Clinton New Era, 1874-09-03, Page 1.1, 0 9 OLINTM, 32 1874, 11OLM Vol, X- 140 $ON), Ptoplietore. 01 -DINO Is 4031PITA4—A SOLDIVAR."', ulinliltool'Aho wont-, to tbo: cupboard for Yoxt had hot r �n Ila lix to. ay.y.90 debts frotoctloll or Iteclorvelt. Ing 4 Qpposito, Xost of' r 'r Widow the 104.1A and plaoci(t. it Itron the: table naloil", And let 045 t "a" '-pid hoole, tho 4oldior with tw%U til"ot --b4i ai r Und, 40 would Willi gly %dalh that W bount.1- Zo . 1. 9, correapQndent of tho Wore. liar, '86 thow 1, m1for of, As Zondon .40ver,141m fill hary,04 wn ba�q great Waslilog, - A lqew " oal RW Ora V18*, the kesving treo t tit you ma or Cilia 46 that . 'MODiOnt h4QhOAr4 't �VJ d4orq. to.' 'Ead! Sunday Slltes, on the subjoot of.omigra- XR, a-. A-Ppr,41 ploba lie, like ilia ��ba And the m4doollair, 4 stop out. shall t it W.6rrov, as —It a Wing alMOA A006SPOTY tQ though We Always i0al[A, afraid of tion, ritoo thus; 'I'Doth Xr. Aroh"Ift, ink Richard$ IV; libliog you b Ift tho, sop at carot 00.400r,alia t QA cam. As, make some njpology�,for tro ji.a� Oro pA. Jpw on 04Q tii as my 1 SI and u011oway in New Zoalaud, is rVaLjgfIr4jD y 441190411 ftow: ra "Itemouttler -what, our L. ord loat& or Your rOAderO, Rt this late "(1149, bY VA401- tit$ pr000nt. citended, COW, Come in'. o, Od 4 0, w1iloyc'.' aligutilvi�q vron r remarks on tho, prinol- morce we a -of a $f 11 m4u.414g, furthel look at. tbo.omigration, question too Much 8 s!j7z,—s X., GAADVATE, OF W-4OrO, 412:004#01-!# trophies WOVO' aluohli A cup 0 Oyar',hoaj slut of food, from a powly-a to wore- leg-- of--comme a ther -a boar a lot outreal;rh 10100, Ralson, Also P14, 110,11#7 Milk 40" The door,, *As pushed opOO-z' COW­0Ater'- -$f -4 hpoiat pol me pdis, or,ougbt by-thistime tobs, th oUother oomm ditiesf �d Ili doing so, their verdict sThs-Ille hebrou�Ut red AWS fiell? I - a U g Of VjeyF fteat,. nearly 011p j : rogg $in CIA in. 4�w� - -, 00 te the Wi 433 iis asusoa`ociely by th e "Cli4ton oilti­ Iiii, sm0040 oiq�, corollor for tooi(�­ though, frOm pro4ent that I Oak t fom $,be C441410 Waal is my Ana I Alm miders Must a eWell- Charloyi-whaii 4�,-yow woutl, a u4natur OOmoa t trimplag, sopp W119 Tb eel- at, 09 pf ,W County of Hurou� BealgooQc And Offlqq--Copor of d.Aud the Ila 11014 It Mother waA you to. come over to, koing to have it, Q Grailtp. will go excitement n the subject. of tb6 R or towns; An E4 in titiou, And oille caso juducoa o9ttlid districts QjI it pXI nAIA our bouse,"W4 the boy,. "She 4Wt so out of AQQfS to -Xao p 'ty TrOity, this Ali#iiis.-44 to be by.tho� Protediive system, Free trade, long,�wan or An ordinary: laborer' sot $2 �,rrQW, #nil loll alon OTy;or Well toRdoy, and,fither A on , home with thofni UU.1000 the rout. is wc ', �BIIV there 041ibii . 119 doubt in therefore, gr *iprool hy, In' wet �weat tw Olathe from Iwo In't be th% qwu �VlthAo raw her ,in Yj-GUAJDVA.rE op TM XgUrg" own t4q q.troat tiomia, the moisurod 0864- N016h is only at the 04470fth"esr- r-jil. STAN"QuIllo since. Xonally." acquainted ith. the a a -Of-thO,WAY. PJACO ja - Any J1. 3p Victoria Uplyoralty Toronto, f alwthei-131111110 for an 4r as �it goost 6poitinqut a or. Tell your mother that I will I t go hora-ho is the beat polio MeXly. of the - Hospitals and Dlopqnsagev, we* xorllo As Ovet Surely you. Are. j46 pIrinelplos 4 of Political � coo nNT.ilj­aveAt4ajjy eol6by is So Weil hat r A while the most. d cast, the b -Coroner for ilia Cqunty of Enron; On what is COL11 to turn that family,olit withol AT in a few minutpo"', said 44cl 'so ell protection' ways bi t in croahon yet, if the -land lie is linp. an, peqiien a natiopo;'P;I4 t4qre, per line oagli time. dow, 0(1'wingo- to wOlOty pan be no doubt aniong,'th a, shelter V Cried the wi loss g the boy departo oso. Who Are 04 be good, the chances 000 that tho Q aXIV, NRO, U, D,, SU11434ON, AC- Hark to tho roll of the 1; i4Q* fifiloiled, her Slice in Pi ithout a You 0aV%AO, bot'�-Wbe -it- has -boon ado ony1roantr with the to tbe The V? Doi: rever bvab thing which could 'happen, 06NTIC . T AATO dquousun, Qrsduatd,of lil*o Media To the solemn music Vith whiciiAlaq 90mo, j0dicea Ana q 70-00 of victols u-0oralt'7; formerly 00W.Hollitts , of New, na th.ep taking hop knife, she a t the have merely ontuem, I pray, Srlil� hold by Su ot th%t,lu thc� countries le b bl to li f York and Loudono VujT-4,xWItq4 6100, the. RospItalo lift 090youtue pra-A010K skooils 4� war bOWQVer,. as .18 4ppareatl gat ParbYis that they Should tot bf 40 0, inainaor,af.the I --halves.