Clinton New Era, 1875-04-29, Page 440 Awe one I re OWN XM A TAX0A T 1.9 V" A, 6 #W The, ov40 &*pPolotment in, 11ro, 10 flaverell bove, 7A M a,r t 4, b It i4b Widow r4d And that the Nto PINE L V M, BIER *=L &T B to -of 410t thit 0 opoutution, may. bo groAtiAlly built up "ro .1plue "Vol"no IaX Work so cento, Which* b now 1A to op"Aw.0 a I 4 It toorto d. -'As, to the familiar PrOlew-11 What tilstrong, elicit rool I VXXVINOAMS' #4 evory 4idema. to A111% 3% oull to a kor apron IS- homo witboav sk luother V 1% b 4 Oro 0 Ruti, rods of subtle malAdisi Aoilk I 0111aintm isg, pleas. floating around as ros. to 404* wharovor 0-ents; 0A bKA4 I— tbo�ro is 4 weak pint, ro raxrofoars, m 01M ta87 to t ej%two -4 . ir nan, , I ., 44. of the, jam cupboard 9"Val behind her. blood I I *aat -r 0'age4k, X(AVA oind 04(i mill,V19. uAndo. NEW' She hasil't Poret, At A111 eekill, a in School ppuls on's COMPDXTN'D RLIXTR 4*4 lono laovu run? 4at inust have A"Jitokt, ri *$it On the blackboard of 4 OgliasyA lopplIed-A Ube And . .4 )Via$ a 01 f Phosip�htes )mioal� BLAMMITE SHOPI 00b6olholloo L Mail Nixozzox oilo!o 00 041,41, 44011u, Vood'�Ad Nut-mr,41yo Tonto bociuse Nboallates S-VzX4DT$0$ or waut io so to g , 40AV60,094 with the PAW M, 11terb Is, yoti provulised, OU004RIM. -XX VOW -N., 4 to-olt outiir into ths formation of over Aoli An fluid eslike o06, the top Tail 44.4d Make 4;QS._at i no (if the body" aud ar� 440olatial to t, kil! me— OIL tho tjoniip$ anel, the generation of the norvo rj1,VM 011CM00AIBRIt, WHO MS HAD TVMNTX- 0. 4nd L�th OUttig-X47; te aid 41. ';R. Vzvj.4 Talus exporiel000 in tile b4ok"With business. power. They promote, A good ameti I want *I; go to -A$8.101 m blood, and supply ;,)is w4to "u4 b"VIiag 4 aspold Attention to hormoolhoeing and 0. PAIJ41SIOB 00", Qpoolte tAir' 1011, Ar t 9 B gebtloui Create pu:, liniing been four yeam with ;Qliti Qxey'. 1110b, cowitry 18 riolle0tJ 4, OCQK� gojulg on thQ 8 Otow as the rowlt of mentpland of b V S,h jots me As last fittelil uj, tli blackonlith 046 OLIPTOX, Fob, go, 1�875" Au&"soo in grand watoh_ er;qltlired of an Trilahman# . Vb6 re-, by i Being, combined with 04j pa� asical. exor ion, t4c),prrorTletor.ta'Alloroorlil gn the 40,420 A4. Violi, Pel free, fogr u be troublitil; yourself O%Y4 bar1c, tho chief rollaco of all fell1lo, )rog.- THi CAmpos taol% r plied, 11 dont YO Ill I I . � . trato con 1t_V_nsi it foraw A coin motion o the To buy now.0 buttorlsootch. know i n his 114Q t 4oliverea a4 avy ojn4, aei I -C about, that, auto dont anyone, . t will reotore to health to excoittaAll, J41in, I . 0 )1)i`t7tbJ%A 4.11 tlier toss to the best vQkkrusqljkel mo#ncp that jap. IW11038 cAVAA11Awl1kY@ is More, 0489a Ot t -1,,R 01, B 0 me pome." T1 0, #ligors freezes, I DublittJ All Work Warr I "oted. I(Iausat� I myi R ltlgD'r '00, HAS . �T,,&S; WILSOI 1hey lo�,Iao a the funi, ielter to cot,6n, two lo�o. l'XIST Alil) VA TOOK Q)P OQ( AVITAXIM; POP , , THE H LTDkTS, I Worold 'am out last Summer, We roail in th, corner ofoile of which is. the vir. *Alumm. IN lwq or ter of let SAM4101 �114 00 1901 verse, ed from *Ixoso flop lam A llixil Georgia sled ; tus,pf.wontan, An ro All other CITRON OATMEAL I 1111 A0 111 I traced, ut 0 X. t sm10A 1 LB&ON and CORN EAL 'hat. ('-There found bl4oslugii Q( qivjli�od life at-ei to, ba, wis you woul A Isugli 90�� poillome is 0 w 011 I a flu p o13,f ­­-' r 1_1-11-__._ - -khroughOut�41 �th". -Of --- OR A T 0 A ff* tutmer, a A a le- easp or for tne 9 Up 48.04 i be ig. this country atthat time,. and. they cQmPIAiut4 rheumatism,' neteraloa, &Q. Foi 4 0 RO QB WX AE suboodbar b@gal" to tender