Clinton New Era, 1875-04-01, Page 37
7r 4
-7� 7
"*e, MIN ;.I'll till! im-mv
04a 0 94 the ton-horus out of
040 rb 0drer COMA I And be
t062 063, tko orst, filict. 40 shou subdue tbqo.
0 �74 0 74 1 4"- : . ffiho go sawaer out tao mijuta of the Not
0-10 0 le,
013 0, 0 '14 b4lick until a time and times and the olvi uW of
or fourth kia M.
RDG PAYI, A P 00 time", I le fourth �qao �4`ioi
75 a. 1 00 erv, is but JiWo die I tt� about lwbetio on
Meant by the fourth Cogdom. No WngdtT�
Beef 600 a 1 00
220 a 260 tbakt. b." ever existed on Oahhwill answer to it,
-except the Romwk Wrisdom, ThAt bm been
.6 00 A 0 60 truly 5141901,04148:41reeli). 100 a 1 00 Ally 00, in its form were
arnhan-A .09, HQpubjtdA %buile pecomvivate
Dictatorial, It 'Was lon� d Wepte
0 7Q a 0,04 ih divided xutq t p at in
010 a 0 204' Ofpiro, Rome proper being 14, the Woqtorii Oro-,
pire. 2 TheTOA hrns. lWwceu the 0ios A.
was divide4into tph Ungdquis
1), 3N.1 Ana �483, I
so meptio34od in my, reniarks on chapter
0 ali1mv
t.4o 1�fe . Ave to%) kingall' (�Iu Aoms) that
utlottlixt empire,
nde3 Tho.litt a hprn
$0 80. 0 90�, o
0 82 0 .80 4"Oer. blratp It a Oaks, Wreskt,wordo A;-
ainst. the b an 4eooud, it m4Ves wai
lAtl 0 40 4' 044
ID 06 4, 0,79. or popery, y Daniel, I
vooijW It ?aul and
0, 1# ttor. bgniel Ai �� "'And he pliall
0 70 ids 0 laws;*. Ana t19y 0189 90 t to ObaoEre times And, *a
1000 A 1200 sqiut�) oball, be given into bands (pope, 0 IS 4 020 time and times,ond 4 r? tsk
Butter 1viding of'time,' 01200
Es0 0 0, Q 120 rophetio days, y6l This is the tille solution.
REOETVIP) AND. JUST PPEOD OTI T119XR And he opened his mouth
7 50 a 7 59: 960 Rev. xiii, 6,� 7,
in blasphemy igAinst God, to blaspheme his,
name and ta,�ornaoloj, and them that dwell. in
hmieili, And'% whi &iieii him, to MPVO,:*Ar
Xaroh $1, 1815,-- with the- Saints, nd overcome them. 11 Uaniel
He'jp'rev*ailetJi Against them -W
OW 000
taysa-STOCK'' OF", 56:92 a 0,93
SPRING a 0,93 2, eag, ji. 3, 4,
lling� afty irst, and that 1p
00 a $50 cept tWip be.& I n
19 tho SQ4 Of ordi bioq, who, oj?r
to 0-40 a 0,41-- ofin be rovealo .
On �6 54 0,75 poseth and- 6-tAlthith himeelpAbove 411 that )A
Peas I hi od" mq t ht'heo 49
a at Is him.
called God, or th
Potatoes, 62 , od sitteth In the tolnV11
0'75 ri OW
sQIf Opt he is qQ0.11 Danielle if little Butter 0 17 Al '0 17' aniii. John's "Dimph4mous
-most %rf Iontioal, I alli
0 16. Q 17 b6ast," itro '01i ly Id , pitio
dad, Paul ana Jqhu, t46110
g 19 00 1*00
for ono, that Daniel
6 00 r differ
ng 50 Ailide ont expreggiYU, xne4u' the' gam pow -
Wo .250 8 00
nd that powei is Popt . Tile. title the
iouia o, men
a rt� od 4g4unica of --Holk -Loid,*'!
Beef,. 400 a 00 Patn
pin, eyllm Wore
6 76� Il, 7 00 atheir ProO I I lont-
its commission, it 'we ba, Aothip elo, aqfflf
TORONTO M-AIRKET". ly establisheg.the ftlar
6 Ahat
pope Ile,
ToitoliT,o, Alaroh.31, 1875.,
-$0 92 -a' -0"19R febriat "Vor 0
v - vipav, on e
000 a di6m e hntlj jppaiu�ed his r�b;,'a'ad
0, 09, 0 90 As to Christ is b�rkt, every kiltee in heaven, earth,
and under the earth, jo sball obedience and. ser.
0 44, -0 47-%,
O�7Q ' vice hio'vicsv� by'all,, 6at there, may
r a Q 78 be one, fold And � one Aephotd." Again,PoV6
"The Roman Pontiff alone
0 2, Says,
rb lw -I, 'I 028 -030 is rj I yotqq rA 4109,0 ip� the ri
Eggs. of _et 41 ho r kips the foot,of
pope, I be beRi4jn, the
churches, It is t]
$600 IN PREMIUMS*, haloalinameilitheworld. It
is his right to His W04 is ikot to
Impolp.."idt to li-essiio arowsirs. -be rep -Is O'L Q
0 t b'",ripboled -by
ddled, by an one.,
bimself-alond, is to b6 judged by none.
