The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-15, Page 8•PAPE EIGHT • t • ,qt °: • TRURSDAY, MAY. *5th; '1952 RO LVCKNOW 'SENTINEL LUCKNOW, oN744. PILLOW CASES—Colored Border. . -1-!-,-Embroidered Pillow cast*, • • .--Maderia Pillow Cases. • LUNCH SETS—colors green, blue, peach. and white em- broidered, LACE RUNNERS ' LACE TABLE CLOTHS LINEN TABLE 'CLOTHS—colored border. • • . FOUNDATIONGARMENTS NATURE'S RIVAL CORSELEITES.-with oi.WithoutAnner belt. , • • • , .•, • • • • iklr1T LA E. C ET, . • • N3/ -BACK SIDE HOOK GIRDLE (NUDE) TwillVAY STRETCH GIRDLES—with or Without zipper BEASSIERS—Gothic, Nature's Rival, Eirquisite 'Form •• . THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL at The Tot -To -Teed Store . • Special, $1.49 saes' 3 to 6x—Values to .$1.99. • ,LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR ;10,WN • .1111. .6, 'Goderich; daui • , MaoMILLAN---,at Wingliam Genlene Heather - eral Hospital on Thursday, .May • 8th, tO Mr. and. Mrs.' Miles Mac-; ' Millan of'LucknoW, (nee 'Theresa , • ' Schnurr Of Walkerton), a, -.daugh- ter., • CASSIDY—in: ,St. Mary's Hospi- tal, Kitcheri'er, on Monday,. May 5t14:1952;- to Mr,. and Mrs. Lloyd Cassidyof Preston (Mildred Weil- er); a .daughter. • • CULIBERT-Lot Alexandra Hospi- tal,' Goderich,. on May 5th, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Culbert,. . 0 I Ar- Q YOUR FAVOURITE BEVERAGE • I SEE DX THE. SENTINEL (C0110114.1ed 10.M. rage THAT a redeption was. held On'! Thursday night in Teeswater,1 in honor of Mr. and IVIrs,' Ern- ie Hanna of Kinloss (dee Olive Thompson). • • Q. • THAT RoV,,, E. J. Boggsof 'the • Isfoles.ww,th iancl Gorrie 'charge of the Presbyterian Church, • hails, from Ireland. Rev. Mat- thew Bailie of the Bluevaie charge is also 'a nati've of Ire, land. These two -ministers had charges within six miles of each other In their bomeiand, 4.nd,..sincq conning to 'Canada :recently, • are. Ministering in ',.Adtitaneghbr.p:i4pa,ng rtehlteltv.Bo hesago.Siplirit. .7 . the. anniversary guest speaker at LjicInow T- Presbyterian Church onSunday. • . THAT Rev. J. R. MacDonald • of Ashfield and Ripley Presbyter- ian churches .has •been nornin- •, lated. as a xnember pf the Sen- ate of the Presbyterian Coll- ege,, Montreal, of which he. is • a 'graduate. He *as nominated by the Synod of Hamilton and London. •Mr. MacDonald was also appointed by Synod to the • Kintail Camp committee. ' . . • : THAT the Rev. G., T. Burgess. of • Ilderton has .been chosen 'to •• succeed Rev.. Grant 'A. Meikle- ,,, fohn. as Pastor at Bervie, Kin- losa and Clarke United church:- 1,,HAT Horn • ,Schreiber, •Ontario, is conval., ,escing from virus pneumonia.' Mrs: . .Hornby • made her home here' with her daughter, Miss Helen Hornby who taught in LuckrioNV High School :last term before going to Sehreiber. THAT. those Swiss •bells referred • to last week seem not uncorn-. , . mon as Harvey 'Webster and Guest Mitchell both report _having one at -their respective THAT the C.N.E. and the World Series will probably be tele- ised to Canadian viewers by the CBC this 'year. Theviuck3r - ammummummetmimiliaimammlammiiimmommisimamsammammamammummuminimiummi •. • ecial IICESt-'- oo fir . • - . . go,..BTAd:11,1:4kitGARINE, 3.1ho• 95c ' FRESH FRUIT 'arrit VEGETABLES' I tc.. •.. . , , • .d 1 , .., • ' t• , • • . El • .1. ; ERvinErrEs,•White or colored 4 ...••• , :1ft 'Fresh Ontario Grown . .. • CLOTHES PINS, 3 dozen - . '25e ••• LEAF LETT15 UCE, bunch - ' a 0,i N CUCUMBERS. , • :-,, ,.. 17c • CARROTS, •celio bag ', - 17c i ASPAR_AG_U_S, bunch - ' - • 24c • • et 41 • ' . ' . I -4 , . ' ' ' • . ,' , . ' . '72 iI' r •" . .,.; ,., to, • • 1 . . • ". • 4- ' • . "+. • 'YORK CORN, fancy.creant style, 20 Oz. 2 for 39c ▪ VITAill 1 re • • 35c • SHREDDE'Z WHEAT 2 for 33c • Velvetor Chateau CHEESE, 310 : VEI,, large package 35c- FAinerhan - Family Magazines:- Sc • • (may Edition) •• • • TIME TO CAN!. • • PINEAPPLES, size 12 3 for 9Sc • • • •• GOOD FOR JUICE! • •, TFL -011.10A ORANGES,t250's 1 doz.15c GRAPEFRUIT; 96's • for 33c ▪ - • 'II 2.for 25c . • • WASTE PAPER BASKET 41. full of Proctor and Garnbels, • SOAPS — $1.59 • WEATHER Eit Wish ..to," inform.the policy .holderS of the • HowiCk Farmers'Mutual*. Fire Irisuirance Co, . • andof the 4 •• *stern Farmers' Weather Insurance ,MUttial ,• Company .That I Have Taken Over The Insurance Business Of , 4 THE LATE JOHN' D. FARRISIC And Will Appreciate Having The Opportunity To • • Continue To Be 'Of Servke 'To Yog. POLICIES WHICH ARE UP FOR RENEWAL'..1 .