hi's most arge 9 INES-AND TIQyqR$,-4 NgW*,S)�,ASOVS TE'A '=TP thanks to his numor I 1193 nAIQ by all bruggistil and countr dealers, Price 1 if y a have wonderfully increased a nce then. POOL% uld ditt r ri me free, - V6 I " - "' ' he iniage of . To OwNsuo or 11011sRS,-4t is A Well-Att4sted la"Crookory 1011ina; -and r OjA8SWftrV,. mq0o. j* tbei, ourpotindiuf It What 9, ovely boy,juot t L �Jqwuajuplq ajidAho. confirmed by the experience of thousands, He d M public" generally for the� RbQtq atfit nd Arabialit, y1rQuId'oay, to. one -an fl,ox 1 ed a flattering, fact thai "I Darley'a 0ouditiou-Powders a Farm ud, Farmer., ...For pattern's -rare, and -bost­of'-ware 41ad i % jhe�p liat he, has 0 .1 for. hQrses: is superior to Any- . . . . . . Where Rhe d Just go V6 Chiiii-Trill]. lately addediioatr ilubtirt4l6t inpravem4tj cPUttl;l&r J'U ;k ;now nmb Ttai,tcid,,butter, pork,..anel lard casks 'kii0ii that it hike -beeul. used in many Where So Y, (it lug ­9t%,Vr A., OAIL IS [,Ilpj !TP ower heretofore veidd I ilk 1ppose& �ellffi. "*Cke*n_cqp!4Qred almost a .blo q_ T� 't.'OA 'double thep and by tH_�KZSSI FE.P44 G Iro 8, eap,".s 4 .0 a rung It the most satisfactory resillti the 'hiiie Vl6 to. her the er witli first-oldso Milleris, he is pie ArcP n p t�ofiavil 08 X11 them. from abort r havin%belon restoTed to peifect sc3udnbA4 Or 00 'IN CLINTON- 'N. 3ELD33SO M1144' 6aefitted that the complaint bould scarce- '33X00. W do first-class Work 11 cow Cilitton I)o iryinan !it $ observed. Many such hbroes have After- T;�Dil)i9iGNIlID MUIR] NOVX011 I I Arda, cotlana bas IF be 149VO AN 0 in 4�1 and T to his frJanclo and the'vilbito gonwally that'ho hap dropped 'triplPtet I n 187 0 more than OPPIN07r; &c RgING hich da been 8old for,from $50 to,410 Ju0b . Al'wsys acll�Uowledge all 1vAr resolved a; good ileOtoll: '09. IV.'TWEEDS FOR vio'thilg year, in Akin g1ve'calvei'ifi 12 they would have. previousl,bi-ought,' aua,-.WbrQ t . � I � .11 . .1 Giripts weighed in and auf. Pdrtios from a kinell; let Tbro:w o'bouquet. gua ejl worth the difference ; tr-purt-,' *Ahia Remember-the-nmme;-and-�44e-t-liatI distance. can �­haye. their igrists home with 0. - a sore -OR A 74ELLO' At H SE-GLOTHING' NALBOU'r" 'Verili6nt sbeli,broeder recom- f 'ore of Hurd� & .0o,, is;,ol"Ach �pack them the same, day., ..Good Flour on ill roy S. the .1 r d Al j. 0 Gil if not dto invite" ibelit in. � i 'Ale, Ont,, Ofyarlouoklnilo, Also a very large, asscirtin offirst- Spooif;I df,s ago XortbroR & lyinan, ew& out _Feed always for sale at oderate prices. ulptUr, to YOU lial or 06 bootjabk�: I or �r.' bric ii9311*8 8 of all kinds koxi %aoh�taawy a WITOLUSALI�l 'trO sheep or: hfiy� ca)VIllpa . AND 1 - .6, taW -at bitna, for Canada Sold by All medicine I ' . I I . two "artal of Aalt as n lialad, and a teed Fen't a bouquet' a card We.. r;�;i� RETAIL DEALER IN HsALT11 15 $iT9XQTTL-T0 PkeveAt r conquer rondo to arder in tho bait an Intent st),lea, slirow LUMVEA. LUMBER * N FIRENCZ COATINGS' FOR �F.wijf exterisiate, ticks, thi�g oftbat.sort,� just to show Your disease in one of -tI randeht attaluoo�cnts over is 01. The Sqbscr�lber wofild, 4199 inform the pill ticl CELIANEOUS- BO lie that he hao.a larg6 stock of'Jumber of- twice ainooth, appre alene(l at by man Pcotvh "llors InflitAG tii order, JUV 0 b. Noiatioli of tho'kindness intended; 11B Pubuoulo Wa. 0�pted' to Olve "illesta,16 SC"OL --BO IKS fers" will as sure -curo C�u irl, -The at tentign.i,of Canadian formera � ArIa4y -who' had- been teaching ber Is, lind lengtjis . 