running to Exeter teading, 01 about the �su cess of cattl mgpt�' to sitiou, John 'Laird. is *first with ..... . m6tic,, Alg�bra,�-ixgoa:60w-wao�,attacked�,b'�-two7Vdiit4, let� J. N,'Loetj�,.of Witlihanx I ow a-ys-.-;U.,6QAneC1 n U Is r t eametry, hat he will be of -Ge-( Trignometry and. -Measuratiou. falimsingled,- L'64� lAd erm Thomas, and t a6iisfl�L. - 79per cent. Great able- a assii&ffid --f Iii,`RdAding trac r apers ip a n tue�a on I Mr. a, Mitchell was.diiving a ton 41 an 0 seat. Ta'Writillgi. Maggie Xg "-HO*- IS X014usa spoke - -0 . T)Onald -of Th It A -R _aMn4.e t* . we farther. utidorstand that,Mr' Robert Pox ' 0 _f a, case, an 1 0 0 t e7ag 'Y ffe to take iriore 'comfort on board a vessel lergus9n, of Thamesvillej has be Witk 90 par 6nt.- must have A'hatd run oil the italic 1�ilabors and ou"cars o17 8 oil solicited' Clinton, is firit i L teaelterarand-a-1-- _6 StOA6. tint j- To. sain Up= to. -add - the 46 of the.proficieucy. 9f t1w.puptilisi Aiid stated, lig 6 whan his horse" in three �ub- they -don't Booln. t6 4ave iinougll. OVEll.100 -ACMES-,Op HWAVY PINE�,T= 4�hn Lard is than-Ahey do oil. board the cars. This t6 ognteit East K t*6n of a petrified -inflicting ast Va a 00 V Clear Girt iutera, ;Nv'ords NEW ErtA to .601 'tfiat q granite 0 a ooul. ;ran away, throwing him out,, and ER jon. jeefi.;�Nallie -Turnbull-in-tWq ; aggie Moa they' that. this i�%p the onli abb: had' ills fdr, male, being Lot No. 40, Con: SE wn h.- estimlienthe acancy Occurs in the vbpraj ter4 aitA91iod a The 110d. Is heavily tbnbored'*Jth 21no,, saipo lie the depon. aftei; t O'l -shin an will be. good news to far"Mers �Nho de-'. tatioh tborb-, b %nd VranoiwXilty In one., cut froin our Iocal','colatiins. A, 40 *asks" lonor o-f,'po'seessing a. Is lWinfaiat one, ic such in,juriestkAt he 'a Donalalntwo ;�i _4Y­pa#jJ that hid 0 14-Thg.i best in the County of Huron. 'Xt 1W conv7I ut that he'liad, declined, th )rA the L Yerymuch'reaftU d _aAl­ Ated, About f A mile from the Gravel 116% and threo� a -ao)Ved a certain �Qlienlitioal probliain tit4t he --orcoi.x --rdign. 1A Taking t1so WAS tabile—maigio McDonald mine thiigt4r took onlgfiftden Wine fri icierae�16 antly aitu sire all increase iii riumber. of� markets And* weaoted'on last' S4tutdayj 'and do. miles from t OY111898 Of BlYtb. -Ali be sold -Doctor TY id'ths -10W colutun--'Wil at 4oka of a-buman beirse 0 by Otillie, -to , . in' One proftred honar, :�hnd � that $oUt the slights ow tl� will coming. -man Ineteado although M,r.'D. Wo. the dCarge'of hi­C�A"'u"100ng- a plough on the Of Ch;rney'.0f Bothwell, U ali 40 � I 'for ary Callander -and by the thug to be-Allk to at Oe township to ar n tested- by a Small* majority. , Thq-iatepayers 'Oto 'Bud live Years allowed to take thi timber away� 6e, as i Vivo a ifant'for Ge y g ate that our of -Terma liberal. if notsold privately lor thelr produ n case is r M4tYjiaMo4 ledgment. - The Exotar 'Ti7iosi hicha 'Sp Ue4agood deal of its -matter -with a Still on, pr6fer.water'.works abat a good fire, at boloxe the 15th day the swine.,plat Wise prefeterice. 1i in; $Pelling ;. ip�a Nellie TvVibvIl. k9rie'. Of 8011t6luber, It will b burvtYad - in five scre lots And, Do us way �wri Woh maiufaino high Position it' price is raise English 060fialoAtilly. 'Rig toiblishrueut. At 'Collins Bay, hat"Thum-d-1 ay, A J 1irst . .--Grl:,L ' ad am koldbyAuption, For Xurtherartioulara appiy to The Hamilt6b, tiarnai and Tidr'of scissors) RISC fielps. itself ry The Parkhill GqWti ered. us by -ailroaa bridike a -ago.'reiieved ills rug� re orkin * a the, i a Apickpe at % few days. CX=LES TrA?JTT TON is I ttr' =i-paspedover, i FREE ROADS AND FRVE. XJRKET. i6lainals have bit ll�on thb real person -Bbys.donp-14ohn `Lniird is first 'Copyingan editorial somotime, ago slid adopung: e,.a In a t 0 Rev.. Dr.,R -book c6utaining Auctioneer, ftj�iiold to re6eivtii the appolutpont of Sheriff of ent. Takirij the OORRES.P.09DI ryereart of a pOket, Dualift6id, Juno 16 Worth, we'll, -,have OUIV, about forty - of him. in G&graphy. Spelling, 06rnpositi It English it ai their leadoi., We-aie glad to think Car t1r, ;876.. -causing. the*,mon'to - a so a $701 And his' -rail*ay,'Aicket, irbilethe latter aWOvish it to be diptinctly-understood tbat.we do not t ant feet on the sharp stones halo One 0 sitting of the 0 