Clinton New Era, 1874-04-16, Page 1"s1:47.•
Vol. IX. ---No. 17.—Terms: $1.60 per Annum.
g.Jk auto*
At the office, Isaac Street, nearly opposite
the Post Office, Clinton, (Jnt.
TERMS. $1.50 in advance, or if paid in
two uschthe frdni tient of sabscribilig ; or
the eud of the year.
insertion, 8 route per line, subeequeut
ertious, 2 cents per lino each time.
... 6.00
One column, one year,
" half "
II It 3 monthr,
Half " one year,
46 II half "
3 months,
One-fourth, one year,
s. hall 41
" " 3 months,
Oue-eighth, one year,
tis half "
" " 3 months,
One.twelfth, one year,
" " half "
44 4. 3 months, 3.00
Business Cards,8 lines and under, I year, 4.00
_Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found,
Aix., net exseeding 10 lines, first month, 81;
after first month, 50 cents each month.
Advertisements of Parma aud Real Estate
or sale, not exceeding 10 lines, first month,
81; not exceeding 15 lines, first month, 81.50;
each subsequent month, 60 and 76 cents.
Advertisements without specific directions
will lie inserted till forbid, and charged ac-
Advertisements measured by a scale of
solid Nonpareil.
Royal Canadian Bank.
CAPITAL, 000,000.
--test from Four to Five per cent allowed
on Deposits.
M. LOUGH, Agent.
Clinton, Oct 20, 1873. 1-y-7
Mr, ,I. MeGarva's Store,
Where h. will keep ou hand a. Beige.
Also on assortment ef
Lazarus & Morris' Celebrated
Perfected Spectacles,
Ifi 4,11,1114 at
( ( S '1' 1> 1'; I ' I !ik
( 1
)11 )1:11.1110
I... • -• : it I ;
A ,5 t. ,4 • mil P maigh Msrhla
$ 0.1 I tf 1tr. •1 rt./Neil
ab.. e•
of Vartui;. Marblii Sup
to ,t Nr.1;cf,
. I • 1:EAI
Wcsim Callala P811113116lli
As :,
A N :'i
steel, nt uf 1Wyly PrOp•fty,
• 1. al / R EF,F;
1, ;15; 4 • t, •
From Two lt.p Twentoy Yciars
r• •
• 4)artlen.4lr..1 at 11- 4,
TF 1
I. If - R1 fe/eI..1
r I.; ;
E itlyanceilT Ha MM.
Inge & Investment Society.
#clitral qarbs.
NE -
1/ 'The Mute latdily mowed by Mr. Jawed Voir, up -
Waite 5.110 %inlay an llatrult, 1 /17144, y litruut,
(1W41091, NIA. 1, 7873. ttly
Jtadltki STEWART, Id. 0.,'' , GRADUATE OF
McGill University, Montreal , Phyaician, Surgeon and
Aseuuehour. kiltaddenon - Bac oneutho.
Jenuary 4,1871. 28
lAR. REEVE, Phyelman, Surgeon, etc , Coroner 701
County uf Huron. tionudeuee and callee uf
AlborI aud Mill Streets, Clinton.
Autftleit 9t15, 1889. 7 tf
1.1 • colleRZIJit, Graduate of the Medical Department
of Vieteria University; formerly of the Hospitals of New
York and London, Eng ; hilted also the Hdapitals 941
Paris, Etimburgh and Glasgow. Itesideuees--Brueelielti.
January 18, 1874. y
Ammucheur, Lietintiate 4 the College uf Phyoicians
and Surgeons uf Lower Canada, end Provincial Licentl•
ate end Curunor for the Comity of Hurou.
building lately occupied by Mr. Thwaltes, Huron street.
liesidenee neat to Central Sohool.
Chasten, Jam. ha, 1871. 27-1y.
Attorneysott-I,aw, Solieltore in Chemeeiy, sag
Conveyancers Whoa Market Square, elintou.
bloNILY TO 1.411) ON itkAL 644.44IL.
..11 and lurk Streeta, London. Ord.; adjoining Great
Western Railway Station. A first-class Livery in con-
nection with the Hotel. Uuud ooluniercial Vehicles.
8. Grigg, Proprietor.
London, Nov. 18,1871.
114 3 The above liotel to fitted up In goud style
and &Surds every,_acoutumuilation for the eon veuience end
e onafort of travellire and the public generally. The bar
la eupplied with good Wities,'Liquors and elloh:e Cigars.
Good. atablingand attentave,huetlers.
Clinton, July 11, 1871. 3
- . - —
- — •
Proprietor. The liotIne having been newly fitted up
the subscriber can offer the best iteeunnuudatiun to travel
tem. les ear SUpplled with first class Liquors. Good
tabling attached. The stage leavea the House °Very day
or Wiugham.
Clinton, Dec.19, 1870. 28
elliee, Wuighani, J. lInieley, proprietor. '1848
house hos been fitted up in first•elaati st,, le, and affords
every accommodation for the rem voidance and comfort
of travellers. The bar i supplied with ellotee Liquor
and (hgars. Chariton moderate.
Wiegbaux, Oct. 971.84, 1873.
.1: Proprietor. This Hotel has /man thoroughly reno-
vated And retaralshod, and offer* good aceoinun.lation
to the travelling public. The liar IH 0877 impelled with
the best of Liquors and Cigars. Cloud Sta1.Jit.g A large
Hall in connection ; aud all the requirements of a first
0145440 UOU'O.
Chnton, Per 30, 1873. ly.
Where, whore la the man grown too feeble anti old,
lo start lutu at the clink purn t.1dr
the friend of ell LUAU , ' bauble they crave,
N'roui the awn/WS Ld 7.1. Lu LIte gluten el the groVe.
l'alk of freedom to those she eau roam where they will,
What joy bath the 00117 that rests not, uor is still ?
Talk uf sloven to the toilers euld out with each day,
What kuow they uf 7t10.6808O, whet comfort have they V
No bright beauty blooms in the treadmill of life;
'The punts &yaws 110 Whvii Ifupulleul 10 tim etrife ,
No eunithine, rio joy, our 0440441 10.6991 ul the heart,
Have the poor who crave all that is lovely in are.
ilitiattual2 Lingua 1.4 Uwe air, in ths ;myth, hi thefts.