- 040 0, Ave the vorking mainvargh nit , L to of the 'treaty) 'that the Parisi roll. cann been thero, slid seeir the Qpponoa ilepring We !edn aIf thp, successful olouiatw 25.00 bo best condition, And -as fhmily�meja­-w.ra 'Oan'- 01"'rolse the bg of blo'Brigiank flurg. of thoof) poturno" the culibooird, hat acndition they aiej4jaud, then principle, of arbitrary i-agulation, of trade, but 40.00 j , uw a. got wa-V ......... I-- who!cam; sone year, .............. i - 20100 tallo, like his." &a.;, be �ooqsaary OV the p0lio good, bea iftsfiea as to air early Slim 44 ...... �0!jandl the other silo. trapped in t receipt of Wages. 9; Huron. 1 Ot� that we n ad 12.0.0, 13 1 ct, 1 A v a cam a 0 aafmcat all affirm 1�at for tb a Aeoolichour, 1467). UW Of 06 O -011e84 at I!hy8I04i1A Sea YA the rifles !Vvdroeol, 044,ono lth�re a, (Lila th, V thci law of supply and, domandy This is -so, ;iot theywollia t .. 1. -, loi:4 ec � 4 4 ahsp ....... 0 00 LlaoArst.-al &ad Surgeons of Lower CaneA 0 Office-L-Irbe AV likely jhftt­ ]K GjrsIltoo fewaninu too ago," he oatil, harshly-�- Let ulid&' the guidance of freedom ind only lioint t9 th� -4if ouith or two of their colonial life 0 $to slid A)Orouor jor� tho OountT Who follows $4 s ultraidne 2 to seerence between the .0 huading lately 9q, sy, 1hol drunken husbank, Tay self wages -paid in -wad oil the Oon� 7interest, beratof landod., -was only tile difficulty. of retu Months .......... a the ren.t in or�.ao Eno 11 ru that �U a., choarlia; Her;_,d, ra0kon; husba6a Sind of ispeWing alt lie. 6; o do them qiiiy. The immiarant except Ch Ill. Ud 649t b ent of Bqrppq?, I ­­Ij 12.0-0 , , W-) 00r, go the rot tive 40ine-eighth, . jIMgIlk't0 hilh there Vj, 41�tk%0`4 breath? ric back at onto I ay'b ...... 9,00 away, and withoub doubt there is .).19 Thd�--f�o,twC; quarters -back and'to- old i�ygtom of guilds, cr'p' system, h so 6$ 44, when all �Xouud )4 a)is who aimboA b an carried 'O*er' lolle-tW4 kar I bc the Treaty,' owever has in the nature of f0ba in housethe I AJMER morrow thpy pay li6iaties And t or one with a small capitall. who goes bQ,ftoW9r 9i 410 iiatlop, graund; it, r out they g9o,ly he greatest possible el-tent.4 louseo ddorkill Open But.iti"is iinpossible for. tlxqw 'to 44o 'rekill4iou 'of' wageSi With respect to to a ne"' Country' ....... 15.(10 No who,AP4 uns"thad 444 grAD&L a it'InIty appear, Or.be that -half* 0 S-Alr, - olned 106of tli# Uxisslau's land, that' it,,, ilyaaaa the. Orin other word ''I thingoi much to encotinter,atL first prices"etc. I I . 44 unequa re, n Pan t it,. go to the� �barb&46ui of the fburte�nth, A =ve's oat&,8 lijej and unAki year,, COO Up VbQ -04 x1adis!", Murderous plabi With- 1hei frayca: And fadel, sbS,*l 1 fteenth ad to be, icl need'notAroubl -is undolplartabIq and trying, the H ng� oa -sixte if ha-go�s out into, t.0 PrIot4r. ;Wo -t-1 -,her A hd6o., But the we obout the bill f we jahall, at 111OLL04, �na#-ba 4194 to In? throw .0 and the lAb -workma:n, h -Str abo ot ii now or.oushly ro .4 n vor ol4ei Alms n to "alud" 0ith centuries If' '9 b ance o trade. Advert isemeuiin.of: ayed,:UAt, ouud to b you owe I w OHL zhntb a Or 0 go() &coo bar. Girse where wa# . t oath it,, all uI IOQA cluift doetrinej, unseltiOd or Settled distripto, o. $1 , otne broad ld"eil. boo a left - --tho must havei or ove bero by X . at our logitiolder profit, as no country &0.', not-ekeeeding 10 1 jar 8 if 4r do .110 O*Ora that big hand bad we Ought; to'-prevght the . g s -and ta "fiiaterial, 441 cti y felite each month.� 11 t while wore thelumeli he cottage., and we L 6xporb of all ifoild that lici iha have an opportdi after first month, 59 c at 10 overto W., n tax Any but its own peop a. a wore the nir d9a 140 Stood t b , - L . I -Ina An 'of -Farms and �R I . . q it I A has -It a alt. be as yOU, ort -of dohi�g. 6, -iV a inoalied tile prohiviv "the imp -In Speaking of the. effect of the imp many jar or M Pit, - n , t r guide lo if poss'ble,, w a] urel -:ao- tim has to dducate - for $0,10, notexcol ---But,per -10, raimpa, Who akrViu;6te where was the foe, A d tl�e I, g fo WWI- b ps our proteeti of, high - import dtteo, 44ap 611, not. exceeding strardwayiiq iobommodition foquo couv" wrd 5 cen 0 ablw $quo worse.fbitn She expected. For a. lanal tarers ola ard ad month, 60,4nd. 1 infort of 041thq hinuteo after th ly- be Smith, 4 -hundred years ago, wrote the P e bar haart that could tldaii 00 high,, in 0 imself"I -to thelevel of the older colo - each subsequeot ­ . ' . L 0 1 - I I a Ora. t"' - b -nist experien od th-Scad A so, , narpan cholao-'agArps joloASU4 eye, t f6r-aveii -had -4a gone, the 'widow., n6ver1w6vr;A or willing �,to go' that leugth at once following se#tence: Sucli U 181; . a Advertisements 'Without specific di . to s to. Gran aThese early', hardships leolfie di Goo ab gaud Att ubt o: edu Do. inverted7 is, oeosdity-for 4 cordingly. . 