The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-24, Page 8,PAGEIEIOW .4 THE ZIJIMNONV SENTINEL, 'LUCKNOW, ONTARIO a 24th, 1952 Aistarsoasemosirmoossussisitivestoofamisimssiserelt. ASSISTANT MAJNAGER .The Board of Directors, Staff and.Agent. CULROSS MUTUAL FIRE I NSURANE COMPANY Extend. To, All Their PairOni".anditriends A . .THE SEASON'SGREE'TINGS: , For A Very Merry, Christmas and.- • ! • As Hippy sineVOiasplious New Year. • • cere Best Wishes' FOR ALL THE JOYS HAPPY HOLIDAY *SEASON., .‘. 4' , . TOM HENRY was recently ap- pointed' assistant manager of the Bank of Montreats Peterborough office. Mr.' Henry, 'a .• hanker of more, than 20 years' experience, entered .the• serVice ofthe bank, at his home town .of • Lucknow. He later served at Various ran- ches in the west and in this 'pro- vince. He received' his first ap- • pointment as accountant at the. bank's Smiths Falls office in 1946 and also served at 'Oshawa „and Belleville in a samilar capacity before receiving his new appoint- ment at .the Peterborough office. TOrn is a son of the' late Mr. and Mrs: Robert Henry' of. the .Belfast district.. • s .• • CENTURYLIST OF;: ASHF I ELD 'REEVES ' , z • ' . . it ' . : . • Charles E. ,MacDonagh, former clerk of ,Ashfield .Towriship,.• who 'compiled, a list of Ashfield reeves ,„ ,• o about ten years ago, has brought IN, \ the list up to date. It is, 102 years i. since •Ashfield's first. reeve,. Chas, Girdn, Vas, appointed' to office' at a .ratepayere meeting., Reeve and ..councillbrs Were appointed .'by--- a motion of .the meeting until 1868, during the, reeveship , of William Maliough, When the Board was first. elected'. by (ballot. . . ' " ••• ., ' Of the twenty-eight 'reeves who ,• served Ashfield,'Township in oVer, its 1,00 -year, history,, few are stilt living. They include Chas. Stew- art, Alex:Hackett, Murd6 Mathe- son,. Alex F. McDonald, Gilbert prayne; .decii JOlinstOnarid Elmer Graham. , • • .. •' The'Township. has ° had the 1-Infon•.,County wardenship three times: 'First,warden waS Joseph Griffin in 193, _Thomas ' StOthers. .in 1912. and Cecil Johnston in' 1950, •.4 , ' ' • . . ...• : 'Reeves. of Ashfield• Townshin, since '1851: , . ., • : '1851—Charles .Girvin." .., , • 1852'48—Robert Davidgan: ' 1854-57—John 114Wkinsi 1858--Itobert Davidson.• '. . 1859-81—J,Ohn HaWkins., , 1862-69—VVilliarn Mallotigh. 1870-74LGeorge Armstrong. •,, • • 1875-83—Robert "Webster. ' 1884-9/—Joseph,',Griffin (war- den 1893)..' • . • ' ...... • 1894-96-41ugh• Girvin. .1897 -99 ---John N.' MacKenzie. • ; 1900-04—Morgan Dalton; • . 1905—John. Barkley. • : . 19(A—John, McIntyre. • , 1907-12—Thns. StOthers (war-, den L91.2). - ' •.••' • 1913-14:—WilliatHunter. 191'5 -17 ---Charles Stewart. •• 1918-la—J.. P. Dalton. • . 1920-21Joseph 'Hackett.. 1.922-25*4, r. Johnston.: . 41920—Sohn Parrish.... •• 1927-28—Alex Hackett. : 1929-32—Jahn A. McKenzie:. • ;1933-36—Murdo.Xthes9n. • '. vel.a 1937—Richer ohnston. • ,, :•1938—Rich d Johnston, . Elect- ed. but only' attended January • meeting (deceased). • •. • 1938—Alex McDonald (10• rrici4.)` .1939-43—Alex McDonald. • ; 1944 -45L -Gilbert Frayne: 1946-50—Ceci1Johnston , (war- den in 1950). ' • 195143.840er Graham, ; • 141 SBAERVICti WINGHAM; ONT. Phone 184 Robin E. Campbell ivtommastmils~1411,rforsommislotartatossilasustamoocisc ' 14 Merry Christmlss' To You And Yours and Event Good Fnr A Eappy And Prosperous New' Year. . i FAIRVIEW DAIRY ;' 1 watow-torionisottowitirmoitrairomitintowtommirwrititiewlisaitatmeaR4 .touinwitorowtotiowationivOinwatiatitivemotinotottufkoi 1:8 ' • • :With genuine appreciation o our .pleisant rditions,, we: extend to you Season's Greetings. • • • . 1 .. , , • • WASH E" GARAGE afia4r_Eoo.kgi•go,tojioeivgwiilggi,'NeLititi*og)yenqritoi_Dfvit'itie,ii , • • - .7 • Fik 4,' ,• • Y, .;4 • • •.#1 ' ,4 • • 4 44 ” 4 . , .44 'HEARTIESTSEASON'S GREETINGS •fro Brussels • 1111otors Cities Service Dealer —; Phone '73X Brussels • Huron County's Foremost Used "Car Dealers Pk, .44 Cash, Trade, Terms — Open Evenings Until. 10 I. *.# ""rr 'k'kk r • "Daddy, remember ypu PrOm: LSed....me five' dollars if t passed?" • "Er-ali-to be sure—did I?" "Yes0 and yoU'll 'be glad , to 'know save you all that ex - Dense". • • n A 'Friendly Way., On This : Hippy Day •• . .• BEST WISHES FOR A • JOYOUS 'CHRISTMASTIME. , • ' „ ofitgaltilery MotoVS AtlINIOVISianal00,04-41400014000OPROCNIt;304i$0.16a/f4 • ./ • k' • a