Clinton New Era, 1875-04-15, Page 2—IT rr-,!,W �f� qWTV F W r W, 77 1.77771-4*� 71, 01111 7 CANAIDIAN NEWS" tO A AXAbX&N XZI*S. T8,1t NOW F08VAL BILL 0 deflolt 011fits in Nontrold's In, the pill At 14=44 there owo 0" oloution Ir. Sy informatioz from 004w* we learn ... ......... 0041140VAI)l - 4 .4.b !­,otl 004 for the Past year. *vs. tot A# "Wbltloi� *ippool At& About to. publish an 6rgion� X%, And N 0 T 10 ig.", that, the. now 1104tol, Bill will,*be brought CATT40,—Quito a number of one re't oat. The Civil Service era Sevoral brI41.1k In, the 744 plaoso.ot ott4wA oborlino. og x4gre qjo#,,wM, do bAvo loosen Srusoel4haya- eon 0irricia AvrAy by op Ltion 4* the, let of flig; the P '01 t to IV d4ji, *r Ahe,44"Icau A i- - Io. . . 1, not oil , the lot of 4uguot 4.0 orig T ow of now frame houses were blowit 411001� AM40131 At Ponvilifook, 04 Tualf dA market. in Toronto, on 84tur4ay. Milton boarding-houla wap dostrqp, 4 ot t quaton on Tuzoiyevru r, '4prelsw4w WV TON in at 94. Tri"YA &I tIze lXu Hot. over 040 iotlm T atit, pro. by fire on Wednosdavjaet week* �q The 71$RSI� 4, BAR heretofore SMAUPDX has ill$ it '40 0 u Mr .4.0ardera lost all theirolreolm, full tke ;404, Br400tioldl w 08 YIA 00, the UM III WAA tK AVROJOS 1 014 law Is t be carried 0 pilotor-Of tlw� Go4o*Nh. Stanal, Galt, but L means bavo been taken to Vro- 'a of QJinto* 9 r,&0rQ,, 01,U lotta Village 0 The t elling illAteh manW1 hasi rea 9 WsWess. Ila the Tow 40$�" , � obed &14 Wit certainly be on ln- AU Appolu WO140. oli the worth West (jovolfri, i�� . . I . a" 0 "118ttotwsk being the Ar#t tQL Public, U14m.0904"Was 'Pro' juotloe� do". 'The, MIA BANK 'WUPWO,—WOrk CA the i0v( W. Leslie, a bar -tender, hai been Arrest, - W roquiroor ni.quVourveying stafTAt A, mlaxy of ll.,200 antj 4400oo this, feAturo, of,aaf000meu er 0 WA f$ djo "JAI& f9f 'U4 t *tL the V tggg�ohei;A14 be paid I, Arid. th . 44 Oil o0opiciou of frolli. his I . . , t. of Var.nit as general m ohant', sAl day h a ad.� barikhmildlughas been rogamei;l, 0 oxpeasoa PAM 0 4MOUnt of yor in Toronto. Tit Poo* -it, �*4 040801iir QV040d.will, building is progreasiog 'Anoly. TOLALD"jtTXSXAja,_rArkj", having yjigr, Sugar ma46 in the solved by mu. -w at thp N*b of AVQ Cents A iquarN Tho oxtonoi�o Cabinet factory -of M r. -A :neighborhood of Ratuilton, WAQ this year ut. T ' lie. bwsiuw M 41, r serqoat ly contracts (or Advortidug, uvsT hand in kJoy VO4 by &rv, on very smalli thii e4p.scarcqy to A* -00.1,441 sit 00401h 'solk's9on w1ten It 14 d r Njow GOOD$--1RO44 the �,dye 0. ailing 4� AIL �40r,,I;n oull, Xt few paperp, say three 0'ParTjQd A A 0 oe op u4- -their,"Oopy fatolm.uggs' r -4- -4 _(Prday' ' L� I I A,by4aw to grwit A boillig of urg,ar av wee entered the ob Arm, gm moon, to. ensuro 000 -to I Beecher Sillinau, Orillia) but WAS r 11" Do is to to tile boa 4 10of ,10 412 V;0gX1oS` 1 4 df'the' oud firra-, quarfai"they -must bapaK for at the be subjuittO4 04(hilh Sp.rjrigS�0 46 d to rU 'Hi$800400001101111 ihati TOO$* AftO' liubli, s authoriz, od to colleact all dae th a. And routecl b;OfQro he 1:14 in 4 Anything, qu -give oatio,, Cation, Ili, Chat week?#, 144ki Alityo. qlleapin.prico�, and will ?'PA rer,49RAO" 4VA104- Oqlt �ra*of.M.00. ont' for -dabb -P.0 6 coplo of Wiligilam shortly.. N66 wM s6ttle all the Uaobi it e I Now (notion. t STO)6FO AuTw=�.-4olaoo tim, 0 last wook. ottor, yie4iiuriu call, g tbrbo feet si tO m inches we Are. tola"-00 400"Wlw 4401181ous hoppos , be lvio 't fromt a in 10113 10 & buggy. were St A hotse th vr�s lately killed 9 pronafe H. B. A. O.—In. addition to 'Vie prizes a 006t.f6d pair ofpant 'a' of Vf 04 th ALLUX s FISHUR, *0'jj RQ#arX*4dTNte4t4AtIqm. �Kra to a.u4Fr1d%j"sA&APt1I, 4(kxq ;�I, bitching+ost, Tprpato, leholm, a tile pla pq )/' t. J'Y'lter, 0 'Branoh Airi ' lbujal 'verandah of tile denoo of Ur., H, Fib d . arw WITX BOB B8 B, F151511M, li," at ca rear ; . so .. ao�:;th . , '-a a harp, not, yet been recovered, Ton no , ollipgt9a Sqq4ro, JAM, th, 14. t. 16 rea by'tho, Hallett pall, ra Aro r riff; lion t, era auli.seqlqently ro�, IVII34 Milopheiiftorl'$ distributing lionio at Tbol4rge grocori 46rtivk -Brown &.Bra- tiotio. -hold loVority q WLeOkly I I wo vdijoh w ,obtyiA theoirSprilig Show to be they 4�4 cond party., VOr4A TOX. )RO33T. A, .4 o", Ay here on Tue.gUy poit,,� t49 potlk itisko, pri., tied thrOug A4 40 uclf�vwi, for immigrantphildto)" was�de a. in, 0obourg,. was-burab doft,vp, Sprid 'go is, 'paid I n'... go$ will also too �ffcrqa tog "the*% best thor; ur4day,ti oil, Alornilm, - Loss, not knewn� bott likely iq* i.49W tAilKi et:VlQ! atroyedby fixe, qu, Y4 ftorno 14,�So t 4,� Vhich it. 'ION thought war@ OW 40, notb,og Was "Fr. a N very ho0yo .4 0 tents iv I h4vo. The sake, �F'* Ao D61pldo� TolegMPIA y to 4q, Oxopoed 1� .", -. I L"OF Mi. S0*01113i 'brintabOut, Coniyiainy1s'6jU.oQ �t. Montreal, WAS ;obboil- stpre D t Port L4 As OpAprq,130 DissoTmWoD 0 ee d bo'L - I I , (. ItImill b i a n D dy.or­ will bo f, 'Pop "T firm of #f44 pooll Itat M r." IT4 jIaqj.vat�9pCa- Los§L $20 Vvedllpul�, oqilitg Y h' L0a'T;I*'4AY", L y. JAL (10 1!03ro,� , 1; Fe j4 , ­"_.� S twibn� illese� CoQriod ".4i Onda 64t�othat the (9' Surrender th'o 0.�.$taffei 'for t-laord. g47 or Barton, 10, w re estroyati, the a ­�,Oars; Than --we --are J014 . ­ '; day.