The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-07-09, Page 1e • $2.50 Yearly In Advance --$1.00 Extra To U.S.AN., • • • LUCKNOW, ONTAR,I0, WEDNESDAY, J .. JULY4th; 1952 EIGHT PAGES. SET HO RS FOR LAWN TAP, USE At the : July meeting of the Municipal Council on. Tuesday night it.was, decided. to 'limit: the ,use of lawn taps to two hours ' daily, • from 7 to 9 • pm. The re- striction is deemed necessary be; cause Council. fears ' that -the pumping, equipment at the sec-; and well, ' .which , isthe n°iain .:.,iQurceof •sulaply, will not for long 'stand • the' 'continuous 24-hour pumping that is required now to maintain the • water supply.. • The International Water Sup- ply :Company" has been delayed in ••sitarting the; work on the new well, and when it is eomrmenced the job will. ,probably take :'from • our to six weeks: • In the meantime; Council is lit. erally keeping their fingers cross ed .on': how long the second Well equipment "can take • it", .Miss Agnes ' McQuaig 'woo ap- pointed to .complete, the unexpir- ed term., of : Dr. W. J. Mumford, as a member . of the • 'Library Board.. ; No complaints having been . re ceived, Council .approved • By-law No, ' 5, providing for closing of portion's. of certain 'streets in the, vicinity of the new high school. A rosnmiuiieation from.. the • Attorney,. General's Department 'stated the request to have a Pro- vincial Police Officer located in, `.Lucknow could not be granted. Reeve McNalb pointed out, haw ever, that his information was to' the effect that , consideration. was .being given to locating another' O.P.P. at. ,Wingham who would • cover Lucknow. It was decided; •. to pursue the matter further. Robert' Rae, chairman .of . • the: District High School. Board, con• fared with ;Council regarding the sale of debentlye&debentures amount of $275;6bfr for. consti`u(ii g : and' equipping the new school.. He ap-, •. proved Council's decision to • offer the debenture . at 5 percent and asked Council to rush the sale .ef •taie:issue,ias construction work was • being delayed ' ,until ,°such time,'' due to Departmental .reg-. Mations. Several bond companies:. have •indicated they are interested in bidding :on the issue. The ,Board took in iediiate action ' to adver- tise for tenders,' which are to be opened' on July 21st. A. C Agnew was appointed assessor. At • the 'tune meeting three applications were received --for-the-position-and---were--refer= red oto • Bruce County Assessor Everett Finnigan, who interview- ed . theappl;oants and rectum= mended °Mr. Agnew's appoint- menti.° Council set ,Septernber. 15th, for the ,return' of the roil.' APPOINTED INSPECTOR Innes, MaeSween has -been pointed as an inspector by. the. Fruit Branch of the Department. of Agriculture. His initial duties will be, the inspection of honey, which : comes under this depart- ment,' and •in the meantime -he is working. With experienced' in spectors to become familiar with. his other inspection duties in the fruit and vegetable field.'. Innes went to. Fruitland the first of the week -and last week THAT'more than a dozen Brown- ' ies axe this week.. at snap. at Kintail: under the supervision, 'of Mrs. A: E.; McKim. • ' THE ...SENTINEL �'•�� • •was' in' Kitchener ' in connection with his new' appoints hent. 