Ho strode iu the ohurch, man, between GovI 0114thee,
lie point a te your Wars, with hie bold, teunting
.11e1 teuipta you with glittering bauble, tile whlle.
There ere griefsior the.t.411Wf4giiggial,z,(1114
Arid 1t few fieetiug pleasures sio sweetness unfold.
Sprightly wit ilies abashed, and philosophy fades,
AVlien gold, self-absorbed, their bright kingdom invades.
There we lose nu pursuit, that .644,3,11 .01080 uf age,:
Th• thoughte of guud men gieened new teeny •
Should 1.14,11n0 aurruund without labor or oare,
Diseoutent tills each heart with the gloom of despair.
Cupid 001,144111 11.45700 love knots, ur unions untrue,
Like hearte.eaeu and marigold, myrtle and rue.
Whore'n nothing In We that with wealth can compere.
Will a love that fur oue will endure, du and dare.
Wreck of the Speedwell.
• God help all poor sailors who aro),
caught near shore to•night,' said old
Captain Bobstay as he entered his cosy
home after a survey along the coast,
and throwing off hie heavy pilot jacket,
hastened to wenn his fingers at the
glowing fire. The evening was a cold
blustering one in March, and air and
water were rnarehalling their forces for
a confliet.
Is there anything threatening 7' ques-
tioned hie wife, luukiug up front her
preparations for their eveuiug meal.
'Nothing more, good wife, than that,
if I know anything about weather
signs, we hav3 a fearful blow in shore
before morning,' he answered.
'Are there any sails in sight 7' she
griestioned again, but her one and man-
ner was a little more eager.
'None,' he replied, 'but a few fishing
smacks and these, as if surmising the
danger of not being safely housed i0
gond anchorage to night, are beating in.'
Mrs. 13ubstay busied herself with
super's, but he attraction of absentness
ia her five showed that her thoughts
Wert' elsewhere, as her next (pie:), show-
CIOMMERCIAL 1111TF.I., .1 Jonl,IN, PliOPRIEfolt.
‘..- / This well known and popular Hotel offers at; the PO.
& communist, ns al o tot 111 IiIht C1111.11 11,110.0.1. lifIVII,44 .1.11.1S i3 tLis Reason, le it not, that it
added a Commercial 11...uni t,, the Hotel, cozen. r..iat
men will Lind every c.,nvt.f.letirt• 1.4 thfqr ftef•-fnni..,1111”41 good many returning Indiamen lire
A 'Bus to and fr,,u, all trains 7 .,
be 1,t ,.1 Liquors and 1 ,,,,;" ;; . ; ;
17ears, and ellargea ui 4..1 orate 0.,,,d, t.a1,11.ig end at- ',* 4' r III" Cape r
tentive Itidttltara. 1 Le Alpe .1{1.2 Clud...4 au.t 1.1,11,11 4 V4.16 , frum now on for a couple of
months teal.. The keit sailors of the
- • tleet tumally sight us about this time.
tttaiin. Llyttry
Clinton, Vrt. 9P, 1873.
tisccitaittouts qarbs.
I e`i (F'77),.F'N, I.A10,Y. oh SMALL n1:114
.1 Hunt:id. Iju. /.
d ,1 1,1. 1,471, 1.1
are the Rays and the Johusons and
many ‘ther families along the coast,
who, not troubled with your pet scru-
ples about everything that drifts ashore,
having an owner to whom it must be
rellugnished, have become wealthy and
influeatial. They are much more res-
peoted because of their tine housed and
nice furnitnre and gay clothee, though
people do know how they get them,
than you are in your humble bourn aud
from all your selfeecrifices. It is time
that you wove look iug less to other's
intermits, husband, and more to your
own gain. Ity is your own foolishness
that is to blame for our not being bet-
ter fixed than even the Rays and John-
mem' - •
' Say no other word ! I will not
listen,' hoarsely exclaimed the Captain
springing to his feet and trembling in
every limb with violent emotion. Oh,
Betsey, how you shame yourself and nae
with such words ! For sixty odd years
I have been old eeough to have a true
conception ot the difference between
right and wrong,antineaidet every temp-
taticu and every suffering I have never
heeft guilty of a dishonest act to my fel-
low -man. Surely she, who has boen
the wife of my bosom over fifty years,
and who should feel an honest pride in
her husband's honer, cannot be in her
right senses when she asks him, as he
stands almost on the brink of the grave,
to begin defrauding his fellow -men.'
Call it what you may, husband,' she
muttered stubiornly, determined to
cling to her views though his words
deeply touched her, I still say that if
a vessel comes ashore in the storm to-
night, you will be acting a foolishpart
if you do not let others bear their share
of the labor of saving lives, while you
look out for your own and my comfort
by securing a Aare of the plunder wash-
ed ashore,'
' Have you thought, wife,' added the
Captain, solemnly, that our son Charles
might be in suoh a vessel 1'
She dropped the disk that was in her
hands, splintering it to fragments at her
feet, while she nervously clutched her
husbaud by the arm, uttering iu a pain-
ful, scared tone,
• Richard, the veasel our son is in can -
nut be off the coast to -night 3 011, do
not deceive me if you kuow or suspect
anything. You kacir, Charles wrote
03 that his vessel wake -eery slow, and
you said only this niorning that you did
not expect him for weeks yet.'