• -. will. cikatinue In Force Until. It Is Possible To. . • • Contact You Personally: - ' • • ....Jatic-M-cDonstg ta ' A , • R. R. 3, Lucknow ' 'Phone 61-5, Dungannon ' Noiv, Prepared To Offer You All. Types Of Insurance. • •4 winner • of the TV set to be raffled off May , 23rd for the Roy tHavens benefit fund; "will be"" all set". Tickets .are av'ai1ab1e from members of the 'hoekeir &lb and at various business, plaCeS in the Village. THAT Miss Elizabeth ..Reid has • bought the residence of Alex ••Allen. Miis Reid -sold- her--h.ame- to the District High School ' Board, 'Withthe property to ibecorrii the site of the new high sehOok • THAT' SUnday School. now Con- . venes 'at, 10. a..111. i both the ' ' Presbyterian and/ United Churches. • • • ' • ' THAT "ShaW Boat" is Corning to The Play0ouie next Monday, • Tuesday and.' Wednesday, and: has ,a,rating that .should pack 'em in for the three nights,. THAT 44The Songithen" Will. be • 'heard, in • Wingliam United Chtirah• On Wednesday, June 4th . at 8.15: W. F. Thompson is a *member_ of the Group, Tic- kets are obtainable at The,Sen-• • • • —r— - THAT we,. referred last :.i,veefi to . the:fire that destroyed the farm home of Reeveand Mrs.' Her-* • bert..'Farrell of Huron- Town-. ship:: The home was in the pro- • cess of being..Completely ren�- vated, to make it one of • the fines ti :homes in the district Mrs. Farrell- discOvered the outbreak but a lack of water • prevented the• Ripley FireCo from being able to check the . blaze. DEBENTURE BY p,000 . At a special. 'meeting . of the Village Council On, Monday, first ', and second readings were give. the 1:0 -law to:be submitted to the Municipal Board. fcpr approval of • a debenture issue. of. $275,000 covl.' ering the ,Lucknow. 'District High School,- .7 _• ' .„ The 'amount of theissue haa been increased by' 55060 over. that , •reported last week, in .keeping• ,with the District Board's policy of striking their estimates higher than they • consider .may he nee- essafirto -.complete the school.- • • • CONGREGATIONAL SHOIER •• Following' the: evening service', in Si, Paul's ',Anglican •, Church, Ripley, the congregation met- for a social hourin the•school rooms, chiefly to make a shower of frilit and'•household article§ to Mr. anc! Mrs.- 'ger.)). Farrellt Aril° lost' their hOrne -recently 14 fire. • THAT the Huron Comty Fish & Game Association will petition to have. in' open deer season ' in that County next fall. • • ' -in THAT seeding ivag.gnerally: con-, eluded this year under condi- • tions that were never more fay- : arable, A. two -weeks dry spell • saw the work. go ahead without interrnption, and even "water _• 'iholee; which at other times •; were skirted, were, able to be • • sown -this spring. • . m ,• • • im THAT Walter Oakes, who is the • Carodoc,Nursery representative in this district, has temporarily resumed his. trade as sawyer,., ••• and • is helping Arnold Glow'PI-IflNP 90, '• out on, a part time basis as the Lucknaw „ lb 28c • . • . • ., • . 1 • '.• ' WE DELIVER .41 SUMMER 1-1AT$ A. new Shipment of teen:, • 'agers anti lades Summer Hats prices from „ Etc' TT • SUMMER PYJA.MAS .1' - - • Childiens summer pyjaidias ‘i., • • • 'TP1VIATO3131C Ayliner. 'Choice . 2-20 oz. tini'. 29c PRUNE ptums. ,Cholce .Quality • 2”--20. oz.' 25c. • LoGRWAY old windsor tin 35- ti T si • .11 W n -85 . ed • 111 th • :be da da r 111( • fh( • .'•rta • his cut a . 1:l :‘.'.111.1111311Afrs 3t°21°: _ .:$15 • •‘S,It kat, ift .-14Pq en 1$10, • !witHT, Oro! rcti !lot trit Gold Seal, ianey Red •Sockeye ' 45c • PLUM, jAM. Wagstaffo!s, •.. 4 oz. jar • ,..L. D. R. Finlayson Phone 91, Lueknow • MEN'S PYJAMAS Men's broadcloth pyjamas good quality striped broadcloth • 1 • SPORT SHIRTS Men's sport shirts, wash , able rayon in plaid colors. * Size S, 'M, L. Only $2.95 Eath,. •y • • , 4 14 . • • .