Clinton New Era, 1874-07-30, Page 2nel lu the sale of nian _ •Tots, a number ,have Teased through anly .bands, had dealingin lands. in Colbgrne for 25 years. 1iad;no oxper°onoe iu: ats;ssing lungs. . Owns l;li°or 20 lota in town, there: are 9 ar 1) where I live, would not put any val>!as' on'thein,• nei•er set a price on taem, if 1, was going to sell, "them 1 might,. am':asaesssed for, $5000., At the. rats' Cahnda company are •. charging, they are worth $400 eaoh,.house Tanta f4000.., 'Values, Mrs. Widder's proper -ty at six cr seven -tit arsand-dollars, wa id a -.. B. & L. �p t r va examined On euti +af d H. Raihwad, than valued property on the hill side at $40 Ter foot ► estimated. thea portion damaged, $10,000 was awarded, that property hal, decreased in value since.. Tho.property .is valued at P ort has .increased at heart $6000 ,r41i� y , w o ie third in value during the last year, basing on the price asked by the tcanada Company lots,'they rated at. $300 now ask $400 for them. John Davison, Beside. in Goderiob, is interested as Trustee for some property, in Colborne, there were 9 • tones, sold it for $7000;: lies on the opposite side of the harbor, ,bought by Mr. Attrell Mr. r,t . ids 0 the 'W de 0 for cell offered , At d 6 , t 4 property, I asked $800aa 4 o '. . Knows the Widder lets'at the wharf,: valued them a couple of - years ago at $2,000, could get $4,0Q0 for them now, •thinks they were .offered:Ana 1873 for $3,000. This price is on tine. Proper- ty liar generallyincreasedin valued: aa, pecially in the neighborhood Of salt. wells ..'Mr. Lewis asks $2590 for, his• house and lot. The (Priding 'property was sold at a high price. - W. M. Savage; am acquai property in Colborne, the av of land it, that tewe chi ,ore. ' To Mr. Hodgins, Has •---ledge in selling lots t opinion as a purchaser, dr $1,100, another for acres at Allan's c ,ught the had a n's proper4. `ave been sol rebases": an for $5(' A.'r ylo knew, pro% ated ie C 500:.' Voter of to -day's Mow Est may be bad at Ma Wok Store of mesas. s, A. mats enn W. motataa. Atbert etreet, 1,rioe3 oenta per Dopy. e nta Ileto a (CLINTON', JULY 80, 1874. • NORTi[ 111310N, - We uotiee in a communication to the e icb Star last wee that the name Q"od r a t ^k, h . of 'Mr. M. McTu art, of thisplace, is used as a possible candidate for a seat in our °Pr vincial legislature, and goes; on .,..:. V. to speak of said gentleman in a very flattering manor, to the latterpart of which we are going going to dissent, but to prevent the 'wasteot`time.;and ink in. histcandidature,. we 'would just iannark. that We hardly think he*•.will permit im e f to'b " t: in noiiiination he h sla ,. 5i of seeking has+ not been .ran the 'habit s , 3 election to any position of public 'ser- vice, and We feel 'confid i t'L he will not make- • an exception• in this particular • instance: •, Throughout the art ole iii' question, it', is charaottrzed ata -assertions . without roof, and slanders and falsehoods with-' a shadows of foendation. ; The first the 'slander that the•North Itiiling° s been: most grossly; misrepeesentea the last three years." Of course it uld be expected that some particular stance of wrong -doing would be -pont- _. Oatin .support ofsuch n strong as- ertion ; but • not a Word, or anything to denote wherein -Misrepresentation had Sold the 5 acres to A. Al- er acre.. called by Mr. Maelomson, ty sTtl by 1Glr. Ferris, situ- erich township, sold for $5, nd is pretty fair, somewhat n, middling buildings, is about is • -r'om..Glint.on, owns --property_ oil same concession, have refused' $60 per. acre, believes he could get` -$70, knows Donald Junor's lot in ,Stanley, he has been offered $9,000 for 150. acres, lie asks $9,500. It is assessed at -$i,60% - knows Mr. Waldron's property, he