"There, there, good wife, don't be
frightened,' lie wiid, touched at her dis-
tress.' While it is barely possible that
under a fair and steady wind, his ship
could reach here so early, it is not in
Why du you, ask 1' added the old Cap- any way probable. 13u, Betsey, while
- we what ow. feelsiasea.woulti be
it Uot probable that some -if them if our non needed succor, aud it was re
1,(• off (eir coest, lie catoght in fused him by people amply able to give ,
the blow •Ged felled it, arid yet It. it, but too inteat on plunder, let us never
wi, it 1 „wily fe- i 1 f they are not hegrudge the assistance we can render '
any distressed riallor. .1 never furget
while I am engaged in the good work of
humility here, that rimier kind eon may
be oetstretched to preserve our ship
wrecked son hundreds of miles distant.' ;
I I IR wife uttered 11» reply, 1,ut l'f.
eerier' to the hourre (holes, three:h.
steer, her fright ahout her son was lore ,
ished, there was a sullen, fixed look in
lior face that renvireed him elm li„, not 1
fergetten the subject of tlear (11, 40) 1544
ho 6111114g was eaten almost
011,0. 311-1agam tionliilig 103 lic'avy
1.1,1 nor -wester tool taking
hie trus•y glass IlidOl hie 01 741. he went
tliii ledge of r'' -km in flon. of
his lietithle ItOftlf, 'Al. 11 overlooked the
beauli tu vtew the expense of waters not '
yet irtirred by the portending storm, and
wittleftli the dark sloude gatherme and
piling thenieedves angrily ono iipon fin
Other 11111 Wife )oillPfil lino In
minutes, tin,' he printed reit to hei- fl •
(MY: arrival siiit's 110 had lest Leen on .
the Leash, a heavy Rail sn olose i't shore
'7.41.11#\;4'3 1 1 ,1„„ t 1., think that it could he faintly detected with
' '`•"".”' " u 0., hive RIO: vessel.: tra ii.14,1
ror • . n.s. • . • s•
,I',: 1,; i„- ; , .0
. 0, v oo-t -4 ,u
\ et 1,* Witli 7710 l'exeliurwis na-
. 1.1 I, Ai 10745 4.; 110 .1 1, ;I- fOlet Wr/- 14104. have seriimi
V.0; '117' 11FM,14 befoie ninrintig
-. ;. •
• I. 7.0.• Int.-. ...1. .,1. .. ti W fr, 74,4' 1 t4t
1 n•••ro•i•I 11 .
. %vat !W.:, may he it eI s,,I111. poor
.. 1, 0,1,11
I(1141 have a pa, ,,f etre(' in flie
1). 1 ): '' 1 • id il sepper 1111 rend
y I will
1,, p ::,114c1 Stipply t.1 wend for tae
_ . _ _ reel1 arei 1»' t, the ers >den haps,
jr 5040 11 LI \ 1.7,0.;A, • 1'.111 711)5'i)f) ‘5e1111e'l )1111 ));18,1 '11%.
" 14." e ef nee•l. 7, .1, des‘ei, pie
att,,t I t .t• , „,,
f!..111:1!•I , 1130 711010
sone.. e
hvi 'A 01 e
e ; ..ter1 ,11, en,;1.11y I! 111 vay
MarriLge Licenses
1• better of 1',
-;•tr,..;1:)1114; 0.12{.1.11 Ar••,:,..1•11:4.' .1 f 11 tr, .1,,..1161.. 0'1 10,1 ••' titt)r1
/11, n "11041,1 J Mi011 1
Vt. hell 1,11111'4 70 0,1v, if 0-fil
1 ,,at,,• Mato 41..
.6)4412 ohlonl tka di.toin, lel-plot-4 the
I Int.; t.8.r.'61117. P. I 1.- \ .1 loN7/114-7,'4-'. 1 11 1101 feet>,
.r • 11....•t• tt... • • •nrnel la. 14.....,
I,449)4 r..sp.c.4 1,.• • . II,f '711 JUN home. •Wey, , tat this, P... it111.. she buret
at,,' 'Id. ; '.. ,,,• i'II •''It "... Id, ".'./.'.. 0117 tt .1 Iii.t;y. and took 11.,„; tili 110;1ds,
.. • 4,,1 ti•
i •....,„ ,,, ,,,.. .., . .„ , . . tlt Al
IV l 1 et t lia'f uneasii..., art it de
',',,,,,",:,,,, °,'.' '117,', ',,,• ; t „: ,.;.' 1,16, .rJ . pr• 'Ili • , i , ..i, .„ ,1,,,I 11 V 0Z10 1f, 71f 0 "1>'! . If ti
AT. ,t...., ..J ''•4'Put, 4. •illr• 1 fr. .. '.. ...P-'•' It .A.e.
Mu' ter the 021,11-0 ef v"I'''s° I1'''''7'')^11 l'Y
t I
I .1to 1 14 tntoin'l 0.1,4 -7 ,11/-• car
haksol 044 tbr“sizi, 111.1 gethering
tr ,111 ,n4 'I a 1‘,.• •14 . C. 1 1 ,•ei 1,e%54 1y ray ihst d isk
..• -.rote • • ... we et, 1.-ro- AL, rnly 1,0 danger feci!‘ • why aie they lioatiog on
• •• t • " •"
.'esow "se', s• 4,4o ensile frem it '1,i1eirnied. and off in (1, rne,lateet1 yonder 111
. "1 ' ,' 11 it it t 'nat. any pliiee.(rf putting as much ronin bet weer'
I 9, 04 . ••• ar• ••••• ,
v4stiso.1 fit (01 4 1 > 1.0• ke here, I
,•,. 4.10..1.14,1 148 • 1.41••••,. ' I, it 71414 WM, F t 1'., 11.61) ffIr
•t. , •t.1-,. 0, ,••,fir 4rit
7 Rolf Aft 4,011 L.vo -here on 45e4y for
4111411,-1. 1, el.
t.• • -40.- 11 f 111.' 17184(4
F 1.1`• "N1 7
1 1 ni;j0; •' • 7 1.e, • I 1 awsoa, , 1.f.1.1115 ila' 111"6111 V...i / 1
ar's .1 ft, A. 1 " " 11, 1 7%,161,57, lve84:4100dir, eranzeinent
t• de. " '6`,.• f
• orwrs.,al. English. slid le•so,-., and In ; • ‘% 1. V, toy 7 444. 0111.1' 1"441 7,t1 filTgPf
Vren.b I11 ,terenett i1111.r111404,, a'a 1 , hat n. ,47,,,. of a apa dog
1, ha • .8,401990, 4','. I.e. • protes*VA,41, tut
n "rtP7:":'• •:.7rit.
