The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-09-03, Page 3•
No ' Need To Discard; Your Favorite Clothes.
'Because of Fading.
NOW And Avoid The Rush.
Picked 'up and Delivered Every
Monday and Thursday.
experiences' as a teacher .for many
years at Timmins and Kirkland
Lake. A short program was given
including 'a piano dueib by Mrs.:
L.. S.tingel and :Mrs. Durnin:'Bhil-
lips, readings , by .,Mrs. Harvey
Mole, and 'Mrs. Chas. Fowler ..and
solos by 'Mrs. John 'Rivett •and
Marianne Trifunvoic,.'• community
songs :and a contest' to find the
grandmother with • the smallest
foot, Who . was Mrs.. Tilos .Park
with " size 41/2. Mrs. M., .Reed
thanked .Miss Rutherford .:for the
splendid address. . . • ,
• Mrs. • R. J...Durnin, secretary for
the -Upper nada. I5I . Society
in Dungannon, , and . district, has
received..a letter of recognition
from ,headquarters of •$132.27.
gathered; in thisdistrict and also'
coffered ;words of. a reciation t
the officers, collectors •and` donors--
onorswho helped to make, the canvass
a: success.
When it comes to •!buying per -
Anne, you really'pay •.+through the
nose. E
One reason a dog has so many
friends is that' lie wags his. tail •
.instead sof his tongue.' .
EDNEp ,''sEPI; 2952
ana. enera ..,.
- U ,
Mr.. Bob WeibstSr of Port :.Cred
visited his aunts -here last
Mr. W. S. 1VICLeodLis s nding
,is week with .relatives in De-
oit and WOo Istock. ,
Mrs. 'Watt of Hamilton is visit
g this week with Mr. and Mrs.
homes 'Anderson, Ross,, .St.
Mx. and Mrs. Melville Brown
Perth. are visiting".' ' with Mr,.
�d Mrs. T. A. Cameron.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cameron
id Barbara have .returnedfrom
holiday, in the Lindsay district..
Miss ` Catherine Gibson, ' who
�d' taught at:.. Kinlough .ler ,the
est four .years is. this term tea=,
ing:,: at Glanworth: .
Mr.:' 'and Mrs. jack Leith of
miltonwere week -end • visitors•
ith . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stew -
Mr. and and Mrs 'E, H. Agnew won
ird; :prize at the mixed douibles
urriament held at. Goderich : last
aursday evening;
Mr. and Mrs., James . Brisbin.•
d children David' and Marion
' Belleville were visitors with
Mr.: and Mrs.. Joe Agnew and
�tighter .'Judy .• of Detroit are
lidaying with 'his parents, .Mr..
d Mrs.. E.: H. Agnew.
Rev. J. R. Dickinson, Pastor
Order of Service
' BLAKES-Evening.
'Rev. G. A. Meikle john,
•B.A., B.D.
10 a m :. Sunday. School:
11 a.m.: Morning Worship.
'Would See Jesus".
7 p.m.: Evening Worship..
" The Significance of ' a Sur-
vey". .
Rey" .H.•L ',.Jennings, B.A.; L.Th.
:Sunday, September 7th,• 1952
General . Synod Sunday
St; • Peter's Church, Lucknow
11 a.iii.:'l\2brning Prayer. •
1, Preacher Archdeacon J.
�'WSt�d`"Qf-"Halif�t� • `. _.. .: .,..,�
St. Paul's Church, Dungannon
11 a:m Morning Prayer.
Preacher: Mr. G. A. Whits
ing of Mioosomin, Sask.
Si. Paul's Chitral, • Ripley
11 a"in.: Morning • Prayer. •
reacher: Professor A. E.
Dale of Trinity College;
Toronto. • f
,# ,
Mrs, MacLeod, Sr and Mr. and
Mrs. Donald' MacLeod of Port.
Credit' visited. recently with the
latter's aunts,' the .Misses Ada and
° •ao' Webster,
Mr'. and Mrs, /Douglas Clark,
Anne and. Tommy started on
their return trip to their home
in Sprague, ,Man:, after spending
the month , of August here.' '
Mr. and Mgrs.. Stewart Cameron.
and two. ,children Mary Ann and
Roddy of Port Colborne were.
Week -end visitors with his mioth
er,, Mrs. R. J. ''Cameron.
