Clinton New Era, 1875-04-08, Page 1,!INr �n- :- - � q 77 10 TZ X 'Oro, t F. TV at twt hotilut, #ad 4# �44U_01 �r".tis 444y opp"14 04 Foot of 0skqP wbr, 6n TXAUS.�,.41,50 1lu #AV pr9e, ov if pa tall, MAO S�VA SAW tWo_l4QUQ0 too, front thao 0; r 0 At Ao "11 Q; the yoi!' I 1� R: :I 1:1,1n 11.111 %liobeek 10U,OM04, Wills 06uptY,of liumu I to Ana 140fain 4linection .61"i . i 0 of tit Wotk eye Of# Ab . o4op,. k. #Q0, RU4A,1rQXy.VO emsj $1.60 er unum. L makiXneirs 0a the. shortol; pQ X— 15�—T MINTON, ONTAP910o. APRIL's 8 18700k 'king twit.op"A" ----- - OU op;� 946 AbQut 1,100,000,0 in varloAs forms ; 0 061onsiIii-i TIRS 10,91PIS, RJUXUR., knives, 46 �.er cents;. wool hats" 101 pop �iio VA480iTarls tRUL011, A0144noe 4114 190411ty anoit'gh toIoAd, 66,500 oal*j,`add� 3s700 Q 4 JA Wart', J*,# in ce OUR- 0404 On hishi" clothing 40 Per' Cents; earthen . .. . . I L pts per Rue, gAbseq zoi% suit inags, olltbr Cent rattr9sa As, To fiAll. tril!rto eA.ch FAtRaIll-I-9f Aguts Wilm_40 , The followins is related Rumbro beirli in, ciebolAdoit-'t miatoxiono per oent.; soap, .40 pet, c by, ku hea0, the' W� talk exultingly,, arid with, a per*, Iday Wdlildlksr4lp move,, or Une J. 611400yi M.B4 GRADUATE, 01? IVAINITT A utopia ta (Me.) oqrnol; �41 A igung Man Am%, 1hollysmore"41 sud, just, quggrl $8 per ceut,; clad now y9a. -are feet that q neW odAA.1gAMqnb of it tain firep !A hi -h CONTRACT cqui�e T V4 99 -Blytb el"OVA 1 0. At $1141 W aeQ Buono 4 Hotels HKAYM A80611110100p this 00uh, mals for the Zoological G049n, has apl6ridid pht on 0 adding Alittle More. to, making it 99 per in the t WA df V X99 a* t thodw lung flaoii of (led, Our Xing. very fow,�iljll jbi k One! loolumpoone YeRrI, :$75,00, Jol. 4 cQnt,; ifT understand thatgentleman from- It.? Was, Suffering, in � tber laqt 0ti$go9­O 'r 640bed the city, a, reporter calls at. of thti h.ideot lill-lbou'adt I Its, he Eva12iv1)1q;. fo d 44 40,00 kit, our great lalmlabity f riell(l. tion, the diseaset wh r a, T# wacop ......... 25,00 N,-QI'T101q. AND And, job had In.. this offlee Of the a6cieby to obtain Some two qix)r w6rap standf4ro The sple did VIlle Aitil "a Tontoo, rNA � I a boiskof Itatial and, Of rasa, 8oMp?lPX,_ n U 4A Olt Or. Tgx-kiugdQIA sl. Asia 4tealtbi In"bo. information respectingtho mottQr, The charge is, a liehillon g.rgsh of won, on D All these areigleg, ip.Uily, upo co '40,00, biland the stal Sups. No. wqn.. gidiqu 11y 6rougbb w o.1870, X=0DOX-04tanto falls, at Was shall 00Q, der the. peo Aoiod� No *ondor the vargo Of t Q gravel, prizes, o. ot half 14 20,00. oli= ple have p For "Over4l secretary is Gui, and the M i 'i - 0 co 10 in atr6nj horieloo, urged to their fulle Coug-lot tbluo empire, Q tbou lift Ono, 1110 begin to find Cut, 'go of jat piolft t.� the^ JAMES 0TZWAR%X* N qq�,, U's GRADUATE Or Tai�qroat and everlasting will *so ouo# oilown, b he wooke U had been entirely prostrate 'charge ofA boy, who is, sitting with spoell riding 40"Wo And Overwhelming Inileg, rn, y.t his 0113349urth,: �640 Voky . ........ ftoo: WAT,;-Qo41n k6knb.vabis�vrlUljili�ower4iBp.1a;� fall, Wb t y ?0& a L une and and.uli;lbl to'speA d e ko. 1M, to. At-UP41 it feet orl: the -stove­fillag -a-, SI llUnivrsity, oukeoli Q An opposing mass ofaven on foot. The Q, oppressed 4 109sr-le. thes,grest, the w9u4mus: work of love I btecti6n, tariff mean a FillAble. He became a ilrf` $100, ...... 8,00 �n sea he died, but reigns abqvot� pr wngCi5li'versatioll. ensues:. ieadei's Wrid. gco4 no furtber;, being 28,po� It is the protection, sit, that the jamb f, attend-. things JZ00 -beiro roogril in thy ugly word, Or biWAJh that he palled his, 080eightill. olpe ye etc B41 now ab he, g4ri, content with. thd i.4 a h iw4g i4da to Ira A tioll tii t t 4 QMW9$ IT-abli 44 1., Corolar for Aszii-Heavou ad6reo thy lovi lot, earth, 0 1 ora t receives from If. tis-noth' ants to raise the windows ih his 'ro appolk prize a 000 wo Ing Om* 404 to_d4;,_, 8 REEVE' Rby.4' 401tu half -00 D. A � the, 44 asea transcendent, In lbis eternal a oil.' enemy's line Was 11 brokbWl And 01 gaw -on lid a�', - 'Ile ...... . . 0,00 for man the, Sitvloi4r dies, more or less than. AiLtutos l�eo a ,r who Ill 16:11da I o , roe, 8 104yqn, . � � pub out the f nd L000rt. o every Boy—Pulln,6 'of ndthin. The, skee Way.l'o, It. does not. Via, tho-pictu 00' naiean&-twelfth, one. YeAr, 74f dow,ana t;o,liory or legalized r641lery. Take the AVtjolea means to obtain fresh air. On, the 13th utl- wAh good y`V$teXdUrY;s 41cicl �Qell, A Whenthe '.splendid charge" It done.1ts B. STANBUA li-ollginfe $or joy, and points his love proclaim. 'thoring sq, om7w-lis our daily broad. nor comes to give,' TPA& oil! 6f iron, talte ever One, of instant the 701;ug man. -,died,' Friendly T,-Gl1A1)UA 10 MEDICAL 3,00 whole IO't'of Ulero goin'In there,, -,w6rk-- g�A passed* by, there Do"iment of Victoria 1. events. for, Us--Iieaionlv manna. that our joule may live I will' be oIs rly at the Hospitals i6n, , to a s rip I Tusgo the day 0hall come, aciii ed the'- lyeflr, 4. 