The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-11-12, Page 1v.
►7" "Ana,'
$2.50 .Yearly In Advance --1:04 Extra To U.$A LU 2
,Russell, Fox, C.N.R. brakeman,
was seriously hurt in a fall from
:. the top of 'a freight . car ' at the
Lucknow ' station last Thursday
• afternoon.
"Foxy" as he•; is well known
bn this line, is. aresident.of:Brus-
sell,; 39 years of `age • and not
The accident .'happened while
freight errs, were being placed at.
the local' .depot, A car was being•
siding the � g to the. elegy
,viator. It had been uncoupled and
was rolling down the siding: Fox.
was climbing the car ladder • to
apply the brake{and• place the
• car. It was a, wet afternoon and
as he 'reached the top of the' ear
and grabbed the.: brake wheel• his
hand slipped . and he : hurtled
(backwards onto the track. He lit
on the rail, striking the' . lower
part of his back and only by his
presence of- mind to . roll over
'quickly oras he saved from' hay-
ing the moving freight car .pass
over his legs.,
• Unable to sieve from where'
he lay ibeside the track,the in -
lured man 'was .placed ,on . a train
stretcher and carried to the de-
pot where he received first aid
treatment to ease his suffering
before ,being taken .by anthulance,
to Wingham. Hospital. ••
ills ,injuries. Were reported to
include a broken pelvis, cracked
stip and c.back injury.
A psi Buick driven: by Mrs:.
Howard Machan of Wingham and
a 1932 :Chev.' Coupe i en by
Joseph Johnston . of Lucknow
ere; ' in collision• ibQ t,,; 'five
o el*on Monday afternoon at.
t the United -Church corner . -- a
e dangerous' intersection that' has
t been the 'scene: of More than one
n accident.
t Mr. Johnston was turning north
4' onto Havelock St. and . 'Mrs.
a , Machan. was 'coming: into thewill=
l ► age from Winghaan. . ' '
The Johnston: ear took ; the. ins=
Pact . ,on the ,-tight .front '• wheel
and fender.and was swung.
.'around on. the highway, farcing.
the SupertestGarage.
The frond e
J .: and left front 'of the
e Machan car was badly smashed
a .. in. It was',brought to a . stop just
s past, the intersection in front .: of
e' the church with One wheel, over
y�; •• the curb and ,perilously close to
I . a maple tree' and hydro• pole:
ti ; .: Mrs. Machan's daughter Heleii
escaped with onlyminor cuts
l- when she • was thrown against the.
e ' windshield with such force as
o tosht..� ..v. .•
eshatter it.. Neither driver :was*
injured but Mr: Johnston was
F „ shaken up and .bruised •about the
,, legs. Provincial . Constable Salter
of 'Wingham a n d Constable
Havens of Lucknow investigated.
Mr. J. R. MacNab has received
a lovely pen and pencil setwith,
his name engraved ' in gold 'let-
tering; from the Ontario Cream -
rY, Ass ociation.:
Accompanying the gift was .a
letter from Mr. Stan Thurston. of
Meaford secretary -treasurer • of
the Associations 'which referred to
the gift as a token from the As-
sociation upon Mr, McNah's, re-
tirement from the industry.
Mr. Thur :
stop 'ss letter read in.
part: '
"It is a pleasure to congratulate
n ng
aman ' on reaching the 'point.
where he steps out of the active
work and connmences to •enjoy .a
life of leisure; 1 have very' many.
happy recollections of my associ-
, atiori$ w'•
ythese many
With you over
1 am sure you have a rich
reco1lection of your years in the
ereantery business and .1 hope
wi • •- ' You.
11 . spared many more years
to enjoy these recollections and
the sunset years of ~life's.
Bruce County Council was pe-
titioned at the November session
to estahblish a museum in the
County; "A committee : to look in-
to the matter will be set up at
.the January. session. •. .
Mrs. Walter MacK:,nzie of Kin
doss Township was spokesman for
the 'delegation, representative of
2500 snemnbers of .Bruce County
Women's.. Institutes. • .Mrs. ;Mae-,
Kenzie `.spoke very forceably on
the''' subject, pointing out that
many relics and antiques of''pion-'
eer.•days have already .been. lost.
mylltr.frattiliv.,..'MRKED DIAMOND „„„,,Tw W.EE.. COUSINS- --•..
Tw o.' little' three-year-old 'cous
Humphrey of St , Helens;: obser:- ins, Donna Corrin of Lucknow
r their, sixtieth wedding anni• `di and Douglas. Lankshear of •Brant-
versary on 'Sunday, an occasion ford both suffered thigh fract
which brought them. honor and. urea• on. Tuesday.- morning; when `
greetings. not Only from their. t .1 struck ,by a 'car drir sen. by Del-•
family; church <• f`riends, but mar Potter. 'of, Lucknow.
fron•,the ueeen' "Private Secret-
ary as well.
