Clinton New Era, 1875-04-22, Page 27
A WN x
total Ift,00 CA NAZUX, "W$. QAX MX41-0 14
bWlAr4,tsb1al1cqwso 4 0woA Sound, Tko p tX 4 fall wimi crop Ue' very There were usarly 1000 "Wm� .14'qut
We moret to leArn that ulto filamaoial
2004M. of Nov,41-4 of the ch000e &0*044 Town, (ounell. Woft'SURvir Oprtuir Sboi coat$ poo ftV,6V.__ TL" L
On Saturday tho -tUrmA ter xlo�d 0a a Orli tkovlvql�, bare LIT py'l printers, UIA wnda Me N
1%*4 nott beou. fuell. ;&opooial mooti:8 ;f tile tow, A counail wok no firxt'�Pr show. At entire stoa r, the 9 below zoro pit mteh4, fo* at t beat up. odit mt.
ll�kt4 at limittils %All, Who.d1op.14yofavilmals d by 4 an w ISat wool;-, MTrJW rea,'D IV qif.toft�
;be �l A' 'Wed Aldlog 01, U4.44 took place on Idwy of %ad 4bi' Oht[
Alk ko *001141 Wdot P144,00 94 WbUr44%Y Mullig )Alltt, I goes, ;law Slocum, ido wur000n Put ba a 'new dr9io
11 *Ad Introduce t is oterooging System,
Well, 004firtu -t
0 The 0
milli, PoAii" Ahlitush OX0011hilt wile very owaij, Lotily top ease f4etoq, '04 Sri 0491101VO mile ThAmesville oterida on arcing a by -14w
as un4jr j)�4irraugoweato, 04d. some ot ctbasoo, Slilippard, 0ooper, 'S rft we 11voo "stopped on I I y
1A Mau WTA04 Willig, f Canada, gave Ills
ind Soarle. Ths, Mayor litaied that 0tri011 40'14 been JAVIO, wlUt small num- -is to be started wAbe 'the str"t4 of T�oudon,'A few ol to OjAoe�, prolubitin
V1 bonarels on the village,vtzoet4.
*ii tO, bormay. lip noowuwa I" frolu thit UQV *0 London. by thria rufftaux, who lkaooUed down, The, 94 t, three �##,rlo extatehoo, l4ou to Aillorlm -13001004,
leal will W C10404 Altogether.' It AA44 'UhIallf roatolvact An 1b. an& pf his r000"i Vb#
h6 PV UOIP%l object, at 010 meeting.
inson, 44 moll)
riot W71nferre4 A,= this that. the warlu� Condor the reoistiatiou Of 1). 'DAckx A 9,41tibitgra, iyere unable, to come Owing to r0l.)1104 1144 69 Q16,4LUa his, bank book. 12,00 OOP104 daily and 40,000. wooklr�` crowded on Poo"1104- Mr.
Lalit wook Mr. Jno. Little, living near IsAd I ,
.10troot inspector, ouderodi, His the Bell Miller And Manchester bridgoo lia-Y" At the 'Torullto 44SIZ04, last wook, two The 010a in, still aev(IrAl thousoull Allead Rildrou jezWir ad to an, Aepouiat of txdp
tug been owopt A Tho followlak, lit the j
rosigustion wits unanimous AQ00pted. way' !oronto, for'54 cents at the 0.1i A, for of it. id -the States, hot of the Dominion he 014,
rL1,411114 -Of obsess is. 4, losing OPP which lie had t ire
UNION [00 o or Pound-. cases ivere'tri.4 again
oil po of late years the eyes of BaglAutl Its,, ,p,.
rties, 0012coruedt which is not , 04un. U40donlild move 609. � by, Conn. Prize list. An ixifAu# was founil burled in sk isriow
JTtibuaorl that g0i Advortlemont. ble pit t iia tbe lonAvoier.-Ist, 41 to a brok Ver.
fox mi, A- r9woril. of $BQ Is offered; b
borses tbnt had, bo%n k139.4 by atr*ying
the voo, W- tho ,Vail ari driq at Ottawa last wook,' havin ,on (once ot tho Mitchell Advocate foil _r
0 it, his been oonducted, flootabut4ox" Jap. MaDortagil'i Z likely the track, throng it nlfio�lrlm !tiiio`a� Inch up�ii that $.eat Northern Domilliorl*
1b (Aiir boo1w prif there bF- its - tiouolkral� mother. diot b,9 olatiflaboth. tbSL will 104 -to thotionvilltiQugEtbopnrty 00110d 0441144, which, 11104, 0400ptedi Was
0�3 long Via _jlig�givelx for the 14
C -le undoubtedly.'In
Ily X Tho' wito 001r, John 331owitt, morcha the 0 0491, 0: _ wealth am4.popplation, the
most ilastilno or, � ' lot Durlug Onal4eration of 0o I be sent t thot pipei'A, , tter4ill'Ing that
os, on A wl bA find I , 0, datiog,01 inlipootor of Oil 11400ys, A
health iPspaotor,&o,,, 4. IS4
TA d0100 000FA tbOro 11,14e motiou; was Io4tb), the castle$, veto,, of of the West 11 9 1 0144 0rd, n Taosilay v()nc *ota4le l0y ba , during,
Ladle of Vapanol,,.0onlyllitted Auic!40 o y 4ak in the Dominion Parliomenti A a mr-talu'very, r ' first of what might 4tridtly be o4qd,
roust boad(nittOJA 001 , our
alt *ty, Allow led to commit, Hui
-to 6 -,it tug Uayoi. "FArmar's Ott4r W -1,1140n, night b� drow0ing herself ill the river, musical member hid behind ono. of the a fib of irlySov white. Bprop.041111.
were, not onoug roWs to th d'
r. It was tqo.v@.4_4u,4 seconded 1�y the iAiid 004011, Oil U6ADJ'l`9V.-IS0 Aqb� �10 V T oiAortion, peopled by ng tbrougb
I . Cul'� She sma, trul�orurily insane. -back bell the aull Inal 4, oi4e -by StAbblipg 1101,06 f in the breast. a logo of trivall,
A weoU �.r two'Aqo 9 Was Of St. he I
ontlouloll that the, Clork be Instructo(I to have loph"211d, J'. X. Fis, Qr,.
i H AS. batii by 40104. strains from fL Jewla -Arp. follQw4gocalli the gr��'=i ".'T of Canada, and, With *,be
proatable ,'in others, the circuit Ivas too , moolf "Alex. X000y, I
'a, Atharl gaitt and YvwBs orAar,-Iot, �06lo ox0elittoll. Of
�a ,at bills i4sued for'S porsoti to fill the oilloe Du Ovvm 2 '1 . at the
I tboG., wuryFitv ulionswaatria(t
Q.91, broughta puit. sizes at St. Tboluas, on e, at mn rder, TVQyo%1.Ugn 'll nati Quebec, ho vioitoll On Its
atouded in. wbich Pro milk )y tS, oharg noin QO4 111dwartl and A y6pliq Ulan named
Angus NoVicar,
a b ripoTtant cities. On all ban
Lhr be., as 9A fe'hieif oouala4le;4, NVAshingtou 24d, 0184=1070" U. jug old Dr; X.J willipin 14A.M. all, do,
Q.) b -a iSry of s5loo rilla-111 in that town in ft. , ougaged. in getting out otono -from the It
0 that the cast of,. Collection eat, 111) Which WUS carried by ilye to: three. ty-OV.0,444, vixto, -were at 'ipqAklng:t6 public mon
ed,,s I)LI110 11 tviober"1872, And convicted of tnanal.4uglk, E wh . h
,W, 'E�ailway to r00OVQF oil ybiirs, drowned, quary'of Mr� Murray for to Montreal or orto;por.
