The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-29, Page 7TRSDAY,• MAY •Pth, , 1952' • WE. HAVE 1N ' STOCK NOW `. . D REAR -END power Mowers See Them Ai. Mootgon ery Motors Ford -Monarch Dealer Phone 40Lucknow DR/N/( kirCZ Economical 7, efreshment i THIS L,UCKN OW SEN,rouL . ZUCipTOW TELE VO*CE OF. TEMEERAN'CE A friend of the writer of this para �-ra ,h g p_ said the other :day, "Well there':s one thing sure and that, is liquor never did any good to anyone". The- Speaker. was business man who gets. around .and • who could not qualify• as a temperance crank. • If he were questioned he wou'ld'probably ad- mit that there may be the oc- casional emergency 'when liquor serves. sone useful purpose, Ex•en; forthese,•; infrequent "occasions: 'there are drugs that are . more satisfactory. .And Yeet • for that drink that: "never 'did any good to anyone", the people'of Canada spent over .$65,000,0.00 'in '1.950, How long ` can the economy of this country stand extoh• wasteful- ness?. astefulness?• How long can the • moirale. of the 'people of this country •stand such an orgy of. indulgence?. M•oreuver` the price the -people of Canada- are paying is croti alone in millions of money , but , in an. increase in crime and demoralize-, tion. When will the . people of' this:country come; to their senses? --Advt. - it • ... saved.me days., ,,• perkps.I ::*' .of work" • t} a 'room l is first tri t0 the West, a business man 'wrote his. bank: I arrived -having -no -idea where -to start -- ONTARIO Ashfield : F, .t.c f. ;yterian W.M.S. The, ,May meeting of the Ash- field 'W,MS, met at the home Of Mrs. Pittman. The meeting open- ed with prayer by the president,. Mrs.. Duncan MacKenzie. Anna Mae . MacDonald read the' .scrip- Lure, Mrs.. 'Bissett ga.ue „the medi- tation on it,' The .• roll call was answered with ' a• • 'verse from_, Scripture. ;,Mrs. Stuart MacLen- nan offered prayer. Mrs; Earle Jlowes read from chapter 4 in the' study book dealing with the :Student Christian . Fellowship Federation in. South, America. Mrs. Duncan S im1pson ,gave a de- tailed • report, of the •38th annual Meeting of the'Maitland., Pres- byterial 'held May 8th .. at• Wing - ham. Mrs. Wm, • Ross . offered prayer; ,Mrs Emile MacLennan read from. the study book on Christian ' Literature 'in . South America.. ' Mrs,. D. A. • MacLean gave a. reading on "Thebest lov- ed Mother". Acknowledgement with ' thanks Was received. from Mrs. Albert _ Campbell 'and Mrs; R.: D. McDonald' for letters of. syr ,pathy sent t'herii by ..the 'Sae- iety. Mrs. (.Rev; iw MacDonald .ex- plrained the,zaew plan. for election of ;officers .for •the Presbyterial.. The. date • .for the :Presbyterial' Rally. *as changed •froin.. May to January. , Several other : ...topics were discussed:. After hymn' 212, Mrs..Jack MacKenzie offered . the closing prayer., .The •hostess as- sisted `by' friends; served dainty- refreshments--; Numb'er,. present 28 BORN . WRAITH.,.—at Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on .May '.19,. 1952, to Mr.and Mrs.: George Wraith, Goder•ich,::. a daughter. EEDY, At Alexandra Hospital,, Goderich, 'on May 18, 1952, to Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross " Eedy, • R.. • 1, Du. ngannori;,,a .daugh'ter. BUSHEIL---gat Kincardine Gener. al .Hospital on 'Monday, May • 19, 1952, '. •to . Mr. 