The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-10-29, Page 1.
• 5Q
�, Yearly f n Advance -`--$1.00 Extra To • U;SA,
Gordon •.Mil .
Laid W.BY Fire On Monday
Gordo, acGregor's chopping
' mill on the 12th. Concession of
Ashfield Was laid waste by :fire
which 'broke out early afterdin-
tier on Monday when Gordon
was pre -heating 'his, diesel engine'
Witha blow torch inpreparation
to commence chopping..
This blow srch operation is
a customary ,procedure in start
ing the engine,'While it was heat-
., ing Gordon 'started for .-a little
barn nearby which he uses 'as a
piggery.; In the nnillyard" he •met
D. "A. MacDonald and Jim CamL.
eron who were canvassing for the
:Bible Society' • Chatting to them'
briefly while he made a• dona
tion; Gordon then. casually. pro-
ceded to the barn, and thenre=:
turned, to . the millfor a bag of
feed for the • pigs. As. he • reached
theamill a,erackl'ing'sound alerted
him and he rushed to the engine
room to find the blow torch spit
ting 'burning gasoline and the
;place. on ,fire., Just what hold the,
fiire had. then Gordon 'scarcely
recalls. He , emptied , a powder
fire extinguisher which appeared
to have. little effect, and his next BAN Q UET. STARTS
thought wag to remove his books .DISTRICT SCOUT.
from the buildin g VICTIM. U' N D
clothes Took Firs, / OFFICERS . (MEET.
He was d ing this when. Dave ==- At the Fastball 'Banquet on
: Cowan appeared . on the scene.: The annual meeting • of Sauieen Monday night, Clarence Greer,
•Dave had,: a ;flat tire on his tract District Boy ''Scouts Association Legion. ,president,` made '• reference
or near :Gordon's ,homeeast of was -held on :Friday. evening in to the misfortune that had be -
the mill; and had .come to the, the Legion . Auxiliary :Rooms fallen • Gordon MacGregor • '.that
when twent three ,Scouter's w I
' day,. and :,added that :the gather -
Y were
.. y .Margaret.. Fisher; daugl-*
ter • of ' Mr. and Mrs:. George. Fish
er of Whitechurch won. the. Kin.
loss:' Township public speaking.'
contest held, recently' at Holyrood
Hall. Mr,, P.. A. Murray'' was
Chairman.: •and. the .judges. . were
Mrs. Irwin Carruthers, Mrs.
Eadie and Dr.. James Little...
"Laura Secord". •was .the
ject that the champion spoke .on. ;..,
Among -the the. 7 contestants • was
Mary's sister, Kathleen Fisher,'
who won the. public speaking at
the Lucknow FaiF•.
Mary Margaret will represent
Kinloss Township at the "Bruce
County contest at . Paisley on No.-
vernlber 3rd.
Lucknow Public School 'r will be
represented ,by, Elizabeth Webster,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Webster., :Her subject was. "The.
Exhibition" The judges: ; were
Rev., G. 'S Baulch, H: L. Jennings
and C. A. Winn."
After two. years post graduate,
studies. in England#;, Miss Helen
Salkeld returned hdine last week
with the . degree of Doctor of
Philosophy from the . University
of London:
mill for assistance. Another ' ex
ing.: would..have' she opportunity.
to contribute to ' a fund in. '• his
As .a result $825 Was dropped
into 'a box at the door: This, was
turnedover' to Jack Gould to
be earmarked from the " Fastball
Banquet, and to' be added to a
fund that, Will ' be raised bya
canvass in Ashfield .Township.,
Anyone ':who will, not he con-
tacted by this canvass, and who
would like to help out the ,fund,
may ' leave. their . contribution,.
tinguisher was used and :Gordon I served a .delicious dinner by the
then went for water froan a near= ladies of the Auxiliary, and a
by ri while' Dave `ran. to
get :Vote of thanks to them was re-
theextul+guisher on his tractor. sponded to by Mrs: Roy Black.
i' District Chairman Gerald Rath_
;..Qn• entering~ the• -•mill with the. .
