The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-10-01, Page 6PACK SLLX. a LUC1' OW SENTINEL. :I' { KNOVi1, LUCKNOW DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL iia Fr ri )t s fi i4 C. '3$ OWN liALLI. LUCK i'da O1 One Night Only 8.00 plane. GUEST SPEAKER PLEVA Professor of ;Geography,nivernnty o Western Ontario.` Glee Club, School, Band, Vocal ;and: Instrumental' Numb ers Presentation of Diplomas and Awards: Admission—'50c,, FALL, FAIR WIN, NERS (Vontrnued from page 5) Woods Miller: Blue ` grapes,. Keith, Miller. :Red ` grapes,. Mil- ler.' il-ler ' 'Collection grapes, ,Miller, Keith., 'Quince, B ' Alton,:. Miller. Pyramid, : Woods, Miller. Hamper: Wealthy, :Woods, Salkeld. .Hant- 1 1 • WOLF CUBS .Seventeen, CUbs turned out last essay night for the first meet- ingof the new term. As in the •Past,. the meetings will • be held,. 'in the Recreational Centre corn - meriting • at 7 p.m. sharp Follow- ing the regular opening ceremen- ies the leadership of the Pack wain, turned over to Willard Thomp- son : Eby Elmer Uumbach ,who iias faithfully served as Akela since :the, forming- of the group three Years ago. Others in charge are. Ray' Stanley ,kid Harold Ritchie. At a Special ial meeting of 'tht Six-'. ,,. ers Council, Ctibs were assigned to the various Sixes with the Six-- ers • and Seconds of each' being; Tawney, Alan Chin,, lVfu7^r, ay Hun ter;.' White, Fraser Ashton, George Gibson, Grey, John Andrew, Don- ald .Kirkland; Red, Bi11. Andrew, Gary Ritchie.' The. Seconds -shall take office an the understanding if. their Work is, not satisfactory to the . 'leaders oif Sauer, he will eli e o .. • e at the end of 3 months. , It was also . eci should _ a Cub miss : three meet . Ings in. a row without a written reason, to, the ,'leader, he.. will ' be 'ElrCipped •froni the Pack, .:and re- instated only on' the majority vote of the Sixers Council. A prize swill. be' given, atthe end of June to • the boy or boys attending. church and Sunday School" the most from no* until. that .. time. e' a Rugs-Hooked, Mrs. MacKen- zie; Mrs. :F G. Todd.;. Braided, Mrs. Roach, Mrs.' MccCharles: Cushions- embroidered;• 'Mrs. Bryce, Mrs,... Alton.,: Washable, Mrs. Bryce, ,Mrrs. • MacKenzie. Wool, Mrs. Bryce, . Other kind, Mrs.; M Charles, Mrs. Blake Al - ..ton. Thrift articles, Mrs. McKen per. '. McIntosh; Woods; Keith. zie; Mrs. Roach, Mrs McCharles.. Hamper Spy, Woods, •Keith. Harr,' Centre piece, Mrs. Bryce,.Mrs. G. .Alton. Tray cloth, Mrs Bryce.' ler Tolman: Sweets, Woods; Sal -._ Wool embroidery, Mrs MacKen- �P elc . LADIES' D»pARTNiENT zie, Mrs, MoCharles Cut work, Mrs Bryce, ; Mrs MacKenzie. Wot'nen's .Clothing night• dress; Fancy work, Mrs Salkeld, Mrs: :Mrs. 