The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-11-19, Page 5a „1952 WOWEStD• Y,.•:NOV”; 19th,,1952 ND ional Ont, lock NG !yteum Theatre W f IGHAM Two Shows; Each Might FIRST SHOW' ' AT 7.15 Thursday, .November 20t1 LAST SHOWING. SUSAN ItA A tt .M.•-.. • RORY CALHOUN in WITH A SONG INIAY HEART Friday,• ` Saturda?, . Nov. 21, 22 1VAPKEY ROONEY, ANN ZANIES' - In• SPUN!) .FF: Regular Matinee :'Cancelled •Monday, Tuesday, Nov. ' 24, 25, GENEE-.BARRY, LYDIA 'CLARK ••• in THE ATOMIC . CITY`: Wednesday, Thurs., Nov.. 26,.' 27' ktio2l; DON TAYLOR, I, SHIRLEY YAMAGUCffI in or, [0 dec. Japanese . War. 'Bride" Adult. Entertainment. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKN'OW, QBITUARY ALEXANDER McDON.• AGH C. E. McDonagh of Ashfield re- ceived word last week of the death, of his brother Alex 'Mc, Donagh, which occurred in Van- couver on Thursday, November 13th. He, ,;was in his, 92nd year. : Alex was a Son .of John Mc- Donagh and Mary, Ann ..Andrew .and was 'born; on' the homes; ,d. on,° -eon- '12,"Ashfield,':Taken up ,by . his father a little over . a cen- tury ago when the country was virgin •Ibush land. . Alex ,responded to .the, call of the West • several years before the turn of the century, and there the railroaded 'and farmed before going into (business at Russell, Manitobamany years' ago. 'Mr. and Mrs. McDonagh con= tinned to • resi"de"' at- Russell urs til :'a couple a. years ago 'when. they went to ,Vancouver ` to be With .members*`. of their. '€amily 'which includes six: daughters' and. two •`sons. Thefuneral was held on'. Monday in Vancouver . where burial tookplace. Mr. McDonagh is survived . 'by his wife and. family• of eight and by one bro- ther; Charles '' E: -..-.McDonagh of Zion.• Mr•.; McDonaggh is the sole survivor of this family of seven. Those who predeceased Alex are Wiir. and John *and three sisters, Mrs. Robert Hamilton . ,(Carrie), Mrs.; 'James. Cook '(•Mary ''A.) and Mrs..Fred Topp (Allie). • United Church. Young Peoples .The regular ,meeting.of.• the Lucknew United Church Young Peoples was held ori Tuesday, November 11th With:. 21 . present. We opened with • a sing . song which was conducted by: Bever- leY . Ashton.. The meeting •was WAS BORN .IN .KI LOSS turned over to the Friendship &. Community ` Service'' convener; • Two Meeks of we pulblishe: Gladys Kilpatrick. The .worship the *obituary of Mrs:' A: E. Arch- period was opened by the read- er, gWlioSe eader,'gwhose death- occurred at La- ing of the scripture by: Ann Caw Mont,; • Alta., in her 75th year. ford. Gladys Kilpatrick. told" so'm, e Mrs. Archer.' was formerly -Jessie facts ` about "Canada. This was Valens and Was one, ' of the" Valens followed iby • the reading- &f ---a family of nine children' who .were poem. by Arnold Hartford and -the born at the •'Sixth Concession of reading of a short !,story by'Char= Kinloss. Jessie was the .;eldest of' lene .Smith: We enjoyed some the four :girls. Among the.,broth- . games which ' were Provided-, by ers is tor.: --john Valens of ,Saska-' :C•arolyn. Gibson; and .closed' with tom the singing of taps • GET READY FOR WINTER . . with i 314 nzie ;or ' QD Heting Equipment Forced Air• Heating • • • Oil Burners Floor :Furnaces Cook Stoves Space; Heaters • AUTOMATIC HOT WATER TANKS • Complete..; Line ,Of Repairs For ..' DEEP AND .SHALLOW' WELL PUMPS' For .Heating, and Plumbing Sales and Service; See • Art. GUIflOre R. R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. • —. ' • Phone 61-r-13 Dungannon .rri41.1o..