water Gordozx's. clothes caught 1 well presided,' pa id:'District Cora -
fire when sp'r, yed with a..•Plarrr- missioner Archie Gowanlock re-
in liquid•'which he can't explain. 'ported on activities .during .the
All • the gasoline that :was n the year at. the'!various. • centres':••in
building was What was inthe
g in . the"district::There` were '154 boys
blow toreh 'and in . a 'little hand at. Camp. 'Ithis . summer, Profits
oil ; can, used for : priming.. the. 'froth, ' Apple Day sales *ere as
torch: follows Walkerton $211:, Hanover
$190, Lucknow $135 end paisley
with hisclothes afire, Gordon • Targe or small. at The Sentinel
dashed . outside to roll in :some $76 t.,
long grass,;': and at that moment .:• It was decided to hold the an-
Office: • • '
Dave' was back with' the • exting •nual district,; -church parade near
wisher and used it 16. dowse the St:: George''s. Day, April 23rd, as
thanes on Gordon's clothes which St. .George is the Patron Saint of
caere not burned ,through but had !Scouting. It.. Will be held 'at Dur
been fed: chiefly by the liquid- ham next year.. •
(Contin'ed on page 8) Provincial .commissioner Firth
brought, greetings from the Pro-
vincial 'Cornrnittee. He stated that
the Scout population, was at - the
highest point on record. There are
59,000' Cuba, Scouts arid Rovers in P I SSE BY •TH'E
Qatario and. 138;000 in Canada:
Aou of 13 Queen Scouts from SENTINEL
Ontario will, attend. the Corona
District Badge
Upon Mr. Firth suggestion
that they'Should 'consider a "dis-
trict : badge, it ,was decided toy
have a contest for a design, with
'a prize • to be offered for the one
-accepted The secretaries- of the
local" Group Committees, . and
Commissioner Go•wanlock here
appointed 'to arrange this ,con-
test. Mrs. Firth, who accompan
ied her ,huarid, asked that she
be allowed to donatethe prize
for this contest, and 'her. affen.
was • gla:dly accepted:
• Mr. - .Alex liIcCrinnnon o f.
. Seattle is .visiting with Mr .. and
Mrs. ' Neil Mannan of Ripley,
and spent Tuesday . in Lucknow
where he was born 75 years ago.;
Ile, visited South ',Kinloss. Cern;
etery where his 'parents. a're bur-
Dr. IVicCrimmon practised med-
.. ieine ' ", L . ow, latet went to
nderwood and -from there to
-Ripley-where a "lived o f -his-
his' .days 'in his profession. Dr. Mc-
Crimnon was first chief of. the
Lucknow Caledonian, S o c ie t y
which was organized in 1874.
Alex went West .:as a young
inan and spent many years min-
• ing ; in Alaska and railroading,.
until retiring at Seattle He was
ibaek, to the scenes of his boyhood
abotit three years ago, which then
was his first trip, hack in , over
Half a •Century.,
Rev._ H R. Janke, 'rector for
the Past "Year ,of the ,three-point
Perish' of : Bervie, Kinlough and
Kingarf, has been appointed ,rec-
tor of St. Peter's Church at Wind-
sor and will assume his new dut-
tiesthe first of the month. ;His
congregation is situated on the
city outskirts •rind has five`hun-
dred members •' . '
Upon r . • . .
C g aduatin,g' from ,Hixon
llege, Rev. Janke preached at
l'el;. Wand. before coming to
Serve. •
THAT Harvey itebster, Roy', Fin-
layson and :Fred • Jackson at-
tended 'a •meeting in Seaforth
on Tuesday, night of '. the Pro.-
vincial:. Lawn Bowling Associa-'
tion..' .
THAT Les. Purves returned home
from Wingham • ;Hospital on
Sunday,. following a recent ser-
' ious operation: He is. being car-
ed for by his . daughter, Miss
Eileen Purves, Reg:N.
THAT Ivan Louzon has purchas-
The present district officers ed Al Rutherford's . grocery
were all . reinstated for another store ° in. Wingham, and, will
ell operates a fruit" Market
They are. Gerald Rathwell, it a
term. T y
chairman Lorne Evans, Paisley,1 " and '.grocery ;Istore'awith Dan
vice-chairman; K. C: Murdie, I Adamson in charge:..