- 10�1 L 44 0 �iao. , 1 - I * ;� -ap d Li�_e f Avouraore, Q '411(1� '040 rV 1. Soon SUM'. "An (j a h, -be, f6und ChOali, And 4 M6ntro�l boy,WM q6tivio t "All -mittoal consent, weak or two Since a -be ug piracti, �ssolved by V , hero 'appoal il�� give Be; a Ing bome'lillinati�b6nes from a dookor, slid n infant, wag found at Woodbridge; with its throat out.' - A dL C1 fell gr�PVP P n p- h' h - tllo�� pa!-, , . % ., dti�th­ .. f ig ug m it is. said lie djop000t:l of tjiq�a. to a,pogar a, .4e� 4smqAs In, Otq�q to be Carried on by oil 0 ' an,*alid; I yj 1 a I Ill, As. tooth og, Ili w, lo, w rkin at, finery., teetive workq(I tip tbe'oaso, an ad the ill thi and. A9411y"'we :Aroo w4rPQd,X9r.tb01AUm. "'r, 64' ihAt, is, in bulk' - F4 Is 806tt6a"he; JeQ to 'era S, C;nfidollt Of el mothdr who, had done the dead; she MS. of ',Russia I .. Difting .-the saision of ParliAmeht j get of,tho,,dDaig _�Oli Saturilay' his ab toxo cob po PuQh articles as Adirlitting that she oat its tlut P404140-parate.'. f Ad Ili, L I t� closed, no less th4n 410 potitionu were pro-, at I'& t�,o young'L.InAJ 11% ad John X KorribIe, Ali) ribily, will'in t ;'I fr6ni, differo afor a prohkbi- bill-k the po�tAgel*lft- boi 'but tj *,gs, brought ll� beftiver .'Tho opening,of navig at"' World d, �Penea , od �ei,.! Wrikllv Cory liquor, law. ndri'the c1lar.ge of beifig'diji6k A�44, IqQr.4 Court- �A -yout I Oil as I-, mining,, while thok by'l Vpll, d,12'aiid co;t "in' W11 $6 .Qx� po#9d.ftom, ynriou of the 7TVChcnD ly, arid ivas Ana try. Last.'week a vessel jande,wollprtr trip t �,E , ., - - eirprom a an heauu, a break and' is a.. a' arin a vt,off, on. BattirdAT, Bto, Godetiol have rocbndy�onUrpd th x wiaid�forth iow have one of the finest - millinery and tolgratfio ]live Of thesef Predictions, itiauy�not 'lie I stAmpedp4nd half, ;- I.. . . , sur. _SiagIeL p6peru oil 4ispl)Irgo of his gial, I Iiii ice throughout the, water Ing.up ofl Ilia: 0 'taantlo dipaAmefitti iii't Ara Ili conetion oupe t6m, fim "okbipt bundas is how overrun wit h goabs,groat� facei of the-.Doin ion, '098) !In aa c6nt by ifhlbo�; e'!bO# Wi pf,�L,.-t wijlr�thvir e..., They hav� jitst f6oejv�. d' ly tq the, anAo�;Iuoe. of itiany Citizolis, 'NVIIO V, tit th' 6ffi" is the, A h re.�d1fiA-4-,tl1is,:nei-hborhiiod �op e n i I I �tlfe- -,-s -a eock—, -z6-ii 5t -q �-Vd. ii 6 0 0 r e iii 61 -one' a n pe n,,, d i1q, last. Week for' asked at Qedarl), could be fiad d r Wh beijRo� large, to at'6VOr Y'stroot 6Qr I was t WeIg lo�lrticulavq giviiii. -,,the [I About forty years of ago, qny; wirrante.d,sound'arid To C of -date. vArls y1j A TERS' A '0 .19ine- , T frae 0 �:Wnk, �h ch Will.tod, continued. during the on Ili (I an r fire tr' months,- helth A�d bathai permit- next o0k. last week arreDtod in Toronto for 4,ttampt! $toady" "he anizant v�as;tluailysold for,$O, init -W i " - t 6�lmit tape ap�ojj. a $jXL,Year old oncredit)'Iho nirchaser,j)refe rin thAva D, —The -4A Milne beeh conituittC4 rl -rA Hu, g r. a t Ono c & pi, , , 6, "' or, poua paja ai�,.o4q FAUJK 8 OL In 10 C' for t 141. spitit; of 0hilatianityi h� .6,al V r�n cwn�d'b* It dilgid Cali ngemout to an. aut ed Courtney, 1'afe'Jas. Snell,, on, t is 7th epirl., of:4 SUB�C:Jtj ft� 10T OPEgF oodur in a an dQmv' 0 4nd t 61.Lj, A' ih I., n 1. .. . . . , . L . I 'd or �' bon pai allott, - pagan Mr. WAIIIstor,"'of Paltriqrston, was tlino sifibe o,man namea THE D, -OP.-TR. ;,).3.0T oiles BE _�StLECTVD wlio. hasbca oi ng- of 75 a has been gold 11 .., IL . saea44 ;,u ki ctaployoIl, in thidtown- as A, 'o Isidti �rpj, nd iia O'tl a -h c ated ticks- And W4611 Wd(jL jt6olis of B6014:aild. 9 -.,ever brouahtitito. Clinton whidWbe-vari iKih confiT oie ii�X be monbhlr .,Or i-fts­A'kTeed 11P011 , 16. accidentally thrown in front of, 6 Ila temp d to trh'Vol oa 6, thich oft early 0 1 D. Ilog -tit at rc 0 and Customers; -taIlor lor ab it- on.tbe W.; G. kt, B,'Wlroad, a -few days cut once i�4piimend �to iholaspeetion, of, his numerous fri rids' Being' a.practi ave, Qut't)vo nionthw, to 4416 � , L � -d 'ad, asser oCtho tow but :had not been us taaqai w the-businewhe feelg--oatisfiod thg� ?ao has mnapt A the un'se idiiqtor re all hi overely,. The c6I fuso(1tOaCC(jPb it, a�il. put or4 . man, sua havin$,had long. i;�PeiieitCo in bothted th 'OLItICAL a s ek, both forwear and prices that�cau t be excelled. itdvet!ce in: Me4dayjiloming, witlii4qt iiiiformingpPito �,ship,Joi tl�o MXjogarb o train, a rough Suit, to I no : Lorin ing him. him off'th H' b eleeW to r wo anxi Ilia intOntion si 0 1- 't iouPf criditos io tent fivo yea�rj farming of I vd es,. but At* Sr a catilarilies.. J!'At loo —Prunalla Gaiteis r6m fridnils a fill 11 4A, it very At me quep Ja gIL' -ce i_t 7 bq� &—on to and pro Me �f IiiS Bib i AA'to ­i� a ii 0 baid from 75 Ceuta d, is Circle 6f d epl� hig, :to d -74 aart dep d wieely�c ends'meetjo an -am Ef 2 and 411 otIfer work in prpfoortibn, a 'k o a n ar ouga was on Thilmd, DEEP,FiLosz—Aa an sso ndar Argyle, out -g 'role of frie 'a who' in ed and vi 11i :Aoc f b �t apd '�hcrios for J[Arnabroi' ubt that co-,foelfthmorl d woelt).leaving a ei ourn las young man. ? named, argcr� Inoo.do i n that'Claiiada, is riot a. bit p a i the mirenolt is ay v give ter-tgain. t .nc drvdtivisintaees�, t6'fQ1 "the, Beat es the gate' belu. ahiriatda-for Soilth'Simo6oe ia14q:Cop_ red. dollars. in tho'bariiyArd trying to catoll-somb hors. & after 611, raturned� wit 'Wa li: 4unIld ,Veto frost of the !p;tst. winter, jyti,are in.. 1L 7 open.'the heroes -by thb eat)!. of:3 their now Idorameering ne of making his fat'uto kQ m Q, A young waiijidillgod V6r�yth of Cyuga, ran, out. 