TW-0-,:','1qZW .� FO tirroEs. pmo has never Lerred� arid. the
The phurob. of I .
'ptnim1pati it sb�Lll-rjever 9ii"! 04rely
tAppleil`411106-6111POTIOI! in
tan frqi�� Qth0j and proud
or, qualflity---sarly--fripaning but hejeiSL a -power ive
erVr6dukfio.', Ptica:-Por lb.i--047; 8 as blasphemous to
-- ---------- ,mapt- repaid, L By expres a of the i, aid littiql,hoin,. 13114d'tiust
Mr. tables address, 0�2,:by mail of aill
or frelght,,j peak, Ilgic, 115 buthet, bushel, the p6rapiL be tba�'t does 'not L Bee their ideptity,'
IP. EUREKA -A noodling of the-Exeirleler--vossed with'
It is said, of tMs hoin -that lie shall "'think Io
the Vbito roachblow, and possesses in A remarkable do, change timOs'and 196wa." It is evident that tho
- I SS OL. U - T-11 0 laws here spokon. of ar�'the laws of this Most,
gree We combined clinalittes of these f0hrits virlottail
TWO Silver Medals war&, awarded to the above varieties Hi -h for hie(-,4ork is to"oppose, God., �'The qhipg,
'by.. the Mass. Hart. Soolhy. Prionj lb.l $1. i 8 lbs. to ous
diWiinosbing ohniacteri4tio of the,
mau'lof min.
bushel, $15, barrel, 31To, RUF arrogant' note, Are Against God and his
4600 X14 RRIZUru the"eq OulutiL. - in fqlfilm
QKS,vill be dlYided im' ont Qf'this p4jt Qf,
sugaossija equistitpra yh.6,64all proftil the largest cy"tho AtIiTlfm APPst4qy 1IRS repaycia tho so
-tho alipip tw6� va- comlylslod
Oaatqy� from and pound of althor of out from iho dccal�bo; C
$950 f6Z
FIT LOS, SKbWFZAJUR And EUARXA- �ddb' vati- the i6,i t essed gabbaiil of the fortEM]
AkE 140TIoE ziuT TNERSHIP HER OORR EXIST- plot iditions named in our; liiitoo Catti-
AN DER. -sty, subject to do] description of the above spa BLisals rat of the weckp an divided
Y14, and firm of, CALL logue. or a tau
weon the , rgigned, IiIn
rlqo bot unae der th lxTo CATALoatric, which obaboins 06 ad- the toxitil tq.valto up'tbo'numbe , of a
SCOTT & CO; aa general ineroliants at Clinton, ondeliborough, Ilias illis, day 'joriptW6 list of ill the now varieties readatly'lintroduood coMmaMaiDonts,.. SeOCQ,thOlkicit a' 6
-the little horn,, or papa 0 It
been disSolved, iQ that all, de6ts due, the Said firin will be - assumed and paid' J)y with -aurother desirable ocito; beauttfully� illustrated * time when, ey,
&Is 6 most, usofal information ppon this oUll4vatiou ol did ljot 046OL before the t6a borfus, on I id
-said Robert HugM�Scott,'who!resuille arii&�buslneO at Olintok, this valuable, seat free to applicants, not arise �ji6r io 483, -when the 11
OTT and all debta'�U B, ]WLj l3LINS & SOXS"�
illicler the i rm
-fi of CAtia e p.. Three, of the hokns�must to pl' o ed up be.,
WjDxn'&'SO 0 B6941 Ifordhoots, 84 Bar
jj A�'SCOTt.L ' 015 S 101� fore it in1ts rise. It ca -me' v� -a 0 * the, ton
riaust be pala, to, the''S firm' Of CALLINDI The sawbUsiriess t li. O�,96x 5712. Yin'Eim 1 h,
si& . . , , ' oiiis, - -and. three of those horns jell 6fore it,
Lonaesbokm&4ill be issumed by. said, Hugh Wallace- W. L Wallace, u4der a the year 493 A, :ip Itomo an . a
thie style aud,,-Afm of HUGH *A-1iAM 00 THE IMp A P DDY. Italy wo 0OAqii0Te hythe stragoths.
534, torindalo whwwbre under Arim influelloO
wero pose.
t ROBERt.CAL , pored by'tho Giaoics, for the p
jq -th. -of Ith
of -es a -4 lli-supremacy a. Catholics
JOHN CAMiN.DER HUGH $CIOTTI 'This wellkiiown. medicine is no iinp6bitfori --The PoLtrogot of who hold �os�essiou, of, Rome,
-bl* and, safe ra�mady for Femalo:.Diffi. -were under An "all monarch, who was an onto
I 4'Obstructi6no, from an cauoqWhat� 'to the supremacy of, the bishop, of Rome; hence,
on tier. aft
-powerful remedy, it con- before the deor6e offInstiniAll. (a Greek emperor
atei', and although I% . At'Constantinople) could bi card
March 17, 1875. Wns nothing'hurtful to the constitution, ct i4to--affeei;
ClintOD -LADIES by *Well he bad. constituted th6, bishop of ell
TO kARRIM D head ou4ill the chdrollesthe thtlrog ust be,
itea. Itid p millarly. su� rjT te b� J
. I 'I the mouth of M re at
one, In all cases of W&vouo and Splilol Affooti wbidlitiml e0strojotha,'-whohad e d hh�
Paine in, ilia iLok Axid Li be Tleav east out the city, and bosiefed it in their turn; Sised
F atigtie on slight exertion, 1.12pi?a 4
slege,'aud ietired,. eaving the Greeks
tion of th'o the i in Poo.