Miss. Catherine ' ' MacDonald • og
Powell' River, B.C., has been +ytis
iting for the :past two weeks ;with
her . sister,' Miss ' Beth MacDonald
and other relatives.; •
Mr . and Mrs. Bill •Treleaven.
and son Donald ,of Beaver;,: Pa.,
have been visiting with his par-'
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tre-
Mrs John MacLean and her
son Dr. John Fraser MacLean of
Evanston, I11., Visited last week
at .the ,borne of her brother in/
law, Donald MacLean: •
Week=end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. J..L..MacMillan Were Mr:
and Mrs.. L. Bieman :of S't._ Cath-;
crines and, Mr: and Mrs. Clifford
M,aoMillan of St. Thomas. •
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mills of
London and' M.S.. Ray Hethering-
ton of Wheatley spent Friday at
the . home. of ' Mrs. Mills' sister,
Mrs. Robert Rae and Mr. Rae. -
Visitors during.the ' past ' week
with- Misses Ada. and Hazel Web='
ster we're' Mr..: and .Mrs.. Charles
Weir of Toronto, 'Mrs: Grant and
daughters Margaret and Nancy of
.Mrs. Sam. Reid and • her sister,
Mrs. W. R. Farrier" of . White-
church visited last, week with Mr.
and• Mts. Carman Farrier,' Tor-
onto,' and while there took :in the
• Mr. and Mrs.. Russ Johnstone
and Mr. and Mrs. Donald 'John-,
stone, of •;Chatham .:left on..SIM-..
slay on ;a two -weeks' motor trip
to the Maritimes and' Prince Ed-
ward Island.
Mrs. Alma :Campbell; • Misses'
Jean and Barbara 'Campbell of
London; Mrs: Robert Ross, . Mrs.
Russell, and . Doris of
Whitechurch and Mrs. Fred Mc
Quillinwere Satiirday .visitors
With. Mrs. John 1Vfiller.
Joe HoWliWood, Roy Nelson and
Leigh 'Blackwell 'of Calgary. vis-
ited last week with the former's
sister; Mrs. George Alton and Mr.
Alton, while the trio 'were on a
two :weeks''anotor trip. to Ontario
and points in the States.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin G. '•Clark,
of Millberry, Mass., Mrs. Len
Evans •of ;St. Thomas '•and. Mr:
and Mrs,. Nernian Carter of Clin-
ton spent the past week with Mr'.'
and Mrs, Oliver MoCharies. Dur-
ing the week they all attended
the E::chibition.
Mr. and: Mrs: Told Gagan (nee
Almeda Durnin) 'and ' daughter,
Miss Patsy Cagan were week-
end guests of Mr'. andyfrs N E.
:,Bushell••. -Patsy has completed_her
training at Victoria H spital and
is . entering Western 'University
for her B.Sc.',degree.
On 'Thursday of last week Mrs.
Harry McQuillin was brought
hotne ;from Kitchener, • where
she was under the care Of Dr,
Loaner-, who perfornied a',major.
operation. Mrs. M:cQuillh3 is' con-
valescing at, her home and her
sister, M'rs:;Fred Hanneman, R.N.
of Detroit, is.staying with here:
•.�..— ori
The •service in ;S4. Paul's Ang-
lican .church on Sunday, Septern-
(ber 7th at 11 a.m; will have as
speaker Rev, G, R. Whiting,. gen,.
e al n,Sask. delegate from Mooso.
). Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McWhin,
ney, •_ _ Robiand., Lexie Ann spent
a .few daYs last week. visiting ,Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Johnston :and fain
ily ;at 'St. 'Charles .on the ,west.
arm ' of Lake • Niipissing. •
Mr,: and Mrs. 'Mester Durnin,
Marjorie. and Jane of Pittsburg,,
Pa, were visitors iwith the form
er's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. R. ,J,
Urn n for a few days last week,
Mrs. Will Gardner, • Zion; is vis
iiting her sister-in-law,.. Mrs. 'loch;
Gardner. ' . .
Mr. and Mrs., Chas W ite; an
three, children, :Charles, Andrew
and. : Jimmy • of Burmingham,
Mich., also her: mother, Mrs. -1t.
Quaid who have been vacation-:
ing • at Bogies' ' Beach; ;were vis-
itors: recently with Mrs. F. Oliver
and sister, Miss MICMIIan.