has refried $9,000 for it, asks $11,000, am prepared to give him $9,000 for it. Knows Thomas McKenzie's lot in Tuck- ersmith, he asks $8,000 for it, thinks it worth $7,000. Ain a wagonmaker by trade, and work a faros, own a farm in Goderich and an- other in: Hullettrbeugbt . the Goderich farm 19 years a"o, paid $19 per acre_ for it, thinks it woa th $86 per acre, gets a relit of $3 per acre for it. Don't know. much about the Bridgewater farm. Fos- ter has offered it for sale, it was offered for sale by auction, $1,200 was offered for it. does not think it a fi rat-elass.farm, the other farms I valued were first -cleats Properties. awns three lots in Clinton, a frame bowie thereon, lots. are } re each, worth $1,400. Kincardine has been conatituted a town under the new act by preolitination of the Lieut. Governor. A boy aged eight years,; son of . Mr. Andrew Clark, Erin, had hip right foot - out off by a mowing machine on the 16th inst. . . The Agricultural J aberers' Union is promoting the arrangement of still better terms for the eniigratioii'-of locked -out hands to Canada. ' A terrible calamity has occurredain the Province of Navarre, Spain, where some overhanging rocks fell upon the village of.Lurra and killed a number of the inhabitants, over a hundred corpses having already been recovered. , Mr. Brydges' appointment as Super. intendenthof the Government railways is under consideration by the Cabinet, hnd -nit is expected he -Will be gazetted next. Saturday. The next movement will be ter. creat a Bureau of Railways with Mr. Brydges as its.choif • Jas. McKenzie, of .Adelaide, met with a terrible accident last week.. He -,rats driving with a hay rake on his waggon when the house ran away, throwing Mc- Kenzie on to the rake, one the forks of which pierced his lungs In this condi- tion, he was dragged twice across the road., He lies very low.. • Edythe last month a youth known as George has been working at the ,lumber piles on the Port Hope wharf, his chum being a man' named McElvoy. It tran- spired the other day that George was a Woman, and that she was the wife of MoElvoy, with whotn she had rano�prray from home on account of her parts disapproving her union with'bim. Advices received at Ottawa state that on the lith inst. Col. French and his whole force of mounted police wereat ti• point 220 miles_west .of..D.uffevia._ reports agree in repreatentia,g the force aa, its excellent'( ndition and,11 1m#1 if capabl:• du A. -m— o t e rec, less doings of Mowat, Mc - ll sills dz Co.," without, in the least •de- gree, showing wherein they have done aught but what is for the best' interest of the country. ,..This slanderer only copies from others is.: empty.•assertione, -end.: though he knows fell well that there is no truth, in them, he hopes, as there.,. is reason to fear, that they will be swallowed by numbers of dapes" who know no differ ent, and __will not take 'the trouble of being better informed. We are as anxious as any one can, be to injure the character and standing of that the Biding'shall be represented by Beecher. flu says: the most enlightened,' progressive, and • "Thank God, I do not belong to the energetic person there is in it, and that fan of rel gious sympathies; who thorough the qualifications of whatever candidate ly hates and despises religious creeds, does. is brought out shall be fairly criticized' not believe in one of the 39 articles, noe. in either-of-the-eatechuams tsar =the hiss ty ot the scriptures, nor in the divinity of Chtist in the sense in: which it is held." An action,.;or,•.libel has since been entered against Tilton, and lie has been arrested and held to bail in the sum of i• r • purpose of having the articles produced in their respective countries. It is alma ticelly the same with