'Pine Iron, tho tbroat"and, M of running,, stres cold w4- --who have a ol(Ithe eleingntpof litrith- and pestilence willdeotroy. Severe. colds it not street., td 20 I t.; HemlQW, - f Rom, 16 —to ;.. berry, Butternut, White Ash, maple, Soft and Rook _ter�_ia dirooted to thel &#eudedto. sooner -or later lead, to indurablo kliketic, was istoundod by his running J-thastren`gthof - P Ellep, in lehgths'to an't the publio, which el. dinialLullption, aei� I the strongest Noy. 25,1874. 494f -in the Neiw-lork duriding the Problem:' soon fails if,�oglected. The readiest.and tcst� .WALL- 'APER WI DOW, 'SPIADES Won him to 'fill All' rders that he ma�y' be 0 Ithe auto of one c9inp, am a is favored with on shortoa b -notice And ;�os e. butterfti4s means known or YOU had it ire the fif ty' tramp t joi PATTERNS FOR TOYS AND reasonallip terma�. NEW ST thoroughly tried for the last twenty years, -and WoUrl OW r rel -and. Vritej -in the Farme'r effes' y. buttergias M to fail. 13inge P KELLY ve nevir been knoiv 1% gq'�4 number of cases whQ :a 114.Verl Thi is oti lers will also derive great b6nafit VIOLINS— AN-Dr—C re war in m;iber 1 peall, ASE o7"Vee of than from tlii -by ilia ---,At jr foal blliiiro aborted. These ad been fed the problem. i.. Sold, doileroi-At 25 cents per box., 'UT CONERVINAS or. Sol kth wheat steeped Aedi, ilarying I tadn't g.6ance likQ 130,11 bi T6 Nek:V0119 M1lV,�A"cr4Pr.sq ORGE DIE me oys, REMOVA, L in quantity from loss,tbhn a gallen to a -man in the: street-amr the remarkb& a, DR. LT. BELL 91 jVs spccft,and 'Tonic P111, URES' 'AND gibe sqtfirted to.bicc6 juia� V&Olsterek, 'NEW I)R 8 GOODS'FOU SPRING other.1day, ,rayqe 674,ong, liave so, Cabinet Make' e* oor t1j. t loit,6r Co.,, ident 1 my & er__:_wa0 00,. tborouflily tested Jh Canada 11.4 to require little to' g�ed-1" ziio�eel his stock,to the A n- TJ X. Y oorrespoX over.th --%A dertain care folrthbs ALSO, A LARGE, TMENT. Oj?. The"undord a . .. . . . ;#Nu -by says a. ',he du distresslo . I ; .. . . Offic6, -v�hi:ire he G -6y' w Evoc in thelrAvol _AOSOR shop formerfy ccupied -Xiss'Eadib, next of the O.O?424ry.6fii2ittin,�n, th t* poor to give m, e an e -0ation," "But if svjq�tom isiiig 11roin orrois of youth� 13 ai _, 't, , dobr to the Express will -be weighed wlamb its soon as.dry after be- I had � b6oiL rema;k4a-'k- lady, as jj)% j.�Belf8lelpi,on .-was it ptipll and fricild ofAlle 2. At 1. Ci !h S. -of London, Etliglund, t1lid. B 0 8j, ha�py tq meat his ol& custoinets, -toWhom be ing- aroppedri,- 'General, Deal -in Pgriziture,. �.­Go d Dr. NVIIII i4in W Wip�er Pat ems, an. Berlin Wool *na big weig , . '11' lit 4 shdga�tb6red up lier-Aitts, "il *01ild worla�on thisopli.. He -%V1 was our. On and 0 returns thinks*for past pattonap. -7 _b your Jo All ood stock,of to aie'' lane o tee _j opared to give advic now vistlio.- Calls :111, ra�bnrntoz thanks to hi0;riVW6zous frl6do iind oug. ay pouridai qxi*, ir Y bav�Tgivein $47via r0 rjbro a free to all, land"forward. &- koep on, h d a g I r, etc., Had to.uo "a at fa� a pure Cotswold :ram" frqpt et -y krge. nqok�iA t if Big to�dddrcsatiig Dr. . Bell since a rtln Clinton; five 9AW b]i ACjK AND COLOVRED ry g. rawer 91 P., Q.;IXiini;lton, . Two. I.SILX-13 A SPRING, to "So we a �ddbat 6 th t he in at fh. old stand and exo1simed LaVy boieg or Plus �vj 11 4 wsIt d S.-VATCH -WRERY, ,it Canada erwelfor -skl8n �e sent bypail tonny part O.W.dn �nd 4 All the ieitebtj?�parg and Pel, on An O- Shall of gem. 0�,ralipeil froin ob r a ratioll, Oil if Sbone in.a.pabli ecial treatInreut 'I Dr. -McClure'd remody to prevent ab-, c.ledtare at. Providence, o-Irg . Also, go seM QTT I W. -_ , OBE AND' MAIL. t �11111ssc , dEt'iettol Oition --in­-cOws­bi-glvi4r.