10 owpokild hardl, own Apon herL'haud 8,� apros�, 4�ach the true doctrijam If ilia refit value b d could serve only t 4 tenevtaprice *hicW.-has to bepaid Advertid6mento mea"rpd y �efje of PAWCE OF giving o si k the ti a She, principle, b6 4fue ',why 'not return to it - Of But ugL.PrQdjj0Q. Of a al oat certainty of fhtu�o Cqui- �Oalj newly ratted up ' RU164,oarrie the sword 90 well 411 el, by,the b OW.L. solid Nonpareil. tor. TheHollsollAvIR011 io6isioArto, on ox.QU A, of dis. trated the P1 -their own Wit,h. Which, L or -the iU gaze ll�he best Accommodation to trAVeI Ljoll'on t4e1tilart that 00�094'F�BWOU may, wban sho: s4w�what inroads the dis. raised her hood and, fdrt and iiidependenbe", t leag Qually 1, a E.-NO-WES 4 SON.,. e gazed l: land What comes. to the 414mutlod, case"- had made within the few days the win#ow. As she,did'so a hat I Taxing ih%i n t4"4 31roparodj�-- for- 11 elf an Vatage eavag the ouse.'s 44Y At the trun P)teali,. *hiohf t taxi isa Dreams riot t itiaports Vithog g Or, RIO thing, wiihJ6'price'of" 'Out. It age ar y which had elapie4 since' sho' had, soon a sailor coming :the.',do Ake,_ prohibiqqg t a - exDorts,- is b%it a' one- these cointabditieh ire,'purcased, for his. faOily, to. 6duret tb I" thong L whole, wery ulue Mr., at 4,0,�hnd *1116bub slight- Reel 'tinie that. our statesmen, or edi-, L, a. Wit Hushea,lo ma�lce agad closed the eye, heri, Rig clothes, h Sided Aft ohardships, which after all, iwa6.ountry Royal, Canidiala uRy HoUSP-1. BATTBXBUAYt oomn lip;. pbriod, of ly, and only4b n a 0 u Yd r, L tors eiast, -on thr other- side the ques T ;rwproprlorr,�-Onodoor soutilof the post Offloo Death hait urimistilliably, sot his So AT woril, an&'tliard, WAS a look� about �hi very a or. h liko. Illis, all . I The comrad".161low hipols mn 0184 -Iotovis Street, anton. The fittings and futulshings v upon hi whichsh4wed thatat the presant.tint6 � joil, proV father be elassod: -as discomforts, had ei two lione6lai"B'di'll. This has, b tio'n, studied the horlibrook of' political lung jublto, And, ii.talt oosX4 gar, isr. 'and it was plain -to see' ths wer a4n the -rapeal, of -466i Mr. meet the wlebes "d, t*Ap�tiave She- could AdbAlve Wt. a ohoft'i I me. is ur aw c a 0 ble h, .0 riot very. full, Ile a ier stay� a omp. 0 t, ecrionly., I . I ' , , " 90,000. jw feels confident, from'lons experience, o; being a t -a t lay a uro, etc :R,L S' Ardli or Mr., 9olloway. extiect, . a -CAPITAL, 62,0 tb. m4k nfortable all who way favor him with their Tho'suiferir was 'Almost, a ware of came and. rapped Oct, Which �Oi% 6iln,r. WoOlipr 6 %Z, Treaty,, And je� and attimblV"Ostlirst So -answered by t X She sib once ififoirnedher frien�.,iwhen ai the widow,'-vyho. an- 'peatedli in.the expakie ce of the'Uni ad Se6in'to do,'that the men�tha men they TH WIDOWS had :M E Ob thit, tkAde nto coulfortsble-, the jid quiri -what wante. 'tbates..'sV. seem *Cit� 611i Or tax.. represe.0 the widow 0 0 0 he d t can jump i at every homes And TON -AG squiid-.6A.011, -which she I Ar'4 in search of the *idw'jj 9 Mali k000d tieehol :6 on aeing S 'Retlirn. and k ao;�.' of Wit hj"� �o in�ff by', ORtAN6 OPP68146� Trash hink w -.n in areaN, an , ilv&Ij� e colony o liftev .. . I '' The 0, ge k, I :� by his . . ... -the dowi- After a few words, I am,tbii Widow'Homilill, %hat can. vir u4llY y ought torafraiti fro -a- that thig,-y" ni �e "i forced'i , �6tL ling had b jljjng,� L . I as a- f the L oni­ een I do''for you I" she insweroa. There to, arti Cial bar;- Use t 7 16SO EoMeL.C' Intertat jafu.Lpo�r out allowea, just beyoO44,6. oblaOudsf-a' great E treat it utdalptible aoi&Z TO LXNRJ* LA309 On' Qityr, Stood 4 �bl a ras we, bave'gover-pared to fokis Civilization for a on j)epO8itb;L sums.. inean, does he Ow that rest in - y6i o buithons. ixp6a, IrAde,\ ai.