'd )'Arck tq ying-to'drivj) thorn in ther ,who ya&-baca missing several At his store nearly, opposite it's Alill, lbert Stre6t, hoth fdrincathat froAt was f6uhd town on the road, god',whiletj they wore orow� q '0 1 back one 6f them kicked kith in AH L. ' 6 wa ad �jlq _the depth �of_f Ei xro&litozri,�� The k�i ur-, 4 vs and 4 - of Ha to one deAd'i the woods near'that* place, -the he, found o� I AW1 limiliatect .Cf,Qlovar 14ill. ca e�hao injurie fr6m. he whi h.died 0, JOIW� STEEP.-' in, an 01114rked And, 'to be C NT halt foot. In several places ai.�Iina h6re it mot On We 414r, 'Wit6floo' Prink is supi, sod days after., A ril 14, 1870', agpoinit Groat obhetwiii6improved lorm. It. jigs notvot ..fou t th' the,, Panso f death, T 'girl Aafterd--Charlatt - D ­ to and, Dr.. Tupper is.abbut�:to oun as ow Its r� ore vih ictiye� Th deSiest, 'k we belie besnan t -bi Q)us slide aii, r 'no .4f after ret lout. abode in Ottaoa. -abiivc�) e., to.'be the d h I . � Mg g. copmb to- On Sanday t ' a -It insb.'; itrili F 1: ., I I wi&h of"all Frenc�iipn at t1j.8f I .. . I's ioLondoii1ogot=rrjed; Heifathertele. 'heroll time, was The latioi goutltiman- Wilt pr�,cti a, It' witl -from ohurch� Mrs. T�'Marohy, oflaibb6rb, �fit at, Tcroatoi died at his home on c is pro T 8 in Asoiz�s W�ro p Clio, 0 f iaioli thii cap* ita. It ru Moro d warrant' its Publishers, Ili,: 9,pla r -g attentptedA6,c minit suipiao -by stabbing M' d' anea i. ' ' , .' . _ ''. _�t .1, - t. 6UOQ,L ( Gn'belho season 0 - * herselfy'- but a'd%ugbter,Qnt6.rcc Ili que o Court. -.to thii �cojjnai Tile rdfugly, arreote The ajagis. oy, nailled akey, pf'-Newol, uedt' Pictou 'Cho a b TustiQeGWYRno,6n the biiiob. Beiides,mem, so t 6tl . . C Pbed- tho Rdthorities to stoplier and on ay' 121" g' in il!uesday,-'� Hik Lordship. g, dpfe#� -�Xac&onafd; -,,of _. . 11 s ri!el w a d thdt xiw6.—It will )Even Anisl4spoleon',so',oftelitbe . j heAsheVill: ir;�entot Pirli provqut serious inj U4!o -discharge sayinii lie threw, a rioaSsing train;-A'rikincr a e God4rich Oat: We observed Tho&. v - inion that take. the pjaae� tke year for married.mon car- cho is 1, ; � � , I L t ti7a I_' to Pidverit brakesalau,'..'himed Slon'li. fae Ao6rtson 0. from Haii�ilton; John: P,�tPi. 'S L, 'find wor,hy 6 support qf'the. - 0 11 Will got UpL �re mo,. of Cailidell, -her getting mar-� of Euglak9d, to s=140,Xdva See- morn rig yo 1i int III the op. 11 L Ora g 164,00pp peoplo'co FAllat locality,. ai�d we belie- -the -rain the room eateri),rishig, prppriotors,L'MaSgT8D cable, giv a si i t. h' it Ir 0 be hia destiny lo die f1i 6 recontly'received t lor, e&to.: has beenaiz6tod- and crnmitted for -trial. Idington Esq. L. L. Bi, Stratford; A. AQ1m' U no"r 01,1116 I�v .1a And see y9ur wira.flying fCraiina os - wl:� �Tho U)TdUn—. %7gl "n, TiVes-6f thi"Ah" - I I . , ;S ]3A1f0­ Esq in the' londob: ]Efe' `c ) . n ing hial tl P D.' .; and. I _,Vsij,,,S_eAfo.rt o; -an h ck . . . ALD am lie -hain, -meet withtho success cle Arrie youth, put ing up at -Ani6ricary a 06lm8olt. E§—� st.,'1116tho 'following No amouut of, )4itk'� aiih er head, ji ta tell —M :otllamilton�..and James Kelly, of Frow of, Clifitori. The follor Auld, ivill armless should 'hope' - load neW- In and &e: in,,%cr eye. bioeuldiflilin by a relatiye hi 0 o I t d., ilights.6incii, foolish- jitj -G quietly in hio hod, orevei,.,a, argument pan, a Tdronto,. a few have bbeu' sen'taiieed t6'thrd6' hiont 8 1 rand i ary. wig tlion'sw6m :David Pat- met�, , each. haildi' AAPL.— e:Xe- -blew out instead of -turnlfii�7ojT the -gag. W IY 119, f I- 'do On Then you" wan't to b1iiiib into yout gairment maA, nat �d K;nkle,.".of Be Y"I e,.,.in his zoom. A stron E. D. 7W-shfibld - Conipbell; Seaforth t, Goderioli,, Foremari - GOO. Aiinstrongi, refugqe,'in an FDnglis sible papple4a.this-o6ountry todilut money _b._, Prison for'dbndnbo' cotintry. T. t to t �fe�ter�.. Cafiadhiori,railr6ad projects in' the"Ca gdM.Lof.t esudderl death of,M g odbr proceeding on thtMtKrg!i 'Dom I filion for, not 6ril�. -'arid drop-plit of `,ths'windov, an mak Nvp tried -at the'Linocoln'Asiizos last week, being', sa,�IpeCted," R. Davidson, _kckillop Them. Hamil'olar a and Englan& irii;nbiw excelldifit nadiau- r On and th cause Hall. a brohen, dpen,.andlle as drar;gdd* out machine Colbom6:L;. of 4he 2nd coil COY o� th�,charge,.of-c'oixiinittiii-,y rape 6n in 8 wA extensive, sowing oh� Jmesoin;'W. Ashfield ear SbL old -iiii was'f�ouitid nd sen- i 'works �at Gdelph, Were by fliec 'John -Ucktiou, B."Waftnsh, Job d posing 014 tMaildroyr f6endo'—s daltl� 11 tra luffi"r -wereo- -their' owners , ara*,exposed which ocauvro on 8uudao�.,' n. 06 le Sf stages- of hs�ohyxia. A ow,mo� MAny will be belo to- 1R'1;LI4lOUS SE 'to be lianged�dnjljb 12th.'of noxIb a lie 'Hay - Darld1lbIlwain, W.. WAwanosh; to., many hinvicEs. _Oa Sunda��nsgt 0 a on Mon F etoristilitdangOr 1hat th6� n Thurada he was Ili -Ilia usual'bealth' tonce day,' How itoriginatpa is -A -MR. - Domini, Y tdry, ad a'watchmAn Was L employ�d about A, koutgbinery;' Goderi6h Archibald Ma-, ',P* iiiiiam6pt'japy ,grant a)subaidy for a com, h hlit.,,sermons will, be Preached bu,on. Friday Ili poasse& th i 18t gb�t- as�aitack�d -with Tho-oditor �of, Loss' about,$16 000, theSoll,' Clinton Patrick, McPhillp, Exeter. - half f thq'prera.ises. , ) . -Am-to-flw-bimbear of Doemooracty, Ali; liptivi ailway to run miI6 off... laort H�onrj Dill and ohir ward,las"reek derate flays ho'his At do a curiosity OS. Waanosh ; ndrew -RIlt- #n and.