-t d- the -other -*"y leave -their children�­a WE L L 1 3 KLE C ;q. M, roy's. strength to. the System, i3i Pfiwdereid 1' d nqgloct:then� V'iiii OVILEBRATED, IMULL M A ome, an e they Luawoulda octfully ask no -inspection of the-jesiao., AM RICA I X . '31 . ONEY:r BOUGHT-AXpr �90LD. sulphate of-ircin -2- --ginger and t tbii-,poin6 a little All inds of -Wato i�i Cloel' drachms Just at afid 03 'Warranted. gentian each haV art oulic'ei. mEr, and. f4pt, that -had bee� sleeping im" its, ino- Ph clans ­Cohiered' He !a inannfailtuAng LOUNOES,-'riijoh, for. durabillij r A.4H AlqD. PL4,CD��, y8i NEW POPLTN SSM 'FO -a thlor's ar Ij- in'-] . h1pye one dose sod morning for m,.awoke; ani protosk to ­SPRING� Uig Wchasp us sonto woAhlosslirticles throWn. - Some-= 4 criO ut Ini. gain. weak and comme a This r'emt thorly correctio market. SOHN A LLE &O -has been quite sued a lHeAr. I I - ... . e, sful or -dy o04,i tily; "_No -o -o repalied. -xorkr�on,ana tines" t Asj0.iiapIbyoq;od none but he lroy! Philadelphia.. 119.11ait's, gettiii -beat somoonel matorlid� lio can therefore warranthis ETSQUARE.JP' "]���i�gh'a'd.thi'i-ty'ye�a*�s'experietice,, a is At Jd. . i GIOXHA h tojio of the beat description;vuld willuot shriuk. 6n. give satisfaction to th6se who. now at inules.do said. t4a ba6e, ung man taid wor� It is Ogtxblid�qd 6 Y� colifident16'6, -xord6tiules_&odace,.you.ng. The-instan- j-ohz4TenT_yf­1boking-dOW r 1 1 X=_Uj)on-_ him, W -hat., CIANT�N, ot. 22i 1874. I- may favor him witha 611. Remember the 9W RE0AIRING DONE .49 USUAL. vt cHAflio's 13ooltitore. -ion e; pla�e, ext dooiAo X poielmit, expel 0 ce are very rare but Some are Niall all -from. the heialit of a. OLQU VUSTR NEW C RED SAM Et'FOWLER. FOR thenticated.' .1n.the famouslaeolib2�tit- tnafi, whon y6U are marri SPRING; 0 foali siredjiy 390 - �cj you 0 !i%' 1873' 9 U near Paris th re i CE Inj garde A. ralarer Will: Hlver t Watiner,- to T LIC Clinton, Aug. mule which has had tw _4%io an Arabian stallion, and is. now in foal don't 'npolo&6. .Xy feelinarl are blul'it-; im GRK111 At, J�. Gi lilii�Azjt6 of diinto ittleierd tied bOg to informi the Wild anei. aqrrIounding country that they, by a Jack. "The1wo foalStir�7living'an&-ed., 'tht is there not some Aysterious �_Peoplo f hovo.enteroiTinto'Co..Partaidri3fiik n for the pur arrying.op.1he business of, manufacturers* pose of a ag 01 Y T -at �their mucnsemb�je_the sire. tingent��som s6ft seancti �ceimpound era., &a., id All its var branches, e' ve of Lip, -Sleighs, Cutt 6 makes the. hair more ']) t dotallAp urpn Street, Clintou, under ths.st�la Slid firm -of English Law -Court recilintly -4ba- L -TuE- PLLdN-Vx(woRu STR=, ered la�deoision which is 'to fjp.pp .- . . . ' XEDTI�NEW BLACK NO] import;nt,, lay. e M d 'SPRING OBOE inEHL ialo ..j fairtners.-....:Et---was.clecided,' when Xs an,of great. y mare and B, horse wete in. different promise, died- in E I d th ­ other day, PRODADLi 1HIM11, -ARE V R No pains �l be spared to execute *ork equal to Any it, the Their l6gexpari ang to At J C' Gilroy`8 . . .... -fiqlds, and sop4rted from froin inj urloo, recervoiT. whilo. playing foot- eircumstitio6i under phyikelm labois: encoin tho Coulityeuabl�s-them to fiffly iludenstand the xequiremattsof their ustOmers,and esoliother by I . -1 r , , ball. lie roc6r -of Wasiting, near Road- witIvinorea ropl.sympAthy for hi3 pationt.thatir the 1 0, by atkiet; attontioli to b -entire satisfact to all th9so,whoay a wir fence, throulgh whicli B!s horob _. r 0 a Y. Op tininess, to vi . ing, writ6s to the Londbu"Zines about the. when'calldd. upon. to