.heart, Hsterics, Sick Headaches, 'V�hites - essloll of the Ol thus, the third horn Or ldnqo
0 . Be 0
slid all Via painful' diseases , occasioned by' domi was pluckedup for tbo express f
L M- ., 6. eafabliAin.g the pro iecy. -Bee- 0XbuT`xDe . -
Cline and Fall of the Itma'aElinfre, :The facts,
wen all other meanshave failed. correspond -with tlae-propheey- Otjustiniauto
��Th Pills bavd never been IMOWn'to. f letter to
ese jhb*j)iAqp of ROme, A, A 5:33, be read
Va hear bi In, :1 Tustii1*--PIus, fortunxte, rohown.
Wait aro,.4oll bbservqd.'; Old in' h t''Lln. perorio6ugul; &a.; to John, the
fieie tho'Okeetions,on the.2nd Iiage Cot ra
Fat get a pamphlet, free, -of -of �aur aft of ltomq4nd
MostTo A
Patriarch, Xandoririgl�ouorto the apostolic seq,,
gna�o in our desire;f and
OB 310SE%,XRWY0RZ00T;t Paotlirr'On.. and, to your holinesalas dlw
11.01),and 12;L cents for postage. enclosed to as it becomis us honoring your bleesednes'a as S5
Northrop& -lyman, Toronto, Ont., oneral father, -we laxi�o laid -without delay before. the
notice of your holiness. all thinpA
a ) inillIg to
;entsforilfarDlOnijbion,'will, insure a bottid the state o latta
DE the church." &o. . 6 huthentici.
oontafiiln� ofer 50 pfflo by r6tuin mail. ty of a " mr" orpley receives un�
Sold in Clinton- by.. J. H.. Conibe and G60kge�
andwerAble proof Z8111 the edicts'OftheJustiniali
-earable of fbe.ftb, st -
hidky!h TE. Mckson 'and F.' Lunisden, Ses. :,ode. The pi ates, that, As
-or A Cattle
f6rth,, F Kidd, Cstrolabiobk 'ParL the elder Rome was the founde'r of the laws, so
aWa F. itird4n, Godbrich; Cimeron, B5 WJW'it not tOL be qlleotidncU,: t1at Inter; was the
field; Jas. Bouthron, Rodgerville; axid A)l l#e% -gubriniaclf the pbritificate. ;Tht 1314' on the
Eccesfastical -titl if and. privellog0o, cliaptor 2
statei, �Wo therefore dorce'th4t; the most holy
Zo pope ofthd,oldor Rome, is.the fintr of An the
iost r
4korlolom I XCELS ,C;, Ic Om prigith6d, and that th6 most bless'ad archbishop
WouYu Tm;u Tilarp xTo Wk;qjzT xN GoTD.-Poin can of onstantihople; tho ne Rome bhUll hoia..%.d.
to stay where It It usad. It to tha Cheapest Medicine. 0,16tid'rauk, aftor-the ho' ly a QgtoVc olisir of.the
avaiints4a, one dose cards copullon. OLTf Ahroat. Ono ederRome.111 Crq16y,IJV.T1
bottle Itsooltrodbr9pol4tio, VJftyo#nts0worth�soourcd Rome fell about A, DL . 475i and wagin the hands
-b. It popitively guide . Catarrho 'of the barbatiatig, -Thus it ContinjiQ till the
tat old atiLndJ[tg coug
conquest of �ftbmo by Boligntius, Zuttinianis
Ast�tmi, Opd 1�iftj cents' VAli has altiodlor(ek *
generliLl, 5M to 638, when t1to Ostrdgqthg 101t it
boa. and fuloslima qA21111ty iamo,16i Wilitit in of the Greek emperor, x
itch Eft,
Tlius the w�y�waa opcn-f6rAM-dra of Roal6f
0 J�dt Its, dilrel gon
6 . Me Attat, To been receive from to give the beast of ila0acy his, power, -Xiia his
se�t. slid great authorithy. li6v. xiiij, 2� - The
"L. out pirto ol(PinsdaiIl", we think,.ohould be oliMal-
of- titfie this power tvas to -'contil2tie,
ant td, satisfy thamait skeptical. T. Collard, of Sparta, 0 Daniel 96yo, " A timeF times and the dividing of
Ont.0 wrlicht 11 send me lZ dozen Dr. Thomas, Nalootria titae.11 John says NO, 2% 5 "Power was
oil; have sold 411 flacd froni you slid watitmore now
on unto him to c6tin6 fody;;W two modb..
