The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-07-02, Page 4PAGE FOTS13 ry ZIT THE LUCKNOW SENTINIEL, LUCKNO*, ONTARIQ N JULY 2nd, 1,0.'52 r�p • ,• c APARTMENT TO RENT+ --avail-' able Sept 1st or.'sooner. Apply, at Sentinel Office:. ..FOR SALE - Choremaster garden' tractor, Virden Mowbray,, Luck - ow, •• FOR: SALE=;cement septic tanks, approved by the Health Unit. We ..deliver ...them. Forster's- Welding:. 4 Shop, phone .2(16-r-11, Lucknow. LOST _yellow male Scotch .col lie,. answers to name' of Ted. `Any- one knowing of his. whereabouts • done collect 'tp ' Jimmy Wilson, •Lucknbw, 70-w.., LOST—red cow with white mark-, iingS 6 years old.. Anyone know- , ang of her whereabouts notify' Robert.. Henderson, R. 5,. Luck now, phone 606-J-3, .'Wingham, . -WANT .TO -TRENT.. -- cottage: for • first two weeks'zn August pr iasf week• in July, sand first week in. ' August. Amberiey, preferred. Ap- ply Box A, .Lucknow-.Sentinel. HOUSE' FOR SALE—Six - room stucco house, attractive location • in Village' of Lucknow, all; con-: veniences:. Apply -Box T„ Luck now Sentinel. . .FOR .SALE--Massey-Harris. hay ,loader, :good 're:pair, 'ready'... to: hitch'on to;.: also .good Durham' cow, 6 'years, right every .way, With good heifer calf, 10 days old.. James Forster. FOR 'SALE—modern up-to-date store, selling floor, coverings, ply- . woods, ' builders' : hardware:. and supplies, alsoequipped wood- working, 'shop,: and office .equip went. Good stock of 'merchandise.. Sound reasons' for selling.• Write Box 790; Goderich. • NOTI"CE TO ~CREDITORS' All -,persons having" claims ' against --the- estate--�of'-Duncan. Alexander:lVlacIntyre, late: of the Township of Ashfield, in the County •of.• Huron,. who died on or'about the 29th day of March,•. 1952, are required to, file the same with '',fu11: particulars with the undersigned by the'. 5th day .of .July; 1052, as after that -date the assets a the Estate. will be dis=, 'tri1 uted.. • DATED, at then, Town ..ot God - in, the County of Huron, .' this •.12th1day of June; A.'. ' • Russell 'Bissett, Executor, .Luck -- now,' Ontario , ozr B Y C. Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate rs 1. • s ,a, • *A' w f '4• • w TENDERS Township; of' Ashfield •Huron. County Tenders' for Municipal Drain SEALEtr TENDERS, ,addressed t� the undersigned, will be received until 6 , p.nn, ' SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1952 for the. supply of material 'arid construction of the Ritchie Muni- ;cipal.' Dirain .in 'the • Township of .Ashfield. consisting of: 12956 lin-; `:ea'1 feet of opendrain; 8600 cu. yds, 'of excavation; 12554 lineal feet of .tile', drain (of diameters' _ _ _ :14 in.;- 12 in, 10_ in;, '8 in,,':;6 , in.,: 5 M. 4 in.) together with catch - basins,. protections,. and clearing, ... ¢ Bids .shall 'be lump -sum accord ing to, the tender forrn' provided,: for ; the whole 'work' or,. 'altern- atively, for specified: sections. _ Flans,...and specifications may be' . 'seen and form of'tender obtained At .the office Of the Clerk, Kiri- tail, Ont.,or at ithe office of S. W. Archibald, Consulting Engin •eer, Kipps Lane; London, Ont,' (P40. Bob 812); , , Marked cheque payable to the. Treasurer. Of the -'Township' of Ashfield for • 10' ,percent• of the amount of the bid ' must , accom:: zany 'each'tender, Lowest or any tender not necessarily:•acceptet� Donald iSintpsbn,' ., Clerk -Treasurer Ashfield Tom. itintail, Out. ` FOR SALE -used wire -tie Mr M. baler; cheap; used Universal. R. M. -M. tractor, 1 year 'old; Griew Cardinal bale elev'atof;. Ferguson side deliveryrakes '.:.in stock; t0nibines equipped for flax .and all grains, ready • for delivery. GEORGE WRAITH, phone 1285. or 931-r-3, Goderich.. DEAD &. LIVE ANIMALS • Prompt. ,pick up' of .cattle, horses, pigs' & -sheep. Live horses fit foranimal food picked up at your farm averaging.' $35.00. Brubacher, Wingham,. phone 608- W-1. PERSONAL, , ; "SKINNY": 'GIRLS! 