erommar,,niikd�Dlotation;Malci)lm ltehfirStL labors are �A�preciatea by. Our bretfiren of, the was �Asleep in.s, railway. oar in the neighbor; At the lat We he hold Ourselves rss�onoiblefor the opinion a the it Asia ounty: w, i6i� conacienoo malie,, that thill britimeiron 0 Ith —scissor$.. -by 6ur A ,p WRd Francia.Kilty irst fix Art hood of Cobourg 6w, R gins *2 seia" more earldidates"f0i its -in i 'one of d Council for XiddWe�x, a vesolutift-was other parts of hio body, besideshaVingL arrai ofiliose whore *certairs to be chomen is SABXJA�IX SBRVICES,—Inbonsequence of the Ali --a Canton, of 1 Ingerj�% . . The Togulatiop riq 13 -of toll tilrinj Pup tlard. hbsence To the 17dieot o utin: at f ttte­�kw E�a. is arm br6ken;,the other age ad with,,& ojump 64 At Reliel I li statiout;. fr� passed for the.abolition, �gat913p. OIL something terrible �already, to c6atemplate.11, of the IR,— n your issue of the 10th iust.', I lic., 00 fe.sprainjAjap-m.L, bough. UnL OtWeri Celery t marks in. etroh subjept, is Aisemblylat Montreal,the. ReveMr.. Jamieson,. Iteag: ah', but whi did ` i condition th s good one, (Alt at the city of London"- 061- :tioped a communication ol'batd. "IM9 Ofthe Y' rsa. no 0 PIT S$f6L V, tkCr6 is t A da rope. over, Moir kid000did, but receive injuries-, a b for,raill-anit W1. X. did'hers 'to., traiii. st -ill-thsoarish-of- Canningi-Quiers'al. it will. cauja. t, air pplIC h* -'.P' tap A16 fraght with danger tot- 1*e�,tip lipantj t04604 ill, MW' Ghui� r -RAtepager-appet !i Of B'syQ14; an' ;SabbatliLmorplDf- t Tive it -as if, Am& by46 65=40110� b ished.risaakit fees, 'which there is.',not th9­4 %vtoofuVI all(T 11P. lirf -t cou*, .:B.; ivener :In large or smali Und- -e*in1y­1n- t4o'differeni egientW branches of urd , was filled, NOW morning Able pair, Mr. and -Mrs, titsuititles , - .1 Aetat$.of the Streets, and -iiiihes lo.know�who- An intoxicated in at. John 9 New" owev I Cry excellent papers were' put -An"vening �y Mr. MeIAllai34­ At the In JAM65 Hunter, he have *'a floatin it the' t %A. tiontolited $6nswick,jrace ---the sligtest d�kibFw -'done, thus" Is= on Sunday. study. 8 A Methodist 04 rifer at Chat orn- ther t6ii is, a Str�et Committee, whose duty atly entered the 'ChurX, werit putting an end to two rang �: ieft in by the "candidates, reflecting Credit j1po3a Ling service the attondance was -good, but in., the64thyearof their marrioUilto., �They have THOS- THOMAS' jectjon� Y. After F6repaugh's .01 It is, to ieraoVe the �grievAn6is - a I' p,.-wgkqrupinthezdddldoftheserindn very r. those r 0 eovening-thech Q SL AUSL ove let orapuined.:oG -nine Ohildran�- and- all memberif- of's Christian urch4vas filled -tore I unae who ecaro1hey,badbentrailabd TThe existersoo'of such a comn�itto t 1. t ted W singirs old m�ared at ofat: In' Raiiahbury t eai0lostuldallotherapace, eing pacu- b 't the great, a5ath has, yet occurred antongat their Children aPPI able !Ystems.-- 'TW -this--:arrang'slRelit 0 , 1 ' ­­ - * b 6 to his mind Church ; -And, toonarkablii - to sta a, no one Perot$., ad, breaking the! eg;., g is of -but minor fin ortance, u bvriat6 tiale; And af ter severe labbr, wag -and his., on -the morpin was Ypry 1. . mportaiit;'ill-a t, do. the and their paitners�. and th will be permane -do Auron-Teach rs? A soelati' ied. a discourse in nt there can be no re' t is A well -to farmar claughtei, re -ingtruot* a and imptessiye, but in tle g**Aing, !nijinberi of oring question . 0 numerous grand ln.S610ent. Act f son to doubt; fo *d* � near Montreal, ivare rilled . bj:-light-- the committee understand the! of Lthio aged couple. r wherevOr.the. reea6m ing -11je— . sun or doopbrifispiraticill,.' children Pol:.tkw,,­oVBroQke, 'owns a The An�nmf qjing' of 'this Agsoclatibfi-, e -app a �to d a i ci nipg while planting potatoes, �i $;kturday st" Olt road making. 'Irx regard to a -which had JOW weeks ago. He a oquen Mari from obnoxious imposts are onoe'L012joy- -;wisIeld in Clinton on Friday and Saturday; and his sernion was truly an I , tone,,� The Harniltok, ThA.4 &toati the silvor-leaV Also t is les: 0 a ualificationj ho expresoes'llis has L a,�OWWhIoh gave birth totwO fine ICANADA. r. Hdkn, of Whit y, wlitingfr6m. Argo, -the 11th. and lg94 which his hearers Will itemehiberwith-pleasu c4poplar. -1tjT- OVI . 11co of.Ontosd . just, Z�- Jon r 77TIsis,, intolerable -.