The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-06-18, Page 8„ PAGE EIGHT f' ;r! • A ',AN114774M111r.11.1Mmir,:ew.. .THE WOICNOW" SENTINE1.4-1017CICN. OW, ONTARIO „mium.r*,!,1*1•Nr—..n. 'WEDNESDAY jmnp, I.8th, 1.95Z, RT Ltio(Now "iftOREED" AT NEArogo ON TIIURSDAY . tocKNow vows 2-1 IN JusTICE-BALL BATTU • Lucknow g Legionnaires edged out a 2-1 'victory -Over Port El- , gm. Lakesides on IVIpriday night ii Qa-ledrinian park, in a thrill- • ing Charlie Justice-Hughie Hall pitching duel., Justice whiffecl 17. . d was nicked for six hits, while Hall Struck out 15 and allOwed . five hits, three of themoon-iing •in the first tWo innings befOre • be settled •away to „pretty, well handcuff the- Legionnaires .the mat, of the 'route. " ; Lucknow wen it in. the • first inning. Mileywas Safe on a.•• • bobble by Tom Wilson, went AO • second •without a. play. being made and; Stole' third: BiSsett. whacked a clean single t6 centre to' score him, and george Chin, making • his, first aPpearanee of , the season,, singled sharply to score Bissett. •• Lucknow droPPal a 5 to, 4 de- cision to ,lyleaforcl last. Thurs, day the. GreyCount ton and !came home indignantly shouting was robbed". a fact which •'even Meaford Oyer§ and fans woUldn4 deny, ' ' It wasn't just inefficient uinp- iring; .but 'bare 'faced robbery in the 'eye of the Legionnaires, and it started ottf right in the first 'in/141g, with ;banditry at first base, supported by two -gun stick - Ups at the plate; • • The cliinax came when Haoton the Plate uprn. called 0',Brien's home rtin? for Lucknow •a foul .6a% changed his decision, theti re -versed it again letting the kid,. , 'verdict .4itand, although • later ad- mitting -re Was :wrong. now ,Club threatened.'to protest .the ganie; :but didn't •take such •pction. ' Lucknow scored'a pair ofruns. in the'openinginning, but "blew their, top" on first „inning decis- ions and before .the' frame was over Meaford had Punched •horrie 5 rims in the bettorn„ half of the first, aided andabetted by the Owen Sound arbitfatidrs; George Haston and John Strimas. • From there ;on Justice had 'the Meaford team well subdued but the Legionnaires 'tell one shbrt •of getting •theni back, although Q'Brien'S'h'om'er in the 7th would • have given them a tie in- regilla- ti,on innings. " , • • rhe Port gOt their'S in the third, . Tom' Wilson struck out but was •safe • when the ball 'got away on Miley. He went to 'second on • a passed ball arid sbored on Hail's scorching •Single to: right. , Hall went down on the throw in, was. Saerifieed tothird by., McNeil,' ,but. was 'picked .off neatly:trying to stealhoirie with the' tying run.• Porthad another •run nipPed at the plate,: ,when _Hetherington tried to make it home on : ler'S single to left. field. Justice . took ',13611's throw near 'the prate and tagged Hetherington going • ' • ' Port's: last ,threat came in he '8th. . Justice whiffed the first two imen• to fee ;hien:: McNeil beat out , 'a bunt, and. Burrell,' the- Lake- .. Sider s colored pepper pot short - top, smashed a hard 'drive to the barrier fora ground rule 'double., Justice • trapped ,Burrell • toff second forcing McNeil to go .-lor.lierrie, when he was run down' ' for :the third out to fizzle an - ether squeeze play. , . • 'rb.e. 001 000 000,•--A. . 6 2 Lucknow ' 200 000 00x--,-2 5 •Pot Elgin Wo" lo. • 1'0 • 't 04. • ,i• 4, '17 ho, • ' • ,Lucknow .290'000 020,-4 .5 1. Meaford 500000 00x-5;. 9. 