The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-06-05, Page 4i;. Watt THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, CKNOW, 'ONTARIO • r• • • • • oi • 04.4 FOR SALE' --standing hay. S. B Stothers, Lucknow, phone 224, • .BARN FOR SALE -40x60, feet.. Apply at Sentinel Officer. TWO-STOREY HODUSF for sale end removal.• Apply by letter to Box 38, Lucknow. . .Sentinel. PIGS FOR SALE 30 good healthy pigs 8' and 9 weeks old', Tom Glen, R;. 7, Lucknow. ' far THURSDAY, JUKE 5th, 1952' MUSIC TEACHER WANTED SSS. No, 9, Kinloss Township, requires a music si.lpervisor with duties to • commence in Septeni- �ber. Apply to Russell Gaunt, sec„ R. R. 5, Lucknow. . CARD OF THANKS We would like to thank all our customers.. ,in Ashfield and , sur- rounding district for .their. kind, cooperation and patronage during'', l i e;;; sue -;.ha Lanes, and .would bespeak a'• con;- • tinuance of your support for our successors, Mr. and Mrs. Jafnes Donaldson:. Sincerely, .Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson. , HOUSE FOR. SALE - or . renova-, tion. Centrally .located. Apply to Robert Moffat,Wingham, phone • 6324-2... , • FOR SALE- Hardwood, .cedar kindling,cedar' posts and anchors,, clothes line posts. Apply ' to J. Weiler, .R..6, Lucknow: FOR SALE --cement; septic tanks,. approved by the Health Unit. We. .deliver .them. Forster's Welding Shop; phone: 206-r.-11, Lucknow, TRAILER FOR SALE or will trade for rubber:lir d wvagion, small sleeping ,;trailer,/ good tines; also; 'a ;• collie Pup, '8 oaths olid . .George' Alton, R. 2, •L now., FOR SALE—Bell thre er,.,24x36 inch '• cylinder, exce ent flak thresher, : quick cash sale; 1951 "D" ,base, tractor. M s. , Donald •MacIver; phone 77-r- o Dungan, non: • SHED , FOR SALE -',4 erne shed 132x32 , feet .at the : Agricultural. Park, .Lucknow; .May "-be sold in :sections if buyers. pr:fer. Apply to Andrew Gaunt, Pr s. ' or Alex .McNay, Sec.• POR. SALE -purebred 'Yorkshire boar" and ,gilt, market price; also registered dual ' purp,se Short- horn, bull. , Arnold Al • n, R. R. 7, . Lucknow, phone.Dun': arinon• 15 • DEAD & LIVE •ANIMALS.• Prompt pick. - up •� o ;:cattle,. .: • horses,=pigs &-.sheep.- Lijve_horses_ • fit for animal' food picked up at • your farm. ..averaging' $35.00. C.• • Brubacher; Wingham, phone 608-• w-1. LAWN• MOWERS Repaired and; sha 'pened. For.. prompt- . and efficient service see or call, ' : tE. W. RIC R. '2, Lucknow -Ph ne .211-r-31 '81mo 'TRIAL. OFFER. werity-five Latest citalogue in tidect—The- NOW—BRAY CHICKS—at theSe sensational prices. , For Jtine. Started pullets. ,Prorntit shipMent, shipPer's choice Of breedO,'S week heavy breeds $7,90; 4 week choice Of breeds, ask us -for prices. lets. Agent -L - 'D. R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow. NOTICE 'rhe effice of G. Alan Optometrist, in Wingham will be, will tbe .able to attend, a conVen- . tion the Ontario Optometrieal • Pfotestant teacher wanted for. stating: qualifiCations and salarY expected to 'Russell Gaunt, sec.,. triet to 'call on bur cuStomers 'taking orclers•for fruit trees, iese bushes, Perennials; etc. arnings $75.00 to $125.00 per week, Car sary.1Write immediately if in- terested to• Scott's NurSery P.O. Box 18.5, Londoni HURON co. HEALTH UNIT mm.ur�zat�on Clinic 'The 'last•:, ina. series of pre - COMING. EVENTS t m . ANDREW -LANE PICNIC ••-The Andrew -Lane Picnic will' be held Thursday afternoon, Jurle. 