•, >1 paid 4, • „ e' "17 ticiAtS at tnilgh yAr.1
217.1,:er4o61„• ;
frona beano* 4.61 401'!) all ti
riticagte of fre•Ii
AO' roeri] .0,•1 t1 • .',„4 I Ie AA1114, 11,14 uek
•s!' e,11•cd.n,to 1.4.h Ana.
..Es' ?nether Mr be el.., - RI pocarlr. A; 17 '11 1.0 f,c 1 11 fff thp WA
ru.'slu" 4," 7.•twr ' "" tr-r as ti., cid weather littilt0r, worm eet
vls 71.1. R 1 • Os A a *T.
1 441 7' H. 3. ?4,34.1...n. At, A %L rtmog.nii en saes0 49) 411.611 leilk. alitain Holt
. •./.- the !load Masts, Wi 06, I
. IT t- 4 1 seer Ireseeted A44440 A
NA -*4 Ol)11 v eyancing and I.,oan wc, 14,11,1011 any dAnger
Agency Office, Blyt.h 7e.41 t,. 111V (1,4,11 "I'l frame
And .. 1 ever lintight er arieeptee pay
, )1 . t• 1) 1, 1, h: f,,r it, when other stronger end leas
1 A• . V i 1.4) cfl., ,,t 1,,'; ;it. IN . 14 a . f. It • ..r ,,,,,,if „,I 1,„t1u'ria ,,,„,,,ei n„,. e„,ig„ ,„.,
4(4. '.7'. 11144 1 as. 041,1 I'lully t /•,141.4 04 ,rt• It, I
... t.,,,, ' land. 14,6n. in 1 totolLp 1.4041,,, . turn!, 111 1,11 34 tho I ite ,.I 11 rA ,,,It A 11 to 11'4:Ost1a.
• 1 1..ra .+Alla ." 11. a rirowrong rilan when plutirler wee nest -
•I Osnaral Awnh' hail rmnr.1 sr.
• f0 •s r. ,' .0h 00 0.. ..... ...Ida.** t 4 1'1 Ilotch././ u , or ualeas thee Welt' hatelloniely ieriil
.4,1....-.4,... A
04,7) lirmar• 11.-,11t.h '4145. Hotrod, 9 "Me' 1)"'"'1"• 45 'f,,r it .
$1. 01re), 00n no wastmes. a,- •.aredully prepared- Ttt...:.• and el/tithe 101
[mall Pates... IT •stitrond and low Paulneee 44I Ixeland 'A ye, wel! .10 1 knew it, and there et
I r•neart.+1 In ..,,n n•fit Inn +oft A • laintt.4 leas Dublin 74`1321
I.()Nr)(J14. ONT , .8„4041401e0teeee4 end i•solerav prepared- Fn.... 1, ,..,.., whore % .11 show your fool rshness,' ex
gut...napes rbmrgo. rnr.leral• saf ...or . f.e. 1. An r . r'1 44
' 'fe eitterry 'Rae how
ors fend. and fe.• P•IK•tr e. Ty-Tartu:0a I‘e• h. a snileet,..1 ',''','''' ' '11 ;
1 -e- wee4 na.f. h.. se • ',Ph 11,a, ortry 411 0 rntirli In ,r,av g,,' Dice I hi rig/ tii.h Ora
ii .te lir 1 Iois . i .+1.,
Woek, eornAr Ftlebrenrol and reeling otreata
80A1111 OF DIRECT' iR3 •
AlVall • • • .
6111, . iarees. Dosed -0 Trala '.: ,n• Proalaent'
cermet, et r . .7 lh n 1.10C1ar7 4,1 3 ,fi 11
liehard I l',fanfi. IlsClary ,
Onnn. . Jnkoa Atslrertl.
Jeffery, tbfattaiger 1 Lt ,Cnt. John 11 T ovine, 71
wade, Jethit IN tint.?
4•4•41--Rarri•, lilac.. r•anplutt. 4 lief•Nala.
Th. MollAwk• hank.
44011 reeen OS erfORT T3)11101"1, REP t
by 116.00711.'14a. •Ilf 1,,,,,,sati• Parolee
a tavw_stir prnanntlos syseparly. 411 hnilAlne
11601Z1 atarnhonsas 10 Id -Winn .1.'. 4 44.4.1,4,4
' tide Pnnist v pr•feesi r+, itoo
noel 01 404 47mo, and with ,ttti.
imp neVI• ......nolect In the ,o
nd prep on of the /14rolSege
Rortietfili Ornate being poemen•nt,
nth pleegjeto pey it. ram,' money I
'noon vaninnest oi ha ,•12wr441 aemar I
17 10, ev she hnIde It fen. pay
or fine? Iteetlerneni end release • 1
valltlity of 41,14 la al all ittne•
will k
our Ini
wild eg moctull stores was raging at its
ws heel:1716a. rate:, oci'reclonc,kh,edatitcol tt hh oe
akin, e st to request Captain Polestay's
presen down on the beach;
'Anything new sinetill• was down
'alit 7' he anxiouuly asked, as he ere -
pared trasgo out trite the blinding tern -
peat. ..1
' I fete rille'a struck, sir, and going
to piec ; the drift is washiug ashore
lively, le inau replied.
' Som one is wanted down on the
beach thet knows bow to ditect things ;
80, Sirjpcs sifter you.' ,
' The wind swept by in such fierce
gusts, shaking the house as if it must
certainly giveaway, uprooting trees that
had withstood many tempests, and
dashing the torreuts of frozen rain like
fierce missiles against the earth, while
the lightning came in such sharp,
quivering flashes, almost burning the
flesh, and the thunder torn through the
other elements ik such deafening peala,
that Mrs. Bobstay, thoroughly frigeten-
ed and fearful to remain alone after the
wicked thoughts she had indulged in
about this wreck, clung to her husband's
arm and entreated him n.4 to go.