� pi ubibie-oottvige; a, little lin 'Iio* iiph you Are Wilt vou. 14� ir ot.' riLirs, r ce �qf h 'be move. or less - equilised -by.' the -about W, WarWokshirblabordrs, w0l be group-Of0th nowl" -lie said, '&I Allude to the st,Q4 CilUton, Sopil, nall erg w . ways ime, the W1UGH,,Agi4t, part toga fora littili while,O� not, shot pregoare. of circilmstilices ori one, of e:,or', adly VIA& as :Wit, I'l-iltAndEpi; 9"Lgulis boiie* striking toit. "No,"'ansivered the woman,. �fhixitly irea and hungry" And -'ha oK611ar ;'allege bufi A . L.. - - , I . I., , ­. th .,wp qnt a is r. t.-Woderate rates a" -when lie went in tl perhapq -off both; -and a is priva a rooms s Chromo bear - Oct. 20,187% n, Uesti6n ba4,,.tb6 'ap, a other, -,or' d% ["HALF y �eitailil_y nd in favot of the party. his Ina pears the, fancy: dOoiguatidu.'of to oved it - �%,w4y 11 ' . ' -4 Ing It jo poor pJAQe'.t6'OOm$ �;to 1) unny Fish ng. F er 'ig Alie beat niturb.1--fatilitiesi or th�-- F6r the disiabission. 6f'po, at flroni th&OUleri, t ia tile' widow. �ub n'e'veirt' .3. M. XSED, AUCTIONED11, hat it migllb;U0 U Do yoa� know where' he 'would be bele S' lckmsox, LICE. I i0a a airs �f Clinton, Sales promptl� - co.3italull y it chbapeat Aabor. )-dounti -Aoir.h -to -the D� "D pated. ?y the 41th villi011s.firratin. likely to b� �fbuiId Clue to come in, It is. I At by ytO­w]iiUle The late, Ch lar titib in--the--in- CHEMIST. ST,. 'are Welo b both all At Tim 4.c1167'Ek,.AI­ w dOd dCou. here f 11 11080011! erthio official residai4o' Itneel 0 toroli" . ; poor ftire thatT cah,,plao6 before you, Process 0 so OmlUg,,Oan.MOj1Opblizb the Clfuton,�Vtrch 24,4874; 22 lole Of"thoL profit minister of ilia Oro wa was adorn f .0 '16 for who s 010081 . L .­ i \ Dined to. 'T a pogiiib ',a ?an , th of his- time." but yoqare welcome to Such as there IS.- W — a 'ties, was accust ,ratify his ji6a HAS PEN D is cloxii a44 tidy. as itwa w of a ttade, or even 0 HOWSON.-, OLMT-0 6A:oe in ift -picture D;" iloxisZSgA -Aur-, I wfAOw Ifamlin. to i�ake it. trth 't Charlie go for hima once. the lion's shAreLof it,' - 'Tho rofit list a Aw more orles,. or. be Iaild V=070 -was- a 'gailorr fondbess f6r fighin"., a i�esidirig in r an 1Lb0d a boLy w)4o OictUres in. b -U0111117 ci`gast attand to Sales of F arm Stock suit Real ISO to At fispoor, as . Of My- neigh- Woul()L -tiess Avy�q wha , those -ilib rolgaAeut". t the, las e roe ri 01482. an Store, Joro, thw-widow was. one 6fthoso tidy 1jie way said -the nioth usu:�l ra 'Oi�ancb, ear the Navy orij faitltly. muctljoi b when Jig %"'i ungry T in OAC the , an.3 inAA, hva s fact' of a . 9 qn.30y. SpOr 13 I,T hilt dowu futthor a WiW c6ago. could 0 1 h from ilia Where he will keep oll.1111614 a bd he# lot Will gO th Well y r4t jo af .90 NRED AVC- The fs -so 0 n aUut,thornsliffiing like, ar 0w pin, wi hi agn I;Oowq 'a. ce ot is I at t o. atural oin: 5, JAARta � hl - . - .. . I 1� 'Iti 1� I ill) n an inex vy tion of general drugq. JTIONXE]k'fOrt'hO'(IOUUtY6fHurOli- SalesOf-i!)Lft over his eye1j,. and saJ44 . .1� im, attiftioa to at Tc4aonabw ­ 'AW the cobtageey6ritliling'Waspidit- -I've -40 do0t," trade. cAnd. a il 0 their babit� 1,eas�:. avin bocome, fitoo jtoaj� Estate. Von had a, boy -who befiaine a sailor Yaril.saw the udg,1, si4i�V�1- Vdiv Still rjtas� sbe i .Also an, assortmc�t Of d the seMconsbi �.,censors of the Go. ad, up and iii pawhile witbixi� Charlie fbr 114 -bigger friend, and n V be 44rile tbi­houri�Cii:ih bank,,a' d 20i profitable, limit -i�oug n ! . Inece Wou him -a Call.' ITO wwtt hseverillib�. was�iis rioA is then thby '46rar,tod in -Search, of �tht' ask(d the Lazarus & Moj�rls' Cejebrat6d t was, ro�ai- -AT. holf� now li�-- again Aired- 'T yol jo�, sosp,� and Sand io inake it'. -trua4 �od 06,-aia 7� ofdob�:-Ilfa b squara, and Sao a: she, ina o con#ehiance,ind. d;m6ralizatioucausing m' "o Porfeadd Obail�dtyj and 004VOYA1148r, PIC n'So p6orwas he, bat one t ing'6iter - workwith, .