The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-10-01, Page 5WEDNESDAY, ()CYO= IL, DMTri; LtR KNOW &EN' 'INET,,, L OW, ONTARIO. PAGE FIVE; * .OREES Heavy , and, Light. Draft; • Three-year old,' Bruce ,Miller, Paisley; Stewart Brooks,, .Ripley;; Fred McQuillin. Heavy draft span, Miler, Jas. Forster 14ht: draft ' span, r Miller, Brooks,; 1VIeQuillin, wagon and General Purpose Three-year old, Elmo Pritch- ard. Spun,. Percherons arid ,Bel, gians, •Pritchard;. • Jac k Lindsay, Ripley,. Span, Wagon and general purpose, Russ McKa.gue, Belmore, Eldon Renwick, Clifford. Light Horses ' Hackney .15-2 and over, Me- Kague, Norman, Lambertu"s, Walk- erten, Heaney/ under 1.5 hanils$ McKa:gue, La7nbertua. Roadster, 15-2 and over; Wm. McDougall, Walkerton. Roadster, 15-2 and un - . der, McDougall; Russell Brooks, 'Ripley. Carriage team,. McKague, •.Lambert*. • Roadster .. team, .11/1e- --'13ougall. .Hackney.4ande :Lam- bertus,. lst and 2nd. Gentleman's turnout, Larnlbertus, . MeKagu'e .&. McDougall. Lady driver, .Lanz- bertus, iMcKaigue. Ponies . Breed :Mare; Geo Alton. Foal, Alton. Single pony,. Lainbertus, 1st and .2nd. Pony .in saddle, Al- ton. Team, Lambert*.:. ' Specials Female, Miller, 1st and 2nd, McKague. Gelding, Elmo Pritch- ard 1st'.and 2nd,/McKague. Foal, Geo: : Alton. } Best mare, 'Miller.. 4-. horse tandem, Miller,' McQuillin and Pritchard: ' Best: groomed horse, Pritchard; •Miller. CATTLE Sl orbhprns - • Andrew • Gaunt won all, prizes. Only herd. Polled Ang is�F. G.' Todd. and Son won :all prizes, : only herd. • Herefords-- Bull, 2 years, Alex- ander: Bros ,•,,:,Pinkerton. Allan Petrie, Dungannon; ` Jim Coultes, Belgrave: Bull, 1 year, ' Alexan- 'der, George Kennedy, Coultes. Sr. bull calf, .•.Kennedy,; Alexander, Kennedy. Jr. bull calf, Kennedy, • Al'exand'er;:;*•'`Gou1tes4e"Cow, Ken- nedy, Coultes,. Petrie. 2-Year=old heifer, • Alexander,. Coultes, Ken- : .Hedy. Year old heifer (8 entries); • Coultes, 'Alexander 2nd & 3rd. Sr.: heifer calf, Alexander,. Kennedy, Coultes: Jr.. heifer calf, Coultes Alexander, • Kenndy. 'Female; Ken- nedy, Coutes., .Sr.: herd, Kexihdy, Petrie. Jr. herd, Goultes,'Alexan- • der; Kennedy. Bu11, 'Alexander. °. Get of sire, coultes, Petrie,. Alex- ander: • Grade cattle-eow, BlakeAlton. Two-year-old heifer, Alton. Year, - 'old heifer, Alton. Heifer calf; Gordon Kirkland, Alton. Year- old -steer, Alton. Steer calf, .craw- ford . McNeil, r 'Kirkland, Alton. Block animal, McNeil, Alton. Specials: charrirpion female, F. __ G..Todd,!Gaunt,-Kennedy.. Charrm : pion bull,' Tadd:, Alexander, Tadd. Fat steer, McNeil, Gaunt, .Alin Todd Jr .