The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-09-10, Page 8• • • ' .• • la , • r PGE MGM' 90 ,• "1",4"141211.7 ..":q111911114WrMilmMili 4a • 1 LUCKIKOW SENTINE-tff LUCKNOW, OFTARIO' • N.g....514.4,71 SET, „ 10th; 190 .174#Work (1.0:thtt th•ft • , •Hat(.Weal • • ••\• •• • • • • 1: „ • ••• • ' • • OVERALLS • MOON SHIRTS. WORK PAWS' ' • • 10110T,NE WORNINg MAN • . • „.• Haugh'e!'llig. 88" Overalls. are • . premium grad, .Overalls coat. • . bining Haugh's Sanforized Gold • Label 'cloth 'a4, finest workman- shiP . . . Extra full cut for more comfortable fit, with the -"Tug -of- • War" crotch and heavy diamond \\ Mar tacks at all points of strain for longer wear. Your best overall • \ boy, because Haegh's "Big 88" are better I , • ' • • .• • 1 • • . • • LADIES' AND, MEN'S ,,WEAR . :•\ • • 'WE ARE , PLEASED TO. ANNOUNCE THAT ROBERT ARMSTRONG, of LueknOW. has • been • appointed • •• 01111 • REPRESENTATIVE IN LUCKNOW AND SURROUNDING TER,RITORY , . • • :and is •qualified in every way to take etre of •. all your sewing difficulties. , Contact Air. Armstrong in Lucknow at Phone 198, or _ YOUR SINGER SEWING CENTRE Box 306 HANOVER, ONT. Phone 403 • • ' • . • , TIIE SEIITINEL (Continned from page I.) THAI' Saturday afterno4n. mat- inees will te resumed this week sat The Playhouse conuneileing at 2..15 p.m. Coming to The Playhouse the first of the week s.. picture .”The Harlem Globe Trotters", featuring •a • fathoms basketball' • team of which Hughle Hall's. brother is a member. THAT kis.' W. J. Douglas held • a tea on • Tuesday. afternirn .at• rvvbich Miss Dorothy Douglas, home on furlough from Tam • Formosa, was guest of THAT Mr, and °Mrs..,Tack Mao; Donald have 'movedto their .new home, son 'Havelock St. , South. W understand that Mr.( and Mrs. Fred Anderson will • move • .to the residence ,which they .vacated. THAT last week we received 'a one -shilling note "from Archi- bald Macdonald of Tarskvaig, Scotland, requesting a coPy, of The Sentinel • of July 30th,. • which We presume was wanted •_because it. carried - an %account • of the deatli of Donald' Mac- Donald, local mail cotirier.. We Wig' to,aulloane that we have }sold Our produce business to the Lucknow DistrictCo-operative Inc. EFFECTIVE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th We have discontinued buying eggs but all ontstand,- ing egg tickets Will be paid at the store until Saturday of this week. We take this opportunity of thanking our patrons 'and friends for their patronage and the pleasant • business relations we have enjoyed while operating this business. V. THATrecent viisitors with Clar- ence MacDonald .of GoderiCh and formerly o Luekpow, Were two World. War. I buddies tor Bail of .Fernie, 13.C, and • Harry Fawcett of Sarnia: The three hadn't been together. since demobilizatiOn .in 1919. • (THAT George Harris, son of. Mr. , . -o---: • . ' and . Mrs. ,,•Everett Harris of • THAT Mr. and Mrs. Ekner Wall( Godeich, is a student at Strat- Teeswater, celebrated their 15th •____ -0-- (nee, Daisy Ritchie) of near , ford Normal School this term. wedding anniversary, recently, THAT Jack England dug up a marking the event by holding hill of late' potatoes last week, ,a family supper. During the thtinetted a .half dozen spuds evening -Mr, and Mrs. Wall .four of which- combined to tip were presented with .a set ,of 'the scales at 41/2 ' lbs. i• cstaI —0— . , . ••0- . • • THAT Mis.s1Viarie Campbell; dau- THAT aeleording to an item in . ghter of Mr. and ' Mrs. ,Gln the old timecolumn' of the, • Cambell Of Belfast, is teach- ' Acivantce-'111mes it is 25., years 1,.. ing school at SS., No, 10, since,A. 4.. (Andy) Smith left I Eugenia. Marie attended Grade Vtringpain. to.,assume the busi- ness ma.nagemerat of the Orange. Sentinel. He haii been publisher a the Advanee-Times for -I2- •• • . . THAT Miss Winnie MacDonald of Kincardine was a.