0-0 be. Spikes 4tta, paili, tfi% labes. 'hands -pr6pr4d the , peoi. om iew XqXk,,, -be our pottion till y lot, Of Anim*18 nrrive4 found a aiglit very mu�h like III, body:foi -the %I ; but just as the at-, IghtfUl rhilw�y Acciden oCOiOilOr lor the Count T DAll-Without end in ouraternal-Itoraq. and, shoyels'a44 &Aning In Advertisements. -of .15troyed,, Lost, Found,, 2 1874. a81. IPf a fri t, '.There nimouVre-thresh-ing macbine,,tho. Vliov� not. L�ast, t otnebt. ;of -�brokon. tin DAALY-sagist aud'hoar all when we pro mowers and t6nding.-hiends, Were arranging the r meed: h, first -be the full comIll w4ta: month. 3I.ID,,�PIIYSIC1A9, QU009ONj AlPs A��v ured unIl, hoord. of anji. gr6t, , �Wth!ugkl WQ sells yAt higher bleantrigo send, mains, foi the 4ppe Bu o - ereap, ers---thipse wara. 411, M.,J o. front iron: 0 oucitsun, Graduate of the Medical Department- wiratofpl when thosiVfte1opcond T t# Adver Fosorm-qur mally also, 0 Lord�khst tilm is put 0 tisemoats.�of riarmi and,Reid Estate, !of Victoria Un - and ho-pitys the extra, �osrt thitt Wo.Tildn!b three. so 00fi'st p -doo y' e hopst, they bilng; Any Men impaled upon their own'baybnets; g. ieralty, formerly of the nd visited alob the Hospitals in Uo-luoatb thy In and hido thy j)lauld tabs 4JAWS of the glmsgo*,' Reside heetned to, on f for iitl�, not ixceeaips 10 lines, firit, mouth' Pf F% I oil these articles for �,our proteotiou. WhAt had �nAnims�te More eassowal* b b 20 noo-Bruceflold.. .00r-4ouls to save, O'e� AAam's guilty ra0ei ir I)EBTs-unnumboled Lotil we owe thy ceaseless love _of.-Iegq.smw a. ewooq_F, 01 not exc 3eding,15 lines, �f 18 Xp 7 It comes Out of the gi 6eIi by. Ma4s,of It not one s. di5o6* ! 1 � , unts�. o4 eaoli e heart bad a QW, And , gr and I met Ws-ask,thoo Lordj one pkaill000 blonsing moves grin a 11,­-Thev've gob ona there% ei-a so arrailged th%,t gairt i a a) W., be mothrd;4 Vo A-4vertisoment, ;vlthbut specific dirooti �by`L-iron. oon HINGTOX. PHYSICIAN, SUR011101is 'irld S Foadivx-so we knook loud,at meftes door Lenstired! p t1pitatI6 t a. jF16 hCefs7 ad*�� d4 Ztks nkt_ And gr Inore paid ns� the pulo throbIs So %tiny, bu6M614 6 A over nf,brsed;of, foes, --tromplba on . yet there were Cal will -be insertiod - bill orbid and. qhpfSqd:. A00oOhomi, Licattl1atil Of qqUilge Of Physicians OVa�4bbft)rp SuW Our. �deb�stbmt *0 lofty b� oI6 inehvalls i t is and Provincial Lfeenti- DEBT61til-f0i evermore to gIIsoil so fres, , to:the-oustom hoase ecilleptor; if it-werQ bed itud the young 'in u aro§o from. the wary,,Ut.l. call sent ostriches. And eh' perqp cordlugly. Me end Coroner for the, Coulft;,of Huron OMfFq,ThO of Al" t4nyhipd human. AND -ill th(6k duty paid by saints above. by 8 -of bu4WAg.IatQly.aoo7iedbt billy undev�tooa that we,;�oro,t sep death $brands, 6penod'-his inouth, and til gpldxidid: -One Mi94 -Iaat-win00r'91.0 up from sin and in thy. iporoy rilso o ad e '&avertisements n-sokyA that animal -busted This is Whit' skulks b "hiad "a Residence next to antra School... U friun the tempter and hiffhQUIshwayo. many buholi of Wheat' whenever We,, 8POk4 ill clear d diodnot, '0 solid Xonpareil,�, OlintoA, Jan. 10, 1871. t7.fy w rds lip got, -in our oNyn yet in Rio nome-who bledj NOT- .0 last charge -This i's what as a mat� )3il9wnt. J,4w7,,o �of OX -Thino ear . yopour. our every need. entleryl,"Woollen and th6se wcr Stood: appalipa.in the death t, d; mL bought eta, runk an plopt, In; a It -the HT 91, & SON., TRMPT4TXON'8-f4tft1 charmholp us to shun, Nv�p k'a000tid around or' of coura�, when our fe 1lows ilrodoa�. J --CAMPBELL M. D., .0,. dotton.goods, iro�!,�:anq-paint, and io 0 chamber.. Therg"i-was p .�h ki .0an Ilem in sbyle;'!, and,- llctit'them up fa- moning e Nv a o -jard�n belfaven. d 3 IdOS,L Until #g v, knowed- it wa. Q morn mously." both of- his Ilands ana, there would be. a, sud4en and stuninng WIg TOiOe;'h'O ppeare, . ive y. and.,activb; CIAMEXON IbMD 9'. Us -in this w6ild, end, N�y our s6uls destr for rofbrinlo� this sabj e6t, even Iclud, said It fall 011a4es Div n8, RADUATE OF MOGIUD�VQLZEQE; MONTREAL, 77 Vaox-all oalamiflas which iron betide, t tiob tbe slightest pairi, "but,' �Jlep - ib -bad Ill ayed' bob 'With things. werQ almilli atod. lVI a -I IMT SQ I UABE, GlaiLLMisibeit at ths, College Of�Pbyfti0io:.hs and S)ir. Evm-aaddoatb. 0. tui* out, feet aside I For 'the truthIs tOASO-his Owit 140guago, ' I feeliusi,ag Th age I a awl Iler MXR -1-d all geono, o6roner'lov thil County -of ayou.' QMOO in& Fon-wo, are mortals,lworTas, and also a to alair. e o a man says the door-kribbs be Xemldeucav--Nain Stro la or the Railay still ule, ilia ta0talii to Ob' ,; tho, n 4en b 'or, this,..m6ne, if not well i's I evor did.' 0 CAURUON.' W. R. Mal'" t ino t a At his xequest -the.' off-the--motrkey- clus6-,=d, th rant,.. rily liable for the donse% On- Timin-lds to r h .once moroy, Lord, lorover free Tim -whole creation kubwo, no'Godbut Thee more, goes not into the treasur but to neiihbors were all.c4lledin, Who then swallowed. Six,. pro4tiet 1bg his' liqlabr.