3 * yr, OCTOGENARIAN WAS - TOP BOWLER' PEItiAy • . Twenty bowlers' toOk ,part •in the local.mixed jitney last week With prize Winners being Well- ington McCoy; Roy Finlayson, FredJackson and Isaac Milier. On Friday. night • the: men had •a friendly' gaine of doubles -,--no pries ,offered—with' S. C. Rath, - well, the Club's' octogenarian 'member:, proving tci -be the 'Op. bOwler of the night with three Thursday :night the , Club is •otaging_its__ firSt .LAWIlight double tournarnent,Of the season., :Past. Weekra Results • . . .• Port Elgin 3;.Wingliarn• 2 Walke,iton .4, Hanover .9 • MeafOrd 5; Lucknow 4". Port Elgin 2, Walkerton • LiicknoW'4;.•HanoVer .2, Winghani 8, Hanover • Lucknow' 2, Port .Elgin 1 Meaford 4, Walkerton.1 , Prompt Delivery On New 1952 . • • • S a. • • si ,■ a. • ' 1951 cuEv. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN, custom radio, rs ' re • • air conditioning,two tone in color. - • 1951 CHEV. DELUXE4LEETLINE SEDAN:` , • 1951 CHEV. 6 -PASSENGER COUPE. • 1951 POICITIAC STYLELINE COACH. " • 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH. 1951 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN. •, 1950 PONTIAC DELUXE' STYLELINE SEDAN: • • --L-1947-C1jEY—FLEETNIASTEIL..SEDAN..:„...:_ , 1947 CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN, fully ,equipliecl. 2,1939 PONTIAC COACHES. • , , •38 FORD COACH. a 1942 HARLEY-DAVISON, 10ToRcitCLE. NI SPECIALS. • LUCKNOW EDGED 'HANOVER By 01.2 SCORE, FEIDAY, • . ,Following a hard-fought 'game in Meaford last Thursday, Luck - now Legionnaires went right back to anoVer77—on. —Friday "night vvhere they stayed ahead of the h'orne club all the. way to, win a 4-2". victory—Over .the-Tait'plate Hanover nine. • •• Lucknow tOok a .one 'run lea(' in' the 3rd and ran the count te four by the sixth before Hanover 6th hplaiend d7th. . with singleruns in' • , *Cotton got two' of the four hits ' that juStice gave up,. Bissett and .11.110Legn..got,da deouple 'of hits each and. Miley, JUStiat, and O'Brien one apiece for ,a total of seven ckf. Cotton's Offerings: . • r e -12e1{-nefw ' 091 t02,-.0 Hanover/ ... on 109,-2 4 2 * •41, * • The Standing' Walkerton •' Meaford Lucknow Port.. IkringhOm . . . . . . 3' Hanover .. .. 2 1,1 * * * ,* ,pisi,LEASO WITH UM,Pl[RiNG ••Luckhow. Legionnaires carne :hidrne from Meaford last Thurs- day, night, AdurMtig UP Over.' the ;Umpiring deal they had received. That is Was no alibi is borne out by. the following. despatch from Meeford in the Owen' Sound -Sun Times.' In Part it 'read as fellows: .1VIEAFORD, june,13--•-The. larg- eSt crowd • of the season, More • than .1,000, saw ' Russ Johnson be'st,:the• great 'Charley Justice in faotball contest that Was allow- ed to get. otit Of controlk. here. on Friday evening by Umpires Geo. Heston and John StiCirriaS both of, Owen Sound. , • • • • While Meaford • offiCialS. have -no reason at any. time to doubt the sincerity of Easton' he' 'has encountered' a great deal of dii'- ficulty ;here in the past 'while working .behind the plate. Fans and officials, alike both keerthat Heston is not Up to 'handling the class of. ball being played in the league.' Friday. evening, Haston 'Was in„Constant :het water, es- pecially With Lucknow. Officials both, teat* said after the game, that they were. .anything . but ; . , Pleased With the Umpiring. "We have Stepped up: our ballwe Must step up our umpiring', said the Meaford AthletiCASSOCiatiori. Dr J. 