'G'rET LOVE- LY. .CURVES! Gain -5 to .10 new pep. Try famous health'. and. weight - builder, Qstrex Tonic Tablets . Introdu.otory, • "gel -acs. .civainted" size only 60c. All drug- gists. ARTIFICIAL SERVICE From this licensed, non-profaut,: co-operative, 'growing association' is available ..from Holstein, -Jer- sey, Ayrshire, - Guernsey,. Here- ford„ ; PPolled' Dual- E urpose acrid Beef' Shorthorn bulls of .' high• quality. Life.xrien ersl ip is $25.00 and '.$5.00. ;per' cow 'for members and. $6.00. per cow far non -mem-: bers. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association, R. R. No.`.1, Waterloo; Ontario. For service. call, Burton Shewfelt; . R.' R. 5; .. Kincardine,' Phone '101.-r-7•, Kincardine,, Ont., or Norman .•Me ee, , R. is Tees water,. phone 141-r-4 'Teeswater.. FARM FOR SALE 104 •acres,. part of Lots 15 and 16, ,Concession' 13, ' W.D. ' Town ship of 4eishfield.'G:ood. buildings located'' on Lluewater 'Highway; land very productive, also,, val.; .uaible bush and good well, ;price $8,000. Apply D ' F.1VLcNain, 5558 Queen Mary Road, Montreal,'Or Mrs: W Hmart, 762 • Windermere-- Ave., indermereAve., Toronto, Ont OPPORTUNITY' . $350 ,MONTHLY' SPARE TIME Servicing and collecting' money from our latest Automatic Vend- • CQMI NGEVEN S. PALACE GARDENS;, FORMOSA Cactus Mac and his Hilsiders will •be: featured at the Palace Gardens, Formosa, Sunday, July -6from 2 t0—707157:11.1T JACKPOT 'BINGO Wingham Arena, • FRIDAY; JULY 4th, 9 p.m. 15 regular games $10.00; three Specials $50.00 each; JACKPOT GAME $500.00' (The Jactkpot :will. go at this Bingo) ' e'hGere will be a)second Jackpot the same night, amounting to $1 for 'every person atferidance' • over 800. Admin sign $1.00. Special ;cards 25 •cents. 'Sponsored , by, Wingham Club, PURPLE . C}ROVE ' Mr. George S. Emerson is: erect ing a barn on his farm on the 12th Concession. Miss. Winnifr'ed McFarlane of. W' 'angham spent .'a. few days., at her 'home here. Mr. and Mrs.. Jack • Emerson visited' with Mr. Jacob -Hunter -of Zion Sunday evening.' Members of the Kinlough, igdge', attended the Orange' walk . • on ISu,nday evening at. Zion. 1V1r, , and Mn.'sVictor Gawky' were in -London' last 'week' ,. Mr. land. • Mrs. Burton Collins and family visited with. Mr, Ar- thur Patterson of Delhi on 'Sun- day.' �. ALAAN_. WILL .MS Optometrist, Office ' on Patrick St.,just off' the Main St. ?in• . VV,INGHAM_ Professional Eye examination Optical, Services Evenings by appointment. Phone: Office 770; Res. -5. • OBITUAR MRS. HENRY'' WYLDS, SR... Mrs.'; Henry, Wylds, Sr., ' passed avray at the, home < o.f •her 'soli, John Wylds, M. ,Ripley,; 'following short illness. .The deceased who .was . in her .90th year, 'ways the fernier ' ' Catherine . •MeLay: She:. Was a ,native of. Huron•Township: Where'. she resided, all 'her 'life,' until .Moving with .:her husband. to Ripley several years ago. She was, a, woman of .strong 'Christian'• character and, kindly disposition,- -always• ready .to ,help in .time of.. T reed. She :leaves family of 7' sons, :'Charles .and..John .of- Rip -- -fey:, Dan of Dungannon, ':Harry and ;Allan: of Toronto; Wesley of Bervie and. Earl Of. London and -one daughter, .';(Mary), '1VIrs. An ` gus. McLennan of Toronto; . , also one : brother,. Kenneth; '15' grand - Machines, . and 19 great grandchild- 112aGchiries, ',d�ispenei-iig�---the-.=c ----- ren. newest scientific achievement CHLOROPHYLL GUM. No sell- ing. TO qualify for .ifranchise.,you must have car •and A-1 refer- ences, P it . „ I C Cashr-seeur--:- ed.. by rights . andinventory, de- voting 6 hours weekly 'to thee business. . Your :end of/profits net You up to $350 monthly: wit�i very good ,possibilities of taking over: full time and income ac-: cordingly. Territories Open In . # • • Funeral services were conduct- ed atSt. Andrew's . United chiircl,. 