- oveningi-4n, thb. Methoditit' dpalas, -which renIte(I is 4 ov, i1e; had offi, as, been Way. 'the'Caihd&..Souft�n h Atfempte to: steal �a rid�� 'ion a, train.froin jil �f 4" Ogg- within all 0 0. Hairdis,''a; piominen� b4nkor iaage,.Bajfiald,-Jame9'Sma0r, Goderibli. Mitchell to 9 t0vffii �Y ROV­ C, n' �, Stftf-� be a.,resident- of-th to.wriabip" I gg. This d,� the,.tul)i, -of the pro rioters of � th-e. for. rer., bratford.- Th and b�6ker'6f"St. Catharines,. and"the. His Lordship addieggeaL the GraudJury in -d--duble egg was laid by it Bianiah �ben,on, Ci Western. I -belief in fhe- -ford ork behalf of,the, Rau- 1bifty year -pea five dayi and the farm of'Mr, Lyttloio Spears, -Arthur. Consulat' Agent at -a few wQrdacongiatulatind tberribn1lia state. t4k:ewan active ter. GdO'bf dahli4g with it' than bk It. I Will stay hi tS bratfo that an . iCjj)Ating'.jt* 'iS.joO PrOf6",r*__­_t' tSay O6f theo4minal docket, there'being ns valtI6 of schemes. such as�me hav6.6ritio�jj6d 'tha. dgtil6atica- in Doward 4 'ffi-ebsures eight and fighting, and that is by' t bational.intorest.ofthii church, aad oil the ill. I-Quilicipal Uffairo., Tr --o u to r. 6b el t :.a half,' died oil annah, Ga.,, irit a abiongs Capk Aq ad -gone 0 the beadfit'of Ilia lie3lbb. 'a 0 milu. I.natur for theni to consider, e, . dia -we- Anclibg in Circumference obb, w4� an 0 -Monday followi eetin.gwill-ba, which hQ Was hOld daev'a� he h ug, A lJoublio, in be ju4ea tile j'�' demands. 'U31iieroal suffia a tola; wei say again lot thbria And may the iorilu to the, Calk daso they were Called, on:, &A ar motley A fatruor mi A young. man of-`176ionto I who, week. . t hold in the o6hu'lich, when addresses, will bo. to. Chi5holin & and a1alf inches the other4 It, contained a groo- N out Of a 0*4711, a�vare; llowed to''the to, prosent uporij his Zordship stated tha it fact that Ilia re &Ills wa ill by -very largo lie sai to , . , . " 44 lic had been,overpaid. by them oil lot, compulsory 0 a $a Loiad.' -Xi1Iiozi4-ciIOu9h:Iiave beef! pre. in ad L Oj" . . Co, of-Brarupton, ain -fo 6. ollair, bill, whic -a yolk"inside of which, baium,sized, got.- dischwiged from his osition in vas, a ease of V6 an, 1 IE�arparhay burying'ggounclby i. ! � ­', Cry, gave Vent to his spite It it. and that the u' row Dominion, -.41re thio "delivered by Revs., Tvlaiars. Grab atid �well 110feNabl.9 out ox bioil. I d fL the, shop, '96 'explaine(l tbe',nature'of the offence and points- -of the repuWican e6icor,' it�a efore je4vng, sn c9ull rV Goderi6h- Of S6.jfojtk arid others.. th' it' by itiming'06 taps of, *hiskeyp c tie co4apienc wine UA WC g I it- t a I will t64 !es of some, d. in the'Dominion. MrAw Browh, inoth- J,.L Pro'L Ver'of sympa izing It on 0 wheat four yoaes ad�. it is 4op- Ai�rvs lias in it* -one oi- th6 oldest la- d - the duty of 06 graitidjnr� in derilin 'th 't gmiated oo readily. thal the w4ikiiig A CHaztdE.-�VYlion Mr.. Xackeniie' be- A be tak 6 up af the Close of. a4l is )14.sgiii; Arrels,"and allowing. it I I I . . . on Tun are boc6n�g cothaor.' 'Foremier the orgazlsl�.Teloarked-upoa in I 6'repor Los Cl, 8 themselve came. ea6h Service. %vho hairo ee -in the eel-lat. - Ile is in Tho -jury 1heii �rkirqd, a�Atho ame a LaAsoll wjthorlt� t getbil)�L4 P'lper.rog or of Mr. to ran of a concert, gi*owat. alent of t,own-la'si An old thho-etildocket-,Xhich ponta. vativo. - Th4-ba-y- "eti like-lihood,of wa r -the; house of Arm tiny kinaL attatinang &U-ch'a position, and 1V.AhY,8oCl-9kT._6n P�ys.the fooll �omplime�t to inall, wAS.born in'tho 'year 1770, 'and is, On�.$jpn hy,afternoon but eleven, cioses.—Si�ndl. CLl$TTovLITl �Yo Wall, Pay f9k it. appears to be in - colln' eat' iwith' Tilt- only found comfort in'tho* thought that . : 1 .1 . . . 1. 1 105 years, of age.7-Sho-is t�_ that Reid, An o1a arid--iespectable. far r �Iion. * knoini vocalists of this place, Oil 14st-Vedifesday 'morning It fashjoa�, n I ative of'Xtinroo, -County Limerick, -ITO- ne4r I rroolton, wi L & Ifli #..P' to tile present datejwo thousand Is he would be,the,*figur�,-head of the' day evening 14st tho -_stlbject for debate as iseqveredbb be oil re key. The misigovertimbrit in. thit `Obu pogsposes abIqLw4(ldind'tookphtce'in 9b.- Manthe mar- whert'all weye.gut except two small orlie&ioas have lioe6a a 44 Administratio h elitlerilpa in voraij.01: r6o lvedthat-the, negro has suffered Miss cTavjah, L of Clinton, She is q1jitearnart'doesall tOL Woorgoi., If 0 1 / pcyo� filtered at try is going qu from bid.. the who'could supply the bra' -an exceedingly cligr..and sweet voicei, *not' Ohlirch Montreal, b8twcon.: Miss Lotitj,�t keting, nd Aftef�ds to things geh'Oraily who. immediately gvo the alarm, Arr.