The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-06-25, Page 84 • PAGE EIGHT 'VHITECHU2CH • THE; LiTCKNQW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . lAr DN4P.DAY, JUNE,. '25th, 1932 Mx', and Mrs. Robt. Hutcheon �. of .i► l Ix> ..Oregoxi,, s C iti With his 'sister,' Mrs. Roane, \vho111 he has not, seen' for 8 years, and with his nieces, Mrs. James Mc - and Mir. Geo. Me :of. Teeswater... . IMrs, Mar:garet Purves of 'Luck - no* spent last Friday with Mrs. D. Kennedy. • • Mrs. Mac Ross spent a few days, with trier sister, Mrs. Jack. Henderson, and also" visited in. •Goderich ;wi,tli her niece, Mrs, George:W 'aith.' .. About 'eighty . gathered at the home of Mrs. Geo. McClenaghan last Wednesday'evening and '• pre seated :anany' lovely. gifts to., the,: bride-to-be Miss . Muriel Watt, 'Whose marriage took. :place •on Friday last. • The Se—salon. of the Presbyter-, lin church-• entertained' the choir and their parents last Friday ev-. ' ening Avery enjoyable time was spent, with ,themen, serving lunch and a fine: progra n. of music and .:speaking. . Mr. Perry ' Thompson , and son Alex and Mr Jack Spears of Cal edon .,are visiting with. Mi. and Mrs: Art Moore. Mr. and Mrs, Walter'Be11 spent tiie week -end 'at l3prford. A number, fromhere,' attended the, wedding of Mr. Archie Pur - .don and Miss',Mildred .Jacklin at Wroxeter on Saturday. -TO HOLD UNION •SERVICES DURING SUMMER MONTHS The, .congregations. of, the. Pres: BLAKE •COMMUNITY HONORS SPRING BRIDES • Members. of the Bake congre 'gati!on met B'lai e's- I ar11 last - week to honor. two recent brides, Mrs. John K. Scott of Belgriave (nee Lottie Saunders): and; Mrs.. C, W, Hardy of McGaw (nee Era: Phillips). • • • Each of the young ladies was presented: with :a lovely floor rug and end table. Russell.. Irvin` read the address and Keith :Cr.ai ston and Harold Cook made the Pres- entations. Rev C. B. Woolley presided for the Prosgiram that included com- rriu.nity stinging ,with :Mrs. Durnin Phillips . at the 'a iano„ readings by' Mrs, Woolley; piano solo, Helen Nicholson;; solo, Wm. Bucking ham address by Steve. Stothers song by ;Donald Nicholson play - Mg his own •guitar accompaii- iPnent • and' ' a reading by Cecil Hahsm. . LUGKNOW W L TO TAKE'. :BUS TRI IN. JULY exist toyed with the; Meres... In- '•cidentally this•Miley'1•ad is clout A.report.'of the officers' corn' ing' the ball plenty this season, •vention held in Guelph oven,by land has., hit safely, ' in :the. last 14. Mrs. Ira Dickie was the highlight games: Lucknow fans made up a of the regular ;meeting of the good portion of.. the., p _ota�tors at . _ � . .this: --. Lucknow W. I. held on June 13th Dot�st. in the ' Council: Chamber. The '' rh , e. :±president, , Mrs. R: Johnstone ; was; Luekno w 000 041 ' 00=5 7 0 in the chair.`' The .roll 'eau, ins- Wingham , 009010000,-1 6 1 wered by a household hint, was , Take- ' Hanover.:' Twice well; ,responded to ,' x$15:00 was . OIi Friday nitglat in Caledonian' 'Voted to the .:. Salva. (ori •. Aral , . i ark,' the Legionnaires nosed gout Musical' numbers by ; Mrs.: Jessie 'the revamped Hanover squad 3 Allin Were' • enjoyed,," Mrs:Bark ;to : 2, Cotton's• Support has been well gave ,the report:of the dis strengthened by some 'boys from trict` annual held in `Kincardine.' • Mseingave byterian 'afrrd. United . churches of • ssh. orTf readings �1Vliss lVL.aarycoMcluple will holdd their "customary union .Lend gave the '. report of'? the SPORT... 