' Somebody's son is 4W yonder, cling-
ing to the wreck. For our son's sake,
who may be in peril elsewhere, I will
go, Betsy,' he said. His words were SO
solemn that she let him pass out, and
dropped intoot scat, waiting in silent
terror for what should corue next.
But as minute after minute of sus-
pense dragged their weary length along,
seeming hours to her strained vision,
she grew more fearful of the loneliness
around her, and felt that the sad scene
of suffering on the breach would be a
relief to her. Tying& shawl closely about 1
her head and shoulders she ventured
forth. .
The storm, as if exhausted, had
rapidly abated in the past few iiiinute3 ;
the rain altogether ceasing, and the wind,
thunder and lightning coming with less
fierceness. A fire was burning on the
beach, throwing its red glare over the
groups gathered upon the sands and out
over the foam -beaten surf. Beyond in
the fiercely tossed waters, upon a hid- 1
den reef of rocks jutting eut front the i
beach, lay the shattered remnants of a ,
large yeas, 1, against. and over whieli
huge wave thundered and rolled, while i
every sWa 1 that rushed up on the sande
scattered feng the beach fraginerits uf
wood, broken spars, huge timber -Fr and
boxes and bales of goods. At one point
a group was gatherol upon the sends,
watching the progress of an overladen
boat, coming toward the shore. In the
great tlituittering masses of eurf and •
foam it WAS frequently 1047. 7.0 view, for,
whet seemed to the lookers-on in thin' .
terror, lutig.rninittes ot tone, and then .
a cry would go up Ilia. ell were lost,
only to be rhauged lo, -1 is )1;1; J-Iyolly
ClICer, as thfi 'Alta agam liipeared. up in
the crest of the w.ives.
011, whet anrieus elements e el e
theee t,.6 \lie Euhstay, tor she knew
witli:,itt wouu•ing that the leading ,,pii it
m that boat's crew Nem; her Inisloied.
It seemed hoera to her reed the frail
shell wes desired up high on the semot
d4i.1 ,•taglit there by strong arms IP:-
foi ' .1 corild again lo swept Into the
1 ieiii;„: e.if .Nlany pint, frozen, Myttli -
441I/141 f0111116 from the wreck, were lifted
yet by het husband a4e-1 ',Ilea pitying
/tell, and (-Arne.] 1tway 7,. do; gl1515'i!,4
fi rt. to he wrapped et dry cletlies reel
Gated tor until thee .111.1 1.e eenef.y,.,1
tr) the loos neer. Iii a lew minute.; the
keit'e crew were 4l.,4 11,1 In it, arid, wider
tee guelriner4 ef the eld 1 A1414111, p'1.11111;
their pet lines way back to the veleta.:
1 t il.kf`rnai 1 like fates drei Pe, 11,11' R4
elle engirt ou the wet marels e 4'
OM! 1/011..,4 vet ii rii to t fi.. •A i ot k. ,, 1411•• ..1
C4,411 V hottfn from thr 'ore', .1' 11,4' wio 1,
rel veesel, uheuld be thhiw ti / 11 t of the
morrilese veatetai rit 1.0r fret Shr. , 4'1
a gh7117.8e through its torn Is r471'1'4 ng of
the nal colors and fine texture within,
and then there eteldenly came over her
APRIL 16, 18741
lerm worthy thoughts out of
ti10111 And the eoest 118 LlIcIV 1,4,1r,T
the etorm breaks I ansioirdy mattered !
the t'eptain to himself • Even a lend
Inhher TR V see that there's more then e
of wits(' enviiing in yonder elowls
If they kee up that pOett1011 eli hour •
longer they'll he beached before 71101 n •
mg. If i could reach them before
rkiwia W711)1,1011 their wrath, Ed go otT
ad wern them, but, Irk() as net, I'd get
80,1011 cumin from eeme drenken skip-
per for my pains:
The 'spoon's wife home] )1 sword
arse shading her rowel with her hand,
ossrl rig out towerds the ship, whieh she
eotild cleerly disr•Prn flit IL reified out ef
the trough of the weter upon the heavier
sweile that were beginning to get in.
' What do eon make of it Betsy r the
I 'option aRked.' Voir eyrie are aharp-
to than mine and better than morn
glassee, and you ren recognize the nut of
a craft move clerti 1g than meet sailers,
for few of them hey° wateled elle collet
se long
She gaised on ritearlily for severel
minutes without replying, hut, at length,
I f• .t1 ger 11
47115 a sew, e w, e err 1 rui i ng • It i g 1 large mer Its e truan - an Feet
life And iening ss vati do. while we I n des pievchan tine n, I en) sure. She
will reitain'ty gei Ati the beach before
nerrione, wileria worm wonderful power
N1,16 liar A re. there'e work for me to
Canada Company Lands.
• h., VP t,. I 11 1,01.1 f.trnr101107.,1 MG11C•
tirrioN r ,Tt RALF 17) 1;1111gfi flif*Pt, 110114 W17110117, 111411V rf)111
""P'" 01" ''""" 'ho esffi'"' forte that we (weld pink up off the
priamt ar,d have for the cerrying awe?
after el meat every et erne if it Ware nre
for your feelishnetra.'
r'it pia in Bobatay started heir net nf
his chair , with a painful alioek, hut
dropped beck int)) it with a relieved
oerient after, saying pityingly,
11 gig•niteRteriv, , deer woman, these household
rho ie.+ ern too hew y for you, I for you'
8417171 t vsat ons01; n,clre. Our arm,
Cherlee, will. helps, Freon bring home
some Tuve girl for hie wife, and you
I won't need to toil thee., Yon see Re
much trouble is bringing back that old
weakneas in vcnts head that yonjigt
ths andersigued
47. T1A I 6
flint...ea, Jan 17, IfeVi
1 LINTON LAMLE, NO. 611, 1. 0. 0. F.
I 6'40A Y 6.041. O1g/17 0•101+111. In the
A,. wn SA 001'04
honrt ...,11•1110n•D•
erne Eitiwat Visiting
MK, Root -Warr
RIO lv
L.O.L. N. 710
Moots vagslorly at thole
Flotok /taros t
all, nearly npnilst:ta.g.not •
night , the vetoed will go to pieces,
ansi than - think of tho phinder the
bides of rid, fahries end box -1 of pre
rums geode ; think of all these, hushan
Turning with a fire, threatening
glare upon herahe ptsi in thunderati
' (10, yoti behind me. woman, with
yrinr teroptinge Then, as if
norry for hie harsh words, he added,
111), limey, have you indeed became
sconnied with the (Weil of envy 7 Thr
Rays and Johnsons, by their foul teach-
ings, have armed nil with It re for
'Don't be blindly foolish to your own
interest longer.'