26th at. ,.. shfield Public Park. • VY e. will expeet-.yeu all;• _ . COMEDY • AT WHITECH'URCH .The three ,act comedy, "Aunt Minnie From Minnesota", will.' be presented, at. Whitechurcih Mem- orial Rall on .Tuesday, June 10th at $, 45, sponsored, Eby the United Church W.A. Instrumental ': and c a 1 ' ' entertainmentbetween acts. Everyone welcome., Admin- cion 50 cents, children 25 'cents,: 'Preview Of A New .World Rear. Adrniral„Richard T Byrd e s ne •': f c 1. Re -Armament; a world-wide 'or- ganization that is' open : to every='' one: Admiral Byrd ,describes why MRA is feared,. by the Commun- ists . Read, "Preview of 'a *New World", in this Sunday's (June. 8) issue. of . New color gravure American Weekly, exclusively .with Detroit Sunday Times,, schOol immunization clinics tor From Factory to iou • Dungannon and district will be .held in, the Dungannon United Church 'Hall, Friday, June 6th; scheol age • may be brought to ization for Diphtheria, • Whopping tough, Tetanus and Sniallpox. NOTICE, TO • CREDITORS egaiiik, the' estate .Of. John Hams - now;' in -the !County' of "Bruce, dedeased, who died on or about the 7th day of Vlarch, 1952, are hereby, nOtified to send in- to the .undersigried,. .on . Or before the. 24st ,day• 'June; 1952, full par- ticulars, ,of 'their claims, • "after which -date the assets of the estate 'wilt be distribUted having. regard ..tO claims, -that have then Dated at Lucknow, Ontario this R. W. Andrew, Solicitor for the Federal Buildings----- - SE ED.TENDERS addressed te "Te ider for Coal" will ' be re- Weenesday, June 25, 1952,,for the supely of -coal and -coke -ler -the Federal Buildings throtighout the can be obtained from' the: Chief of Purchasing and Stores, • De - pa tmerist, of Public Works, Ot- ;6 • Adelaide. St.. East, Toronto, ' Tenders should bernade,en the f rm,S supplied by the. Depart- ment and. in accordance with'•de- conditiona !attached ,thereto. , .' Tile Department • reserves , the right tp demand from any suc- cesgful tenderer,. before award- ing the order, a secitrit,y „deposit in the form of .'a certified cheqtie _ on 'a chartered bank in Canada,, anade payable to the order of the Ho'notirable the Minister of Pub- lic • Worlis 'equal •to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of 'the Dominion ,of."Canada or of' the Canadian National RailwaY CoMpany, and its constituent comp.anies uncon- ditibnally guaranteed as to prin- cipal and interest by the Doinitil- ion, of 'Canada; or the aforemen. guarantee for .the ,preper fulfil - 1 ment of the contract, 'BABY. CHENILLE , iful first quality, Completely, tufted, no sheeting 'showing. All colors, double or• single bed sizes: New centre' patterns hi flowered or solid designs. Sent C.O.D.:plus postage... Immediate money:back guarantee. Order one,. you will order more. 'NEW • ADDRESS: TOWN & COUNTRY Auci., B0:2, 4496, Place „ID! Arines, • Montreal, . ARTIFICIAL SERVICE From this'licensed, non-profit,' co-operative, , growing „aosociatiOn 'is available, from ;Holkein, Jer- Soy,' Ayrshire, Guernsey, Here - Beef • Shorthern bulls of high". quality'. Life membershiRio $25.00: and $5.00 per cow for members 4nd $6.00 per cow. for nen-mem- bers. •Waterlbo Cattle Breeding _Ontario: For service .eall, Purton Shewfelt, R.