The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-24, Page 3952 dis He 1 by. and. 'n. d. Cud, son, hot• ►iar- ;ew. • • Inds, lt. •a era. Deb- uth- gun.. Con,' :t• og rary itra•. and king ' :the the !•the ,ead ekey Nes. cul liced Wig.. ilaga, >alad, ress- cup arin- ench 'apes and eens, With this ' iver,` DBC. 24tht 19522 BAND PRESE:' SUNDAERT The Sunday afternoon concert by the LuknoW District' High School Band attracted a. good turnout .who enjoYed a variety. program of band selections; two vocal solos, by Mr... W. C. M - triage with a bmplaniment . by • • Mr. Elmer Umbach; a pianosolo by Kenneth. McNay and a. ,piano duet . by the MdNay brothers,. Donald. • and Kenneth. • Mr..Aolbert Rae was .chairman and' ' paid tribute to Mr. P. ' W. Hoag for the time and effort he spends'' to • producethis young band. each term, although handi capped . by ' changing personnel each year..H ., introduced Mr. .At- . , t-.: trjdge and made reference to his talent sand . is willingness to be of assistance. He ,also expressed , 'appreciation of Mr. Umbach's musical ability and his readiness to always ,respond when called At the close .of the program, 'Mr. Hoag" expressed his thanks. to those .who assisted in any way. ,and to the 'audience, for their presence and support . and in Icon elusion extended ' the season's,. greletings to all on behalf ,of the. Bandand himself. The: Panclk repertoire included. such 'numbers as, Christians Awake, . Adoration, 'Organ Echoes, Yuletide Echoes, . C• a't'h a d''ra 1 Chimes, The 'Old Church Organ, Baridsmeri Delight overture, Ev- Ieni:ng, Meditation, Christmas Tide, Come Thou Almighty. King, Carol Medley,. "O. ' Koine All Yet Faith- ful, Hark the Herald,` Angels Sinng,' 1 Silent Night; : The First Noel, 5 N ghJo ,y to the World , and closed' with Abide With• Me and The Queen... kern, /.the; ough • home ss, to �d1ey►, ' age: to a . ns of by Mrs, rlady • which, d .by • tand.,• e en- ulton also '.• 0 'by eyed, 1 the .. Cliff shell. . quiz, • m, .an id by Mary • .and • d the, s and. red a gifts. ladies good 1 was 1s�ist 1 aid 'hrist- • rate- irdine en is nd a: . ►ii, liar' . •as,a taken' o • anked Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev.' C* A. Winn; •B A., :Minister.: ' SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28th 11 a.m.: "Standing at The Portal'. 12.15 p.m.: Sunday , School: 3 pm Erskine Church, Dun- gannon. • 7 p.m.: Third „In. The Series On ,The Psalms. No . Wednesday Evening Ser- vice This Week or Next.• . ,�O�u�irrli��o�t1�1il9��t�+ndo! LUCK;NOW U N'ItED. CH U,RCH..I 1' Minister: Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, B.A., ' B.D. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28th 11 a.m.: Jesus—Really Here. ' 12.15 .p.m.: Sunday' School. •' 7 p.nt Then, Draw .the' Cur- I twin.. I Church 0f England. IN CANADA - 'Rev. H. L. Jennings, B:A.; L.Th. • Rector. Dec, '24th, Holy Communion at 1L30 p.m. c mn union at be ,• 25th; Holy Co .9.30 .a.m. . Dee. 25th, Bishop's Broadcast at 21.00 p.m, CKNX. S*TNDAY', DECEMBER 28th St. Peter's, Lucknow: 18.30 a.m., Church School. • .