- w sba: -niii *Vhiub he is selling, oX 16t my'lVillCer naked -.,the, widow, in, a NotL Lunch Yet. -.1 h Ol- thought .. . t I., t ette" 'and friends into old, MONEY TO LEND ON REAL, iS�rl!rg� InTal long a nibble abont-1wo hours' another bad gonoAa� furnish - her with the' id a%.c6,mf6rtsbVje ts ii "was, pbs besides srhuggling, glaO, Atictuil-ti roo'd and to'enhl& hot, to 15erf6rul1bose. siticitb do with. the limit d 'means At II kp him Nj AC, 0 S T P R 0, E �s .1 in. trade, awid. ilia de and.foi. labor, to, it may do ab -ha in to uteelloo tile thst1have filt nothing." ST iad 'Ilia a'ncl I, we le On. Inin'7 ohips to. as Wall 0 01intoll, Oct.'22, 1-073, ich -it wag 'fig 'ba ad in tile 4at All d -knbw thab-so, fair.asmr'. leads of Charity Sor wil sli Was, So, fd bar boninjad, 'Idre'n'bad Qt'L a -a nited 9tates. Nor X4 Won thought, that the obi Ogpefleh;. I . ft. Sfijall JiVa ..witi, til -XillueN K61lar's. ;onheption ith it is eon- With 8 the P 0 ­�V ge invention ; -th t 'a 9 unly tier to"b0d' tjjst7day-o-�'SO - she- -di*ided­--th.. jo it possible for the posed to corne pure b0 ie4 thty wid; thrOU gh he n't 0 ublic I do it And - Vie,p rue .11661C t f the C Mon e Worts III 'GaL and A'I1s.rgdAu furiiiture biead a] 0 ew'oying thiSLprotection. t be profit- ever drdered Appropriated thigh. -w Ste 3a' brought- am�ng..tbem bi A te An Jo a , V lie -T dw.L '41 ..1, Tell &a all 'yo� know- I of 111m, of tinle as IIUR, ... 1) G at. eye dese t e TO th r wag nobhin or h nor, till. quite recently, knew out of W wii;' left to Then.Whelf a 6 gm at ted by it for any length You do not kuO* !low it �V'ill delight At tills moment the �Supe'rilitejlaon'b X dpt Is too. Thee I; do tojjX-Vo -the 009.1, )ny equal . �rofi to will. -always oventgaj�,V-Aj, What , transaction the idle -canard had coast V -a ock.- lishecnild to henr of egan to laugh, 'and' Unable to control kep a trAct"Capit4l to.-stiph mployaouts and Arta n -of a oill 11 fortableihowelit -to him 'Who to it e�. Ishoib. time hioe*r, Rykert, or. explain,, he rolled "on 'the so hu Un Olt OV,8 2 P., -ly MOMMM9 HEADSTOIC9,01 consisted only ir6rAlAing n�a. letter to ier, stated BX!jRiCTi9D tL _rn I we;o� a coin 'th 111on r niuc�.to4be astonish - ;0 gob how iWy biltig &vji th' ': lociii 'us &no work ofankludBinAm jHoUT tAbl-6,444 d) Sh��IM on: gross and, i bar�d Is.D. ',, of uch Ill g,T W. tliiit ilieAtem, including the cost a efilgn4A a -Ad executed 4a the beat style, And At r oil. V ,;. . the'SeXto of Whie . I - PL . I I ment . and-eba&in, -of his friond. tile M tiet,extrs6toT#i3thvlthotxt.wnbyltt�iu 110 he follo*od-lferin and took. the, eas'tbe?on6 retorted -to, could, 40 d 9 far able Priced. liavin,;,­,obWned Tiredwith the hThere seeIns to be an opin picture a oftho.Nitioug-oitad'disi O"UE.ovoriliVI'llelicou ekertions she ba(l she prbilerred him,: Chancellor. He-Ans,11y at a I 6UP. Biore, from an A '�ilsketmmiilter, widow gank into it chuii yes;,, returnied tbtj w1do And one, very dftdn expressed by - ilia baseen in thoPtiblie AcbSiints for,1672 the fir Material Mal�tjas of various Colored Marblc Ili �SosforN At Sha4 at - W. with 1% comman ' a himself as trPoint to' � log, nesdsv andWOJUesd '1111t011, At an '-when ho, -re d -king Mary On this side, of tfie Atlan­ as paid, to Messrs. Ewing Co.0 f this piled on Short Xot[Cil- tile Commordillidw, onilia.1olioving Thuniity and of big death -long we -lay., in th at's T Ay Of each mouth; In (i ha&*befrieridea b' Ache , iome, and all tile aha, tiain that' a water SdO4 tanca 16f. them i7eW-40wu witli ii; me- dreary ed lot 'go Mr. 'MoXelli thereupon' Wrotal neiii� -a hqt Ofeat'Brifikin !A 1, alid there tjIO, ChLalle Fliday, ThoLroma gloonlinesovfberwret ' ob ahe from the 4hov Parties ra I viidly upon arThe ret4ednaA cieluelIpe i4anufActurin aORANITZ MONUMENTS AND. IMADS102,40-8 W­_ja IN teetkare requedt6d. to "no If at wa jorshwhiirll bait" atienty-siffing.911 t'ke4,WA1(,Br. wall to'Ne. ars.�Bw.ing R%10 Untop, iiii tile first days, bfAtteadmels, sorry, for I ji P. pstlapt tftotod by,th# -gh the Co aid, jilfluoude DAr. Sfri,-1 see a letor in the 9t. '04tha. or ;�It Is. 111ronvEb TO OEDE Lou, In the cupboard only:& fo* aiab liar neigbboi'a. said t4a.i;ajloj'in tho same, tremulous b I I h "took -and over K x, bAva had tooth ci as re -t she had itiiessed. tit ngfioli thr6u r mainod L, al,' Still,fattl peopirits, protective system, 'than whiah rioes Joar4d, from Mr, J. 0. ltyhert# r0or.' 7 Sebmed lot -to deprss li tone "*Lliieh'hciha4unod.,oneebeforo'I ' - I I a 09 in -blela, to his tbigh. And. tl d' two, at ilia one, At 4 lqew Y a -they. of. thb pl�fiied dolL ilia Atao I a Stratford, Fab.4tho ring, to the bbronio'- of Little Mrs. .1070. Of tit, tar A oall respectfay ouaitea. voqthing.elso had gone to Satisfy her and, 'that constant nightinwre, , the n�othi:g "A he . 