ddraitliste eli I to n = d and damaged A's . maro,, tha;t ycliqlman�Sdon'th': 441 It 'a too rhuch acute sufferer with Cbrouie Rhentre4ism. this was a trespass by B's horse and A6lr �A. large and.sehet stock of thd�rest Seasoned material always, on-hatia, Orders ael�ted GRAYs reas&i to speak with bittern6so-of-this- game xe NEW. PRII YOR SPRII nosabstalatialxelief c wi6h.despatch. R i` done on the shortest notioe,. that B was liable in damages an be obtained hhout T fbl�i�juiv� of footballi' against which I had warlood elbalibirig the blood from the fibrin stiNtano 0: don hiiii, only, tho. week'bef6re. "I !Is was the which, obstructs: the -6ftoulationi, oausingleto RUMB ALL & LESLf R. lautamaining -home of.my and her flamulation and PPWTO�, July, 22, 1$74.' SPECIFIC M'Or'N' At. J.' -C6, 14ilr A Canadian farmer says thati !a or, The greeit success of ;0na Diseases, su was about to be marridd to my only' ctiild cuian au xer as Tremors, -1. i Di Ch. In gain in - weight In.' 01 der to asceitatu the � most critical, statefrom n-Rheu-jilati6 Cure 'VdbIUty;'rrostrat1on,, etc, - 11 -W,lo 48­11(�)�K_.­Ln-& aniO caseel, are produced by. over inaulgenta. in tile 7' the tAisery...paused by this terribloalrook,­1- nthid dise"o'. is' O'Oing' 'to i ta, pdlly�r use Of tobacco and atecillolic spirits;� but tbo 8 a iora MSO: more esP a Shot'. �cially reco=onTod NEW COTTOS 14 OIL as follows' he - weighed am sure if the motheial of R4gland could of converting the bldoa from its.d, .,TIHOMSON effic Medicine is -0 � J. seasod Voll. bull calf on -the 12th of April 1874, have. watched by that d�fi;Z.,.j 'd It also regtt� as �an unfailing cure for doininal. Weakness, � *y, a. si� o, dition to a healthy bird -Aperniatorrhoao Impotencyp and all diseases whow-ho, was j usb four month.3 old and and- witiessea the. Agonizing, pangsf- me at 'Ag P W09-7C&I t1tatigodow as a soeiencil of iseir. Abme. an MOSA f, ond' Boil&- Rn�.ine i as the bowels, jsver7 essential in vn found his weight to be 508 lbs, of memoryo universal. Lassitm.Le. Pain, in At T. 0. Gilroy si May fearful: tort rbi giising.'from.1115.211TCV,141 this- complaintl.-and no ons wiu read.tbo fol, w6t-inds, and the' misory of otirting, with Ilia 1%ack, minneass-of visiono rraticature 12th he weighed 692Jbq,4&tue 12th'h lowing known Montreal ON7 Old Ago, And ingily,other discases that lead to e.b_ ' n desolato! oxiesi to whom he was g Xvisanity or ponsumption And a, Premature wi6iglio 703 lbs ullv� 1 20 thutlemen with more interest and pleasum. 't d over I Ho e�o hin' in life thoy would, ith Ono sit those ph�sloianei who have dalre all or wnicii, its A rule, are lirst canned by 2th, 801 lba g deviatlill' IT6111 U10 PV�A 01 911179 Au ndul'. 3 ptember- �ey dritik of their. own children, to li�nefit their suffering t sIt of A. lite The, 13peC1110 ijilas . t. this wosb nip't us "lilt Medlelne is the 12th, 966 lbs a total gain in 5 months. - XR. 'ISAACSON'S B90 SATION. LING FOR $PRIXGP . . 0 , r. -1671. I . r stUdynild Inal YeW.of experi0lider ill treating A ot,463 lba ; or 921 lbs'pet month. Vol as tj ontre4l, 21st March,, 4 311 ogq t 1.2bh, 880 lbi and c� U,iktDS "AND TOW X�, cry l lod a game. -Xull, partlewars.111 our, peempidet, whicli we desire to sond ireo br Mail to Xtgoits. DtviNa &BotTox 0 evel one;, -At J. M Gil Y'S6 At a mpeting of milk proauebre 4n MAURIAGL7i-.r�-T.hG.'inattiag6.eereMony, �Dear qiro­1 wit h pleasti to oduaddo to the T a Specitle mccucino to sold by ali Dru-Istr rK Masso.04110tts somei timb since, a Mr., L�- the 1116sb iliterostih- ripec.6ftcle social gont's wish thak I give, r my erielorsation to orwiltbo Wetherell stated tbat cows upon an 11 ife exhibits. ' To iee t')'vo ratibnalrbeings it immi6diate relief I experienced from 4 -few eut y mall on recalti of the, moti6v, by dd,. j1daeg,' of Dr.