all kinds: of menu- factures; if they are hat, produced in this country it•ie because "the climate :is not propitious, on there isnot sufficient demand or` that the capital and labor is otherwise better and mere profitably employed: Instead of being the, enemies of manic* factures and commerce they are the true friends of the/ma as. they are laboring to•free then', from all shackles and ob- . stria:am s and give theca a fair open field. It is true they are opposingin- d class •distinctions r ' fosectional an std us, se and preventing the formation of rings anm cAinbinatiozis. Any manufacture that 'will :be self -au a.1I porting needs not the.. fostering care, sdculled, of, the Government; but will at once earn its. bread.in. of ail competition. It is spite,� shearsmaieeniartoaarrpaose=,hatabeeaue. a' factory :On this side of the .line ivili :have to stand, on equal terms with Dae of the other that it cannot exist as 'e paying tnatituiion. ,Such an idea is -a libel"_ia on the ' energy ,;; enterprise,: and .p skill otbt(r (uauufactaires, and of ght,to • b® hurled• ba ni Blaby t as such. • .. In' another coluni`n will ; be=found a letter,fiotn Mr.'Canieron,.;,11I.P., which We :copy . from Wednesday's Glolte, It "is pertinent 4tnd to the point, and we hope all;waall see ,the reason so much op- position&is.given to the Treaty. HE BEECIIE AT. T , li,,.,SCAN•DAi . A+uomniittee bas been" appointed by the Plymouth Gihurch of Brooklyn of which H W. Beadier is pasta investigettoii of charges . o against'the pastor, Made wife in. 'the are not onl reports of eagerly di quetition, w solution as To. give o ,character of, from his own Will. be sufacient t able person that his w,. relied upon, and gives -col ea his wife' asserts, that it is -se • ems am! Ottoz. mbe NEW ERS#. will be sent from date to tet Jan., '10,. to Dew subscribe. ICOTIC Where are a largenunsher of. oar sub' Scribers who exit considerably in ay. e rears, the aangrin4 p[ w#gtgh t zaey an' at once pee by a reference to the agaves on the printed , aelrleorq, : Y!4o.. would.oaaxi+ieii�liy'arpgnflia"icaali anelarto at once roaward- the amount -die, +a*I, we are *dela in need of i.. ,.- .t. VAhLL. -.F11<[l1MI. - .. ... $ullett Branch, at Clinton; on Sept; 10th and lOth. nat elf. 'Tuckersmith Branch, Seder*, , t;O n Sept« 17th and 18th. North hiding,. at 13iytb, on>Sept. 171h and 18th. o Western .Faix; at London, on Sc t; 29th'a0d sOth, and Oot. lst rind grid. MAGI Ri RATES' 'coni T; 14: Wm., Craig, of tlie' Bayfield road,_ laid Complaint before Mr. Callander, on Ftiday halts ,against. Robert and Samuel Grey, father' and son,.' of this; -village, 'for$sealing hay from itis field,• and they were' °" lierofore, arrested and examined, before. .'brut .on that evening, . .. The eomplatuapt, in hie:eiiaende, pfitated that early on that' morning, be missedaevera al cooks of hay that had been: gathered the day previous, and on going to the road 'clearly .disoerned•-thea;route by which it was taken away,: -asiduous following the track was led to the residerico;of the, panel. The evidence of the complainant was clearly .snbstantiated •by -•his `hired roan wito'also swore to the hay, at? it. ltd peculiar fea- tures, being mixed 'With wheat, barley, and elder hushes, laving been cut it 'the once. corners sitrrounLliatg ' tltose. ..grain , he evidencebeing co 'ttunclnaive; coant»lt?ed, to Goderit h dge T'tiinr. e brought gnxrre scharped, bn was a xeasofl ble the identity of the hay.. alarms pampa >:«>•;i s. art, market clerk, laid complaint . Cole, of Hull.ett� for e:va- et fees It appears' that Mr. negotiating fop ,a quantity. of , and had been out twice to see it r. Cole, and had made a otfet,for and while there the last ti a measured but the • o11er Was not ac` dd. . Mr. • Cole