►rr...4i4•0..rHIMIND4141MIrr.r,..r.►o..r;nr4/0i,.i..11 tnr #loon, ding lice 97 ;0: pro.- actor* s..' LLIS-CHALMERS MACHINERY NEW •TRACTORS IN ALL SIZES FLEURY BISSELL PACKERS • and °DISCS • SECOND HAND TRACTOR McCormick -Deering Second Hand Tractor* W-4, in good shape. • ° FOR YOUR SOWS and SMALL PIGS Use 'Sow and Pig Chow Complete or: your own, grain -and. , Sow and Pig Concentrate. See Us About A HOG FINANCE. CONTRACT AT NO COST TO' YOU •-41 (KET1 & SONS LUCKNOW, ONTARIO r KINLOUGIi, W. J. 1VIoLearl of Kincar- dine ;visited during the week with Mrs Mr. and Mrs. H.. A. Graham and other friends here. Mr.. and Mrs. .James. Hodgins;• M. and Mrs. Jack Hodgins, Jojm and Donnie spent the' week -end; ' in ` St. Catharines. Mr atnd Mrs. •Jaynes • Hodgins rernaine d° to visit with Mr. and Mrs.\ Cliff . Borth- wick. :Mr. and Mrs: Allan Wall and. Sharon, Mr. Jack Ludgate ' and Sylvia of London spent• the •week end here with Mr. .and Mrs. WM. V6 +a'll.• . Mr. and Mrs°• Levi'Eckensyvil .ler ° and Douglas .of London, Mr: and Mrs;°.M Johnstone of.'Listo- wel visited on, Sunday with ,Mr, and Mrs:. '.11 A: • Graham. ' The • Evening Guild held a very successful bazaar and..social on Wednesday . evening. last, Every -- one., enjoyed the pictures' and ' tra- ivel .talk given by. Rev.. Benson Cox, • The Sr. Women's Auxiliary met in the church' on. Thursday 'for the. annual. business: -meeting and .packed . four . `nice bales for .the •M.00sone. a Resideptial school. Mrs. Tom. Hodgins . presided and •the meeting,- opened With the W.A.' hymn "The love. of Christ' con- strainetli"° Prayers. followed.. The word . for :the roll ; call was ••`•peace''. Mrs. :Roy..' Graham read the scripture.; Correspondence Si business Were. dealt with. It was decided to sponsor the Pine River play and . haves it tpresented. the Holyrood. hall. The election of officers followed: hon. Pres., .Mrs. James. Hodgins; :pies., -Mrs. Torn Hodgins; :vice 'pres., Mrs. Maurice H'odgins,. sec-treas., °Mrs •,-George Haldenby assistant, Mrs. 'George Graham; . 'Prayer' Partners sec., Mrs: J W. Colwell; Little • Help- ers, Mrs.: Howard Thompson, Mrs:. Roy: Graham; Social Service;',Mrs.; H A. Graham; program Commit- tee, .Mrs. Jim Smith, Mrs. 1Vlaur- ice Hodgins, Mrs Roy Graham;, lyliss May .Boyle; buying commit- tee,' Mrs.. Ralph Hill, 'Mrs. Geo., Graham, Mrs. 'Maurice Hodgins, Mrs. Roy Graham; work co'nven- ers, Mrs: J. N. `Colwell' and. Mrs, Wm.: Wall. A.. quilt'' .Was' quilted. and the meeting closed with ..the W.A.,- litany. • A service of remembrance was held on' November ` 1 ith ,at . the Holyr hall with a good • at ten a. nce. , • r. Ernest Ackert Was in the chair.. The opening hymn was "0: Valiant • Hearts". • A citation was given `by ' Barbara Murray. This Was followed with ,a chorus .'by •the schools. 