' THAT Mr. and Mrs: W: l.': Mac-
Kenzie are observing their 45th
wedding ,anniversary Thursday
when friendswill be calling to
extend 'their congratulations''
and best wishes.
On Thursday of last week Mr.
and •Mrs, Ralph Cameron of Ash-
field 'brought home, their infant
son, ` Jack Glen, who had been.
hospitalizedsince his birth seven
weeks before.'The little tot was
in Wingha'n Hospital, for a month
and was then taken to .Victoria:
Hospital for a stomach, operation.
The hid is,gaining now and it is
expcscted his recovery will. 1;oe
rapid: ..'
*Ilse oier..,1W
THAT good progress is being
made' at the new district high
' school; . The building.. is being
roofed in and duet' work in.
stalled for the heating system.
The building is now !beginning
"to look like something" and
catches• the eye as one enters
the village from the East:'
Murray McKinnon, age 24,
Younger son of Mr. and Mrs.
-Arehie- McKinnon- of :Culross, -and
-formerly' of .this 'conununity, was
among the group of Korean war
veterans : to arrive~ at Vancouver
last` Thursday.
Murray hag been in Korea for,
13 months . with. " the ' Canadian,
Army, and 'returns home under
a rotation plan. .
'1. of ' Science' of Agriculture. , She •
Mr.. and Mrs. John Bushell was then awarded a' two-year ..
marked their • 40th wedding anni scholarship •in England by the,
versary on • Sunday .•at a family Scholarship Committee of ' the
gathering at the .home..of Mr: and Research Council of. Canada, at
Mrs. Morley. Bushell,, when about Rothamsted, .which is 'the oldest
thirty . sat 'down. in: a delicious . experimental -station '. in the
turkey dinner. Mr. ,and. Mrs: world. ' ..
Bushell were presented'' with , an Miss Salkeld sailed fr over -
electric clock:' and :other gifts by' seas in September of 1950. arid'
the :family. spent the firstyear en rossed . hi
.Their family • .of six children, , g
her; studies, so that she might be
Lomax, „Donald, Perry. and Mor = more free to do someaveuin
'ley, Mrs. D. o n a 1 d 'McEwan o
with � her . sister Margaret� who
(Mabel); and Mrs, Herman Fish-; the following
er (Ila) were al1. present, with OldCyear in 'the
. ountry under the ' teacher-`
spenttheir fajrnilies Among -others pre- exchange arrangement:•
sent were Mr. Bushell' brother
a, brothes, Helen and ;Mar ~ret travelled '
William and'Nelson Of •Lucknow at . everyg _:
and Mrs: `:B.ushell s sister, ., Ms.opportunity: They :;tour
Margaret Montggmery and ' her; ed'the 'British Isles on bicycles
three. brothers; Ben, Robert and and the; •
.Southern 'countries of
Edward: Europe . in • an "aid jalopy Helen
Miss Helen alkeld, 26' -year old •
-daughter—. r an s
Salkeld, return ,_ home on, Mon-
day of , last •week after tivo years
of +post -graduate work at.: Roth-
amsted Exirnental ' Station •
nearLondon? England, where she
.earned 'the degree of Doctor 'of '• ,
Philosophy (P.D.) awarded by:
the University Of, "London.
Helen stpent five 'years at the
O.A.C.. at Guelph, graduating
,with her -degree, Master
At a . special • meeting of the
Village Council last Wednesday
night, the Board decidedto pro-
ceed with the erection of a °con
cretee: pumphouse at the site Of
the new well 'south of: the :Flak
mill. Warden ." Howald has the
contract on a time basis, with
the' . Municipality . providing the
materials:: Stress was . laid .on get-
ting the, .work ,underway at,once.
Mt. Kirk. of the International.
Water Supply Co., which drilled
the peww well, sat in :at, the 'ineet=:
:ing; when the Board 'studied 'the
blue ..prints • of the building:.