then came. to the villa and'went round to different partiea tea ; if he could do better, but failing to get. an higher of for, he accepted Mr: Deans, thereby _mak- ing the bargain in the village: ' Notwith, standing, he delivered the .hark without paying market fees; as. if he' had perfected he ba gain out .of the •.vi11aga ; ho was therefore fined $i and- cads. The Reeve,. iir `giving judgment, caused it fo be dis- tinctly understood, . that if parties wished to avoid" paying market. fees, they must perfect their bargains outside the village limits, leavrng,nothing'to be -done but de - live naafi lap., YnAx.•-The gathering of Max has cora- moused in thio eeetion, and frown, all 1,41lin lasso tbe`.yield 'is going to be a good one, ls'eassorr, tte--Mr, J. ,&.,MeAlpiue, late of tide 'village, sailed for England, on Satur- day last by the gcandioavtao,of the Aline Linea .,• •,... .......... Ei rr wstoxr or Tune. ---It will be seen by advertisement that the time for reoieving tenders fors rile bank building is extended till the 8th of Au oat: g - Qvitnrertax Ssavress, :The.uettal quay= y makes in a nneetion with the Wes- Ieyan Methodist Church, 'of this village, will be held on Sunda next the 2nd of Aiw st. Naw' S1Asw41.xs. Will 1. ; ` s f l be e en by advertisenment=elsewhere, that tenders sae .asked for the oenatruotion of new sidewalk ie this village, and tho•,work will be pro- o=ede wit it coot :tis tho•ooiitxaow .let; s• -=-I' t► • sectio f thi •tx ,r ns s A of ri so sect � sue neighborhood tie grasshoppers gave been :very deutructw ; pastures being oaten bare ''" an oaf and s wheat maph injured. The only" t'emedy against 'these pests is a good drove of terkeys, 'which Will soon sweep a .field of thews, "Qtoime A' Pip AN A•k'o>ta." - O '..DI .N NRt il'$. Large numbers of American tourists are visiting Montreal and vicinity. of. 0; I. Wise is to naaka a balloon ascension from Stratford, an Tuesday nextPr. " Iram- Laurge numbers of `piekpookats. infest the Great Western Railway Station at ton. . a t St, Catltaxin es is again.. askincharity h y . fro the Government �.. v ent its connection with its indebtedness to the Wfunicipal Loan Fend. On rrialay night the store of -Mr, Ca ,Durrant, West Flandbgror sae' br. kdn tato, and goo ' _ s to the 'value of $1,000 taken: • A dumber of , wt leu-.. buildings at Hedging' Oil Refinery, Loitdoa, wore destroyed -by fire on Friday, night. Loss • .., $10,000. Cf.ALL AND . OOMi? 11,,E OUR FRIOES, NKRUPT. STOCK ail order to turn the harinoe of the stools into money at onoe, we have made 1EPPIL±4' .y,�, �NOWINCS.,'M FANCY ... 0.QDti. ' WE AnE ..NOW ar1LLINGt A'r • A man named David Thordpsot ; was drownea while bathing at Grimsby, oh • Friday, He had only been out from near Glasgow, ten days, Barnuni, the great showman, who lie making a tour of the principal cities; and towns of Canada, `will exhibit` in Strat ford, on the 8th of August, • A fire b which about ' twentymen were deprived of.tbeir places of bsiness; xagei atTrentbn, on Friday` last, ,doing damage to the extant of $60,000, A young girl named Sutton, suliject hile in one fell from the. fourth in Kingston, breaking ise injuring' her.: carrying on their the vicinity of • having stolen Cor of : farmers' cCarthy tried to, Hal coil" -at Ottawa., mg, into the Canal, d ".gone back on him other. fellow.," but he ter, and no doubt . a 25.-11endricks & was burdhere yes- More . 'than eighty eady for -shipment. d, but no one was co.: ' Loss over Carse unknown • • houses, in Brant-, g'ere' ed, were die, mornf, consumed, the -Hocking, 1,600 ; ; Mr. Jas. Paine, of -small Poses. publish.eommunicaion 'of the sender being\ frets may be true, to give them pu ihurity.:r We cert some. ,mistalce, as mutation •and"rui t"'ina4'1ains. Waztrrrr7a,--We :that so soon as a. bili h mischievous. urchin hits .ei tore it down," Now, thea, ed and posted for'publie benefit, and are preterite are, therefore, determine npre'gt tOs yam reputable'business, W. M. Pia-Nic.