'My own interest ? Where can it be,'
he demanded, 'except in the path of
mercy 11
She eagerly led him to her place qf
concealment for the goods she had
gathered feem the wrecked (largo.
'Help me,' she said to add to this
wealth ; it is better than tasacrifiee all
gwarienwreck,' goiug after that ,life on the
He glared wildly at her a tnoment
and then ehudderingly casting her gray
I from him hoarsely said :
'Betsy, you have been my true and
obedient wife...6.fty odd years. Tbere is
only ono thing I believe that can ever
tempt me to east you out of my heart,
and go through the remaining years of
my 1de alone. It is this thing whish
you have done to -night ! Undo it, I
command you ; if you wish in the fu-
ture as in the past to be my beloved
He strode sorrowfully away, while
for moments she stood stunned, bewil-
dered at his terrible threat, but the
same frenzy came over her again as she
beheld others still busied. in securing
the plunder from the wreck.
'He will forget his threat when he
realizes the wealth I have gathered,' she
murniured. 'Curses on the life that has
taken him away front me when he could
have aided 10e in securing these riches.'
A heavy box rolled up on the sands
at this moment, and rushing eagerly for
ire she secured it, As she did so the
fire -light flashed upon it,. illumining a
name printed on it. Half in idle curi-
osity she stooped and read
'Per ship SPEEDWELL.'
'Oh, my God !' she shrieked, stagger-
ing away, 'my bey, my boy ! it is his
ship ! where is my boy Charles 7'
Rushing to the poor rescued ones,
8110 gazed frantically into each of their
faces, until she had seen them all.
'Heaven have mercy ! he is the one
soul that was left on the wreck and
whom I cursed,' she moaned, ringing
her hands piteously. 'Oh, God, how
swift my prinislanent has come upon
nie. My Charles, my drowned boy l'
The shock was too great ! She fell
in a dead swoon upon the beach.
It was morning when Mrs. Bobstay
again opened her eyes. Her husband
was pityingly bending over ber.
'Tell me nothing she said shitdderingly,
• 1 hnow All. 0, Richard, it was my
hilt crime ; forgive end pity me, that I
may die in peace.'
110, liPtidy, you must not talk of'
dying,' he snid tenderly caressing her,
Charles mid myself cannot spare you
again thet nwful novetousnerie to eeli
seme nf these valuable thin,o thrown
fl bv the neean her own.
1.enking steel ily amend, she beheld
genie of thine° who were gethered 011 llin
lieeeh bending ever mid eartng for the
rescued, others. wsteliing the wreek a101
frail ,'.,at I N7,01 Mg' to 4vath it , and
others still, eagerls ing hell of the
rich go els which were fast w ishing
cull ore fro the w re( 1041 v sari , P0011
lig tang wit each other in their med
frenso troreecup them, arid carrying them
away to rarer% of (-enrollment. Site
knew that her plaint, wee a the side of
'the poor rescued create! +, doing what
mercy conld dictate to relieve theix muff
erings, bet the awful gnewing grew'
e" hiingry nutsteered her, Bede fir
getting ell else, even the peril rl" her
leafleted for the time, she Regerly rollea
the bale ef preemie' stuffs her feet
awey to a hidden neolteemong the rooks
near her ciwn cottage.
The tomptotinn mine given was, to
knew no bounds thereafter She WA9
RR wild and franzied as the woret of
them, fighting for the possession of swell
new treastire, eagerly rushing out into
the daugeious and to grasp the drifting
wealth, end forgetting everohing in the
fierce, maddening desire to add to her
hidden plunder And thus she toiled
and struggled in the awfel frenzy Irf a
nrimigal covetousness entil a great Omit
recalled her to her senses enough to sea,
lire that the Reennd boat load of resruest
perAons had even Safely landed, but net
enough to ermine her frem her platen
of greed to seek her duty.
Rushing to her aridly wearied And
worn husband, whoce great, bravo hero's
heart wee intent only on in othe
wi ont reogeitrbd tohelrlims
Romantic 0
oile-E-85 years
ey pilestavy444,,
iitsltoun ay lvan
samety, as aristoot
at thtle time, usi•
and becauae WM*
on ihe continent
ful and aceomplie
cherielied dauchtee
fluential Prenol fa
The young Pen
that time meat have
pearanee of a hue -he
succeeded iu *raiz
esteem ande"Oaafi
formed acquaintance, and in the sin-
cerity of his. own, sought her hand as
well as her heart; these were given
the measure that they were received, and
is, did plighted faith cause two true hearts
to throb in unison.
They were married, but without the
sanction or wish of their parents. The
French being an eminently proud and
polite people, the alliance that they did
not at all desire was tolerated by the
latly'e parents.
A few mouths passed away without
any apparent trouble, when Mr. A —
Was called upon to visit the North on
business. He was not long gone when
he received a notification of the death of
his wife, to him a very sad blow, end
not haviug any affiliatiou with the
family or friends when ales was then no
mare, concluded that he would not re -
thereby saying her familyt1 himself
turn to the scenes of his er bliss,
the mortification thatqlnust surely ensue
from a ineetin,g irksome alike to both
rolled on, and Mr. A. engaged
in a manufacturing business at or neer
Chicago, where his fortune seems to
have kept pace with the wonderful
growth of tise young lake city that
astonished the most progessive men of
the present half century ; firmly estab-
lished in a safe business,he'rrsiund him-
self equal to an emergespdy. when the
cruel war broke out, end taking advan-
tage of prevailing „wcarastances, he
bent his efforts to serve his country,
and doing so materially added to his
own wealth, rid that at the end of the
war he found himself one of the weal-
thy men of Chicago, au), hawing mar-
ried in the interim tias-the possessor of
a devoted wife antinteresting family.
