The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-29, Page 61,- • ttir i:;‘ • ^4 1': • PAGE SIX • .4114474. ••••14. THE LIMKNOW ',SENTINEL, Lucnow, ormAigO, ••• • BESTS HALLg• IN WINNING DUEL • , , • One of the tidbits of the seas- on was witnessed by .about 1200 fans. in the Caledonian Park on .Monday night when :Chuck Web- ster's Legionnaires made it two •. in a. row over Port Elgin Lae - sides It took 11 innings to do it before the J'ustice-gall /duel ter-• aninated to'`24. victory in ,a • spectacular finish that saw Ports third baseman ejected 'f rani the s•garne by umpire -in -chief, Harvey • Icreuger. .• •• / • 'A highlight of the game was the ibase running , of, Shelley IVIiley who pilfered two bases • with "beautifial 'drop -away, Slides,. and started off: the llth- with, a • clean cut hit, that he stretched • for .two bases by:his speed and a flying dive far the sack. . iJntil Port Elgin got what .look •.ed like a Million dollar run . in the llth, Justice had only been in real trouble once., With Men chi second and . third in the6th , and only one away, ICharlie bore • '• down to Strike out thenext two. Charlie whiffed 18 aver • • the •wcaite for his best s.O. perform- ance yet. Hall had 14 and.walked 4 to JUsticei One. Hits were scarce at 4 4or Lucknow and, 5 for Port with, errors. ifiguring in . • the crack-up that was inevitalble. ' It 'came in the 1.1th -and 'it looked _..4ike Port's game: ..In the top half of this event:: ful inning McDonald opened' by grounding out •Justice to Evans.' • / McNeil hoisted one to. deep short Which.- Millerparked. 'under and appeared to have When the ball ••,•fell otit of his hands. McN41' was • on second by . this 'time. Hall, slashed a' drive down, the right • field line • ithat rolled' under the barrier 'for a ground rilleS double elthough Hughie made the cir- cuit .easily. Hetherington sacri ••• ficed, him to, •thitd and Neath' strtiek out. , ••• • , ..• • YOUR. FAVOURITE BEVERAGE • Miley came to bat with 'the Lucknow fans •clampring for runs. He promptly cracked. a double to left centre, Greer 'went down swinging, Justice Was intention- ally walked for. the second time of the. night. BiSsettdrove a harct drive that the !centre fielder bob- bled with .11/filey. scoring. Justice rounded third but the throw to the plate made him turn back; put too ?Ate. 'Small waved ;him out, ,but Kreugr, seeing that Mc- Donald had dropped the bap un-. der Justice, .'who was spraWled the bag, oveirtileci the decis- Rim: • ' • • McDonald protested So stren- vOusly that he was. "thrown out" •the ,garne. Bill Bell came up and pasted • a clean single . over -short and that waS it. "• • It Was that kind 4'a •finiSh • that gave early • seasOn fastball • enthusiasm a.Shot in the arm, and will.bring the fans back in droves when: Zuk and Company breeze` in from the County Town on •Fri- day night. •. .t. • ••h Port Elgin ..000 000'000 017-1 5 4 Lucknoiv • 000 000 00002-2: 4 4 • • , 'HOME RUN BLAST - 'SETTLES BALL, GAM:E • . • • • Lucknow Legionnaires ,staged a 9th inning ititling.bUst-out in Port Elgin on Friday • to break up as tight duel and capture' the first Justice -Hall encounter by a 5-1 score. It was a toughie for ,any- one to lose. . , • 'Lucknow had taken a 1-0 lead earlier in; the game when Miley, was safe ori en error, Stole sect- -end, .and • scored on -•Justice's single... Poft 'got it back: on -a double by 'the, always dangerous' McNeil and a single, loy McDon- ald.e• • • • . ' Then came the 9th, Miller singled, Chin whiffed after.. walk. ingon three successive trips to, the .plate,. Walter 3ell was safe on an .terror rin• left and :Evens. drew a ,‘ss 'to . load the sacks. • klaidenby' flied out to right and Miller 'tagged; UptO score after the cath with the wiermirig run... , . , . , • , TIV9 1N.RQW FROM.WINOHAM — • Lucknoim Legionriaires 'Made. it two in a row over Wingham last •Wedrieselay.,..night, when they walloped the CrossetS 8. to. 3 in the first garne26f the season in Caledonian Park.: Errors counted 1.argely in Wingham's loss, bUt'at the same time it was miscues . that started Wingharn , off for their three runs. , . Rain that continued until noon threatened to wash out the Leg- ionnaires second' schedule home stand, 'hut the "grOunds CreW" went to work that; .afternoon to, make the field playable and. a crowd, of Sallie 800 fans were on hand when Harvey, Kreuger''and Bruce Small. alied-."Play There, were no opening festivities, • and the crOwa. atain was content' to sit back and do little vocaliz.; •ing until the 7th. When Sparrow, started- telling; Kreuger off and then he got. the :old' razz for a spell:. Sparrow put up' a. "dead • ball" .holler after he !had 'fielded 13isset's roller down third base line aridheaved it wild to "first: • .Justice ,coastecl* 'along easily; allowing only three hits, atriking. out but four .and Walking two. Errors got him' into „trouble' in the ,4th and 7th,, but 'twas nothing Serials ancithe Legionnaires were out front all the way : Juptiee hurled n� -hit ball until the 7th' when . 