----eE1,4hera is not -manifested the al lit6t, t ex 84 as has fiot been sanee iwtio* sW iog itii: bloseolq [or petalqL saoThe colt died, and the ruare. adopted: i�.6ounty -of Hurc, 020" 6soia,saya'ke -wouldn't trade dff:oeon- aorCount� of Rur The nieptin ivai,ppp.�4 .0.10 0, A2;, on- rAaratttAml Couia,�On Friday, avoibig -0, Is to 1 6� evolo mentof the faculties ne one ofthe oaliis, whic.4 4he Buckles and emission, lot in Ontario for thi'wholeL coun#y an tho'bir coUntrL, toCares. deWire to ieimpids Friday, Mr. 9, Hicks, . Vice-Frem., -opoppicd liBt a, rAaa named.Bdr#� Whose cossar to'giappoU succeastuily with the'scien-, 'Ilk this Inaftyr of -Charles Cruickshouko e thbin.. The pr I I for ao,she did the %rful extent 'the chain'. After the transactiori of pieliniiii, a,bhorl�tiMaL-dk"�IV"-O$loot'412d'. 11 4rectiont perNeatiqg our storesfid'awallings, wilnt� was 1.1 construction of roads on quenaeof a k L t' r UNDE ject,of ObjeotLo Sj t, tb* s -sub--.- -ar-r,st,aut&orth�vagtiiiitAotfnoonge n., r er, It 0 on 4 case agalus q poor, trees aiho*uM be cut down, and inpill6tea by' k and came into collision th the waggars. 'D I of Hastings has enjoyed free roads­-.fqr- Along tile Natipedia, Valley, ary business,. Mr.. Hicks, inte9anced 'he, t, thii�tjreat, digeStilifort of the innMt& ' 'These- 'ipan of horses ran aw�y at' Guelph laaf near qrsebec, that all travel In that dirootioid. soon :whichwas weil redeiv- failing toprovido for the —wahta dt his. fataily; boeii nfoftu,nqte; 8bloet offied'of this court A aced of Composition and Din. Iths been stopped.* the sn6ro beautiful mapild-or- horses jusnpaCrikht -in ocuted by Ido Cradl in keeping, thiii-. in -goo& iei- ad.. -list Caere. �Odrnmittee, he particularly di toro,and an WEDNts. roots 'the attlsn� T4py ar6 neither-ornsitiontalor seful, their. R648's w8gton, tho pole, str%ig4 pair. aTits firiat Subject after tion; of, the public to tha'.14 send and arball' 4 X�l On Saturday he wee brought M A little boy nanied, Boyce,, of L a at torn Coo was It Pa- CAllauder,:rielter And Varran, 2 Or JULY, 1875, -he will apply.. a, that person �AV ere -ind to the Paid Colirt fok 0 0 of 1 6 tar per Miss 0. Mi it its. which: it we taktil,'ungidilly jr isverdly burnt by a qiautlij.. of b.ilin ustard, of Winghard. The Ion _ prawling ap. gtby exantlus 101 -owth -9 under the, a oulder b . 4e, throting him out A Onfirm ti n h discharge a Clearly' rocks": qutiii& (not insido)' of' -Mr. Tiaher's' ' pearAn.cei together with the park6dical annoy. An g, mi. AS, applied to We complain, of$ make them pattiou title ivis, 1� Eduastion -Required by Cajia� :proven thithe shattlefullyneglected.to -provide. g f poktive of tho-co'caimitthe'not, ines 1)4t6d 0.01laton, this 16h dd fror� S* scaffold a hat d- serioij6ly injariii Ill thereby effected, A co4lo of weeks ago' publisheit' fi'lling."Pon him io ore, as proo y 6f iu�d, 1816. saiag underaeatli slid was prepared and read ',proper and-sliffidibiltdood for.his children, he "understanding.-, first1rW.c;p am youngnian. from b. Thq CUMCKSH&NN, - - aiai ohiiaresw, mas, in company 1A OkjaQtionkbI -the Unto pl, by BUTLIERL&ND U"C031SON a pararaph from the Kingston retv,q,` , ThebmRgage-C Iv bre t Is wa ty clays' imp, removal of 11 sMa rookill and the genorlid -in a nlanpq� jpgh Ai ob to that 'ybuiig a seh6n`ced to let risonindritAt ilia With,R�biille from �c rapentV,en, . . I . r : 00. the glat. ulto it the ran Attorney 44. litem, lady. hniillabiii, Itiatobehopia0iA�pulilblisnout coristr4btiort-of roadm.4ib ornfort. Court of'Apalze, leiada.confectionerd store in Londow, caught fire dis Thursday rooming, yliner. . The 4, dAt0.F4qWTY affect antly, slid bit - when a short distance Cut* bein catimed- by a upon him When* Whi6haph jqgInbe Called If.0 doll t Viptoriii,'a'al6k looking Chinaman was beau, purchased two� Sticks of C IT! last weeli's StaV, es' ipark 1rom, the jocomoti�e, o :train 'was promated. with am: Addr� to o� M. 11n , piece off one And, plocipg, the other in A licirgo �,nd Extensive t Miller, atern'Districk then (Ponservative) complimen, ary -of I/fr. I.P.61arVe -as on, Competitive 9=4ves.48 he ii well wi noes again Ig. Examineti sufficient ablf 6p; flij;t. imil Ifitd. as p" , It at Ah Son, Charged with 0 pocket, said,tA Ir­d6h!ppui6nt,-11 Say, E topped and'the Era extigulabodbe, one. . He -gave Cdm�xrative Static- ta.Misinjain, his family tdomfortahly. prlbjeef x6n6"theni thd poagoosion of the ro. porjsiry�. 