The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-22, Page 9THURSDAY, NtAY 224d, 1;52 • Minimum; Trade -J ALLOW. • for •your: OLD WASHER. Regardless of" Condition • oh The. Purchase: of a New DOMINIQN ..STREAMLINER WASHING MACHINE FEATURING: °k The World's; Safest .Wringer.. •2 -Year Guarantee . * 12 -Year Warranty .k 24 MonthsTo Pay REFRIGERATOR Clearance REGULAR $41.5:00: SPECIAL " 34'1.00 Saving s' 74..00 Many More; to '(hoose From.. FREE . DRLIVER1 .' . Within ; 30 Miles of Ripley 011 b: r PHONE 40, :RIPLEY .,SEE BIG SAV,I.NG. .BY NEW 'SERVICE Present . train operating sched- ales for the lines running . be- tween Palmeerston aiid.K,incard'ine: and Palmerston to Southampton, • are far from' economic, according ,are A; -1 Lomas; --vice. president, Central Region, ',Canadian Nat - lanai Railways: "The Management of the rail- , •, •e eves t at for sound, financial' reasons, the in- terests of the 'company. and ;the' interests of the Canad-ipan :peaple- who are .Owners of the railwa'y, would be. best served if but ,arid truck' operations were to replace Present passenger operations". ailr: Lomas pointed. out 'that there was not enough traffic;"pas- senger,: mail •oar•• express, to, war- '.rant .the costly 'train schedules: He ,said that by installing a.Ibus •. and •truck operation, the .railway would save more than $100,000 yearly, "During the past *int e'r ihorahs", Mr. Lomas added,, "rail- way officials have kept an ac - (urge record' of highway condi- • tions'and we feel that a bus and fruck,..schedule can be "mairitain- • ed•to adequately serve the people of these •districts". He Went on.. to say that -pro- vlding .the 'proposedsubstitutign Was granted by , the Board of Transport , : C'oi rrniss:ioriers;. the • CNR stations will . remain open ard,ibusses ,would pick . up and .discharge passengers VI L ere >,reight trains would •continue to run andg passeri' er tr'a'ins would he used during the :Winter ter' if •\.\ ea ther. conditions :made highway travel impossible. • .� fi1IF V• C)»Cf . OP TEMPERANCE' • thy do in' en resort. to We use of stimulants? Have they found 16" SU..duufl »ind ,boring .that ft can be tolerated only whet) the 11*.all 'system IS jazzed up by. `hi'g'h .balls and cocktails? bo they ,r. LOCALS LEADER, VISIT. •,LON'DOI morzajawartziaBigit LUCKN Wayne • Johnston. from the I,ucknpw Dist'riot, High School and Bill Marty'n of Ripley • Dis:' triet High, 'Sc'h.00l, were iarno.r some 60. Members of the London Free•, Press Leader's Club,, ' who. spent last Friday and ,Saturday in London as guests of the Uni- versity of Western bhta.rie and the Free Press, • • • The leaders: ares, prominent strident-iat'hletes .froln econdary 'schools in. Western, Ontario. The ....group toured the ' .Free Press and Station CFPL' on Fri= clay, and late' torted the Uni4. versty where they had 'dinner and -;were• each 'presented. ,with- Certificate. withCert ficate. A theatre' Party' w,a''s held in. the ' evening. • • • The. Club members 'spentthe. night at 'the Y.M C,`.A , and on Saturday . attended the ,Wossa track' and field ,meet at the J. W. Little Me raoira.l' Stad!ur`n. • 'The two leaders were aecorn: - paned to. London • by Wayne's. brother,, Lloyd •Johnston and by Bruce `Johnston • and Jack ;Md Wayne is the of Mr. and. Mrs, Mark' Johnston of..Hol .Y'rood.. Bill is the' son . of Mr. and' Mrs. • Ross Martyn of Ripley. PUREBRED AUCTIONS BRING ,GOOD .'P•RICES .._� ..The... annual -springy -sale of" the Huron County Hereford Breeders' Association was held • at Clinton` last' week when 81 head of• cattle;. sold for,•' ••$14,395, , to iaVerage. $464.35 a head. '• Heber J. L. Eedy,•, Dungannon,' president of the H.H.A., express, ed hirnself 'as well 'satisfied With the- result of. .the sale, to. which i.2.' Huron • breeders. consigned i urebred •: stock. Bidding • was a 'little' slower at this third annual. sale • than at 'the simlar 'sales in 19.5,0 ,and 1951; but in. view of the general slackening Of..the .cattle 'market brought on by the United States ernbargo' against Canad- ian' 'livestock, the sale officials d: anconsignors . 