240�8 - fibiow and failli. T*. loll COUNTY Tgllmoof said. thcr-,gldow., which, he atated is found charged in iho p4. andhird, when ho almah6uso never seenred befor0,110.01006" us, - It"w4tilld be ii t rAqe acoolinteof 1872o PaSq W. H. Coo Anol' -a jiv--tio. lie High school to 4 pupil$ ofboth'selev east do. my heart good to 010 cifuton, Jah. 14,1674. -"n to turn lia�j into the-jiti-set. upon her,- cordanco -With 4oagoii 4744. ft. lith to as - from 89 tsthe, 0anoty pox. Province, a o(Ink !dollar branches Of Great Natural Carlosity. -�L�V %4�4 she aquie that she had 'reached her present ell the,4f _0 1JUN.N 4 b b m und to h L i lently c 'WI 0 4.j7 _zes, W 111,0611 -hen our Would not give up yet 'Without Franc), ano ocranag lAng" louts kro pro, w ......... -whentho account was-o—pene -8- or 0 Vas ay or w tile learried pir6lessiono, slid t ations. po� 1W A o pr - am- V, distance yo t 2 Arta, Is paid to the st6ry,6porisi it 4W ROOT" tbough the struggle. Onthomorr&w,she�ivClild-go Aystoms of other ii selected 'the pi n0 1 10 Avant. mordantild pardulta" spocha otfputbn tile sililoi� watchea her As c r ottire inuestio, AND � term: students I t TdRiold risis i4 liar fate ba 0,ome, ond i1iiii it to the city ag4innd seek for work' , and. 0 he, aswoll as the Other items C pind L &t this DiU6 W6 Might pertinently T about the room., The, table was' a pe6sima 06617 PhY6010gici freak, l,Ato rstet Wag 4of Mllch4 oil Oe IA ur Accoun t rt .r V the vi Id try yet Wit -6 of ago�',th ok sp 8"jNaS 8001E"rY. TWdm0lerVM*III cOMIlleuce onXou&y,l9thA'hg-# r 'to - cltb laid, ask, at has caused tho.'difre�oq I% get, She CQUIA V4,0496: if she could 31o6 -got it, she -on Pulled out and a slaow-,whl Yotir ob6dieut ffervant;* to keep sot I againo 'Give up she -would not. So long the ceondipicat voli4ition, of Prance, ai;d tw Information mill be aef. OUL &#pUo&fIOjj ktd body toggothe inedin heig of . fair lilt 111�r 11@6 one -loaf' �arj there in th'o -house, as she hQ gir It I)L "Y", pildt0j) to any Iii6lalber' Of the A. Vakhuu. o7106 1 -ad Costs, A, S. Vlshetli- ength tq PrAwl from ADO I -Bepi� d, -b III anchoster, th4b they tile Than's"plato'And 0 atia, here tlib �0# one 'Wag to dome. 'to bog'for w6rk to keep - her' I! etiobd,� more or loss strictly, the pro, wip Otographro, Toroutoi ' h $QUA pr b' ibli' 1, 0 A X S or to thi�Mad Vastbr, I r- fro She had, not the least Idea.' fromatar*ation, and theAlmsbouse.. eon, Along t tiV6 a ite 21,1874. 1 I yv or Of ator was pladid-Vibr Tfio Chatham, A.U& 11"Ains a liv With ',.all tha� remainqd. of the loaf. Self ON Tug, Ali the foretooll she had'been in the- there, with these .thoughts,' ly Oita And. possibly, ad ihleroupon, Messrs, Vjwing& Co. re-. turally. ul]jUC a� L fli" CAMERON &.GORMALLYS' great, city trying tO,prQOUrOL work, -,blit running tb tough L her head, she vas. sud- rhan placing Ao other ch%ir� by thei 0 ta a. googrophicial posit in the following tetinsj- use of his ligids, 'he gi 1propertr� CIT41iop .-hed fi6en. utiglied - 0fif4j. .. I . .4 ' table-ind turning: towarag hinip said causes., Ion of Wava-fike­ p"idstrug A.Xb lilt, a delily'atartled by'thci sound of ii thok- Englan4, er. minoralb, hei climate, the AT tQ TGRONT0,"Ang. 24, 1874.. inI inks in. as -if, 064irldhI L'.' ... -- Passing "at na ober inaustir of. her !to Iffin. A. McKellar. Chatham. otion, And, A grA4Ua At the' place where she oflate gie� :Oeopli were it bellig. wound ttp',an0t� ap aren0y r6sts b V tf­ "tit I ha�0.1 instant-mquirmi; 'dibirwho-hi'and a pe ad tilain' a�ving, sho,vao informed that. "lill hojjro,� Of tile day - and night, bq( ilia pokild tioat 4' frielid of Diwa Ssn,-In repl td your of tho 21st -kb i n(I be pro. Any Sea b&tei" pip, woqja agem-auf4cloub �6'a when the close agains 1i 0 0, XaA.VE910D8 VIAUVINd $4,000 t 6' Lend ahe Oioula have L�6 noore-there.- �Aeidr. atirtled, liar as she knew that stop, for her St. hjje 'the sail6r"thrlolwi 4 big$ Rhat upoll the, apo(wit tot chromos and- pictui-ea was open- Monts the appoapAzoe Of a with. o Goo)) 31011TO" R)Rvultrty, IN SUM$ To Vor'eyetig i m9 failed her, And thereby. ibit )law troubles -wero In 64urifig, fi*iiojqd If hc�t bommerOiAl eA, and- who seldpioa flie pieturv#,P.i. maYL b d o1jin. the iftni anner enty olfwItborroware, VX1 V#U40, floor, and b wal.Ao, ille. a d6mon, an_ FrOin TVVO to TW Idle -Y, Said, foFL tAo work had bb been at rollgf�Lo to Itg.( reor 10 sygteto 11AV, h4 a a in state, that two or three. 