• 5, Kincardine, Phone 101-r-7, Kineardine, water, phone 141-r-4 TeesWater. , NOTICE TO •CREDITORS In The Estate ..Of J. All persons having claims against the estate of William •J. McKenzie, late of the, TownshiP of Kinloss, in 'the CoithtY of *nee, Retired Farmer, deceased, ho died: on or about the 16th day of April, 1952, -are hereby notified to send in to the under- signed ExeCutor& on' or before the 1 t ay. of June, 1952, full particulars fo their claims. • /Immediately after the •14th day of June, 1.952, the assets of the estate Will be distributed amongSt the parties entitled:thereto, ,hfav4,- ing regard. only to% the claims df which the .ExeCutors shall then. have notice,. . Dated at Lucknow, Ontario, this 19th ,day MaY, 1952. William R. MOKenzie, 37 Sycl- Donald J. McKenzie, 767 King 8t. West; Hamilton, Ont., Execu- R. 'W. Andrew,. ,their SOlicitor Service and Satisfaction in Plumbing and Heating NeW Automatic Oil 'Furnaces Installed-7-NoW In Stock Bathroom Fixtures ir Repairs SEE THE OIL RANGES AIR CONDITIONING *or oil e N WILLIAMS Optometrist; Office on. Patrick :St., just.' off the Main St.. WINiGHAM .: . Professional Eye Examination Optical Services. Evenings by., appointment, Phone: Office 770; -Res. 5. ,OHNSTONE'S• FUNERAL HOME • 'pbltn 76 Day or Night • • • Ambulance. Service USE' ;OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra. Cost Moderate Prices' BUSINESS arid MaCLENNAN and 'FUNERAL SERVICe Services conducted, accord-. ing to your Wishes at your' _Home, Your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional ,charge. AMBULANCE SERVICE 'Phone 181 Lucknow Day. or Night . gnpws: ge.ny Howard -Agnew Jos: Agnew MEMBER' OF, GENERAL INSURANCE' :Established Over 30_Years.*ge Business 39 Residence 138 INSURANCE 'Co -Operative Life. Insurance Co-Operativie Automobile ' Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance • Economical and Reliable.. .A. CAMERON LUCKNOW ' Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon Office in Kilpatrick Block 'Phone 23-w WDERICH FOR APPollinig.NT 'Phone :167-W Lucknow NSURANCE -FIRE, CASUALTY, AUTOMOBILE AND To. Protect ,YOur Jack, :InStire With Jack Today: j. A. McDONAPH: 'Phone 614, •Dunganmin W. #NDREW - Barrister and Solicitor LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Office in the Joynt 13lock Office 135 •' ' Residence 314 Stuart MacKenzie . Optometrist Will be at Wrbriais JeWellery WEDNESDA',V., JUNE 18th - and every, second Nkrednesdai For appOintment 'phone ROy MacKenzie, 06tr-24 Ripley. I G,AVE INTERESTING TALK ON AFRICAN VI01.4ETS ••, Mrs. Copeland of the ,"Violet. House" at, Cooksville spoke- to hesda,y0 afternoon in the' United Mrs,' Copelarid is an authority on Afridan yiolets and gave an in- teresting talk..,on the raising of this deliehte, liduSe plant Mrs, Copeland visited here under, the -sponOorship of •Ah.e WiCitnen'S AoSOCiatiqn, of the Uri, ited Church and was an Over- night guest Of Mrs. Wellington IN L.UCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN .5: Hetherington, ICC. litingham and Luc .w -IN LUdKNOw .tach Monday , and Wednesday, Located . on .the.grouna 'floor - in the front of. 'Phone 1,Vingharn Office 48 , • Residence 97 !Mine With tie Muttial FIRE INSURANCZ ca. Reasonable rates, sourkl pto. 'ettlement of claims; ',Tour Local Agent Phone TeeSwater 57441 0