tha, m, to M4�notawAri, river, llear Slid Northern Coloni4s, ailwak, wits,
_i4_i4'Jtl10 the r t at but Was tiegativett by the oamo divIs'
iagput Or, the' train. , T40 facta appear- A motion was made to make thvoiiliy�- 0150' nUT,`tr:, ., yz� , As'-w"t, Nvai, ounuinall'Aln. tar. oil Monday in V sons in rato station, to,rich or to poor,
le, Q qk IOU, Xr. J. J, rialtervIiciNve(I %, lively looking We noti�o �y the Fort -GArry 1,reo Prosi �tosseAir � while, Atte mpting to sovuro a,
to. t4t-ho -bought 1A _tt , at 9*0 the ly dePrIvo4. *111olifo,lon. Monday. he found it 411 U11000 Only 040
w Vilred was OR ]motion tim mayor wito authat-17,04-to 40040s, which was. Ilighly rRoommellagd" r instant pelnfl�
'T'Une la$t': Which putitle "M 'it whoat-Ims sown -pog ti
hich-Ahe choose ivas mrt of Like 3rJ 'inat., 1,11. seer it, A44 that W40 th
d b.. . to a adverlisQ, offorin 4 X0iVArd of V00 for itifor. VQU4144%we dipowslou. $0110wod'as to wboso n swimutin 0,011timent, of I Q7_
g qpi Ae at, He was, engaged in cantina a large 'atone
fir y' boh-44,
-0 It Will �,Uus be soon that the juati4it that Willi, ii, U-, LW of tile Society. should bolield, previous. by AVrk Thopias agent of the, with a team of ho66o; 11sa'a'a" 11)
t 0, low. ead to the conviction of,any ulbl, Wes of Xr.. $404y, assoliger Ally m)d %ttachmen. t to, the, Motbii
pqjsage-froln� W, Cath6rinea to Sljspen� try.(011oorg), coupled, with the
part e We 9hojoe lying between i rn part of the ro- 'in Ottawa wh king him 'till, Olo- lower
ston Bridge �ird return, the t V W48 The to In antiStuttliIii Oill, the other 4o, , 2'awt I the Guy- jaw and causing instant death'.1
tllv�,Aa.-th� wftte Xi6htgan Centr I 'I 441krw ri'�; -atri hope thilt
q4t to Ob 11 vote being takon, it vinep.
v) avoAJ a pg fifty seven thou. orninontfor transp. 47 a ort, Garry taut colony of -this, country
but by t 4 1 , r agiile I'm
1 b s, not been ia'Oorod b714a farw- I in destroying isba" 11.4 1 Canada miglib ficurish as fl$
ick 'y' Uot! I a ru
Ortati r -Th
711R(JS -OQ104 A14 ez''Purown ki and Or", o, mautifitot;irers,vIto iavo marrow (Vrldk eg was acbided in f4vo' of Dungannon.-Bi�owl. The rospolit4bl, An Old man, named Joliii FrAgerwart. ore, ought
Mrofootoo ceenfillytted do Pit Thursday-10b� PeAr
1, ipab liftes' w 00 to be,iio miatake about that Ii cause fpQm,
is,3ued at a, ioduced fare. Oe Used: the not only ro.Wized-,o loss on their s rn- $find boil to. ()go, Of thd Iiiii, thotioliklid Mono he Arc dared ip the * .0
now 01141teir wav from Russia. Resew -abroad
time tri timo impreshions haa
ftTGULLI, '0,A-4VO0ATV% "—IU 0lItC,'111[.1 Up li ada in tho Ooiltonrli�Lgrqunoa and build. At w
as -got
a ti -Horlog, $holy ot, the 0 iiiuitlbo for 0 W Was -fourl rQzo
on$, but,vvill A�, 010ty-o ta_�911 it 0 orusa 0 ii�a 'ad' fp� hirn h
on - the In conoequoAco of capital onliku'litlild.- his been is pow a QWX-twti %forthily. o -,bontilluos witli Was blif 1, serVide-t at'llie love of E
tea fury�. ?a stiJT. T e searchers had fiftsed by, him, S 4' upon - 1. 1' " * I tArned by. ome other means. T.Le 111tillott, BrAllph AgrIqvltqraI SW�9�y are, said �tq be torn to pie�co to- the nu b4 body. being coverd pure y material con,
A q=capondoni in r of times, his
that a per
OeA 64 tile ngs An Show of entiro-Rorso look placa. W� . 'To, 0 at offim, and the X ilderations, slid that, we ought -to be pro.
.4. plant, whiell will no* bo6oliae' lum r, Boys.'-41ie Mayor 61faro a fariner near Oaliwood, who wn.o 'Induced PC �oxitreal polloonion with sitow, The, family of deceSaod. are
10.1. of F0 pro t was
Ary la�t be
tiet-ly un roiluctivrq, ouTtIoaday laftill this t9wit, . Tho day reward of IN$ fQr gudliiuformatloii� as will lead las a poni'moncin to newe- !pd It any inemeritfor a brea
It ooniluotor w�ito travel, P fine, but untlo Ily au4,bittokiy coltl� the wind f, fall logo W lo wa, had lately returned Ar �var rospeptable, Ai�id aig greatly grieved PAI k in, thQ
on to the- conviction -so 4ofied that Cana a is boys a ht t betwe�u ourselvs.and Ca 1, e blowlu , of any pot . no, thit 41vie with his f4mil7. snt ei.arig mandiuUontlie4trept. 'at his iintitnely-and." corArlexiolu , but the couductor Instgad of being lasers, farniers wor' .0 keenly from, tbo nQrthweot,' and the lowers, living uear'Auro-' On Monday I I I J at
0 fio m the. 13 wantonly injured ohf0e, troos, tho.-Vest place, iftev-sil, A girl named Q Personally hAd'entertained h
ground, covered *ith snow, which a shooking and fatal'
to banor i6, and pub off; a i n a A4ciwmxTi--7Whilo Xr, 3). IPAttorsoti' noAr Mrs. lfann4 Baboocki of 'St Thoina was delivered of 4� illegitimate philC hQoidont hapoelled, to. a-yoglig, tuan It
no b the.establishment of choose to some extent, for the lArge turnout a## our rA a,�cd opinion ; but it he ever had, his views
farming frionN, as they, were im abldio, yo.- Mauch ps ter, so cut-hisleg brought an 4t;ifon for -damages 4gainst'Ed- 'few days since, arld.witl r rutality, James would have been entirely Altered � by what
fea f ul b Gardener, woi at Smith
W, hen ill Q traili wils AtQPP0 ra lie saw therp Inst wint
otoriep, so they received more, tin det grid *its dressed, but it ward Eborlep. for alle, tied A string around the illfaial a nock, Viibro'a ate a or.
seouto gpring Work. There could not have very badly, The' o � of promise to . am 4w will near Acton. . Hol (Cheers.) The
eoi than a thoqoand s)ootatbrs at -into b1;fQrdhQ-i4 41419.19 be out h 'I 'I and Arattiled it., She platied, the body utting Qn� a bolt that, d Pan�#
ciia C'0�nauctor was determined to ut ordinary Irctimptances,fOr th9ir'wilk, bqolx I tiao will be, some t 0.1arry or, a aii 00 -for w r Lkiis� rich ait.4clied.,to entitled 14, �,Wap P. �ives the lath
�show driflng the aft4rtioon. Ills allow w�s the agalit. faelinds, chd at. Aes 16' d Ic
fb rup i'�efi and ai'auxinus for the ImperI41 cor�,
jan aving I a and �i slrI6 ma4pe, and was by sotrio, rucanw caught
'him 91f, he *o-ff-are dio' us. purpose,.dan t4y woq ave
y.. I b u Id h moot mocaiisful-tb4t has. ever, been held in the S a Jury gave i§r a verdict for 0 0., be th
T )A6 �[ay iiiat �dbk it shawl I eluded and woiviti,, groundh� shaf b, which rQvo[- liaxib as,hu of us could 'be and cap
in- Hamilton, ves'250 timesantinute, and instantly' to W
6uld not receiv y the pioduotiori of batter. ll North Riding, as w4a oviclanced by the lar Two Jjoys were Playing It 'to the
it then, d6;,,e , was Platen from thesitting room' Chas, 'Mr. Dolt- 11 �ditqt of tl,e Montreal 0". say rary, wore putiroly,,
'h u1suspicion resting bn-a per %in, f tire Montreal will' a toy pistol wherlolie of theta na 4 -ad scattoro mistaken. 'her in!