Ito, cards oy traly wonderful." 'William' Maguire, of We Was� to make War. uban the saints, the church
Franklin-iiltdo YbAo sold aft the agent left�-ft note slid in ROT; xiii, 0. .w6 are told, t1je wining
------ like a, alkarm-16 irm slow at i1rat, but tT;o upind, ly church fled into-th�'Wlld rnel IWO doys , and
AOw6ll A. Colo, 'of 10na, wflto.o, If plom forWArik aii at.tho, latlmejAmes"
4ndhUlinomo," RoV %0 "Alid1willgive
llt (old and ne* tes.
dozen Mi&A kolootild oil, I tal innerly put , not g owor urtto in We WlGe�
4qualaft 16 19 highly recommondedby taso',sho I�avd tament shall prophe4ka, thousand two
uisod'14.11 I, Beafor Rpena'gt bundrU fit�dt 'y`�6 dayi. - ol6tlj�d, in, tackoloth.
60 S further supply Of note Aord, tuent *6 linvo the poil . 64 of We pontiAllaiiad of this
oil C4, I )late nand
be oil a al sna give aen*hIOh`
NOUSL L ' povht to he time, t4nod, ofid al"
TREL ttlaufv; I adlvoida* itixtL 0 wi
is, oil. 1200 pro
such goneral oatlaftigo#."i 3, Thompson, Woodford;: vidlogobtime,102 montl aat
EkedInfin bil. hate Belli No I. Ills P or a
the church of risk for 12CO.yeats, Jr, rom the time that
contifival �d ruld w th ollptossfon
aksPapist autpokor, In 15�18 0011stituted tho
We_ W11 ContinUe t6�.a -,,TIL g9laotrAO Oil 4; g6fting A rppc�ofRcnqdsuPfobi&±U1erov#r all the churohooliathe
iEast, therof
id, from 688-11200 YddlrS�W.Otdd bring as
Itrid. is aptly called tot. Bond tie LdoWli the stream of time to 3. The
'It per, dillunythitistriunspirot tyerit us Y a silo
�ut dolij, .1alandyne, Gibb & Co., toJ tif th f
910-61, u
tdh that the 40minion of pope,, tbtit Year 1i
let. thid Y,%,Ao taken a
16, clAys langre U)n oppor- its or'$ gross V cl�0416 It is n hlotorical fact that on Fall, 10, 1708, Berthibr, 1%
OIL WOL find It ta'tako Won." Bola by J'ft J#edIdfe6 riedolt goboral, catered the ail.1 of Items and, tooIr kt.
dealers ronlohd loth. Of thb ogma Mouth t, oVQfO gp togIR prh
sonar slid tit up In Ahe T14000" , TI o , P4 Go
mant,vill romtholimeof not( in
tunity, pass, The greatest* chan'do for z,.- 2 =1
A;id NORTHROk & LIMANt orq6I shoolapa WPF form,.Of 0 lfrumelp
roranto anc,48010ASelata for theDomitriq�SL at c*ptivg V�Axccl,,
1to ue Bible
gettin chea g ds T021 tot. t�o iliuy- 'by
00dS Aa4iitlto know the$ the power
a 0.11 q 12 0:jeari thereafter,
Bola In,01futou'lly.T. 9, Combo a Malay," r,
a Polish Zroporbi�4 A. V.,
Ificksolov And, Z Lums a ostpr 0M Ilipai 4 another 110plish Emperor.-
Y)ibok, Parker it 001 0, he that led RAO CAPUTA70*6131i Into d8ptIVIlDy Ind
VISMEA & BARTOX., on.Rodgerville. Is do On 49 taken awg, see Dental vil. 4LX.Rbn hr
all it aid on ilia pApAdy
1-4 170 ) and they Il %it take &Way his aordfalon L to ol
oil a. and to dealto unto thil OU4," Sao gild
Olinton, Marc4il' 187 F"O'O'k I-
8.-I'And thin oha I the w1okad (popetyl bd'%f6*6pjbd,
S.& r
W 11'ItIth th it ahtn6
whom thb Lord withIke AM �MJ@DI0XX.Z1T18WEL1, 6 t of,111%
In (this Bible) god oholl AtArq eg
'A s;jid' falirbtahly known, xeWyifig 'thott, `50hul'O'COMM" Thai t� I
a 6 gly it textured, Or'k,now,
from, 0,111 inf the Side, Back aiidUead, 41�bojlsspowortodepoja
C SireThroat, Spiaing traltoo. king" 01a ut to dOMU tho- 04lato, at In formally years, 18
denied nekings q*t Warrants, for e4rktalibe, and ollonood, those he
comlainto, Burns, Scalds, istyloa borettes by thd flam he rikoko prisono had the
yaoitory, oel
award mo; nor bad he been "to
to olfida 1798. Than be used 'to hate and kill.; he hs
TMa CAUAAiAnL Pain Destroyer has now been -olestantlam. noki-tho
�Uow to before the pubIfo for ngth o t,
le, f IM05i and on'this tolciation. Here Is his lAter; adtod cpt;� 1646
WhoroVdi'lited I$ Well likeat, �e Vat fgillbg in itt nalma o -If Enoylidil Lotter Of our Uo"t ljoly lo�j
sinf a ins ance o Gregory 1xvi, bylivitol to ell Patriarchs,
Prilateft,Arobbishopo, n f p, V
'9A it A 73 Rho it bearable broth�
y Used, 'ana 'We, haivo, never known rant boaltit "a tho nponrolfo benediction. You *611
61hole cue of disoAtisfactiofij what how groat are ibb #hIamit
40 tho dir, leg
with which file Catholic Church eta bogot On hill oiala in
doti6shavobebapro�erly followed but on
tit; ovei� Alta howpitifUlly hilt In. a otod.