Mr. ' and Mrs . William .John
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar White and
their family • of seven children,
'who moved recently • from • near.
Brandon, Manitoba, are residing
in the Paramount community on
Highway 86. They wills,. remain
here until spring when- they will
move to; Concession 2,; Huron
Township to the = Sam ' •Congram Donna' is the daughter of ' Dr.
farm of '• 250' acres ' which Mr .• ,and Mrs. Mel Corrin and Doug -
White bought this fall'. He ob- las is .a son of Mrs.'Corrin's sip -
. ..A i
possession in Mid -April. 1. : l '
poss � np .ter whoa has, 'been." vxsitin+g here ` :
for a few days. •
The a ' ide:t ha ne• shortly
icc n sho t
..., ply y
after. the Remembrance Day pro-
�cession, had marched to- the. Un-
ited Church past the. Corrin res
idence: on Main St. It is believed
that Remembrance Day wreaths
and little white.crosses which'
orrisuddenly y, across, the road • attracted the
ober ` 31st in'North . Bay at -the children's attention and caused
Homf for the; Aged' where he them to -venture across.
had resided for' the past. two
years. He was in his ' 89th year.
`.The funeral was held at North
Bay, conducted ' by Rev. A. J.
.Whyham,of the Anglican church.
Mr. Stringer was ' never mar-
ried. He is survived' by 'a Tsister,
Mrs. Elsie Langley of • Miami
Beach. A: sister, ;Mrs. John Ellis rile were out on calls'at:file time,
and a brother, Abe Stringer,. pre- ,and Donna's uncle, Dr. Bern Cor -
eased him.
Beaming ; with, happiness Mr.
and Mrs.Humrphrey greeted the
many friends who called, she
wearing an attractive corsage and
he with a. white carnation-bouton-
PRIZE. WINNERS • '' ,A' highlight' of 'the anniversary.
Prize winners in. the Lucknow occasion was the surprise ,res-•
m"P P
Legion's November 10th • draw, ° entiation;following - the .Sunday
held at ::their annual dance• were nnorning service in St. Helen's
as follows: combination radio,and United' Church: of . which : they
player, Fred Deacon, of have long beenf `thful members
Wingham.; La-Z-Boychair Revi. and re. ar in attendance
H. Van, St. Jos h's Church, fifty ,families in the corn -
King • ridge;• silver tea service, mnnity• joined: in tlis'presentation
Mrs. m.'
B shell, Lucknow; card, .Of twolovely ly blankets, a wall.
tables, Walter James and • Jim ' mirror, a diamond brooch and
Huston. • earrings' ,for the bride of 'three
score Years ago and a pair` sof
Two 'little daughters of Mr:
and ' Mrs.. Aubrey Toll , of the
-Blyth-Auburn district have been.
ill with poliomyelitis but -are
feeling , fine again,' ;although the
elder has been left with a weak-
ness in one arm and will' be
taken" to 'London- shortly for
Mrs Toll was, formerly Marie
MacCrgstie` of Belfast, The child-
ren developed the illness'' two
weeks ago Sunday. The ;elder,
Cheryl, age 4, is the one who
will undergo treatment which • it
is : expected, will- correct the
Weakness. The younger, •'Kerry,
'age 19 Months, 'suffered no ' ill
The' annual meeting and turkey
diamond socks' for the groom:: .
Congratulatory . remarks were
made by Rev!. S. E Hayward .and
the gifts were presented by Mrs.
Isaac Miller and:Lorne. Woods...
.Unattended on their wedding
day, Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey had-,
as their, .attendants.on •Sunday,/
Mr; and Mrs. Ernest Walker (nee
Doris Taylor) who ,were recently.
m ar°ried :in. St:..Helen's church. •
A message from . Queen. Eliza-
beth's private secretary read as
follows:, "The :Queen, : sends you
Warm congratulations .and' good
wishes on your wedding: day'.
Other greOings were ..received
from L.` ''E Cardiff, M.P.; ; John
W:. Hanna, M.P:P and from the
Provincial secretary;' Arthur G.
Welsh on . behalf of the Provin.-
cial Government.
A lovely basket of mums that
-centred the gift table was from
the :great, grandchildren
Married At Qld Fordyce.
Mr.• Humphrey • is 82 Mrs.
Humphrey, rwho •is 83, was form-
banquet4of'the Ashfield Unit of '•erly •Zezia Phillips, '`daughter' of
thee 'Federation;oYAg .rc
was . held last Wednesday '. in the
Recreational Centre with an at
tendance of -about 150, and with
the Lucknow Women's Institute
Jack MacKenzie was chairman'
for the evening and Bill Culbert
introducedthose at the head
Sable. Among the .guests :were
Mr,: and Mrs. Ezekiel Phillips.