�' us more from ofthe whiternan.than :the Militia DoORAmont by veterans of 11 Culti- xayi oi�vnd the house. To ill appe4race she Reid reached the -house when it y. I L Russia, alld Austria Acitild,lao,is jate& Alido the Work; while he -WaS ostensibly looking in �owoi, and'eiiddritty we cld�st d6uAitty of 0 Ki in the irldhin," -On the aMrmative :vatod. Her.rollilition of tile "Dashing BiS,dges,Esq, and Mr. E, �3 in ach like livingoub another gone-' �flanlai.- n3shing in L unobsevvpA-to Save' The $60,000 voted. by. Pirsfum—miaMhey would be, SO vir6a'all Id i4,tllb flie. L no� combine to e:Fpel the Tuik ... 'I '. L ", ' ' Y. s from E by 1-.' Blair, T; Hara.: White 'very fai4 but*har. a,v%�eIlth Wlo very far to aff, 'Xgw there.as' a change. Now than, it is o�,not, hat, city-, and ion, of werity yoars ago.. somo'vialdables,hd perishe . �rd an-' ry- t ation is sho did t Atlities to ea6h, of the Claimaritt. ithb nkl L talents, ilton -a -likely.-thate and he_ SAQtL qortoj, was is freely'sfited,- r,E —On L�RL A. bed b -8wo6t - L . F I qiI.0 'ika kinit -on rope, it s not it. Madkep�je _. 0' 1 irr"the 606.�71 the U. enr� Stuart, Q, 0 L Oro o6i�tirrod At the Village. W'On n allien wean -of-her-fineo-' fdr't t 6 -pteiril tho-wo, a ( tj lyeo ding - d L U,JUV411 -41 L v ru-, -VIK V-1-1UtLYV 01 dsks-T)!el i "Efiropio and' Frince-would- W 0 t 0 or I's persons were lin Id out -­Mr.� unueated. for Kihgst�u and fearful Of re- New Y6W, Which wAs-started Ili 1859 by hoo doo- a, recoiVed by them avdiefice foollowiDg I I I tjo. M. Leitoji;, a a A. .w. Druintat Aftor'rl voice a . J.. B.' ro)k's,' d*611iing eloctioil, hirei is- feeling his way in Contra cor is tectintly -coucluded� loolw'iftoi..'Ouit,hO'depattment6; a I , $ . 1 0 - Mr. :Tlidi. RbSP1,'1Y`hP was siolonIftbria his ; J.. B., ( , . resp6uden�6, w 't�.4n�ejo,.'of 08"ArAt Thomson, who ]lease ; Dr. Pettigrew eIlling house Torghto of, hying con;lusions titer being I regress for 16-yeA is, 330t to be LpVd thp hns1trers all'.Alt,6 jo;v�, 0 . it4 -ciontest Robt. with an 'on uhiastia Ofico6. entsin Phiiadol a to' The 0 J slin,, of Olijltofi, .,6o6 omic P �Ili&A.Oroq!11011 ques4 Imakoo All- gpdo has, while, ple of. Since, filled t a chair vo Ilia fayor -boted with an and over whoin'thonsands-lia.voi boo n fruit- Bente & Brin6kle, hotel J. A. 11tyathesiin" with Wilked� Taking all1heae dozitestAnts 'veto Dr., Br�onziugei, -if Pforz- P 94 sung8L in costumb and ww; gi i Vhitt , , b thitigif'into �onsiderittion- Ana addiRg to heim, in Baden, Otermany�L Ana A bi� 'is6diiiZs ..dumbf`duiidb% Then P Zbore: and r g9Le_­ , " -ndore ec 8 of the r ativo., telj�460; to, Cub of Avhieh he. to- ly sPont'soarching for hit , has, it is 'atcher; WAS, a more fault-finder ti tl 'Breit idg6r,4fNe a nature remains unohEm#&kA4brb op, ; Head & Mahon, liambso shop k6G'ibb fact that Sir 101m, is abo.lat paT. z w York. The latter won etwoon 32htidn 310W III is W'%l ty, and -an honor to. tha, spiiondoiid b� singing'th.6 Bjitith a isaid,,turnedli. ionlowhorein ovia c Vill be warg h A,,VIOX, Itzou 35 —Mr. S; n� -'been f6un Cockburn, oMe6 . D.'Adams,. hotoL,, it, intingAlly-AesertingMligston. for' oroll 0 the gains. is as wX p . . ( Gibb," thee AdIRV, piece which -never' suffats At h already in. aboit are quarrels boWr6dii indfvfA L ego us-.*ord So! ago, A. it ba� at% ys tur a franle'dwelliligi drug as A' rosidenc:e, tho,'�rumor has color. of ofld6j�,, dependence Ili to Uri oslinjs zw 311tit 4sutlie what Public. School Ina an old fAvooritewibk'Seafortj� di rant. lati u eotor, will to fancy gr,00d Otero Arid empitj 6ii#4toe6, probAbi outlie.wasirl t a o wanted Ib is t nOw I obligod to any no Informa- audiences arid 1.s.alw�ys Sara of AN raiiist be r6collected, mr., Mae- a , who Will eway soon go 0-0 here., hopod Inia. Tho Chatham Flanat, WX Batur4 filled with at" d' keozie, 4qt4AIard4orkingmo b an On Sunday aftorn intit Of thC tidn'as to' tile n ages,, an Eno layja4t;.,as Mr., Charles Wiflifr,11�ing' an Queen stre6b West, we Oetitr(5 street,; see -in tile yard splitting BroUttritorri.E.—In. Clinton; ail the'llth hist., of ii�y blind �oersona ing ja,tUel munial- ing'Asalzes, for tho'.Conafy' of of the, men on' 10 of, a son. years 911 T hile: 119 The Spki to no , 9,y d -of ODA JAtora. re-, post6d'by.tw, mon-in.a buggy, who tol sreelirowood, li� Vvas'fiot awarer that -his the wito Ut. A."Aromurey his depart, Palid J31 between theNtimp,,KWAtek-loO .9 lid th ht -of so f A eId' JQo1b6 -Goderichl' tied, opened- at Wal kertoft, �. oil Tuesda"Y' at, Amr Bnoxz,—A� ton, of'Wir,, Mi Xiixoll�r aUiem in Afig16-awinan, that there 19 vas a little.boy five y of AgWas in, th way 2/fILLE-1n., Gotloiioh township, 6111 the iifi�i tit and **itli t)ker gfiaij f of last weak, the Ron.-- Justice Gwyne pr - the Ctimean. stm� ale, ilia P 5-0 ay' Stagloy, Setphen; _Ui6dm6 aizd-Wesf got -his, rm� .41-ohe on Toesday fight in Viiii back there," a rijillbehlacthim, tho consequene b6'i 5th inst.,� the Wife. of Kro Robert erw is, .0. derich, Cou'- Ad baae the oUiitryl MP(answqrs. W aiding. Mr, J as wr, 46,sch qra�qoy.sub lat aivahoslit. - A, of Is daughter. I .9 ddroas 0 Sinclair, of Go 1),0110 raiii 'T67 �61ice�did ruit Iind thabL iii.'sv;higing Chit axe round, itastral *hjr another Villgai -WiAO.; f" pr6injjot;'-'r1S -'follows wore eatliag in. 001 yard,... ducted the, Crown Iiiiiineas. ., The critiqinal rthe ftaoturo. I the little fillow, Cifie p tios icluding a sod-llobi6a_ wCie follocived.16'66'spot by it large crowd. in t1ta- bick of the kind, rogrees may; XkW DItta s(1rug stord id usilicesi a .1 1 0 me -aettlato( pectci,'willdio'ba p1bsidd to kobelve, -being 6bened,oPlJosito 136Wfiffie-o 'yardidt for the,,pWintiff; anatfompted r4o eon- ThOY- f6und sit the -place indicated pondtiratinolie sknll into the behfil, which 1, byivigor, to 411ja -Hone 7�. side'r'ablo' diatttrbiuca, ut;­ it: --had bbo4 escaped by'the orifice, -protruding 6,0. aboilt -i.iniormation frorn t �Dr. 