The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-17, Page 5t! 1952 ND, clonal.. 'r.. Ont, (lock 1NG. IT atioa: d, ow ek,- day. • Int. �• non 'tor too ;lock. ce 31-J enzie itor !RIO, CK K.C. now ►y• 1 floor ilding 1 ence 8? e' CO. id pro- sfactory Chg.. tt�.. . -r-41. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17th,, 1052 f:. .WCKNOW SFNTI ,,WCAPTAA,Y0 4b1'T PAM ME Apogeoppfroolot„. Lyceum Theatre WIN HAM . Two Shows Each Night FIRST 'SHOW; AT .7.15 Wed., Thurs., December 17, 18. KIRK' DOUGLAS,, ,PATRI•CE; WYMORE - in THE BIG TREES. Fridays . Saturday, ' Dec..19, 20 JOIiNNY' WEISMTLLER, •ANGELA. GREIN in; GL J;IMlof. FORBIDDEN AND MATINEE SATURDAY.' Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday .DECEIVE. ,.2x, 23 24 • ALAN YOUNG, DI'A•NAH .SHORE - in• AARON .SUCK From, PUMPKIWCRICK hursdaY, Friday, Saturday '• DECEMBER 25,::26, 27 DORIS. DAY,. • GOltION MaeRAE in•_. STARLIFT 1✓ .' ii ✓' r. .� pays!. Advertising doesn't cost -it (IV Ca COSTS ONLY 7° • Christmas; tree and concert in our school Friday. night,. Much credit is due the teacher„ Mrs, Hanna, and the children for the splendid program. To complete ,the evening Santa arrived and distributed the presents. Mrs. Cliff .Hetherington , of Stratford called on Mr. and Mrs. Dune Thompson and on Mr. and Mrs. Alex Whytock the first of the week. • • Mrs. Lloyd !Cornish :and little, son. visited Mrs. Wm, Wall, 14th, Con. on Thursday.. Mr. and ,Mrs. Earle Hodgins were in London the firstof•'the week. ' •. .' Mrs. Mary Armstrong of Brant- ford visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Dunc Thomp- son and with• Mr.• and Mrs. Ernie Hanna: Several from this community • attended the. time .at • Langside hall, for, .Murray MacKinnon,, who has been at his home on leave for sixty days from Korea. Mur- ray will leave shortly.for Europe. The best wishes of friendsfrom• this community go with him. Mr: and Mrs: A. McKague of Londori 'spent the week -end with Mr. and . Mrs; Dunc Thompson. Miss Joyce Little, student at L.D.H.S. spent Tuesday night with Miss' Helen Schumacher.. Mr. Albert Harris of London deist the week -end at. : his horse here. Miss June Harris; • `who has ;beers LROSS CORNERS, • 'WEDDING :BELLS There was a good crowd at the at London for some time,; is at present •at her home, here.. •Mr. Lorne :Becking's snowplow made its first trip• through our road Sunday afternoon; afternoon ' Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wraith spent an, evening last week with . Mr. and • Mrs..Brown and Reg. Miss Grace Harper Visited Mrs,. Earle Hodgins: one afternoon. re cent! • Miss Edna Ross' has returned home after spending a week with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Ross. - . Mr. and Mrs. 'Don Donaldson and Mr. and; Mrs. Earle Hodgins spent Saturday evening with Mr. and• Mrs Farish Moffat 0.........1.�. ui.►u uw,rfr.r.1Olr:/11.• :....! ,/E..04110.114.t14MID.1r�.1�IN/�q��� 11f1�M�ap�i�:.. . • $ 1'. GET READY . FOR WI.NTER . with eating.. • Equipment Forced Air Heating Oil Burners FloorFurnaces Cook Stoves. • 'Space .Heaters AUTOMATIC HOT WATER TANKS • Complete Line Of Repairs Ppr DEEP AND SHALLOW WELL PUMPS For Seating arid Plumbing' Sales, and Service, .See 1 R. 3, •LUcknow, Ont. Phone '61-r-13 Dungannon I IS.P 1 1, 1 1. 114•Wwwww1 ...1sink/4MIN1IM.. • • NEW 'TRACTORS IN ALL SIZES'•:' FLEURY -BISSELL ' PACKERS and 'DISCS SECOND .HAND' TRACTOR McCormick -Deering "Second Hand Tractor, W=4, in good shape., FOR YOUR SOWS and SMALL PIGS Use Sow and Pig Chow 'Complete or. -you'P• own grain' and .Sow and. Pig Concentrate. , • • See Us About .A HOG FINANCE CONTRACT=AT'NO COST TO YOU OMAS HA(KETT & SONS LUCICNOW, ONTARIO- , • MacKENZIE--MacKINNON • White chrysanthemums, white candles and evergreensformed the setting in South; Kinloss Pres- byterian church for the • wedding on Saturday afternoon of Jean Christine .MacKinnon; daughter of Mrs. MacKinnon and the late D. L; MacKinnon, and -Ross Brindley MacKenzie of Ashfield, son qf. Henry J. MacKenzie. The Bev. G.' 8,. Baulch officiated and Miss'. Eileen Elliott presided at' the or- gan., • The brae was gowned in. White with, lace bodice arid: white .tulle skirt over .white teffeta. She car- ried a bouquetof red roses. and fern: Mrs. Orville sister of the bride, wlas matron Elliott,.of hon=. our. She swore shrimp corded tat- leta and carried ••a, ibouquetof white ruins. Mrs.' Fraser. Mac- Klinnon,•. bridefimaidi„ woi e . , aav- ender taffeta and carried .mauve chrysanthemums, Miss Phyllis. Gibson • wore -a- -snatching • dress- of light green taffeta and carried yellow. •mums: As flower girl, Barbara Jean. MacKenzie, sister of the groom, was dressed in•yel-. low •taffeta and, carried bronze morns: - Ray MacKenzie, brother of the groom, was best man and ushers' were John MacKinnon and Nor- man Rivett. • A reception was held at the Recreational. '. Centre, Lucknow.. The bride's. mother wore. grin,- metal un,metal grey Witl'niatching acces- sories and .corsage of .pink roses. Thegroom's mother chose navy velvet with ;.matching, accessories and white rose corsage. 