- BNVyn �Vdllk' At 14 YJ .,A funny incid.eitt lately ocourre& in drinki Tirx--rmwklng eternal reigns the 2iI&I pill. f t utp; one -the gas 9 e in,'01 -of 'his*ife-ha%' le without fbr- hours,' deoloring that that lj�'pijod 0Ebn941-.00mnanyi`Lands. I the peop 7 those- Who despoi ed' the bousil. lip by the"pli aegaril 0 fi�Lqp proptie pi rowlau-is Nvith Thoe;Lio Thee be glory give onititutioud'66,"unitea, the lie man was equa, to �qf�tlj ni Flo tZgT- OF LAWDS FOR' SAM By Ole iotilber of h -W Any mirito o r6cor a pi A Is Company may be awn at the oftee of ANn-be Ichy name adored In Earth and Heaven I n -bill 00 Osumi Statei.,'--)Vh6t er you raise d 4 . ....... e OrIp urOs. durin' the day FTn—.,,Ft -8; TaF -ougquio thy Own; joarrying er porkere, t­ IDOYAL CANAT, AN HOTEL, (LkTE 1ftANQZ`Sj ato and �110 told jWo t It# HALE, Tty-to tboo, this E vorlasalip: One I oats, or potatoesi..or pork, or. beef, stairtled Hisemblage of his;' g -Onb., -Pike, PrOpL vElm"be thytriuno name a6dorod 1 0 0 Ina sowary as was berbust iber, Irl b' with ft6e &o . slin( LW, , Clinton, Samuel �rlctor. The' Felt wall. � th4 , the' cas Ora, in bad, ra,that, aa be -died in' 'h ;'too - and thou mnton, Zan. 17,1871. above Hotel is now ttkdrVgl4y ronoIllpted a al�o b4ses"shoes, or miketlothingl or fanii6igh6q ad furnished AmqF x 1-w"Iipssamsa I bl6sped be. the Lord, aVeLet-t.bal it broke -hand.- � Having occadioa to, write- i Iniur�4.,'_ Ir) ped IULF vigbotts and, affords good accommodation for trityel- eogme I 'I �. e goose _h on fkrtq.� All ti ark, but for an b -0 we go's ___,.weArdIothiiig ii'lle't Y. kings geeiue4i'd inotap.t.; -his e orped: signature, she o angdd her pocket k iti�. tb arated jinto a ingeand pfit away 'two. 18 S S. -jai' ter, px c fl:leuter black-.'. uddenly opened to' Ito L peeeh of L Ox. one 0 'As a wal 'ed r an 3 d -by silme meanss TXL, 139tGRAVS, - WiLWAX smith;l shoome, or day"Llaborer, you 41oW e 6 Von, which ba'd it f them bit a cots,. any- Not this prototive go ail ij o ri loin , t, at. r A' bt :n llowiugis part of, a speech de. y U, go. ig'thoughts and Wajile , so he 'Joe.. The fitted up. iagood styles: and' The fe r pOp. 00. lning priotok, lately kept bywilliam Morm Are 6ipoiled b whenever you pay an mogsi of percent. �llad i In a66inforkin. his dayod mean'? ipg al "Ito ad NORTGAGEgs"NOTIi8s. affords every acdomiluodation.for,the 06n�vimlenao and ke. 70 U U.7-At6 them to.a. to -Joe admfort�autravenbrs . I . 7 1 ducod her,to-ge to the sick one, Sqit- and the public generally. The bar l.ivered'b' �X, ii� the U4 S.,.(Jon s6rro He B-.�That'a - what the ole . ma, said.. been a exclai: -ago above that:whiph go the trb -last so ai it W. is, Supplied *,Ith good wines, liquors, and choice oigas. ' . , L . i en ifs-sid6�4u&q AND OTHER. a shoet uje-does not ad that. stood 'upc a. which o�er_L And o libr Good Stabling and attentive ostlero. tirne'ag6l upon �be e 'i one ghtiy f i1eigravo Dip. 8 167ili: sury.j. and if -1han It. went'boomin' a'i0tind angril mk. o r .99, L Ot-1 �wibga; olie -Ri gAq4 0.1 , 1 who. Nv o.o a a va$t P r � It . Or, with, of eidendIng rell 'f ill, citrw eauW41 plain th'r -binl: &Inlo't a4 : ' h a b' li 'jl�ced tbe boo Ir. W6. 6r, br -t Ilia, Uls, hiid: e, L careful�� -r. RATTENBURY; MAgInIficint pl kcp: Good 8 Itie urh abdis to the far ing d it got away' L L boo ecur a P t a L, ine of '.the 'be re sive burde'nsof: we r ce cains oil:, c �k, a'n(f oh- th a ' of_n lIdl W7 —th A. -in a, try. to-escap e b it b , b e.-,� s bood 0a jiahod� , b t see. ih6 RATTENBURY nousE: -tho, oxces faither'Onn", witlt.t _X to AXb _ t_ TJi.,Propriptor.-One,dogirboUtILQJ,.tllQp RA Lem e Yoirce f out expe 0, 491 W4 W. VARAN: of this hompe'ato all new, and, everyt 'it is'rdf ' 01" 1 as , ten L 1ghitig to Witi, a peneiratej and C bdib-nor, a �of%fe6dib linton., The atfingslau& turn waggins an 11 Ilf Log �ptill, Victoria guest) 40 911 t rn e 47 provided to y bd �descicibed it ini lah6'age . which,, W;.publios and Thir f nd' to was s6ttillon,'the por6b." I never Ir baven!t: i it;;, C i'eojnjo� �'j meet tho;kIshes and wants 02-thotra I now dalinly�-_txpswe; lie teeloonfident, from long oxperlene.L L Of being - able. 11"s -the way in which, 'the off a rom a correspo' ei4: TrAin li'._milrala�ditors, -seqWbd But'.. , riolj� it extravpgant tbqm birds ail such appetites. maIIam."L-. :4�`Ycu c6rtaifil'v bav; I )aia in, the extt%m�.. �but th6 revivified life. th oj� morrient it 0, U., -the., fpll.6win� OffV iDf taa Inge on to inake comfortable An Who.mey favor him with their - the, United, States. child ift.the'wAy lie'Aduld -gar, an go ;ere, a 0 -whenhe'-iii-old.-he ivill nob d, 0-16- -1 - — -:--- - -let- nior 0 TO L ANIS mpnre rl�bbea, undei 0 Q lil4n sa a thay have. -, and 'of the Was ot to. 0 M olitinn A an(i; aller it -are-the-. iizlly-�7,per�on -�vh 3 n3 meinbAve any 1c 9 Oying -guisa ofp'yotoc I '7= ly strated in long. ni$bt� he, again V14 I . sit �_WAS 0QX1feOt1O3aQ'r' reiignQ . . . ......... .............. ........ the. him Y Was kept im position. they are gudeffng� tinder. tho Xollowi I ishowss- thit not a ih. bod' one o "SAM 001 "a or i so 1-1 e e ro W 3'aid the stranger Wit; hftfj�_ at V if Wfs not alone farm ra­tliab­-auflar-�ir onab VL I yo(t nee eat� a litter of fi 0 to w lot. inid good with �!hildr renj areif of time- and' "u ie(I 8a cro.wbA t P It I.V A T E F U N D S' 6tfeet jil" t1jilfli and then begin but-als6 what all is in on. ir pooli:eT r ecavc Sunday list, 'Ing .1arge- it 0 38 0 diA liad nochiii' fo`� men And b pro ec Ive princip a oo have yet% I id it t ally partioulai wix�. btii also Upon dumb -Iyi�-attendod. le, out-ye�.aebbo it� et tho ONEY this. oi on onod mortgage the,, �,Mo minde tp�� An W crocIrs -T And '�.te btttter- ime;` responded' n. SuMs, coinniuni yj excep MAI that mal 'and how-haia it'is, to Vr6itk ff To. I,EbtD�,XX L&ROU OR SM AT I fraction �� a '0 "jijai Y. 64ry -X 16alidt at, Modinate'ratea Of ani a, Q16 41 q And ' t sea] ;e the Jrntb In jN raor.or once, CRARGES MODEIRATrI. xptsc�, . re in - position to -take 'a .6 tbor6ugh- MA 1 in an ma cc you R. HALJ9. Ai6tao,6 of itty, partioulqr babitw] :The, Brave Sallor Bo that was in thj'a re�ft'tarant will der, itu hs�tbe madain to 6,p6n tb6. doo 'r 6 1869.'' 1 . I � I , , 0. . . r tthe insane egis,% ion.� ed or'inaulged' as.[ how L d 0 a r . readers =m c in. Ar then ff-stuffe be- j66d�'- tligIlt LIS )to* d1two of the, prairie' � dogs, -call- the Policemn' nL :she dgcdv�'r`e'd -her CHARLES HAMILTON, BUSHPIZI LD - LICENSED perience3i in- A f6w day I t � ... - . . ' pondbi ve some of th� be9ttles of out from Now -Xbr'k " chdke�,�§ Idn' Auctioneer for the County of Zillion, helps of r hegl it ou strn-g-or'' gQAPyoll y -eat ship was: _Oridejin,rab oft Stock Real Estate, &a., attended t st ur overi�ken by alerribli to be W port�nt tbat'ficiV wbil o a at reasonable. afterward, I aTo Ahe liked near a. week. One Weprincipjoeri. d!�Iinca'ted iiie eat' yell 1)aVq,gqt,a sen�'dr n0 all tbe' are young� is-3he necessity 6f ul storr ing good Ut y.6, 1874. a�busbfield, MR ]3 lite I [At One of the, Ion, 01' Banister, Gentlemen. know the farinitig, inter )its so, that Nvhen they day, at the kqigW�bf the iompesi, thei It ge ogy. [line tov ind 'a Pi&64b Ancer, ri giag At, keeper in revolvQr litylin' on a 4.. the 4inmalot head 666 ti�gled etibli '-and:tbO (J1_WgnJ#kt. 7 _ML jAras,.Howsox, CLINTON, rzcExSED VC. -jr6da6e's over 0,000,000r,000 wofth rive:at; rs Q To x4ma for the,Coiuity 09 HUX611, to- prepared to. est f tttulliby they. lna� TV this! ihilliodity?" Seim - qqarm stool, and Beat Esispo at ran- of, p, redactions annURIly-�--tWditro ihiri* bring -for fruib. , In An meOne lid to go Up and strai�fitI; A Delicate, floint . ere WaS'as t end 1.6tes. Conne " !'­ Ctioh Wit!, the above�, att ol in. too,,urid in the mornin whie they Royal Canaffian -Bank, Olilaton, Xov.�8,,1�7q# teontbs,.of all the �roductknil of this d -bearing 'enibi -.'Thq niate ofilled a boy.b onging agin 6fLthe_"`wcnIbbi to" ppy could WAS drivin! it it �un .. ayj Fand­iiho ba ,,ft. the pen',' 16 d -the out the foregoing remarki, is it curio est Arran of p ", ;au -der@ trip, the feiicO,'and o ngi t to; .took,. foi ..a geki�,bo q&jtbl, u " q r, tour on, %R, list us to ih,6� slif a or a h Oq_'hjVO jM1)OQ f 'The I& oue e 13 L in AARISTER, ATTTTti&Y-A�. C tw exlilsio . �rolian s� in aeram( S. LAW, Sqlioitor In "Ohnne Conveyancer, es 'Upon wwch-, y ed' in Ident, odealcring, in one o -the cattle d his 'cap, btit hesitated kilderstnothered like,' wits heard growl- tho conclti�ion of th6.,,ep-pa� artiol . d' ' - h ony, bUt oma;;�kurxot square. ad. Iii-li La'tAX that it becomes a;' IiIurdeti. in Toronto. A, drovo of attle, it Moraen east frialitbu od, secctVife,m young cqt6ropiT.` Sher vif it� - r, I _ _ r L_ 'I, L i and min�to pritty-,f,well, h whent erveii6hei d CAPITAL, 82,000,000. - -_ , L -6 "L, " "f " a ­ " , " .. ig I no fit and on �inot [fir r came tu-. this, &lance er. Afii ricti, ura poop o b de upon 0 a it into One o the yar a, �'whiq, up Thei: res-11iHt tfi6-ekpeb&(I train cyntgn, Ab�i 22,16740 27-ly furions-sea, an yll it the smd� Is b - ur#iii'oiih.ofIks k4outh, blood may- COUIVtfy.; - 'Yet YOW are ill time seek. froid t1wir weary ap�QaranioQj been a then rushed acr6A the and 'it. rolled 6vorl And stopped Out" L 'The rihgo WaS,drl'ifav6red..b),,the.childt�.en of herV I)MI)=00311110, BriD A colasiderabl ta ce. -and doirn into -.the forecastle. In jaltbiust have Started the filgt, Y.. HURON Among deolt ol man CLINTON AGENC Opposite the CommerclatHatel, 00sed baakLto',tho�i �rjde's. houses' bot '114fariner might Vell7mak6 a WS' drove was A I flind OX, that Lad e about two niinutes he appearoa, iva e r Oaks the. wife, WHO W ouldL laave no ne- the public genarality, that he koeps rei --worked in & ay.milhy orbther- wi a . ns�tho ieir stell'inother, bqt the la4,y' (i icopeelfull t6inform his friando vi . 