-1., to be held in connection an Methodist Sabbath Scl Mr.: Smart's grove on Thera were about 300- p and as ample provision ha their entertainment, the, pleasantly 'and to tho sa and was, consequently, a Dom blusw .1h -- The Clinton Brass played for some time on' the Square` Friday evening last, to the entertainment of a Crowd of attentive, listeners. We are ,pleased to ear, that 'the abilities of our niu= sicityns .are appreciated.' :This band loft. for Wingham yesterday morning, having been engaged to play ai:/11 et. Fellows:'"- .pic-nic there, enlivening this village with. their 'sweet tstraing .of music previous to their depart e. SxaEET-WesanzNa.—Last Friday after., noon a new' stitution for tlit village com- menced one ,ations, and, in a limited de- gree,' fulfill ,' its :functions, We refer to the watering waggon, which has been, sent on its missian by the subieriptiou of those interosttd in the laying 6f the dust en Al. bert-st. The watering district extends from the .post office .to Messrs, Isalliaser's store. 'it will require a great amount' of Iabor to effectually Settle the dust, as, the distance from water is so grea ,.and bus to be raised 5y manual labor., _ ' ' Bow Paltx ii'anbeL-We have recoivcd a 'copy .of • the catalogue of ti;c rpegli•brod short horns new owned by the Zion. Doo. prow, and kept at Bow d'ark'j a abort air_` rano below Brantford. It is very neatly printed on toned paper,. and coniiiattt of abort, 250 pages; in .1.'0;0 .a descriptive pedigree: is given of ,:sty -four bulls and one hundred and suety --nine' cows and heifers, This is so otlaing like* a. hard of short horns, -and . one worthy of going a long way to sa An -engraving of 'the fra - ` panes the book, and accommodation is tient for 400'head. 900, acres, and is state of cultivation. gov„ Whether this mare - and weighed, and that justice and truth' in sa doing shall be strictly adhered to. To say that Mr. Gibson has not labored for the. best interests' of the country, ,is to lay that which is false, as he was always to be ,found on, the side of eeone- $2,500: TIVE PRESS. at the scuraaious attaCiis Made -by many •Conservatiae journals on the "Hon. Mr. "For Mr. McKellar rts a Minister we bare no paaticulae arbitration, but at .the - same time'we Must say that it is our opal-, ion that in some respect* ha hart been of late most outrageouily abused—indeed Via May say blaalrguarded. To road. whet is .THE FaatmEas aaaa aTilE • nalaya written. of hitn one would imagine that ho was a public gambler and swindler and the `Thai. Mil, 'fearful of gainitig the op- most. notorious libertine in the Province,: which evert theaseiters themeelvea, ate are position` of the farming community by satrefied, do notsbeheve. There as' an oId its reckless .,alipesition -to the Red. Scotch raying, " Fair, play is bonnie plea,' t eeived at the hands of tome Op protective, or ring policy, Publishes pokition journals. Lot Mr. MoKellitra po*- compound article, under the above heed- litical ceoluct be fearleisly criticised by all means, end it Is a good, eubject for it, but itt,the name of fair play and common de - allay don't hold him up to the public gaze as a notoriomacriminal; for no one panels: and a flue /unto of lionerable (Paling will entertain for a moment tha, batio insinua- tions thiown out stgainst hiel, -A, portion of some of tbe articles which we have read !defy aZttipmly disgraceful, and neither olf.!alcitellar nos do the Opposition good. ManY of Mr. McKellar's est condemnation, and we are r°eparett to go eifiteas far as any of our