LT number of ialti' irda . ifi as literally torn to pie6os� a
jes,' an.4 glioiN. o6nalusiv y cole,s h6tel, 6, t w �so mot stake to
as, reqlAir IS' a We 0�v well ClIntan i d I
the. Ju, go ruled that t e that w od . on to in 6' 0 say 9 ovetsadoweLi a s1tuat6l !or the holding of wlinran, she Nvas at once followed) and the Ar. Bay a, Holne, has declined a dosiation of. Jacob Winiii, wag struck in thQ oYe-by a around ills. mill. that Canada wa
-ituportnt A IS Pire-of-ilm-UT60747[States a ago
agill'ou r
valiteless, as. being ou4 or cheese t�b both 1 -dtio:blub of in
Pagtilroof' pyeft. ato b re bulnod 452, 5a -fro the Dra Of a cap �vh I! f ilia
P h- - his - companion The or arsox
TI _t` l f
o u - looked I To ADVSRTI'81�111$.-�Partio4 yQar� toria Riflua, ollred to -that instil ith. the pistol," The 'boy V QUeeh v. Harty, took place, 4t St.'Th6mas
'v'in(, been ree-olved at a re- to . the' maker an the:'prid cer of ti to Aliion,�be- W exploited. w to it. The Dominioix of Canada had ad...
a on ild well, slid tbe'oounty lists rqa
ly QOntracks for �a�chiaingj mum. baud in oa�uso the money was the'Prodeeds of a dra. OYO was s000rlous y injured that it is fear-' on Saturday; Tii6 accsed liFas the owl yano6d, proiliarit a -ad po.
11011'�fo be �mud that. sho-can -mako such a
duced price foi 6 limited, period,' We the milk was, that 9, suM ter
r 'for chartgokrequired 6 illm it ed I
sj�lslidjd ex1tibition f Imported and riAlve thdir copy, not lateri natte nteita, o t.., it will be lost. altogether. of.the'Dufferin House, Act. waa:ait on pulation, and in rii;ittcrit of a�
b e,v6tlaor4lingoft�;,Ttidge�to'bo A Namiito�`dog t filient, quite 6a much as the Uri
an of-fArm6rO. 41Ao4ld"birid lt]Aemsel�es. to.. hbr4ei. -1olo prineoessliry for its to ap than Tubsclay,afterno6u, to onsure,rub4i- Messrs. Dee6w & Sono,cif St,T]IOnl4a'and, klit-jrlto- a figh n fciw� Oro- in throo. plac6s, Oat 11, 1874, by. one
eciy , c s issue ajerri"Ville, have disc rving seven yea . ro in of America. 11' d �Obybd j tidies, who cation in that, w'Lol d ao W arforriiing Qr," �vith 0 crian -is now as* 14 not mean that times
tirely in keeping with eq4j6yp, An iA the- furnish =14c, loo thaf a largo quaudty� ittly; as that has beeit'don, overoa awinoxhgust-, sineb tL 1� , Who
hall a lip r It I'll on rn�ght not co'
a difficult tasjt to 101411 but we will say ible quar of free Baud stone � on a, level Which r, UTAIIW44 trAV, I �j a o nd. itentiary for..tho 6imb, -Tho, prL ina. "a s. t It py d_
0 na.
a k
uld V 'so lit. ."We'llave roocivQd Tion hen pro9perily'llad
interest of tho-publia illte"est of 6eas6 silo , e made for it thats6lilethittilidnot tp,rizeswere plitin over air area (if one hundre -led o. aii acco4avry ) W 11 0 cc ' as be
, , a oOmmnIlJ'oPtion,tromJ..C,, Poi�fiola, d and fifty dog caught bruin 'by the throat, and soner Harty Was now tr ai;aid, evon, at the pr6pent
t � ta b. tp*-make 4 sitialliq antl-, that tlidir owners.
1107'Will nearly as, lit hina�somd that dit It ' acres of land pituate'd'betwoen the Caunds bruin folded the dogin hisarmpi.giv. beforel 00, fact. '31ito jury. broughb III a was ime it. was,
an tiooesa,, to- a," ftulby 16sbytorian," '44 1 hot
n9adfeel,noqn4y-attheirw tofr aSouthern and Air Liuo"railways�, irij- it an-eniivace that will not soon, be %'verdio6vfguilty; gentonce,,dofokrod.. not impossible i ; the crisis which a'year
06 be able. ti) A0Q0m1p d wioel 'Wdifrvercht to the orsp' I -it no Ono
gt6 the Tbo,exhibitionof Joke is a hovelty,, 1* 8 on Carle� far The Orangeville 8un day d 48 -got, After eonsid�rablo clubbin- t:M� and a-hill'ago,came Over the Unite ta.
eu ado concernib iril, all also as o On ject � Mr. Gilbert Dolong, who live � I I 1;�, .. , . -. I - - oays Mail b 1. �., I I - I . 1 -1,
b" m4ovaratbii without 'c oing Any serious last, as a yc'Zng !ad by tire nams of. jaines, tes-might.,findi. -way o CAnad
Rell `- n WO1 a. There
go cheaply a_� lh�,tbia gtoppage of tbeso cheese factories beensufficiently iseurse at mt in the t Ileout hunting,
d Tire place here ana was the Oaupo,of Utilch mirbir, 4 ;on's Islalia, on Frid�ay; whi A aiceudin� a lad- wilsa co6ideiitblo
!gjia_.,waV Mutu6l,. as' the. will of rs' at, Anning.of it news a cri we it hol it -from. had hia4ave horribly inangled and-skall Injury. XeLean Was inAll act i probability ofa -certain
ej a, the. bai ou 0, 1 udo -in 'imareased 'at th oddit� f the w, The tire shown fo amoun
WC 441ool; I - 0_.-i _ � , -, - '.* A. party of tbrOe-persons.asoondidin der in ia stable of the Grd qnso r t With com`picrci4I
oOf�er ised to carry passen- Manilftil t�L U 0 PrZO, 00 AIM 8913, Postor which Ws -the ligliest.brutos firig piece he �;was, in tho-ac, dantly, for the purpose of fe, a of- throwing down some hay
railroad had ad . t re of butter, Aid f 0 'w" ille U there- that ev'er entered, it t of using a can a aria re prnlO�drity hrit, is oil in- at tha h
ified place or :reaeon. to belitive will r Ling, it t4i4 cQuilty, &ud,we, think p�alcin,; scient0ic, 6boervattarfs. , The bal� r. q dleton's import ifellion" the
from thb opec lo low th ca It ai old must: t I �= t e,great works which"had beell'
pro to and: contest lig�,Vo just finish f-th i, loan a4ained t�ee�_tra dinaky lieight of horse seiz in thht,.dountry,
�rgetaont a air
71VA decided as well as, Fa;rbanks. spaleo! ostAblisemont which was f6una, to be tov !repairvd.. odbint by the Idg,l bringing Ifinq ully',undertAke'n
re %it- we rn&� a onsiderablb o8s I
y 'b n. T or aerQnaut� were partly dovVn, and by a second,grab, caught and -
61ie'da� oni itlid entail _q- woulil hove dono it;, Bqt,we have no doubt small for the carrying on of: their inerga Mr, -James Mill�ar, uperintendent of the �8,000 mrtio.., 0, th6 looking at the success of agriculture,
a regular ikkot -whether I be advantageou at, I n self -
believe that upon the com rauli the ralsitig of mulco wil :h now -goods. a balloon 'him by the thigh L d -and- looking at the wealth and powers of
business, and have filled it lip -wit in his mouth,
or n is good W ... ........ all ag reac 0 'the the. , third. ceeded in biting a large piece of flesh tb ore - gOver-1
1 Mod Be- If.farniers de.9i the pontinuanc&.0 to,tho coulityj is Are thuoliliqdior than just en on:% a next" iecileir oi a handsome sofa, will ground iment-in that'tiountr�, ]to thought. ignsi and easier �.ept, 'since been from ma Ing a f rightf ul ue luld in Can
urn ot, Ye 1. fin �oiiuzn�raklort of recently presented �t6 him by his fellow I ); ll.
