The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-06-05, Page 6SUNDAY;; JUNE 15t1 • THE L CNNO SF..N. 1NE11; LUCKNOW,ONTARIO GIFT SUGGESTIONS:., MEN'S WHITE, STRIPED AND COLORED SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS; SOCKS, ' TIES, BRACES, JACKETS and. EXTRA PANTS, e. Can Offer. W � You. The Latest. Styles At New Lower Prices. NEW SHIPMENTS IN .TH,TS WEEK of. LADIES'• SUMMERD•RESSES 1' 4 Ail sizes • up to 24%...and y'• • LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR 'BROTHERS REITNIT AFTER THIRTY-EIG T. YEARS • -Mr. and Mrs. Jack ,Carney of Detroit came over to spend the wheel -end with his' brother, Mr. W. G. Reed and familyt It's '.thirty-eight years ' since they last sa W each other... Their mother passed away when : they were : young. children .and then. the family was parted, which ac- counts' for the boys ;Having dif- ferent naives ' One sister, Mrs Clara. Johnson livesin Bay.. City, Michigan, and •she :visits. 'often with the Reed. 'family here s• BORN KILPATRICK H ar v e y and Gladys Kilpatrick, R. 2, : ' Luck- now,' are happy to announce the arrival • of their' `little • daughter, Janice • Arlene; , born ;Saturday.,: May :31st, in. Godericla Alexandra Hospital. FENN1T •1.- at• Newmarket _ Hos Hell,' • of Bradford, (nee lVlarietta pital' on Tuesday, May 27th, 1952 Stingel ' of JEungannon ), : a • son, -- to Mr.. and- Mrs. John L. Fen, Leigh John _: _. ~, , } .1` SEE BY THE SENTINEL, (Continued: f romp page; 1); THAT'. D a v ,i �d Quehterloney's. Bongo en ,will •appear as guest al,tistspn• the , "Proms" 'concert 'at. Varsity Arena on, June 1Z. The croncert will be broadcast nn 'CJBC and other Stations,, 0 30 to, 1U 30 pan. The',songmen. • presented 'I,a concert"in Wi-g hang lasts night (Wednesday),. W,.. F..:Thompson, formerly of Iucknow, is as member• of this group of fourteen; who are earning • quite a. reputation for their_harr moray .singing. , THAT in renewing his Sentinel: subscription, • D a y i d' 'Graham says, "h refreshes my .memory of many . incidents of my' boy,: ihbod days".' Mr. Graham is now •residing - at . Preston ;Spripgs ome nnr on} .. HA—0-- TT .the hand -crocheted table- -T cloth being raffled off in ,aid.. of Marie Cupskey is on dis- play in Ashton's, window. Tbe` table • cloth was made '. by Marie's 'mother.' THAT Miss • Helen Walker hasre signed as teacher at .S.S. No. 9; 'Kinloss and the Board-. is currently iadvertising for - a teacher ' and also' for a music supervir to succeed Mr. Ire- land. R —0--• - . THAT Miss Zona . Newton, ,ghter , of Rev. and Mrs. G. M. . Newton, formerly of St Hel ens,• received her. certificate • public ' health • nursing . at :the • University of Western Ontario convocation . ori` Saturday. THAT..Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mac Charles and son John returned recently fr,,oin a two weeks;. motor trip to visit relative's at Cape' Cod, Massachusetts They Gwent'1 by way of Niagara Falls and returned by. the Thousand Islands route. '::Nearby where they visited is the, Lake of the ' •Silvery. Waters. The' Indian name for:' it, and. -by which it is known and pronounced,' has 44 'letters in it: .Here 'it is IChargoggagokgmanchaugagogy chaubungunggarnaugg: ia■spE■ ■re ea■e.E■a■■R Euaee:■■ei e■■ie ■aeai■■■i eaaai .l a■ri iriLlelli ia. ▪ alone Issue oF' A merkan Family Magazine • iv. Sc � al■: , • EXTRA SPECIAL! 'SPEC" . . i • .■ . ' Blue Star" MONARCH CAKE 'MIX ' •• 2:' . ■. Whole CANNED CHICK � EN ■ t_ WithMixing 'Bawl.. - '11, ..vv OTH- o. , 2� .'. t' FLUFF() _ 29c ▪ Gillett's DRAIN CLEANER ,with to Six, Blastic Clothes Pins .... ; 2/90 ■' MILKO, .Skim Milk Powder, . 1'. Ib: ..,38e • ' 5 lbs. ; '$1.69 ■ ■ • FRESH FRUIT and, VEGETABLES ■ • ORANGES Big Juicy Florida • . PINEAPPLES • ' ■ Size •12 Sunkist, 252's • .ORANGES 3 :for ..95c Doz. 39c 176'8— 2 doz. 85c • Radish; ' cucumbers, . • • Green Onitons, Asparagus, • Cabbage Tomatoes • ■ i.. Fancy Red •SOC EYE SALMON 4 Quaker. SUGAR -PUFFS . 'Welsh's GRAPE JUICE, •'.32 oz., • Campbell's. TOMATO. SOUP • THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1952 'BOYS' LONG PANTS'• Sizes* 8 to 16. BOYS' DENIM SHORTS k'or,.ages 6 to 'A � • . 69c & 98.c WASH -SUITS . 42.98 value. ' ; Special .Sale • Price* $1.59...'• ILDREN',S ANKLETS: 4 Sizes, '4 Ito air for $1.00. KIDDIES SILK 'DRESSES In sizes '1; 2; 3. - Only59c GIRL• S' PRINT DRESSES. Sizes 1, 2, 3 & 2,. 