'Westlake elipped..A clean Single scoring Aitchison who had• walked. Except, fOr an -'error Crewson to start the. fraine .the • side •would• have' been retired' in Cro!r. Thirty-six men faced :jus.- tice all, told and .in One inning the CrOsoets .were retired on five pitehec.: lis. Justice/is a Master at' . ,g .1 the easy, .WY; while opposing .Moundsmen are bearing down .most: �f the; way. • : • Lenny Gaul, Charlie's former /battery mate, got 'the only ectra base •blow of the: game.' He, slarri-, tried a :double to Centre, in, the 8th but it 'wait for nothing- • 1 1. iiHUTSDAY, MAY 29th, 1952' I 7 .. . .. ' ' s„4 A _ Here's 'areal enamel for• inside and outside uses I wood or metal. Paint Acoodwork and trim in • sparkling colpts,,040 over .the furnitUre in gay ton(4. • Waterspar flows Out.easily to. a sttioOth glosS,dries quitkly„ resists wear and abrasion, can' be washed often without injur.. ing its lustre: • FRfE—"Paint Right with . Color Dynamice . booklet AMEL " • cii , tatozoiii.o ,• . • , ‘. . OHN W. HENDIEltSON LUMBER LIMITED LuCknow Phone 150 Ontario • Aligho.ine!4o.umit•olo.6.1t4impikisicomiwo ;4=8.4..imitamitol•tikom*tiet,two.•,;9. , •x 81/2". Gwe.i.ciouriney..Flue 8?).(20.,jc 13?". Glazed Chimney . • • : Glazed SewerTile 4" Glized, „ 41,r . 4 " Glazed Elbows • 40140.0ap4Iilmilk ;4.144aja.1111114.1WI4I4NINIII!4411169."..4114M0,04,...0.1"4.1001"04.1.4'401"...."4.4 Bob Qixkles and 'HughCUrning are teaMing up to handle W; 0, Umpiring assigriments:t,his season. Hugh :attended . Maxie Scheff's fastball umpires' "school" • • . , r h e at Wingham. . • • . Wingham .000 100 200-3.3 I ucknow . '102 100 40X--,8 5 (Additional Sport on Page '7) • Shelley Miley stepped.Up and put lf Oif fee- *hell he-clauted i-horrie run, with two abOard. •• • Port Elgin outhit. Luckhow : 7 • to 3, but Justice. kept tliisain scat- tered- except for. the 'liar -that' netted 'the run. • Hall struck' out 15, and walked Justice jhad 13 strikeouts and issued: only. 1 pass, , 'Lucknow:• 001.000 004-53. 3. PortElgi•0130 3 • ••••••••1111inlimui•ommirimoulaIlimissuniinnosivisamiss • . us, • Prompt DeliVery On. Newr 1952 •11 "'Pan Lacs • • 1 Choice df Colors • BIG VALUE CARS al 1952 BRAND NEW PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN • , • „ i; • . , • • " 1952 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN 'Brand New • • *4951 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN,.enstom radio, • air conditioning, two4one In color. • ; ••• • ' • • :" 1961 Giftpv, DELUXE' STYLELINE 1951 CIIEV. DELUXE PLEEIL`LWEtSEDAN,. 1951 CHEV. 5 -PASSENGER COUPE. • IIII 195i PONTIAC STYLELINE COACH. ; , 4, • . - 1111 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH. • • ' ' ' •ii ‘. 2' 1940 'CHEV..DELUXE STYLELINE .coAcx.. . • • 1.650..PONTIAC •DELUXE STYLELINE • SEDAN. ' .. • , 11 • . „ . 1949 Cilans° PLEETLINE SEDAN, eq . •:.- 1.9407tAliVail 64611, . ; . ' • , ".•' 1941: CHEir. ,FLEETLINE ' SEDAN, fullit equiii)ed: r.. 1946 CHEV: SEDAN: •, ' ' . . • •a , -1946 MONARCH COACH. 1939 CHEV. COACH. ' ' 38 FORI), COACH. rt .111 1p52 11AELEY-DAVMOTO C E. , • •. ' . • •Trgucks, 1950 COEN' ,34 -TON, STAKE TRUCK. • • . ....• .• • . • , ...,• „ ..• • . • C POPULAR HOSTESSES Ir:47911 • , ,...,....7....,.. . oi,.i:,„).•411 , --,, j\\ a-24155..40Kalla% ,:,17 lyi. ii .,„.( 9) 1-\\F 7 ...1/4„, , , ... __. ..........„:„.„,.:_. ,,_ ._..,,„_• ., _ --......, _ .............._,,, .7.„7.........., ../..)11V t 'I 1•• 4.- • • •' • YOU Blly THE .MOST EFFICIENT MOST PROFITABLE WORKING FORCE when you invest in up-to-date power farming machines . • , - - • 11111• " , • • . . : • • ,111 • • °tors 4., , . "The, Ilonic of Better Used -Cara" • '2' Caah, Trade, Tering , Open Evenmgs lJntil : Cities Serilce Dealer 'Phone 13x; Brussels • '*••,; ""*" • • ; 4 I, 1 .• ,1' • o . „ I : • Making use: of up-to-date eqUipMcnt to get more work , done with less help is the • most efficient and .the most profitable 4,ray to ,operate business.. ' 4 In farming in *other in-- " . .dustries power ' mechaniza- '• tion„ steps.up. production, increases inCreases the output of available tuanpcwcr,. and keeps cost, down. The steady adoption of new 'machines to re place a place worii out Or,rojc4sty•iq equipment 15 an investment. • that pays off in easter more profitable „farming.. In Ma.sei-lia'rfis machines you get the lates* in' equii3;* meat I built to .save time, savelahcit, and 'save- money. . Your local Massey-harris ,dealer will be' glat1 to give'you • full particulars. i s' , Assty4ARRIs"tospAtiritoolirt0'Makers' • • • " . • • 01 iligb•Quality Fcrmimpkrnents :Sinai 1041' •P 0 ij