'LEGIONNAIRES WIN THREE' • FOR ,FIRST PLACE SPOT Dui^ing the past week Lucknow Legionnaires won' all three games pla ecl aid took p. spot in the Major Fastball loop with 12 wins and four losses.,Meaford,won two of their three, and are in second ,place, while Walkerton nine .took a tumble to third spot by drop ping; their. fifth in a row to, again raise • the . ' pre -season ' question, "C'an George Z.uk stand the grind and.. longer pitching 'distance?" Of• course,, a ''few hits and a, little tighter , support by .that once formidable • club would 'e a s e *George's. 'burden a lot. • - But, back to , Lucknow, •The Legionnaires trounced. Wingham. last Wednesday ..night on their•: owp. corner lot 5 to 1. Mileyts hairier 41 -the 5th with the . sacks loaded '• settled that one . easily,. and froin there 'in "Big • Charlie" services during July sand. August. '.. 'Evening sere ices will be' with_ drawn ': for the two months: During July,,' Rev.: G'..A. Meik- ' lejohn will preach: in the Pres- byterian :church, ..and will' .also` ;conduct :afternoon services f.at_ ,Dungannon. . • s'i' or four :Sundlays : in August, Rev: C; ` A. Whin will": preach',in the.;United. Church.` On• August 31st,' Rev. Meiklejohn will occupy the pulpit, &jtI YOUR FAVOURITE BEVERAGE Ki Tweedsmuir: history' book: which had : been brought up to date. A 'vote of thank' was tendered Mr. Elmer Umbach ' for , his help by taking soine pictures. • The• picnic was discussed .and it was decided: to go : to .Guelph on :July 17th and' enjoy :a day of'the Women's ;Institute holiday held that' week at the OAC. A: :contest sbrought the -'meeting to a. close after: -which the commit- tee; ''Mrs.:. Gordon Fisher, 'jVirs. Temple Craik and Mrs: A: lltav- ens served a dainty:llinch; DONNA HENRY` GRADUATES.. 1 jtiss. Donna Henry,.. daughter :of Mr.- and 'Mrs. Jas. 'Henry, Wing:- barn, ing= ham, Ont.,.and a former .strident of Lucknow .High School, \vas.. a recent graduate of Toronto den - . Hospital, Wellesley Division. Thirty-two, girl's 'gr,aduated and Premier :•Frost was present :and. al. r mics --store ` '• he new nurses' : residence. , : nue(sur■■■•■■■■puri■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■•■•■■■•■ Prompt,' Del (very -On- N-ew--395-2 ■` ' ■ ■: i' ■ • • ■▪ . ■ Choice of COlOrs• ■ ` SIG VALUE ' CARS •■ 1951 CHEV.. 111E1411 XE STYLELINE SEDAN, custom radio, t , :.. ' . • air' conditioning, two tone in color. " ya II 1951 CHEV. DELUXE FLEETLINE. SEDAN. fir! . ■ r � . f a • 'II '1951 CHEV '5 -PASSENGER 'COUPE., 1951 PONTIAC .STYLLINE__COACH,_ .1951 'CHEV: SEDAN ■ •.1950 • PONTIAC DELUXE STYLE -LINE SED 10 ■ 1947 CHEV- FLEETMASTER ;SEDAN.. • • . 2•--1939 PONTIAC.: COACHES. r■i 1938 .BUICK : COACH:' •r 38 FORD'. COACH. �. • 1942 HAItLEY-DAVISON' MOTORCYCLE.:' - + 11§ ■ .SPECIALS r r • 1939 DODGE i. .1941• CHEV. new motor,, , ,..,..:...:� s ,;, ,,;;,,, .$375:00 rr.. ■ i ■: TRUCKS 1 i Ir,. 