cotemporaries in den,' moing them, but the deliberate mime' saltation of his privite character, ores/sake of holding him up to licit - a'. °carrion, the nest' ister ncl Revenue, has beat e ing, of sense andnonsense, error and truth ; hoping •and expecting that it oceupa their time and attention in gifting o,t, the few graing of truth, restricPd trade. After soundly- berat- ing the Refoimer for his advocacy of free trade, end calling him. a "Free Trade Tory," it makes the following truthful admission r " ate was ail for givittg them Iibeisa litical institutions, and for that. ses give hint our hearia thankr,"` and then goes on to say that the..,4, no sir& determined enemy to 'coraira+rar cialaina manufacturing progress he ise It always hes been, and to all rinee will eVer _be the cage, that thare will be found plenty to oppoee any iat,:ahy ti*dvedmi'eOevnet?e'd1 bletterstC4.13t° change, no matter hoW. benefiaal to the ing to int if he ;Imam tett- raise vela Said be th sines* status/a lagoon' eceernanx To :Aar. liTra:McCatcheont was fined $2 and costs, for selling liquor to Solitatockwood, wail° intoxiceted. This case was watehed with considerable- interest, and the Reeve re. served his judgment for several. days, as there vvere several points, of .difficult de- "Cision; -The charge was. made under, a village by-law, which imposes a. penalty npon any one ,supplying liguor to an ih. toxicated personA., The evidence upon this point was conflicting, some swearing thet he was- intoxicated, reut.othent the centre- ry. The principal point of difficulty was, who was the reeponsiblo pert)* Pr airplay," ing the liquor, Mr. McChitcherra or Ills that he haa given strict iiljunctions not to sopply liquor to iiitoxicateil, persons. The decision was finally given againet him, as .the master wee considered to he reeving_ take Of the nature of legal transactions the way of business, evert if the servant is warnea to the contrary. Masters and ser- vants ehould trace warning from that do., 'piston and act accordingly. manse AND Insonimat'r. Loclavood, ivies is earning fo reckless conduot, vats arregted on Saturday evening feta being drunk- and digorderly, and confined in the lockup. On Monaay meaning he was bronght befere Mr. Cal- lender, and fined $5 and costa, arida Ini- ther fitta of ,$.5 and costs Pr cursing' and Tire appeal Case. The evidence Waite: appeal case of Goa - °rich arta. piloton ',at, County of Heron, Itas4111 been taken, and stldressett deliver- ed fly Contrail. The judge bee reserved hisdeeation, till next Saturday -a -a - We math enterprise pays a good intent/a for the tapital and labor expended/ _ - Mtg.—About midnight on Friday last, a fire -broke out in the saili shop of Mr. Welter ouk, 4thert-et., end samosa *wary enveloped the 'wade betiding in flames. The !vied hlew gently from the south -east -and drove the fire towards the residence of Mr. Fitzsimons, Wadi was about twenty-five feet distant, when it caught and was quiskly in thitnes. For- tunately, most of the goods wore removed forte of willinglainis the lira wag eon fine d wind blew in a direction wh e dealer* d T; 0. MARSHALL, Manager, Waterloo :House. 80 Otin'e x, 'July 15, 1874. akota Correspondence. Wants and Tates with Canadian. rar- To the Editor of the Clinton New Era. Ma, Roma :- Farmer No. 2 left Ome- gas in the. early part of the peat spring. this, aboriaafty acres broken, with twenty planted to sod corn. Ile took a pre-emp- tion and hart proied up thereon, and after - 'garde a homestead and timber-Miln„and at presentas doing the settlement duties,' making iu all- 480 acree of •good arable land, without a foot of waste ground. Ras also got a piece .of spring wheat which looks well, considering the thee it was sown and. plou ed (fall ploughing.briegs. 