4, 6 Special: "980 o eel] .'Phone 89-w, : Lucknow. THAT - members :of the Bruce Co. Health 'Unit staff : 'were at the Lucknow High School on Mon-, day giving the tuberculin test tothe" student body. • • ••. THAT .Joseph England observed his -87th birthday on Thursday, May .,29th. Joe continues to en ;joy comparatively good. health and . takes much • pleasure' : at this -time of..year` front working in his garden. THAT Sharon Lee Smith, 8 -year- • old daughter of Mr and Mrs. Edwin Smith' of Detroit, is,. still :convalescing from injuries` re-. ceived in a car accident in .De ' treit in • early March, in which her •mother was also injured. •'Sharon : Lee, who' is :a grand- daughter of a Mrs: Andrew Cul :,bert, suffered a : badly fractured leg, as well as a fractured cheek bone and' facial lacerations that required. plastic 'surgery., -- o---. • • ,THAT , Miss Aileen Hewitt of Bervie has 'tendered her res- ignation as 'a :member of the High- : School ..teaching staff. Miss _ Hewitit is_highly rated as .a teacher and having made many friends here, her depart- ure brings two=fold regret ; She 'Will teach neXt.`term near Tor- onto we understand.' . . THAT a •skunkwith : its head stuck' in- an- ernpty <'marmalade 'bottle ,caused Some excitement on • ' Standpipe Hill at :the noon, hour last Wednesday. The lit- tle black and . white animal dis= appeared, still • wearing t ,ire "muzzle" and nothing has been seen • of it since.' ` • • 2 for 27c THAT Elroy Selloff,20-'year=old 43c • I son of. Mr. ' and Mrs. •Rudy: Sell r J off ' (nee ` •Norine Hodgins) of ,:. 2'. for .25c . a .,Detroit, has 'joined the Amer- ' ican y Navy and reported for • ■ service last week. 'Mr: and Mrs. • • i • ■ ▪ :kiesh • Leaf Lettuce, ■ as ■ • • • GRAPEFRUIT: •: Florida, 96's • • e■ ' • In, ■ s: ■ ■ ■ '/ • 6- for. 33c Selloff and son Calvin and:lent 's• Alfredlfred Iiodgins of Detroit r the week -end in this . common- qty. • —o- THA- �.. TDr. and Mrs. W. V. John- ' ston,• Mary and Nancy Johnston: left the first' oftheweek lby motor for Western ,";Canada, where the Doctor, will ' attend the Canadian Medical Associa- tion at Banff. He Will precede Mrs. Johnston -and Mary home, AT ALUMNAE DINNER Mrs. • Campbell' Thoinpson : was in' Guelph last Thursday` attend- ing the alumnae dinner in con- nection wLth`the sixty-third grad uation - exercises :of` Guelph Gen- eral Hospital. Mrs. Thompson was 'one of twelve members of the - Class of '32, who . were "•back for this 20 -year .reunion There were graduates present• from each : class back to .1911. • The•• guest speaker at ., the ' banquet ; wias Mrs : Kate-, Aiken of Toronto ' who', recently. returned from a flight around the world; and: gave her: audience a ." vivid account ; of. her 121/2 -day trip with •special reference to her visit : with* Canadian 'troops: it • Korea ,and ' ,conditions : there. • Paramount W I. ./ . The May meeting of Paramount,' Women's' Institute• :was held:: at. the ' home ;.of Mrs.. 'Fred Martin with. an, attendance of 20 ladies. :• and five children: Mrs. Elphick gave ;a 'business report. Mrs. Or- land Richards' gave .a paper on., gardening ,and canning • hints: lvvrs. R. Reid,: Mrs. W.'Dexter,_Mrs: H, Ensign :gave. readings: Mrs. JTA ' Irwin conducted- :a bird contest. ,Mrs. Ensign •offered a vote ,ot thanks ;to 'the hostess. The 'meet- ing Closed: with God . Save The Queen. A dainty lunch was served Iby• the hostess. The June meeting will be •held at Mrs. D. Nichol- • son's on Tuesday, ' June 17th at 2:00' p m • Roir call, Name -histor- -- teal places; .current events, Mrs. R. • Campbell; program, Mrs. W. Dexter, Mrs.. ,Wm Stanley, ENGAGEMENTS The• Rev. sand Mrs:, Wm. John Watt, of Whitechurch, anounce '. AM engagement: of their daugl? ter, Elizabeth Muriel, to. George Aaron 'Thompson, '' of Feversham,. .; son 'of Mrs. Thompson Of Rock- lyn land: the late Joseph Aaron Thompson.. ''Phe.,:, marriage.: will take place the latter part .of June` e WE ■ DELIVER. /PHONE 2� ' returning 3by plane.Nancy' will: • ' � � ' � � ' " ■ issumluimau■u aaauu■uuu■munitui■■■ginommememai.u■■u■uul■■u■nl u■■Iimmemnuu. remain for the holidays:• MOTOR All wool tartan motor .rugs, new 16* price ,1 $7.95 Each. Y� ' WOOL, BLANKETS A new shipment of satin bound throws .and white with striped: borders.. B1an ketsare down again in price. BUY NOW AND SAVE BOYS [/:7-/C1/ YOUR FAVOURITE BEVERAGE JACKETS, Boys' Satin .`Jackets, two tone With knitted cuffs and', ,waist. •������%��:�������� ����������•i/����1�� • ���•�� •� •� ./...����� •� • www ♦ A • •nir4r:.'.fl�1u rte:. ..... ..::...:: Only $5.95 Ea. SHEETS, SHEETING We have a , ection :. . . good 'Bel • of '•Sheets and Seetltng full bed' alze ` ' f'. t f ti SI • 1V