•• herd, Todd, • Coultes,, ;Gaunt.. Steer . or . heifer, boy ',or girl under .15, Todd, McNeil, Al- ton, Kennedy, McNeil. Best beef calf •Gaunt. Halter broken calf; •McNeil. Beef herd; Todd. SiIEEP • Leicester—aged ram, aged ewe, ewe larrib, Fred MeQuillin. Other pure bred ewe lambb; McQuillin,' • • Class 18—.. raan,, Fake, three mar- ket lambs,. hest pen,. McQuillin. • SWINE; • Boar; over 2 years, Arnold Al- ton. Boar under 1 year, Alton, R. G, Martin & 'Son. Senior cham- pign boar, R. Beak. Jr. 'cham- pion boar, Alton. Grand champion .boar, Boak.. Sow, el- Feb, 1951., Alton: Sow year old,.; Boak. Sow, • under •1 year, Alton. Sow, after March 1952; Martin. Senior champion •sew,, , Boak; Jr'. • sham ion sow, Martin. Grand champion sow,. •Soak. Senior herd; Boak. Jr. herd, Martin. Boar, before. ,Aug- ust 1951, Beek.. Beak.. • POULTRY • Rouen drake, Gordon Kirkland. Pekin duck, Kirkland. Turkey gdbbler & hen, G: Alton. Camden goose and igiander Blake • Alton. Chicke.ns: of 1952—Rock, cock- erel, George Kennedy. .Rack, pul- , ennetly;' 1st acrd grid: -Few Ilarnpshire, ; •cockerel,..Kennedy. New Hampshire, pullet, Kennedy, 1st • and 2nd. Utility Barred' Rock, Kennedy. • Utility ,Leghorn,,• pul- let, Kennedy, lst and. 2nd. Best cockerel and pullet, Kennedy, 'O. McCharles.. .Rhode Island Red, cockerel, Blake Alton, George A1- ton, ,Kennedy. Rhode 'Island Red; pullet,- :Blake Alton, George Al- ton, . Kennedy. Pigeons, : Jim Wil- son. Domestic•, pet,: Mary Alton. GRAIN Fall `,wheat;. J. Hunter, 'W. Mil- ler: • Peas; Blake : Alton.. -Timothy B. Alton., Alfalfa, B... Alton.. Field corn, Mrs. Fisher, Martin. Weed seed ,collection, ,Mary Alton. ROOTS &' VEGETABLES, Two variety ' potatoes, Lachie McKay.. Early potatoes, S.' Rath- well, ath. well, McKay.: Late potatoes, Mrs Steward, Ra`tl�well Mangers, Me - Kay. Purnpkins, R...' G. Martin Mrs. G Loc. khart. ':Cabbages, Mrs G. Fisher, .MeKay. Squash, Mar- tin; Mrs: '0: McCharles: Largest squash., . Kirkland, Martina Larg- est pumpkin, Mrs. ' G. Kennedy Martin. Largest cucumbers; Mrs H.:Lav'is, Mrs. O. McCharles. Par- snips, Mrs.. Fisher, Kirkland, Car- rots, Kirkland, Mrs. Fisher. Beets Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. •Lockhart. Tom- atoes, • Kirkland; Mrs: Cliff` Ged- des. Gold n• bantam. corn, Mrs Fisher. Other' corn, Herb' Wilk. his,' Martin.. Celery,. Mrs: Ken ,nedy' ' `:. Cauliflower, Mrs. Fisher McKay.. White beans; Mrs. Lock- hart,' McKay: Other beans, Mrs Lockhart, McKay,, Dutch . sets Kirkland, Mrs. Lockhart. Peta�tb •onions, Mrs.:Steward, ,B. Alton; Yellow. onions, •Rothwell, Mrs Fisher.' Three vegetables; :Mrs Lockhart; McKay. Collection, Mrs: Lockhart, • • McKay. Sheaf • hay, Kirkland, B. Alton. • • • Kairshea prize • garden collec- Kintail fieri-•-----lst; Kairshea� "VW. --I; -2nd . W.I.; 3rd, Holyrood W.I. 4th, Ripley W.I. • • • .. • •DAIRY & .TABLE SUPPLIES Magic Baking.Powder Special Mrs. Bryce,. Mrs. Bill Button. Ste- wart's Decorating Store' `special Mrs. George