The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-11-19, Page 6t. mE Operators „for English. Rib •.Emitting:.Machines,: Transfer Operators ;and Loopers.• Experienced and Trainees — OLE. ,PROOF 'HOSIERY COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, GODERICH,..ONT. W.HEI • PAIN STRIKES At the first twinge of rheumatic pain—T, ". take Templeton'a. It -C e. Over a mil Kon T-R-C'a' used every • month, for. • speedy relief f roin pain caused by rheu- gtatism, arthritis, neuralgia. lumbago and �rciat ca, Why ''stiffer needlessly? Keep T-E-C'iion hand, and use;them proMptly. Only 650111.35: at drug counters. C\lT-I42 • VCKNO'OV SENTINET,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Injured In West Charles. Steele of 'Con, 8, Cul- ross i`s in hospital' at Lanigan, Sask., with 'a fractured right hip and: a• fractured,: right, forearm, received when' he fell ..from the. 'top ; of a. freight car.: He Lad bought a carload , of cattle . While in'•the West and they were being shipped that day. ny Chickens :fellow, Will Live - 6 Are Guaranteed, To. Live gggg Your Local Agent Is Co: -operative . 'Phone. 71 on DNESDAY ' NOVEMBER 26th 1952 W C aunty Farmers are urged to 'attend this meeting and take an active part in the discussions on., present farina 'problems. SPORT..... ; TIMBER 'TIPS The Vole .Cats found out last week that a single of 1093 pins is not ;good enough tQ win games in our loop. anymore, nor is a better than .average team score of 2875: good' for even 'two points. Unfortunately for thein the Zebras- were -also, playing ,on__.al- leys one and tgio. and • had de- cided to roll up that mat! They a•eeled .off 1;118 and1110 to top - the best efforts of theCats , be- fore settling for 3158 pins 'Which. , haWens to ibe the second high- est team total of. the :season!:• Otter. top -rolling ;teams were. Gophers and, Beavers who pieked up full counts .whil'e the Lions. edged the ,Chipunuxiksand, the! Wolverines 'netted ..themselves' five Much needed points at the Tigers' expense.. • Four teams are now, .'bunee'hed ,on top With the remaining.teams .Close,on, their. heels Looks more: arid more 144' e' deal heat for .those six play-off berths!. •Individual' •honors go: to almost' the,F. entire Zebra• team Larry, Salkeld's 'high flat :of, 63'j .'better-• ed Tiger • Anderson's 631 While? Dorothy . Gibson's 551 was top flat for: the ladies. Handicaps ran Larry's total to 736 • and • Dor- othy's to 698 pins; Other ;valuable contributions Caine•from . Zebra .Taylor,, ,Wolverine Shirley Coale and 'Pole Cat. Beryl' Mowbray; who rolled'' close to 65'0. . • • ' • Top ; teams will clash tonight. MILS' meansthat other ',winning teams lower in .the standing will probably jump 'in to• third • and fourth. ,places. Almost anything canhappen-and frequently; does =-on our. regular Thursday ' Out- ing. . •One-third ' of the schedule has •been : corripleted. :Next week we Will take a look over the record book for " the steady unsung ' .bowlers who are helping to' win• .ha gamesndiicaps. by _ 'cutting . down ` those • Team Standings • • Button's • . Gophers 26, Ander- sen's ,Tigers , 25, McKiniion's Bea, vers 25, Eedy's: Lions 24 Park's Cubs 20, Crawford's Pole Cats 1.9, MoDonagh's Coons 19,•• Johnston's •.ChipriumIcs 18; Bannister's ,Wal_ verines• 1.8,. Taylor's Zebras 16. • Sister :Died At Windsor Mrs Edith Clatworthy, widow of Frank Clatworthy died '.: in Windsor Hospital last :.Wednesday at the age, of 73. She was a sister. of Mrs. Will .(Bertha)'' Potter of LucJnow. The funeral was . on Friday at London. GIRL. GUIDES •.....0.r"..,!!!!!!!!!!... On Friday evening, Novam'ber 21st, the Girl Guides and 13oy Scouts will hold a joint meeting When they will be addressed by Mr. E. F. Johnston; Department of I,,ads & .;Forests, Miller" Lake Mr. Johnston will talk on "Pro- vincial Fire Regulations" 'and ,section4 of the Woodman badge,, "Know and understand the aim, of '• good forestry -practice. List- '3_ types of enemies of the forest and,_ deKribe briefly the, damage they do", At the last regular meeting of the Girl Guide Company, 1VIrs., Charles Smith . gave a, talk on. sections of. the Homemaker badge, regular. Yausiness was conducted and'' the 'Guides had a half •hour •of square dancing. On. Saturday . afternoon the Bantam Patrol' laid 'a Guide' .trail, for Second Class tests and after- wards everyone 'played 'aa .scout- ing game. , A special Meeting . for Tender foot •Guides will be' held on. Sat urday, November 22nd at 2 p.m CHURCH CHANNELS We wish tocommend to our readers the . current appeal, for funds by :the Children's Aid Soc- iety of the County of Bruce. Christianity has :focussed' . the light of society. upon the child: Christ realized that the child ;was 'pushed aside when he said, Al- low the ., little . children. to,..come Unto . me but forbid: • • them; •:,not The Ancient and Medieval church cared "for the • widow,_ and the. arphati, •the` modern church has shifted ,the. responsibility .tq :the service. ':clubs, the state. and Children's Aid Societies: It is now :our Christian duty and , privilege to support ' this '.good work. Not oily ' Should we support . with funds, but we 'should ever main- tain a : friendly attitude toward the -motherless. chiild,; the, unwed mother, the adopted child; ' ,and the. juvenile delinquent. So often we` feel that when we have. . help ed . financially -that our • respon sibility . ends there: Money .;ac- complishes ac-complishes great things: when used effectively .and, wisely, but. active good will; and . friendliness goa long .dray` toward . helping` our unfortunate brethren: in dis- tress. CKNX Church of the •Air. :Nov. 20;. Rev. 'G. Hazelwood;' Noy..' 25th,., Rev. A.Lane, Brus- sels; Nov.' 26th, Rev.,W. Render - min, Walkerton:. Langside • The Langside W.M.S. met :at the home of Mr., and Mrs: Lloyd • Coinmiencing November .1st, 1952 to • December .. 24th, 1952 CH BV PURCHASED FROM BRUSSELS.. MOTORS AT ,A ALUE OVER $360" lititled,,T�,The.:Draw • To Take Place .On The' Eve Of' December 24th, 1952 HERE ARE SOME BIG VALUE CARS TO CHOOSE FROM 1952. CHEV, DELUXE. STYLINE 'COACH 1952 CHEW ,STYLELINE . SEDAN 1951 CHEV..DELUXE STYLELINE • SEDAN, Powerglide, at : ...... .$1995 TWO 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDANS at .y,,. $1850 1950 CHEV. DELUXE I'LEETIJINE SEDAN, fully. equipped 1949 EV. 5 -PASSENGER COUPE,, fully- equipped.. 1949 PLYMOUTH ► .$1495 , SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN / 1949. METEOR: SEDAN, . completely reconditioned $1295 1940 PLYMOUTH COACH TRUCKS 1951CHEV. STYLELINE COACH, a.. f.. ..,, f. ,f.; $1850 . • 1948 CHEW.• 4 -TON" UP.. TWO 1951• CHSTYLELINE SEDANS i/z L 1946 MERCUR, -TON PANE ' . .. 5395.00. MANY OLDER' MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Huron County' I+yoremost Used Car Dealers 1 ' „ • Cash, Trade, `Eerrrs =-�• Cities Service. Dealer -- Phone ItX Brussels , e Evenings Until 10. N ' ® AY, ,NOV. 19th, 1952 PHONE STONE'S FOR PROMPT REMOVAL OF DEAD OR DISABLED COWS —HORSES WM. STONE SONS LTD. PHONE COLLECT INGERSOLL- 21 .. -•-- . WINGHAM 561.1 • Paintin g Cs apering Sunworthy. Wall Papers Pers . •. Warier' ami Exterior . Spray ' or Brush STEEL:. ROOF • PAINT ING Sanding •& Finishing Estimates Without Obligation Emberlin & Macinnes Lucknow 194''-m ' Winghain..:654-,J2. • Moffat on Thursdays Mrs F.. •Mof- fat presided for the programme which was prepared by Mrs. Pet- er a Moffat. • ' The scripture was read by Mrs; Robert• Scott, pray,- er . offered by Mrs. Gordon Wall and meditation by : Misr Emma Richardson: • '' Mrs: Lloyd Moffat. 'gave ,'a reading . and. ' Mrs: P. G. Moffat offered, prayer.. Miss 1: Richardson presided: for the elec- tion, of 'officers which •resulted'as follows: pres.;. Mrs. Farish Mof• - fat; lst vice, Mrs. 'Jas McPher- Son;. sec.; Mrs. Neil : MacDonald; tress, Mrs: J. Richardson•`8i Mrs: P G. Moffat;' Glad'' Tidings; Mrs. • W"m: Ort; Welcome and Welfare, . Mrs: Elmer Scott; Literary and Library, Miss Emma Richardson; • • 'Supply "sec'.,,', Mita David Scott, Mrs. ' Wm. 'MacDonald; • Press sec., 'Mrs. ..Lloyd•, 1Vloffat; ' Home; Helpers, Mrs. Gordon 'Wall; . Mis. 'sion Band pleaders, Mrs. Chas. Tif- • fin, ,Mrs. Wes. Young organist, Mrs.' Jos. Guest: • WEDDINGS ROBERTSON—LAMB ' NortW ' Street . United Church, Goderieh, '+ras the scene' of .a, quiet 'wedding on. Saturday, Oct Ober 25th, when Rev. H: A. , Dick- Vinson,,' minister of the church, of- ficiated at a double ring cere ;` moihy, ' uniting in" marriage Ruth Leone,, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs.. • Toynee Lamb ' •.and William Frarik; • younger•', son of 'Mr. and Mrs. E.' H. Robertson, all of Col- borne Township. ' ;. • The bride' was smart in a tail- ored suit, of steel. gray gabardine with coral pink ' and black ac- cessories, .wearing a corsage of red and pink rosebuds: She was attended by :her sister, Mrs Rean • •Collins; who chose a beige worst ed suit with golden brown ac-. , cessories: and wore gold and yellow mums. ' The, groom :' was .attended by Mr. Rean , Collins. '• The young '• couple. left imui'►ed iately by Motor through the.Am- erican States to Florida. On their' return they will ; live on the • groom's farmin Colborne Town- ship.. ,, P .. Prevou$ to ` . 'er marriage 'the bride was entertained at a Mis- cellaneous shower given by Mrs. Robert' McCabe Jr. anl. D'orothY; Assisting .,With ' the . lunch, were • Mrs. W. Fisher, Mrs. W. Patter- son and 1111iss Judy. lVfcCabe. , Mrs. H. • B, , M. Tichborne en- tertained for' the bride at a beau-•• tifully arranged tea. "She was as sisted.by Mrs. H. Dodd, Mrs. •Jolul • Reid •+poured' -.tea and ' Mrs, ,Glazier helped serve. , 3 •