'To illustrate hoW XWdUJdL onight b Inigtration find- someone styling h=i8alf *(A Coal., -mantis, '81rowing the percentage obtained in since . fL party of young quir; for -the scientiflit digi. scilUnflioted'on. a man'standing in a Certain LIZ, �1040.40 �.uuy, yout`4 better buy a Stick. Easiward sistani 6onservativa" t .1orro-ImmPut"'hadifiago wits.done.. the examinaticift held' idedfitly, in the lsbid-- few dayif itruction of roridoo� he pitronizfi)t1y taken them position, he produced a r , r,, and'wilh. the bo A= Of ' athairines, . akda exception to . ()us Of illentachirsistart thar railfty Vrork- the schools folkii of 'this town held 'a ic-nio at Bayfiel4. ad Qibson, at in., Thousands'. as showed A young gentloman'trilm 4caortivearrie, to at- int eatest sqny ftoid,imi deep, got lol of * revolver ther-other, day, - and -ho rS1 intinialpalities.' Th his Confidence, and-dut of a in 0hoiis at Charlottetown, . E. I., is a deif ip bo,in,j igh 6n ­ Is li, I red, �..,rory s4 lit the a. A9 It. Wda. experienco, 'ra g gas On. is of The Mood spnitdd Whit another boy named Wilkins rtile in question mute. - Ho 13-a-fine'looking fellow and we& I.- tend it, acaomoahled by a =Is friend.*' . 4"' 1 commenced Dachers, and 9 direats theiii in their uty. Not does he for- foith in. a grosit strogr in the Xrw EnA, the - corresp6naent talworkmin. -Adliamarrfe4man,-aad is . ditable' W iB6 t4 a Xn! friend wag -introduced to i young man here, q And �ejarq the-horri- layingithik. Tbooldstory I'didn'tknow apeotdr, whobAs cintributed so largely to the and together.th get to, waruthem,of the gieAt dovjT4by Is f Ilev, carried *Us, like himaii1f; is.deaf aud� dumb, buitbeir' oy hired a team, the maof- 'ity of Ao4, Q11ad could t- Vwas loaded.1, Wilkins poi'nlel at Gibson livire .010' re, of deopei gash We* the top of Qibsdn�s right car, a ajodgilignear' F! away Y a Is oet hee nZ, (1h would leave shown more manliness h profiel[enoy'ef ibi schools under.'his charge. carofuPY itahlig&A pimael ke Zoltent !�iout r longdr and when I'. was discharged the- ball baby, to ther delight of btith, the parents,, tart, , Li the *;aning Dr. McLallan do a 4a gy shpuld'bqqr th� p.qst An minunication beed is hear as v�pll As 44ypne, elie's b eqd 44 silo]4AEgI I I I ­ 0 waste epan I,u his co gont to'llil pa 1 119'agy p oiis0tly A �11. a , d "Ole first., As Was prevent PY, ' quent aud1ttatructive lecture in the Town Hall,- s 11 the public monc�. - Wbile in this patronizing ad from inflicting ffirther* injdry, and direct- the nose, 'a former living near Stsffora. . 'a subject was" Ele- BayfloAt thiy all i-efurned. to thlo1cW Us Aibass. Gkoone, to 4 large audiencei III aboit eiglit - eon, finding per. His letter in vothing but a lot, of jtb� friend -- -eliall.dall, 'IT-hiratt' merely mood- And' 6ppareutl3e willing t6 --throw the , ad to atshd down as I "too domonstiaive,"', St.. ThomiLg girl, its of Xational Greituess," and was highly Saito we vifti'unddr caltkiiition. six. acres ilf the Rap. 111A, broax-mantle of charity over *big -One sy the 'meanest indnUA"ti`6`nffls" t as was shown by the laud and fre- agacognontert. Thirstamusedhiniselfaftirrom monstrous ' "ghtlast weak a hangry thief -stole herself unabli'to lacop i&no night last 'Woolf, WithOil a Jishanoolt'vitriety of Wheati It is !is* cam, Street Cqminittee,. hilt fertile imagination. coii� a uutabir*60wis from a famer thougut to ronicay the, difficalty y. ZA ONE b68A Or THIS XEVER-YA=(I Wk uent. applatfse giveaduring its dolivaM The turning.to towrL*Witli is f4l.w gamps 4 billiards isA I 1 over 200 dro xterminator, the potato i3tigs are o6an'to trawl It-extremply. early- autil will -watch. the pro- R.. CAllander, Esq.j occupied the chair, Add t1lea bpA pqpppr,%tthe, Itittehliury Houlisi an . ounce, or 0 eastwards linih6custoilt, q give tbemadlveo up he gonerff. the plitfoft- were several Utersu t'Ye, WO -40- not b9illg alifolto carry Ahowb0Ii,'IQi at onC6, laudauum$ and"but for ilia -prompt Atto p -Newff SiA-.Micl gress of the crop i�i mourity.'