4#0 j4ftor the Rouse fig done a"r1y *41oll tho'niiitt6r, it has been rather, to di widow, 'As Ile 4- so she Uttered a cri a- opened in the Wlof 1811, Aft. Scott, the then 'llfatob'24, 187-L For further ru aSigh Ewa a ii�d' d, lia� heart 60M�4 �t4 rep&0, 4li4 t4o, tlfo went 'AAg". thro* 40. T -04m, Speaker, -calle4 in, and bayiag thathis rooms� sp* to oart, sho turili at I Iq 0011rago her, progr4s dian. *no more despond 6 then ahe with a Wco.tbat f4tter d obo::,bqd the and rustied- iowdido hirp, -- ito throw 'so, 1o6kd very baro, and t , hat 4ew piaturos ciato st'6 - 'b#,, with a Dreash hono, len. t1way$ fi6li ell Or bthet*1 L . 1, , "- WoUld improve it, b6ifilit, fifteen allioluds and afid,jite duplicate Lj..� ORAES, RIDOUT, Licenses hilt 4r,als. Abbot her cryld� ai 6 did Flo the X0 wturieA Unit-' -Ave mottoetf., -ordering them to 'be trej�0. . -4 '1 applicant,shtdr.. . 'I I doubt -for,, Several co j '011 t 3110111ry -.4T TM U&SIDXXVII if vothavj,0� mother r 0 alid counted C=Tox. Open j an lish 4coninAercol like tbiit of morning he called in With Ut, S&ndfi'ojd lbithelaitldr.T *Altagdopurigoul b(Nauk Oho know, -spokenthe The door wits 4u a a tall - I %VALTER S. LZE, __WC 01. of the body, is all # . that they* ilia Sea hd$ V 010 an ,:gIlloo, hirwhis- i . --&4AW by ouoles a� eyesight was &lling, heii lean MAD, with i 2ost, 06buirlies, wag. very mudh hAffi­p06a by -purchases. AWrIo6ingoverthiinf, 'andre- iron�l app4rent �o . .. twll. If, ad. Or) ab Will ..he geo. Ana Tress., Toonto. motoi, Xaidli I d b Vvorso', tj)an it was and a 'stony-lookilig qyo� entered the but. novei lo the extent.of epiodeoded, to e ec t af 'clin its natural 6siti it an. -�w ell jeeting two, f; I _f4tLO_+ _ Vor t1iou ra wag, 1jilongo ]Fopo his boatt fr 'WAOL �nt t4i extent and g- 14,,bo her 'Aalug more, One atanaing friwact',dntitlea 'i Nome Ity finW fertffl ad L _i w -coinvis"ay . : -one answer to )tar It &oodaa�i Mr. ii(l the eta L OF Zj&XDg.j :&L.V, loi . Y'L A;sh4 I fall for While a silent prayer t1d salubrity attention, wh6 saidj aonds ift'id the Owe pqr c 18T ^ , �i"Hlynox, Voit s of. in Arose of her ell"to,,she is ati1j, bownluoh. forlittfolifts?,11 litatoa on t6 right side, �thua putting itin -Ay"bo seen AbLtia"dMeo ultural se.� . at , ared heri widovir, lafntl., a. pr6ffar- i tip to 110im who doeA all things. ltile filcie. %a him 6 qoit� ifito Which,he saflk� in.. 'a W urion, those cfirtu� the u roigpod.:, I * - " I � I Wali), no #ALE! -silo shrault back fj6m. t1lig go she rep ying in country which. only "Scott Wati'vil gas the tw 1 0 Sounds I just suit you But of the �Oart, oati be When,, the fir -would from the edge of rve Which it like Maintlor to licit. bei by tile, severity of bar ter and or(lateA either of these. now meeting were 6v6rj ty.4idow said 'Tile colleetot of tile diatinctly heard in GEO"R. HAURTS she had becix told wall dug for -her ThisAds­b n n autu" protective system". ake, -and not where- usually, aut kotipirfg-youlroo you r -re- alues to in, W110 to iA' 'd not Seam that she could over; Said th6 vf4ow, hardly I wing mebts the ti: he 2 t L.A.R�64­D, 0 0- XvOa-cOPY It'di 'two of 1 72; rh"' Death would be far wore May, yet wishing 'to triatc Ife at, t1lo. eace of' or on hand, And will be or, that Aft come to that. the silence 11 Moijest noCessa ties of h Gittld Urs., �er each 6stage ibelibuld', i4oro or 1014? wish there %y." 11 ol ty cen-uties. ott%in WAst to W you or Mr. Ry -as limny which III# man did uot Map disposed to' ' , grain wall j6'sapolk Y qklArtof -Ito also has anil. f6r _ker6 Lava to A ��Opjea AS, YOU go 'L 0 Ui. Piudhabeti obtalood lot fsr=0 And AeW red OstatO' to 44Btl� y,)w Shall iii�p, 'h6f Mwid to be - &PUte, even tro Ohis JIeart tit. Then the thoughts wotild go back J power to stop tljd be the 'brigli ib. who usail to call Yes, malaw, a good d -a pob from. bread S.16oe� We. shall one jroviftc4i 'to andtheiri. And what will froth five td ten seconds at,,rt time, pply by. lattok or p6rionily, t"yed you lbut 096 NO. IP- hevniothori ii4d wifift-Ahe built Much took it.. I'vd '116ve it, (olist, fi� for a king, I have not. has been the ii0efiss4ty consequence It, D. EWma, of.Pswiag & Co, Oita for b'61riesdi And so I the �Uiliio stoppiqat the Mama time, lie. rent, and I suppose comohometho poor,6utd T116"fiIhocen. of , hopes upon. come after my Asb YOU thhlks The �Orkltg clmaefi are Among the geoula- also tobave Considerable strength, notbat, .1 AM WO Mito Of V, �Ofgt paid find most dogradea inflaropof pittyfid mischief, so