'MRS. ,ROBERT ANDREW PASSED AWAY IN TORONTO. • The death of Mrs, Robert And rew, formerly of, Zion, occurred in Toronto on Tuesday morning:' She , had.; f suffered.' a. stroke • the previous Friday. The funeral set - vice will be held: Thursday after- noon' at 2.00 o'clock ,at the Mc- . erman MacKenzie Memorial Chapel with interment in Green- hill Cemetery:'• Grade • 2-, David •McDonald, Ripley, honors. Grade 1—Bertha,. Blue, Ripley, honors.. i PASS` PIANO EXAMS • • :The'' following' students of :Mr.' A. • .E. Cook • have .. successfully passed the Toronto Conservatory of:. Music piano examinations: Grade 8 ' -- Donald McDonald, Ripley, honors; ` Jing,• H`acket, Ash - 'field; Mac Taylor, Blyth.: Grade • 5—DpnaldBlue, Ripley. JUNIOR. FARMER'' CHURC I SERVICE THIS SUNDAY Colwanash Junior Farmers will '3sold" tihir `annual ehur"eh'; seryice in •Dunganmon United. Church on Sunday evening, July. 13th at 8.00 Pun. ' Kenneth McAllister: will. pre- side • at ',the organ. Members of the.. organization will:rassist in the seiwice, ;,wistCh. Rev. George. D. Watt delivering• the. address... • GLEN, CAMERON pimp. SUDDENLY Glen. Law_son.,=Cameron,--ender son . of Mr. and • Mrs. T. A. Cam- eron of Luckrlow, died suddenly' -on--Saturday--at `Powassan from. -•a- brain' •hemetrhage He was but' 'forty'years : of age. .Mr. ' and Mrs. •Carneron receiv- ed word early Saturday of their son's critical .illness with no hope entertained for his recovery and the passed away very shortly while "his parents. and . his. gorily sister Jean were leaving for. Powassan: , Glen, ,was born in Dalhousie Township in Lanark . County an May 17th 1912 and came with his parents to 'Ashfield • Township when a lad of six • years, Glen lived here 'Until. 1935 when he Went to Fow'assan to. work and where he has since made his ;home. On Septemberllth, 1.937, he married Gladys Joy, Cox, dau- ;ghter of Mr. and Mrs. M: Cox of Pbwassan,.• who. survives with `a' family of six . childr en, four sons. and two 'daughters, all `under 14 years of age. Surviving also are his parents, ( one ' sister, Mrs. Mason ' Robinson (Jean) "of` Bel- , e and one brother, Ralph grave on the home farm in Aslifield. • The very ,sad:fun"era'1-'was.-µheld• dn •Tuesday from ,m his late resi- dence dence to' St. Mary's Anglican Church.' Interment followed an. Powassan Cemetery. • Ashfiel dneighbors who' accom parried Ralph Caineron to Pow.- ascan,to 'attend the funeral were, . D es'� Campbell, Wilfred HacI- yrs, ett' Roy' Alton, `Tom Ilackett• and Mason. Rob-' .his ;brother-in-law, BORN JOHNSTON—at: Wellesley' . Hos- pital, Toronto, on Sunday,. 'June 29th,' to Dr.. and Mrs. `.Ronald " E. a daughter, Susan • ,Johnston,lizalbeth. ACCIDENTS, SEND TWO .TO' HOSPITAL , Mr:.Will Rutherford is a pat- ient' in. the Win.gharn Hospital follo ing a very unfortunate ac cidennt on Wednesday •of last • week. Bill had his hand caught. m a. Pulley. while assisting in, luting bales of hay into the barn, iiia four fingers were cut' off diton, : �, ally across from .the't'ip `of the little fin , ...., ger .to the thumb. . •: Sufferred"Broken: 'dip About ten. o'clock last Friday' morig Mrs. Wni. A. Russell Buttered 'a .rfractured left hip and tv relieved `to W>` . ham• will Hos pital Where she . ....ined fore be conf. some time • Mrs. Russell is the ..ht to have turned sharply td avioid a; little clog which was at her feet, and in doing .so suffered a• fall which eause.d the injury. inson. • e' , THAI. Redv'ers. Johnston return- ed to work on Monday 'at. Sil- verviroods' plant after having• been off work for ten' days with aIbroken bone in his ankle. THAT the heat wave this week (which felt like •,100 at tunes) barely , reached the 90 mark locally. 'Official readings were: Sunday • 88, ;Monday 87, Tues- day 89. The 'heat' wave ivias.. broken.- .by rain, • on • Tuesday night: THAT the Lucknow -Women's In- ' stitute' is planing a . bus trip to Guelph next Thursday, • dur- ing Women's Institute holiday week, which runs from Monday to Friday. Thursday is known: ,as Macdonald, Institute Day. THAT Bob' ..Armstrong, Jr., has. • accepted 'a position, as the local sales and service: representa- tive sof `.the 'Singer'.: Sewing Machine Co. • THAT at haying time, :and:; in the sweltering summer. heat, Sandy Macharlea of Huron Township: has been laid' :.with a. ketatlEfl attack of .the. mumps — THAT resort residents, andp ic- ' nickers along Lake; Huron shores from Goderich to' Port Elgin, saw the . Sunday, flotilla , • of yachts ::o of . the Detroit Power. Boat .Squadron as they passed up';•the Lake. -At Amnlberley Beach .. some '15 yachts were seen in close .procession at one —0 -- THAT Donald R. MacKenzie, son of Mr. and • Mrs. Roy MacKeri.