. aud, ed, yeld, hr bii`! attoying, It ire -i rapker. I FroM ifiti'queou's 146 one nearthothe promigoir, undbranlv I art--., --of. Dr. AWoori,-mbo, administered a p ul 0 RX 91, p particular deny wh4t the members article of proof. He does not in, any, pletely, out in head, His neiglibois thi this odivedi dreadfuLnuisamos, an imperiding-CAJ oxfor�t,n4xfisd Henry Revoll, 'hut tovidontly afiodt half sfh.iouucfl and Bo rds of III Ad:Pu is ad intd t -0 carriage of big intitkiiiO 'i4 in It P On Lto i-yer be has$'ntirsed Mr, It,, upon.disoovering ibis, went to Ingale- antidote, tbo girl' d,be in i ale6p, tatinX� that that will thou t0sulb Yom It, li!11�. iss. riaeo, ihoa aspect friend, 11 end. drove off, leaving sundry little W-tho -which tries to make a point by q. 9011661 Tru4 , County. T, Mr. the bittliday SE111139 D.&VIS, High SobodlMosters, Principal of the Central 119. . , woul hiswrath" 6keopItwAruf;`1t1sIrb.iskindIod,, moll, 96ured thilarvices 6f two, professional knows no Waki debtg uri�aid-. which his brief it quAilitanoex o, public man ever gained po*ej I'll 4 A ScHool, &a. A -vote of thanlis, proposed bythe the Street Committee, with its short -come Visa Una liard"r6 stoklew" A, a] Ant, apparently abo4b go hem mainanimously settled. constables; and All 'three proceeded --to the Tlio-rafep4,e: d on' Itievoi Mr..A, S, R!Rlser� and, Seconded by the. tguil1loanco spot, two b1dinT ra of Salrnii'vote ]?"*day '011111on, -yuno 16, IS% mannei-tha�^ Ag , left M he liras si bi-lAw,to do siwAy *ith-graudag Ifeeagea more unfair or illdgithaiab a E (a afternoon'train last Thara.day, editor of the NEW V t ings� m4,faulta, is ank info isibi in the vicinity, 'and thathird the d lltaiibd Iddgings at the We*gdd No , is], jItA, Mr.,E, Holmas,; was , THE . ent period 9f- compared toilto rtiffianism Associated with the sonce'dimiAnce oWn'the. told, I.- watch for pien. at Ottawa, with. mr., maolion- p,,seated to Pr; McLellan for his We and !it- the year more anxioty4i faftibout lbow I tath. to saloons and hotels. TJl9 by�l was car� Prescott. 'After Passing - tho hikht hd &rose g6ructive liature, aff4r whjol� t1to pecting cl600d use of that. deadly, And dangerous fife-claoker., the return of the. thief for - the hard-, 'After , , A, . ris by a majority 61:108, aft�r. daylis ralld, Th cftkeopon- about six $text morning and cut, his throat with the singing of the natipti4l stuthet is no other period when the' Condition. of, the 0-finto, tha-two nearest, fell wqi4k the y6ting on - which Wsa d6ndidefed a Zia at their bemd." esiaes at than at anY other time, And Certainly that# This test decamillatfoki of,irritatitS have so atching fot Sam 'withrg,zotl,- Omallbopessravotortainedot OjiSaturda momingMr.H, 3r; Sirang, B.A., abuiple6ly destroyed4he iquilibritinivi late- Adupon awakenj% foilud.%st t4o dent knows full viell this is Untrue, Ildi b results as; moral standing point in the Temperance as., his rpoiery. 'Xoiluo to his' naiiii Or all took up lib autledt, " Difficultids In Analysis and payer, and aroused hia indlignatiorL against W y at thil, or Y 'NoolatioO., Many peotle expressed theme db*vad�­fthi FarSing." ' This be, handled very ably, 'which 01440166, f 1100vo oflide trofi�los aria, griavauf dr with lhq­ reinain' hi Th Ition. ivsP. T.' BAR UM 8'..( cause the Mail amd several others as;,, othor-partid;ilars,� bbeft In A=- 07 In fav6V of total prohi I no Ygiri Worthy of mention, slid i o,dr ps gio rolop" ore thol GRE OMAX waitfolloed by an interesting ind- intelligent cbs, �IU didfitt ova sort" (not pri , i-einember) that itich ditcusalbabyrna oftboTeacbers. Mr,gtrarig b inning to be seriously a0cotod by-od Wald. 1y. applied, fAtha Way of roads boing ?Inllt, on Watch AUY VA AT P -the! curner Sicilia Of 4 Was' rd 'nut tlie,loubjec� -at jaot uefted lJO Conti oPmoist4re, Last Thursday -and Friday MOnAAY#i8itSt,Jo#eph1' (i . f 04 il) Catholic Church, - t, Citharifies, *aa entered was the case, Ike shows his, collgistond? now Methodist .4littroh,.. wee laid lit Ottawai the nexi. meeting of the Agnocltion. totally the littevday, 'the hea.1. Was very *th the usual corentonlom,' -This structureL' edi-ortiflUnistiv aboliishea, the roanufatiturd, by burglars, -ivho carried off the Alter servibe as n greatj the After noinefer'dountizi oi importation WAro-orAckerg, prohibited, he 99, YD1TbXt,­1 J20600 I'lly011rissUd of the by reiterating the same: 1here's iioad f � PPO -DRO wi Dr. cLellan, who w 'pk0i t duing t6 OR" HI 6ji completed, Will be -one -ot the flngot �Ja iddiiss'tlii ' gveiling of'tho several of the. Church ornameito d or; I . . arocg,- 09 the i lon 61L the.pkiast,o Aa Sid, inetq 4'cominuniqation 1rotri this place so blind aihosi-whi *111 not see," and Aiderica, And. *ill Cost about $8ff.'000. livig Gogveoti6u; He strongly urged on the Ttachetd atter day s- *111, reVel find rejoide, Xio-lika, in the -whole- Wunder and lightning. -storm 'appro4ohe this vestmento,'viluedfit ovortho.