$500 bingo winner. at Kincardine recently. At Goderieh last week Mrs. !Blake .Al.ton of •Ilelfa'st won' la $75. • '1 14 j. ••••••••., XII of Lucknoir High School last term,, and took a teacher's short course during the sum- - --men A - ,THAT Steve Cartlegie, who re- cently moved to Walkerton'had his picture in the Owen Sound reghldciliugat in big Mea.a.lake. ford Bay. Steve's fish weighed • .12 lbs., 2 oz. and cp4lified for second • Owe in the • current • meaord risk Derby. or Septesitb r THAT AuanMaclntyre left week on the harvest last excursion for Rivercourse Alta where he For Breakfast' II' Baker's Cocoa; lb. tin 69c; y21b...39c Rose Brand . MARGARINE 3 for 95c KRAFT DINNER SHREDDED WHEAT• : . • FACTORY CHEESE • 2, for 29c, 2 for 33C.. lb. 45c. ROYAL GUEST'10b F4F9EcE. Ib. 93c 3/2 . _ Good Value - Sani "White TOILE.T.TISSIJE - 2 rolls 25c • RED ROSE TEA 1/ lb 42c 2 • . Will asSist his uncle .and • aunt, . Mrs, L. G.;Moffat, With --0—,..,,I LIMIT: 8 SPOONS' TOA 'CUSTOMER • *Trade sPneldaz Ltd: their harvesting. THAT G • ienced quite a thrill a. few . eOrge Iluraphrey exper-. • . ,. • CLARK'S. PORI( And BEANS a • 1-5-ozAin .2 -for -25c • 20 Oz. tin 2 for 31c Jeweller, Phone. 161-wi Luckily!' . • , days ago ,when he pulled a 2 two -foot pike out of ,the.streint. • on, the MacMillan Bros. .larm •• across .the road from his home., • -The -ifitlf-ti-there • • over 41/2 pounds. George is the NI 9-yearrolct son of Mr. and Mrs. •.Wm. G. Humphrey,' NvhOse par- : exits were as surprited as Geo: • [1:7 the prize catch. • • • RINSO, large2•Itor 59c IS • • MAPLE.LEAF SOAP 92c • FRUIT:AND VEGETABLES Golden Yellow California SUNKIST • BANANNAS LEMONS '• GRAPEFRUIT Lb. 19e, 300!s 6 f9r=-_M . 126's-6 for 29e, 288's -28e doz. LE'I'TILICE CELERY CARROTS' -CABBAGE • ONIONS t. A" 4 •••,' . 4,. • • .•••,' • • , • , r ' •,'" P 4,1 ;••14. '!•7' 7,7!* • • , 41. • ,14 t • " `• •U••, • • ' • ' „ r • . ' • , . SUNKIST , ORANGES .• • -2.52'S-35c doz. •• • "• WE DELIVER 9. • I*.e• " • 4. .6 r.0 • a * • • *Ite ,r • 4, . 1, a..„ •r• 4R • i . * • ai ' . 5. •. , • . •GoLDEST WEDDINGg, (Continueft.from page 1), gift' from ,Mre and Mrs, Dave Crompton of Wingham. Yellow' and white candleS imicrystaj hold- erS completed the arrangement: • Mrs, R. Finlayson, Mrs. C. Ag - 10 new, 1VIrs.. a Fisher, Mrs. R. Mac - •as• • a Kenzie; Mrs--.L-Flannigan, MTS. III 0 ale/1n assisted in serving the guests. - . • • Music for dancing was,providl • ed' Mr, and Mrs: G.. Farrier • of sa Whiteehurch alo Mr. nd Mrs Walter Janes 9f *IN/lite- KIST DRY GINGER ALE church and Hlarold.Lannas,;.• --slkoIrTz-i---nd-'''Mrs. received -r, tiphy. Ipeaustifu). •giftq' and their many. friends extend best wishes for many More years ofilireckled bappinesi.• • • The folks of S.S: Iklo: 14 gath- ered on Monday evening at 'the Inglis home in honor Of their golden wedding' anniversary., All • enjoyed an evening of euchre., Mrs. Donald MartM and Mr.las, Martin ,held high point t and Mr. .4, and Mrs Chas. Martin held low ipoints. ••After lunch-was--serVed, • Mrs. .)'. D.' Beecroft read an dress' and Mrs. R.' Thompson. presented- them with 'a card table as a remembrance from the See - tion: Mr. and 1VIrS. Inglis thanked Thand all Sing "For they are jolly good fellows"'. .• The social, • hour was spent in singing .nd: /4,74,74 1 TERRY TOWELLING Ltnbleached 'terry good.'quality. , • 16" -Wide 594 id: • 10" wide — 69c id.. SPECIAL i• •';• FLANELETTEL-white and plain •colors; 36" wide. 'Regular 59c yd. Special. Price,-. yd.. 43c. •1 , iAVEiETT.E-=Avhit'e Only,• .• 27" "vide • SPeCitti. Price, yal' 39c • TERRYTOWELS Colored Terry ToWeiSr- second qualitY. size-4egular 79c, for 56e , . . • • •'Mediiiin Site -reg. $1.29, for 19C Large Bath Sizereg. 1.59, for 011e BOYS' WEAR • LONG' SLEEVED JERSEYS Good quality in wide stripes, • LO14G SLEEVED SWEATERS Wool mixturet.95: CHECKED DOESKIN SHIRTS Preshrunk, 6 to 14 Yrs.), $2.95. „ • • ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • • • 44 , • • •v ..v e • • I( d a