Ondkiring more fati you will d the was'. most. insensible', anAL'bflo 1. . gaah. we nifilit be, satisfied that
it of
-.cheese factories which 4ro-'really for IN 11 96 ill t at iiia recovery is. doubtful. a
veral decisions hav6 been given firi- t - a ss,bibility to disease, aridlso10 ger just o&li arti,elto as�you are in 1,iily nccd-of�` teachers as a tributo of rqsp�ct and a token is -the 'inten Lion the, Government- Oa. not only it thoroughly loyal.but tbor-
afid atpri A fearful acciderr' ,
the will have t...'U'pite, -dragenoraly i Mowni, I e
Tlm�ullsv a good 66ilditibil', t d, 'Fort 'rancis, oil Painy'River. ho'hid-b_6n told -
they eds that Wiil'PleasO you, Of the maunex in hich his services in. said ha�pene.01 to Charles tile 0Q-11iria 'scason� 'fo'construct rn
United States to this effbdb. It would In illo V � i__
. 1 a,ioung man engaged a% yards� .Ir.l at
MtTlIDDIST ED7JCATX6X SOCIETY. This so. capaci�y are 4pprecia a
6rt, while', if they audlookedwell btit w Every one -,will be & -save a long'portage, and the 4e� i%nd.lio had hea:r
ra , to public t
�a dout ry at 0 porm, More 10r. Wh suPp 41 cok to r W tho'Ne* York�Cdntral railwhy yard This 'Will a since came home-
- — � I . I I _. I ".. 01) Cal- lranshippiu&' of d that ilia Oiuiadian
It 113 pleasing to , d t6 learn thab!Mr. Pan In
panic to -se I dbligA IOUi to do' no they got th'ir nevt. opats. cie* 6stablishkl on,behalf of C -at Bi a, hoWever vauntedtheir
. 1 11 0 godiot, 9,ruarkea-ios sonad
praiWad oom 6 thervi all t lege, had sermond"preOidd illi tl ]Yet 'Justice Patterson lia afternoon 14y',and.expensetof goo a
is hia.foot, And loyalit; were'noiatill, fine fellows as tire,
9004 CbasO to exIs witneps the inerdilse: of thQroii�,fibred stock,. I a -afid"Wi
own, on Sabbdth while 8*itchiiij i6into freight ca Oassengaj4at that -point, 11, by
ancl to know that mbrotte;ltiou is A14V being 04u:rch 69 this t last for' its' the hainous udiiro:of tho,'lictwardly
gure fixed crime
f the� svhtch Abiding aff6rding an ninterrup men of ill Vilited and in the� long
pert -pro ertain duties, at a. 6,-thfi rlll�!Mg of improvedroods. support,.qud on moud4y eveing a' ii, eating of incendiarism, by. sentencing to f6urtean 0411911t In & rag I t,ed stretch of,nn:vi7.
OF was hold f5i iflo qaT6 pii�po�a. - Tb-� s6ritions y6ars' impri.sorimeiit John 11`611 him 1fasti wl fle the train w Evaliy Vebytion the two nations the Calla -
make TIM VE NTENNIAL ANNITEr I , as nr�oving to- g
by I P,*d then allow hem o We were glad -to see that Mr. T-yoriulaii, of aof Col- atiod extending biver'350�rfftlid-s -6n: the
79 ' diank. must g 'I, Y
U Hullett has inte6dviced a fillp - A were dellybriid by th3. Rev.'Mr. St�&rd, � �apd ds,him.' Failh imself,''Diwson ran a, very. materially,- facilitate. 0 to'the wal sti.pulationihat could no! 'TUF LUXIN ig t He was,
yrhlro bull, lifig;,Iyoodf convicted 4 the 6..Catfiarines war was a great -mistake.
At the meeting',by 0 njure that �lso
Thl' o'brood is said to ci�c go� mitkajd* and Aqsize6,',.bf arsell vOilli intent to defrgild'an, ho.witsrnu i6i�nd'fatrdljlij i d miirimtirri�Atibri be6cen"Manitolia the.
carried out.' Ofttimes`.%, person pure A, Riivg 'Xesois. Level, and Grahim 4ria the A somitwbat I moment spalzin(i of"quetions. :1.
h batter makerti, -qualit lsiiv insurance coillpany�:, �Ole afriii; with a spri- NnAll-viest and bh� ea�iterfi rrovim 0A. not
a -of h 'of April,
pyx,4yty the 19� to it, Vecirriod it Ot w at inight-liaR�6iiif,an
blb for this se6tio
Ides -at: arid. theil, PqmOh he. Chatroocup Tr- allies, Dt a Avell-and -favourably It y
oma Ilie store. 'knowil, a -residdlit cti the townsl iili
_.CL tioL OVS ztbb�100th ntriyPriary qf 06 �a��wblcb 'a leations in aid -of tlic� -.eAnc4ional fund aro it nained Sa m-uel Duitin. was run over On differenco blilw�en a
him will meet ivith thd� 6- at all the meetings. A Y01149 w6man,olltered , , , urselves.'and AmericiN.
Which he has no control, 'PrGvaiitg Clareuco-L�et, 4-Backwithj died �rp. �8atur'4aiiy last'a wat in that Americang; considerthe comp2 iieemant l deserves.
the Great West6m Railway, a short, dis L%woot7i grocori under
The ollbwing a*ra th which 60 -
p n ace- different classes :-Reavy Draud�. -a, -permit.- 4hort tinib agaiie tho.u.nited States oftrr6d.
romwing it, is hoto be a loser f the. f the w! hiumber last week a; horse bc� tan6e fr6fri.VIndsor, and-insianly killed. 'aiid offered sorize,butter for sale, ' On his t�o. most disitrosainfr circumstances. A
r of ride a ddnoej took p! f to the character of tlie'peo�
ne- -louging-to Meo(Bro. Towaley & Fitziininidn freight bing tii w4t6hi
The.imme0se quantity of rbf usal'to purchase We Askell'to. be ng;, as he did the
Value the ti4qt,. and the road so much. Gr ab'p thor", * �diff6ront �iir
of -Ect-texingtou, e rep 'atiolib. had ral'purpose, 4 too, ina carria, 3 butchers, t6okltight �sna ran thwEas
ar hippecl-'westrard ovei'tho Pre.A I a_ moniqut, w1lorli I rpost '14111norcif ully victimiz sses from the top to the bot-
V�ealerE tpd,1910&�,e hdr�biskst for to W4
Ong cc t years aild tom --
Th 6af H6' saw,-
Ang performed b�ez; hbrpd, draugh I �Liue,-_coming to a. stOp.-at-alumbdr, F11 -3-5h We- Railwq which was 4a'sentod4o.. o. butter soon pd., Be returned h6rae tiompletOly-prbstra- of -society. (Hear It
$he gainer without bay ating'tho: dq wit]h� under. 3�; gen�ral pu coo arrl�g� Ado f017' I sido of the road - the, dart,. which was attached 7– began tomsk� 16 T16isei and, the rneichaut )n tho,36 erigaged-in. coin-
nbh pony, I night'. �ted iri'mind, which menial dejection their PlIblic'mi
Any-iorvica? Itia dontib.'ry to Comm colt, 2, jearb andlud to tho. horsp,: will- be . as good SOL now -%v ien 1 ..John, ag',drl .6 ve- y.'6ars� -ti One little b6y�,' alerce, t1lbso of i
unusu. stivi4eo. Genera, ran v�ag T;anlstan owner for, &'baby.: -finalli settled in Inuacy, For'thirte�n -1. 10 60bupation, those enga-�
comes from the carriage shop. As a person 'Mr John Livingstone,, of 319ii- to e food, for -.*anb of god,iii-,thelitt bj�F_iocatioli
sense and JuBtipo to suppose :that they. total 26 jacks, 2., Idtoughbrod, 4
2 yArs days he rf tised � talk a of life,�aud-it
tiler' it wie, grado bull' son of N11m. Giluert,:ft o yy
wd to'llim, that. Canadians. bdro to
-L Taegd* �`thdr-Alerlcan. neiAbois'nureli th
id fol� part'i;I t total 10' -to,* Ady he gucq�im bed' on thelast dk, lt�v:rta, 'scorned,
e, ai air gra
' �4, mine do.,pfidei Was dri�ing a livery, rig belot tre
ould. The samie may be re- Kenuedy,'along-th oi ays :a pidying III the stablo' with his sister,�- I , r
Splendbd orations wore.: eliver44,- altd, a -gravel r'oad,' 1airsttlio G. T. R. -coin any;. to it litekillly starved -Iii 8 fo'Tew, 0 same
r Is vi
stage, a one
acrorie f�o'r' he f oll.oWing are it ciolli&d �)vith lid'. The ai il, only- fonr-year, "i xa-
Sartl to return ticic9i narkea. �T is Scotell. Na
A I of! wheel Was torn c6iWpleteiy - off the' hiib. ACR-. i rain -on the 11iyarniout
thb 'firing of 4bannon, an, p aying !a 11;r hands and ran thb point, up -16 1 egally.,ajobloar him fro a t 111� 'position thatd �7- X 5
Tr —seemei-to him that
Aix dAya, although tit 'been : -: A - '
SaInd �0, lit'" was drivitig - into a.. year
ason n
ty, nlo on, thti i 6th of Mar6h, and l6f L the, rain to in American buyer, Conalliaii follow�'subjects �v6uld be per-
ey *may aye.. ban a-. V� g Honest Tout," 0. Blyth -oil- in and 40tbo�
-slight redue 0 .0). 'k fr4lit. and pt�rtoll tho'boydied.of brain 6ver, oc of sojminense Oil
, Wow, that -L ^
tion, Alason 3;r �iucolo/�X, gason. Saturatty, bia. horses, , casioned it
EwrPALPUIRd. or's(liter- the
almost �iny intermission. 1A " riAid tbat' off. Mr,' udker. unAble,t& hold,, i'Llerv, -man, is thought, by the jibilit f1ho instrument train at Kirgaton; but, #bell' Ile again pre- a. gizelbat in pa;sing t1irough this town it f6c'tly ble,tohold thei�.ow
-Y, et out of the aleighi Whon the polo ser 'his tiAet the bonductor. refused t� attract'ed thii*atltention of,p,,issers;b�, td, tIfeir thor-
there are. competing lined in Almost burig, Lted p6b,nited States, And t-rdtiln
over 100,000')?ersons town Ot Of the H- Beadle 2nd, 'Is tFo brain. Oughly nifidiial characteristics.-, (Hear
ation, it is to the I the Res�ll 'Win. McDonald; I accept it as. good, and,' with tkp aid of, two Sit extentiliat it h&a'to be mdd4'an* exlii-
riteri,"t of Conqueror of 40 oitphing an a. -Well platform, A fri7oud in -Nort] k Easthope
every dire
mplimen- 3r'd, Young Phen�nl`erl.6,11 Win. Herbison. W'Ifo' to the bralegmop,�0�6d him froni the: train it bition QfAoAbier we-lt
41: and co* 0.4 QJ32§1 ftfiCtfoxd Bomb, as follow hose� 4ord*da
tday, ' pp fi
sshe railway -station. It weighed'. 350 smany', 6
railroads to issue return ticketat foi by U20 -t
. I RADANDCUTtlia —1st, ay.- liters, wo might be- proud cf
t r, Mr. Gladstone -was rea( TuE G96rgii S. Philip, So4citorj etoi') all; -lbsiAvas Vfbet,6.1 ifi6lies n` 16W&A r conhobtion-mith -them., (Hear, hear.)