'IC, Finley, an official of * * As ,KINCARDINE SEES THE WOAA-OASA RHUBARB. L04444.E CLUB METING • .Members of the tp-L-Le Club met at the hqrne of DorOthy Gan- nie On Thursday evening. Prior 'to he meeting the girls practised to take on the LUcknow Legion- naires in a 'softball. genie. Bar- othy Genii -Me Presided 'over, the meeting which was opened by singing 0 Canada OfTer-Which the ininutes of the last Meeting were read and' adopted:. The roll call was 'answered lby "what we wOuld like our 'club to do this year". it, was decided to. hold a dance and •a• Strawberry . tea early. in July,. The next 'meeting‘ will be held at the home of Freda Hui - ter. •A dainty lunch served, by the hostess •ancl. Mrs. Eric Hack- ett, brought, an, enjoYahle en- ing to a close. holte-some-ihearibier aspects of WOAA operation, for instance • hockey, However, these musings from Won Lost Pero. this point are more or less, the 9 " 3 750 observations of * interested by - 8, • 3 727 stander, for. Kincardine is not 9 4 • : 601 inVolved. in WOAA major series 51 • .7 417 comPetictiori , or in , the rhubarb ' • 273 which'seems t�be 'well advanced 154 in the making in the, entire at - on mcs evro e Choice of .Colirs • Olt :VALUE. CARS,' • a 1939 DODGE'4 . • ' * ' i' • . ' ,. ' . 8300.00 'a . . in ,, , ........ ,...•• 6 / • /••,•• 4 0:4114•1"te,141.6••••••• : . . ati, ....... 6,64, • ,111•6 4.1. Itt,t0 , a " • IV 1941 CHEV., new Motor , ...,...,....,.,,...,—„, ,, „.' • • ,$315.00 is .; • a • , • . . • isr 1950 CPAEV Vi....,TON STAXE TRUCK. , • ' • • • ; . • Jul ' •• • • . 1, a ':. vr us &els • , • I or • • in .. . . : * • ' . ."The 1-loMe of Reiter USed Cars' .; so . u 1 . Cash, Trade, Tering ..,.!,' Open Evenings 'Until It ..: Cities. Service neater • •,,,,, 1 ts- 'Phone 13ir, Brussels 11 Ill ' , ' • ' , ' 1 • illiiiiiiiiillii•iiiiiilliiillitilillilliHisii•••111•1111111.1•••••••••• , .•' TRUCKS ••? 444,114--,ra 4-4-4rir • • (Kincardine -News)' Announcement . of Ontario "Amateue—SoftballiAssoelation that, it Would not .grant transfers to a: number of 'players in West- ern Ontario Athletic AssoCiatibri circles has been greeted with mixed reception around and out- side the. Gregg' circuit: In the • main there have- been brave '• utterances from. WOAA' front office and from the...tea:Ms which • OASA' would bar such, softball greats as Shelley Miley, Charlie .JUstice, Charlie Cotton and the like, ; The tenor and time of the maj- ority of these is that OASA can, go fly a kite or, indulge. in some other. pastime leaving ,,WOAA to its own devices. Evidently' WOAA has no "objectibri, to being Labelled an outla-w outfit -So -far -as softball - 'is concerned, Since it does not . • plan .competing ,for OASA , The apotheSis 'of this Pretty 'By the time it is all,over, Tory will probably be crying, as will Lucknow, "We want Justice". * * * • When the CASA grantedrans7 fers last Week' tp Justice, ,Cotton an'd POlosky, n� mention was made., of Meaford's. Russ 'John- ston. The Meaford Club has aid-. plied for an• official 'transfer for •JohnOtan, but whether or not,,it Cornesthrpugh•the Hamilton hurl- • er Will continue tb toss, 'em and how, for Meaford. johnstin's transfer was approved the la ter , ;part of the week. • ,* * * -* • • Wirighain's new golf course is in 'excellent 'condition now and an effort is being . made. to induce out-of-town gplfers, to -Join the Club, states •NOrrnan Welwood, chairman ef the membership committee. . Hughie Hall and the Port El- gin have.been consist- ent 'wtriners of late; after a bad tart, . and laSt Friday' night snap - hoed Walkerton's -Win streak :with, a 2-1 ' victory over the Zuk-led boys. ReCeipts of the game, totall- ing :$330 Were earmarked