-ilghatnre of' unum, hlyorasto*bltion ad., t a 'oft of our rising toWn. 'by fire, About, $206., .. For'some time ]?Ali. at, datha� be alled the-Dombalois Xeth6dimt 04 ughritis in their Work place �ut did not-ViOt US lidator than to let us and in the broken arras and uedkff, !lot onl;(of account.of the results of a visit of a loe-sick Z T, IlAlWM prek, the i-po"A 91 thoro sale VI(silid6ti. Wit,believe this oorreqpondeat to' bes one, teuC, or, the name 11tvilik boon chosen to iadicaU that and of -,,hf 'pAP4 14 Ia and the immediate idifity has been in- Swain tohis dulomes, find tho spa effects that, ITr EX1110111 Alk than War. %p know that a great storm was pasain i &ant wives ring of that class. When. lao, opens his py' 'Ottawa is not Only the - political Votes of eadira g, - The every Councillor, lifit. of -their inn 0 and, -to. the. ladled and gv;AUini;j o t' cons y tested bymi--antabor of the lightAngerad and fowdFro the j fy p iti 'I $ but the relf- took light Ing VAS a 111 a children, and join in what he calls the Ift .0 a on andpe- RDJ F1,1Dff JIRO. 2 44- 9'Oug capital Of 'part in thowor during the rngetltigj,,ji�d also to vivi y. -We Npaotsfa4d the riin fill in torrents bouso-broakia$ fratismityj but their, operations Ana inveStigittes for hiMsOlf, instoda' diyj .86), val them �-iyht , the hall. pialay in which, all Wi tranoaetions ate ro. SHIM Ve The towai e*rk of Sarnis, gives vrarniarthit the retiring officers toli or Welve IfiflAA tj the qQrlifi Pf Ibis plobei ha*o boda princi 44. conflnod t I ing faith in e , , , affairs it 3 � 14to it is ius Ooted, that the alltb or of that two and eight b th. W - stCog putti ry qsser ioa iaiWo, he has, made Upli a liatfiffty 4 Sixty ignies'" 'r SOL Inuoh go that, Jhd­- ittlo creel� 4 A3eJgf4v 0 4A4 clotha4 !A ytry few 0 1110aflon 1 The officers apro a on ngya r a e Q Oci 814 0, #As more. that% a mero opooEa-. by men -of his patty, he ill likely b# of arents w1i6 ha'va na&locted to ft I Yrtsident Arr J IL Milldr, wds 81wallad to a good. O� Hitiarday, t�frl t1to poople 'a PC to 4. 00 tions the-dogodalta have emo.A,%a I)U"* t a a IS only tolatiag what happen. to J4RVO Y A - 8prOA( MAR or I be dot clasa 611 urglars Acres of Wider I CAU"Ve, on(! the L 4 little more st consistentoll rjud perhaps it, And thoywill be Jgunlmuel'%� lot Vi. 36. Mr. L L., McFaul, Seafdrth, -,wind bad blisilize to the northwest And L WAS, )b At, doing this to throw - the meant volt t1low In 4rd Pau 4 10 SI have mads their AppeAtAnco in theft midat a 0( olab day at the tow)a hall to -make Answer and, 2aa v pa d%, W J. �Jba% Brus9bla, Costs were. Ist rd"clattlon' sffense, Sevoral instance 'thei one the ar woris sensible than big communioa lon. very cold. Grei oI erent, irection, fohring that if the tTher' real, . Mr. G. Sheppata,-OlInton. d , a flieg Were, needed. That A �ght the phy the 0* Sse,91 ubli Any 0 t Am hi re levaregall On ffost was very I bell those Roderick Cameront,livorkitigon 6, of' Auq a 0 emare0, n. Ontario I ouities tend to�'develop And, Wan ad -4 uii irian--vantea- - - theat i parents. noglact to register all the, births that The next rosoting- of the Assoolati6n. Will be tenairplautd, 'each gig potatooli cuau&bota, storlit% qualities of true worth th at rmulta in his Coat� Stolen doniftottAle, that lie, he woula m "He (Mr. kaed' I . . a Clark# obonid waki An I Corn �tc, the new canal, had one aul Thbrblighbred and I� orted 1160ca Gilt and GOM be- Ougall) Asked thLo electors occur, an held in the mdouth,59Decamber. " produing enorgy,entorprise,,arid aelf-relfaueb '� . L AS tho'06'at was good" and II ifilair atook 9t.the nolghilbrhood. I W6414 sprinkled Charlot, ans Tabb6an Cars 1, Solid Silver sLud " I It diiniffittle(V ilulto w114 0 Sande. In the of any'tudertak3ng, ana. In Contained of North York did the� want to send to rar. 0 so ink t a f eith v as ..6 p4pers thief 4owu slavlao, him whenever be g000 on aqck, an of. ewelled Amer, slid th'aldobb T th t he pursued the failt;410, not to boatanditig- At the, door �116 At 1% pUbp he jorsLItait Drilliant- and Eiptnelvo wardrobe ever bif� liamout, as their r6presdatative, Goo, brow�s held at Wroxatero on grand tdrajlotance r,%i,, esnbeg and mustering up'his 6 g dq hired man ?jJF_Pr6M the JfaJ,"graP61.J ejfd d.