'Bryce,—Mrs. • Sa keld.: Bed .MacKenzie. rib] ric toys; Mrs Mor; jacket, Mrs. 'Bryce Pyj'ama's; Mrs'.Kenzie. Christrnas gift 'ideas, Mrs.; Salkeld. Housecoat, Mrs. ' Henry Bryce; Mrs.. Salkeld; Mrs. Mac- M.acKenziee. Apron; Mrs.. Bryce, Kenzie Mrs. Salkeld Hostess apron, Mrs, Salkeld,• Mrs ,'Bryce. Blouse, 'Mrs: " • �F'ine Arts -•snapshot :collection, , Mrs. G. Alton. .Decorated table, Steward. Pullover, Mrs,. , Bryce.: Mrs. MacKenzie, Mrs, ' Gordon_ ..Gloves, Mrs. Bryce. ' Kirkland:. , Men's Clothing yjamas,: Mrs. • Women's Organizations Salkeld; Mrs MacKenzie: •Mitts; Institute displays^lst, St Hel- . Mrs. Bryce, Mrs :.1VIcChar.les. ens . W:I., • 2nd, 'Luckriow .W.' I'.; Gloves, Mrs. •Bryce, Mrs. Salkeld. 3rd, Kairshea. W. L ' Fine socks, Mrs, • Steward: Coarse : FLOWERS ` Socks, 1 s Bryce, Mrs Salkeld • Red asters, Mrs Bill Scott, Mrs. • Boys' Clothuyg- Pullover, ' Mrs.. Blake Alton Waite asters, Mrs. Burt' Hoffsted v Scott, Mrs.' Alton '' Pink asters, 'Girls' Clothing -dress & bloom- Mrs Lockhart,' Mrs: Solomon. iers, ' 'Mrs. Salkeld. Dress, M!rs. Blue asters, Mrs Lockhart. Col ,Salkeld, Mrs. 'Evan Keith.' Sun- lection:. asters, Mrs Lockhart, Mrs: : mess, Mrs. Bryce:Solomon, Dahlia,: Mrs. Steward: • Infants' Wear dress,.,Mrs Collection dahlias,: Mrs. Steward: Iof�fsted,. Mrs. 'Salkeld. Ro pers, Collection gladioli, Mrs. Solomon, Mrs. ,Bryce.' Jacket 'and bonnett,, •SC. Rathwell, Red gladioli, Mrs. . Mrs. Bryce. • . .• Solprin.on,,, Mr. Bothwell., White Remodehed :Clothes—skirt; Mrs. gladioli,' Mrs. Solomon. Yellow Bryce: Girls' dress from woman's gladioli Mrs. Solomon African dress, Mrs. •Br ce. Boy's trousers; marigold,; Mrs: Lockhart, Mrs B. from man's trousers, Mrs:,Gordon Alton. French / . marigold;, Mr. .Kirkland. ` •- Rothwell, Mrs. Lockhart.' Snap- Linen — ' Table' cloth :Mrs... ,dragon, Mr. fRathwell, , Mrs. Stew- ' ;-' Bryce:': Luncheon ; ',Cloth, Mrs.. ars.'' Zinnias, Mrs. Lockhart, Mrs. Bryce. Buffet set, Mrs. Bryce; ,Solomon. Collection other variet,. Mrs. G. Alton.'. Doilies,. :Mrs.; • ies;:Mrs. Lockhart, Mrs. Solomon. •Bryce, Mrs. • .Salkeld. Fancy • Pii- • Annuals, • Mrs: Lockhart. Roses,. low case a and sheet, Mrs: Bryce:' Mrs: Solomon: Table bouquet, White •enibroiddered ' pillow case, Mrs: Steward, Mrs. Lockhart. • Mrs.' Bryce; Mrs. • Keith. Colored Caluridula, Mrs. Lockhart, 'Mr. .embroidered, pillow case;: Mrs, Bothwell. Gladioli, best .spike,:_ Bryce, Mrs. Keith. Coss stitch, Mrs. Solomon,' Mrs. Laois,' S. ,C. . Mrs. ' Bryce, Mrs. MacKenzie. Rothwell. 