� Alillar's :Diamond Ithentilatiol, - WIL, JAU GRAY &30 averageneed forty, fivb pounds of bay, in the glow'Of yoUth'itud hope, 'Which NEW 6ORSY0i lay ith -equiv r 04rq, having bdon a sufferar from the effects ot"OVES)'' AID- eo A Clititou b� AMES jj. COWD11, and lly all d or -i S , ' DUIRES TO IJQTIFY gold In al6ui whilst givng invests jife' with'a lialo of'bappin of Rheumutlerd, A now after taking, two rVIM XIN D 6:6 ITOrWoll b-yalan, Torilito BONS.AND tACESj, That large, cows -produce -moia to gelaorally that hel has a, amilk. 'Appear together, and aoltnowledgei- their bottl i tl 'a edicine,'ontirely free-fi-om eVftkI tfiis letter, if milk for the amount. of fee& given, than _-#tdo 1.11 40 feince. for other; . voluntaffly PRill perpe6al. LARGE STOCK .'Vo 0 aufaeturinglar�ely this season, thea o4lebratiod Ai J. C.' Gllrib��s. small ones, That Scrub cows give, an� entef into you I am it advisable to do so, tron,W the:8100d ept- of the bodearing "relatioti, E R PROOF"I" -08ON, X, V. Jobston SON -Rake &A nually 1,400 quarts'of' milk, whilat the ship, and *call heaven and earth to wit- long RELDSP.. 18AA Holstein. and oomo , othot ,broeds ill uoss- the sl�niity or their vorwa to think" ap un Clof jr.' —twer ;, I ... �, - :no, orld BOX SEWING 'NES 0 sp�; clean, sis Well- awthoir sur6unaings,', , In Toroilto, �Lprihob, 1874. 'Which we b(love is the best harvesting nine me in use. 1we, Are Also manufacturing tho poitan 4ueficos'which kre to flow D&OSir:-Vlsolicited ))yl you; I visit to proucing wintir milk -cows without, froni it, as thoy v7alk sldQ, bY ear testimony to thei-officacy,of tile Diamond 'of vadoug r"nufatilto Ida lie eiffe-iii on ICLE P.,JVF, rATZ a -kill ­ a. b NT -A. t* CT, Q 3:�CA O grain ifit do'nothiiij. through lito, parbicipatilig in the same Rheamitic Cure, During ihe wholo 11 Wink, d 10 also prepared to obtain sity 4 4 . One of our dairymen, whose" buttgr of 14ot �4 , .33ROA :�T S E F, 1XV, AXI> CULTIVATO.R. TOXIC joys, the sligreri Of dach-othir'q Sorrows; winter, I,Otzftero� g?eatly from that bommon has high reputation in this wgrkiot, in. to Qensider all this, the 1pitoinii of the `Qd 490142'ng affildtion, Rheumatis' XwAs Alt kinds lot Agriculthral Impl an hand, A trial.of Im' mentei'Ofered, And, 4 induactl, by hearing of tho many marvdloub forms -us there had latterly�: �oeh some whole cireld ofhu'man ."Sympathleg ftod AND" -EXAMINIM.1 NEW� QUIPPS AND t4 XOR compt . &ja6 aboub it, the, catise, of.,*hioh -esta, Small cures Accomplished by the Agent whild gto.� ALL 4eepes t -one! holi- Ing at the Rossin Rottele, to buy a bottle, it Parties havitti stood, clean land, gulfAbUf6f�Prijel' Growmt,. area roclueoted. to IsAvo heforit time was unable to discover, eat feeling of the heart. is sufficient to say that without ally. faith ill word with W. W, FA RAX, Visq., Or SOHN AWRI3111t, Agent, lintofi. atha theeligino at -its results, by.the laking of 4MAKES THE WEAK" STROK but finally tracbd it to -the Oak foliaets wiltdott6tJoss renlefilbet, loyod, and Huron ft, one door below Repairing dond at Peter Grantlo, Clinton,; Hugh At J, 0, G tilat oftq bottle I was o6ragletoly roll Blyt�j'aud i1roy's coal Oil- lamp Used in lighfing: tlfo- Wilk tho me lous- fish 9toty NvIlicli 'oitnio now Wo use of'my lint a'atid. theVoling of �R. 61 Clinton, J'tdy�jr,,1874. 