The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-22, Page 8L'd ilk Rb ; i %i a. • PAGE EIGHT SIF 44111.14111W, 7.4•11K4111,4,1pw-vm.. THE .LUC.KNOW S NTINEL;, LUCKNOW, QNTARIQ • VICTORIA DAY HOLIDAY Business Places: In Lucknow JUSTICE: CLOUTS 1115.WIJER., TO. 1,YJN BALL. ,GAME • ..A terrific sixth' Arming cir,cuit !clOut Off the bat of. big Charlie justice. settled ihe' Major series ':Monclay night, :Justice'. drove 'in ' Shelley Miley ahead him tO ilana go,..t. one of them back in •Cirele •betw-een left:, arid centre ,and the hitter Was well. on ',his EN, 'SATIJ*DNY, MAY 2•4TH Way: 'for the Circuit trip When'the fielder 'fin.allY. caught LID itVith the 'OA to dpen the inning,.: Walked and advanced tO seCond as Toby. Greer': was thrown 0,1,1t P..ed up arid away ,went the ball CLOSED' MONDAY; MAY' 26TH . . I way, and the usually vocal Wing - strangely quiet •as • they ;waited PORT ..HuGHtp. HALL; LONGER Egrre.4.ING insTANci "ir, to happen.. •„,:• • • Port • Elgin. Lakesiders .hatre tIons adOpted. for the' Major ser,-, had 12. strikeouts •,to his credit. 'added -fresh fuel .to .the Major. ies, the:distance fronythe mound and •allowed only . tWO hits, but.. League fastball conflagration by to the 'bgtirig box iS 43 • feet as 4 was, Alsace who ',went leia- • the signing of Hughie Hall, the , ••— urely. along appearing at , all • strong-arni dark•boy who WhiP- ball.,Which of the' •Big Six, hurl- times to .have the, game •in ban , ped them in :for LucknaW Leg7 . ionnaires for -two' years', .and fell. A week , ago .the ,report was• ...that Port had signed the' Oslialka Times" Caine ,Out laSt . Thursday' 'had. signed with a 'Toronto •squad, and the Lakesiders' would haV:e to have 'about ,$.10.09 in cold cash to _Shake him looSe • from that gontra&t', They , didn't • have that kind of fish even 'along -the Lake, .The Poa protnOters; fearing they' might have to.. drop froth' the Big.; ;Six; kept tyle. ,wires hpt . !Came up with nOrie other -Ohan Hall, • whO the past 'tufo seasons poSsiWy drew r ••dUcatS at the tUrnstiles 'than any other hurler in • this "pro" loop. Weight in geld when he lea& (the Lakes. ider•S. into.' .Sepoyvi4le above the :Price of adrniSSion re- • ' On the. oecasion of. the opening next Monday May 26th, serving a seat for all schedule • team' 'when :danger, but, seldom, remains to be • seen. when the !ball.' leaVes :the pitch, sqikeOut redord, whiffed 10, and players aye permitted the .U.SQ.,of •Lticknow,, Bowling 'Club Plans). and .MileY ylirew him' oht at first). 'to open the Season next Wed- .. old members, new Membe.,rs or..I slide • home safely; Out 'Charlie The ;Club. hag .PlanA 41.1/4,-•Arie* iCi A. parade, :Preceded' the : open - create greater interest in' bowling ..ing• 'ceremonies. ;•The game. Was -:1 handled ' behind 'the ,Plate by. eff 'Or t to ; stir up', interest in ; this ' mmeie • scheff, Op uryip III , '110/4.,: _ing, _SuScribers' • seats . this season, 11 ,agna'rnci erSwer school 'following th.e Wingham s lone run. .Freddie ,Tempieman, scratched' -• :a hit oast third, baserrian ;bin •BiS- Mildmay is' Seeking' permisiion , ored, a 85c 'admission fee, rather • ' -. . .pw.l:nast!lerrne,,n.. wash.e.61 out these , from:. the Municipal Boardto hi:4d.! than the! 59c; price that has been' ... Widmeyer and' Ste. , Marie. ' a vote 'On the questiOn of 'install , approved • for.; imilimuljoiumflummitimmuligusimitumiudiumiluumu ■ au BIG VALUE. 'CARS ■ ▪ j952 SII,AND:NEW p.oNTac 'DELUXE SEDAN... 1951 .CHEV. DELUXE. S'ITLELINE SEDAN; eusiOrn radio, • 1951 CHEV. DELUXE' FLEETLINE SEDAN. a' • • • 19#18 PLYMOUTH obOAC11.• 194'7 CHEV.-F,LEETLINE SEDAN;' fnlly equipped. 1946 CiiEV. SEDAN: , mi 1946 IVIONAR,CH COACH. ▪ i▪ l'9$9"CHEy. COACH; evro Choice of Colors -LEGIONNAIRES_ WON 'OPENER"- AT .MEAFOED With: the opener 7"atried-T±W•if here the previdus Monday,. LtIck • now Legionnaires' rriade their 1952 debut in MeaTord 'fast7.—ThurSday 'night, when they • edged Out a 2-1 win ; over the 'highly rated Meaford "squad. Jo\ 'ning when they . bunched . three two -base hitS.••Bitsett led off with a double and raced horne as Jus7 ,fice stepped Up •.na Smashed: old another two -bagger. McLean and Beacom. Were retired before B.. Bell Cracked Put his two -Sacker to.,Score. Justice With the wItning. :lead in;:the second arid When Freenian triPIed:• and ;scored as • •, .The rearne::•featiired, •molund ' duel of brain and•braWri•between Toronto; and this classic: attracted • a; the larkest •crowd ever seen in Meaford for :a softball 'ganiie, i spite chilly weathcir ' %I both, pitchers didn't ufncork sonle ; cif the stuff they'll show the With eri-Orless ball, ah d a few • Solid clouts it was cl'ciwd-Pleas7' 11 Mg ball. 'Neither hurler Was aim - is though oohnston had tie: edge in 11 this' department. ' • SuStice scattered 'With JohnSton giving Up live. Lucknow:: Miley c, Bissett 3rd, ,Justice p, McLean' cf, IBeacom TRUCkS AI' 1959 LTON STAKE TRUCIC? ▪ • N I 110 rune is THURSDAY.; MAY. Pnd, 1952. 1 OUTSIDE 'WHITE., Wise hotneowners realize that the best pro- tectipn from the elements is good paint, Sun -Proof Mildew Resistant OUtsiae White contains fungicide 'to resist •mildew. not discolor in areas where sulphurous gases. are present. John enderson Lum er mute _phone150 — .1411111011 —111011114.111:1•411=•9 •■••••1111ala IWO ic e ences NoW is the time to build that picket fence. We have clear cedar pickets with gothic tops, which can be worked into many interesting designs. 2nd, cf, Douglas 3rd, Johri::: ChaPman ss, Smithson' .c. Past Week's Results Nfeaford at Lu'cknow postponed 'Port Elgin 5, Hanover O. SE GOOP:V4..k. thle: 'tittle to find; better an,d cheapei. Ways ai doing is 180 ci day. • We will go right on IceepinO'yoiir telephoneservice goodiyour telephone cost low. THE, Belt; TELEPHO ego SOU ter inte true Pres ther seng He , 41011, truel of t Tran Freh ttek of st lifet