Clinton New Era, 1874-04-16, Page 2would ro-
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CLINTON, APRIL 16, 1 8 7 4.
Ateeeleding to previous announcement
we present our readers with the first
copy of the new edition of the Naw ERA,
and hope it will meet with a hearty
welcome from all our old friends, as
we feel convinced it will, and that our
new readers will receive it in such a
spirit as to permit them to give it a
fair and impartial trial, as we are de-
termined to conduct our journal in
Such a manner as to show that our end
and aim is to advance the interest of
all, without bent or bias, but in the
direction of right, believing that we
are sufficiently independent to advocate
the cause of right and justice, and con-
demn the wrong, free from party in-
We are of those who believe that
whatever is for the good of one is for
the good of the whole, for that which is
not for the good of the whole, cannot
be for the real good of one, as any ap-
parent advantage to one party at the
expense of another is really a detriment
to both parties; we, therefore, shall not
take for our motto, "The greatest good
to the greatest number," but tho greatest
good to all, irrespective of party or personal
interest. If in the past, we have labored
iiii the ranks of a party, we did not do
so for the mere purpose of upholding
it as a party. but for the attainment of
objects that were for the good of the
.0I?untry at large.
'We do not care what name any class
soT nen are called, if their efforts are
•ut forth in the right direction,
and floe right direction in politics is to
labor for the formation and support of a
government that will give the greatest
return of progress, prosperity and hap-
piness for the lout possible outlay.
As it will be to our own advantage
promote the material interest of our
ens, we shall always be watching
portunities to do so, determined
no labor or expense shall be want-
tt make it an acceptable visitor to
There appears to be a move through-
out the country to inaugurate a syatem
of protection, or more properly speaking
the impomilion of a tax upon the consu•
ener of certain commodities for the bene
t of' the producer of said commodities,
a I legieg, that the progress and prosperity
-of the country is dependent upon the es
rtablishmeirt of such A SyStelll. This
eveetion has been marred at the instance
of a few intereatel parties, who care
more for their ovea private interests
than for the benefit of the whole pro-
vince, caring not who suffers so long as
!AO keta are filled. The gjatestion
"lien di
vs. protection has be ao
• .a4 so logically proven
athat free trade is the .seine system for
tnankind, that it is: Trite linfiszeaseery
for 11S ti) enter Hite a lengthy discuesion
-of the matter.
()n a mobien (soul Dr, Ol•tori to foriu
occamittee to trivristigate and report
up -the neceasity of imposing duties
ripen farm predisoe hi °ugh's, into the Do -
Minion , a lengthy discesseon ,ensued,
ata5l Although the motion was catried,
the feeling of the Ifeeee was igaitist the
mpoeition of do ties!, believing it useleas.
'This tre if imposed would fall princi-
n IliP of the
whish are cornpelhol to
ge eremnit ot their bresid•
the United St.tL.R iu conse-
of the almost, impoesibility of oh -
't from eenada thmugliout the
biter ; they would require, as a set off,
tion to some of tamer prod tictions,
,ifth would in return fell upon roneu
ins in quehec and Ontario, so that in
and their would she no actual gain.
4eren die other hand, publishers are
lielotiitig Parliament for the reenetion
-01.4he doty Ott paten. felem 15 per cent
40- lkofng that the lower duty will
II greater revenue than the
hat the Manufactitrera of
LIt then be able to roll
ging i0,4 paying price.-
Cla to bo
Ask dO"'
Louis RA the
occupied the at
stud country to a
ithout aa yet, ar-
riving result. Through
the connivance of friends ke has been
enabled to sign tho, roll and take the
oath as a member #f Parliament, with-
out permitting hi lf to be arreated by
the officers of jut( e. Opposition pa-
avoring to make
pers have been
elepetal out of thiefe; nd stating that .the
Government do hof intend to carry out
the views they held while out of power.
Wbetber they ,will or not we cannot
.yet tell, but we do know that if they
do not they will forfeit the support of th 3
Reformers of Ontario. But we have a
good opinion of them, and believe that
they will not be found backward in ac-
ting up to the letter and spirit of their
professions in this matter while out of
P°" er. It is no easy matter to arrest
Riel while surrounded by such a host of
friends as he appears to have, and in a
section of country where he can so easily
be stowed away. The fact that he is
leading the life of a fugitive is sufficient
to prove that he, at least, is afraid that
the law would be allowed to take its
course, and if founci.guilty suffer it ex-
treme penalty.
Bowell has given notice of a
motion to expel Riel from the House,
which it was intended to bring up on
Monday last, but was postponed till
Wednesday. When this is done it is
said that an affidavit made by Biel will
be presented, setting forth that the
rediton he has not taken his seat is be-
cause he has reason to believe the
Orangemen have determined to take his
life. If he believes this, the best thing
for him to do is either to flee the country
or surrender himself into the hands of
justice, and submit his case to a court
of law. That he will take his seat in
the House is quite out of the question,
as the western section of the country is
wholly opposed to it, and no member
would risk his popularity by voting in
his favor.
The question of an amnesty has been
fully diacusaed, Archbishop Tache oc-
cupying near twenty closely printed
columns in striving to prove that an
amnesty had been promised by the late
Government ; but the evidence is wast•
ing to prove it. Sir John A. and some
of his friends have always absented
themselves when this matter is brought
up in the House, apparently ns being
afraid to meet questions that might be
The French in Quebec are making it
a personal question, and will set a mark
upon every one of their members who
vote against Riel, and will oppose the
Crovernrnent to a man if an amnesty is
not granted. If possible the question
will be en open one, so that all may
vote whichever way they like, without
interfering with the atarading of the
Go 1r r rnment.