6tli.. thAt revolver.�, say, -of the price efhig ilork' "thout a Word seized th luotien per dentl: lrlA4cq,, with tl een hand A largo and will assorted stock of lt.­�nvthing elsOs now I b piotl4is;d .9, wed - hundred pounds, and of: other things, alrnilar 'horse powers' and after ditly. rope -ladders of the ves.90-mi-iland. flew up but. you C a �A_ s4ort,time:a _A�illikeit 410. . Hay-, d ttip, 1 6 ptil xs4,`iffi11 �r 'be. -made me-' in,., OMeroUr stolleg and.Towellery, which he vill sall at It lug made, no the- - octordon wife - ing, In to-,st from Four to r, ive per 'cent- alldw6d. ',cloatwelprla 'the4rig�llikiikii.*n sqaiirei-,* Witlidizzy.. zpm 'of evaiyAosoriptlap,prosaptIf V -every- itself fronvits jdiiro' elebraitedRusee 1 -Thei: a !;A06nsbl proyided ho.did no' ba e to bay r obliged on Deposits, executed. ay commenc oye$ tC tAnit6m-_.There!s, co�dia-.dniy Clai th Usna - 4110 yar 0 Watch kept conitintlyinstocI4 4hing excep big. food liudor the burdens I ad a - oarmoxQ=40t.: in raw 'Watehed' yei*henover yott wall; - av��ometbin' You Of -t11 Clint most Alm 011, $O�' 8thJ;l669.L t a hestate ato, %!bon$o,t4nd it Al. LOUGH, Agent. of taxation 76U have illiposed upon -hinIr Making 1.-mgulse-traok.. his- rearful, height.­�- - - 'he'll rop6r raln-a p the CIO, man you Witilt about A million. ddllats� - The chilarda tw­q!daY8 W9, r-. ret a G004 mornize.—PUZZ- are-contgating_-her right -to anythiiig; (linton, oat. ii lmly.. R willgovei jo EtTR EXTRATED WITHOUT PAII With your- &minable proteetiieystem. to may, when tha Sa;bbath rrived J. me down aliveL they 0. CAR"IdGilT, L.D.1, Bergson -Do 1to achlther. 11atin twenty noti inforinatiou, on rived., ext Ile caun4t ndL buy a pail! �f regica tI14- entire day m its lt%bGj,,. - taid to raots Tooth With'atit Pain by the use ; , . .;, . I delphid BIlAtin. 'tito fact of Mrs. Ageritlb A - , Igo to town It bi g the! fqrm in Nei oddri. as M6nday r�ldrninig r 0 perilous job as done,. and Store, Stratford.,, the corner 6r feat; the value Of- two load Of pota� the Poor, bli a OX . I-Aight be 'part n�gio, the Califol:4: Jiraby. ha an og I ugvpdn -b i rivid' putes' the A oieif per- the bby safely descended and at raigten j 16 ri ild 'F62'I' family. Attendance in Goderfob;athlooffioa on a d hijj�qlf Up Wit� a a 1 7 OF arriagds' of Went street and- the Market Sildarel'on the ftr9t, tices. If lie gets ress, for his ite; forriting its. acoutatomed tagk'.Of going 14110 on hii fhce, to sell, 'b6wbeu -white p 58. Tuesday and, Wednesday Of vachL mouth; n Clinton, at �he Cipramerolal Not I in exactly the-s4mo the ship. "'What Ma6kItnj 6enctor, wit ROYAL MAIL STEAMSH I a], (in the follewirIgThursday Jim& fiffeen iores ot corn Will hardly, pay for round and i6tinc waikea1bi the stern, Of,' _qrsdog, And. nef-Woes irt4f the;faa Pilt flUction, Friday. The remainder of the tinbWAhla strittforid'office. a once lectur. , , '!� ' 't.: . .6. Liverpool, Londonderril and Glasgow. you gO4 below -for' -when oidered ing upon literature and the:sta 4431 :� and' ul h, "", - r. Wunder your scoundrelly PennsylvIinia" place. It stayed in tbeyied,for oeveial -did atto6is arii illegal '. findL ViJi e HeIelbse'baaabq� tIlQ,ql Parties requiring new tooth a requested td call If at eviden, ce sh6wi"that diiribg f a years of �q . gul . d,nob 00derich and 011atollf on the gat days ofattendandei ' system of protection. I can scarcely' -wbek6:Vof6r4 Win& sold to: the butebers. aloft AA:6d a paflsinge� �f,66 in discussing tho'eduatioa of memd�y,�. Ibo firnt-class, full powered, olyao-built $04nishIPS Over K000 patients hae hmA tootimextraotell'by the 16, Milliken!4,wedded life with this ii�-' On'las retui4ilte Aster, said: ,Use of the 069, &tl)rL COWtOao?aoioSj;NIlW York.. it ring the. Uastod tb0 he ci Of,*n Allen Line, leave Portland every Saturday MGM' thinh of' ilny�tbingAOninected w4 It wir and. du that time kiever- forgot 'the boy. '-I- wept -i-6 priay',11 replied oilld repeat any formu. Lve7ZI.;,lnd Pamffen on wi 0, F 7 uf�hctures, eithdr hostery bla�kots, 4�bbatb,' - What � lesswi (loss this poor 9 r and a qtuver df the lill of �vords after one'e hearing it. d� f1d 91;6 was received4n, good gera and Mails it C L tl Stratford, rob. 0 aiiith a bill b" I �11 6hn� ­tprotaim sow a7lis I. .it Y su Glasgow. 10 oote SoRdo%,­�,Tgn, CLINTON- COUTY- the aq once, on Got'r -b 'was -amoncy an blood,; Vaa. 44 efora some of qa�ofesqing eiety, ilblidtigh hei SAILMGS FROM PoItTLAND or anythin made 4f 06)lper or 0% ce t it J': w _011' r , tt - , L - . . ­_ - - - _. - _ & L' d hathii,n&6tion, and UST OF L ft"g�gohogf,ls byeato pupils of both -"%sit o en or co on goods, n which the Christians with ieggr '-to-ihe ob. IV d'sent to tile Stage that ent evy from all ports-,ol-4m Ogmaty- must Province on acleal -not r have to pay at I ax of servan( 'O.Of f e ri lre$pactr rJor q'r inceire., Tw. & 3L 'dyoU:ge PERUVIAN . ............. �;Kfirgh 20 were a t 27. terms,. itistmation,iigivaiLifidRiboBigherbranaliesof rmer. does PRUSSIAN . ........ from 00 to 160 per cent 6f its value b,� alibnal could tell the Sabbath from-imy $q,oho went 'Into the. i4rde"n'tQ cut a esigmi �6 I Wa POLYNESIAN . ............ -MaJoh Ill rest I Howi ill clle'th�t.has sinde, bacorA6 so famous fe "Ur ra gag Aprill a. a Comineralil, English, and- Classical Education, and OCANDINAVIAN ......... April 10. the Fron6h and Orman -languages. students are, pro- IParlyl on the morilingr�of March 1i li�tbs nearoes and'r t1Iattoe0.aqlineiIi-, gjhderi workealf6i� you Wril 17. Vataltloo,r the -- -.13. 'tTnr1M1Tt66'moae Qf-ii other' clay, lexc6pt from long iiia, c6n. . - I . -:7-- 1; - - . -. A MORAVIAN .............. pared lot thd U, loarzic4 profession xAt�qn. Ltthe calbbage-leaf to -make an .�nppje pie; �a April 24. ir 000 gible for IbarrIsgo'*ith -W uteiljorsond -PERUVIAN ............. marcantliparoults. special attention Is paid to's I. mingular and 6yrktibuil afta"r lirlcea. I " , ioop; ilit era. Teation, past eight years, by our-peetiliarlaystent trilled y reado , the 6nmetime � gr;at,she-bearl coming to for -bA- hito I 'lea r . rs,to .6 W. studios rail Common chooll Tomah tons, Rn&nd, in connection wil n., Sbud'anto from a distance e, a arring tip tha: street, pope hi's head into the an d'that thit wife, in this' ilist'aue, oti,tet, tbb title, to`�yqyr (,,V;pF )Pace,, 6C paying the customs dutiedin, goldi we determin man U A tome and, tit quarterly top ..... May 8. board In t vWegg ot vel7 moderate rates. I#ith the death 14,',youj- apd. btty ...... a t have di -an from t4s people millions of a man, liamed Gibson, 't, no bee died fiegfo.- ll4b Steamships of the Allen 1A a average from 8.600 The'sumrilei.T' wMaOmm6icscmMobdq,1qthAug,, skooll", .1 Wha arm m A � diiehaWod soldien Avout half past " d Oisioo has not beeit reached, - to . 00 tons. W2. Further into] stion wX be giver. a App;Ication 'If you Would' �Tea 1. . . a. hefarno, back." 4 Ta'ble Talks... " ' ana,"'ab very imprudently' arria no are very low rateop (parionally or by letter) t6jasymembez! of the. Board'of 6 oolook Ke :vient to th I advantages offered by this LI Xishit, .0 bRkah6use of . bgib-al, and tAl d. " ` I aaonly look 6t war importations' and. con.;- bro,"were prosdn� the Fi- !f, 'I beA tocommodatiol2so greatest amount of comfoxt, 114- Truetech, viz,: Means, Iobippori. a 4,ear e,� III COfLt Pembortcu, fthd� Asked � thd- �btker. Why,it ha's been. so all dt - and safety attAinablog and shortest sea its a . Reovo, M,P.,lRSV. Fir UOQUA 9, tA& A. Worthington, silr that wq_b9*,e not. the wrenoy of Pater --,Well, Torni' Whaiib neWS. to, c1fiinieq, the Jbililllos'o' and the Gayruii a liff6d =4 P it! chogej pained -Peter Xn6wlag,*if-ha nft. paid passage certificates Issued at JaWast rat:11% N arnbsill, A. Mari 'Wao' Q'Rworld, 4�d the Gran&,2anjandrdmLbim­ e tot no vishing to bring out, their friends. of cow4erco j. thab out night,1 rM h ' imtelf. L His -yo'dn,g of caii .0 xes are paid in g'old � and ailvq, and *i uhQilly st;i ak-� Oar Through Tickets and ovary Inforihation, apply,to ta ntight be allo*ea to a IONVEYAISTOIXG ANXY LOAN self, *fth -the lifflo ilound b4tton attho A; STRAIVON, G. 33. G I I I , To m 31 all fall 'it th­AAfk1_Ug, to fin Old OFFICE X request wftsconl�liid withs and kno*les greyr-hdatica -dark... It P hd I w6nt haye io buy this gold in 'the. on cro,are Beefs alid, an , 'a all atolls March a - r top (t th I PY. ima. qpq.9 10. 1874 ro the only thing soled now -A'- left' Gibson warming himself in filont, of catch.-as-catolf.( on thi oxt�dmecold weathats, tialica the to ]jolt I * -6 'Ail &I OF9u e it now'.ij average of 15 pev cont premium for siboes�s 12. thoOvefts. the gas being lighted at, the old'm�lft' it IT6 thoL �0480' n. W G' 7-0 0 t1lo last OiWieh Years, you, ill oe Ihat�, all Th W t1ley 00 la Col t1mi. � lKnowles, . returned in About powd ran: out: of,the heals of their. The 61&-taan, 0 Why" yes, date' Ore p 12 8 to og U It it Corn 'ell badta," Maclilin, failed, ` anl, go . has L" t � Vid- th nolivs Ax ir,-90=01TOla 1X OBANCEAT, AND there has been Ili least � $1413 000 000 rfer,-LIWish -to, e- 'L, %J Attareqdlt;�OTAWS)ld ultylCoutfoofUdland, of money robbed from -the peopId.by � out as well a .31 too a�L boot, minutei, but 0ibson Wad"nowhe to, b eve'rbod,y else that -lias tried to, r cat Enyt.hin (IR09E,Ry STORER, obilosloglit, Lindo Loss, WV. tato Agents TAW Life wire 1, ploin dat 11i about it winit. itilf.votf and- alAgAnto :Paed90 S, pecalitir sirstem of legislatioli, '.Xow, I Master -4 laob is no use I the odern the rigmarole., 84pp you try, ii!! Z, e and Fire Insurances and 00ndr ) I in I sillily propitedl Tit the farmer. Althougill I anion onij bidders the, pilgrid6 pro- IngenthokoeadingUbld, Tillrdil cAre- slmemb�r dat bOMakWb L atL*0LjJd`jj AJI I then tile rest of the Mouro started tot t6tols vast StOd, an aw us all ore no I, Ana don't yo� 0 ineiiiber- dat in couneotto t First-class fully searching . the Qefiouse the WgL d Pe gra6 pria, live in the cibyj I 6intlot forgot my old gregg., L A. frooket orchestra. arthquako aoducats as fra a 11 -V .1 BUO ftliVin)(184 f6und thot; Gibabit tall '14to: the ditt, wo.