Council ,had' been a bit eon-.
cerned over. a "B" report receiv-,
ed on a sample t t drawn by the
Bruce- Health y!t a , but : were as
sured there was '• no :grounds to
fear the purity ,of . the water,. as
the drilling .company is under
contract to provide water ap-
proved by the Department of,
The new ' pumphouse provides
for the addition °of an iron -re-
moval plant, if and when found
necessary, but the water is not
expected. to . be •found. excessively
hard., and the iron content ,may:
diminish:. when pumped regularly
as`, has been the .case of the No:
2 well which s • at '-present • the
main source of supply.
Reference was made to the
breaking of street lights and the
after -dark nuisance some lads
vVerei•ausirg� ar�o[ind ; peaple's:
homes. .
A new'automatic fire
system is recominended iby the,
Bell Telephone Co., and ' the
Board discussed this plan; which
might mean • the moving of thea
siren ' to the. Fire Hall property:
The rebuilt -flax mill, it was
pointed out, will have' a direct
automatic alarm, as one of the
underwriters requirements.
Discuss Snowplowing
Council, :discussed at length
snowplowiang plans for, the win=
ter, and considered, if necessary,
the purchase of a, truck to do
their own ,plowing. In the mean-
time , .arrangements have been
worked out. , for Montgomery:
Motors to, undertake•the job. Mr:.
Montgomery will obtain a five
ton truck for the purpose, and
the Municipality has placed an
order for a one-way plow. ; De
livery' is expected in • two weeks.
The Oki. V -,plow" is valueless 'ex-
cept "for scrap, and, will be re-
tained. The ,wing and fittings •can
be,tised'ih conjunction with the
orie-way plow:
has travelled from Spain to Nor
•way, including.:,Spain, France,
Italy,' Switzerland, Holland, Ger-
Many, Norway and Siyeden.
Her last"tour in company' with
a girl friend from Holland Was
a hiteh-hike trip which; she en-
joyed most of all., This. "via=the-
thumb" trip :was 'through Hol-.;
land, •Germany, Denmark, Nor-
`. way andd. Sweden. The' Union Jack
On her back was an aid in mak-
• ing the journey am the courteous
treatment received at border
.'points.: Her friend could, 'speak
a little. 'of these languages, arid'
Helen, •says that a few :words of
English are known to many in.
these . countries " so that making ..•
one's self ` understood was ..not '
'particularly difficult '
Tea being. off' the: ration list, .,
' has raised: the moral , in England;
and while they are getting suf-
ficient to, :eat; it may 'not .be, a
well balanced diet ' and some :
foods such' as canned meats,
'while available are beyond the
financial '.reach of many. On the
'continent the. Britisheris respect-.
ed, and is :felling of sympathy • is
extended them' in. -their austerity,
program. The Americans, it would
appear, -are not `so popular.' ,
Helen returned aboard„ the •
freighter? Seabord Star, an Eng-
lish ship carrying, a .comparative-,
ly: light mixed cargo of , 'cars,
ceinent, toys,. Christmas puddings,
etc. This; method . of ocean cross-
ing, although it took over two •
weeks, is preferable to passenger
liners so far as: Helen "is. concern-
. _ _ ••She_ was -met- at Montreal ---by- ,
her parents, and arrived Horne' in `
time to help her Dad complete
'the harvesting of his •apple crop.
Helen's plans are ' .yet in
definite,. but, . she is not • :yet'
through • with travelling, and'
hopes'at some 'later dateto poss-
ibly .'tour India and the.;Far• East.
Mrs, R. J. Cameron who is a
patient in Wingham Hospital with
a •fractured right hip, had .a pin
put in the hip on friday.
Mrs. Cameron fell at her : •home
late last :Tuesday' afternoon as
she went to get up on a 'chair'..
to straighten a blind: Mrs. Cam-',
eron lay helpless on the floor. for. •
two hours` (before her plight was;
discovered by her daughter, MTS.
N. E. Bushell, who called at her
home that ,evening; .
Mrs: Cameron is now snaking
satisfactory progress, but will be
confined t'o the hospital for some
u •