The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-09-10, Page 1.411 y rh to • Cr.' st ar Se ld • Yearly Advance—$1',00. Extra To USA, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, WED.I TESDAY, .SEPT, 10th, ,1.952 EIGHT PAGES; MARK GOLDEN WEDDINGS During the past week Mr. and Mrs., Joseph Whitby of Lucknow and • Mr. and ,Mrs. Thomas Inglis of West Wawanosh, celebrated their golden/ wedding anniver- 1.:sary, occasions that were fitting.. 1y marked.. • - . Whitby Anniversary 'The Whitby, family chose .Labor" ,Day ;week -end as a time .wheny they could a be' together .to. ,honor their. parents Fon the occasion of eir 50th anniiversary..whie wilt fall on October 18th. .Present at ,a family : gathering on Sunday were, Mr. and ' Mrs. Whitby's seven. Children, Fred; of Detroit, Edward of Windham; Mrs, Rose Knight. of London,.' Mrs. Evelyn Rouse: of Camp Borden, Sid, .George and. Russell of Luck- ro'w and other immediate mem- bers of the families including 14 grandchildren -A-- cia-lighter I y,-' died a number of years ago. ' Refreshments; were .served and a beautifully; decorated cake :*as cut by the bride and' 'groom m of 50 years ago, ''at which timea gift , of ;money was presented to Mr. ' and' Mrs. Whitby.• BothMrl': and Mrs. Whitby are � y 73` years of age..' Mr. Whitby was born at Hertsfor-tshire 'near Longi; don, England and. for 17 years did ' ,team.: driving in London,. where he ;met and married Mrs. Whitby, who•^ was formerly Emily' Shinn. She was born. in. Halifax While her parents were in .Can- ada, when; herfather' was. -posted here on military. duty. His :army career took the.:Shinn farnily''to many widely scatterect. place while Emily 'was "a .child. . •In °1914,: 'Joe 'Came to ,Canada` Anddirectly to Huron Township where he was • employed ,an the 'farm of D J tervwrart' Mrs. Whit by carne uuf Atli€, nekt year`; °arid in 1916 her husband enlisted .and returned overseas.He was .dis •charged in the spring of 1019 and returned to Lucknow: where they have •'since resided. For 18. years Joe was , caretaker ' of -the. public and high school, Jnglis Aunnivergary: Surrounded , by; `members. ''of` their : family and a host Of friends who called that evening; Mr, and: Mrs. " Inglis ' royally . celebrated' their golden wedding anniversary at their brut home, in' West Waa= wanosh on' Tuesday,,.September 2nd, Mr. and Mrs. Inglis were mar- ried at South Kinloss Manse .by Rv. Fin -al�y acennan. M Inglis was. formerly Jennie . Mac Kenzie, daughter of the late Mr: and Mrs. Alexander, MacKenzie of'Kinloss. She.; is 71.. Her hus- band, son.. of the late 1Vir. "'and Mrs.` John Inglis is :77, and both ere actively engaged in •the • duties" arising from farming 400• acres of,. land with the assistance. of their son Torn. Of a . family. of 'nine children, seven' sure` ve and were 'present for `::this :