• 11' a.m.t Morning Prayer. • 2.0.0 p,r�., Dungan"non, St..' 3.30 'p.m. Port, Albert, Christ Church, Service• "Withdrawn 'at St.. Service Withdrawn at St.' Paul's, Ripley. • THE . LUCKNQW SENTINEL, Z.L.JC NQW . ONTA1 0 Local General Mrs. A, E, Durnin is Iris ting in Clinton R with her daughter, Mrs. Doris Ball and Mr. Ball. Jack piffles is, spending 'Christ- mas in Detroit with his sisters, Mrs.'Eank. Kruger and. Mrs; Roy Cringle. , Sgt. and, Mrs. George Robinson. and .children Joyanne and Randy of St. Hubert, Quebec, are holi- day visitors; at, the home of Mrs. 'ryndai Robinson. Mr.; and Mrs.' Elliott Fells, of' Smooth Rock Falls. are ,holiday visitors with ,herrnothet and sis ter, Mrs, James Webster. and Mrs, Ed Johnston; Mrs. J. J. Wilson returned last week from a two weeks' 'visit in London `and was accompanied by her:. daughter, Mrs, Jim . Aitchison and. her young son Jack 'Aitch'i son. • Mrs: Jack Henderson • returned home from Wingham Hospital on Tuesday of last week. She 'had been in the hospital .for 21/2 ;weeks since .undergoing :a• major opera- tion. Christmas visitors With Mr. -and, Mrs,: A. E. NcKim WW be Mrs:.. N. A. (Graham and Alan McKirn of • :Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. :McKim and Karen of •St. Thom- as, and Jack Of London. •Steve Stothers of Michigan State College is. holidaying with .his: parents, •Mr. and ;'Mrs. S. Stothers. Steve received his Mas- ter's .degree at the 'recent college convocation• .exercises. ' He is studying for .his Doctor's ,degree. Mr. and Mrs Iarve Y '` Hall and son John arrived last week froria Oregon:"They,plan to .remain here for a' time.. Harvey. stilk; feels the' effects of' injuries 'he. received: sone 'time' ago in a twenty -foot. fall while . at• work. OBITUARY JAMES : D1i,E]VN. AN'' Mr. James ,Drennan :of '.'Goder- ich, and a. native of Ashfield. Township, died, . on -Tuesday :df • last week • in ;Goderich Hosital He ..had : suffered ',a 'heart. attack 'the preceding. ,Sunday... , Mr: Drennan was in his 864,h' :ear. Hewas: born in Ashfield, Township on July 22nd, '1867., be- ing ' a ' son • of •'the • late' George Drennan ' and Agnes ,Baird. ' On October. 30th,. 1895, he married Lucinda Twanley at''' the :home of her parents, .Mr and Mrs. Geo•. Twanmley of Ashfield. : The :young.- ' couple -took 'uli farming . on ' Con.. 10,: Aslaield, and 'continued. to reside in the township until they retired • 1,o Goderich in 1944. • A faithful member ' of Inox Presbyterian Church, the fgneral Service., was conducted by "'Re•.v R•. G. MacMillan at The Cranston Funeral Horne. on Thursday.” Due to frail • health, Mrs. Drennan was .unable to attended the ser- vice which was recorded for. her by Rev. MacMillan. Mrs Ralph g• Henderson' sang `.`Rock,Ages",. Many lovely floral tributes show- ed .tl e 'esteeM in which' Mr. .Dren- . nan was held.. Intermentwas in t Dungannon Cemetery.' The pill;=.. bearers . were ° Adam .Johnston, Ewart Jamieson, John Little, W11 fred Farrisli, Gordon Drennan 111 and ''Tom Twainley'. Six grand-. sons acted 'as flower bearers, Gor- don, Alvin and Donald Plunkett, J. C.Drennan, Ralph Blackstone and Toni'MacLean. / , Besides his widavv Mr. Dren-. nah is surv,iveci 'by one son, Wil-{` .fred Brennan 'of Lucknxiw; and ti two daughters, . Mrs: Wilfred 4 • Plunkett (Elizabeth) of Auburn; and, Mrs. Melvin Raynard (Vie- tl let) . of Goderich., Three brothers : and a sister also survive, John of Duluth, George of, Ashfield, Torn of Goderith and Mrs. Frank Mc- Intosh (Maria) of Windsor. There are eight graiidehildren and eight greaty,grandahildien• Mr. • Dren- nan was .predeceased. by , three 'brothers and a (sister, Herb, Rob=: ert, • William and Isabelle, ' • e .' Relatives and friends 'attended •' .the funeraldon, reslauf /Galt •acid Seom aforth. '44,000,011P01: SUFFER VARIETY. 