-had aboato dat, .'tivi� nol ALER IN GENERAL GROCEPISSI, P b I Foit To 0 do; '09 orat relations And assoointion'g, If, .1 und " �'J , k fallorl"I er. -inuohi- 716t, me 'a house, got to aa�- Vito f 0, 1: ublite do=. trqugh tit 4hioh the iporigo was set, and Oun - swered that o did not' to Ill. I to all plop co eito IWhy is A A ��ukig Bostoriiin. met with a oom� y p $fund the 01)j606 of the gentloulan* from give you contindrdni. h1w g"r.,And fire Upon; his thathe was c9lApleteli coverbdAn-the ()at Mishap reeeritly. His- watch Ira ki lrelpdf4it hoii- the killiljg! O�ol,,o ti; i t Blyth, Zen, 18"1 15. Vennsylvallia, - ib was 'to put on this ox,, 'dentist Opposed- td 1he sAyin&. Too a f� big T41 elided the The place wher6 you will got your Goodil AS Floft; &�d yielding dough. 'The body was old.LMAJ, Sfljd# Well, ad P��t fg:d4t� U.&'10 rper cent W animito ladiiatt' tbiti 2' ing doy�Ajaat beforeI be set aub for Tha -was put in 'Y the d6bor Tilly_:LD66a Use a SAyj Tdoth Cut;' e at a o Meap as the Cheapesto Mrslill, Beesley, ilier), They-hayo had theit perdefitap pulled out'bui lif6s q I extinct, a frqo.enterl he omet struck dis yarth and dauaea' at t e deepasod. havingr �Ao dubt bedn: im. Stepped into a JaWO ers 9 op, *hqe - he yarthquak6, and fis butto'4 so hard"dA A right h RETURNING 1HAVIKS 1001Ht L,01ES OP froifi, 50 to 600 per conto .4nd 46w ask a. 3?gtor-4jost of.the okomists.1 I have caut6aind its via the 18 well uquitintad, for the 'pi An& its good as the best. Thd fillostTeas 04'Risys Oil -at4ly GUIT00ited, Vy inhaling, -Of it d6ne'sent' dis; hdia� yarth Abut trea, rpsep laity, for past faviirso bags to in- ni'at 1�pogo es -t C. and sonnot, WAI porcetitage ill-ltim� of pence, � Thdknowit read, HoWer, th6y speak so.oftetn' . aOng. hand. t6im them that'sho-itill continues the HA oax�onlo sold ' gas geiieraidd 16 the pro- having hij repaired, �)id 6b. or,four �huadiod 111116 fqtdor north,and PRICES MODERATR. basilisodi st this,.. gontl6mim reads etlidthing from NOW of -Oxide -.you Ichowi wa 81#'1 OLD STAXD' OPM 'Tlit B]&N1( ceg� of fermentation ltnA� �ho, 0oft-aOLUg taineel. It, subst' W- 0 York about chalritieaestablisbad hort _,Mjgbck­DUt pIambeksraro_"V.ery'f0.04 itate'.tok-it +1 . tha 'shaptr dat's do'dausev 9st- : Oft aud, see for yoursolves. topping1li mi Ad nastrili, The of a. �harldsoflao lMal$ find -Aud that wherhsi�bieolue agent Jot keft%4.- Ruttrick*& oath a S*Iss Watch, lohl*4 Will ther.�' jLfbe"blonevo ent people of that cyof'smgIng, 6be aro alWays saying to 6_60ase& omeCali Xuropoan and Now Tork�pattes laments supposition that th' 16kii faiddlot Whooef t0ifte -sell at priasi-il 06144d In3hii catato ostii is ment. us equipped, 'Ahe, Tileaiocliet Cull, oral _!4wtdh she Vill the caurtq�y of the proprietor of the n ien �p exchangefor goods gigdq and 40sarlptiong ira kept on I 0aY to th P i�u t � etn4A Pom VspA,. 4 0 P *4 q 94. IP _pp I to 4104war Now,I ith an average st care surAtijution, to secure arlibovai pitronagg, llu�, W4 all. 6raestmi�, and to L Toin-n-Thon, you ought t,6,livi �on. A Ther-moth6l"Wii."'Iffitty 3148tyl A It kinds qfproditce tak Sub guar, aut hopeds: by a his taking off his Coat: and waWcoat;ana young' -pian took -a seat at the *per A&O T ttivahou*ge; hat It theie is one Cause at t:nb Algtg�IDXIJ .6. arp Ma. gays of"the.repcirts egtbe is ning �y V1CT0nX& 15T., 01PIP61111TID TXKE EIANK .4)1rtg?A240K1V8T7L5T L L' lacing them ibn the kneading tatli.' And. ovefything pagt;od' Well- tintil, the morethan atldth6, the of causes, Pater.—They Wola D ill "t t '6111 "For thes600kboldo& of OLINTOX, ON ffiladle of ther getotia Act, When, juddony 1300011L for the imp 0 pobr poo�� d'aton, J'all, 27,1876. GP wlijohL blI114 theffloolvi$'Up averishillont, of th for you, ofan th 'd not Ill tit" the 61doll of this country, It R139 46 the door of TillyiL-Speakiu$ .4 Ibrades, t thitik -ho beard Strains of sweet must X(ag MCA 11;eSS00 and niost VV in '11 a broth datighter, the score, wa I prophesy eventlial D R X T I S T EaVidfifleman m6re than Any other aplade 1)(1611088; mostly od gw�aat Ana lo sn I at hb L h- d People to his tighN left bankruptcy or doinastia -rain,-Or dilldbm-� N 0 T I C E sTRAV-POMWILD BE Inlan j6 thi's house, biA I, -suppose lth6 On: the' squar�ll Porinerly they saw it oblitemptiblo. Vida that ever -grew ronk ITture in' -the world todolii�, -or all thro eAt him 4ueried and Won - 1W. at the n4tionbury Honda, 011itobo tho "d. Tali- g tedby such 'I entlonign thilike he is decom good deal, tu�, (lid nob ilways"itigur in the bot.hollso Of the devil is pitafane An 'C" 81 ON ered. . vitialli, horAbla to relate, the GOCI Will: be OV631 With VOU. fi NOW6 ViLY. Pre . allitig society in ,day and Wodnoadol alAsh wonthi An A)Wsion. Whyl, Mi. Clialrbiauji you Well I I equalitly, knew sorge- thW 44-, town 6 uxDgnaroNzD HAS o 7,: Ono, P $1 ro of Maille, knowing well--�-yoa know -1111139 Wdlrillz rifoRUnate.man,foundbat the Music Molloy t6f. �yoi�eb gy tA 00 worc§ irbit boreso 6d preachers anci cEuroh members ol�jec b th 6 ro at, "bf, -tho Tnor".ok of Bemoaned if igaaaeafro -4 his yeat pookdt�, and A% - hd worse yow cinnot,'keop.