The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-22, Page 51 mummy. , Y 22nd, • I9;52 H EWS : CHURCH Olivet W,, M. 'S. 4 • . The- Oli'ret W.M:s meeting was • held at the ;home of Mrs, O. Mc- 'Gharles with • a good attendance,' Thee president,. Mrs 'MeCharles,. presided and 'Mrs. D.T.l �eriry read the rnin.utes_ �a-nd.:•Caped the roll. • After , singing; a hymn, Mrs, W. S McGuire offered prayer. When the business was ,finished, Mrs. Colling's group took over. The • scripture was read by Mrs, W, Black, a reading, • given my Mrs. H, .Henry and a 'solo by Mrs, 11, - Campbell. , Mrs. Alex ' MacTavish • gave ' a' splendid ;report of • the .:Presbyterial: held; in Paisley..; Mrs.. • j„, eo1ling `•gave, the .Closing re- marks and';closed With the .bene-''' 'diction, 'atter which •`a : dair ty. 'lunch was ''served. •. W. A. Group •>l .Grbup, .1, of the W.A. was: held. Wednesday afternoon, May 24th at,, the home of: Mrs. Steve Stoth- ers. 'Themeeting. opened with the president ih the chair. `The Lord's ,prayer W,as. repeated in unison.. 'The: scripture lessors -was read Eby Mrs. Burt• Roach. Roll ' call was. answered by naming . as favorite icrWer; by 24 'ladies. Mrs: Ken- neth Cameron .gave "a report• -on -the :things that ,,were 'sent ': to. , Korea in the bale. 'Mrs. Jack Kilt: Patrick read' the: letter We, • re .ceived- in thanks:: M fs: Alex: Mc- -Nay and Mrs. Gi ix t1V cDiarmid- gave .a report • ion the W.A. Pres- bytery held -last weok.,'.Mrs. Bob Campbell. ' gave ; a''treasurees re- port, Mrs. Orland' Richards -took over for-. the remainder of the program.. .Mrs..` •.Bob Campbell sang :a solo "Garden of Toinor. row". Mrs:' Orland Richards. gave, a very :interesting .talk • on . my garden; • "Tulips ''.in May". • Mrs. Alex McNay ,.gave a .. reading, "The Lord 'and ,' the Lilies". Mrs. Kelso lieNay gave a reading "Old Fashioned. Gardens . of Pride".. A contest .was ' conducted by Mirs. Jack .Henderson. A rdainty lunch, was • served: by the 'ladies" in charge; with the president pour ing .tea... THE LU CKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. ONT E FIVE, Hall -Andrew. Group ! ' . The' May ineeting .of Grdup..3 ,of the-W.A.. was -held -on Wednes day . evening, • May.; 14th 'at the • home of. Mrs..Alex' Andrew...Mrs. .Hall was. in thg chair, and,. Mrs.. George Andrew 'read the scrip-. Cure Lesson. Roll caul was re- sponded to -by naming your, fav- orite flower. Miss E. Murd: a 'con • trilitited :n-arnTwin ,. poem e Terence to'the -birthday jar.. lie ports were .heard from commit- tees Discussion as to ways'. and* s=-nae�ns�--e•€--r-a-is-irrg-=rito�y=-te 'place. Plans' were made for ,food, supplies for 'Violet Tea: to be held'. May 28 Mrs R: Robertson, Mrs. '.Ray :Black. and .Mrs: R: �Strutrsers read ' a paper ors dowers,'•: the: theme of :the meeting. Mrs: Wool- ley contributed a reading after which a :flower contest was ,con- ducted. During. the social' period Miffs Hazel'Webster in a' few 'well chosen: words presented Mrs Weoliey"with 'a gift for her Help. •fulness.. in our .'programs. ..Mrs: Woolley very graciously, thanked • the' worrien • after' `which refresh- ments were, served: •• Kinloss IJiiited Church W.M.S.'