The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-22, Page 41 P 1,GE FOIJ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW,; -ONTARIO ' THURSDAY', MAY 22nd, "11952, , a.� a. S; w 9�y • FOR. wSALE--gnaw pine lumbei. Stewart Lavis, Lucknow. , FOR SALE -1986 Chev. recently • overhauled. Apply ., Sentinel Of- fnc e. . SIXTY.LITTLE PIGS FOR SALE --price $6.00 :each. Apply to Geo Kennedy, I ‘ 1, °Lucknow, t 3'YG`SA FOR SAYE -=-10 pegs about weeks. 'Duncan Farrish, Loch- sh WANTED—siXnall'' house in Luck - now with modern .conveniences. • Apply at Sentinel Office. FOR SALE -1949 seven cu'. ' ft,' Westinghouse ,electric, refrigera- tor in first ' class . eon'ditibn, John MacRae, -Lucknow: HOUSE FOR SALE—brick house, in Ripley, centrally :located; mod-; r ern conveniences.:Pppiq to Box 5, Ripley, Ont.' ' .: 1 FOR SALE—registered piirebred Shorthorn bull; 12, months 'old.' ' .Apply, to Wesley 'Ritchie, R R.• 3, Lucknow. • , .' • • SALE. -11/z ton Chevrolet" stake truck, ' 1940, good condition, must be sold; $295.60. SCOTT • BROS., • Ripley.' FOR' SALE -cement septic tanks, .approved. 'by ,the Health Unit We deliver them:. Forster's .W'elding. Stiop; phone 206-r-11, . Lucknow. •HOUSE FOR SALE-bungalor in Wingham, •''six ` .rooms, ` modern, bathroom and kitchen; • balance of !house -recently redecorated; near to Schools.:.N. , Maynard, Wingha'rin, FOR SALE,: --41/2 ft. Massey Ha'r-. /his 'one-way ' disc, roto : lift tyip, mechanical condition guaranteed Pike hew:` ilfisoli for•cash.or ttt'lee •good quality... heifers or .. young caws ,in tirade. Bob Boak, phone 11, Lucknow • • - FOR SALE ---second m�b band fuer- in Al' Condition, including pine siding, . aemlack sub -siding, 'hard= 'l Wood and softwood flooring. Ap- • ply at: $hell'' Garage,: • Ripley, .4•hbne ' 51-r-4... • .',4+ . f,. It • r 30, •. TEACHER WANTED • •f i ;e:rd Township Scheel: Ash F -, Board • requires • a '.'qualified Pro- -- teacher • for-.-S.S. 1; Port Albert, duties to comnience'.Sept, e- •ora. 's h• •1 en 'Bluewater Highway; about. 20, !pupils. Apply stating qua}lifica- salary e,.pected,' before May 24 R., T. Kilpatrick; Sec.; R R.:7, Lucknow;. Ont.,. • • •, LAW 11T 'MOWERS Repaired ;'and'' .sharpened.. For -prompt and . efficient service see or' ..call„ ''E..: W. RICE R. 2, Lucknow Phone 211-r31 • • • . PERSONAL ;$1,00 TRIAL_. OFFER. Twenty-fiv'e Deluxe Personal Requirements. Latest Catalogue included: The Medico, Agency, Box .124,' Term: inal A, :Toronto; Ontario. • APPLICATIONS WANTED. Applications for the position''of 'assessor for, the Village of Luck .now Will be received by the un- dersigned „until Saturday, May 31st, 1952( Applicants please state qualifications.' Further particulars,, may . be .had. at The Municipal Office.. • • ' E. H. Agnew, Clerk AttTIFYCIAL ,SERVICE , From this: licensed, non-profit, co-operative, growing association is' ,available from, Holstein; •Jer sey, 'Ayrshire, -Guernsey, Here. Iford, Polled Dual -Purpose ,'arid' Be"ef Shorthorn . bulls of high quality, Life rnem•bership,is $25.00, and •$5.00 per cow for, n embers and! $6. 00, per cow for , lion -mem.