- zie 'been -,engaged las principal • of . Goririe Public School, , and . will commence his -•-duties—in-September. Donald previously taught tin in Ashfield. Township, THAT Duncan MacLeod • and The • Sentinel `are being featured .on the Cities • Service Broadcast from CFRB this Wednesday at. • 6.1..p p.m. There will bea• re broadcast, of the program. over C•KNX''on. Thursday, July 17th :,at 9.00 to' 9.,15 p.m. • • THAT, Mrs. • Harvey Treleavein's condition is improving rafter' be- ing . critically • ill last • 'week in • Goderich -Hospital. Mrs. Tre• leaven had 'been' in Winghain Hospital,, ' and :from there she ' went to a cottage at the beach, where, •she •took.• seriously ill and was rushed to 'Goderich Hospital. She received a' .blood. • transfusion and ' intravenous treatment during the most tcritieal period of her illness, THAT Jack England •Ioat a bill'= • fold i containing over $50, while helping with the haying at Neil Murdochs- far -m -••-on - Saturday. Jack was driving a side deliv- ery rake , when the wallet is believed to have, worked out of his hip pocket. A search failed to ,recover thee. purse but on Monday when John Murdoch was turning some shay he dis- covered the wallet. .Till 'then Jack' bad visions of Neil's' cows 'thriving this 'winter to a. diet of $10 ,hills.• RETURNS FROM FUNERAL TO LEARN OF ACCIDENT. Mrs. Orley Cooper attended the, funeral of her sister, Mrs, Milton Moore of Mount Forest on Tues- day of last, week and was- accom- anied hoarse by her , sister ' and brother, Miss Mabel White and Mr. Leonard White, Upon arriving here they learn- ed that Mr; CooPer had received word' of a serious motor accident at Guelph,, involving a niece and her daughter and husband, . Mr. and Mrs. Dahre .Beaver. M. Beav- er was , killed in the crash and Mrs. Beaver and , daughter were .seriously injured. FORMER RESIDENT PASSED AWAY IN WASHINGTON. 'The death of John Austin' Smith, a :native of Lucknow, oc- curred in hospital in Washing- ton, 4C.,, on Saturday morning. He' had been '`hospitalized,' for about •a week with his death re- sulting after suffering a severe stroke. Word of his death was receiv- ed by • his only survivug sister, Mrs. T. S. Reid •of ', Orillila, in a phone .call from: the manager. of : ' the • Ambassador . ,Hotel • m Washington where "Jack" .had been employed for the past 25 years: Mr. Smith was ' born in Luck - now on July 19th, 1877, and was just' a few days short of 75 years of • a ageI fe, was a •son' of William'. Henry Smith and;. Eliza Jane Tre- leaven., • : 6 He was predeceased by a bro- ther George IL Smith and a sis- ter MI's. G. A.•' (Edith) Newton, a half-sister: Mrs: George Sid - 'dall (Ida): and two half-brothers. • Ed: and Frank Rooklidge. The sole survivror is Mrs. Llora • Reid •.of Orilllaa A • private funeral service oras' held at Orill'ia on Tuesday with interment in St Andrew's' Cem- etery, Orillia: • PASS'CONSERVATORY EXAMS The ''following pupils of Mrs:: Shaddick have successfully pass- ed the : ntidsurnmer piano exam- inations xam-inat ons. of the Royal Conserve; tory of Music of Toronto Allison Webb, Grade 5, : honors 74;'' Joa JohnIstgn, Gtrade' .5, honors, 73; ValerieCarnegie,_ Grade -4' pass 68. • WITH -GULF OIL --COQ', ^;j: ti ice' {K f ••:lCi ij{'•n• TOM • ,... .. ii•'lrr,:::::'r ...... L.- �n 1. .