10 spikes; Mrs. Solo-, Table.. runner, Mrs: 'Bryce, Mrs:; mon... Prenni.als : -Mr-s. •_Lockhart Keith Shopping bag,. Mrs, Bryce. Living room bouquet,Mrs. Stew- Lace trim pillow case, Mrs. Sal- ard, Mrs. Lockhart • keld Mrs. • Bryce: Guest towels, Pot plants tuberous begonia, • Mrs. Bryce;' Mrs: Salkeld. Bridge` Mrs. Solomon, Mrs. Hoffsted.' set, •Mrs: Bryce, ' Mrs. : Alton: Other begonia, R: G. Martin. Needle ,point, ;Mrs. Bryce, Mrs. l± er'n, Mrs. Solomon; .Mrs. Stew - MacKenzie: Chesterfield • set, Mrs. Ord. . Geraniums,. Mrs; Steward. McCharles. Tatting, Mrs. Bryce. House plant, Mrs. Lockhart. C;ac- Tea cosy, Mrs: MacKenzie, Mrs. tus, Mrs. Solomon, Mrs. Lockhart: Bryce.uncheon set, Mrs. Bryce, SCHOOL. CHILDREN Mrs. Charles. Buffet set; Mrs. Grain — Quart wheat, Barry Bryce, ,Mrs. Salkeld. After meal Menary, , Joanne Hunter,, 'Bobby cloth, Mrs.'" Bryce, Mrs, 1VIcK' en Hunter, r. QuartOats, Betty Alton, zie • Marjorie Alton, George Collin- Qults-•=eotton��qult.xMrsB.ao. .Quart barleyr LourieAnd.: Roach, Mrs, Maticenzie. Pieced & rew. Field corn, Mary Alton, applique quilt, Mrs. Keith, Mrs, Marjorie . Alton, • Bab' Harris'. ,Bryce,: Mrs, MacKenzie., Fancy"•Sweet. corn, Lou ise Andrew, Mar'- quilting, 'Mrs. MacKenzie, Mrs. leve Hunter, Bates1V.nary. Sun- Steward. Pieced, Andrew, .. ' . woollen', Mrs. flower, Louise Andr ' Bryce, Mrs. 'McCharles.. ,Comfort- Vegetables—Beets, Bob Harris' er, 'Mrs. Steward x Kenneth Kirkland, Donald Kirk' Bed spreads crocheted,'Mrs, land. ' Carrots,` Joanne ' klttnter, MacKenzie, Mrs. McCharles, Any Louise Andrew, Bob, Harris. Ori-' , . other, Mrs. H. Wilkins, Mrs. Mc- ions, Barry gentry, Donald Kirk- Charles, Crocheted afghan; Mrs, land,.. Marlene Hunter. Parsnips, .MacKenzie. Donald Kirkland, Barry Menary, Lau'ise Andrew. Potatoes,. Donald Kirkland, • Louise Andrew, 'Joanne Hunter. .Cabbage, Betty Alton, Marjory Alton,Kathleen Fisher: Pie pumpkin; Barry Menary, Kenneth Kirkland,' Onne "Dejong.. Field puinpkiri, .Jack Kennedy; Trudy`` Dejong, 21rd and • 3rd. Squash, Orin, Dejong, Mary Al tno, Louise Andrew. Turnips, Louise Andrew; Joanne Hunter; Miang_olds, Louise Andrew Dor- othy. Alton Cucumbers; Marlene Mutter, Ernie Magoflfin, • Louise. Andrew Fruit — Spy, Tommy Andrew, Donna Woods;. Bobby . Andrew. Talxnan Sweet, Donna Woods,' Bobby Andrew, .Tommy Andrew. Fall apples, Donna Woods, Bobby and., Tommy Andrew. Winter pies, .Donna ' Woods; Bobby and .Tammy Andrew. Plums, Donna Woods, Joanne Hunter, Bob • Har- ris. 