'S' We in asiondahaive, a similo , atmonnulefit.. of -ilia —verdic P cpsb dutj t for the defendant of Ining own. ERnvrott,—Th caused by an attack m4da.by these two fel-� tha,81zie of the* �thuu�b. Ive Itj the subjeo a, -Sunday. aph ool: entertaippent last iveek, tha --forgety—a conviction 'of four years to. Cho !Fri t,'aprt from 1i ofthacounf�yto,the 8 in o6mmunfoati agd an, lows who v�cra just then making their ta- who was called ip, reiaceil, the b n rain an InI11,0it ,go give Amount raised was dfated �i, tng�450,, It. Y.Tox,— FISHEIR.—In Clinton, -on the z -nd had- at) cleverly of- dressed the w0and, which is' now healing 13th by the Rev. T. Brock, Mr. r Box. should havit bedix'415. gfa r, Okwixotir Socirxr.:­ Myth boA 'Phs 51arlitolo .!ya "Do*n fie" oiTtlietrack.' Thefd1lowsgot.away. 'Georie, o0 112 116w wrk, era o nothing uu votable iantici- a period fdr " � .. ., a A iod from, It. . 11. . ­ . `h 1)y Taeadails -Udicty or --lieubti Is 6mef in Oitarlo, folio think that twenty miles isr _('110bj, tit6 - ofho. Orphan If pa. nceto� ra a trbitiondobEAstan6d i6A'Valk in one day, Sa It Jno Fikhai, of Colborne. llobctho arriv 'ei.culled 'letter appo 'in the local impors of 1IO$9)t—WADE I .--On. . tha� 31FA ult., at thi, ( ­ farnihaad�, -but.hare it.is counted,n6fliffig, , 'TNVO bdya A few days ago, a Strang At! ilia to; AILRoArt IMBEX, lat vulAtion arid N , . , . ­71� . , - , a., 1i for'! .41 . . . n6irluoyo ., j� . !. 0 'tia nd. Thompsox Rut' or , the County ofjjanarki from Archibald MO. t and ofrordd a cirritigo and Pai f Winnipeg, Suggesting tat Some of 'do's fatherj by the 0 house of W, WiCkvd& ' arm to many. of W -W pool, groolito'getbut ties nuated Y4or residenca of the bri be directed o burt b6rderi i- ik' I uAt ilov; Farni, ledge, fourbeen ift Voirta�d I is they lands, That - piipor announqed. Busisk§s' is not 40ty bri -hevaes �_RoiOw In! Stinger y6ars of ago, k 0 *IA6 with t hL Praii:16 on olim, I sd%y at 11 ol warda caule the bride IM -of, va* ibgi . oil A day pits, era beiftg-�*Usy 401r: Opting work. ocOd -ranio for $400, but ftar r 0 "Ce Ir. ames Hone tcholl, and oftbdue th tot ' alolo rho contomj)late gobigAo muralt d train on the C116A Woator Asflwoy� don. that4ho destination of Some Of thOlit Wks fi to $180.. � Boing much pioaded$ mi-, form the n 01''Co 1 1 . --ft . ' - - arrive lighter Wade tii;e io�' pistiog -of one., INillpian-dar, two ordinary - linve'"botin d in Wfnipeg oil Friday night 0� d0P Wril'ttool to to Ado. eldest da 10 7,110 -1ifti ii,�, These; wti!bolieire -tl Ohl others about to .0mijr4e tollie, the tex nor,& Wickwire donVblitoIl to buy . whon). ll O'cloAr having walkii(I the entire distatica � 01 giving s are cdiQ?gnd a wbag" "age Car,' 4oft 0"Zlorifia fitritabii"of this neighbor-_ o MrsolVick- ptairio * Province- I ,their nAmes, the porcaftil.bonquebt of dit amby mi as in a little over day AlA ,the man $5,' In the al6autim nsencl ehwire . Canto hicalnei -in, saying that- a -tele. so that an idea coulcl'bo forinod . o the 22V &H64 hot o -nearest 'of. atinibor' going. In thig, i 'Apprentices Wa� 6d. and the oteaut, at 104 dccothoishinj* of the A CUT WIT11 Ai" X;Z Catheart while ongajol tit Oglovoy�o now adlt V -mitilltdoWi d4tual Hiten A m'6i' �tlo .414 Soo .1 .4. '9' gratu'lidd boon recaii4a ab,tho iay, aven if Ito iqy r Ji I '0.51 1 bery of ; land was pravioubli loeated, the lairavati" o Soma time pagh the mormOti 1-01, Lou Rd *Ith ihfqrmation of, the, rob gr OjY; %I,, onsumed *W,jMp%4 T stievorztig'tll�eo fobs.' Dr. Qim�1)211 has been pie4lidd in tolidon) iihich )i4g p4ir -of boraos,, when,tha man, pretested could, by uniting,, 61itaiii bettor Passenger. on the 801, ins6., catlo Not, sever �PlllitNTIOZ qr�z LANTZTRI�� 116 iiiatify of work to A .,r 0 spurt was, anIle- Woultil. - It - I, C;,kpjCtOd that been main]y conducted, by it miu-iinavid- the warii: n6i his aid frilegfit rates 'thuti, by going as alligle WnlGhT t 0' o 'dieat wastom.0iftoialo to �dorcmacl t .. -i 16k, As I� -to like to dome wayo and 90 own, He It 1 1 4 - -do�djutoi! a follow mado ills' way The 0& of th6 6:6., Uri orioles at least will be lo9b.,-' . .0orilloh, having its his out,4,Ldo);howoyor�.,4tiid,tlietI Adventurers.' A to. 9 couniotitloin tiot Dittictit for the Are-williagAc, workibut if.tk(jy,aOn!t1iAL- - —tit. �m, "haint-iiamed Harvey. 'Oil Thursday the. into khol'buitil, aiid his not been seon or'- [The idea .1a a good one, ani �0110­ -We Against the Mail tot 1161 hasome to A. u Pa�ie'ageri, . the. Now - Acoxiijoitt wift a Public batitisrd,g heard'of tft�i6. Ciatheon, Plan�t, have- often privatol. t a�rtied Agr4culturiLl -do aotkeyaro, bettor alkeV�here. Whitney ,i. altainated in i jor stAggebted , the p9idt off Ono of, hii firigurs bolaiia titto aj tho 0? sopiety Spring tand,,W P, g a, Ig'. was never show,.