- Fria a OV6111bg last, I WAS nua Atonal - Movdrtv it".iimewhat; modoisted. and �q to dia4uso, 'but hp took to 66 orlea Paeftnt of the Cotgragrdf satlorlff,L f I io4gtq ni y To- At Adeaborough this U o or -prlyr -figs b a Satsih, other, thofig, otro Ing his mustao dougalCs 8peeA at �rbttlt Y60k. a so,' 'Thd this' ruhe jd,gaa, producing s, gran_d ducoolislon of Infollactual, Shrpilibe, golval to' aak the Oounoll to pass A by-law watluel-0 but at night a slight frost Was vial of. �eir the effbob-proaucadlit-our own ostse 'a h v it ul OW he A, couts 01 t� vr,616 *PX14 Z od tithe is expeoteil K 0 b sly. �4 1 t rb *ill be ge by ill�6. aboVe 6.Atraotl granting A libbtal battle, towaidt the oriction, aii the 'district lodge is 'and 1*14ri to clearly ovide�t, or Anirle id, #04110,-'mor'al di'flolent; or�'lm� 4 iosionibla hour ca. in'9684011 *Crd� Lu( oft I' in that place, lVtoxbtax sumnywill be present on, the bodallojiL iiad religl6ul . standiAgid of that, elevated of an iron foundry aa jnfcirlaaitiou� *46 lost week received. of, the enter llka�,, Alan. t 6 what kind of a man - the (Jongqrvati'ves 'bafnj gatict Agricultural sootiod Dr. McLellan Ae- chAr4cfar. of whioli we are- ified orld, And lots of stommiltip Vicksburg', of the Dominion Lond6i ok�ugh, 1unt,15, 187 SPouv or oltxw� anztc A�o �O= Of 'bag has just been turned, ordof 'k lootavo Ja ghe town hall, on Friday 'A out Of Copri Xawmarahlie paint.shop 9 good -vorlind lasti upon Is . )Mglelri�pto �f Ationil .On, Ata being within A number 6f M�Joo t Pr6obute OL ca, �eg �k cre;W �onsist461 Oxt 'qu have adaptod fig their cotripaul the kind stand, second to no tOwn of aqua size Irk the Livid, from-moptreatoloiverpaol. Thashii1a, with All tho?exclting izatiox, acd niany 110allet(d Plo, a*, at least It lo ilia 'a stplit better than it ireatness,fl to a r000ntibld audience;, 'iltliof PrQ what low,* Valso V4 J�tjfql 'ppooth. go T#cker TV, �t ; . il I . tatit Of the olden Mules., Apipi JA that Are a eight, so, don p, gout Own, 414 first C=bL fo suitsill a* for 16 line of littsifialus. Xogling's 'bug i4arge as we would have liked, to have soon _On fluxury. yet, denied to p3or Canadians, Wer three ladies, and 9' DXX DAA!tr A WTX AT PSI&, 0A'c"tg= ItOtMAY., to give expression to it 'has Also received & new o6at 'd is newly is- )edsant to 1164r such a sound, 61 of hom for Wet is I a. til Orn. Welteakle, of Tuck he 0111Y., 4 And the I th Inst., mr, 40 Are, however, Content to *Altd hayfag� idarbed 1ndlau lte, Olt OUASJ9 VOW A, WXV*. bear asi*aoliannouncedi6blittlim, fitted. an a lecture Am, that ganitanwea fri. near mpitim, aio bolt T ins a Testaxwer gped dead bf,hlo Urn. His t1lve by P left Quilito on had fine a �y so doing he, � can. darti his: po %"-Togistorild fer,tha pro. no b6lievorin. Ad no.. -Mot experience, to accommodate. oursdived daughter Immed &felt laid Information be i'l� rWt1ftgt4eriob11ffTHb1r'6t wWe iyo abdip, - ad ullot tvc hdadifi-g" ef"MW 116IX ur- Carriages wasther-and all w6tifWall- unill- ther fth�, d ask him. 'Wh6thar he roma a lativ: -coal ha*i 0 Incident to gave## ife, Xql# -.a- �iiloX Or CUAbi� er st 0 o'clock. After three, Jn'46041 Bud -and-5 ccrr-ft6n�� . . , as Is Asia It with largpr avoid wileff,they, DWAIN, fttgumi%, and Little All IV bars of this popular tho Vablfa ted by Some Authors, but ma( tell r1i with Asia !do and: was tooi eW the ho "a 1,06116 ensiWilson, and Nikter Lo,96116, In 1 6 o A whil town 0 dent of the jNnal announaot it wattiaga in FaV4 undid by it. The Captain put 6n, a fall hours of a d H 1 '448, vision 01 generally, will pla"d litinoblv ulidaistimil, qt it �he aducAtiow. and govarnwint of fill it 9i'dAt, 111646ttr6, the unplou'ant Jam ani gurro the Houdd Grind .6f the Amdlzbno, Delhi Dlvdr- A �thoid aroidful head of steam And, tried to Vik,00lt wo, that 6ni'L �Id rates havo Act both 'advanoed pgother *itF y osinato itud*asatthavarytimatelcotma t6 g, �'iho following the P66 O'Ard, 6 morality of the blimps Which, t WAikil 00fttid Chorus, anoased. bhusai last, Monday in t t of it, but Wake Unatiopealfill, he ndo at I stand, �a'& 01ort, I qud. 4on, 'd 42441t too JOY ato- be very unpleasant And, It. b6NALDNOX, t1id dlati 1864 except tot unhown jc� 44ke �atia 4haese fa t in. Parliament, %ad continued in ruskillednYbY taking 4 patudir Into'ther firm. ifi'WeaLh Alid ni to 1116 6, fit ssto athey dftook,146; V 14P ries., The continue Aftnidnt of maj&�6j or ethe in fn Ship P., T. Bernina. 