The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-09-10, Page 7• WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 19414 1952. • Letters.:To The Editor .� Dear .Rosemary Thyme., Well here T am "Larne from the old Tea ' Kettle" whofirst wrote close on 4o four ..,years sago to the Editor of The 'Sentinel ask- ing help to rid my tea .kettle of *lime. A nuMber of "answersw'ere given; ;bunone 'had worked =not • even' the'hammer which :chipped the enamel badly. So; 1. purchased a new kettle and used. soft water in the old one,'. and, surprising enough the:soft water hras helped, xemove the lime, • It's nearly •• too. late to extend an inimitation .,•t'o . you and yours, ,also theSSentinel Editor, to pick blueberries . this year ibut there are lots and 'lots of wild buckle- : ,berries and' cranberries to pick,; I. enjoy Your column very much. With a farriily of 6. chili-. renin ages from '1 to, 13 I. can use:: your recipes to help with 4: school lunches: I have made •a. recipe ` book :called, "Luckno* Sentinel's Rosemary Thyme" and, yum, yum, is your, date loaf 'ever. delicious, . Keep up the good ,work with your coltu n, although;. I've been silent' I' sure kiep an• eye oh your .Column 'every week °Lirne - From ;The Tea Kettle". EARLY 'RESIDENT ' PASSES An `item. ' which we missed at • :holiday . tirn.e was the death of: Mrs, Elizaibeth .Bnumptori, . age 91 years, whose death : occurred .at • Resit Haven; Nursing. Home, at .St. 's Thomas. : u Her late husband, S. W. Britmp- ton Was a • merchrant `;in Lucknow N kt. some three . score years ago, .hav •e ing ,bought out the pioneer.' store t;. .of Malcolm Campbell. Mr. and' t Mrs, Brurnpton .moved to Port' II.' Stanley over 50 years ;ago. D. . •'.She is survived by one son,, ., • John L. ,L.ondon and 'port '':Stan_ Stan- ley Railway agent at . Port', Stan- '' ley,:::and fornierly of-S't ,-Thomas 'sand one sister, ;Mrs. John. And- rews of Provost; Alta. • THF' JUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. 711,479!°,7 :ter PAGE ;STEVEN • , WEDDING BELLS COOKS=--JOHNSTON 'Ashfield ' Presbyterian Church was' the setting in which mar- riage vows • were exchanged on Saturday,' August' 3Dth,' bj 'Edith • Johnston and Hector Cooke, ,both of Goderi'ch. The bride wore a street length dress'. of delphinium mesh. with .grey ,accessories and corsage of rubrum lilies and ste- phanotis„ Mrs. Duncan. MacDon- ald of . Flint, ,Who attended the bride, wore a .street length .dress of navy ,crepe with pink 'acces.- sories' arid:Corsage of Hildegarde roses. Mr. Duncan MacDonald wras best man; The couplewill. make their 'home in Ooderieh,' aimed .at .the, Dominion govern ment called' for the' allotment of a • sum of ,Meney for: an advertis ing campaign to' overcome the ex- isting surplus of beef by the pro-, motion of the food value of meat,. tending toward more home con sumpti.on. . A preliminary i four -man comi= mittee was set up at: Thursday: night's'meeting. They are, Ernest Ackert of Holyrood, :Andrew Mc Tavish ..of.. Paisley, .Wesle'y'' .Mat- hes- of Alleniford•and John Wolfe Of Ddbbintori. •A director from each township in :the, county will (be na led' later. .•, . BRUCE 'FATALITIES SET NEW RECORD "With a third of the year yet to go, ; we have :'already had More traffic fatalities :in Bruce County than : we .had • all, last year, even though 1951 established a . record for.; the, numiber of highway deaths".. , • This is the, report of Cpl John Craig of Walkerton who is in charge of the Provincial. Police in • the county. He announced an .'in- tensified drive •on violatorsof the Highway Traffic Act, , "Many • driviers do not seem to. , realize that ,the- possession of a driving 'license is not aright ibut rather, a privilege ' _- a right to drive right—which may be.' with- '-dn rr for any reason.: 'deerriEd- , sufficient". BEEF.,BREEDERS '.ORGANIZE n IN .BRUCE 'C'OUNTY Over. One hundred farmers. met 'in Paisley Thursday night, di's-, Cussed the beef . Situation,. and 'formed. a Bruce County Beef Pro ^ ducers' Association. In charge of the 'meeting ivas :David Ireland, president' of the_ Bruce• County l'ederation of 'Agriculture. The new body inimediately passed two' resolutions: One 'corn.