••••• -
'We have received from the secretary
of the Montreal Sanitary Association, a
circular requesting II8 to co-operate with
them in urging our legislature to estab-
lish a Central Board of Sanitary Statis-
tics at Ottawa, with branchee through
oust the Dominion. Wo net only beg to
dechee, bet we deeire to state that we
shall use our ,influence in opposition to
as we conaidcr le Leonid not only be
utterly useless, but entail 40, very heavy
expense, AGA L,Epecially DON 0...OSI the
expenditure of the country is exeeefling.,
the revenue. There are already morel
statistics puldiehed than aro ever read, ,
or nt leeet but by a small portion of the
;-4111 g 1/011 /TI is also I / -
n ece saw because an officea or board is
appointed in 4. most every City', town
and village ip the le/gro4ion to enforce
the sanitary reguletiens ot tbei.s. several
munieipalities. The officiala 44 their,
employes in the different pubis inatitue
tiers throughout die province are al-
ready too nun -wroth! for the real wants
of the country without any increase.
The Mori. Mr. famines introduced his
new hill for the C!eCtion of teetzebers of
the House of Common' at the first sit-
tings of the House after the Easter
holidays!, the leading features of which
as, tbat
" The Sheriffs or Registrars of Comptes
Nhail he returning effieers : Ali the elect/nes
at a general eleetine, exesmt those in British
Colnmhie, Memitobe, Algoma, Muakikka,,
Gaspe and Bonaventure, so be bald on the
sense der; to abolish pnbtie nominatiens,
substituting therefor a nominatiou In writing
to te sighed by certain number of °teeters ;
roper gnalleestion
BATFIELD ,IfAlltV911",
The residinti et ylitild may . now
rejoice in the prospect of having their
harbor improved, as tho *um of $36,000
ha* been placed upon the' o,i0 ,9,O for
'74.'76. If they will sipplinient this
with $10,000 more there will be some
hopes of soaking it a safe and conveni-
ent harbor, if not a large one.
The committee of Great Western
skareholders, who are inveseigating the
affairs of that Company in this Proviuce,
arrived here laat Monday, abeut 3 p.m.,
having driven from London, in company
with Sir Keith Johnston, Director of
* 0. W. Company, the Hon. John
ilarling, John Birrel, Esq., Preaident,
and C. P. Smith, Esq., Director, of the
L., 11. et B. Company. The party were
met hero by R. Callender, Esq., Reeve
of Clinton, P. Kelly, Esq., Reeve of
Morris, mid several other gentlemen
who have taken an interest in promoting
the new railway. A conversation took
place, in which tho capabilities of the
country, and the amount of traffic which
it could furnish to the new line, were
diacussed. The members of the
committee expressed, a very favor-
able opinion of the country betwetn
London and Clinton, which they
said was the finest tract they had seen
in Canada. With regard to the con-
struction of the line from London to-
Wingliam, they gave no decided intima-
tion of their views, but expressed the
hope that some arrangement satisfactory
to all parties would be made, After a
stay of about two hours, the party left
by special CRT of the G. W. Railway, to
which the Grand 'Limit managers had
courteously allowed " running powers"
for the occasion.
We learn from the best authority that
the Directors of the L. II. & 13. Railway
have no intention of surrendering their
bonuses on behalf of Mr. Fowler's
scheme, as they are fully determined
that the road slaall be carried through by
the existing route.
With the exception of the Riel affair,
the House has been piincipally occupied
with routine business, everything is be•
ing pushed forward with expedition.
The estimates have been given, and the
finance Minister has inade his speech
upon the subject. From all appearances
it is likely the session will be a short
We see by the Parliainentary report
that Mr. Cameron has presented a pe-
tition from the people of Tuckersmith,
praying that that Township may be an-
nexed to the South Riding for legisla-
tive purposes. The proposed change is
to annex that township to the South
Riding, and making the Huron Road
from Clinton to Hohnesville, and thence
along the Cut Line to the Lake the
northern boundary, giving to the Centre
Riding in exchange for Tuckersrnith,
that portion of Goderich township north
of the lino mentioned and Goderich
town. This would certainly make the
two Ridings more compact.
The much -talked of Pope -Macdonald
letter affair, has turned out to have
been a put up job as far as Sir John A.
Macdonald, and Hon. Mr. Pope were
concerned. During the recent investi-
gation at Montreal, it was proved that
the letter was intended to be sent to
Mr. Young. It has also turned out
that a secret investigation took place
last September, when it was learned
that a Mr. Palmer, chief clerk of the
delivery branch, was the one " guilty"
of opening and sending tbe letter to
Hon. Mr. Young. Palmer was ens-
pended for a day, but at the instance of
Hon. Mr. Pope, thn " mo.oh bused
person," he was re -instated.
mored in railway circles that Mr. Joseph
Hickson, at present Secretary -treasurer of
the Grant Trunk Rrailway, is to assume
the post of general manager, and that one
of the directors will come out from Eng-
land to keep an eye on the management of
the eared.
Mr. Sameel B. Fremen, Q. C. formerly
Clerk of the Peace for the county of Went -
!Tenth, died at his raaonce on the 14th
tinge:sized ipleqe. ror soine. years he -e-
pd..'sre Csyenty years he has .3lled a die•
piriaesented Solitii Ayetitrort, in Parliament. "rinaang e quantity of laudenum, bat Ler-
-.ay discovery ef the fact b It Cost would be but small, and the pleesure
that re. derived ;smile c‘aasoensate for tho out/aye-Ea J
1 cheerfuil and foilipy iikpikspntp, his Y " ,
lova for hi, typilly, oriels; y,, pma ilk', ,:y. ,_ epriately by the ES .t. y
pithy with suffering, cant a cheer:4 agoilf,t hie irilenii., he failed in accoms. tablaf
him. Hie death his thrown a ,eloote intit. et fip,g,ears e4,1se. fro has for a length of - --
throughout the community. ,
Farm Steck, 1101$110104,,ter,#001 „PI* T,_..401$1114,.
Loodesborougn, eo *nosy, siso men
Household Furniture belonging to Idiee4
Rooney, Blyth, on Saturday, 18th ins
tismiltou? omit.