- �bers, Waterloo Cattle Breeding Assobiation, RR. No, 1, Water^1o6, Ontario. For !Service Cali., .Burton Shewfelt, R. R. 5, Kincardine, ,Phone 101.x'4, Kincardine. r.. - HEREFORD SALE The Grey '- ,Bruce Hereford. Breeders are holding their Tenth Annual .Spring Sale at Markdale on, May ' 27th, at Markdale Arena. Catalogues On request; T.aStewart Cooper, secretary, -Markdale,, , PERSONAL. ATLAS'-Dominiori of Canada Il-, lustrated. Atlas, including a .sec •-:„ tion of Bruce Country: ---•„1880; wanted for private • collection, Write, giving price, Dr'. Williams, `-83 Oriole Rd., Toronto. • • .DEAD' "& LIVE ANIMALS Prompt' pick - up .of cattle, horses, pigs &`,shee'p. Live horses. fit for. animal, food picked up 'at your ' farm averaging. $35.00.. C. Brubacher, `Wingharn, phone 608= w -L, , , . NOTICE .ATTENTION BOWLERS! Everyone interested in bowling •is requested to"be at • the: • Ideal Greens: next Wednesday, ?I y 28, for the •opening, of the lawrn iw1 n,g season. '• You'll enjoy' .;bowl- .ingr NOTICE RE ZONE R'A•LLY. All : members • of the Ladies' Auxiliary. to the. Canadian . Leg- ion ion wishing to, attend :the Zone Rally • in Chesley on May 29th, are requested to leave their 'nariie with. Mrs: Lorne • Johnston . at the loo -.op Grocery. by Tuesday noon; May 27th. There will be; a. 'charge of :50c.. . • :;NOTICE ' ,Conference • Saturday, A Leadership. ,Training • ;Gori ference,for theY:P.S.of theHuron-Maitland ' Presbytery will be :,held = ih' Lucknow -'Presbyter ian, Church on Saturday, May. .24, 195.2 'Registration begins at• :9.30 :Guest ••niiniste'rs ' will ,take' *part in the.discussions.. The.ban- quer willbe held `6:30 'prii. The evenin.g., service :is. open ,to 'the public. CARD.;' OF. THANKS I just. Gant put, into • words what I" feel in•my.'heart,' so with' these ..'Simple. ,but: sincere ;words, I thank'the•ladies of 'Blokes corn- munity for. taking .time off dur- ing the . btisy' season to father at• the home of Mrs... Hu:h Menar to give me..and Michael a happy send-off With nice''' gifts, ,and ';kind wishes for a 'safe journey to Eng- land; ItI`travelled;thewide world, T .know I would never 'meet such swell•folk. as live in this coin- munity. I' will ,miss being ' here •amongst , yon all; . and 1I' know Michael.:Will. be 'rmsaed. tby ':his. little playmates • I will . always re:: member the •help,,kindness and: ,understanding' you. folk •have'tgiv- en •, rne. ".1 . Now; pit's ' cheerio, thanks. Julia •and :Michael NLc,Nall, NOTICE '.TO CREDITORS In The: Estate 'Of ° William : '.J. McKenzie. All , persons , having. • claims against the estate of William J: McKenzie, late of ';the .'Township of.•:` Kinloss„ in ;the County of Bruce; Retired' Farmer, deceased; •who died 'on 'or about the 16th dray, of April, 1'3,52, are` hereby notified to send in :to• ti e under -% Signed 'Executors, on or„before t•he 14th day of June, 1952;•• full particulars' fo their' claims. Imniediately after the 14th day of, June, 1952, the, 'assets of .the estate Will be distribute: aniongst the Parties edified: thereto, ham-. ing regard only ti'the • ciaifns of which •the•`Executors shall then have notice. . Dated . at 'Lucknow, Ontario; this 19th4 day of May,,,” 1052: William! R. McKenzie,.. 