Mr. A. was evils enlled to the Delta
City, on busluess, about the close cyc the
war; and one evening, igmbhe Se. Charles
Hotel, on the corridee, fitet a lady who
gazed at him, and he, mesmerized with
the glances that had enthralled him
lidss domed s
ealtby and in. '16
yet.' when a yotiug male oaineeforeemdAis eleuel
'Charles,' sire piped, ia lie not held the and of his isClove.
drowned t' SIMI 111 80111 crises, the lady fainted,
Bolero elle emild say more, a 110/11e- 0.0d Pl."P" 11'.'tort7.tiveg lin g tiatninis-
ra„,,1 irtitc, with one arm ia a sling, tenet, elm. Irstened to and told the his -
had her clasped in a warm embrece to tc)rYif UM past
s41is knew, then. that her
11 \lel • ‘i had i rewired the wreck in time
I,' BAIA) their boy.
When she would have spoken again
of her one clime, her hitaband storiptal
her , saying
• Let it he forgotten, good wife. Tie
R.Is and Jelinsone influenced you
their bilk. t. tbiek there -vile no wrong
in it If we teoeterver again remember
re wt. will Just imagine that, .,•ue were a
little out of 'your mind last night, es I
ere ewe were'
end their the Rad memory dropped.
I \Ire. KrIatay ever after adds to her '
ere 41 stipplicatiuri to Se delivered
hem ,UV1'1f111411f.I44A 01' R fit Fichte.
—.O. • • • la..
The !Patties, Well in the World.
A t...11,nirtitwenty tirt:es front Berlin is
or 'laced the velege 'rf Opel enberg, reoed
Hi the '7 ''''l''-' ser.11 that has ("vol. 1,,.•!,
,•14.1>wuu to tlie preseit-e gypsion
ei Irwality, ale( 11 lid lit mo.lerate
disterier. hem the (espied, it occurred to
ties goverament authorities In charge of
the remise to obtain IA supply of rock
: • It. \V,t11 t} • • •• th 8017
ng of a eheft or well 1117't. in diameter
AV6 4 rommeneed some five peers ago,
and at 45 (1P1,1/1 4 2sst(tft Oita 10111 was
rfiarlied The horing was eontinned
to the turther depth of 0(4ft the di
ameter of the bore bn
ore 4'40(111440)1 to
8143(11 1 3m. The operations were sul,
seTiently prosecuted liy the eel of steam
until 97 depth of 4,19417.. was Attained
At this point the boring was dierontin•
mei, the borer being still in the ealt (le-
vier ts, which ems exhibits the enormous
• thickness of 3,9077't.
4411 94 arlalIBERBRIP A61.1. 15EV5144110 TOR
1. 0. 0. F. RN( AM PRIRYTti.
Grend Scribe M. D. Dawson, of this city,
has 'armed a eietfular to the various Xn-
campreenta in (Safari*, giying a statement
ef their nieeihership and revenue. It will
1.6 obierNted that Harmony Encampment,
No. 3, of London, can boast of the largest
membership and revenue, and is this year
entitled to two representatives at the Grand
).ntnn":;1, Costharloaa..
3 Imos.
r::osyt, .oryd .
4,- Brent, Brantford
6 cheeks', Stratford
7-4)srl0igtnn. VI Iltetn.
96 -1`14,09aron,tp.Tosr,,,ir„itvu's..
10 --chathom, Chettbam
12 -Albert, filow*.eirilisk.
73- se, setae • • se. 48
strauiro7 42. . .120.80
- noton, Wheaton ...... 21 .....40.75
ebron, Parlthill...v..... „ 81_ ...812)
ossat Ararat, Navies. 96 ......
110.24111°Irtott7liegittet111:71, . . : • •.•: 14519. .."411.10030
90 98. Thorns.' .
leterneetne War, Marna . 040
41 .f.:g
The 7e10e1 is soon told. Airs. -,
Misr ! d;ti not die, hut gave
ta sr»). Puring the nhaence of
her hit -them!, her family conceived the
elen, ef sop/rating 771671'), in order te do
which the rem. ot' reporting her dead
weir r'estirte 1 le That proved to he 2
tu. fir .1:11,0qltIg• 011 the hue -
!at 1 Wa -erne) iu the ex•
tree ; to heti> emotes • another 111'
177,. al..1,11 love and happinese are
ICI :71411,1 t,t pride of hit til sted ferturte.
She7>1 .t.t eterry agein, but atteuded
to tlip elitiettfifiti of her son, who, when
the war broke mit, took up arms in de.
feswe ssi the sQlsth.
Mr A , 7.15ti.1;e1 Ursa las wife
W4504 deer, merited itg,iiii. ..ve3 the
father cif a family by bi-: second wife
W!1.411 tire tinloo:.ed for meeting took
/ wIr 40 41/ A II elegant mansiou in a
lielatifilly selected' spot, iu whieli re
side the first love /1.0 1 first wife, who
visited 0.1,-7> sittnmet hy Mr. A 'and
secend Pedee end haintony
reign, and Plenty adds her coruu,ept,ts.
The son first borne to him le taken to
Iliesego, and 11045' le 11(114111044menager
et the exteosive works of his father,
wlide the paterfarniliae dispeneea his
princely hoepitalittee to his inumner
able fr‘iends at his palatial residence In
Chicege, near the close of R long told
prosperous Iffe of usefulness.
Influenee of Newspaper%
A e.•iieol teacher who has been en
gaged fer a long time in his Formation,
and witneseed the fnfluence of news
papers on the miribl•of a family of chi]
dren, vvritea es
I have found it a universal fact, with-
out exception, that those soholare of
both sexes, and all ages, who havo ae•
eerie to the newspapers at home, when
compared with these who have not, are
I. Better readers, excellent in pro-
nunciation, end consequeintly read
more understandingly.