'arid Mrs.. Morley, 'Bushell (nee Doris Barr); ,a dau ghter,-Mar,gaget.. Anne. "Why' don't: you • like girls?" "They're too biased".' , "Biased?." • "Yea, . you _kno'w--.bias : this and' '.bias that".. '$PORT (Continued from Page Six)'• POST 'WEEK'S RESULTS. Lueknow ' and •Walkerton . with anundefeated �-, record lead 'the 4e -ague; . although-.Lucknoo .tas: a: game in „hand for a 5 . and'. 0 re- cord. to.' Walkerton's 4 and 0. The. picture miss. change ..this week. ,when these two teams meet 'on. Friday in 'Lucknow Walkerton 4; Meaford' Hanover 1, Peri Elgin 0• Lucknow .8, Wirighani 3 Wingham'' 1, 1Vlieaford '0 Walkerton 19, Hanover. 3 Lucknow 5,. Port. Elgin 1 Meaford 7, Wingham 4 Walkerton 5,= Hanover 1 Lucknow' 2, Port Elgin '1 H1ighie Hall ambled in" to see Wednesday night's tussle in Luck= now, . ;is gamewith: Port Elgin at Hanover was rained out and was ,.•played on 'Thursday ' night when Port dropped a 1=0 decision. Hughie__ went.„ right • back to '.the mound .on' Friday night against. ;Lucknow and dropped. another one 5-1; But that double set back doesn't. mean that folkshere are discounting :the ability of thebig he' '.owerful ,ri., h 'arm., When Mark Gar dfier ''event out .on the limb sortie time ago to wagers year's Sentinel 'subscrip- tion'. :that •ithis was ' the Crosset Mercury ,year, he never. 'dreamed that the Legionnaires would stop nothing short of the best. in the business, and Mark is ahnost sus- pickias that The. Sentinel Pub- lisher, might have had a, finger in the pie to save that $2.50, But it's' a longtrail to the .playoff's and Mark, who might well 'typify • "Mi., Softball Fan",, still. says, "Look 'out for Wing - ham' , e re ri pde a t'in•iaf= ing them Mark, but Well '`still keep our 'eye cocked op Walker- ton, in to make the connections I'required. ' The thought occurred to me ,that perhaps the bank; which has .been very, helpful. .to me on numerous occasions;.,would give•me somri guidance. Mr. W proved to he 'of tremendous. help .ale• introduced : me to the' people I should have, met and''saved 'rice• days,., perhaps Weeks._of Every eharterecl bank works•this way. eche jzF}u_wa i ai : e hhoi'- hood branch or one a""thousand •.miles away, you Will ; find . the same fall' 1 air e• 'of bnkYng: service --and ,the same 'readiness to help. h�S advertisement, based on an actual letter, is Presented here by THE BANKS' SERVING You R_•-C.O M.M.U-NTTY Wiarton and Southampton, wh;o performed in the Big Ten last year, al'tting :with Chesle'y who dropped, out when they ;couldn't, accumulate enough ,of that "fold- ing.. stuff", • are this season play. ingtheir softball• in the Qlwen Sound League: `•'. . * * Clinton Lions. Club. has nder= taken to raise $30,00.0 for the In- stallation of artificial 'ice, The ice space 9f•' the rink is 64 by an ardent, 'hardball promoter. • PAGE; SEVEN • • 17.6 feetand one .of the main.' points of controversy in coming to, a decision was' the wisdgn- . of such an expenditure without a new arena. • Tees:Water is still .baseball Minded., They. will have an in- :. termediate and a 1_uvenile team - this, year. The, sport' will get a "shot in• the .arm" this 'season, by'•the presence of Father :Brick, R, • • l., „' L.pv Op A '• . CA M --1 r , O a -i . r'r^W�rn'rr,,:rn O 1 DC.• A N -i ' rrnn C O 4 z rnrn.G'-mnNop ,- _� c!tC, C. r-O— rricn"tRII� ff. rrrnrn o. ezio r_ D,AQ r''''rn =D.°°�.o �'nz �n 70. �c m rn 31:*rnr.u,.• 0rnrn'3: •V.r rn� � c 3 � ' x rn nN m,�,Dr�5 0 • 'b. nn • lJ1 C : M b� .• % ?o3dA. . M1 •� .'; • ,A • x. • • (0 . (t 't ur. • :y •