37 Syd- enham St., Dundas, Ont•.,; Donald MCI e k,ie,• 767 King St, West`,"I%arriiltcs3i'; Ota,,, Execti- tors , B, 'W; ,Andrew,; their •elicitor Herein{:' ' COMING EVENTS • BAZAAR AND -TEA St. Peter's • Guild will . hold. their .J'une bazaar in. the Auxil- iary Room,r Lucknow; on Wed- . ed- .nesday,, June 4th at 3.00 'p.ra. Sale of homemade baking, fancy 'work and sewing.'After.n'pon tea ,served with •a; lucky tea. table gift.. ' • OPENING. '• Palace Gardens -The ideal spot for• yoiir' school • and Sunday. School picnics, family reunions and friendly, ,gatherings,' Spacious grotitids, 'e, x c el lent•,.facilities, friendly, surroundings. Make your reservations nv o by Contacting -Fhilp:.;Obermmeyer,• • F or m o s.'a ;`' phone Mildmay 130-r41: •-� AUXILIARY DANCE • • tDance to be held in Town Hall,,. Lucknow; ,on Friday, 'May' 23rd, 1952, . under auspices of Ladies •;Auxiliary to Canadian ;Legion Na,,. 309: Harold Button's.6-piece orchestra from Dundas. A, tele - 'Vision set is to be drawn for with proceeds to' go •to Roy • Havens. Admission' 75c. Dancing from. 9.30 to 1.00 o'clock: Every- body Welcome!' I -logien -lade' pie! • VIOLET, TEA ' The e W.A. of the Lucknow ' Un- 'ited '.Church is ,sponsoring Mrs. Copeland of ,. Copeland's Violet House, ' Cookeville, Ont. to lect- ure on: the' care and culture.. o• :all species of African Violets,' to' be 'Veld on Wednesday, May '48th at '2.15,: p.in:- in the Sunday. School :. Rooin. A •.'questionnaire .will,. ibe, conducted at the .close of''the-leCt lire acrdtea' will be served Come and bring your friends. Adms- sion 35c. " SONGMEN "COMING TO... WINGHAM 'After the '.•iSongmen's Eaton 'Auditorium recital in March the` E• 'ening :Telegram .:'said, "Every face Of the •!fourteen ,Songmen mirr�wed the sentiment of their' song. And,. of course this was `the. secret of their, .remarkable work: • . Harmonies' are smooth and.clear s" organ :. tones",- Hear' <' them at Wingl arri United'+Ohurch. on --June 4th. 6. ALA . WIWAM • Optometrist• ' Off ice on Patrick St.,, just. • ....oft the Main - St. in. 1N.INGHAM Professional Eye Examination Optical Services • • •4 Evenings by appointment., Phone: Office 770; Res. 5, JOHNSTONE'S' FUNERAL HOME OME. ,... 'Phone 76 . Day or Night Ambulance Service USE .OF, FUNERAL. HOME,. • ;::At No Extra ,Cost • Moderate Prices MacLENNAN and MacKENZIE K E _:. E FUNERAL SERVICE Services..con'ducted.. accord- ing:- to- :your•--1Nishes: at your Horne, Your ' Clinrch,. , or at our Memorial Chapel at fio 'additional charge AMBULANCE. SERVICE ',Phone .181, `.Luckfow, Day Of Night • . WORK. IS :UNDERWAY_ to_,re- build '• and repave. the sixteen'•mile stretch. of ;highwa'y between' Mildmay :and .Harriston , It:, is• questionable. if ,the job :'can• be completed ••by, ::winter.. • -Deal.' with.; the faults of others as. gently as:with. your: 'own. :. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All:' persons having ` claims gain • ,►i Ouilliii, late of. 'the Township' of. Kinloss iii �'•.the • County .af• Bruce, Retired Farmer.,. who ' died- on,Or about ' the tenth :day of Nemeth-. bet,. A.D. 1952,.are notified' :to ,send to the . undersigned on ''pr before the twenty-fourth' day of May, A.D. 19.52 full. particulars of their •'claims :in writing. Im rnediately ;after' the said twenty= fourth ,,day of May the assets. of the said testator will.. be distrilc _uted amongst the parties entitled' thereto,having, regards only to claims of,., which the: executor' Shall -then have notice. • Dated this . sixth day of . May, A,D, • 1952.'' , Crawford & Hetherington, •Wingham,, Ontario, .