atmeans a r letter from Nfay.�ia� wild ligo if) "gep. pbronicled: r4al early 0 "is and lar. IntotagAlug tp eitp that th they ensure a -return by BrulnerSon ; 2na, Sir Arthur Mo- excelletif, 16,4ontailis A Sanitarium for, The.-wilble q1fietly. Donald'; id, �', Fiench Emperon". . -Cottle.. on
their rou'te, and they a1o' suicide on Friday morning. iia wool -wild 12.. inches long,- -.The Vuycr�
got the use of Ksy- -epresiribla Conflict;" 'The on tha plantatiod
11PIM DitAUCHIT COM -186i -"Brittanuia, pped al�ib H4 was'Jorind about .0 plogli: lying on, the an dipprionced on'e-irong Illinois, was -The VlrgiL� (Xe�w) 07ti-onic
or'. 1. Avery ; 2nd; W. Divan, .Vith the top R . f hip IV of �Pllon that, WirrusVb64 tho'largest - th
rav 4!Bride1r,0ak/' the t -eller's mono' for a longer reatmeni of -Sick Voople; What I Know' Warr
GnmBit-ky, URVO613 11 You -ng of Doctoring; Plipular Physiology,, with on 10750, ild. by, the a following incident A H-61fie4
shorter pe he blow4 c�mplo.tefy, W iipon the age�b, resi ib,g at th:e. oorndi'�
Eroddi," W.' Pardue - 2nd Young. Pick illustration-; 5110.1�rica �6'f Doctors, Middli) Of A Month 0 .1"re toq'n4, b9side him with a�p�iece'4 cl4th tioT. �T
Nogirahs- Both Mossi-91'rving and Wood, Alinis� Tuipin," Lawsop:Zporo. abolit
and Jurses; Tit were playing of P, i0ld Qlrtb4. at owner
Wo also think the words a "Use of Rye," with Sam -II61)44,�et it a
terial�eapdidztes, 'of Hamilton, biva been 0AHhTAOi P-17611tiff PeacOck," . . Mr. Donaldson, the Immigration I ri 4, p4ar localizes tho"follovr-
.. q i6nable. Rpcipeiii Uoo.,of Drug Stores; A.. Agent t tilill ggor, iy#1jt'W1I1@J1 T
Ulullowyll - 21ia - Ygung Sir the oundkind d He ig,
f errable, wCull eight * ilf 'a" . A At,tho proor'o inqtleqt 11,eld or!, �ho ret Ing broo of .�?Ilrtiost, most. of. a fine Newf 01
unsaal6d on. the. grQund.of bribery by 11-16( .7livy" Voraciblis Paten� Medicines Gospel at Toronto, is coustan tly receiving letters also thepossessor of a large green parrot
court of justice. What justien would agents. Cowan. -men residing in the tho,.)ury, r�turnod, , verdict of, J1ttl;erAgamufl1ns In this fon,, entered
A. :of Tr!4b, only.20. cents; or I six from, United States. 13
ttrig'f ur, stbroA,'on
Fall price, $2. While up to. yqal�ra: . 19?.
ailcing him: for inforfitatiou yospecfing &: -under, the Wilds 'co -of tot.w of tire -wMLknown. dr Alatn� which. ia.: said, to be --it least �ssyonty
there be in preventing a man from sell- The, Monetary Times,apprdvas of the GeV -L11 Sir Archay41 4-. Innisi porary ineard y caused by'the U06 6ratfinu- day, and maiblitrig f
policy ort'*tho a yoar,' ddress X'W-611o, Publish, ricultural ptoipects,tu, Canada. - Ra, I P0177 I'm# -few
jug, his tiallietwhe only halffulfiliedl 4LAcic.-Ist; 41Xightof )ifaltail' 9.�,Oook: -lants;" Mr. Philipirbfitg'in� the h4biftbfAhe bbuillor, --said, "'I -W-a-iXh,,,b9nt1s Waths a ver
it. y worth of rodk-bandy 7", Get out yoll fh-
cheapens the p soh'wilting expross6s 4, strong desire. -to, ape
ueNtion, as it ricobfthore-. er, 35 roadway,
The compan have received, value for ito filidr'liTaw-mutorial insfeid of -nialtilicr'IM- Somo to oziriadg with it view of battring ng �hloral, - The. 6'e4sid-was agofitle- Sprag up. bet�eeir thes-etwo.' ordAtuies,
..Alrawanoeb, Win. Lallgl�.' Staule, E�VAUJ) EV� I., ankin8, -man very much liked by. all who know him. gainuffi ?b �ell it tent's wort
lle� 06.1iditiob. �Gvoyq of thpsa men we doh,
And 4 portad-sug�r' ixtra duy., nd they aie uhhosb ins6para
ey are only asked to perform �th Fit, 1! NAg, jbilirl- emigration agent for the Do. vlrlit 44 para 0 -'un! vdak-candy.1 .-Slowly and ohdly they filed' ble. The
ThirdEarl, f -agori and.,
met, in Groat Bri '81. -are I . to a k -1, a -')ar!, I day long. of - do,
& 13 W w4attlod. on, far' ..... . 99
TM'Cotnwall Ga in iz I t talks 61
#uty -specified upon it, and it is of no H, 8 oil, 2a , aron'Ayl tain, has deliverea an ad- I in this out -of tl�e store. -On the sidewal onw,
'INI, 31oTqggarb 1rd; Duke oi Xcht, J. On. dress upon the,'resourfies, aava t4goa '.and a hin by.,'name )vbij
P ovince And �p I, A young wom a
ived in F
0 consaqueneato them Whomtheycair to the' prelisirlousnturfe-of his health, be lin general obuditi6n: �of Canada bofordu,'dic lklan':' Rro 0., cents" he do M
y 1pty, arr Voronto iultifiiiiig, ao* tij�,!