'Ripley, by. the .pastor, Rev, 'D. A. Brydon.: Interment; was in. Rip-. ,ley Cerne. est` y. The pallbearers were six of her so•ns.. • Timm Most 'Ontario, Tow If, you can qualify:, include phone numebr in lappl}'lcation for . inter view',with' our: factory represents ative,'%t ,AJEX VENDORS, Dept. S; 110 .D•uiiclas' St. ' West,', Tdronto: 1, Ontario. Z:.ION'.. ' • Mrs. Wes Ritchie. • visited for a few' days` it Port Elgin, with Mr.'. • and :Mrs.,;Jirp MCKaY. ••a1Vlir, and Mrs. `Roy. Anderson girls spent a , few days with . Mr. and .Mrs.' Frank Ritchie. Mr: Alfred Andrew of Qrillia visited With his 'smother, Mrs. Ail drew aid Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland and attended the An-- drew -Carie spicas: on 'Thursd`ay-r • Mr. and Mfrs. Ken Laidlaw girls of North' Bay spent, ,'the. Week -end With Mr. and. Mr's. Geo. 'Hunter'. ` There Were a number from the line who trick in a the Helm t .picnic . which was he�l'd. hi Kin cIardine c r Saturday, Mr,' Tom ackett had a; tar row ,escape from being 'hurt 'bad- ly ' when the horses got' avwa. while, hiltched to ,the rake. There will. be no"church. nett Sunray as. it is co n/nutLion at B1at(e's• at 11 &clock.. ' 1 Y, I' JO,H NSTON E'S. TUNER. _: .AL', HO`.. E . - . 'Shone'. 76 Day • or Night :Ambulance, Service,. •USE ' OF .FUNERAL. HOME At No Extra Cost Moderate •Prices' MacLENNAN _ and MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted • accord- i'ng to Your ,wishes at' your Home, 'Your Chiiirch, Or at ' .our Memorial 'Chapel atno' "additional charge., AMBULANCE' SI ItVICE': 'Phone, 181, '.'Lucknow, Day or Night Inews. gency oward..Agilew — 'Jos. `Agnew MEMBER OF ' .,i Ontario •,Insurance Agents' Association, GENERAL'NSURANCE 'Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: Business 39 • Residence 138 1 NSURANCE:.� Co -Operative Life Insurance •Co -Operative Automobile Insurance Itercant ti --FarnrFF-ire - Insurance Economical and Reliable. Service and Satisfaction in, Plumbing and Heating 'N1►' Automatic Oil Furnaces' Installed -Now ' In Stock FURNACE. REPAIRS Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs SEE THE OIL RANGES EAVETROUGHIN*G. AIR CONDITIONING: Art �iiwe 3, .LU C•KNOW ,'Phone • 61-r.-13, , Dungannon , See. 'T. A. CAMERON.. LUCIKNOW Phone 10-r-10 Dungannon Kennneth'J' ' M.ncKenile R'O Optometrist LISTOWEL, • .(IN's. Will be at, Wrona's 'Jewellery, store, Ripley, 10 'a.m.' to 9.p m.; WE4NESDA'I, JULY 9th and every'Second Wednesday, Eyes, examined. - Glasses fitted For appointment 'phone Roy MacKenzie, 961r44 Ripley. .wr ENJQY DR. T. T.B. N CLELA D' VETERouvaIAN' Havelock St., south .of Supertest. Garage • • L'!C,'KNO:W. Telephone 175. BUSINESS and TAX SERVICE MONTHLY .AUDITS. ,For The,: Sma11 Merchant, Professional. man and the Farmer. S ' J. , PYMM. P.O. Box 74: - Lucknow, Ont. Office in Kilpatrick Block 'Phone 23-w ' F. T., . ARMSTRONG OPTOMfl KIST .GODERICH. FOR. APPOINTMENT • 'Phone .1100 • For . Appointment or'Information • See 'Wm. A. ;Schmid, ''Phone 167-w Lucknow ' INSURANCE: 'FIRE, CASUALTY, AUTOMOBILE'. AND LIFE To Protect Your, 'Jack;'' Insure With Jack Today. J. :A• .McDONAGH R ; R. 3, Luck' now, ''Ont: , ''Phone• • 51=5; .Dungannon' R. W ANDREW • �Barristr. ands Solicitor LUCHNOW, ONTARIO . Office ' in the Joynt, Block Telephone- • ' ' T Office' 135 " ' Residence 31-J P. Stuart .MacKenzie'. arrbter and -Solicitor < . WALKERTON, ONTARIO LUCKNOW Each Wednesday•: OFFICE IN,• HENDERSON BLOCK R. S..Heherington,;Kc'. • Barrister, •Etc: Winghain 'and Lucknow IN • LUCKNO'W Each MOnday andWednes• day _x _ Located on the groufi finor in '.the; ,fronttrf< John 'Kilpatriek's llrilding 'Phone Wingliath Office 48'. Residence. 9' Insure; With The MAW • W6.1.1,{. Jy,.- , OILS BURNERS 9 • . OIL FtiRNACES, HISELER. , anis • S 'FREE SURVEYS A'NO•ESTIMATES' OIL BOILERS • 'WATER HEATERS ,: Phone 426, W ng111 (UJross ' Mutita FIRE "INSLJRANCL ('O+• for • ; Reasonable ".rates, •sOU d tectipn'&. prompt, sati4-►actor settlement of, :Till"fin " , PARISH MO FAT Your •Local Ago t R. 3 Toeswater, 'Phone Teeswater 57441