'did' at least as well as they, .exipected.. Ten` young . bulls sold at an ay, erage of $424.50; and 21 females,., some . _of them with lealf at side,'' sold at an average of ' $483:33. Aberdeen .Angus, Sale At the GreyBruce semi annual Aberdeen Angus: auction. at Walk- erton last`:w'ee1t;.11:bulls tbrought. an' average ' of • $375 and twenty= six females' averaged $1,050. feel so inferior that ,they can be happy with .. themselves only when 'alcohol has ;incited�inttheirc a false confidence? It' ion .en t err oven self-egteem and. it's a reflection on their. Creator When' they borrow the ,show. coir =age --of ...alcohol, .The. truth of .--the- matter is that there is nothing like •alcdlhgl to make a in -an'- a :nuisance=n.oisy,quarrelsome and, profane -pan embarrassrr'ent.'to.his . friends and afterwards..'an object of reproach'. to. himself.This also is -the truth of: the. matter;' life in itself is so good and its enjoy- airepts .so keen; it's.. a. shame to spoil »it all•with sit -Ong drink; in toxication and: drunkenness:— Advt. , »RN RIVETT . at Alexandra Hospital; Goderich; oil May. .1 1, 1952,.to Mr. and: Mrs. Evan Rivett, 1 •1; Dun- igannon, .a son, .Robert• Murray,' KINGSBRIDGE Mr.! and .Miffs. Joe' O'Reilly Of Detroit spent a Jew .days with Mr...and, Mrs. Gilbert. Frayne,'' Mr. •and Mrs. Vic`•. Finnic. and Mr. and Mrs: Joe Reid spent We Week -end with Mr. Jim .Wallace..' 1Vtrs,Vaall,ac:e who. Spent t.hc win- ter in Toronto 'returned with, them for chi! Sumner. Mr. Joe Murphy ,and. M. ;Lind Mrs Jack 'Fitzgerald were, week - 'end ivi4itors. with: p J. Murphy, M. and til'a w'Juck `Kenny spent a few dais in therm stn'i'lnic'1` home, Mrs. • .Norah. •Sennett and ,Den, nis ;were' week -end iviet lrs .With .l11rs. Mar4ha' il. Mr. and M.s.�;Wilkee. Va;r tr1an d three childr n t rid' .Rita IDough- erty, moto'ed from,, Ilan ton on ,W ' SENTINjEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO DISTRICT' .STUDENTS HAVE • •A'» group,. of . Leaders' 'Club members,' outstanding .secondary schciolstudents from all parts of ' Western Ontario, is' shown above.' They`. ' enjoyed. tours of, London, and University.- of Western•'Ont- ario May 16' and.. 17,, attended a banquet, received, certiLcatc.i, 1 4 J • were theatre party '•guests and Exeter; Barry Attridge, ..Goder'ioh; stayed over at the. Y.M•.C.A.. The `John Burnside, -.Kincardine; ,Ron, Leaders'' •Club:, ^is ' sponsored by Rennie, Seaforth; Bill'. Martyn, The London 'Free Press and Uni- , Ripley;. • :back • ..row;: Doon Park, versrtY of .'estern WOntario. and Walkerton-;- Bob Ell att, Clinton; has. been growing since 1945.:Pic- .a.ohn Hanna, Wingharn;, Joe Hurst, •' tured'above registering are:. front ; Chesley; Way, ne Johnston, Luck 'row ' left to' right: John Haberer,'' now, • Friday.„.,' Mr.' John C. Dalton is visiting• in the burg... • 'Congratulatroris• to Mr. •8i Mrs:' bai>ay boys in Wingham • Hospital: Leo Courtney ':and .1VIr..and''. Mrs.' I ,: Rev Fr:..McMartin: motored to Billie' Hogan on the :arrival of, _LQrndon/-i!ri`, Sunday. FRIDAY, ' MAY» 23RD;: ••.1• • So .That We May Become More Deeply Conscious : Of Our Citizenship And All -That It ;Implies, ` •Canadian- Citizenship is ;Now. Observed :Nationally Across This. Great Dominion. 0 12 "•7,, T CREDO OF A. CANADIAN -I-beiieve•--inCanada-with' pride in her past, belief .in. her present and faith in her f uturec ; ' ••'I• believe in the • quality of ' Canadian life, and : in the • character ' of . Calnadian'" institutions. ` I believe in the Commonwealth of ;Nations within whose °' bounds we Brave found freedom, • and outside which our national life 'would lose its independent•. being. I believe in our .abiding friendship ,. with • our nearest neighbours;' an honest friendship Without either the sub- servience or the mimicry 'which irrriist impair true • partner- , ..,. m,o I` ':believe that, � Canada , is one,- and that if our minds'" ., ' dwell, onthose things• which jts parts have in. comn;'' we can find the unity of the whole: I believe 'that with sound work, the spirit, of a team,: and an' awareness of'. ourselves; `we' can look :forward ' to achievements .beyond our imagining.' • -Vincent 'Massey in "On Being Canadian" *published by Dent & Sons. -.4 LES" US BE. • PROUD OF: OUR CITIZENSHIP We are builders of a , great : and free nation—of a great .and free people It's great to be a 'Canadian. • r 0 contributed in `the' service of the 'communitLabatt'« Limited. Spacee Yy. b. atm y" .. • •