The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-07-30, Page 2PAGE -TWO . • nit LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO w PNESDA'Y3, J'i,TLY ;30th, 195,2, . iP' PROVE FORTY-TWO: }ARM POND SITES Gordon, Talton, fieldinant fpr i , e Saugeen, Valley Canserrylation Authority, . reported at a recent meeting of the association that he had to ,date received 50 ap- plications for far xi ponds, and that forty-two sites had been ap- proved. om . the g or S The. Port Elgin in' nit* of Commerce presents (FORM. ERLY. "AQUA DAY" LAKEVIEW PARK . MORNING '- A,FTERNOON, NIGH' • Pipe Band Competition, Individual Piping Highland Dancing Mass Bands 1000; A.NI.—HIGHAND I., DANCING Contestants from. Canada arid United .States are entered to compete in this .event::. Canada's most outstanding Junior Piper will play for the dancing: This class will run through the !day: • CKWIRE.`:.ARTIS'T "E1 Cliffe" is •Canada's::.King.of the:,Slackiwire.: The. • only performer.. doingthis act at the present tune; See this .artist walk, slide, balance,. pose, sit on a Tc7hair,: walk ,on a hoop, . go through a hoop ..and ' -- perforin wonders. on the s]ackiwire. SLIDE -FOR -LIFE "Dare=Devil-Johnny" °perfforms'• this daring acton a 65 -foot• rigging .from which: is suspended. •a one- inch rope'. The feat : calls for great skill and a dar- ing. He walks up the.rope one step at a time on ' ., an angle. A terrific act . ,• ... You'll Want to see it:. TRACTOR D�RI•vI:N•G. CONTEST , Here is yourchance? ii you ate" Iietiween-theages - of twelve and eighteen, to try your skill; -at driv- ung a .tractor: This ,is • solely for the purpose of expressing care while chiming farm machinery. There will be. two classes:- one for boys and girls, 12 to 15, and another class IRE those in the age bracket of 15 to 18. ' Three cash • prizes will be , .given ' in each. event • ,.. ,. , , PUNCH ..AND JUDY SHOW 1.00 P.M.—MONSTER • PARADE. • Forms, at High School; Parade to Park: 1,30 P.M. --OFFICIAL -OPENING • ,Idlayor. Edward Sargent,,;-. of OWen. Soiund. BINGO' BINGO • ' NIGHT ,SHOW. INCLVDPS == = , STOCK CAR RACING ,:Presented by tyle Bluewater Speedway?. 'Special Holiday Ev•ents CASH BINGO WHEELS OF FUN CARNIVAy ATTRACTIONS- Y -. 'FIREWORKS DISPLAt " AMDISSION: AFTERNOON ADULTS 50e CHILDREN '25c CARS 25c NIGHT sgow AdMission to Carnival Grounds- and 'Fireworks FREE!. 'You wolvie WANT TO ,MISS ASHFIELD 'NOTES: 1VIYPs, ,Harvey Me uillin firpm• Port Colborne is visiting, with her parents, Mr,, and .lvirs ' Robt. ;Scott. • Miss Edith Jokinston and her mother visited, Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johnston. Ewart • Webster . of Kirkland. Lake visited, friends. in. Ashfield. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Courtney of Detroit , are visiting friends relatives in Ashfield: Visitgfs with. Mr. ' and Mrs. .Roibert Scott during the week Were Mr. and Mrs, Harvey :Mole'• of Dungannon, Mr. and Mrs. T. .3. Drennan- and family, M. and Mrs., W. F. Johnston .and :fainly of Goderich. Miss Thelma:: Johnston visited at Dungannon• last week with, • Mrs; Harvey ' o I Hereby Proclaim ion HOLIDAY. d' FOR THE VILLAGE .,OF ;LUCKNOW And call.: upon• All Citizens; foa 'observe it :as such. S.� E� Robertson; Reeve'Pro Tein• , -R.1 frYwR140. r�rwra�rw�+►ea� +. Mark' Ctennia1. Of '.Scots Arrival In:. Huron ; Township ' The 'centenary of the :founding.' weary band, .licimesiek for their of the Lewis settlement ,in Huron ahonneland of , Scotland, and un, Township in. the Ripley district certain of the future in 'a distant, will be marked this week -end •i by• and: strange land, shpukl ,have to a gala• three-day. ;reunion planned ; encounter the hardships of seek- ointly ' by Ripley, -Huron resit ing .a new livlihood` without fur- dents, many of, them., descendants' ther handicaps. Sanallipox broke of those Scots: who -..were ,evicted out among: the clan 'fin , Hamilton from the :'Hebrides, over a.