FsrE St99km..400. helengies te Iss. rat
soa, lot C°"/"A.....of
Thursday, April 24rd. C., mools43,
mere* 101rootorar.
Br. Pnar's, -Mar. O. B. Malmo hissiebent.
at it e. azul 7 It aa 8110aaa
Writes enuemseellev. fikuotoe
mid p. Sunday salmi at 11
W. M. oneacia-ner. W. 8. Blaakstook. a
101 arid 6i p•ra. Sunday Eishod at
n. o. onueen.-Bar. W. Wady. Surtoe at
and 134 p. Onadsi 'Ghoul at 0 m.
Or- '
lairmad Umiak Railway MAW!
OZ451031 STAMM.
00580 galiTe Gesso waire
- • 730 5. 10.
emotes, • - 10.40 a. zu.
oge p. m.
- • 4.25 p. m.
Mixed, - 10,
Enron, -
Mixed, •
Mail, • - 9
a. m•
p. Ka.
load getus.
Mien the advertisement of Messrs. Hod-
gins & Pay.
Ter -imam are wanted for the erection of a
frame school house in Hullett. See ad.
SNOW. -On Saturday last "the beeutiful
anew" fell to the iepth of a couple °finches.
RECOVERINO.-We are glad to ase that Mr.
J. Jai Ram has so far recovered from Jails late
serious illness as to be able tole out allaln•
SPRIN a. -What beautiful spring weather, (1)
you have to spring around pretty lively to
keep yourself warm.
FAREWELL SERMON. -..--The Rev. S. B. Kel-
logg will preaoh his farewell sermon, en Sun-
day morning next, 19th Mete
THI COVHT ef Revision for thteTownship
ef Hullett, will be held at Londesborough, on
the let of May next.
Tus Court of Revision for the Township of
East Wawanosh will be held at Maraca on
Mendel', 4th of May, at 10 a.m.
CLEANING THE STREETS. -The corporation
are doing a good work in cleaning some of the
surplus mud off the front streets and filling up
holes on the suburbs. Keep on.
'FRE FARM formerly occupied by Mr, H.
Stewart, on the 3rd con. of Hallett, will be
sold by auction on Thursday, 30th inst., at
the market place, in this village.
EXTENSIVE SUHINESS.-The business of Mr.
J. H. Belfry, Salt Refiner, has inereased so
much ef late that all his employees have to
work night and day to supply the demand.
has started a new blacksmith 'hop, next to
Kennedy's Livery Stable, where he will be
at all times ready to do anything in his line
of business.
INCREASED BUSINESS. - The letainese of
Messrs. Stevens ez Miller, of the Clinton
Planing Mills, has increased so much that
they have had to make .a large two-story ad-
dition to their shop.
Fa ILURE.-We are sorry to see that Mr. D.
Potter, has had to succumb to the pressure of
the times and make an assignment. Like
many others he suffered a heavy lase through
the failure of B. Shantz.
last we received the Daily Globe bearing the
date of 1884. We have often loin papers
deka a week or two ahead, but getting ten
years ahead at a jump is " going it lively."
viaion for this village, will be held in the
Council Room, on Monday, the 27th inst.,
for the purpose of hearing appeals against as-
sessment, and reveling the assessment roll.
Ore rns TRACE. -OL) Friday last while •
train was shunting at the station, in this vil-
lage, a passenger coach attached te the rear,
ran off 'the track, for about twenty yards, but
was fortunately got on again without damage
or much difficulty.
SPRING Szzows.,---The spring shows for the
exhibition of stock will be held as follows :-
Worth Huron, at Clinton, on Tuesday, April
21; South Huron, Brucefield, Wednesday,
April 22nd ; Hibbert, Staffa, Thursday,
23rd ; Stephen and Osborne, at Exeter, Fri-
day, April 17.
RETIIRNED.-WO learn that Miss K. F.
Hagerty, formerly assistant Teacher in the
High School, and Miss M. Williamsos,
former Teacher in the Common School, have
returned from Lexington, lay., whither they
went last winter., We presume they found notice of change is Mr. C. Tyner, who is to
" there's worse places than Canada." be the managing editor, a position we believe
he has really' occupied for these ten years.
Cerenoe. --Mr. Jas. Geldie, $ of
1,41111,0#4151144 Weat PopPltoo On
Bobie's edvertIsemout,
^re eineee TRI11911.-As the corporation hive
teedtpXotielou for supplyine bum for tbittle
treeeeriellee !twain property should 'plant
triiii'IMPledietelY, Motto
aud.wherbsar there are (19940104 Slooy ebeehl
s s -
\Os MONnax lift we sew a couple et boys
goiug tbiough the village with their arm, fu/t
of kiedling wood, in the shape of a broke
buggy, and as we saw them a few minutee be-
fore leading a hammed hook wo-oania.te the
(1 oeuelusion they had oue ot those pleasant
'little episodes e nineteen
,Paocinemsemei.--The present lase (of court,
esy) requires all persons who are maano,o1
tering sugar, to makenauntlei return of et
least a two pound oke, to the printer, for
testing purposes, and comment. We hope
leach farmer. in the neighborhood will cone -
ply premptly with the law -in this matter.
ter minion of tiiis College was brought to a
close Met week, and we are glad to see the
names of so many from this neighborhood
among thestudents. Menne Jas. Churchill,
John Welsh, Clinton; and Timm Rathwell,
Varna, pessed their final examinationt. Mr.
John Aikenhead, Clinton, passed his primary.
KEZP on THE SIDE WALKS. -Several par-
ties who had net the fear ofthe law in thcir
heater, or the siva, ,/t,the- public in view,
have ebeeis driving their teams on the side
walks in different parts of the village, greatly
to their injury. Same one has mused much
damage to the fence in front of the school by
so doing. The Area inspector intende to
make an exanrple of the fine one °aught
doing so.
