The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-07-23, Page 4PAGFFO LUCI N'QW $E1TZN., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,. JULY 23rd, 1953. LOST -pair :of lady's eye glasses PIGS FOR SALE -40 chunks .01 in Lucknaw;; on July 1,2th, Finder pigs, aground 50 lbs. Jack Mao - please leave at Sentinel.. Office. • Kenzie; 11,.; 2, Lucknow, phone 65-r-1 Dungannon.. ,FOR. SALE—pickling c tcumbers. gra Wm. Scott, Langside, , phone. 7Q7 w-4 Wingham. TRACTOR FOR, 'SALE' `1951 "D" Case. tractor, priced r'easonaUbly, •A-1 condition Phone.. • 77-5• Dun- • xiF•OOR SALE --larger Whitedo or ice 'box, 100. poundscapacity; only a yt i k { fr CO M I.� G EVENTS 1, 1. M N ,.�' ENTERTAINMENT .. • At the Palace Gardens, 'For=. mosa,. Sunday, July . 27th. CKNX talent and. return engagement of Hudson Tischardt, the one -string violinist., w . .WARRANT Pursuant '. to The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 243, Section 168' (2) To E. H. Agnew, .Returning Officer, Village. of Lucknovr, WHEREAS ,John C. McNab, the incl mbent Reeve, of '.the Village of, -Lueknow,—diets on about the 19th day of July,' 1952,: and by reason .thereof a, vacancy now exists . in the office of Reeve 'of the said Village -of Lucknow. You are,.hereby authorized and required pursuant. to The Muni-. cipai Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 243, Section 168 within 15 days anter the receipt:. by you .of the within :warrant to ' cause; an el - lovely.. flowers while ,in the, hos- ection• to be held -for the',election gital. Special'thanks.to•Ken .Mo'vv of a Reeve in the place or stead, NOTICE A' public meeting sponsored Iby the Luc -Tee -Win ,Conservation. Club. will ' be: held in the Town Hall, Winghap , ."Tuesday,' July, 29th: at 8 30 o'clock. Mr; Ed Mead,- •'ows. of Hespeler will ire' the guest speaker. There . ' will be other 'speakersand films' from the 'De four years old ' Mrs. Chas. Lorenz,, ' pertinent' of ' Lands and Forests. phone. 159-R, Lucknow., This ' is an. important 'meeting so' every person come. .. ' . •• • HOUSE FOR SALE—frame house in Lucknow, hydro,:.water, mod, ern 'conveniences.. •Apply to. Box 38, Lucknow Sentinel. TOR .' SALE -;-Co-op' cream sed-, arator' in. ',goad condition.'..,Mrs. David --Todd, St. Helens;. phone 210-r-4, CARS :FOR. SALE = 1935• Chev. coach and a Model,A Fgrd, priced' to sell: George Taylor, Jr, Luck- We !wish to; thank everyone for. b n�vv • � •: •, ein g so.kind and thoughtful in ' of reeve • arid' I � further, appoint our recent sad bereavement.' We, the 7th . day of August 1952 for FOR SALE.. -'cement septic tanks, appreciate all the kind, acts and the. takins of a .011• if a ll is approved'�by the Health, Unit:. We messages of synipathy, required p deliver them. .•Forster s Welding Fred,Ellen' and BobbyBest; itn • s' hand the. seal Shop, phone 206 'r-11, Lucknow.. w es my andx s of the Corporation this 23rd • day IN MEMORIAM FOR: SALFr---quantity. ;of limb & , of July, A:D , .1952 body wood, also quantity of new. OTT . In . loving memory of . E. Ii, AGNEW, . pine ;and .'basswood •inch luinber. Raymond; West Elliott, .who. died Clerk,. of the Municipality of Apply to garish :Moffat, phone: three:, years ago, July. '25th, 1949.• th a Village .of:•Lueknow. Teeswater .57-r-41. Memory's hand' la. reaching, Three years ago todey,' When., one we. loved so dearly , Was so suddenly Stalled •.'away. It is.':only a':wonderful journey Frainthe old -World..` to , the :neve, CARD OF THANKS I would '•like.to thankall those <'who, . sent.' me . cards and •all the tray, for the : blood 'transfusion ';of .John C. McNab:. , and, to the ` Doctors. LYLA TR,ELEAVEN. And take notice :that I 'hereby, appoint .Friday, the 1st day' of August, 1952,for the' nomination of candidates for the said, office' FOR RENT House; coriier Of Havelock : Uand..Willoughy Sts.. in Lucknow, 6 rooms .. and bath. Ap- ply E. J Parrish, Gorrfe o' �"r-.Mrs.