� WILLIAM F. MacKINNON, ,who graduated this year in math -- emetics and political science from Western University,' is now em- ployed by the .Gulf Oil•Company, and'- will see a W good -dead of w alae country in the business Iadininis, kration training he will receive with this Company. Bill'Was -first, sent to Calgary, then to • Pincher Creek,' Alta.,' and his next 'Move is to . Oklahoma. • .Bill ,is the son of Mr, Dan T. MacKinnon •‘Cori. '6,' .loss, and': :the late Mrs, T MacKinnon, . His mother died when he'Awas a lad` Of 13' years. • I• I1NDt1CTIQ ISS HELD ., FQR TW„ pA$TORS`, Induction services „ were held last r week' in • Lucknow United • Church and on the Ashfield +Cir, ;suit when new pastors., Were wet- corned t o • their • respective charges.. On Wednesday night Rev.. Grant A. -Meiklejohn, formerly of the Bervie charge,, was. inducted . as pastor, of the United Church, - succeeding Dr. W. J.• Mumford. ' Rey. P. H. Lawson of Kinca dine and chairman of Bruce Pres, - by, had chargeof the service., Rev. D. A. Brydor of. •Ripley preached the sermon and Rev, D, • J. • Proctor of ,Teeswater gave the charge to the minister and Con- gregation. • • • A numberwas rendered by a: male quartette comprised 'of El- don . Henderson, Elmer Umbach,, Alex and Donald McNay: Rev and Mrs. Memldejohn were introduced: to the congregation by Mrs.. Ewart//Traylor. and :'Mr. W. L. MacKenzie.:A' social' time 'fol- lowed in the Sunday: School' room when four . guest ministers !from the community were among those called on for few words. They. were Rev.' A. ,S. Mitchell of St, Peter's. Church, Rev. Charles . A. Winn of Luck/low' Presbyterian toh4 .1 urch, ,Rev. S,:. E. Hayward of St 'Helens United ' Church and Rev. -J R. MacDonald of Ripley and. Ashfield Presbyterian Church. The heads ofe ;the various or- I°; ganizations of the church were' also, 'Called on.. • Rev: and -Mrs.' Meiklejohn took up residence in the Parsonage last Week':.They will have • their vacation in August and during- July uring-July Rey. ;Meiklejohn will 'con- duct .union;. services' in. the .' Pry . , Friday Night At Hackett's On : Friday evening members 'of the 'three congaregations• -,Of the ' Ashfield United Church Circuit met: in'liackett's Church for, the induction4oit their• new, :minister, Rev. J. R. Dickinson,' who ° sue- ceeds Rev: C. B. Woolley . who went to ' Dobbu ton :after•, a '7 -year pastorate in Ashfield. Rev. George Watt of Dungan- on',Church. gave the address to. the iminister and Rev..: S, E. Hay- . . ward' of St.' Helens spoke to the congregation. • Rev, DickC + ras presented • to the gathering by :Mr.'' • Cecil • •Johnston, . and he ' and his ivirife ' • -were personally 'in• . • used to members of the. congregation b'3r.. Mr'. and:' M:rs. Roy Alton.' ltev. and ,Mrs, Dickinson are on holidays during July, and will assume the duties of their new charge in August. • • PA I • • a• BORN LANNAN--in Hamilton onJuly 3rd,. 1952, to Mr, and MrClare Lannan, a' daughter:' TWO YEARS OFF C E NTU RY;. .M'AR K. Kinloss 's Towiiship • grand old � ' • , . lady,: Mrs, John••'Cox, .quietly Cel- ebrated her 98th birthday at her home, on Concession 10, on Wed- nesday• of this ',week,' July 9th. Earlier in the'sunumer. a family -gathering was enjoyed at the. home of : her grandson, Mr. and Mrs: Maurice Bodging, when her daughter Mrs. Ada Hodgins, and Mr,`, and Mrs. Rudy Sieloff and • Calvin of • Detroit were: present to. -jo ri -other. •relatives ion -•thins- -`-`: community. ' • It was; , the wish of Mts..' Cox that her birthday party Which thefainily share with her each Year, be left over a ' few 'weeks' until relatives ,are here a 'min 'vacation.. • Heartiest greetings are extend- ed to Mrs. Cox along with best wlshee that"she may be spared, to reach • the century mark, • • r!