114114111.64t8ry and all inaterial. kept for repairing at neighboring.v4jageff.. T40m*, - I! sholwi (if Such-& word is. pro� fr.6m Port Weeks ago. Not new lifs'wlafah I Attributed to thd use of the -of tger par), th& extrillue sefiaitiv6rtosa of milk fdW p TkeW Diamon(I Itheamatio Cute, Hive the n -Frotoicle of 061116 vofmea to it credoilce,.. - TErOMpON. WrLtlAw9. rroaj ig so dontbifteO as ib havd to.the least impurity in. the stmosphaio hub we'llaie 1119duess to Am my testimony and 6Xperiolloo "r �, I ., "' the eharacter of aj4 affinent, a NEW TI a 14ttbr frotn­� *611 -known sTjjeo �. round for X benefitof suffeijug -humanity, Tho Auli- caaft citizen stilting it t6 bo'darre6t, Trqly yours, wilt the blood aSr thie ifttplead, difiloulty' was entire rati., .., Q,'A' S1614 Olk. see oy S". zomoved by Started of the par thatthe iao T food. Itincrefi -the Uant"11 PtIftifig in a tin Vantilatitig, tube, load;, wad ad &xt6naiVa ml�-­Uke' Vrleij find &6.Vr 'M 10 TCH, 6f : Xaty2;e's Owib ' faUxing wdoeft9, Zrorb iii the blood, aod eroptiptor 9f,this llicitfoluo Itagwalkoid (MAZLISHN6 1854�) DRY ing fism the top of the chimney to "the iorad. so coniplotely the whole a theaistof the bospitals ofLonaou, Ung. for ODJOJ VX UN lawt ahqjp� W cures ttt thous 6utsiab6fthdiocif. Tkebuttdiwaguov the lake, thit-tho *fitev had-ldse its pro. the last twen, yeaXin,ninjejug rhoijulatiam a tar of gboil Household Futbiturd, Toning U.'WA00014ati , W1 Artetward cornpUned oft�.Peadlical portion of oxygen, and that the Ash were 0 odialty, MU tho prescription from which homo, madid of seasoxiodinaterial. X 462" Imw wtpnta rOlt SPRIXG) Itarving ift, consequentie. cke 1 is remedy i8 compoundod, is all lei ever tiodel A. fino alisortmout--of importe ed 442id Wize.01 btO6d *24,4 A vice a work, such, in, the troatmeut of this djda"c_ XU Sjuipld a, tll� body# sqjff thr ving- d 2400�64r every, Pegrt of Podi~ da -ha dg'04 anil -Waster- 0, G eMu -gft-V�sr says to'3 Catladi as, 1- ­ to allies, some imo oner Or Wo olnos Sit as, U.' Vh�Dj -lot, N rz —a ia YO rin 0,_1 -4 k r, t - � �_ t tv an -Vlm Th"oderid, F .7 what he an, fal-iderig- upon th6- ice in, their dageiness to got lir tho. U80 of two or throd bottloo�, By this siougo "d. ledolftly A6940to, floo several farmers have ad6pbod's now idea, o%kgel!!:WA- wator. We hvo now it story efildi6ilt rind simple remody,'hundrei4a of dol- Pictures &&w6d with Gilt or Roftwood'atiel dMeape to feed upom� ltro afes oavda-tei those -who ban ieAht affoka t* (jilt mduldiftaijttlatio pameff, wQA Mould. tog to ifif6tift 1he p'ublhi that tloy Sir# lirgpgrea jb:elUjipjy' Whis- ig jhp, Secret 6f the 'Won- NEW 01r, dr0VIS, volt, 0=61 fliat is of havitig' their, git-le jo 6op the almost.'eqAolly remarkablo.f"Oul.ouroWt th'row iW away, so 'huraly,16 is by Ac PtLrohAj6 e4L Or plairl. sftd sUddess Of this rdiftedy ft accontttd- of tZrAt fhay are sadtion-igaite b faili :GoO4 �Iililr In all Yrt�j put4illsor 3DygPojls1q,, -Liver Com- taught to. Write- a fair hand, then to point of Showing -how Uduslially, exteti. This -modioiuJo 4 Vitpil,64 by a, careful, at. with 450 A. t J. O. 611roy's, haVe a khowledg f single- pritry. book- A 4101'ead and Iii-clibis. v keepluz W11011 fi:P&POrgOt of. 'books i's geatlernat: -,;ho vesides on the Nielloo to the dodro of ltidullborlo.,ii friands in culli and tho professi* In tha trade, Audi Among the ana., sw Wfilgo st�ve� Shltg�d, atia,neadin ri�vorso 'OUliblid gnA thoy , to to work. 