'Douglas Stanley read a' •poem, . then the placing of the wreath by' Mrs. John Bushell. and prayer by •the Rev. Currie of Whitechurch who also gave a fitting address -Mrs. Harold- Halden'by favored with a solo. Mrs. Raynard Ackert. ex- pressed ' x -pressed' her .thanks to all: who assisted with the service.• .The closing hymn was ' "0 God our help in ages past" and God Save The Queen. 'Mr. Ralph Haldenby of. Prim- rose spent • the week=end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham, Mr. and,.Mrs: H. A. Graham visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs, Joe Cas sidy • near Clifford. • Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson 'and. family Were Sunday visitors with Mr. It Stewart and •1VMiss Evelyn Stewart, Millarton. The Sr. W. A, are sponsoring the Pine- River play ,`•`Zeke' and Daisy" in Holyrood Hall On 'Tues- day evening next, November 25 at 8.15 km. • Mr. and Mrs, Robt. McLean of` 'Kincardine visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Graham. The 'Rev. Benson Cox will• be the • celebrant for the Service' of Holy Cgmniunion :On.. Sunday' morning next. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clare Sparing ;of Walkerton, Mr.. 'and Mrs. Harold Iialden 3y, Sheila and Barry Of' Kinlough anci Mr. George Hal- derby of .Toronto' spent' Sunday here, it being . the. occasion of Mr"s; Sparlings' birthday dinner. Congratulations to Mr.•.& Mrs. Aman ,Colling (nee Marie Thomp- sen) •on , the gift of a little dau- ghter, a sister' for John' D. A number' from the Anglican congregation ;helped with ' the cleaning and,. renovating . bee at Amo PAGE FIVE The Presents' • , ., Thursday, Friday, Saturcday,.'November 20, 2.1, 22: The -King -is back=thelk ng`'of the cowboys -CLOY ROGERS in a real thrilling -Western, filled with action, in. <.r Down Dakota Way" in an added, feature --everybody's and along with Roy, favorites,. LAUREL & HARDY in a ROLLICKING COMEDY. SATURDAY MATINEE ;AT 2.15 p,i MA m;. -Doors open at� 2 pm..' ondayTuesday, ednesdsy, Nov. Z4, . 5 This . a doubt the.. most fascinating story of..baae- ._ _ is. without. ball ever told -moo come along. to The' Playhouse ` .. • • and bring . the ':family and see for yourself `Angels: In The tfiel >ttte = Rectory, Bervie' on Mon day, John Prest who will Move. there making ready for Mr.. and Mrs.1 in early December, FOURTH ANNUAL :SALE 5 BULLS aiid 28 FEMALES Conuni; pity. Park 'Fair ;Barns CLINTON,:ONTARIO ues a Sponsored by the following. Huron' County. Shorthorn- Breeders: ROBERT M. PECK: •& SONS .. • ec at 1.00 p.m. sharp KIPPEN ' • Mc'KINLEY'S FARM & HATCHERY ZURICH CLIFFORD H. KEYS & SONS: • / V . ,. VARNA JOHN OSTROM VARNA ROY. F. PEPPER & SON ,- ` SEAFORTH '. For catalogues,' 'write any of the above • We Have.. Just Received A ,'L'arge Shipiment` O PURE CA•E 'MOLASSES' Lucknow District Co-operative Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone . 71 For prompt delivery ;•place, your order now. w 4 Massey -Harris Im�i�me�ts °yam Coast To Coast Massey -Harris Offers Most. ENQUIRE ABOUT. OUR PRE -PAYMENT PLAN On The' Purchase : Of COMBINES, SIVATHERS, BALERS & . TRACTORS • a • All Sizes Of MASSEY-HARRIS TRACTORS' anure spreaders--Plows--Rubber-tired wagons • BEATTY EARN SUPPLIES t GOOD SUPPLY Of HOG • & CATTLE WATER BOWLS0 a K &SON 'PHONE, `I4,, LUCKNOW RESIDENCE '216