the coutfAry all are delighted with * Indeed are won "I (OW)IOW ShAllootal) compoN, ad to
among, slid speak Tighoot term# P1 ito too th6uibafi tro4ty, trotdjog of' *116 tiLath maning tair
ines 4 and wide With h0t ()UIIrA(tAo big" reli$f
ter Adiaglot thj ohlox expirience in the mA Ivig I Zino with
espbkk a,,] 01 a aland ri �uteva* **ti vt in a at as all#,
tested it -thofdughly aftd-thoraforo,
�0$0 *fho town -If VdItOols 01 6,11*0 oUlijanplotyq.b.
ae06 sf6ring froln my 01 tht, 0001�jll I rl Its
=&loa buiot the d000%tijil *oil of the natural g6l6nebg
hjOh It Is i'A y 44. lia: 11�on it ov 414talot6oi ouil iS .� L" OL d Oeofflosor of the Caliladiarl justnonjing hernsallefflUto to it st i4quaintano
to to,
curing the dismed for wesOthe pdoplo and *1th Tutho%, 16%va msens nuktiemptattv Wbothop Ut torruili,
IsWOOdOtful DIS as In thO langilAgO of th6 AOp . Id, 01" pestiferous
Ing tho tottutou jjb*#pdp6raj And Other little,pu ifoatiolig, at, bAvillai
Tooto in oubauj Pairth �of
join, and in raild_#ing o6nV6rAAtI"j of protandoa -or bY the
vous Affea. gin of Moiloy, 6 L ad
tiolle, alititlo, it to high tank in tho list; of no, nill Into 41161? hot and Iftafift 01-VA�l
to I' I Tlg.a VOL j[dedri the
otdorIgLAf4booMiiigfiifrotaUddidind atlip 14 Here' hA 400 Ar -4 ilto 1046his.
D64,14ro# In 0,11 pAtu of Q16 jqr. ther supplies, and dacl, J$htjf�b'e Us tothe tka. thi . Now lot
111taitilt I t " a $ad, Whereabouts WN Rio In ills pro.
Ain 10116 thh, a P# Ilia& abylon lohif Alabo.
ll'4 Por� 1% JATo pliY4,
a Malt Nv in tills. RIAt
w 1,4111 to
Otmlk 16j)q 11h4110M thA 6dkP trot
a, Aft's has Won tile -YO
ll4e� s ukalt, And 116 000 1" **or M, 1-myt. the SW yo
that ry IM h
info *6fth's "in"d .. I
bo 160 Uhi
1041004"boyalld0olyrou'lot do
Po 7R111 1 It W 0
*+00o'a ;go#
0 �
k liar we 4RVMO 94 It 0 " bear" with, two
vilts 1-4 its M111.121"pillaing 04 fullf YOU, Will 44 lea L gt
arrivasta Wit
hosila. After that, on *141 damn to a foorth"Ou whit
Is IL boost, 11 lariodial AAA torrlbla� with 0 at on a
end 110U. b9=00t And lastly, you Win QQ $0 a at
]?too where! ouwmfooft�otlasbosdt L, t a , all
snout thx4o Q11ti Arot barnAs bevve hoon, 0 0 on
4M &L Me
oY##,;ko ille. eyes 04 a loan, an aran
wung 94 W114look -for after Pgoologthal tic
111841 ?1. the citp With these ftecilon an
16argoyl. WIlAtL 40 a out
your x1ou jdqx bor A
At Is,18jthj�'yQT% 468 -1
qn%ka*Wj"� 4" fult
in tuld. j odni)Ljk�a� truth. who tied data
You, AY1130
t, tho next thing yolx a%
tot to, the 1xiaotio-plothoboox, A
I -
inath you come 14 jilgilk at that, T11prof 0067 7941 is 0
,,second s4gj%
hj gllva 00, RlQ Must It j poVfdotl
410 batj
4equaintoll W10A We road; Ana 1144 9614 Me the trot
Youx-faitix Increased do You 'trayQ1 at, 71011
ou took for at tilo clt�i car I look f
.4sinly, W-70,10 Oak
lite leopard', Ili ��by- an by you baholo(al tulliv, in
415VAlLM '.L`404�0 It 1jri ou cry, UQW4 X%Icqw he laso t
In 0, th 8, t i ttb, a n d, I t WRI , oo 3 A t k, 14 # 0 1 k% 11.9 has paid,
th If noxi tM you look fOr the oltj ? XOA YQU. IQ, Qk f
tlkllit terriblo 0 . 49V Nrith. ton horns . look ,
Youpsio that, an
ory as XQu 114114�14liow exactly.ths man W140 directs
rao, described p"ryt1ing.o, 'Nd,� . V yqup Ultu Is so -064
Armed. that I.lau. alutic,44 ppo the eltyilbut, pzyout that
to one: more Mg i
viz., thlit, "n WI
to rem, eyes, the
ounes, the No -'f hope I$ big", 4124 �our saxiou
O.Voi . L *4, Intense, intere I t
That gaze v
comes in jjow, Sao Y L 'at or 4 lilt alp
on 0;014im in raptaraq, t4qx,
It to I Ali doubt to now romoyoo, YOU look for no Map
at your laugln� eyes are OX94 to gaze 04 tboolorion
agn"...t, and prabably no malk xxov� however W Isle h,
MQY grefolso, himeW, a0i Id Make. you disorpilitwhitybo
djrQO orb%Q tola`yojg;-� The city, the OjjYL is 441w-yonx
.eye, and Otrat4 yon go, bubtuniqg tq,,vastBsby
Ion, Media and Parris, Giphae, ROX00 PARiM L and' Vip@
torntinated in 1798) Inita, may. scolf 'lligi the and of at
things lubt-baud.