11131 the hest crops. No. a thinks that deep breaking ia the est., and. that the bast time for breaking lies between the middle of well pleased with the country, and thinks that there are a great many openings in which a man may better his condition in life, which cannot be founa•in Canada. •Sonasanayadiffer witli No. 2 in the matter,. they would ie a short time fall in 1-vith the In a new country there are a number of -inconveniences to overcome,' which are not met with in an older eettlement, and which will disappear as the country gets older and more cultiaated. Throngh this settle- ment are expected two railroads, which will, in an indirect way, further the interests of -eacillandevery land oilier in this Oanadi- en settleraent of Dakota. In the last few weeks it has been pretty dry, but eines then we have had several nice shower's. Announcement is made that the 'pro. prietors of the Daily Telegraph awl the proprietor ef the NOW York Herald have arnmged to dead out a joint expedition, fully equipaed, to Central Afriea, under ' for the porposes eiquiring into the sources: of the Wave trade and, eoreple- ting the geographical labors of the late • - Dr. Livingstone. , -Prince Gortschakoff's invitation tothe •Brussels Congress hart been• accepted, after some hesitation, by the Austrian • Government. The general iples, five in number, upoa •whic regulating theusages bet the three. of War, • are pub warfare all 'means and all ft:amebas svith the laws War and justified by th, war, are permitted. -T toms of war foibid n drily cruelty and, barbarous acts against t eneibT;;•-they require even on -the pa of the competent authoritieathe immeai- ate chastisemeut of thoie who have ren - tiered themselvee guilty of such 'cute when tbey were hot provoked' by abet). lute neurally." ' Vern. COATS --In this villa th 2 • ge, on e 4th inst. Thacein look's very svell, being already in the 'wife Of Mr, R. Coats, of e a man nein-, the tasale. Framers are nearly through ae tally f a glass Plies, while -Many are cutting their gram. n his ' hand, Which severed the 'Mr. Editor, to give you a small estiraate. is °yang, let ma say that where a' year ow . -jaw. x oe rs ne °agf°ogrP: oraoP:::ount but some half -a -dozen 'with which this settlement' mthatri ...beuktilluitedir reeffliceert ptrhoeyeuanfierartujillo: 11 as he altortlir afterwards died. • ---- aa:...... 144:gatsaroopyaerraweayaenemvesralook, beautiful 'Rama Afgaster yricrey-54- Turereeirs.end livers flowed free 'and im- p n mo ve power? to adnunutter from Fort Niagara, and recognized as to the wants of man, and bring wealth into that of Charles Anaerson by the studs air community. A short time a o th the American side, about twenty miles talridaallottaday tlimy are damned up .and *tirrieb. ..0oorza—Pitotri. --On the 23rd inet., by Cooper, of Tuckersmith, to Rebeacis jape 00bren-L.Onwrant—In GoRie, en the 15 inst by the Re W k A.. Cowley, of Stratford,°'Ute 'of Tlellacer, England. in his° ihirt front. It witeatao uoh de- wila buffalo and yet wilder Indian, roam- ----- composedfOritIneVal and wage Wing. ed Over the undulating greoneirard, to -day they' are gene and it is the Beene beituti- ly buried on the spot One of the first bodies found was thought te be that of f.