'r 4'4+ it • ■ , ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ;.i. $300.00 t Durham, who ::have, added some punch offensively and defensive- ly: efensively: Their 9th inning rally fell' lust': one ' 'short of knotting• .'the count. anover • • rhe .:.000 000 002=1. 4 2 Lucknow 001;.200'00x`-3 ; 5. 3 On 'Monday. night in Hanover,.. Luckriow a air( eked out' .a one``. • STS HELENS • Mrs. Gordon,, Mr and Mrs W. I,. Miller, Mr.: T. J; Salkeld; Mrs. T ,_J 'dddr4AnneA Wayne and Hughie, attended the Salkeld re- union, at •Seafor•th Lions'. Park 'On S.atu'rday. • . t he -ladies" ed- 4o- annival: tea under, the; auspices 'of the W.A. of the United • Church in. the church on Friday ,after- noon. The July 'meeting • ofthe ''Wo- men's Institute will.. be held On Thursday afternoon; .July, 3rd in the. Community Hall. Mrs. Mac- Pherson will. give a report of the District'Arinual. 11011 call, "Who''s who m our country".: Subject in. charge of Mrs. Lorne Woods Pro- gram and hos'tesse's; Mrs... Harvey Webb, ;Mrs. James Aitchison. Miss Eileen Sparkes of London was: a •visitor .'during the week with her aunt, Mrs.' 'Fred .Me- Quillin and Mr McQuillin. ', Mr. arid Mrs: James, Douglas, Cameron and Malcolm of Mitch - :ell and ,Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bart of Stratford were recent visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. John :Carver on;.. ' • . Hank:,or..._.wwre_ you looking thru • your bifocals? Haven't seen any, one I hit any. "pop flies" over that .fence this, year, . JITNEY . WINNERS • Twenty-four bowlers, took .part in last weekm's local ,nixed jitney:. A''prize of 50 'pourfds of sugar donated by' Roy Finlayson was divided 'between the two a top howlers of the night,' Mss,, How- ard ;Agnew and Gordon Mae - Pherson. Other winners 'were. Marjorie Solomon,'; : Wellington :McCoy arid P., M. Johnston. LOCAL': RINK .WON DO ipLES TOURNAMENT g t runvictory 4 to 3. A home run' Hugh Curning and Pete John- clout ohn- clout.'by Beacom in.' the 4th with. • ston won blankets . as first prize justice aboard,. accounted for two at the ,dotubles tournament on. runs and in the 8th• another pair Thursday nifglit. were before• Hanover made' rink . .of " Teeswater • was second; a last: ditch : stand.: that netted . Clark and',BY.o'' Fuila ..son third, y three :runs. Po'rter's ,rink of Teeswater; 4th: r,h'e 000 200'.020— 4.• 1 I " fifth • Lucknow Hanover and: Morrison's rink .of. Walkei=ton, 000 000' 012- 9 2 ': �:.. 3* * .* *. Past Week's Result Meaford '8; Walkerton 4'; Port Elgin 4, ,Han ver •3 Lucknow;:6, .Winans 1. iiigh-axn-5; Walker -ton ' 2 .' Luckndw..3, Hanover .2 • • Port Elgin 5, ; Meaford 3 . 1VIeaford 5, .Port.. Elgin' i` '`Wingham 2, Walkerton .1 > lLnnw 4 Hanover 3 THE STANDING • Won' Lost Pere., Luckirow • 1-2 4 ' ' 7,50 Meaford --;:: :10' " 4 • .715 Walkerton: '.,..i•:.... 9 . 6 :600' Port Elgin.... .-., 17 ... 8 ' '.467 Winghanl .,.` '. 5 9' .357. Hanover ..,.., ... 2 14'. .125 N. *.*** "NEAR-SIGHTED" SMITH BEMOANS PORT LOSS 01 1950 CHEV. a4 =TON STAKE TRUCK. 