- cen- and carried away' many loved tory ago ones, The Wand of LewiSWith- northerly island of the ' Outer 'Hebrides .of' Scotland, lies thirty Miles :west of the. Rosihire:. High lands of Scotland, and ia Separ- ated from- the . Scatiih mainland by a channel of Water Called the Minch.- The coasts,- of L0Wis '.;are wild ana fyittgecl, almost totally devoid of trees. The surfate iS for a. cansiderable part,' swamly and goVerecl' with peat °Earley 'end pOtatoes have been the prin- for benturieS. The chief industries of LeWis are cattle breeding..and Sheep' -farming, While the' south- ern part, Harristois famous for its homespun tweeds. Relies 'of anit. iquit.y are plentiful, as as the rexnains' of anCient forests. At Callerniat there iS what is regard. ed , as the Moat perfect Druidical the British 'Islea. CarloWay on the west coiast has '*-1porial.,It sea fish - for its salmon,. trout and feathered. • Ilhe, ,natiVes are of 'Celtic. ex- traction, with ' the exception ,of a' celany in the north, Where,' all. though they speak the '.Gaelie language, are -of Scandinavian de- scent. Suchare the characteristics of 'Lewis that were, to early Scottish families, prior to their. departure from, the island _and .._antgsiequent settlement' Bruce CoLiAty, a hundred Years In ,the year 1851, according to information and material collect.' 'ed. and'. thus. publi.shed .4 'the fell over many of the inhabitantS of Lewis; When a large munber Of familieg. were -evicted froth - their cz-oftings by their landlord, -Sir James 1VIlatheson. The state of .oppressioh reiulting from. the re- lationship which existed between the landlord and tenants" forced Many 9f the highlanders and their -families to ,gather -together what Pos.sessions they, were 'able . carry, and 'bid- a fast fand 'farewell to the land of their fore- fathers, the Hebrides. " .1`wo'l.'shiPloadS of :Scots° and their chattels sailed from. Storn- r, °way that year, arid after nine weeks Under canvas, ih gail and. mountainous *aves,.. the sailing .4th- of August 1851. The' Scottish, emigrants 'then went by., boat to Port 'St, rtancis where they div- ided the .majority going tot 41ie County. of Compton, Lower Can -7, ada, and the remainder continti.! ing on by boat tO Montreal where another boat carried -thern to Iternber they remained:41 Harrill, ton the Mee WOrking on ,ithe Was then in Course of construd- tion. It was nOt enOugh that this .was .arduous end now they:Were thankful that ono& again they would, have. homes •to ,call their own, To ',Smooth over the, heart- lessness of eviction,. their land- owner liad offered a frees passage to any part Of Canada to anyone who .was willing to 'emigrate, arid at the sanie thne had offered tO PUrchase their. horses, cattle and, sheep if they could not otherwise receive a' sale for' thein. The Men among the passengers- were all fishermen and accustomed to. the sea, and -consequently were able to render valuable service to' the. crews of the Ships on which:they Crossed the , Atlantic, during a . violent storm. 'One of. the vessels 'ti last two of her masts during the (Continued' on Page Seven) .o Daily from TORONTO Via Minaki -Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, .• Jasper -Standard and tourist sleeping cars, bedrooms, coinpartmentS, buffet' lounge, dining car, modern, • Knit DRY GINGER ALE 0 Outs Wise honleowners realize that the best pro- tection from the elements is good paipt, Sun:Proof Mildew Resistant Outside White contains fungicide to resist mildew. Will not discolor in areaesirherellifitirous gaser' ,..ende#011 .14.011 er,