elloster' Refirm:'010. 31r, Jenkiti'a 'ha
train f r nb w6rth - 69 iiick-cafii Z.*aiy- parr6b ig�o�f -of
to fulfil it. compelled. to witbd4afr from. ptiblic,lifti ving Marcus I reic rom, thd cilrryllig - with Ild
beeni a resid re
T. Tyarman I 2ad; D. Shatiallin Bra, John ot 61 this country is well quaji- s mth, ,It I Atal,
at 94" early' -dato,and seekirclaxation-in a da pourso, -I(tg aut'o w g on. qibiiouo boWdu thiri an"ifif .6, ain' pt' lilm 'and 'fka 66
pr ossi
It is time some, decision was givn mors, Avery,: Vedio give Inf6rinatl on as to its temou'roco will leave 6ttaw� in, tb 6�01ip v�eok all un appy
ich lie has do for BrItAh dol. bitt OT64 136*n?�Isv aip&4 117' uli in a -movedoat again. , pqefu . "I "'
unt yntq 6yelltook. place will Oil* of. -a licUd 'all'that
Dl�io Dako," A, Rl�bt. capabilities, whi no fi, A cloar and in locale the position. - A I , , , Ile ka
upon these and seeral other points, re.- travb1lifiggg.' :, 4aligbtifig 4 PJ, I . of tile 'Paq6t'V
The organs are! fidwadylging 31r.'Wa- ItIliaLs-43uLts.-Geo. Anderson, Va-ma, dQ06 tbo-ad- of tj�e'-TF4cifi Uailiva. -t4 .4 _. tfhe. 11 Y. ftona . o' Rocky t ired for the 'neqi , , 4 Olu lin a
garding Eke rights' of the holders of kehzio res roa jo,� Jullep of tgh,4 1,1
to remodel his Cabinot-and remdvo 01�av- LowrcyCenstauca, Wm.Xpung,QarIb dress will be proctidti-vo of much good in the 14 d A yotilI4 blit still th lattor Geeihs I-Abi r t
S ation slio bnqu,
W. 1, at Week
sorne of the *.Ministers. We do not goo Interest of emigratiow.71Phia aftesollas be to t1lo00mote V, '11SVIzig poine to"thq city" pain iri �ayioz hill a4dicosQsV) It t
f4, # fy I � . . . . f . y 19. dai
tiolrets. So long as there is uncerfi;in- he �6plau�tqral implement `donlers took on %will be oniploged cilili _60 -F. ibiuhbor
so 4ho F.4 4 f t,,p -'o'f.t 4ing aiwayw -*qidiin vith ;�A�w to matrint ?14 x e
1, hiq strange, tvesq I
how the ProiWee.cAn wall alib,upon this advutago of the day to, jbibit their machines imblished, li� Messra, 'Dawson Bothbro, Mqnt- Moltiltaing.. upplies b0 cairliil ty Ir urpp4o onY7 The
cea; ad e all Man a inother oyiect4a,. �'ut 116 c6u� n 0
and CAP. t si tskesting -to 'witness man
ty, railioads will. be tho, gainersi . for it kindly, advice; as tha organs havd Bugdot, find thd mailc4 groita )Nza pvorcd with real. horses fr�tn'Vlctarla, fdr.whidh purpose bul,19,4-�jii bivio and re J Ore. '�Aftor n doilpl� of )yeo�a bt some thyde orfour hundred horses will be Xocropoliv,. 3441 sitighar, grief s6i
requires a, than, of meaus'ali.4 good nery ad t66 ruany novr Ministers dri a M DIP Tliprau 14it ti mo- Whi9b the two play togettleri The par.
COLD SXAP. urewngree. � Thi4 would, leave him in a qttati&-, I dtilightitil woatber� a second editio a being or- mannet , wits coinluolj6h g to, attract some, thp�,Vein. reek whielk-&yed'. rtit.wal4p 41olg the d6i'lg backouton� t a
to test the matter with a wealtby com-' it of winter
attention;, when sho was � uokily recognized -5-orWwWthare1.sqshd' tip of ijis� 33030� - when %he- gmvely
in qn,Tlrurad4�. ]list, 6n. the evening 6T prosecute location survoya bi -'Talk$
South Aiding Spring Show; in one 0
pany and, sooner than cout�ia, matlyo by a gentleman from Porb He 0, fro Would pas by, when book to the rear, - Thi's kr4toly pvomen'_
which, a sllg4t tali 61 poyr took PIRPO, and dotaile arc not yet. P waited till soino
101100 1 ilie had travelled, as a . n un el, - heE=olibrself Inio the, cold
pers6ne have to submit to the ruled of Xr, Metcalf, manufacturer of Ottawa, tho abla increasiag till' Sattir4#y; when the. 'ho..Gualph Xcivu4 says, fliat. one of the Watter. it
Tho Spring Show of entire boro�s and bulls theimomotbr fell to zero.' If the gibili4d had lady w6so miWid-WAS upsel %wag not very deop, but. she Bill; down aiicl' ade i's kept tip tor hours, the par.'rotalf.
hAs been instructed by the Minister 61-th saq .0 or0l * onto that ever befol, S.
the roAd, al a in courrection.'with the South. Ricling of Iturou riob bepito'veidd With a fow inches of' sit dead, of her -only child some -year or two the. water cam� the ifine Croaking out its
though they miy not be in Interior f4 manufactu W I rd a I evr
r6 for tire Indian Agrieultaral'goeisfy, was held at-Brucafield� the injury to- the fall wheat might avo been I- I d,� a Ago, popoTor- up to her neck, anines
Sty. Department; twenty ouita'of sea-rlot.uhi- As u silal� it was a oirecesful seyvill and 66r 91dw 6yu? ill in th,�t F.,RT, Her delusion-io, that it rocured to pull her oxit, hub she strug.
Btrict keeping with common h9ne' yesterday, and, friond'& name, and. Upplying.endearing
v. �atair._, The day WAS brighty but the 00111 was harm. - The told wau"oevorqly felt by the rob- '0601 Drins decorate tilth g9ld lap I; 'uiluoloiro4 ii, t�o ediirsotery fh Tho tlting Wih4is to-liim',�Uah torious, but We believe it has os&ped without - ro and led to stay,in
to that it idler d4ig,to " til Ali, �Ioyif, couldrilt �c_dono,, It is ilioughl, btim. �"kll 1,Tack Y06 raseallt, abd Others,
suit$ Of blilb UnifOillIA With Mrlek tagjpga� picraing thatif'wao veryncomfoittabler 1 to mourn. is In 8 TW a4lao evening
L.4 ,,a, bluebirs, ana other o�ringlarrivals,
R.&B body. �' Howsho ob4ined he 4fo'oi oi- the maternat
These - Unikormg�, will, be fuirtishti4p the �g1loirtialiallong on the ground. otwithstaifiling many of them becoming 'so benumbed that. about six o'cI6k,, while the beroAved W,jd- I , ... . : which 4\1e quell 'oA ana X te 4pliftilhoes Pf her frlerf�o`is a 'a tly hl ile
Chiefs of the S, r1rb a th a turri. large7hud. an unfiggiug Orr swag converging with one 0 fL b
-Au gof out Was vei:y unable to fly. By our oxchaugo v., f her late hire- -by thd nor fitt6urs! ojT'�
nother step ba-bed-n-Valten towards
I lth'wboritt a treaty was nog bandlo br4hors', site ilirdw up her hands
Indians; wl. intcte0�.Was till its Wage, The entrits y4tory-.,. T40 qijf4�k4i)�te jad� w4s,gent The 6ther 'evening y6ung
oetilon 041led at ali Ilotol
co, istod lost summer by, thi Hon Mr 1,46d., !64
otia =great losses have been caused I)i gontlo
Ithe WpIdtion, -as far as Bly% of th of heavy draiiahb was lar a slid Very good', the cold further south wheravOgotation had and died Almoat, Instantaneously, The ca. on Chutoli"ev
bttlj very fow of tw�anta Aree years. Thori bonniderablv *, dvanced. But wd' hope. entrance has'tuado � deep impression in A sorlots fire occuied at Livorpool,'X, Toronto. Desiring to have sorgo'.Jun;thoy
long talked of road. The.,contractu for our a beatiti
orman olritomporities in Canada ware'solnevery f al dirriage wita shown.' the iniury has been exaggeritod, S 1. On WdArresday last, Loss during the. jau4loidla - absence, sprinkled a
ibridging, groi'ng and . faneing, whicbL bei bi. !he heighborhood, and' the fantil have the hoay. A
A,boidacted paper,% ift the Taken Tire flio broke out in the 04o4da Cotton Mills; large, quantlty'�f pepper sauco on i� cigar
.a1tog6tberitw, ez4j�
country,aud.oneof-tholli itch, Ate ife-Istan fo
illad been tanderod for by a largenu . 01, 0 =Uidf:thO Whole Oomintirrity' Cotnwall,� but was quenchill - to ro, doing whichho had Jeft, on
P Dek 6$wdiseke Kotolllw I Wife Wero burled tagethcr� ?.rAtLO%'—Xn Bultott art tho,1141i, itist., the
f Stratford.- In 1pt mubli dantago�, "The, flouring mills vf�Xiohn jolly holit, o.raturning, to the bar, lit the Wife of Afr; D., T4,10y, of 80116
bar; -were lot on Wedneads, hist. The closing a review of the Soogfoii, the editor iinmeraiis, but Whitt they w'a In file list of pirs6fis %who, at the ei. 01
ai&P., oil market groun, aminations of the College of Phyisiblanitud, Small, Tara# �ora got on fire on Woduoo- Wood to enjoy. a aaha smoka. .110 soon -111 Chalon, �klhd 14A inst., the
Mackenzie and his colleagues perlot-atilina1g, and, promise good reault for 'r"A hist., At one --week, arill'toially duatfay6d: found out what was the maitii�i Bow ]to OXYD..