• Mrs. -Dean Hewitt w'as hostess to •the• linloss Wosnen's Mission,' sty . Society for their May meet- Mrs: Wm. Campbell was con:- rener'for' the 'meeting and took Charge of she' study book l-iymn. X l :was Sung .followed .by' the scripture ' lesson by MI's.„ Elmer • $nnei man,, 'and :prayer by the ,president, .Mrs; .Harold Banner- duan. Mrs, pearl Hewitt read- the tin% "I 'love to. tell the, story", dud'. explained how it, had, .been Written by the author, Catherine iiankey Readings were• given •bY' iMrs, Frank. Colwell, Mrs, Ron Stanley,„ Mrs .,WM.. Stanley and. Mrs. Leeson, Mrs:, Mabel Ga'rrip- tell gave the report of;r he Pres hyterial held at Paisley. pie min- utes of fast meeting' Were•; read by :the Secretary, Mrs. Ell�so i Origins Gbit;:the -roll--call-NVa " ariSWerad by a,'iversel about "Re- bekaho A s taken special collection, was ; 'hal . buy pyjamas fox the Fold-IV�inarch Dea er to e, Several • notes of • thanks` were ' received for 'treats sent by the W.M,S.; A discussion .follow- ed about starting a ,Mission Band.. Mrs. Albert. Colwell w:as, a amed leader with Mrs[ Ron Stanley as assistant. The Kinloss•ladies have invited the. Kingarf W,A. to their June meeting which is to ;be held, 'at Mrs. Albert: • Colcwell's with 1VMrs.. Lynn Geddes cor. veher. The meeting elosd •by a 'hymn and Prayer, A delicious lunch. was• served by the hostess. A miversary Speaker The Venerable Archdeacon W. A. Townshend is 'expected • to ' be ';the guest preacher ,.at the morn-,ing service in St. Peter's. churc on .Sunday, June , 22nd',• aspart,. of :the..seventy-eighth, anniver- s• aa.y.::of tlte. ,.parik►: Group. 2 of. The •W. A. The May meeting of Group 2. was held at the home of Mrs. ' J. W Joynt; with ''Mrs: A. Wilson presiding:. Arrangements • were made for providing ,the lunch for the Violet Tea' which is, to be. held; in the church on,'1Viay. 26th. • Plans. were corripleted for. a bak- ing sale to: be heldat the next regular Meeting at the home of Mrs. Ewart. Taylor, The "following Program. was :enjoyed:. reading,: 140s. Taylor, "Help' while you' can"; solo ' Mrs.' E. Ackert; reading, • Mrs.' . Umlbach; solo, fVtrs, J O, . Armstrong; A report of the Bruce Presbytery •of, the W.A.,. prepared by Mrs. Harvey Webster,- ' was read by; Mrs. R Ackert. Mrs.: A. Wilson ,conduct ed a contest and lunch was served' by the • hostess . assisted 'by the: committee in el arge, Mrs,. J,' C. Armstrong, Mrs. A. Wilson, Miss S. Kilpatrick �• . ;fit. Peter's. Guild • The, Ladies':. Guild" of St. Pet ergs Church met 'yesterday.at the home of. Mrs. -James. Johnstone, Ingles :Si. }After a very busy ses sion in preparation for tile- sum- mer sale and; tea .to, be,'held .on June 4th, a tasty tea. was served. Tentatuire plans were: made for attendance at the. Bruce. Deanery Rally in Walkerton •on Monday,. May 26th. .:-'Ilr!!"i..qru, A>iu ctdonid.i, 1 i "9U 'CAN'T GO WRONG WISH,: A See The., F2' COMBINE WITH • POWER TAKE -OFF MODEL` A COMBINE WITH. MOTOR MODEL- S TRACTOR. T.• A 'REDUCED PRICE akes, Mo* rs ' Loaders `ora •e Rau vesfers yob Armstrong'- Your''Case' Impk ment Dealer' Ndidod( iQ f1"somid..4im1 1dipmd' mi pgmtid.dddiloddiimU*dddOdost Q t '. • ry•• ....,"...:,,._,Idol.,.,, Idols.vas M { lit a st. cuw I tires optional at extra cool. . 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