2 They are better spellers, end de-
fine words with eame and accuracy.
3. They obtainjractical knowledge
of geography, and in about half the
time it regeires others, as the news-
666roh'rithip. Rev once pryers have made them acquainted with
70 .115 5e thehee,stion of the important places of
4.6 mon nations, their governnients and doin,zs
128 .0805143
..70.88 on the Globe.
' • "4° 4. They are better esnarnroarians ; for
so ROM
ies having become SO fen:lair: with every
101 lee° variety of style in the newspapers, from
sio the amnion -place adVirtisosent to the
finished classical oration of the states-
man, they more readily comprehend the
Meaning of the text, and consequently
;maim ite conetruction accurately.
15. They write better compositions, us-
ing better langeage, containing more
thoughta'roore clearly and more oon•
nectedly expretat.ed_. 4-4. 444,
The Provisional Government for San
Dotn fugb have deolered the convention
with thit Ssinntrin e0111•
1024 ,2,186.83
have been
on of the
look terrible as lightning, while h. ,i
enemy actually trembled at his fe
,` there is the liquor which God the eterna
biews for all Lis children. Not 'VW
simmering still: over amok, firea chok-
ed with poisonotuo gases, surrounded with
:stench of sickening odors and corrup-
tions, doth your Father in Heaven pre-
pare the preciouti essence of life-:-.1)nre,
cold water; but in the green glade and
grassy dell, where the red deer wander*
and the child loves W play, There
God brews it ; and down, low don in
the deepest -valleys, where the fountain
murmurs and the rills sing; and high
upon the mountain tops where the
naked granite glitters like gold in the
ann, where the storm -clouds broods and'
the thunder -storms crash ; and far out
on the wide, wild sea, where the hurri-
croalnlaa ht :owchorus,1 sMil; and the big waves
sweeping the march of
God—there he brews it, that beverage
of life—health-giving water.
'And everywhere it is a thing of life
and beality—gleaming in the dew -drops;
singing in the sumtner rain ; shining in
the ice -gem, till the trees all seemed
turned to living gem.; spreeding a gol-
den veil over the sun, or a white gauze
around the midnight moon; sporting in.
the glac'er ; folding ita bright snow cur -
warp is thoerain drops of earth, whose
tain ao y about the wintery world ;
and we ving the colored bow, whose
checked over with the, rayatio hand of
rwefecirafctisionill. e sunbeam 9f Heaven, all
'Still it is beautiful41.that beautiftil
life -water ! No poisonotiajobbles- am
on its brink; its foam' ban ,not,mai-
liqvid glass; pale widows a ' Starving
nese and murder,; no bl etains its
orphans weep not burning' isektin its
fdrethtsh;e ngomtdvreuenukrzardses 'itehintithrkkie riv!cogmhosa9flit
eternal despair! Spell& enik my Wen .
Would you change . it for the deaulti a
d.rink, alcohol r -
A shout like. t,silets to
Rea wend& oefte Iii
I:. --
An hemitentleai Illte. -
t ......1_;_., .. . .
The following letter'from Lady Comp-
ton to her husband, Lord Compton,
artery,. ar ds l':14r1 of Northampton, kv ritten
in the year 1610, the eighth yes.r o
James I., shows that our gratulmothe
7,1\nost;welo:EsTparing of their hothead
eurses, after ell, as some wouldiliave
t kik them :
dared to you my mind for the/.
of your state, I suppose it wa041111
me to bethink and etonsider within 7-
se1f what ellestainas ;IMO rnectete for
in.,. i play and beseeeh you to grant
nee yorir meet kind and loving wife,
the anm of 1:s.O6UU ($13,000) quarterly
to be ',Aid. Also, I would, hesides
that dallowaere, have 1600 (33,000)
r i u &roar ly te be t'rid, for the performance
if charitable work ; and those things 1
would not, neither will, be ace eattlile
mfu..r. Akio I will have three _Ilie ' for
j own saddle, that none *MI- . to
lenderr irorrew ; none lend Wit' I, nano
borrow but yen. Also, I would have
two gentlewomen, lest one should be
-Ask. or levee some other let. Also, 1*
111'o'4' IL. It is an thilecent thing for a
gentlewninen to stand [bumping along,
when God bath blessed their herd and
lady with a great. estate. Also, when. I
ride a hunting, or a hawking, or travel
f rom one helias to another,
geld women, I must a ri
ihhuevej: :tending so, for ea
either of them ^
emet gent emen ; and I will
nave two coaches, one lined with 'velvet
to myself, with four very fait hones ;
ond a coach for my women, lined with
and laced with gold, otherwise with
scarlet, and laced with silver, with_ toe
horses. Also, I will have two °WAWA
-one for ray own coasib, the ogillt%for
my worreen. Also, for that ilrlwrims:
decent to ()Lewd up mYsidfi witIb my
gentleman -usher in my ooaoh, will
have him to have a convenient horse to
attend me, either In dity or country.
And I most have two footman. A.nd
my desire is that you defray all the
charges for me.
' And for myselies.,
allowance, I would hal*
of apparel, silt of them •
onea, sight of them for.the
six of fits& '$if efoellent
Alsb, I would have put i
£2,000 ($10,000) and on
debts. ; would Iran £8,000 (.3
to bny jewels; and (.£4,000) ($!','
000) to buy Inc a pearl dela.
'Now, seeing I have hie*, and am,
so reasonable unto you, prey you tin
find -my Gbildreti apparel, end Oa*
eehottliagy, sal myk servant8 tist.
were, Also,' will hare all ay b
furnishattolnd tojr lotliintehatnhein to
fit, as beds, eihola, Aida, anahisna, OSP"
pbamo:ifited'nertiver tihwapemlIt:::nianiroot:tratirdure °fill
plate, fair hangings and sash
' So now that limes deolancl to4'y 44
what 1.1 ileot011hladvoli.IIII,raisyntlyon9V,h.19wRitein9 IS ouI
be an Earl, to allow Me £2,000 ($
OatOteOldtainooere.t than I d