TOAd bid Veen divided into four. soctiong, f, Lure stock raising� Aft. Tyreman exhibited 'Vow it, SUNons of :Oilthrio, - just over, passed of, Mr., Igatio Dodd$ of' Willa .4 son and
�Iin an, t4v, 24tli day of.last
have again given � pioof that they are bl6 p, In, Jai. so -Auct. LOA8, J$15,000, Mr, J. Mitcholl's rest. dittpuff, and snuff, and snort and jump; ireinago big thoroughbred Ayrshire bull, but as there, it finrAl trial, aeppari; th@.nq
Ithe first two being awards& to Mr. Steel , Ills 14U
a Y�,tto no. "s' j- deepo, Port $baliloyj � wag burnt. down' air and how th6a nK follows did O*4oy thp
et to in. tho'buiffiess of the countryo TA311�V' 'T III hefr', ssfor.1lim na foui,,,i,, on Qo llih trst.,
wJobno, Michigan'; the othori ty Thai i6y Thursad Th I MW mill -of 3 Tis�
43f �St maing all tire assertions to th the grticles lie r, air Pined ab a disadvititage, A colored woman namea.Watran Wed at �Teoqra.
Qintraq.'Of ridward Trout, the �busines*% in�na 66 ivife. ON 1arlaud ol`a!d�pghi
_thaip del Ilon, I �hrnt 'on tor'! of t4t4e; a aribius - nature when they fit.
Mr. L. J. mi: the support and couh- We; are glad. to too, both. the intoreat takon' Dresden, on Thiirsday, aged nu. the Monetary VhAm of this cityt iritl though- 71' U,
houcef6rth count and tho'encoutiagement givou to the intporta. Mrs, M, Of 'B -lo WadnoaAay., IT -hi stablea of. tljt3� Credit reeolied 4 summoog to attend the Poliect
a',' of it Crosse, Wi Sir)) red- itepee of Parliament III tj)0 licii of the plaot tion., of goad stock, OurfiOld, lately there are other forrialo'physiqlans practio-
9bon and also to know that the makrIed,conitnittedmicidd by hanging,; �11 ing in the Dominloit,Xrg, Trou� in the first Valley uOtoll Strootavald, wor6olit,04 fii6 court, Sshpilay, to answer, a ch4rge of niu-
a tire
d- -0(34, tojother lciotibly inflictim, bad pectively. The road idto be n0ers-and-prairiators of these nuitrial l6se-1i Mrs. on1:0Aday..uight$ an4'Oonpul I) litirm vVorr t a
ll13y, the firob of August In's Dirty point o1vtow �!Vdry g. with, tfio pecuniary attooesp whi Whilea p1boo, was being Perf -4- Trom%mm equally sticedshfal in, the Phila. with, Oia horsis, TI;6: hotel caught end 'said hotelvIce
It, of� op rjobly deserve, ormoa
teasaii to be satiagod wit was allia burnt, The choose factory, d wol- -Vrg Victoria, (B. BAILA t o , �Kts foloIving is Vile prize list 4 the Theatre Conilqtie, 11affiRton, p fow delpliia Womar)'s Nedia-al.0ollege. lit the nthe
0 tile sebalch, The action of obition nights Billie, the light a in ills, Ontario Colle"6 $Its. ling and adjointrig linildingd'of Mi. Jag. eats's large iturrilgra6toit into fliaPacli a
TUB SUIPHEM9 COURT BILL. whod-d'o . nfia-ited with that of t, a govorft� noasg$ - !U:lv.y Pruvaiir.6, battles- witkdrOW of 4, lady 'examination bV the Rev. E. pattersaft'llyr, 'All
-thisyeat, It says:-' 'Soar6oly it
Is Ord' addow," T."Polquiloun-'2nd Rotor cau4ht, fire and -might have resulted panbd in all the. subj0"oto but two withou b. Pound, Yarmouth,, Wor6 destroyed by Are ;roviuce
ment, -cannot fail tQ'add roat to, the on Saturday. Loss, heavy. The ato It. D., Arr. Win. Clattell, of Tuckerainitli,
r adI f Foter" aa� had noturinther actor'initantly Oil oral,�Afalk re 6amer arriveff butit brings a greater or second son of the ]at
g a si 1LAIUM. -
irfirn aa 00twe alli residence of -Mr, IL Stall -1004400
P Ass
rI F. a
won ato
Xt, %W6, strike every One tia r. tvcke*�� V word RobeAtion, of,Alo�M lop. -
congervativ.0- . newspapers. to ff.- df'Wee -a or or y, bang t, fire rOM Yep oil is reai6n to expect i at they will come in
file onl� one of all the members.of DIt.4.UGUT, Tirritz YU y, and6more destroyed. Thil A�sl- ;,a era "during tl�o present
high to give utterance totboir the UtainiAtration in any'way 'fitte'a for on., diali edo three, day's air _osedof, Th6followingwer'eth prices ling of Xr'. Ci Brunbrill, Bowmanville; �was XIlo increase nl�y be attributed'to
L the position of &'Callinot.Minister.- While 11onest, Wont, Stiff we havo*iii; doubt t6 Ualial 11 collalll� for some -.-An aged Whito goldiligp burnE (low,, ff
A..Brunsall two cap8oru--Tho ejEceptionally,rijorou
"ounat, -afty liffildfir, i,T611W Plow Bay gurl 14plienowo'. with -John Who was aV the
clainr to, toint of-AeatIt'llAd to be Viriter'Suat Dist, al�id tholldtf; r knom
--!!Pqn a measure 'so 1 bilitiod, is ly fair to my that in point non,v . Her.big6p, Ord, y6ju in A toundabout'way that, it is 99 the mile in t r'ro' ittint;Log, 470 tyFa onibi, a 0 Po as
IL I d bylis, histilY tembica to P 01)] and rl tb#dftt his bdiftg butnt- of the Pa if t �i� . We have just
bethought supo neorvatIlve :ol-talnt he is head. andohould diree aged 7 and 8, 840 (�'h 07U 1 a v
ars Above the it. -Nowell �' - - . �l . . . , . *$136' ot' eLyo-,4.-In Gi�i,, oil the 7th ittati johatyiui,
t f nut; ;o1ding, 1.6 lianas, P, "Baddle Th,� tr�Qklllo Accorder ha a warning to earno ilia
e ary bt OPP6 pighlioa. who are 4486eiatod A.QAl0ViT�AAt,'3 owho tire gviug oti o a largo, the d n ihb L ovin� formorly a resident of Rullett,
0 45 sqf qht4r1o1?QrIlliq, a �arty dailies to raise th 011 1.10 horse. 15k fia"r4i'. a Yeats, $1 with hith'in the,Minisitry�-$Iratfo�d i1or- Young Lora-Haddowill W.' PArdur, .2ad, the con!v ndon� Ruron & ) 9
I armor", J. LT. P $Ooarl in
tbat ald (Comervathe.), Caliallikir r orri 150,; S )Sy gelding; 10 of one Ifundrodotabno,
sitiou to it, they prttandin DrUe Railway,to lho yankeek �e-looki qf 1 11" 6 convoy 4 warnin� t 11
_Chll& h., L $44 ha� it, hovon 66 11 bla'646ddiide'at I'M trabdAgformlll urlina.thopreoentselson bar of families are pr6p.,trink to dome hero 1) The Canadian adpaigoa-h ; ' in Mav nort. - Thig,,pirty in IfiftIting up Of
'Sir Arthur," C.' your rantlog Tories tan sever the lait fle, gelding 9 'years, �;170 , S- #va-year blif that fj7eV Milst be vory: r wo lixo6yid Sittgom of alngaolibonoml arid I
hamical to the union of th ndp6d. -goon an of MoDongia Ord, ,You;� -Bay Arolidy," P. that Vindo'," ate., ate when 11 -there's thorouglibrod trind, $220', tbs, stallion D�iry prod4qo.4btI1e pregatio iU444 is In a laboraisi fOrmoraj and 'moclianic
'With Englalld. �bt -ta-eattbItill-a So proma 0ourt 9 -re. -glonal dalig punatually faunhil tot both in tova init
for the Whblo Pondulon, contain! But
6 a olav6d Revollaro a fine animal, only $000; 446thor
mone 16"woulYbe Intetesillf now
L W the People Who have t h
hich delips-ippoal from (is d 13 oow,-3 tuttico-lat, !Sir Arob lon sold fof$300 fpair of �Ay goldill yet degrosted. plate, nign of the largo apolitzlile and, fudWrlous peop
is said about the bill by unbjAg6d. ()on.' ecialbutp to 4ontriba 0 -the st4t orit 4VIUK boon ruinoa by� 'the dowora- kind of people to do well bot
.. th Itillia',W 112eacon,"J.. Pratt; Ordi Oil a; h % gefd
.d a PrivaCouptil, The expentib entailed ou�g futido ith. which 11 thq directors -and Mr". 1.0 1,,,, �O Vd,, 550 a V lizo(I state of the, mottkat Bmdotuft &rb selves and Columbfix., Arid. Aurply there CoVr
ari likely, to aoutintle will be room and Work ot, all.'