• Jkahn Farris)) , iLuckn0w:. CEMENT FOR : SALE-. limited' quantity of American... cement.' Order , early, to ;avoid dissamoint- .rnent.. $1.75:, ' for • 94 pound bag. Alvin 'Hamilton, R. 6,Lucknow, phone Ripley 11-r-7. COMBINES :FOR SALE , . Combines equipped. for :flax, • clover and, all grains—Come--'in and compare' quality and prices. New' .M. -M:. 'Swaiers.. George. 'Wraith, "phone 1285 or x,931 -r-3, Goderich. . PERSONAL • $1..00 Trial Offer. • Twenty-five deluxe • personal, requirements. Latest . catalogue : 'included. The Medico Agency, Box 124 Terminal A, Toronto, 'Oii'tario.:' • .. I 'PERSONAL "SKINNY" GIR:I Si ET• LoyE-' • LYr CURVES! • Gain ' 5 to 10 ' ]lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight = builder, Ostrex Tonic' Tablets. Introductory, ' "get -ac- quainted" size only 60e, All drug gists. WE Ai •VSE getting these Bray' 3'week pullets .;while still .avail-: 'able 'shipper's choice breeds. Heavies $25.90.. Medium 43:4490: For your , own' choice; ask for prices.' Also dayolds,mixed, pul- lets. Agent -a- D ,R.: 1'INLAYSON,' Lucknow. ' FOR .SALE — used . Universal.. R'. °. M: -M. • tractor, 1 year .old; Fer- gusow side delivery rakes and all Ferguson 'equipment; ,Ferguson• manure loaders, 'will fit• all rriodeis Ford tractors. George Wrakh, phone 1285 or 931-r-3, Goderich. DEAD & LIVE •ANIMALS. Prompt • pick' -'.up ,of :tattle, ..horses, pigs, & sheep. Live horses ;, fitfor animalfood picked up at • .your Parer averaging $35,00: ' C. Brubacher;:.Wingharn, phone 608= w_1,. • CASE IMPLEMENTS & PARTS•' Fiili' line of Case' implements ` {#arid. Barts. Two combines, 1. spike • and,1 'rub bar, wagons, VAC trac- tor With hydraulic 'plow. `Yott'. can't g'o•.wrong with a Case. Pu14. ly equiUpped ' to service "your achines, • • LUCKNOW MOTOR SERVICE ` Bob Mentstrong, Phone 131 NOMINATION NOTICE' is hereby . given' to the Municipal Electors:.:of the Village of Luckoo v thiat: in •:comp' li-ance- Where golden; gates were. Open: with 'the Statutes in :that behalf ed. Wide1. 1 require the pre'se'nce of the said electors at the Ta .let our loved one'through. a Village . Halli 'in `And;• there with just. the 'same glad smile, . And' 'the heart' .we . cherished so. 'Our Raymond. .waits until : we' meet In the . land Where loved . ones go. For surely it is ;God's wisdom, . That 'after .ao :. aching ' heart,' • There shall be life eternal, Where' loved ,'ones'. : nervier part. ;So sadly missed by'Mom, Dad,. Sister ..and 'Brothers: CLERK'S NOTICE ::OF FIRST' POSTING OF VOTERS' 'LIST Voters' Lists, 1952, Municipality:;: of the. Township .of Kinloss, County of Bruce. ' the said Village' of Lucknow at the hours of 'Seven, o'clock' /and Thirty Minutes in the , afternoon of FRIDAY, :AUGUST 1st, 1952, for one hour fpr the purpose of norninatizg fit .and proper per, sons .for-the-Off'ce- sof' Reeve, for the; Village'of .Lucknow for .the remaining portion. of the year 1952, Of which all elector's• are;: hereby required . totake notice and govern themselves • according- ly, and. if . a greater number of, candidates than required. to fill' •the' said • Office are , nominated arid Make .the required Decl•ara tions; Polls will. be opened. in the Notice is hereby given that I following places: Polling Sub- division No. One, The , Legion :have -:complied_ itlh._.S� .on 8 of the Voters' List 'Act`._:'a�rid that I' 11'Plling----5ubdiv�ason— No: have posted up' at. my office at Two; The ,Municipal Office; and Polling �ubdiyision NO. Three; RR. 2; ,Holyrood, on the 21st day The • Village Hall, in the said Vi11 of July, 1952, the list of all per- ' age . of :Lucknow, an.. sons entitl'e'd to vote in . the said • G ALAN'WILI AMS' Optometrist Office on Patrick St., jusipt off the Main St. in WINGHAM- Professional Eye Examination Optical' Service Evenings by appointment. Phone;' Office 770; Res.: O. >H'NSTONE'S , tic: •'Phone 76. • :Day or Night , Ambulance Service .USE .OF FUNERAL HOME- At.'No' Extra' Cost: , Moderate Prices MacLENNAN: and :• • MacKENZIEP . FUNERAL• SERVICE Services 'conducted accord- ing. ccord-ing.' to your 'wishes at . your.. Horne,, Your • Church, or 'at-. • our •Memoriai: Chapel at no additional charge. •AMBULANCE SERVICE: ',Phone'. 