0•F INJURIES Howard Robinson ,his. off work: and athis home here following a mishap . in which he suffered three broken ribs,. Howard was employed on, road construction' work near . Orangeville when the. limb of a tree wrhich was being back: the bulldozed str ck him on ted Cameron,FracGuerdd Ankle. Mitchell, suffered a fractured ankle about. ten days ago. The. injury is such. that a walking cast' cannot be p some tirrie. laid applied, so Cameron willbe upfor • Arm Shattered Mrs. Alex ,Hamilton suffered a fall On -the steps at her home• on ',Sunday afternoon and broke' a bone at the elbow of her left arm —and, she's left Banded. Mrs. ;Hamilton, was leaving for• the band concert when she fell.. She attended the concert, but'the arm''. commenced paining her . so, that she later/ visited the , doctor. On Monday an x-ray showed. a badly splintered (break' and there • will Abe' some. delay in'• setting the arni. PRESBYTERIAN CONCERT. HELD LAST WEDNESDAY • .The ' Presbyterian .Church nuai Sunday School concert Was held last • Wednesday with Rev. ° A. Winn ..presiding: After the, opening chorus; Bob ,,lowbray •read . the 'scripture. • Recitations were given by Jane Smith, Jim- mie' Mullin, ;Elizabeth' , Pollock, Arleata . Pollock; Wendy McKen,. zie, Joan• Mckenzie; Bruce ,Pur don, '„Ross 'Forster, ' Jimmy . Mac - Naughton, . Eileen Baker, , Sharon Mowbray, ,Gloria 'Cuaning, Daren Wasney, !Mary Finlayson; piano Solos by, AllanChin and Ernelirie ,Miller; violin solo, Jack Kennedy Christmas message .by 25 young people, Under_.._tho. __Christmas Tree by Mrs. .Pollock's class; A Christmas„,Carolby, Mrs Gordon Fisher's , class;' 'Solo, Billy '` Ifen' • . 'S+ ...••,•• • • . .l+ 'S,1 ) I' ' 7 •.�+1' ur a' • 1 Kt.. r !u'" I ��Y' �l1•` ' ,,k"'” 1 Kms' I 'f�' , ka" , . r 1 ' v„ 1 I •X•` r �.' ,. 1 mak! , . .r'' , ; *�'. (a•A (.tX 1 .rN r .1i r .; ..i• •. •••,,,,•. ,,' .:�... w. -`. • -•.. ic„ ..,.,• .. •.S, ..•,. . ,�, •..•,c • • w ,4 • i ,. ..S.. • w • Y :.k ` w ,S. • .S. •• w w w •• °•,. • PA., GrE' °am ;Our heartiest wishes that you may enjoy a truly Merry Christmas and all the good fortune , to make the • ew Year o happy:onar rs LADIES' AND MEN'S - WEAR, nedy; . choruses by Ruth': John- ston's and. limes MicSween•'s, Classes: duet, Dale. Haldenby and Betty Ijabkirk;. duet, Ruth '.John- ston : and Gladys thin: The story Of . Holy, ,Night • was told most jn- terestin'glly .by 'Miss. Gladys Mac- Donald. Music' wassupplied by Norman Taylor, Dr., James Little. and Cameron.MacDonald. A .pic- ture .,of 'the Christmas story was shown by; Jim Henderson, and then Santaarrived to pass out gifts to, the children, while. candy was passed to the ,congregation. 671e'l YOUR FAVOURITE BEVERAGE 4', LEMON -LIME 4e• s.' E ° ,` FRIENDLY GREETINGS AT THIS HOLIDAY SEASON. We thank you sincerely for :your Patronage friendship and good!, • will and •extend our • best. wishes. 'for Christnias and The New" Year. FROM • THE STAFF QF IRIS. LTD. Lucllnow, Ontario' '