��IAMI:Sjpostjlbue*, burning L RQRROM` -and �gre&t Wralt
446.401 12�IQ�20j'
w4foll 0ho TM
a that W
nd '' , IOU the 4ocuit bithleft, bath the 6inkarworn
eat*rL;'smd thatwhich the Oankarworm,hoth left, 7hati:
1,418not the Merit b on beforf
our eyes', forthe cOru Is withl!ifoil. HOW deou the banoti
thellopas of 0�ttla are
t h y.
.13 1 0% .4 sep fop Yourge i
Ant Too.
Mr. LEditort-I think you Idudl)t for the SpAos'You Al.
=Me in
10611146 akii ffie" i,io-phooy to
49,1075, J1 C. XCINTOM111
o4 w r4can't. tri4l� in Wales, to test
the valldity"of a will,'ii iyas pr oVedAhat
intellect to suchLin extent,'that he went
$0 ItIle post -of ce , witil 'a"00'stilge stafup
bix foA�P44'4p-4 r.�q1q6#94 to 46 Sent
to 4 PIII Moiltiquek.:
Great cohaternation was.6aused, in 13asl-
,oall Hsath,-near lArmingliamtEngland,
ily.jJI6� egca�o of-ar>lion froin�,the Mail&-
g6rig Qjere, lioJA'.Und. iucceed,
pa ' In froping-himself trom'the caje, and
01310 4,tliq keellar#-Ob�erVed it in the
garde�L -�alkillg fW�Ardo the gate 10"Ad.;
Ing_ into 6'; jjalLSalI -Heath road,-Aw
with great��oiltiigo. tiad prait-nce of m6d
tL114 �Aa thus fprjy_Wting.,th"ni-
OW71 the garden. - The
-ff I " eal 0
-keeper obtaiiieT assistincei ana. a', large
PIV06: off. tied L tO L a -rlo�!B and
jitiown-to-t,bA a � the - in . an putting
themselves in a hecilre position. ak'-fh&
did so. The lion seized the mleaf and
'ddit- , io-poLtinaclotiol Ahe-keepi
I , y7thdt ,
iro sucogdding in rlrav�ing, the- ani
intol'its cage again, and so 'rev'enta'd
bim from doing'-sierlous,mischief.
. ...... � A Girl Watte
Clintell, MUS10", ws.
jq.� 0 C'e.
-A Creditors, -or otherwise, against the late Mrs.
Bar h Brown, axe hereby untitled to sondin their Italics
R&CE ..
3Uccutorof. the estate.
mirce ongi4villga to Reldoilrom.
Manlage. Liconsosf
W. MbnAVPh, i6BUER O� MAURIAdr L-1-
olinton' Sept. lot 1074?
R0US'eLan'd,.L6t, for..Sale.
OT NO. 909,,VlQ-
FOTi%OU'BUA:fLittr�8-8,tk,071'ibbtuO'3n]4 AAPNPDlyztO - 1 1".
Ang" $I lS7A.,L
X1. The Corporation of. Clinton must leave them with
the Clork, not later than -list Thareally-in bach mouth If
the think pAss0d it tb,6 neyt regular L Matting of
Land for'Sale.:
mit OFFnits T U wn, AT ki-ii
TIII,Lsott B,"T�Rih`dou'. T—taiiblerry, Full 'from Nflug-
banal threo allies from Balmoro and also mile from the
T.j G.A,B, lt,%, for site, ofV111 exchangd,tpr pro 6
In Clinton. There are 60 Acres, 10 cloarid I good Cry,
alaillhodl wsterod., I APPY to this office, of to
Ins6lveAt Act-& � 18601 4
CANADA, , In the OaVtX. Court of 1 4 Caun.
Province of ottarld ty of Ifiritaii, n.
or baild , rotteli" Ott. list.
*he naddral#n6d, will apply to thb "J& Court, tot g,
161601tr9li under the said
. Ijill, Ills-Atigraq a Metal
Audio Sale.
TO be x6m by rubffa Ailment on
T-qSDAYO ArWi 80, 1676, A01 6 otooz. P, It.
I k, 4 AT
IRtAki, OW`it WtV, NORTA
or 7111I.V0113FIFULD
(LONDON RoAb,) -
The following artialtj of ltdUgd�hald t.atfiltuti, &a.