• Solicitors for • the, executor: ••ervice and Satisfaction • in .' lumbin��� and eating . New, Automatic Oil • Furnaces In5talled'- Now * In Stock' • • F.URN.AC , , E REPAIi,S , Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs SEE THEA OIL RANGES:, IN EAVETROUGilkS . G LIR C0111,DITIONIIG Ar. t i1�n , . G ore It+• • R.'3 DUN CK NOW 'Phone .8.1r-:13, Dungannon,.. gnews'AgencY Howard Agnew .7.'7. Jos. Agnew MEMBER OF, Ontario Insurance Agents' Association GENERAL INSURANCE: ;Established:: Over-. 30, YearsAgo_ Telephones: .• Business 39, Residence 138'. !N.SURANCE Co -Operative.' Life. Insurance: • Co -Operative Automobile Insurance • Mercan i1 • Insurance" ' Economical and :Reliable, See T A • CAMERON ''LUCKNOW ` Phone .7OJr-10 Dungannon T B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN M Havelock St., south, of,. Supertest.. Garage L' C.I N 'O W ,• • Telephone 175 BUSINESS and TAX SERVICE MONTHLY ATJDITS For 'The Small Merchant, Professional' man and 'the R'armer. • ; S. J. PYMM P;O. Box :74 Lucknow, Ont. Office in •Kilpatrick,' Block 'Phone 23-w ARMSTRONG ' OPTOMETRIST. GODERIC H: C, FOR APPOINTMENT • ' 'Phone 1100 , •For;, Appointment Or -Information See Wm `A. ;Schmid, :H'hone ••167-w Lucknow • INSURANCE FIRE, CASUALTY, A:uTOMQBIL- E AND LIB* To • Protect 'Your' Jack,•' Insure . With. Jack Today.", A: 'Mc1 ONA&H R. R. 3, Lue'kn.ow,, 'Phone 615,•Dungannon ANDREW. Barrister• -and {'Solicitor.__- LUCKNOW, •ONTARIO 9 Office in the Joynt Block . •' Telephone `Office • 135 Residence 314 ti at er pr fpr • T1 ata 11C -fie th .Kc pa .cel la ga, 'by Ca ovi Ori sar :roti a. gai Ali "T1 Kel • con Jac way ebt ing Hal ,of_1 day : hon Hai •'tun spoi orit .,rib .fere pori tees yea • •plat sop) • May Roy reae then ley �. whiff due! ehos 'Woo :ruin Woo the' meal Kenneth J. MacKenzie R.O. • . ' Optometrist LISTOWEL ONT. Will be At Wrona's Jewellery, store, Ripley', 10' a.m. to'9 Pan., •EDNESDAY, JUNE 4th • • aridevery S' coed Wednesday. Eyes examined= G•lass'es fitted 'For .a.ppoirilment' 'phone Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley. PERSONAL' • SKIM �. �NY,GIR LS, �. �. • � , . , GE,T: LOVE': LY` CURVES! Gain 5 to 10 lbs.,. new' pep. Tri; famous. health add, weight. btaiider Ostrex 'Tonic Tablets, introductory "get . ac quainte'd" size only 60c. All drug- gists, LOOK --ERY 'Prices.'For., May.. Started pullets shipper's choice of breeds-r••he'avy, ''breeds' 8 week $27.60; 4 week $32.90.'•Medi:i.nxis,, 8' week $34.94; 4 week• $38•.90, Af- ter June 1st ' 3.. week heavy breeds $25.:90;. 4 week $30 90. ;F :customer's choice• 'of these, °ask for prices, Also dayolds, pullets. trti red,` Agent D. R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow.*. • Stuart M•atKenzie Barrister ‘a►d' Solicitor WALKERTON; ONTARIO' IN LUCKNOW ' Each 'Wednesday OFFICE IN • IiENDERSON BLOCK I. S� Hetherington;. K.0 ` • • Barrister, Etc; Wingham and Lucknow IN .; L.UCKNOW • Each Monday and :Wednesda - Y Located on the ground floor,, in 'bh•e front of •'� John. Kilpatrick's Building 'Phone Wingliam Office 48 Residence 97 Insure With The (ukos'.MutuaI- FIRE INSURANCE ,CU;:,• for Re�aasonable a tes,' 'sound 'Pro'. ,. ': tection,&t ,prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims. 7MitISH..'MOTI+'A'T ?dour Local Agentl 3, Tecswatf, •;Phone Teeswater 57�ra41 ._ ;rte•. --Y . , 1.. ., '. • , ginl� :.to.:tll .ary • ing, ttepe, (hail .v54• scrip $anis ,Pres! Mtn, ad' Mitt. l-ianit lrs. Stain Vtrs. 1!et1•. ! bYter ute. itodg bekai talieb bac.;