181,, 'Lueknow; Day or Night. Howard Agnew- 'Jos. Agnew MEMBER .OF Ontario Insurance Agents' Association GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 :Years Ago, Telephones: • Business 39 .Residence 138 Municipality at " Municipal •Elec THURSDAY; AUGUST 7th, 1952 tions andthat such• list remainsand willbe open • from Nine there for inspection. . o'clock A.M. until Five o'clock And ; • I hereby call upon:: all P.M. and no .longer: voters to take immediate pro- ' IT SHOULD '.BE NOTED •that ceedings to: have any errors or when a proposed `candidate is not omissions corrected ,according: to present at. the nomination meet- law,:the last day for .appeal;being ing his nomination paper will not the' iltb day orf August; 1952.. ; be valid unless, there is attached Dated this 21st, • day of July, thereto evidence satisfactory to, 1952. the ; Returning ' Officer 'that •the J: It LANE, proposed candidate, consents to be Clerk`•of Twp. of Kinloss, , : so nominated. �--- Given under my hand this Twenty -Third Pay . of .July; 'A,b, 1952;.. • 'E.' H. AGNEW,,Returning: : OfWficer. Service °and. Satisfaction an: • 4,". Pl mb n and ,' Heating •. • New Automatic . Oil. Furnaces nstalled—Now In Stock, FURNACE 'REPAIRS Bathroom Fixtures & 'Repairs` SEE THE OIL RANGES EAVETROUGHING' AIR CONDITIONING ' Art ' Glmarr kilt, 3, LUCKNOW 'Phone t<liinganuon' INSURANCE` Co -Operative Life, Insurance bo -.Operative Auto3'nobile Insurance , Mercantile &• Farm Fire • .' Insurance .' . Economical 'and .'Reliable. See..:'. T. A. CAMERON• LUCKNOW Phone 70-r-10 .Dungannon: Kenneth J 'MacKenzie R.O. ,. Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. Will be at Wrong's Jewellery. store, Ripley, :10 .a.m, to. 9 pat.,. Wednesday', . August -20th . and every Second Wednesday', Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointment "'p one Roy. MacKenzie, '96=r-24 Ripley. FREE SUttVSYS AND 'ESTIMATRSS• Olt: BURNERS • 'OiL 'FURNACES . ' OIL $OILERS : •' WATER HEATERS H'ISELER end SON, 'Phone 426, .'Wringham A •I DR. T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN Havelock St., south of Supertest Garage LU'C:KNbW ... Telephone •175 BUSINESS and TAX SERVICE MONTHLY 'AUDITS • For The .• Small Merchant, l r'afessional • man and the • Fariner. • S. J. PY� MM:. P.O, Boz 74 Lueknow, ,Ont. Office in. Kilpatrick Block • 'Phone 23-w /110 T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST, GODERIcH :: : • 'FOR 'APPOINTMENT '. 'Phone .1100 - • For :Appointment' or • Information. ''• See ' Win.: A.: Schmid,,. 'Phone 167-w' ` Lucknow INSURANCE FIRE, `;CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE' AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, ; Insure . With Jack Today. J. A.: McDONAGH R. R. 3, Lueknow, Ont. •'Phone 61-5, Dungannon Barrister and Solicitor. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Office in : the Joynt Block Telephone: • Office;. 135 ;. Residence 31-J Stuart 'MacKenzie Barrister and . Solicitor WALKERTON, : .ONTARIO • IN: LUCKNOW • Each *Wednesday 1 ' OFFICE. IN • HENDERSON BLOCK R, S., Hetherington, K.C, Barrister, Etc.. • Wirigham and. Lucknow : 4 IN' LVCKNOW Each :Monday and. Wednesday,' Locatedpon the grottnrt floor. in The front of. John Kilpatrick's Building 'Phone' '*Ingham Office 48- Residence 97 Insure. With The 'CIross 'VIRE INSURANCE CO.' for, ". Reasonable rates, sound pi'!' tection`, &.prompt,, satisfactory. settlement of .cisims: PARISH MOFFAT Your Local. Agent • . R.' 30 Taewater.•" 'Phone Teeswateir,51..r.41