- 0onclusion from b0(ijj'L*tjA:jUA' 'bh ilia sheara,h d a lo�e Impious prqoee it going frorn this eighborhood., 9! 1 11W is' T�orj wl 6 wao sing for cutting The accident took place Cal he Witessod. Tfia candidates f6r adiniosion' In of the effecto.of thil s in -ble in darlVe le" - "I SVAPR1,qz,A1a0 RAFS4N ow.—On Mon fir 1,9 strength"t arid the old saw is appliop- imon -The ill 14*4 lodp& Shoat * -iron. b A6 At -looking a oung; !ads, Aged 10 and 90yents' ) frOihot at Winglianx, the in t thiioasa. Persopalfriending to go III this ry day ovening' liatt A iltimber of the youllg` 10 t smwere two, . Adtance 0 th hist,; while he was - b &4 thio fol lowing';—On'l�rollds, thoii way, it going by iail, oaa,iibtgi� U11 48" nd 4atuis 'Stratton. vt�eek, A ABOVE SOClET'V-'WjYjtj oklykik pJIMS11 a vordiat for the plalfttl&,.. i A -tho buil. named Albert Mooro 6 TB k their Siorb h 0 -Poo 0, vilia likya, beon--epaveried at. il -linz.j4 btrAqk. be Ap4j' fot thd beiv 46 h 31. utl*b and a half elet- deep ary infOrmMi011 ff6fil'AAAlt G if n6l; Ivitil t ShIC a tg�o.o tto t J, biji amages 'at t Iff"ahts, CtsThwdotofnwiy WUL 0011duoted, in the Ittyely water waabo 'ays ate 0 po �7 . lit, ., n -the oil (hogrirfol Toad at thor-prairieo, making do ''L ClIntmi"or mile.y Aus abat� Special sevibos holdia ilifs t6wn, met at- ­ --k- geo0t, I pta�� r,,. _X J Brad Awl open6d'111 RdWii gt&�K� it daug er'dark. In the Rev. the red areas tmvelling aft D" 19. though� eveningtho Minton Stage dams AS far as, '17 - bkOftiht igainst. the �Iiai rino,tj 'thd il�proadh ofph htithe tom,,. and is Xo9ing Welli, All the most rei 61. Was t l gontlitman. with' a pill h 1, - or boutod, !96 91,&ut itanfa of r. Cassels', where the �driver, left A. irtle Pape racort 0 h exei ipo in I W., 19 rto " j, X 11, jV SIDE W.Atk-4.—S 'do 'the villAgo 6f,st. Goorgo ]lave Aigned a, VC-! ptaulou#., a of sea, ail t 0, tofamAl. 'of, . everal &W al his a!adlib,46us, but it'dia, no t -ea t - *Ajkj 'L 0, tent which occurred on tlkio.� .6 pilbt,t lbtijurthoW for his $26, its a Slight tOStilli011iAl apple- heraes% for the night,, ind then staited- io i at Ve—inwUla' down, Ili toi-IlIf '6thoro tilion, and addressed, it to the hotel keep- in- iha taiioitqii-� of 401iosirloo Crittickehawk, 0, fL an 13CI Ib.Wga jot &mi U crosu on foot with the mail bag on his back, vay, oil' Saturday weak, 4iia, trou,�Ijuj safety, the Obilkhkabui Ifiventot ciatIn of hiiOnbora oa.tjiOW.behiiIf.' The rbiddiug'therh to: sell r uit, 6to of the. Ms. labbtWaix,milbo fro badly )�cquircd, -After gping iought1t,W ell, appeal., Irsealotl8l uktattervid eo h presentatioib Vds stoognipaine iiia tt It (6ft JL of hirn6fiLte to he Crioll urb ift A..jargor,dr6wd hod aswoulblad tit h fi?OILA. Oon.� ith 0, f0i Art, tho viatee "all an gP4 Trrz0OXzTBAX1).-�-TIIi4,b idoonivion- _43 ltas.ho tl , -to Crooks of W69 toncernedath ill- to,,great,lif �Oa Iiii-ArAval an' rod 11 ly kfidoWn no the lrillfigO, who have bawl agnoylligr lht g0f owifig i& hom$ Which was Preece bIsto lolAdd of 0 ikq heard Ili. tile village,, When several of arrieY towat a Ilantl Ito -thb, th. trjguoo� "not the Mogt�L do pf apdod i t I imoit _11W port '(sn I : thvvilldyors qtartoil out with lai�toftq tb, (16VO A ItX , �D 1875 At t116 Ito" of of, lut wilek) .Placo Vill winter. Thq hotel -keep ra have Olint6n; hi,the tounty of Iluron. onSIONPAYlthoo dtiv.aid with the u Xb repli to w le I uas a Gas, -as- ccra J 1[6d; I Cis: consequence is 46 Cotitiple lat a a rnobU Of hl' A :0,1, Mro Skingply alsopub out W11th il& vei observed a He , +t6ild i He jfAQU4040'thom, Ana of the 1140 that 11 the b;y 1, to reformation in tho morals of atta appoilit 'a OUrO Or him101f 4a pla" o sohis boat and Vrouglib in - the, mail big a a istanco on t 6 tr4o a and, Think. )tot ti. 6 a6tjo 1 '.6 W", I# tho vixtot oftoon houraA And $war& tile village. If 016�worq done in all thoA6 h'lL _4 bo'kopt Aptittk ilir the twas un PL4 t! 00 11 It'! 8 1 ? 0 D M X'0_2 places *1ore there Ara habitual drunkards, Stage, n D1118ATSOV, Intoi?a jok two, ing A.jpiloajan timoi they retired. ilia res there was but o 0 P sell of thb train, lid goubdoct a amfng noteL violent olifloil pattisoij *as' to, iz� do M" M;'6nL - LI'w'd6mberit ft� 60good'il tilt would be wonderful, Add it is to got, And he al HAJ,�.Yojfteraay, 0, case Came befoje W6 wisk Wto be 414tinctl #6 (1 �havothor villages will fdllow the th6ugh he. -did tot'lle, the idea oi 14�inj* on the Whistle, The woman at the sound 1*116Yd ihb ito ; Ana ou r16141 T I it, when he an - 70 A, thqrii�Aoir BOB" tow �an4yfi boldotirselvog rbgponat jet6rtba opinjong dxptoggoa be hoped I w, the b4t declared that lielit appedred, to r6ilizo hot dAiijer,'alid Ast a ustfa Wilson iri'Whith,'i Woman f I " by out isoxxosponolehts. djantoloof thit good people of St. G60rgo, rL latuec � , h�adtofho following setuor transpired 4n. a risk crossing in it if it coat him 9, law suit, hurried look behind ah4, on, caol side 6f Oppo-� of qYC I/Ae Wdltop vf the Netto ea. The ViWidedor says tIlty on Wednesday Several wartow escapes frottill drowniag CO. her, Ths snoWbAnka on each aide of tht; ba tpbliea fat the oustoody',other L Child, rural Oltut0h, not. a