'For the: Wedding trip to Southern On- tario and United States, the bride donned . a blue . suit with dusty-; rose . accessories and grey coat. Mr. and ;Mrs. MacKenzie will re-. side• on the groom's:fiarm near Amlberley PURPLE GROVE Mr and Mrs. Donald.‘McCosh, Thursday; Friday Saturda Der:aniber 18 19 -21 . A remarkable picture of action and: thrills,, with Hollywood's top-notch actors headed by WALTER HUSTON in The Furaries" SATURDAY MATINEE • At 2:15' ` p n ,Doors' open at 2pan. Monday, uesda 'T y, Wednesday,' Dec. 22, 23 BETTY GRABLE., and DAN DAILY',' is • wonderful picture , filled • with; music :.you .enjoyed, in the past .and still hump. hen.;My.BabySmiI6s A� ATTENTION PARENTS! r• S' Please be so' kind your• .bas to brief o�ys on decent be- haviour when attending The Theatre, as we do net:Wish wish to have to make an example ' of anyone, in' particular; Thank you, B.. ,PAPPAS 400300. Or-WHEP40,fareonominaglaig000 December 24th, Soineone Will Win fur Robin Hood Contest .will. expire Wednesday, Dec. 24th. Drop in and pick' •; up your winter's ' supply of bin Hood Flour,. U COULD BE LUCKY! Draw .. Will Be Made At 5.00 p.m. Luck -now sits .Co-�Perathre Mary afid •Dickie • visited at the LIICHNOW — • PHONE 27 home of 'Mr. and Mrs: • Ardell Mason on ,Sunday.: Miss Ruthie Forster spent the • `elforma006040/4-444-4;1"'"0-4004-01140400"ofaraft week -end with.. her ' friend; Miss• Rosilyn' :Swan.: ' • Miss Margaret Robertson spent the week -end at the• home ;of Mr. and: Mrs.. Kenneth Robertson of Zion. • Messrs. 'Cecil and Stemma Dore 'spent .Sunday with their' parents, Mr. and • 'Mrs. 'Claude Dore. A nurniber from here attended the shower. 'for. 'Miss Jacqualeen, Hedley,bride-to-be, at the hone at Mrs. Wm ' Stanley of Kinloss • ori • Thursday evening of last week. • A.' committee: • of 'thea Purple. .Grove, Women's Institute niet at the home of Mrs. Frank Currie on Tuesday eveningand packed• Christmas boxes for the shut ins. , Mr. and Mrs. Isaac,:.Nixon, • Car- Men, Ralph,' Wayne and Delbert visited' at : the Thome.' of Mr. and Mrs. John Emerson on Sunday Elect: Orange Lodge 'Officers The '!annual• meeting aid elec- tion 'of officers of L.Q.L..No. 1139 was, held on. Wednesday evening, of last week. Clarence McLennan of Glamis presided for the install anon of officers who areas fel- lows: Worshipful. Master, John B. Emerson►; .deputy Master; Walter Collins; . chaplain, • Gordon ' Wall; recording sec,,, John Barr; treas:, Harold Hialdervby; marshal,' Bur.- ton 'Collins; lecturers, Donald Mc- Faslane and •Wm.. Haldenby,_ ty- ler, James 'Hodge; members of different committees, Claude ; D ore, Ilewarcl •,Thompson, Fred Guest, Frank Dore. Speeches were gi'v'en by 'different members' ofe the Lodge after which lunch was served. ' ii iii/e ///iii/i-/•i/•iii/i/•i/i/ii/-i//iiiiii�-ii.�-� rac.� in all sizes Three' 'Used•' Tractors, all, reconditioned. HAMMERMILLS, FORAGE HARVESTERS, WAGONS, ETC:, VIKING CREAM SEPARATORS Electric or Hand Operated: -• .ALSO FULL'` LINE op REPAIRS ..- L JCKNOW MOTOR :SERVICE' (One ;Biotic North. of Fruit Market) Agent Fore J. I. CASE MACHINERY VLKIIITG CREAM SEPARATORS ' CITIES SERVICEPRODUCTS : • viii/i/iii/iiiii�•iii/iiiiiiiiiii/ilii i��..-•. •� ..-..-.; ,..., United Church Y.P.S. Instead of the regular Meeting of the Luclknow United Church Young Peoples there' was a ban- quet 'held on Monday; December '8th with' about 22 present. .After the singing of ,,grace' a delicious turkey dinner was served 'which was enjoyed by all. Following the dinner garhes 'ere played, Dur- ing the business period the Young Pe'ople's"`skating party and other future engage lents .were , dis-. cussed. rho• .. .. ., ssey-Harris mptestients • i.• - iN .. . • 44 'Coast To Coast' Massey -Harris Offers Most.•• 1 ENQUIRE ABOUT .OUR PRE -PAYMENT PLAN On The Purchase Of .. 4 COMBINES, SWATHE'tS, ,BALERS & TRACTORS All Sizes Of MASSEY-HARRIS'•TRACTORS ..annre•spreaders-Plovers---=Rubber-tired wagons BEATTY BARN SUPPLIES GOOD .SUPPLY Of HOG & • CATTLE WATER BOWLS ?PHONE 14 L'CCKNOW • RESIDENCE 211 ,,yrD yy r,d+ ._.. A ,