- dod, will go.t 'VsAtiS0110961a., shave, Of late thby' sla, on professional- grounds) �ut aq it way, freiii y4L% it Ito hail to ob age' Aml1ly:6nJ4ysL *bat. it too ell—that, your commerce na preferred WAyt t6lilim 44 an tnee M fr, t, if Ited otit tbil atah, the 0 your shipping Word cut uD by the rootS, are mo0b'giv6n tc; close JcQasonin at' me On I lrio� the oellent thoy, jltll�o� 6ofti blothi LID, I N E L U M S EL Ri- straing or the W a LOXDOX, 6iT*kOo. bedauga Oabonhoftnta clamored for the they Use Striking argume to', boataj in cars, S I a WkItz thrilliod,'hi� into is it 1 10411 you (IntRi n And h t in places of, Willue i0d: tudi li46ity, aprotee 10ft''bri.itoft vMd- Ali th6 material thti 114il.61i the hAd. 3401 . # PtmbxtatN obtalfaid tar I"ff and oth ti 11aul, Ito 4tood Uat Apoil, tW, fW 4 stlawloelm Irleg01maosuirSOLES the' open .0tra6t, at'doudart; d6ors, 4 u*d 14 bestor ,thol* -illos10' th4 Xaki' to Apply by lot* or viriftilly, at Oritaro Intel l shl pin gOO& for, Tilly, girt; I 'hlo doparttwe, Wt want of, one :th else ringg tho. inceilbint'ooth and LATU* -at Vidueed PrA4604 of tundly-thouln"i hAvil 116,11anda tliiiI NO, $4 IS Oi 08 Vo speak with the fit fa in 0, of voig.111 a t ink grocers are moat i-dJepin4ent.men, Young i4en J USt Atry - ----- bolougs� to the gentleman, from a W nk thero ]Pe� —thV wouldn't give A fig 6r youe opitil. loarnil g to purse ppe r, th11' WkOsm. Fab. 8, 1879. oyll. . . ­ ­ 'L .. - . . It k, M ot A. soil a 0 6, 6 It4 fit *01 'r j, is Nowathing Man " und brave About it' An In.Viontoli- ot d� b it, if r ten t, beg ions$ thoik paths are always ow6ryl , OUris,6fit VAIkid 'to old sw6aver interlard the doMmon' 10A 0, 114t 1444*a, t tho NEW LODGE 11OLDS ITS muLtVag VVjR*4- iouaoro, and strwiger,and more oloquorib theii 9 00- will. -in bilf htudY4 Notile timi 01ficof a' a A44a ovilor a , " 111 r a reach the farm.. Ab I 'the hIghdi, they, pub y e gage n loog, htid dgt, remarks that illay mAke with Cold- buo a , dLi_ Stole too 4 Mon $50 to than big, I would have it les them to ralgin, their pri his e, , � - 1_ , BLAMSMITH SHOP I TUZSD 64 Ora of this counVll them kpoW, the know;:.Ah bloodoa blasphemies � and It varlo6y of sorinon, whoollfs little tib toddled *641A,Ilat way. WISSMA9, sioratarv, What It: is they Pfopose Joao *11art tlipy their g the foWdr ofthow will go (III% 'a 641r, bol`d4l curses, Xo imin or womAn lapitich, *11tation 6f Witko 684f Add, 10 per cent to the pretapt high r4t,6 6011, 3�et�idefistboyara auto to ogg- Of rit-bis dimency At all o�n ed, Anger, with aii oxpNibiap, pe 116r. Plada. in diatimmiyAhli *Jat -To Any kefinowe ON N R C E A .I .. 6y d ugh tand y U D ee 'bf �y o0ngU or ba !j)l ce top 1 9b J* WHO 1.148 oftitxaltlon. gall. dowbo 1%nil, *Jt p rl" ydarn expationab in the 1,146hralth give you i0tomd. thitt be othatwi 60, 114 boon. th a wqo* of vl��tu A' viia 6i �41 I, h1oll 440w SO MnA6 any it ta b, those broto'l alid vul t1,6 bbr Lthi bo, hr,V' 1,1gla 611l)(56M attention to IIOA0116'6111 %nia tight h6wd 'to 'the everyday budli, at V6661 Th6 fathat in city 14bottirk4lada or$ topL 6r 6. d�' dowa -bllot 0, L. No. 71rWdrg word for blitchota'. Thoy always, t lAlasilas 4y&� *d4y; and to ollow wto 961166h44, RIM406a 110,46ily At hilli, Arid ifte Its WW Oulk btit . WA *1146 it dii tllrj wova 2 ila a has f fitted all thill 11s4kInilth Shop 6ur ft Ill --a to wake both ondg, AA If "ad7thotlill 7( Is sh4mefully guilty,of, liplootiD9 tbft withJust the ilig'htgat t6no of hu Ueg'oab [qwn 6, two thhdo 6? *64i, fout- bt h .Cvpttb ty Tilt V6610, tolplorlt it their Ana our poor people Take. sit 9 . op ything shoula turnips they cAr., calt do otherw Wp It tba1%y.`1 The lit,. thoLloo. Atill tirlog4tt 00sm taw as it voul _U 01 t"Aad or� Conti; blahkoCK, 100 per hh' i nik beneath tho saldt 411palilth A Vb, �r A_ I 66P fiaL yes gra irestill idoal�Wpt, Of It follow 10 wAlliftg thmUgliout tbt Olt 166V trellated to 4tacitto all lat# III his )1316 Of 101W. Recall M004ay Of blavy per ents; calicoes rolalli but servo yo.t fowlyj mah tina woman W"th, ilvi, ill the t6et *6f%YAkblik6 0110 lid"410' at' his 6. savoll All "*R V tril"14911 - *1WIS ON!% 44W 7, M a 0 nrt follIg(It at r—ija voly thoy a# th# Ilea btall to 1111 1 kill W11 � 114 on '01 Id ot all, I Uk it 41"d F1112 it ut po"Ibl's Nt, tilb wakiltulds; to r#4jf4 t6krAdoo, hill il oh; i... I � A