I fin* buggy Wardir R8199L 13 Year& old, works well a 6
or double, I Board with, leather top abd apron
Cirriaga Cutter -1 able at at 'L 10 Here offlan do
to, I a
and Bad Room I Boilataadt on
Witt Bad Raoia'abd latblidhi t ra"
ill -it totoo"dii. *K lill BAY" 04 RFD
MOLM�, Nii vvbp, %T, HO`WgONjAft4LL
th, Match 12,1875l,
:'C AIT rP 1-0 X
X* 11A an
xvin I
11 IT
wo, Or 1, A*j 4'
0, N'"I'A F
it 004attolt 'Toviruphip, ;nly 1, 1;74
is, RE) N THAT TIM PA10.
Nenuum harateforls ��oiij
411ing bpjW0a4 Masers,
S.'raith X boan dip..
0.01yod b MU44di 401141044 the Va*#1*Qz0,d it
ob avilogi vo�
q, P4. DOM
T Y"TQ, T,
tit Of a 0 are, or loop, bVIng lot'lair L,,,
COp.. 00 all 0 8 1). ban' 40on ala4red'auA
JUA Oita of 4 t *at, atnijot'llao , LiUma
b4i Q L 1:4
$14 Pull, 9400 Wo a
Q4�141�'U T".
rok" Sale,
'It Tlijf.� CLORIM
96 4
raw is x0relianta..
Apply to
W Y. 13 OWE
. I
llery, Intel
tain d"lorge qUon'AY of WilrojjhO� thereforWroquelto 411
to 0AY4 them for hii-a, and h4 wIPIPeall gatherers round
and 9ITQ the blabeat vaiao in gasp to; them,
ropqrty for
TZD,'Oa tha, oornar.of Rottouburyl-jild,siliplay,
Strooto,'wout 01 thlivIdethodist obaralls, ,
'containing siven
roomaj with all 60uvenjoacds� hard i44,8010 water;
.%ban stabloi IV 'choice jilootibri 61 bear'
IM,etars, of landi
Ing t traps 9A the lot.,
j"NELLPS, QTTHOS, RXCjFor particulars, appl$L to j
ff'ou_tho jujOW600.
Olinton, Doo..2, IP7.1. 6049,
Tlm�--"Drq 041;91P, OvIrVas iron skma His
000p, 11eing lot No, 40, lot coniq 'Bag
lugham Gravel Road,
"Wakwanolb, Oil tho Olin on and W -t
"Out If' h4lelt from BlYth- Vifty adieu Oleared 'Lro.
unituder good hardwood busiL Fnjdq� .4once,..stono,
Collar"freaso stable, &a. : Never.9&Wn � spring 611 the
piano; - Price, 100,1400 ; , - .8
. . 1181t cash, balance 04 tims, The
plawr sold by the lot of
partiox-1-PI'Voly to . L , �L, A�Tll� x0v
Anx jFxkvDr=cx--BARTIML,�
I (13LYTA R� 0.)
nee"WOW41apoll, Feb. 94, 1815.
-Ii- No. $3, loth Con. GodetldhL TOwdj0p,--r-rg?'jAoruff,
#Wliiah 70 are cleared, Temaludargii6d'hardwood bush;
[a OffarojfLf4r so.14., There is:4 good. frame
aever,failing -well, and good booifing orabotil of I Is!
Ditthopldt3. Tbefarm Is a arst-olass'blej for. w it,
And the W Ole Is in good bider, ' Tarrant and other in.
[OrMMUOUi op application to -the proprietor,
Godorloh township, Fab, 15, 1876.
Yarm, for'.
L Sale.
T "N �13ii,ua�t e(`d1tV1`!tr9= Lot 2-7, Con. 4, L 31611aft'.23 milex
north 6f.Clintoxi,j-mtloiroiuthe-winglimmom-y 116ad,
monfainin 100, acros#. 80 cloirad� the xamainder good,
hardwood nah. 'Thojo-jo on the promisee a good brlok
houso-and orchard, frdrA6 barn and stable$ splendid wall.
and-ooisterni a never failing spring oreek running through
�be f"nof fo dozen of Is , 11 wiliest -in good order, poll. first.
lrullett,Doo.10, 1874.
Fairm, 'for: Sale.�
reabonable and 'exor4ble torms, Lot 14* on Huron
Road Conoessloul beaut-fulty aitngtodo-q mnip from
Ilint6n, j Mile, 4 610 Zolmoovillo$ end 8j milet; from:
1oddrlcbftbaoOUa6YtC(jn.L Thelarmlairtacogdotate
bit cultivation, with forsto barn and stable,-ind log
lon0b ; good fOnOOR ' -Well WAXOr0a ','Vith a. fair fruit
idea. 166j,11ou. so and Lot, Stablo, and Lot. "
alte. . d 8j,
goluding.3 r no oichara,03D ClintOD,"OltUatle On'
Street. eci-torinaundraitioulmnspplyto
Ur to U44N.-M. -OW. Land anu I" -ttneae A eat
Thotabury, ftt�, Sept. 22, J$74. #D.t f
raq& colors. -xilon,ewpat .v this Seasort-arol beautiful. We"t6ke
ry ?PO up
bad vicinity. for their farther patronair,
% bagel
bArm, tbkm that he hAs relboved from a prooite Leslie
a; Aumball's Carriage, Workstio a, house 0 osite the
be hopes he ir
Will. merit a
oltaxidea him, Repairing
of Q Uds promptly at L tended to'
NOtiO 0. Public.-...,
JL 211 reonci OLMarring(f Licouses, by,60 Ontario
for the county ofAturou'. is -a
now ro] d
to-do do at life resilience 111.13479sid; opposite I vat
qW1. Seep: Two Dollars,-
Comm4sioner for taking Arnavita-la, the
on�bpfor Countiog.01.3furou and:11=00,
777). CT- i T
conveyancing done, snelCas 69,13onds, Contracts
N111s, Deedo, and Mortgages. jrj;,jq ftr,!1jl'
mossy alv'rANCEZ) ft HFAT,:0-TATIM.