in aid of Charlie MacDonald, Port El- gin's third .1baseinari whid..had his leg broken in a game .at Wing - ham and .is out for the,season. -Port' S victory -over Walkerton was, only' their second, leis to that pointi-Lucknow .having . handed Ahern ,a .9-9 drubbing earlier in • minting Papering • Sunworthy :Wall papers • Interior and Exterior. Spray or Brash, --STEW-ROOF- PAINTING • We use PITTSBURGH PAINTS SOld by John W. Jlenderseu ..Lumber Ltd. Emberlin & Macinnei • Luckii•ui;194m ' ST.HELENS • Mrf., John. iMcQuillin is a visitor with his daughter,' Mrs,' "Irvin , McCabe • and. .1Skr. 14oCabe at Windsor., • Mr.• and' Mrs. Allan Duriiin Lbhdon were guest S of Mr, and Mrs. Jaanes•I)urnin for the week-. end.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Berndt of • Detroit. spent the, week -end as !guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacPherSon And of Mrs. Farlane. • Mr. and Mrs. Ken Whitney Of ,Toronto 'were -Visitors during the Week with 11/Ii• • and Mrs •Roks Errington. • , . Miss. Beatrice MeQuillin., the • teaelier,, Mr. Sheldon . Baxter, ',the mifoic supervisor and the .ptiPilsr, of" the, St; Helens , School 'enter- , tained the. ladies .of the section recently. Alison Webb, the •pre.s- • ident .of the Junior Red. Cross, presided tOr the delightful' Pro- gram Which included,'.the reading of 'the minutes by the •Secretar,V, Archie McQuillin; Songs :.by instruinentals by Eddie Gaunt, Donna ,Woods, Doris Mil- ler, Alison Webb and Norma For,7 ster;'.a solo by Gladys McDonald, bagpipe, selection by Archie Mc- Quillin.• Miss W. D. Rutherford was called ,upon, for a few words Which .he expressed ' the thanks of the ladies for the pleas- ant afternoon.Lunch. was served 'and the ladies 'took advantage of the opportunity to view the .fine Work 'of the pupils. . Mrs, Elwood Barbour • presided for the 'meeting of. the Women',.s. Institute 'here in the ,chiirc,h On Thursdai evening. A donation of •. $ was made to the 'Salvation Arnly." •Mr.. cecil MerkleY 'et Winghain'was present and de - 'lighted the ladies and genller•nen with.his views of trips to:Florida. and MeXicp. He concluded •,his' lecture With some pictures of; local Ocenes arpund Wingharn in- • Chiding those of Nancy Fowler •• • * * .*• • . .Chester Taylor. arid Norma Mur-. The ,Chicago Hottentot softball. 'ay faVidred with pia,no soles ,and teamofChicago has 'been booked___Mr.• a_ndrs—,E, W. Rice with • for the GoderiCh Old Rome week a wide', •• duet. At the, conclusion,' reunion ' August. They ,will a Social hour was enjoyed ,when play*an W.O.A.A.:teain lunch was served. „ -- 1 1 • li 1 3 1 I1,4 .., I 1 I. - i _1. i i .picture and homey scene. is the ;bogeyman Of the future, Just suppose, for exaMPle, •that the climate coolat Ilanover for dot. . ton„bt the crisp currency; doesn't crinkle' enough at LUcknow fo,r Justice and when the harvest is over ;; (in more vkfa5.7 than one) they..clecide to lo' 'an Arab and iiiteb their tents somewhere else next Season. There' is the little matter of players' :certificates. They won't have. CASA ones' and WOAA ones would be :as useful as :oortfederate currency, •S Another thOught Which Ome to , Mind is that it the .entire af- fair gets as,far along the line. 'as the Arnatetrr Athlete ,Union it 'a k V 'mkt' UL IN BRICK .P.ATT ' also.. ND STONE' ERNS''' IN.,.:44TTFAcriv4::coLovRp... SHINGLE Ro4L. CAN BE VSED EITHER FOR ROOFING OR sIDING • I - I !JOHN • RSO ILUIWIIIER, LIMITED iLucknow ' 150 Ontario 4iimiii,frisiikainaroimmKrironti,,,,amoraiotravi,441e44