Her father operated a blacksmith
shop at Old Fordyce, and at the
parental hone there,: the young
couple were married • on •Novem
ber'9th, 1892 by Rev.; W. ,J. Con=
nor, rector of `Luckn'bw and St.
Helen's Anglican parish.' '• There
was no ' wedding trip . in these
days. Mr.. and Mrs. Humphrey re, -
Lloyd Jasper of'Mildmay, vice' turned. to . the 'Humphrey home y Si:,r
president of the Ontario . Feder east of St. Helens,. where. the h
cation of Agriculture and;j.Vlrs., groom had the job:awaiting him 'd t that Jasper; ' , Charles • Coulter, past of helping to draw; 400:barrels
p r -
,p�resident of the '.Huron. County of apples to market. Mrs: H.• R. Allen: Fred Newvinari, already been settled by a couple,
Federation;; and Mrs.., Coupes; Mr.and Mrs. Humphrey resid- Master. ,of Old,
Light; pre'sided; of youths who paid damage§ and
Wilfred Shortreed,:' 1st vice: Pres- ed in St. Helens and. in Western offered grace and . extended: a court costs.
ident of the Huron Federation; Canada for a time; but the'great welcome to all. Participants in the "main
Gordon ' Greig, • Huron, County er part of their 'ixrarried life was The toast to the :• ladies was •evPart , however, range' in ages
fieldman, :and' Mrs.. Greig; John i? proposed by. Dr. Little,'and re- . ,teen=ogees to adults With
Helens now owned by
their •'from sent on their farm west .'of St.
Huron T , president of the sponded to by, Mrs. Donald Blue families.' The number involved
Huron '1'dwnship Unit, and'Mrs grandson Harold: The retired of Ripley. District Deputy Grand has been.reported from 20• to as
megurchy .Reeve 84 Mrs. Elmer to ;St. Helens four years ago, and Master' "Sandy" Cameron of KM—. high as 40.
continue hale' and heart. •
;Graham of Ashfield;.•Jahn But- Y•, . ' cardine was introduced by T. J.
ler; 'assistant' 'agricultural repre- . They have a family of one son, Salkeld,....secr-etary of---OId—Light
sentative for Huron; John`Hanna, : Wm. -A. ,Hurnphrey of St" `Helens; rand a former. I'?.D.�G M.
and two daughters, Mrs. George
M.P.P. and Mrs. Hanna, and,. BobtSenrgr Warden Leonard Mac-
Carbet who'led in say •sing. song Walker• . (Eva) of Wingham and Donald" introduced,' Rev. J: R.
while the ladies were clearing.Lila Humphrey at _home. There Boggsdof •Molesworth and, a nat-
the, tables.:. While the gathering are eleven grandchildren and 15 i,�+,e of Londonderry, Ireland, 'bio
was assembling Mrs. Duncan: great grandchildren, • •
Simson _.. presided" at.. the piano. At the reception on Sunday,'
'P P
• Guest speaker was Lloyd 'Jas= Mrs. John Webster,, sister• of Mr
addition . Humphrey,
er ,and. in tci other head . � p Y,, •tea andora
a capes
speakers the chairman call- assisted at the tea table by Mrs.
ed on Mr.. S. B. Stothers. Clifford Ernest Snowden,- Mrs. Geo. Web-
��ltes ave humorous readings, ster, ' Mrs. Roy Robinson, Mrs.
'Cod DuncangMcKay was soloist. ' Ernest " Walker, Mrs. Howard
Cecil'Johnston presided for the ;siker, Mrs. Wxn. Humphrey and
election of officers which result- Miss Isobel Fox.
..., : president,Jack Mr. Humphrey has' four sisters
ed . as n follows~ viceand a brother living, Mrs. Wm.
MacKenzie; 1st • . pies., Bill
'Culbert; sec. - treas.,- Howard Boles (Carrie) of ,St; Catharines;
lak;-Mrs•: ,John Webster (Lavina) of
Blake; lady director; Mrs: Jack;
ie ; breath producer dir- Toronto;' Mrs; George ;Cranston
MacKenzie, a h
ectar, • Russell. Alton; hog proms (Emnaline) of St. Helens;'' Mrs.'