1 , III —., . f ■ 1 ■ ®' ' '.' li. russels f "The4 sed Cars" ■: ' , Gash, TraTerms ,,, DOpen Evenings Until • 10 11.1. r Cities Service Dealer - ' :: 'Photle 73k, 'BrusseIg .: r ■, Iiiiiiiir00.11101.11001110isaisilI Ifni iiI■■ra■s rt■a ira■ sir i. ■ ■ 1, at 1 01 ■ ` • inting altering Sunyvorthy Wall Papers .Interior and Exterior Spray . or Brush •STEEL ROOF 'PAINTING •. • We Use. , FITTSBURGHH FAINTS 'Sold by John . W. Henderson Lumber Ltd. ' • eriinM. . ,•Emb _ . & aclnnes Lucknow 194-m • Wingharn '654-32 "WON 'NURSING PRIZE, Miss •, . Viola Cook, ' ` nua,se-i�n- training at ;the Owen Sound Gen. eral and Marine: Hospital won the second year ' (prize for :pro- ficiency in •'bedside. nursing at the graduation 'exercises held recent- ly . on the• hospital ' `grounds ' Owen Sound.: BORN'' COURTNE•X—in Kincardine Nos. pital on ' Friday, June 20th, .. tq IUs-,--aA.d_.1Vtrs _::..R•obe_rt _courtn,-- R. in Ripley, (nee , J.oyce Ca,rpp- hell), a' sori Robert Dennis, • • .STANLEY ---in Wingliam `General Hospital, on Sunday, June E' th; 1952, to. 'Mr. • •and Mrs. George , ;. Stanley, Lucknow, a : soli; • TREAT YOURSELF RIGHT How"Skinny"Gs�ls Get Gain 5 .to 10 lbs. New: Pep, • Thousands' who never could gain weight hefrre. now have" shapely,.' attractive nkuies, No rirore.bony Itmtis„ ugly hollows.. They thank pstrev. •ir pu.r,� -flesh on bodies sklnpy because blood Packs +sort. Peps you up, too. Improves appetites (bowl )n jo food nourishes you better.Don't tear gat tine,',, tit. Stop when ydu gain figure $oft wish lntridnr•ory or 'get-acquatntei size onty•GN. I r ostr x Tinto Tablets for new popunds, lovely .curves, new. pea. %, today 'At ull;drugglst ,_ f h Hank (Fort Elgin Times)' Smith bemoans with =loud we -was -robe- bed • wwailings, the 2-1 loss. Fort Elgin suffered ' in ,Lucknow ` last week. :;Here's part pf a column he devotedto the subject, which we presume had Port Elgin "fans moved -to tears. Of ' course it was close Hank-- the' score we mean: After ;all it's runs: that count, and' it's a. smart ,ball team' which can cut "'ern. off at the plate. ' • • : ' • Bu't here's a bit .df .Hank's Tani . entations:: ' • ` • "We wg`s, robbed; just ,pium crazy Y ay anything: else, Take for instance in• the eighth inning. Burrell sloughs' one into deep centre field., The ball lands 'un- der the fence. Should 13e a home run. Instead the Umpires wave hirci ',back " fpr a • ground rule dotible: • In , the first place the. Lucknow` ball park looks like .the Duff ekiri Park ' race track with 1 ‘that ridiculous feri'ce surrounding the' :field, only ,a ' short ' distanae. from , home plate. Of coumse, .as Webster says, •it was put there' fast year for Hughie Hall's long fbali hitting". ' Are your eyes trobuling ` you --seals-Block, 'Brick, Concrete Walls :• WATER=TIGHT! ,•, . • Only $4.98 per 10 Ib, pail Fool=proof;. ' easy `- to -%use' DRY -SEAL' brushes • .on, like ,•'• paint . . actually, unites with wall surface§ to, form a tdouble mechani cal° and chemical ..seal ag- ainst tnoistur'e' seepage. Comes' in white, gray, cream, pastel green,'•rdse. ' • Won't` flake •or.:PeeL -Appy • right on 'clamp walls.. Han- dy and economical for any water -proofing job. • (makes :.11/2 • gdlions) BASEMENT., ' STOP - : LEAK LEAKS EVEN WHILE' WATER An amazing new fast -setting• -iia cerrienit. •,1'ressecl. into, openings Which 'water is flowing;. s`r0 expands, anchors itself• and sets PUGS HOLES A`ND' IS FLOWING THROUGH terproof' through P-,EAK fiite •r •iinutes: . 69c per I Ib. contains,. 0 ,LUMBER LIMITED • Phone 150 Oritarij Lucknow I ,. •