Vry, characteristic Ing . by A bloW.of th ]led Proij.tlduco, only left Mill to hot, you'�o got it for via this ndbeax 09 010 ale, A sAiloll'the Odom! and 1 hova afia are only kept from chronic revolu� Of Y110 Man, would 'Only' have tf64 iron, cane which bo, carries., SO - ET do liar late might havo boon ottiorwise, ho �vldow, ttirooa Ci tl)o Ship its ever IShad kn6wa well 6UO14jh laid by jjoW etb-inv-, at (slit thab you inay, li*o tong Arm of 64, tuilitaki tliasccirn it dooevves; tile att -flt, pi o -.4A Unlucky lay bar Walter time Ahe tit his ovrad, dayt 10" 006, On-Strook, byi -ncla-toturfilbttithe ei like q*aen all'the our 1 0. disadvant- Ince! Wa bu prep�tea 1 -111-1 - one -of whom wo brethXbri OtaiallyL InVitod, had beow onticoa, away'kica 't yet s hai froln . . ........ op Ittlo, 1wal-A no 110. t'* hathat ilia liadiot ac;aft'ht eram sorryo sity thilit I bfiv00% and surptlsO YOU, Bet yon, the to4te ladt, Olii can hoi be disoit�4or 9r. *cl ged sltro,,lle perfectly li'm to beAe groat681; Olirt6si Y in P go 04t, 411a 4alhsAid,-that no oon!ttty .6ap, Isossily Content, th Share with his late feiendjthe 1 the had looked, watobod And waited for got it Mr. 44 faltotip foj twot mother, Ana'I will I L they have ever soon or heatil of, 810 ogy W. 0 got it I WjI% do you moan, Sulpor lilt tislIbility of the purellaso aboat -34 yOlt 11XV0 obkiu'mo a than tho le itt ka,to profit r0p hijtbfilm, liiit all in Haven't ;E 'Uj" _ill Ims WOrdLWA' ill Ily 6� ftlind. %vilich t ro hall bo'cin too mlioll foliling It Widow gani not taste 16r of he day. . . 011, ther 6*U fadill oo&bid y4litly; 10 a brought dw lid was doad, [jay�n% 1, giVailL YOU Tho, waiMeret wont iQ,, find Lyle t&P' t4o beai mode of tarnbag them to ac- at ISO on Ott Isillat 4 0 0 A� (11rootod, 06nub IS: to all otion hattga; in othor,,w ade. At, the London. Zoologl6l �Gardbljs, %lea buy �Rt, aiiiiAt, "liar heart haa Ottan f4ja )lot thati this plenty of tiluo f4 havo it for me Ow the utinoilt froodom Of andIit to be oxaggers d, but hx*og Seoll Op tioil IL Ill or I ollt v4ru et out of the axe orai. ite tr the 8,imo porson", we 6101 Must be t1la, case, yet she had Up to, than ardra uow V ! 11 1 . a' I ?o lift(! Me on 11 horrow 446 11(y could iiotL -all lately, IA. looked for hiskot v4jto4 for jEj I knd* This is. the testimotty lf, V�rltero of Iloy; nine years of age, in or or aA blank jo herL Yet, She muSt struggle Oft at, Itjohards, AtId X have 4 be t tied 22V leg, 04010 AUppor that L Wast I HdV Ads Smith- downward. to hiM - 44DL I tesaethrotigh, tier appd, ohrintea dys. abut have not boon Ala.- &ery- JIM &jbyOUg Under tbb "ab in front ()f the leopitr&s d6j silo can I Lj A ad oqgAf 16b Toe, 64 thore, was gA -rk it mil akoa an(V told- and -have aulak"bolow the sarthet, dago'. This intruglon was evidootly Un. thing han Seemed to wo wont hAn , niarrie hOr 1 0 .16 was heto poduc� welcome to'thiiloppArd, *llipb, going, A `tl L, 0', L keep fr6m the 4 .16* V' 40L 1100114140 to gci�wprk to doo, #hd wh6n 0 Istio coup" ):-And t6y, Wj"fe6%aga, OA'groft ift 0, 110t-1161186 its PAWS thrOUgh-All th -Otige. niftro L it has takon We, 4111 0onlag6t, `W halia to Bad (I, 114rAr of 0 had into fi Pity' IM ofora ind dhil. jolulatty - At, tittir 661y, aim in li6r r 1p throo dr Hill"noat did, not leave until all had Tiluoh ovorely torn hi' imido � , I I f( t116 b6y 411d -8 M eaforAodil. wator"ilyho oill ;f` jjd6LMa"Wjthj(jod#'AU4JIO - those who .But J16V Abo i4i'VIW HurWor)(1 it were vora lolighAAA tIMOS. 69 thue ecalp alit! faddwitfi its tlawsi ifiquitod what Ayrul) thay #cebild. MollatLy at every tar her Seat& 16P ttian MYAOXII they doula tat AtI4 mone, fo ilia "me Amouut of about tho jobfith, At lihitip"t 86*eft - doing buili loft beiii. their riltnafix- i it, �wlmft t6s dollbor0ely leftning oof-16 W4Y of nit to 6nsura, labor tip ad lo p6ma plitpoad. Vorhi Ataly 'iffhod, , t .-the kdepar wag Ab eo"WAlly Wag 006nilig to J'aobjVa 11 Auforlthe*W.14: Yttlali aad"prAoR IiA pkitidi un& toodhod t6 lad by d#ATIUgL over or. a4plida t 6116 to t 110 *46,t4'r40yLp!jt Otl$Ur J11 > coo .1% ho, rest of her days it, !a uldivianal, eoAdactl, 000l6tt seeing blows an the ldb�arft hottJj, thult uiAk;. 1 0 roary ana twint of dblit, ing it, roloiiso Its libla, gdois 14011 gob -1-01 Xd �4tk I- PUM ilwayi, rekdy to y tit 0 shio stu tit, itslf by' ta hoitio,'ana aftr tosting. tom R YC9 you b"U .. 9,01, t 0 A r-4 lilt g... . ......