Donald McKen Will Taylor (Elizabeth) of Pal -
duces directors, unable toebe
zee,• George. Moncrief, •Bill Hun
"ultr � � erston who wasetpn Mim-
Raymond Finnegan;.• apo y resent and Mi t ,
hrey of St. Helena. three sisters
committee; Clifford;Crozier, Rus- 1�
Irvin, ,Mark'.Berger. have passed, on,, Mrs. S'usanah
~sell. , Mrs. Sarah Ann Webster'
• Dancing 'follaweri With- n7usiC. Sturdy,
and Mrs.. •Mary Jane Taylor.•. -
Mrs. liurrmphrev has two sisterrt
"`Old-timers" here will remem-
ber William John Stringer who
:was a photographer 'at one time
in Lucknow, and . who passed
Mr. Potter was proceeding east,
evidentally., at. a moderate speed
as he, irought his Gam to a halt .
almost in .its. own. length after
hitting •the, kiddies, om: • he
didn't• see until theyhorned in
front of.him.
Both' Dr. Johnston and �Dr. Cor-
Twenty - one ' contestants' took
rin of Wingham was ,contacted
• and advised 'rushing. the children
to' Winghani..Veterinary doctors
Cleland and 'Parliament: chanced.
along; : and 'they rushed Donna
and Douglas. to Wingham• Hosp' i-
il; art•in the Bruce • County. public tal. .
speaking contest held last .week Donna had' a badly 'lacerated
in Paisley.: The winner was Ralpb forehead and Douglas had a- :cunt
Cruickshank of Chesley who •rep and. swollen mouth, but there was
•resented the County' • at the : • Dis- no indication ' of , any:serious in-
tr-ict-Contest.- at -Guelph. juries other' than. the leg. frac- '
Contestants ' from this section tures:,
,i a 1, .. r
•nclu+d d -,E ,i abeth Ann : Webster :.:�, — ..
of Lucknow, Mary Fisher of S.S..- HALLOWE'EN HEARING
No. 10 .Kinloss, Myrna, Irwin of. ADJOURNED' TINQ WEEKS"
S.S. No. 13 Huron. and . A elia .
Carruthers'of RipleY.. ' ; The usual. quiet of the hamlet
Elizabeth was the winner •' f of•Kinlough .has been rudely •dis
the Lucknow Public School :con= turbed by Hallowe'en • night,
testa in Which Donna..Johnston and escapades, and the aftermath :i_n
Sarah Jane 'Bannister competed. Magistrate's Court. • Last Thurs-
day morning's hearing: was ad
�journed two weeks after . Magis-
' trate 'McCl -'.had made some
scathin re
g ma Ica.
, The true facts of the case, how •
. many actually were involved and •
`,Old Light; Lodge, played host to . what .'degree, . are ,questions
to' the fair sex bre Friday night, that receive :a multitude of ans-
at • , their : *initial •' Ladies'` Night, 'vers.
which got nderwa ` with a tui- • R itution, to a degree at least,
key, banquet served in the'Be- :we are told has been made, but
'creational Centre. to , almost 200,
'b the • ladies, of ' t ; Peter's
:church...• ,
Prior to the banquet music.was
supplied.�by Dr; James Little and
as to the • "bast word" in court
next week . there is considerable
One incl en t a occurred
north of Kinlough that night has,
provided • by Eienderson's : arches
A large meeting 'of the K ntaf1 - •
W. I. was held at • the home of
came to Canada a your ago. ,He 'Mrs. Martha O'Neil with 14'meln-
ers and ' 7 visitors and children
as. la padre 'in Palestine b
during World War II ` , • •
Junior Deacon Floyd Wilson
extended a 'vote of thanks to the
ladies 'v ho . had , eatered and to
all:;. who 'helped hi any way to
make the evening a success. •
An entertaining show was pre-
sented by the . Wrig(ht Concert
Troupe of London and dancing
followedto music by Donald Mc -
Charles and Eldoh Henderson.
Callers -Off were Donald Blue and
Cameron , MacDonald
and two brothers living, Mrs. Al-
fred Telbutt°" (Eliza) of Goder-
ich Mrs:. Jennie Fox' of St.
George;' Ezekiel of Auburn and
John of Yellow Grass, Sask. A
brother Tom and a
sister Margar-
et have passed on.
present. The ode, and Mary Stuart
coiled • opened the aneeting'. 'A
comment on education was an in-
teresting roll call . The treasurer's .•
report on the ..'bazaar showed a
fine profit. The delegates to the
area convention held in Hotel
London, were Mrs. Ray Dalton
(delegate), Mrs. Bert Alton, Mrs.
Martha O'Neil, Mrs: 13•ugh Mac
Kenzie, ,Mrs. Fred McGregor. Our
Salada tea quilt took third prize ,
at the area convention and is to
Abe ,featured in an. Institute dis-
play of three prizequilts at the
Royal Winter Fair in N'oveinber
It is called the • "Tea, Party
Quilt" and was 'designed by How-
ard Cowan of Luckno•ty. •
The Queen closed the meeting
after which lunch was served by
those in charge,, m •
•� w