I. 0. 0. F. -We observe by the Andrew
County Republican, of the 3rd Met., published
hi Savannah; Missouri, that Mr. • James
G. Welker, an old Clintonian, has been
elected N. G. of Savannah Lodge No.
14, I. 0. O. F. He will be pleased to learn
that Oddfellowship is rapidly advancing in
Clinton, and that Clinton Lodge No. 83 pro-
mises -in time to be one of the, best in the Pro-
terprisiag townsman, Mr. Richard Irwin, has
purchseed the grist mil formerly owned by
Mr. Whitehead, and intends converting it
into a pork packing establiehment. Mr.
Irwin is at present in England making are
=gement for the sale of this commodity.
The Bible Christians have purchased the
corner lot opposite the Central School, at pa-
tient occupied by Mr. Geo. Pay, where, we
learn they intend ereoting a new church, the
present one being found to email.
VESTRY MEETINk-The ,Easter, meeting of
the vestry in conneAlon with the Episcopal
Church in this village took place on Monday
week, when Mr. R. Ransford was re -appoint-
ed warden and Mr. R. A. Barton as colleague.
Mr. Barton and Mr. J. Ridout were also se-
lected as delegates to attend the Synod short-
ly to sit London. Geo. Shepherd was
elected vestry cleraiL••• Ai a special meeting of
the vestry on Mo; last it was decided to
make a call upon the Rev. Mr. Desbar, who is
at present performing missionary work in
New Srunewick, to fill the vacancy made by
the resignation of Mr. Kellogg.
WE SEE by our exchanges that highway rob-
beries, sonsetimes accompanied With violence,
are prevalent. We would warn oer readers
to be also on the lookout for house thienres, as
many are still prowling around the country.
It is not very pleasant to be stopped on tbe
street and asked to deliver over your yalu•
al:nes-sunder penalty of losing your life, but as
we belong to that class known as '/ printers,"
(and they say printers never have any money)
we don't csre how many stop and risk for our
money, as wo eoldom have any, and as for our
lite, if they can make any better use of it,
than we can, they are welcome also to that,
CHANGED HANDS.-ILI consequence of the
death of the proprietor, the Hamilton Times
has changed hands, and is 'Mae -published by
and under the control of a joint atocO com-
pany. As the company is composed of parties
who have been connected with the establish-
ment for some time, there will be no real
change in its management, so what it has
been it, the past it will continue to be in this
future. The only name mentioned in the
Guelph, writes to the Brussels Post, to the
effect that the Red Chafi Spring (Wheat is a
very poor kind to sow, and warns farmers
against using it, as it will net sell near as well
as other knots, the dour made from it being
of an inferior quality.
VAL), Virma.q.- We fear that in cense.
The Times ve consider one of the best con-
ducted papers in gntarie, and has, therefore,
received a very liberal siipPert and we have
every confidence in its future prcleperity.
- -
To the Editor of the Netv Era.
Inuit ,Sia, -As we hew' two bands in our
quence of the went of it num eovenng, and
village, do you net thitik some inducement
the repeated thawing and freesieg thrmigh might he giyeti pe have them play occasionally
ri3e er nilileg5b14.01 /f4aayvet1111:45
She winter, the fall wheat !is tbls oeintibor- ,edoutnneng,,fthuelesmu
hood has been seriously injured, and thet net
a stand erected fot thetn they would
more than half crop need be oXPecrad. 111 iiiiiietiniarplaystri-p;urbetnitea.ip,Briog the matter
gape action in the matter, •
before the Council; and hoping tuey take
4 ffeieml oy.Mcsic.
Clinton, April 14, 184:
[Noll -Wo hovo ne doubt that if this was
enbraitted to the Cisuncil, they would do some.
thing to encourage our musieiens. We say
lin a stand be emoted on the Market Square,
fact, we believe many farmere will be under
the necessity of plonghing it op wed re -sew,
ing, as it in sotno pfsees can be raised up witSj.
out breaking a root.
A TTX PTED Saturday night
A man by the name of Joe. Wheatly, living on
the laayfield reed, attempted to take him life
M almm sot i ; of this village, and her father, times. On hie frioegla finding hisp ander'tfie
The above gentleman was uncle to Mrs. meets lip tint he hes gone blita friO'or' te'irea
time be sectiieeet to egoeenve drinkMg, eo
4/141,411e.eery is toe:bomeitial reek' in Wrexeicr,
COUNTY 170118.
vent hero at the time inflnence of the_ alveoli?). dray _intnieaiately us go!spb 4;474'4 prgst:a.,* I.
his brother, was on a j k , ;otends
called in Dr. Worthiugtom, who enecooded in rseineekiivnotatbetieelrttswittelienweoera`leziorit itehii9,0•90prareavidgeem'eTelet
of Tivi: cl,ccim:
The nal carlendeor for the Middlesex ne,utgelizing the effects of the drud by keep -
from parties laterestea.
y lioLtvthye. , t,iingkethlitegimifrazi swell., Re ,till threatens tn. ,
Aimless, liblch (Spoil at Lott Mr. Peter 1Sergusen, while cutting lath at
Fish of MaY, is ell'elisty (Innen Rennet's sash factory, Brussels, received e
le9steludes ono case of inntider, 'three of; , being nearly out in two.--,4dvancs.
severe cut aeross his fingers, ttio first finger
manslaughter -the perties impiiceted in, i ,AIN71_ I, IA CI'Inr-r we regret to learn
the Komoka car a isaster- owl one of ,rape that M. M• ,4, 4, i , ,Cta j., re,i 1114 villein', met Several of the Goderich soft works have
besides sundry lareeniea and arnnes of with a priiii(ur lied terlistre aecadentse,o esaaday commenced operations. They are now in
lesser magnitude. The civil lint will con-
tain Rome fourteen snits itgainet the Great
Western Railway 'Company, for damages he was on his way to attend the 'este .,4
tut. 0 n ttiat day, witb a a tiMlier 6f 'oth ere , af upilTleitlbselals;ireta, itwparlevirtioktri:nbogifentifiogrththetaraenado baring sdaeyn. ,f3 bbTeuh;ein e...pgarRoo.n-
b ing of the railway car near Keineka. Smith, near Ailsa Craig. It appear@ that
thorough -bred cattle at the farm of Mr,
li no °Wel irtwts ib2rto' e edo 041:1 to6n4tfihned RAirftil it:41121d° flisthhaet
on account of injuries stintained by the
The' rizuorlints claimed vary from merely some arrangement had been made with the had talon refuge in a swamp near by, chase
nominal tiiiine up to $10,00.0. (4. T. R. R.. to stop near the farm, but the was elven up.