Alton, Mrs. M. Bush- ell: • White bread, Mrs.. 0. Mc - Charles; Mrs. IL. Lams:• Whole wheat bread, Mrs. Cliff Geddes Mrs; MdCharleas, Rolls, Mrs. Ged- des. Buns, Mrs: McCharles, Mrs Geddes. Fancy -buns, Mrs. Levis, Mrs. Geddes Fruit loaf, Mrs;, Ged- des, Mrs, McCharles. Tea biscuits Mrs; Bryce, Mrs. . McCharles. Scones, Mrs: Bryce,; Mrs. Mac Charles. Muffins, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. McCharles, Iee box cookies, Mrs; Levis, Mrs. Steward, Oat- meal cookies, Mrs.Geddes, Mrs. Bryce. Ginger, cookies, Mrs. Ged- des, Mrs. Henry MaeKen2ie. Drop. cookies, Mrs ' Geddes, i s. Stew-. ard. ' Shortbread= Mrs..Geddes; Mrs: Ira Dickie. Macaroons,"lylrs. Geddes, Mrs. Steward Dough - :tints,. Mrs.', Fisher. Johnny cake, Mrs.. Bushell Orange cake, Mrs. Bill , Scott, Mrs; Geddes. • Cruni'b Cake; Mrs ' -McKenzie 'Ginger bread, Mrs. Geddes, Mrs. ' Bush- ell. Sponge cake; Mrs. MCC'harles, Angel cake, Mrs. Geddes, Mrs. *Charles. ' Chocolate : cake, Mrs. Bushell, .Mrs. Geddes. White cake, Mrs. Geddes; Mrs. McChiar1'es,, -:1e11y rolt; Mrs.- .-Geddes • Dar . fruit, cake, Mrs. .McKenzie, Mrs. Geddes. Butter tarts,' Mrs: Scott, Mrs. Alton: Jain tarts, Mrs, Ged- des; Mrs; Kennedy. , Apple pie, Mrs.. McCharles,, Mrs. Steward'. Pumpkin, Geddes, Mrs. Scott.; Raisin pie, • Mrs. McCharles, Roach. Meat pie, Mrs.' Geddes. Lemon pie, • Mrs.. Geddes, Mrs. Steward. Fancy dessert,'Mrs. .Geddes,' Mrs. McCharles. . Cup cakes, " Mrs.; • Geddes, " Mrs 'Ken- nedy. Ken-nedy. Working, man's lunch, MtS. McCharles: School' lunch,: . Mrs., Dickie,. Mrs. 1VicCharles, Work -s' ing: man's dinner, Mrs.'Geddes; Mrs. Bushel ; Mrs Fisher. After - neon tea, Mrs. 'Geddes, 2nd •(•no entry . number) .. Best. dressed chicken, :Mrs, 'MeCheries, Mrs.. B. Alton,. Mss. Fisher: ."Domestic - shortening. pies, Mrs.: Bryce, Mrs: • .Scott, Mrs Kennedy: Doniestic• shortening' cakes,, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Geddes,, Mx's; �'VicCharles..: Dairy butter' prints and'roll, Mrs. . henry McKenzie. Crock dairy butter; Mrs: 1VlciOharles SALADS & SUPPER. DISHES;,` ' Vegetable salad; Mrs. Geddes, Mrs. •;Steward:Jellied' meat, Mrs. Steward; . Mrs • Geddes. .Salmon loaf, •'Mrs, 'Fisher, .• Mrs, Scott. Cheese` dish, Mrs..Levis. Salad dressinng, Mrs..•Scott, Mrs, Dickie. Vegetable soup, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. • Steward. Hard • soap, Mrs: Laois; _ Mrs. -McKenzie. Baked `beans, Mrs. • Fisher: ;Apples, `4 ways, :Mrs: ' Steward. Potatoes, 4 ways, Mrs Steviiard. Tomatoes, 3 ways, .Mrs. Geddes, Mrs. McKenzie. - Canned: and 'Preserved .'Goods Pineapple, Mrs Geddes, Mrs: MacKenzie. :Strawberries, • Mrs: Scott, Mrs.. Geddes.' Raspberries,, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Scott. ' Peaches, Mrs. Steward, • Mrs. Lockhart.. Pears,- Mrs. Geddes, Mrs.. Stew- ,ard. Cherries, Mrs. • Lockhart,, :Mrs,- Geddes. Plums