'They have ratellvact, for thomaillVdir- the right our lflvAla'to Contrary notWithetsudlat, � X6 and of time, We Warj' gl a V or - that dapaolf a It6oftatr him pablio ganaral� pofftquattdr The'VU614 lisjirk'fillfilg� With., i d, toi their Present rilimber 1 y 'for -06ald a t We �fttr his to a:d tory r1pifti'but the hold *as at last Nhp,pfit of hAM#- our worth� kud honorable' ritlo W4D:Oxtona enunciate such Nicad'vion Ad 61 1 weii1a just add that the Street, Committee a' WAtItr a Vree Adnilsalft to all W116 dicill g Al I fn Jt$;'pL &I, hala ifisa evenneIft, maninadispcalfifghto Veto L 0 Ily Ail? up US oaPt A t 2611t Life of P. T. UrneYd *littanl b LIfte a6in, to thb� dtr� ow6r to 40ty but"; speedily art I UbItAnti of SbAfo`fth t6mt. Walter BdOt.t, - %t P&IOdof 1$7R, with near 1 6# cneiGrafiatv illackstrilth out hoO6 vilShei, but to Otte Several 16W.1ying his All the im tovomints I Ad but the firto became Ing for Y , ita W, milking last Wadabodity opponents, Nyo OUggb$t ihAtL thete Is & litult oftn6d, ind that, it is* public opinion 'that AIL posal W ager in.'apposition, to and r"afted I e 8160ROft -Of aeniag when a young dog ran up 0,04 seized over to ti 1 wordly add, beware I veignaw sl Civilized And ff66 natin"'. ond. that and -sidewalks eontemp, xtda'thlilL stakoon. if aowneid'out And orders Word, gIV61 to 01. ­ 11 Y . tile Utter for to to tire i 06t, 70 $1�5 I Mr. Dyaitaid JhAt this, then It d4niiU T,;Ie cow DY nor nealsk when III turrillift Around Tile AgAoultilial Mutual, 400 t4O frilblalid it Wa'would be governed by (Idgmeot And Rotopayir ould only dxotolga th6 virttla 6 the heatd NaVbW'of which Word done, bdt.hl- 0 it s a jab Uniformed U009 In attouddinoo� Atience, 4ull drive A little al6war Over tkoto 66 to *66. the tt 4AIM& but bdjlfitid that the attai, gehtloinall toattaok. the dog harL horus itruck Ifim, Gta, number Of 14V1011. blibig diltritig 1874 4- tlstjdo� *6, Vale Vatift of the f I 1 6 06 ridulo: 11ples, Thol Id -get hU66A the fok6hsad�iaffioting XLg8Vdr6WOrmd. iijilowissuitigr4()tltbtlytio4rI A642y lld Iola b 'Od on Nbilh priM 18gkaCQfal" itrilota$ he'L with, other rotapiy,, fi*q of -the ollivi"Atka* inapaged to nosirv6a seats Nitta, oeonp'63 sin 0010blo r6potA616n 1111a A. Thd beast, whlob haa.A14ays boo aoliel[OA to muoh Wteraitod, but more And stmoit immediAtoll i loaNbuft 40, Ddor$. Opel% &)%a 7 13.M. cit Very quNt# am many of its tiVils linflusiri, Al ol aft perhaps, full itited, he 406ommodi carrying t4o li4log, Ittigh 10% or. than b4ftmf, 111fdri ana, Attacked, the bets da oglea on #A fol 010a, 0*pira, *,�;;4 ropa4todly,'app dudi dgilkl t a pow9p, 0 t6d with Such down oif, ar#L fin'4iffig ftr jiAdL th6 der woman" gating j%haL ttAm Ing UROA.� ller patties aoillin leotato" The 6 Air was fillea b JeA. 4,6. t4,4 fi4all0# 0 tho town Will The Avo tded1w Tickets or% the wagons bft thelot bat. to A 6, W661 anner, Althou%I L I A 6#101 that the 61006MO North York Voila uAbirid And Woll'd6iA6 ad JOW11L re abdoi der, And ae*S�� wmbsts of tr1a �Vgh Asia adrill for several, dAys# Atiftrilif filtalloelv, and *Art on feta pro atagolftj itod j%L neighbor were- olpia At ai goa mati 6ii,tht ba dntafting upoli the andThaWng you# mr. pat6ri for the Allidd dd* koduoil by the stollimoh p ON for "I 'Tthothods offtoik *11t be towgly i#aitod on by Wresting 100filtuoh, 4�4601 Bostat lid 00am-14 owdkih P L 11410 ONO trik, I of 41111rAdd IT 4rejocti ilia lid thi Go t)Ank W44 anani- 15apial in your vAitiabu Jout-am, iftd Ukri id 10 orki W* L, Townsip 10 41 MR. 0 A8, KMILTOX, bublifibld P. Y *.'=,it N461v4d itch I putri, SYMPATAIAM 14% i dMit, It Dtiftt Dolit 4 0*4 i 414 1will thl m: 611 AJAV amit 1644 -it kok muotfal muttla food, 0 to dig" Oak 11thi 157% f 16& . ... ..... ... ...... ... . ..