Sr ARTA, April 13.- A dreacifil accident conanotor bad not received say notification to that
mWro:/cioettourritnet•RaPnittZ.0-n\TVhsuragrdear4sinfor. oess:
occuered re, Saturday afternoon, in the
lot 24, eon. It. Morrie, chopped, apliteend
small of Dexter, whereby three rthad:reedifectok aennatitheeb,thgetorepf7rebn' wihseinacrefikerinedeatand;
piled a cord of wood, (maple), in the astound-
yrAing men lost their lives. It appears
sufficiently to permit parties to jump off, if ding time of one hour and, forty minutes. 11.that two men named Black and one named says he can beat this yet. -Pose
they were willing to run the risk of injery,
Willem MoDowiet1 were taking an old
kerb opt of a well, _rem the Blacks being Severe! had already jumped from the train, iionr,nrcu, Apr•il 14. -Tho schooner M. C.
Cameron, Captain Viola), efelekereon, aerived
tne and before Mr. McTaggart had had an oppor-
t,o do so the trein had inereased its snognii iaTrghee grdt:tif ijoeirrotns
hers to -day from Oswego, This is the fine
illa„ he jumped WO Momen. rar iv ivoftti po asf et chS t hello
Lake Huron. .
ORITHARY.-We regret this week to reoord
bkdagth of Mrs. JAIDell Bette., which
We at the sesideace of h It •
,ert • en ' .
46091044.043010* OA, olk
.80.1"Ftifht111:12:4444ertrolibt-41purr.Mai --
on Ito to
mid dressed -the injeltedteed,e4tensieree
INkirriD44-4k. 0.0410*
i4 841,00:1, lzyosit,baisti*Okt:74;40e•11,074#4,
uotiee IneeioreeeTest ee ThereeterPeet
bole to consider the fellewnsg tettelnliest ts,-E
0‘ hat it is expedient:le-people for •, the in -
e tiou of salt mmulfactered ei Owed*, and
for the appointment of 8alt Itarpeaters."-r,
8°13:al; cat Au. -As two ions( of Mr.
Williafli McDonald, dtb con. of Grey, were
chopping, the hemlof the no erbeeh one of
teem was wieldhig, flew. off, and Week- the'
brother en the meting entinly througb!
from the nose to the Dunne, mid breiecing one'
of the bedsore. The WOW" was sewed uP.
and the boy is new programing favorably.--
P°T8eHE Rs. v.11. B. Peratia.-This gentlemen
is about to leave Seafeith. .4: farewell 'Meal
was given te hisu on the melting of thieeth
inst. Warinumplesugarwaidietributedtotheie
in attendance, after which Mr. Gish**, aalioel
teacher of Holmosville, gave a :saltation. Dr.
campbell, of Seaforth, tient delivered ilia leo.
ter', on Canada. After a vote of thanks be-
rtiig tebdered to thVbr. fair hie leetttre the a.1,4!
dienee dispersed. "
Lose ite Fine -On Wednesday eveniiiie
the Jit inst., Mr. Richard Pincombe, Usborne,
islet with a severe loss. While he was at-
tending the soled village lots at Blimville,
and his wife and family Working in the sugar
bush, flames were seen • to proceed from his
dwelling -house. On neighbors hurrying to
the spot, they found it to be on fire. The
fire originated in a wood -shed adjoining.
Cause net known. Iniarance $500. Mr.
Plumate will lose abouethe Nadia amount.-
EwPezester oTiitIenee.8-. The many friencla of 'Captain
Thonias Jackson, formerly of Hayfield,
and brother of Messrs, George and Henry
Jaokion, of Eginondville, will be ,pleased to
liarn that he has bean appointed to a promi-
nent position in the North West Mounted
Police Force. The force it is expested, will
leave for the North West about the lst of
Jnne. In the meantitne Captain Jaokapn is
in command of the portion of the force at
present located in Toronto, and will continue
to occupy this position dudes the slisence of
Col. French, the Commiesioner. The Cap-
tain is a born soldier, and will, we have every
reason to believe, distinguish himself in his
new position. -Expositor.
It is with pleasure we extract the following
from the Seaforth Expositor of the 10th Mit :
" We are pleased to learn of ;Dr. Stelint,
late of Bruceleld, distinguishing, himself in
the Old Country. It will be remembered that
a short tame ago, this gentleman carried off
numerous honors in Edinburgh, After leav-
ing Edinburgh, he repaired to Landon, Eng-
land, where he has spent some months at-
tending the hospitals ef that city. He half ra-
lly ad conferred on him additional boa -
haying been elected a Fellow of the Royal
College of Surgeons, England. Dr. Stewart
has now been absent from Canada something
over a year, and we learn it is him inteotion
shortly to return to this country, where, no
doubt, a lucrative practice awaits him wher-
ever he may locate.'
Mr. John Donahoe, of Calms, near Terme
water, was waylaid by four men and badly
beaten on the road, one mile and a half from
Aluevalis, last Tuesday evening. Ile states
that he was driving towards Brussels, and
when a mile from Blnevale he noticed that
another convepuice, containing four men,
was following behind. He was driving
slowly, and the other vehicle paased, bat it
suddenly came to a halt, and one of the oo-
cupants got out, as he said, to examine a
wheel, but in reality to wait for the buggy to
come alongside. When abreast, one of the
four men asked him what was the distance to
the gravel road, and while replying, he was
seized and dragged forcibly out of the buggy,
and immediately lost upon and belabored
with whipstocks and clubs, and kicked. His
assailants then beat a rrareat, and Donahoe
proceeded to Brussels, where his wounda,
some of which were dangerone, were dreseed.