give tholcillowing, fkbm,� upon litiailta in Conods Who carry, thtir, Sir Archer , A'L 06Wafi hobiddingwas *er OhLoap, and ihe Mitchell Ad6cate cases to England fa fitial ad) (talpation -is 13111',01 Jai, keano Ceiling in pardonlar`� have, beart playlti I
ducka Still 4rakes for the past few YeArsi III vefy,offit'04 and, the olasi of Woes mott. so: -ho4rido ala for millc dating the The"nanliltort Tt�i,08. hays We hear
. s-tir
,a 6notmous that Ono woula btiflp6so 64 kgrts * ni: (ai21zoTJT T= MDDtV OP MAY,
.The bin to dittoblith a Supriuld Court tot 11 -Dolutkq, Aatn-g 'OhLribit-let i I the ffiretars, Sri& Mr. Carling in prittica. ly pur6limed,' wora toaastaro,, A A.Ipl
this would be accepted by all u sL soritiblo 'I'll 4 Kitchen - 2nd, Trd, _t_q_f0_w,
h -Oa ri the. t�pznjtllTi to ond one of the MQ wbfAlt
JI0fj"rftJ%Mf. per oon mora
arl'taiii6pt Las had to daid, Ana' meisOii but i Toronto 15sadov denotin- ar?yof lcl� manek theyhAvo to Pay Xz.neu atairlds-van be piiild will% safat tic girt fiamgd 'Carson, Was made the V1 Kbi is, bita con., irabott.
o- 'I "a" 08j, *'J l t , VoIlls, of 16th con. of Turabotryt Went in- dgperpetrator 0 It mtLy Perh6r 1816.
I I- "D , * AV peop- tint of a wicked and, etual joke (1, Ana the
x, xop irowA V to " IWW,_Nf *_bl "hilas for butter
wylffove'dno onlinioU , . dria for bib atirgander of thel"I V0409 loan-- to the iwamp to allop some adder. The t . tin ava hot
r4poiltalbut paitidulftly by., tkd 006tt6kny In clovevilment to fliose of th4ir tbllo*org who, 'Two YgAn otris-8 &ittlesLl6tj -00nuron Iflit as pub of the firlit tres 'he bit aheoso:havo too high and Cann 'a posseg. $5,00 Reward.
thao and money- whibli litigants will dadvo desire to idii Cahad& katorbd from, British Chlif," tralit" outered into'%lill t downtter dinner lod ad, bt be death upoit hiscansoionco,.1ithd I
t gamothq &4 to s, henilodk abi bi continued, Botter d6ifers hate, suffered sad of ny, It a ins
from haVing, their a ill qato the moulalphl Lib standing, about go fe"01 40 that it lad, blacked
), eased t f d 131004- tontootion, nd L Saalbtt ; Ord, 1,61th Avery,
ppe ria resards the rely,,but thora is no guilitAu. hi's face,$ and, wrapping 4 -sheat aboot him,L Tftr.,� Abovn n6wkn—DVItt Rn PAID TOXr.
i0tteka of I ng and, Tyremam- bonuses ; an*4 Whalt6i 66 oxift 010,000 hi Vollig than alimbdd u the poidar thd MOA'BOVO a(UeAwri aa a ablielosivo protiftNijL its Pa. Oxford Ptinde,01 A - have Of Is Ed, B064, b0gghlg,� VeWgolt too the *01 escape 'Placed himself in suoll, 4 tog op Aonri GAA15111 they
. win6aftl Slid Xilloaraino w4i,na to ilia convialon of aur. ponauve V*0ong fonad gtifliP
I gle,
Agents fieft6h 06vatrifflont 11 V V. sun. L to a6#0r oblig64 to 11ass 11111 Be then kuy wity. takuhAdii, *064
obo -t Lo fidarod to be solidt to I t06�18 444444 %4:14 t4dy ho fooi o Ik O4 I 'il It Intoft. t.
hetho!vovift of
suado a6uttaotis in a for Am th6'ost of broaliffig faith vith but na Abort SAM g6t his, weight ori it 1p% pay turlo, 044 0, -port' - h 1,
ANok 4owa to thoL bottdm, 4qd could, not qa that a044 horta 0 be Aellvotdd next Mr. JaoudA6 46 696 the coast is of th im slide at farm ,a
1 . x4itht be a higho JACN Isho wqt, omoh ith a A t, aria, 6, datAVXORI,
2 alwaty Department 01bar faf th6it now tound fiftk66L'fj Ofidi I A A to T'Qui night 61,tIJ6 00 Th wah't t6a Wd �n4rxto kli'rorice' Tito lima 4 atloot4. lohti druliol 40411totd; 1rugh Ohl:
aiewellinstidil ;, i In PAM'. ),iovorA1 beighbou wonVin aaam Aud lstfatidants, '#Ot6 pitoont hUla t Otrk L ift litra wellin - ohn Salko Nkoxth 4 Ituon, to U ar)), have 4 �ith 4, Uutorn, AU4 did not Ali An 114111 thne X
Thoi 1? aesi of Wales Dtwhmd 61 choose mAUufa0tUkdr& WOU14. bi to ift4lat thoM" "S'ho trilly b0L 4Midt t
litical opponents, tre oiitilroly doAtt 'AV a6, a, IT"i 11 bt. the ee
oad. � fruit
i oriod under 4ontrAot, for Co gion r lot of 41 tho M404 06untles that for jK4, romai�der of, her life, whilo 66
of in, ponSmall Milk Vat and
lit it w4sting of- xoody and Sgilksy At. va f0f �10 �Uwtfia r6rth Robt Hopi) in 09nneatioll with M6 U hodtfal IL t bArd nhe66n, ut, about iv, WA ow fo
lithl u'tA' tATMIt. whoft ho *#A could not be topalrod for 1011
L031doil 9,5g,; ib� �hdfgdd,y tLftdffid6U* %XUA. Al 14, -It Is I, cried i oin- WAOL pkoduci�.
P hat,
to lay III A d down td Milli, which he managed
irad6 ato hilly 611*9411t Of this f4t, We ;feltoa with, v, sound aoso of harse*lpp, Ad. A only to q. uWJ4 minfitorod it such '19 UU09 'tho Ims, 6'ffiork J4. f[II t'ho Offift Of chief ta 6 Jilitt of soft. 4040 4 _40antrittod ly 6 At ro" otirnost Ike to 640118 114 *111 be llohi ft "Lit I t0t #496 litto gi rAllk
10" 0 . '00) a' 10, VRA paufeg Pq j, aggakff idlhAt th" *1 :8 i 00, bf So* Y01
ibi Mot -of AM% dhiftmaylt &60, WAI litat I 'm da 0 fit titter yow to vmdot ba6k
1 *111 ntit be fib a tti 40 OOV 91 F4, th to ths dtky, th with miythflnu
0 A of III* you
its 4(kh 6441 -1 foli
M11 W k4fit It baiij t 6 6V At
441 mit, %Ahlog
600 fit (1000 U ii if W ft it, 4ift Olt #10,