'Tomatoes; Barry'Menary, Jo- anne 'Hunter, Louise Andrew. Show, • Donna . Woods, .Tommy & Bobby Andrew: McIntosh, ,Donna Wood, Tomrny and . Bobby Ain drew: Pears, Donna Woods, Mar leve 'Hunter, Louise Andrew. . Domestic science -apron, Mar- lene Hunter,' Glen ' Campbell, Po- Anne Hunter. Clothes pin , bag; . Jo- anne ,Hunter;:Henry McKenzie,. Glen CoMpbell..Fancy article of wood, Louise Andrew, Bobby Hunter ' article of wood, Joanne . Hunter, Boblby. . Hunter, uise • Andrew: Flowers' — Asters, Marjory Al- ton; . Louise Andrew,. Betty Alton. Petunia, Paul' Eniberlin, Marlene Hunter, Ernie ;Magoffin`..Zmn a Margaret. McMillan, Louise An- drew: Phlox, •. Paul Ernberlin. 'Cosmos, Donald Kirkland, Ernie. 1VMagoffixi,' Margaret .McMillan: Dahlia, Wm, McMillan, John Me - Charles, Bobby Hunter. Annuals, . collection,. Pahl Emberlin,''Louise Andrew, Joanne . Hunter. Peren- nial collection, Louise Andrew, Joanne Hunter, Paul' Em'berlin. .Marigold;' •Paul Emberli'o,, Doro- thy Alton, Louise Andrew: Nas- turtium, Louise Andrew. . Snap- dragon; Paul Ernlberlin, Louise Ar drew and •Marlene • Httnter. Gladioli; • Louise : Andrew, Table* bouquet,; Louise Andrew, Donald.. Kirkland, Jbanne :Hunter: Poultry -•,—Barred Rock, cockerel and, pullet, Dorothy Alton, Mary Alton. .Pen of 'utility' fowl, D.' r Kirkland, B d, Menary, xV1. Alton, J MrcCharl, . Goslings, 'B. Harris. Pekin d&tck , D. Kirkland, M. Al- ton. Other ducks', B. Menary, E. Magoiffin; D 'Alton;. 1VI: ` Alton: BBaantams, J. Coultes,, 1. Campbell D. Alton, D. „ irkland. Pigeons,' D. Kirkland, D. Dickie, J, Wil - ion, 1..Campbell, Wil-son,1..Campibell, Rabbits, J. Coul- test'• R. New!inan,• • Livestock -,•- Calves, C. McNeil, B. Kennedy, J,•Kennedy, K, Kirk- land, D, Kirkland, G. Powell; Bob Harris, Lamlbs, Barry YVIcQu.illin. Market hog) B. uillir , Terry Wilson . Harris, ' Best 1952 calf, Crawford McNeil: NTARIO I fir° WEDNESDAY, OPTOBER: 1, 1952 Your •. OUR LISTING '(X'RRECT' If you wish to arrange for additional listings in the alphabetical section, or to make any last- minute changes in your present listings, please :calf. • your Telephone Business Office today. THE BELL '.TELEPHONE: "COMPANY OF .CANADA SOU LLHI .WDIEMIfB 5*111 FINISH Dry in an hour for rehanging pictures and drapes. No Messy Cleanup — your hands, brush, or roller - coater all come clean with water. Scrubs Clean Again and Again — without harming its lovely satin finish. Easy "Glide on"Application —goes on as easily as stroking a wall with a dry brush JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED PHONE 150 LUCKNOW, ONT •.�snii�io+wii���d�o�u�iw�si>ua`ifsai�le.+tr(o�rifwoosoierr. • GET READY FOR WINTER ` . with CHEER [eating quipment Forced Air I•Ieatnt - Oil •Borne"rs s ' Floor Furnaces Cook Stoves ' Space Heaters AUTOMATIC • HOT WATER TANKS Complete Line. Of Repairs For • DEEP AND . ,SHALLOW. 'WELL , PUMPS '.4 For Beating and Plumbing Sales' and Servicer See rt Glintore Pl oide 61-r-13; Dungannon. 3, Lucknow, Ont: • .10146