Mr. Donahoe is of opinion that his assailants
wished to murder hien.
Stanley Connell.
The Council met pumnant to adjournment,
at PollockS Hotel, on Monday, the 6th inet.,
at 2 o'clock .p. m. All the members present.
The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of laet meet-
ing read and approved. The Auditor's' report
was presented, and the clerk was instructed
to have 100 copies printed for distribution.
Mr. Bay's report of a survey for road allow-
ance on Lit.15, Con. 4, accompanied by ac-
count presented. Moved by Mr. Castle, sec.
by Mr. Keys, that the account of Mr. Bay
for surveying is road allowance on Lot 15,
Con. 4, amount 1170 be peal. -Carried. Moved
by Mr. Anderson. sec. by Mr Keys, that J.
Armstrong be paid the sum of $23.20, for re-
pairing a bridge on the 6 and 7 Con. II. R. N.',
leading to Wanlees' -Csritied. Moved
by Mr. Castle, sec. by Mr. Keys, that ae by-
law assuming a road allowance along the
rear of Lots 13, 14, and 15, in the 4th'Con. be
now pegged. 4 hy-lew giving effect to the
foregoing resolutida fi'amet1 anil_ passed ; and
the clerk was instruotedtd pirlitish and post
up said bylaw, according to statute. Moved
by Hr. Castle, sea by Mr. Keys, that the
following sums be apportioned to the several
lima named herein, for the year 1874, viz :-
Bayfield and Referee, 550; hill to river $2ff ;
Sable line, 3150 ; Bronson line...WO j Goshen
lina 0100 ; Bisbylon Ilne, ; Parr line SW;
4 and 4 Con- 440,4100 ; eemid 3 Coe. jine,
$11144 , from 7 toIqrfo , I to j
4 4W1.5, 5 t6 , . t ; 8 idol* Vitt. 10
and 11, Con. 5. to 1; Ili Pollock's Sideline,
Goshen to 11 abb. ye.t1 jownek, tSsAaid4edliaennresdofnr5o,
7th .4.:1,07proce417.1!„, auf err, Clerk.
to meet again at Varna, on the first ' Moliday
Stritel. Re178410 ‘)" 14i't 91"°1118irl".
(S'aelinrarityoefidSe. Sable, between
• , •
in Nay, ist the hour ef 2 0'014 p. m.., so '61,
Mr. Castle, that this Cosmoll do now auptirai
Senator aticjer hes A DM Were the
Senate favoring the eatefrollen of thesetargs
deem treaty to absconding debteee Who
owe L7 ' forint
Macdougall'e salary as emigrant so
to the Scandinavians is 8200 a month, with
allowances f3r travelling expenses. Wan-
dering Willie was well paid to keep his
Mr. Bodwal, L. ,, ipm 101 offered
and accepted the Superintendentehie of
the Welland Canal. This leaves a vacancy
in the House of Comm:ins for South Ox-
ford. •
The Guelph Herald says:-"Youug Buc-
han, who escaped from the Lunittio key -
lune arrived honie en Monday night, hav-
ing walked aii the way from Toronto. It
will be remembered that he WM sent to the
Asylum last fall, where he has remained
ever since. He 'tells Strange tale of hie
escape by squinting himbelf ont through
his prieon been borrowing net overcoat,
walking forty miles in the wrong direction,
and finally getting on the right track he
fete:died his home on the Elora road on
Monday night. He professes to be quite
sane again."
RED CHAFF WHAAT.-Xow that seeding
time is approaching, it would bit well for
farmers generally te be aware of the fact
that no Guelph buyetis, with seared, an
caption, will buy what Is known ite Red
Ohaff Spring, Wheat blies been we•
in the Wan
0' P.
401) to'f
lteteheen elenen philtre
pAsp1,41„. PoPr4„oVii4r,
1*re) .414
,tre ritvbea. e..44,101nOnlal•for' OOP',
soiSipp Sp •
4 Ms ..piffigkwimfpi401
Atom, en'ViS*104
X re* 40141,440.AR.O*HROI
killed by eitP
Three men iviir0 sufoo4ed 14 90
by inbaling peleek9.9-.
works, Hunter's Votrttt W fez4gi'"k
'pc) bOn
d Sa4vne.:YeeS) 070:701,1 thba7.*:°..t"-:;j:
lot abb#00#413„•., ;.P4 YE?"
of which wee ..atttaehed #ve„dollartull,
Art OttalWrintn-luts-written-'41ie'itithis,
of the several ri*eakyfizo;9 Riel up$ei
ftnoebbee, they filled over half a= pet. eoF
J& pinetrwerapchnpaiio:41,.1
the hollow of irhicli watt discovered- thir
teen raccoons. •
recRe:turlyi Resectp.efatto mitre. aPtro°m",, Ih;":
French penal celeny:at If_etv Caledonia,
have Bailed for Sou Francieco,
The Widnes libel snit caisa was concluded.
on Saturday night and resulted in a verdict'
of gay against the defendants. Applica,
tion will be modelers tie*, tria4
Mr. Bodwelle M. P., lias given uotiee,
that he will bring in a bill this entente to
prohibit the manufacture and the side 01 in-.'
toxicating drinks.
The differeece between a man `aBehillft
far work and a cremationiat is tha5 the kir-
mer wants to earn hia living and the let=
ter to lire his dead. -
Goldwin Snaith advocates "Homo Rule"
kr Ireland, on the OHM principle as the
,vetriotes Provinces of theDominion aie,gos-
erned2Wocal control of local matter. -
Mr. G. W. Ross, M. P., bas a motion
before the House that he will move to
alter the mode of selecting Senntore 40,4a
tteive.make them elective insteadOt nomina,
Six of the assassins of Rev -Mr, Stephens,
in Mexico, have been condemned to death.