Franklin and:. Angus •Stingel're-
turned ''home . Sunday after viiit4.
ipg 'a week with their sister; Mrs.
'JohnFennell of Bradford.
' •Misses Nettie •& •Rebina Sproul'
had :their sister, : ' Miss'Clara
Sproul of Stratford home for the
week -end. . '
Mr. and Mrs., Cecil Blake, Ji7n-
my, Lynda and Billy, elk() M.
Stanley Fines and daughter :Suz-
anne, .Toronto,. enjoyed .a 'week's,
trip to East Tawas,; Mich.,. trav-.
ening .via North Bay; Sault: Ste::
Marie and .home. via Port:Huron.
Mr. and' Mrs.:Gordon. Kidd,:
Rn. yan: and 'Shiela of Islington vis
ited a..few days' with Mr. & .Mrs.
J; J. Ryan.
1VIr., :and Mrs., Otto:Popp, . Lil-
lian and Murray .spent . a few
days last week visiting at De-
troit •ancf Pontiac, Mich. . •
Miss. Marjorie. : Errington re
turned Ihroriie - after—working: this
summer near Quebec :City and
continues. studies at G.C.I. • :
Miss Fausibina 'Banks returned
horneafter being employed at.
Welland. this sumnier•. and • will
continue her G.iC.I:. studies.
Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Kilpatrick
Of •Montreal and. Mrs. Robt,Eigie,w
Kippen; visited 'friends. and :rela-
hives here and at Crewe and on
their' return were accompanied by
:the . former's mother, Mrs. W.
'Kilpatrick„ ,who was returning to
the Went. • •
. . Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick spent • last
week visiting Misses Hazel and
Ada Webster,. Lucknow and Mrs:
Fred. •,Anderson,
Miss • S3i'lvia .Stingei returned
home last week ',after working
this surriiner at a cottage -,ori Lake i
Simcoe near •Rakrie.
Mr. Eric . Moore,' .Publicschool
principal, was expected home ,this,
week from the -West to–take up -
hit work at 'the School.
W. •l[ Grandmothers' Day. •
On Thursday : afternoon, Aug.
28th 'the Dungannon ' , W. L met
for thheir August meeting. and.
were hostesses for the- Grand-
pothers. Mrs.. Omar Brooks pre-'
sided .and Welcomed; the • grand-
mothers and visitors. Mrs. Kai,
.mer Dawson called the. roll .call
which, Was answered by "My .first
hai or one I. rem.eniber' Refer-
ence :was made to the. lovely tithe..
at `itihe kat meeting as guests of
Mrs: Durnin Phillips' at her cot-
tage . at . Point Clark. Mrs: J. J.
Ryan introduced the guest speak.-
' er Mist 'Rutherford Of, S. ,Helens
who gave ,a vivid:outline of her
sitors at thei
holiday v
home of .their parents, Mrs and
Mrs. Charles St,eward,' cWere Mr.
and Mrs. " Gord$�n Steward 'and
son Bruce ,of London,'Mr. arid
-Mrs. Mervin• McDonald and dau-
ghter Mary of Chatham, Mr: and
Mrs: Chas'. Henderson and son
Brian of. Toronto. '
- Recent• visatoxs.,;�vith.�M�:..,,andx
Mrs. George. Twamley` were Mr;
and Mrs. `Wallace Tw mley' •of
London who have just returned
from a' three weeks' trip to .the
West 'Coast:. Enroute out. they
spent a few days at Jasper -Nat
ional''Park; continuing on to Van-
couver and Victoria, $ C.,. and.
returning Eby way of Lake Louise;.
rtanff • end Calgary where . they
remained for several days to en-
joy the beauty of the Rockies,
The World's Finest -Fora High
Speed .Hot Weather. Driving'
Protect' your, 'Car with 'Moto-
Master 100% 'Pure Pennsylvania;
the motor oil that' stays up . to
"full driving range" longer and
stays clean longer than other oils.
Refined; from the 'World's', finest
and Cost) i est crude . .
QUART -37c'
al.r- $1.39' 5 Gals:', $7.45
'Armor -Coat"
House Paint
Qt:," $1.69'
Gal., $6.15
:COAT" Galloiti, $4.20
Pure Gum
Turpentine, .$2'.00 Gal.
r$ •
• 'a
11 .