'A Imap doWn.roid, not far from tha inallgh, Says velry bottlo ls,*itrranted to contain 9 ogg of 'iConstitititiolaal :Vigor# is blade of :the. far in, ha y1ing tho 1141do flAt 1A ---- in(11 ith. g the valitr�;uglll. o a cine in a a I numbo;id dnd then � what6ver *brk j#, to: th& xfore Mid dropping exhausted, to sat St4tei imil Wooden Vlougho, With tjte§oj 13oardsi aslitr Viou done po Apfidd or *h&toV6r capital In- aid they can gn& li�orior to any modichio avor dolupoulldo'k for 016 tortiblo domplaifit. i128i CultivAtoft nd all J4, At- 1� �,$tr&W Cutters, ikco, guitar &i2d Potash x6ttidso arste 13grij, &O, a bad state o thil-'b 66d� 6j- cs- yeaw�,-thd gieljd' L find out 4knd list 110 wiltat' and deprived I . r, "I j This medfoluo IN foi,, salsi at all the Drag. I lei I 0064tago lihrloi* Ofta 20it kitOViigibf Various kin r, dowH,_Auas6 Asuit is-thAt-sho gooij 91tits trotlightittra hit ons -that- t6s#pa)tQd dAili oj�,a low Of thdr-sapply of fo,od;­ Ourinf n' nflairs, perfectly r6liable. gontleman. and Y,dut DralglathAil not Uftiuitiid aokhirn ldf Njb*tjysfenz. &16f fi j, M. tAkes a pradticat iriftrost 1 Iti , .9 - Ow *W i im t tqlla, only witat he-hAt seen. Itdoogricit 10! Bond. 0 Ir It to. . 0 tTRUOP &. INMAN fr6ja �Udohpl ifi, aul; forig, it IOWA LARS, crarips, TIES$ aziov$80 aeLgerits for the, Prbillyin000 of OntK46; Scott U -N: 0, F.1111 OTAKI'MAili ;P0.4 ard ftot foI- 'Paim an& the crops ate g4thdiod bf all 00110tf of, freim the oWvs :04te" streat,torontot or fo DVIVIL48 & BOLTON,. ' An alogant Hpaso forire,. A q,tiotityof b "both qUan- T, 0 0 *h1ob'.06 lakog-m,66ottj n1ditte th9lb'thet'll '10 no OVOU ifti0f In JJJA V6tre Dims ftde�, Montreal, 0611of U04) - "Fallr4o permattentj igfiaw Of tSlAgOntIll verV fino Shr6udd, abot1j' S'A L T A X S, X A Ilako,lbut thd r thaPt6vitiodbof Queb 0L'o pal, Atx all farolohingst �60�PUOA Ab r44401114blu fgat to hot Will be to become Poagoagod Of a to. belittlo, Lkgo bottloo, 09,00, dying In i e gilnee stated Shoos 00114 rates. large stook of Coillus, moulded and Ali6, Iroli atia'BrOAN Calitin ;­iod Zhakitich quet buildiny vp cast., A119, 90. 1874, Plain, al'Wayn oil hand (trimmod to Atiltj 63hof W -01'k, 011101' hat they $tat Vato doat"n tbai 411yot-1314tall fV01110#4 Or . ...... AIM to 'All ft and, whon, abo Seas upon ifid stREug of koaroh, for, opo�, 4tar In, which, to g46 0 . t2d . 0 - n of Re `+ -a , of they V '6)1 tho "ad'or 0, Your 91. , 0 too Alto tha Rarket. I . ji aftor a i 614 per 0100 TO LnXpjl Romatilbar tko ovivo, Boilers Mad ndf hapi two 6arap hoi# Hitt) u, the �fiot­ 0 Vdfidil, Tditi amy, Ali& 64sto tuod4t,06, & A0. 'MI oniz., 1"Cal &I/) "'a Pr6fitj 66 0ao fhitt; k 4011gle it! warik, 0 -114t4i1eft ��#, 01111toll, A1% 20i 1878, aa to the wo an.y, eitisoototo, win raralvil projo in r. Ad-Ppy ftea &hit 04"neit a 4440, dftuoh T 0D 881008 of on A V al J) Q UAU dtam to ijivio'U'd &ta& D'ggor and ba n# f�� A y1otbre Of 0 ZORA035 IfOUTOXI . I *fll Udglft w �ibfledt whethog h, PsAirvig Siftttr.- his vAluabld melaleit, AROiTrBALD 110DOH� * birg *'6fk ftj AL61le 11jr opablia, datlaing �Sie,aqf each botgldhd*PEAU� ltoi 0 Ali 06V 110111464 ito in resoutarle %JJAN SYRUP vot by 41to - In Iln , fg thoballafit oenAl ot, U l' 4i f4r and , - .f % In. 'Any Ill" polifformod, Its king4lax offialia. tried I, viia ovor mdvillirtisah rZody) pfulahtA. etaq suplilyl 6 04%.Alt '.0tim- k(de Ofiron%la it that 460awy. 10 61 frig tolud ptilts, h id,thil Pro- diddoVilitod A sift, lf'ook4jt Wriftfinr by the ho 4ti itit t to AA j ��priql Moms lot #4 A 6 W hall too oonos44i%tpl8, 1% k6tyi, fLh sent its of a C a Uxualk, I P. hiMiq & AddQ10 4 AesieXis Ora lRy"121M Q A roat oNsiPmo q(tililly 1A vhttts It, wah lib, will dond yof loll 4"' lit 611�10jl. 6 too .... ......... ....