The trial of the priest ()chose and ether
parties implicated in the outrage, is still
The Nova Scotia Government has rem&
oh, sous
efaSiva sidow
*ohs iY1,
I .1?
4.007 e
44010,90 flot
tert4e 40
boweverf after -at
tO teMapel'
I ofeltp
the *lee*.
l*if Wets
NW -
.11 ew I
let irike Merd0
6444, lit a s k
"weMint Oinn Ib
airia ha* ssenred
danutgeaiin: n'libel -anit against the -
„II' 40:04;./4,'..;:4;409;;;;;C:597:7,17u,Yhtrag,um,19f:rhotistii.std;eolipno.sidi :
..ftt.4QQ;),104%'041404 * Ir•Sigit 0 POOt '
t4 ******414400,1)40Pille pogo*, n?eilia-'
Onbaa..' r bun' t fifths 12 't 'eon-
'. ' ' ihe SO% ult. r. 04''':pat 3". Ati Jet/ wen
nerthirest '. of Palesville,, Que.:
eessiell...ef 'Cluithaul,f *beta icier biii,et."
:hoottha4hiear,;.0,rve:.cah:ouhgont?:,:lik4at se9ottl;rigis,n' (6,,
, . 4 ei ; •4' 1::e to tb Y' ' ' ffi ' ae li :' *of1:1°Br 'rl:Oefe,6irlei eCigi:enctioriti,
.1.f76.*,il,;t01.:$44:61 'ibill!1,00, !..;,';iz. Tpilfloicl;V:i tvii":7:10:02W1:019:resscitoWi!ent:
blattik 00,91drivis u4411M1Pull'Igi. Rey -
offr6506;;Atikritttem%'ritintiriPetor:quiel),E!rn,is, ad is --......
97,8, S,44 Ste-I/ails etre*: MaYtit
lind seine, OC the, 'Cedsiefilerit of Mitchell
ItopPea' A01.0,14,6144 `.eit, their 'Way bolo'
,frOuvmeettng the, eight,oboist". 1.1,
0'016614, inkteole adrirtlii end next' trio*. "
ingethe lic�nseinepectirbrought',a. charge
agemet the•ftunsal!eri eitd`31r- Mayor 'had
to.fine,hint forekeepieg'eueet 14. Auiti+ditt
honse. k; • '• , -
contltiet0F,Mtithe ,Gand, Trunk Ball
w4; • Aaine4' "W9-#:,01)21,end Mr XviMeie
Glascotj Clerk• als„ thti• Waverley r
ueen Q Hofeli--
StratfOrd, Are to front Stratford
' B. t
Sebtengeille;.teintlie; irhd ay/ f or
e wager of $100,
Of'agreement hav,e, been signediestid, the
money put up, and a" tall walk?' is are, •
iicipateei eee s •
Tho Halifax 4.0f! OPP-PeitienY eetre -
fee* theilt alW0,044ferOted,Sinnosty‘ f0'
stretilli'4Viii difibrpnce--.=-- -
between the Reporter -and ite felloWeorgans -
is that it acknowledgett'erhat the ethers de-
ved to subaidize railway companies build- sire to hie Item the fashion at onetime
ing western extensions in -that Province to for ieurn thit suFF6tted .1'3hu CO a
ud u.,oe. ,,0 .011
the extent of $6asternprove of aitestiargit so th.
,000 -per -mile, and e' sautzon 0 Ine iiel taxam
extensions $5,000 per mile.
" The lacked out larm Isbereis of 'Ca
The Directors of the Western Fair Asso-
bridgeshire aree.orgariizing Misiee•e
evf41':pc4rizemins aemncOnugnt2irg4i:ea't°401.31be$44;',947,1.,°,,t7e' •,i,,te'ese.,,;iiettstrit'y.ellolefekvatheire41:hideen, toveenf:ryll'thillt
elation met at London on Weelneadayeeend
decided to hold the arinuittaiiedeeing the parredinledtlek4'4*sereeete"...44.,4.6:wptet. 1,pu et rece°1 etira, '
Some mean scatindiel'hatnlieeneteriik.% ,througli,Aii.onets..,b- Mr !sop
joying" himself- by poeionitig ' leVeral 'among them, with tviieW:of enabling Omit
nor, of Hamilton, the last one he spoilt alwayetp,pe.rn,114,!, . , .,. ," ' '-
valuable plants belonging to 5ere W.„ Ray- to mafietainnitthbeystiutictvgltete, Iie:re:49etnil'iate -
being a fine plant of the India rubbelteeee vie elirev4 ...:, ,..:-, . , vi,
Tho Revival Services which have been SouthWell an John _I'reudfoot,,ef ,' the,
carried on in the respective churches in Bay, got hit° n altercatiert-aVer . a game .
Mitchell, for the last few weeks, stillcen- of domitei on GoodFriday;, Weide led .--
tinue, and numbers are being turned"from te blows,,ilnd in thaelfeeiffireeethet 'ensued' '
tthnemire.evil ways. May the good work con- Proudf t drew k-khifil ,loiHfi
nkt.O1 1,4 ,
ugly iUllln thb 'abdegra 0 bit *4874
A Family of three named Musson, the HaMt;eeTtrcefereetelseee4
father, mother, and child were pearly poi-
using a solution of white lead upon mime -eiOn:1437eed4)*Iiteigl'ilt;':; the ,Iskrg' a' had , of i €,,,
ironed in Hamilton en Wedheeday night by . t ' -
oysters, believing the poison to be vinegar. Wee' 0, Hnell,,the famotisshorthora breed- . ,
Prompt medical aid sayed them. eri o Edmooton,was Bold byaiwtion- The
attenilance of buyers w5*:large-rand coin -
The -Montreal Star(Opposition)- is die- prised moat' of the leading stock breeder" of
gusted with the Mail's foul slanders on Caeadaend many fronethe United Staten-e-
ery"paper diensyCna,n,tahdiae;i"eannrndaciaiiltisieobniatehkeg
p"ubbealire einfretnh.e Ipt a stmayeasththeeMmaoialt`d` ibsirdespufatairbieto omele8e;trotnaelr409f-aevaetrtak;i4n5greaceinall,eieAayzeurantinbegr
blackguard-entireneterrley vproipoottedns of, the sale amounting to/
of fine sheep and swine were ale° sold, the
In the case of Topping, of Woodstock,
sentenced by Judge Wilson to be executed
on the 165h day of June next,, Hie Lordship
said he wad not fail to present tite recom-
mendation of the jury to the Executive.