° canestaada• , Geerge And -arson whash stows how dif- ficult. was the identification. ratty be too near for comfort and profit I „dole ail t sk_ Outellpehfct!defet144kry(46.4,1aerrileisthilarttiji'ef°grraiklise- proTif$y, The testimony 91 actual, prima- -hoppers are 0 Mitting sad havoc in cal, and talented mechanics and atanefao- some par s e no . r. m. tnrers a worth all the bosh .that political - has had ten Mires of wh a fivn Of oata Trade. (sent forth on a trip for health, be. thee') peste: The less Will fall heivili 'afford gait water°at paler° own ce7petrane° ultrin3faln.'114aMiltiold°nYStlelcriaer near Nora would. ever send forth id a lifetime, • If had niat.'ust travelled in the cars, and. read wieb, firoa at two boys wlig were talc,: rum pacterfTibt thte ;ay, I zou d .not lidanaase laaatita ManY of bow bang' trade with 35 'or 40 million': of paeorpelee ing corer tile 'road. He fired at theta could, any 'possibility, be MI injUry— with. a smooth_ bore AfIr; loaded, with thitt-wo el.Lvho ebnanviseyirovaanfathaatu evnenewnoyworiks bert Smith, who died frau tile effects a bagQ, 111#04r, and' IAA of evOrY folindriesa copper silver, lead end palm - the lungs of ono of the boys named Al - ItinnaLt.—In" Ott &lath inst. —Mr. George itgmball, aged 10 years. Sarah, wife of 2' Porter, and mother Brandon, Suffolk, England; as =don tif TEDIDESS 1'021 Bah ,of Aug -List. 741. Card of Thanks. E, rowing. Olinicol, Jolt Ao, 18% N. Tenders for Sidewalks, .tho avounci, 0 Ti,.. a . . kind tl•ao; will .1att for ages, with, labor other boy-waa Wounded isneetkhrinaleerg-.ebuate Ada; er' and more peculiarly adapted for „.. '8 E 41, I, X lu X' 14 AT Dina ' gnetemenufeeturbreaand twitter pewee of bi-. adit he teeelee4 h7 the 00 Natio not very seeiously.• of MINTON, ttp to brought before a -Magistrate and remand. onni Load Paffeailar TAct, liaireain ...al; a 13tr4rolw4gna'sultet" acilipdr'olciiity nidie9rirrif. It mil:atrisci°161; 17,118crilititeraillaniVg:ttt:1174k 14 4.4*"----"Acikteih---;14 vc"."`"L".--Y hig at several plaees on the mate. They fiennrcifis4;29:10:02n5gOnithttoyh.oir5sece:taffflatia hebearie2: Dorian' or ' ' et with I. allite,'WhO are on their way te the North slat fourruaer Tho West, for a pleasure, trip, haee been call- visitea Toronto on Friday, and were and ph' tints o ' ' h at a -It. -Maillis-' illit biai:; ea rot 3: l'-' ICSUagieleek- -46 Noon of Monday, ed to Woodstock jail for trial. labor is aigravinflettYireoltinivvvtrree It_ NT tit °Borne() tate vrdnerc4iddo: V wb yi t: he trie' I loy .64evtVillfstleigfere'albrqtwha40171:::“IlisaeoriiillowwafYeanovtirrte::: iwi. nnuagilk oh:esti-1i: tpfiroroPionitelagorf iCorapl clhuzd.:41a: i itli raeat Tv Ott: itriniaortig 0,4'r:1111;1:I nra, ti:hei . sy:t!el : t ts.ti:bil ger tglig ir eonodta tai and. loyal Manlier. ProCeeding to Col- the lowest" ' 111 ill° places, and were entertained in a hearty _prig f. e.prryiee for en the ow* be buya. 4vapoontraanleteilifiyen , It 811:10710.0ord,tthh:ticht:k:r4thteriantleamliekreC:atottiro.ruiai:. 0„,:fhiltrittistap.tinwem,;ovihiet:tapth407414:5tclitibtowteaortheirrit4-ath?rhoeclu:8:iniiiivagn4tihowfyno,:ottro4illinectimi 117:84retgoa; which has been crobalirteorret:r4-footr..ithhee oblocchea-'_ they will visit Goaeiloli Alteir return forming tea protect, by a direct tax :oil . • a ib !dual soon 'be tinge of growers of oranges Salttleet last week. A. Yonng peed on foreigners for ;these 1 Onlyarotect rid 'some wenn MI a etirrent baeb, theril enough and you will have palriotie while, removing them one of the growers of these immedistely. A.n4 wby „terimeith.nerobeeiatear whew/leer othveen vo%. 67:21 ,47111:4:6014111411b: tIc:acteft: 41.14 spead A a finger. Immediately thereafter the iaeei arm. aa matt it, dent and body.' A pbysician Wee eatietif and ore She WOO quite ill fee *BOO- 11 °fled: arta thif littlY Wag treated farad Inco on NoMok flea, Outy Of forst Oso lost iftiortiost of ti2re: *so nottof OW So florotwor its Owolik to Eliot tint Wags of wolirwTtiolorant h Low nun:: Bw4T •llissi teillithe:72:7111100;01d.itionit.::.er°Ittits :faro: Ros44„aaconylit tdiett; Lott' imitators Oslo, Two, Twen olio iv ots or wools of Is , a is rouTTrnA.snbutpcauaaaaatztOf Okodoriniolultth; tanatiaLoTtainuiunambett; ,I, luta at Mint*, 040110^407: CA"." Olorlpt •