groat many miles from and- tentio kad Will, bblidya it j6st 6i Oribl 9, pir 6h: filrd And, i0i'jearts bf ago. hero, Xt'appsato there In a 9kavoyard in hither to'attempt, to scale DrAu ori PwtIXD,—i knowtteea in' yet evening, the notth-woAtorapOrtion of Osli-: darted, 0. McOuiro wAS'procooding track at this Point are rather high, she hesitatedw sit decided that No child, should thophurolI, which had re- -fol1vtoon Year& liora4,sllioatn(Igotoathatiackitit b Ch t save hordalf by flfijoht_bu� oiij�, :.'I k�P,6, NS g,028' last isue,that:g gintlemidn wilt.hpTintga to awn was elcited by loss of -two boys Abou 6 along tho road CA horgabaok, when the as.0 a oui the -for Apparon y sitthfied that datiflulastion of.o,� suit whl6h is before the doubly boontIattiig toiled Tha'hiiin- 14 time , tilt sualwhares itionts 2 months Wilson - Ana the o%o*tho, 4aopto4 child oi eight foot of water, but both Itioan4ed to aiA instant. t) rt miy be Faid io to 0, go isome, bokase, I Aft, O: Wadley, On Thurklayy 'Voillj4L - for lier, Ahe _ got oat agAill, lojivil'Ig thti oAM od 4n ii h 3116higan 6606 for, the divorce of the ps- isur had juit, read A !�arso of a,'hymn �ota. Vzo been' kiodoe lent , 16, behind' the banks Wore otou stoop publioi hian to be mn HiVi to Ohatgose� r$htii. 'Thi mcithor Insisted, howovat, pgratoky tor, hingiig It, Wholftho notlCod �a couldlat heardly sloop for fear a, phirao Wilson WAS founa'itt Whitby the girth boiQ-Tr--okMj—j.rTj rl' ', , ' itattod, on & tidik run, and th L S Pe m 0 oyis in as WA a -to A that 'Mot Mer Wingligul :bno the Pion Of Ut- 'k, G.- Oti jpOotaolaL Of 6 Pace be do ight, b sk out and thea I 0oulahlot, how - appeal -they had bdoii reading il ibutod the eari A&nst kis honor p t4t th that thi'011114 should, bo giin to'hero slid ,rejal pigo to6ting trenna in the grivqat it d. by,the wild, r oingtrain ore 06 bittili Orld64vorod, io 861go- Thereupon for wItat of the bell. Agiala tha'gad- novels, arid,, oldite oibafiedo Saokso�'&titl the other a clerk in'sa0keonvo, 6 In hr 'no *r,. hjdL & Vdry narrow 'So6itij that the ulitilual-rac uiabe 0 *so of-courge, could n a parraltiodi so plAso when I *out to work in the morfilus in thiii; wretched tr&$btL,b04_6OPs1rtad .1 dlo Dallied SI j&I r4yfl of kaseting such bliarges thin tj� 6064f,Urfght took. tho littl.gitl Th, otb 1 go,ng to law. �,Oljer iff&tj 'ft mearoh pf ndventurn They. got to Toropto. escape, Th6y attei but, short � uration, - EW oiigind driver 'Vo In 1116 arms In order to preivorit, the t4 tilt dogist the work so 'Wall wiinti rdot�dL to cross the riV. . a. tutuilik toovftero a lot of boys satj houid, 1 could way .0 t6 that; gott. that y6t, boll., A�iw and, 3rdly in the' last wh6a Wilgoll. wigely donclailea 60' h6 or At but, the current was whistled, on'brikess And reversed his on n�balon of fiiii"tiddL the "would Cho of you boys .90 Ana drive -those, afto I couldn't git, mamules well, fill, watift'. would' go back h6lita, but, the otliar� boy too obtorigi antl ilia boat *As Carried downi gino;o But ilia Apeedifig. train al odlott shoo ghbio to pigs Cut. of 44 yArd, , The afro6b of this fli! the bell, far da0h, Ana Ail of thetift ftoabj Wont J� ),fichigan to, his mother, 'no iina siream, Oda of thoin� finding they wera, (%Pea hot', And ftald Ift noothOr instant ffi6fhar, by isaying to the eftledr, foroll Wolet jot Ina, haVoL MOF I request on'the -congregation oAn. be Nitr - I think it ig I step In the rite dftokolliln to with him: stored. 110 a, Shia of' Molloy til, Meet going Ili- the wrong diriotion, grasped tho have dAsIltd, hot ia Pidool, when, blio slid fl�o XRW. ZIU Wilt 116 01it tO 149W 8.1" 'a "not' '6n to iho py friends After so' doiorib6d. still via 6A4 hav the lia fitab. hooessity'libltdi f0ttllbb' should braniih of ail overhanging treaj causing the, enly, veoroa, to one side, trainutaily somm rAb bell PjljjOdjL but i AOA it It'll in its and and upsebospillibi the blod to.tho top -014.6, now, 1066 WOP an ef#inglinaft of thIj Y60, 46111:1161 Ink4kill4d, thAll I phizad III hivo showabod upon, theill the gold Which, beat to swing to 441alf such, oil OU4 A like calffbg 0uJL Wooded 1 .6 into on tile maikit, . not thip VO 0 Bright $a 11 carrying th Child 6fitL of the, codkt-toont All gig; t father w blovad. Aa 0air, perceiving how justidra 0_11)oro itit jlWAtd oat)nt An according to the UOVOIN adventakousilig L boys Ili the water. 'Young klacksou, intaft. b4tkniont, ina rollod holplegAl Amty A �*01. Itocd tvood fa tho boys Ailla isld Tj far 66 =1116 Ara AlWAY8 Me tO 110, Doubtloft t 0 4ge4 to aotatablit out,; Sinclair who was athor side just s, %hi h1196 1oC:41V1i0141V1,(-. .01 0 $� V rot *it pitia. jA 4o, -About to leave, 6 6' i0othor Or *04TA49, i0i g young f4drij. 11144ad-of hir-overba u 41 little b1parionea of reality has ktooked Ujiddr fhe boat *bon. it bpset AtIoddedod In thubdotodpi6t, drtwu 1014tol. and, 4 or' j he lladiou4a u 06 6INGUArl the boligbtled 6 tit of thall. hoads) bdi It AhoLinow—wo _U14 4111 out Wollu-paren f y �t t Wo 41 by or, aiii rdikoull I Ott *Owe a a Would 116*0 Again AU4010 IML& I"" Thl 010 Ott$ u.64*4 "1 4 (W 1061t, 0 AN moth' Me as their 604tok"A Alftil thd kot the tidth6 v4 6 ii tha hot 1 0 A withho of tht 3616 wy 1464141 - �kgpl 11 nihi ifilift that NO* ki It i0ki do* It I