surviving family, , and appeared much af-
di.g pleaded for mercy on account of hie
Lot/Dolce April 10. -The trial of' aoan
Luio for perjury during his examination
as a witness for the. Tichbotne claim,nt,
resulted in his conviction this mo g.
eentence deferred. The case of Caiitain
Brown, charged with a similar offence, was
then taken -up, and the trial is no pro-
LINDSAY, April IL -While yOnIi Les,
arrested on a; (Mari; of arson, Was being
brought from Fenelon Falls late last night
by two constables who occupied the front
seat in a double mated waggon, manag-
ed to slip off the handcuffs -and made his
escape. He placed a good distance • be -
swam hiniself and his custodians intent lie
was discovered, and has managed to chide
permit. , _
The 4irigniton Arates are
two brothers, twine, in, who are
so muelealike in appearance. that it is al-
most impossible to tell one from.the Other,
A few dap ago ono of the brothers went
louse and after eliat.
ting forfacuthe time asked foe suppereivhich
she zoo eitn, aue was not ewer° that he
spa •111 her !Tolled rep he in/pv*4'11'4
etthia sot.' ,
Very important information:Atom tto
FIJI Islands 'has been rOriVid.,,at the
Fettign Department iiireugh theC4Overn-
Imo* of 4441raiillf
fitifgajpn by pp ng1il eeeeppepett Of
eelerible tripir,y. 1340 elasMdcheare
ceived announce that King thitlihn Of On
VIft Windt hen Cada his antis;
• ene the ceosjoa ionly
foils to Engianu, --
awaits the acceptance of the Queen.
A desperateund-fatalonienutitoroneutotff
between two men lied a police officer at
Brieigemort, Conn., onliinden morning.
Themn ch
en weeek fin nCtitty, *heti' the
policeman told teem- they had betforto-
'tont°, but they refused to do so.. Bohol.
attempted .to armee theme litiethey agend.
him, and olio of them seized hint by the
throat, and commenced beating hint The
officer seeing his life hi danger, drew *
revolver andt, Pointed it baokortyk,over
file shoulder, fired, the ball dieteettiee'ethie
heart of one'of his essailants,',:14140$1tAl.
almOst inetently. The °their Wait etOttei*;
ted front all blame.
A Toronto citizen funned trAthtitt'ttit
to have in his postaisitni an old' ledger, foik:
merly the orevertfters lltelfast.thiti.,.
'et, in WWII anoint oilier atittiel 111144 re'
lating to On '1'010 Of a nesetetillita the'
"Osprey" Ittli4fft This the bathe Of
the vemilt.tiltieli3ha
instated, 'fetid; him- n1b "titido0eint
18540:Mit- ihiontinn *Saida hiOs
and.Chibit tfeekb
T.ItANOM Acciturtir.---Mrs, Alex. MAO. e
denald had a finger slightly, at, we be::
litiVe by a-cidf biting- it,. and last ' Tuesday'
wet taken suddenly -ill,- with symptems' of,
having been poisoned, and suffering
tense pain. Shehad been waehing during
the clay, and it is supposed soreething.of.a.....:
noisonous nature intO her bleed -
through the alight WOund mentioned: Idr9.
Macdonald -es still fit a precious itatOor
e of triad was commenced
before the Police Court in Termite. Mrs. '
way Was charged with forging an order on
the .Ontatio Government for six &Alain
bonus due to Jitne DonaldsOn..” U4144'
is a young girl, UleCaTiaf the prisoner14
came to-thir auntry on her advice:.
Mtee. ,
_WaY clutrged her seven ponudeten shillings
or her passage orit, whereas she only
otmpoundarso-tbat she Was on the make
11 round. She weireulmitted mit on. liaii
lierhusband in 44,040 and ie.° sureties!
• 4
ift.ii.0.007,1,110114 hitio aot:3 titlfidit Eng-,
4:‘ f;in id::: -h8teCite XIII; 031n gr. e. /149S' *at. tI4Prd:kit:AiIga'-lt
?,Ono of them was pure ate y erten,-
brick street, Weetthitieter, or the au& of
75, rthe other Was seetired by Mr. j.r
,others Ofstfic .11aing. 4040.P) tri` '
mol..atittrred::teirCirlisHail 1014104:\*;;;;,,i,tioitibl;:*:114'9,14‘04:110"lit.:'':::0000'nitelti;
; '4.45,14t840t
sled witialt waS,
°Se* qWtellitiret1310•
wit4:4 :04111.1fri
oeickley bringing th it the wattle
much eithansted *Ion Xdscuede
ifiefeleon eet
«lay tifortio-o-d-ooltiratrivilAtt.
ptso. ipreOtotn: *Alai
Ariderson7rePerted Shit 'a'
M OttiffeltMliKarntail at, to ft
soittebtSihota shooed as ao
ainalknnt, *were .0 the tra
Car w‘s iboueahokb,' rieott
theAnntstingeft *ens Ultra
thalttfeetiatanilly in ,the„
,vrItiolv• lookid tid
eitetnent, and the eitaCbri
batik to' ball
soutot to
telt; Apai1.
trakbpobs bf thhi
itowitist ioto