-: Mended the Dominion govern, onent for a 'most 'effective clean - UP; -of P; -'of the foot:fond-mouth' disease outbreak in banarda" but urged' that since. emergency. conditions .still.ed.ist, the government "sup port a beef price to be maintain- ed :at. the 'ipreesnt level by the purchase, of sufficient heavy Beef to remove the , surplusuntil' the embargo is lifted". ,Another ,recorninendation. also . •`- __,_..:_�� ._� . rte.: KIS" S, o ^a DRY GINGER AL Q 1 SHOVIIER IIELD Mrs, Ivan Papernick of Goder ich held a miscellaneous shower' recently in honor of Miss` Made- line Bogie, •bride -elect, daughter of Mr- and ,Mrs. Ernest Bogie, Shepardton, The living room was' prettily decorated with pink glad- ioli and: streamers. A pink um- brella v itl . 'balloons suspended by° ribbon from each point show, ered the.' bride-to-be while she opened, her many useful and lovely gifts ' Miss Bogie thanked all those 'present for' their kind. wishes.- The •dining, table .rvras tastefully:. arranged 'with .:pink. snapdragons and candles. Mrs. Harvey Fuller aunt of the bride., poured tea .while the: hostess ser- ved' a sumptuous' lunch': Tea cup' reading added 'inch to the en- joyment of the evening.: Mrs. Papernick' was . formerly Jean Ritchie of'. Ashfield. STARTED ,AT SEAFORTH In last` week's issue we referred to ' Mr. J, R^ -,McNab as having 'started 4in the. produce business with the D.,.D. Wilson Co. of Dun:- ,giarnon. This ,Company •was locat- ed at ,Seaforth,_ although Mr: '11iic N. alb drove for . them :in this ,dis- 'tr'ct, and located in Dungannon vein he estaibilsbed .ls ,own pro- duce business. GOODBYE TO PUMPING ' DISSOLVES TREE `ROOTS ELIMINATES DIGGING ITS MODERN:...REVOL,U,TIONAR-Y ! No more expensive unhealthy pumping and digging .. up of cesspools, septic tanks,, seepage pogls, grease .' traps:and' clogged lines: • Here•'s the most 'reliable and aatest method to ..liquefy, dissolve and saponify. grease; sludge{ hair, cloth and othei:organic solids. ' This modern chemical guarantees quick and effi- cient results in .12 to 16 hours. NO SHUTDOWN of pool or tarnk'necessary while chemical is.working. 5, 10,' 15 25, 50; ond.100 Lft: CONTAINERS 'Reg,;' Canadian. Pat OR. Reg: U.S, Pot Of,,Pendinit .- • For fullinformation, cal GpOp FAeKtQQ, ^ GREASE SE SE 4.4411F' •1 FPAGE, POOLS S ,TREr Oboes IN CES ROois AND *Ix�NOo�S: TANKS 1 or ' write Y JAMES SALES' CI 60,9 William St., -'at C.P.R., Phone 2-6776 LONDON, ONTARIO • !TED • See our display in the JAMES -BUILT PRE FAB COTTAGE AT THE WESTERN FAIR. •5:.•E C U R I., • 1-1 As a member of aircrew, he's marked as a young man of unusual calibre. He's had months of intensive training on' the finest o _qu prnent. Re has developed -character, -and: the' chalice to go far in this expanding service offers him a bright future. The future accomplishments in the field of aviation can be counted on to outstrip its brillnt past. Here's the life that any boy -= or. any parent can Be proud of. There's: a blend of skill, adventure 'alnd service to your country that can't be beaten forsheer satisfaction. "Would you like to Ry With the R C.A.F.? Then ,get all the facts today! RE'QU.l0E.MENTS • " Age 17 to 24 years and unmarried 1 Jun�of Matriculation or better. 7-.4, UnI. r verity degree is an advantage. • .. a' t• • r ri : • Junior Matriculants ate:elible fo>r ci . bhori se-rviFe' commisaior*,i of six `pests iurat$on =- University gradualon for .a permanent pomniisslon :' k A selected number of personnel holding • short "service cpmniissionn .aro.. granted ^ perniaiteiit commissions on a coinpeti, five basis,, the reniai'nder receive is ROYAL' CANADIAN AIR: FORCE Director of Personnel. Manning, R G-4,:fi• Headquatlers PVtfaiwcii'. "" '' i 1' Pledse" mail to ,mei,, without obligation; full particulars ,regarding ma .. enrolment requireents ntioldenin gs now available in the R c.A Fy i • NAME (Pier! Piint)' C..../........1.-/.... YY . 1' r ' ' (S,,,,„urname) (GKnetlai+ Nit -4)4 STREET AL DEESS + . , :...^,...r,rr .. 5 • a eubstantialrgrattlity,, on the termination tt ,erti' ;.. ..,,.^., of their eu dg' a»sent.,^ ' 1' • pltdV A I CE 1 _1 ' ' EDUCATION 1'bY Br`Athe and proeince) .......^ ., .. Ali r wit i r r YY „.v YY_ n � cX1.1 a�s".2�irv,, .a • •