T. 0. ioXXTO�A
31.�&iil, Slept. 22, 167'4. . . 1
We desirp to 08#00i t�n urGrxTv.FQXXISI[=G DEkPAR=z T
1 0
-Q -7-4= oil sit tion too
51-.0 Of. OL 0_
We"al P6131111g. il�.
NE VIVII 9UNrlRrD. 33OLtAiRal W(.1RtT4 Oj:
1, Nooksto sell. 1willgivotoon.
gette !Fetoonit but -half lot Balliva the at,,,:.- us.V. The
!�VW COLIr"as ow 017FF0,* X$W 0Z0Y,$S' W A AP,
ng Ira part of the Books -Siglas of *her Times,
Bible Examiner, Prophetic Voice of Gad. a tbAtIWg ta-
HistOO of the Sabboth aut rhot day -of the
.n2t1yGSt. V2 .S -BA� 'B W, VMS) XX V 0 WA
A Qojr YRW (10;
Moddili Spliftuallsia, its nature and tendency
The State of the Dead, by Milton; CMatfou )in lom,
subjects Red deall9j, Tbe True SAbbath and Ito V, hat.
4306 iOh ; tht and econd DaLthei or the Traftogiropoorle
yxv,. noz�w, rx
Timoo-, from
t V 'to z eminent fitithono;
If U80110hi answered; PrOphe0l Of DAntel-tho
beautiful' SILK SoAleps-1,�i smoy u
0 679 1 ThO RIU90111 bf God and its Locality; said
aver Other Works UOtMentioudd.
. li, 4 lNTQSH
sim !i4jL oieval, th%6# put. Eft are well ioii�da 11611140.
]Vyfidid, reb, ps, j 875 1
To�Chee6e Manufacturers,
to MatUfftOtUfa AU4 poll OrRASEn's-PA "Ift GAI(d
IND Hoovallin tbbk Dominion; I do hereby give
any PSAYOrpUtles eithbibuylOg,oi Mona,
dring the Aijoye'Weas lar Hoops Without. raj, condant
to 40 cis the VatouiL%*
r, I* bold rd0ponoiblo ,q"6j
I buys enthorkell' AdSSRS, 0tj86o*r
AT— A ;D` ` A P
SON & CO., otmtov, to not is onto tot Oke Wild at
the abovb Pressana'1166p#,W).jo w�fj lfogl4o
oraorg, and
after 80 days trial under proper Ingurgomint, If it the
dod of1hat tivids the Pjq no %adHoops do not give sods.
that choose rogleateeiViard do not jud the merits of
We at# opening ug #aA showin fie TANA Styles for 1671i DuglisgimaL
.9 . . V 1.
the Proud arid Hoops b t
the Working 61 doo,matutign..
.turOd and sold by -pat do who badhot thorighL
%046 fhati W=t,to got tho., A6,WtWj.L Sind j" Aj y
wit 4)iould not fail to got ono nob last.4,91i.'
11%j lu to ii6xiolitort. Ve hiiyi the U
�o4vojalantjy 01tuatod Pardl, 60111�
164,ilwnea. bythe late Xas,, Sn611, Ig ct�
toted tot able. 'The lot consists of the W64t
halt of 6th Col. 'Hullett, d6utsiiving, So
F1111 ftok". 1®raf GA001910S 6n jk�U
note#) and the sout 600b part of lot' 29, 7th
don., 96acroo - Ab6af Macros Ojeared, the ie.
mainder being' excellent hard wood � bush.,
and Stables'4 % Ano jbubg iOrobara, and'&
#,piloj of watelf, , It in Also *all
fonqa4t 'farink rliadakno*ii Ott Applicatiou'L
to t eunde'raign,ed.
A�l d4biorg and orbiltoro,to-the latilimes
COX' OF.L800 A"O.'s 0
FU" ire, H ask"
2114jo L h4jelly notified to Norld irl theit
tIng and Aebtif - ft,!96tt16M6;i6'F6AhV1thf
P,kdcUtorof the dkjjj' at
1%ullott� Augubt 27, 1874.
SH11111GLt TWAA.Ony H
4 Vag 64
No �AOUAXJA V0,Sjt0W Q00ba A.IPL 1111k
TwoUlloks frift $106h6stoli
1it tkukii but lood I "a We I