Mrs:: Lock hart; Mrs. Steward.'Rhubarb, Mrs. Lockhart, Mrs. ' Steward. String:. •beans, Mrs. Fisher, .Mrs:, Geddes. Tomatoes, Mrs. Lockhart, Mrs: Roach.' , Tomato juice, Mrs..' Mc- Kenzie, Mrs. Dickie. Corn, Mrs.. Scott, Mrs. Levis. :Apple juice, Mrs.. Steward; • Mrs. McKenzie.' Gooseberry jam, Mrs., Levis, Mrs. IL . Wilkins: ,Strawberry, Mrs. Mc - Charles; Mrs... Geddes, Raspberry,. Mrs. 'Wilkins, . Mrs.. McCharles. Black ,currant,.,1VIrs:' McCharles, Mrs. Fisher. Rhubarb conserve, Mrs. Lockhart, . :Mrs. Solomon. Peach conserve,- Mrs. :Fisher,: Mrs, Lockharti. Apple jelly, Mrs."Roach, Mrs. Geddes, Black • currant 'jelly, Mrs. McCharles. •.Orange Marina lade,; Mrs. Bushell, Mrs. • Fisher. Pickled onions; .Mrs Steward, Cucumbers, 9;-day,Mrs. Steward, Mrs.. Solomon. . Mustard "pickle, Mrs. Dickie. Bread -and, ::butter, Mrs. Lockhart, Mrs. Steward. Pickled peaches, Mrs. Lockhart. Pears, 'Mrs. Lockhart. Ripe cu cumber, Mi's. Fisher, Mrs. Lock- hart: Catsup, Mrs. Geddes, Mrs. Lockhart. Chili `sauce, Mrs. Ged- des- -:Mrs • Solotrion,..--Beets; °MMrs: Geddes, Mrs. Steward. Tomato butter; Mrs. ,Fisher; Mrs: .:Stew- ard. A .BULL • ON. YOUR FARM? BREEDING STOCKi A TEAM OF HORSES? FIL hashelped'to finance thousands of Canadian farmers in hch purchases. See your B of"M 'manager about. a Farm , Improveinent ,Loan soon It may mean.extra profit for you this year - and many more, • MY EANK. A N11(10 COMM BANK OE' MONTRIAL • FRUIT Alexanders, Lorne Woods. Ben Davies', Wallaee Cul- verts, *bads, • Claytiga Red Streaks, Woodi, G. Martin. WORILNG WITit CANADIANS IN, EVERY 'WALK OFE:$INCE nuchess, Woods, 131ake Alton. TaIrrian Sweets, .1, .Saikeld, Woods. Crarvberry `Pippins;; Keith, Woods., -Gr+avensteins,, Woods, Keith. Wealthy, Salkeld, Woods. Canada Red, Miller, Woods. King of Tompkins County, Woods, Sal- keld, Peewaawwkie,' Wood's, Martin.. Mann, . Keith, Woods. Wolf River, Woods, . Keith. ,King • Pippin, Woods.. Blenhiem Pippin, Martin, . Woods. Rilbton Pippin, Keith, Woods.. Onitario,; • Woods. Greenings, • Keith. Delicious,. Woods, , Keith. Russet, 1Vliller, Keith. Snow, WoodsKeith. Spy,. a • Salkeld, Woods. Wagners, Wood's,. Miller. McIntosh, Woods, Miller., Other Fall variety, : Woods, Sale held Other Winter variety, Woods, Keith. Three Fall .>'variet ies, .Salkeld, Woods. 4 winter var- ieties, Woods Miller. Collection, •Miller, Woods. Crabapples, Mil- ler, Woods. Fall pears, Keith Woods. Winter pears, Woods, Sal- keld. Peaches, Keith. Blue. plums, Woods, Miller. Red', plums„ Woods, . Miller. Yellow • plums, (Continued' on page 6) • rn 70 • frkilt z 70 rro • rn .73 >> (:)=4 '72.. ;: 70_, c ___, . 0 to 70,.,4 14n r _4_4 ,iv en CI rn rn u3 z 14 toC rro • t. • • al rn c:2 F-2 Cn • ent .0 14, •