The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-15, Page 3L. • ° •ritmllttSDA,T, MAX`,15th, 1952 ' • 4tri LUCKNOWv SENTINEL! LUCKN6**, ONTARIO • ••• YOUR FAVOURITE *BEVERAGE Papering Spray or Brush.' .- • is..., • VVe use ritrssuRpit.PAITTS sold_bY. Henderstin Limiber • • • • . • , ". •Interior and •Exterior. Ernberlin & tAacInnes Phone: Lucknow 194-m Wingha.tn 654-J2 Lnow reibytatian'..Church Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A.; • ,‘ Minister.' ----SUNDAY; MAY 18th -- 10 a.m.: Sunday School.. 11 am.; Writing Service. • , 7 p.m.: Evening Service'. Wednesday, 8.00. Prayer Meeting. e • I , .'• ' . • • • ••• • it* • ..m.i...oen...11.1t:1111114111.1.641m4F141',.."‘,1*,1"444'•.4"41, LUCKNOW:.. 1-VRITED-.-..01HURC1471: i• * .. ' i 1 Minister: Rev. W. J. Mumford,1 ,, M.A., S.D., S.T.D." 1•• 1-1-UNDAY-MNY 18th, 1952 . 10 a.tio..! Sunday School. i j• 11‘ a,m.: How To Overcoine 1 Bad' Habits.. ' .7 P.m.:, Life's Golden Hours. • ' : The one thing w„Otse. than i quitter • is the man :Who. is I I afraid. to, begin. If yoti never I, .1 attend dhureh;' w-hy not make!. .1 a 40T4 'ts .SUnday. We ,wii11.. I welcome • you. , ' '. P.SMIHNIIMMINIONNIMIWIIMMI;ei •/011111/411111.0.4111111.111101M.0.11111P.116r Anglican Church1 . NOTICES Itey..A. S. Mitchell, L.Thp -• Rector. • • , . • . ..F1ttli' Sunday' after • EaSter,, !!.• , ' May 18th,e.1952 • ROGATION SUNDA.X..: 4.- Peter's thttreb,'LuelcnoW ll' 'Lin.; Morning .PrAyer 4nd. • Sermon. . • ,The. 'Ladies' Guild:Meets, at, the' .11:oine of Mit:. J. Johhstone, . .Ingl Street,. on Wedhesday, May 21st. • , St. PaUrs Church, Dungannon .2,30 P.m: Evening Prayer' aricl . • St; Pahl's. Church Ripley • • The 41Y COrru-nuti. • Ion. 4 • . cal-• eneral, to ',Celebrate the 24th May ire on sale at Vrribach's. Dr41Stere. • Bruce Johnst n has :completed his first :ye,ar t.Weate,rn,Uh1••. versIty: • 4V/Iis. Minnie Horne" of Toronto was a week -end, visitor with 'Mrs,. Walter Horne. . • Mary Chin, stlident nurse' at • Western Tonto, is holidaying at her home.- • Mr.',and Mrs. Alfrgd. S. Arin- strong were week -end „visitors• the community4., . , 1 Mr. and -Mrs. W. J. C. Mitchell and daughter Bobbie of Hainilton -were -.visitors- at the SettOrY-5if ;Saturday last, • '. • • , • Mrs. Essie • -Hewat, who has 41-)een. .a:patient h). Wingharn Hirt, is- repor;fiod as ,making .a steady recovery. : • Mra. 'Roy ;Cringle,and MrS. Al Martini. arid' '•Ne'cldy of Detroit spent the-• week -end with' rela- tives. .' • • Robeit •Taylor, Who recently enlisted in the Canadian ArinY,. spent :the week -end here, before being posted. to Nova Scotia. Rely'. C. •and *Mrs.. Woolley Went the weekend of May. 4.th With their. sOri, C. Eric Woolley and family at Chesley. • • Dr, Ws. Clarence -Mac- and•Billie �f Toronto were • Week-endguests of pr. and lytr.s. Vi'•Jorhiaton.: ' Miss Christena :Carrick has:1'07 'turned. to'. Lticknow" to take up teaidenee, .her home here;on CartIpbell'• St, East. * • . . •. ,Mannirig -Of '71,...,Ohdon`.' and Gordon Steward .Of Lond�n Visited; last. week -end With' his parent,S, Mr, • and .,Mrs. Charles Steward;' .• - - . ,,•. • ,Mr..•Pred 5Ntc:Quillin.. left on. MondaY10 attend the Huron Dio- :Cesafl Synod in 'London, He was. 44ccompatied Mrs.; McQ'uillin 7a -rid on 13-atty. "••• • ,Mrs, Neil Carnpbell -of Clinton . . spent :the week' -end with •Luck- , now ftierikla,andattended the an-. niVeraary. of the'.Lucknow Pres7,. tbytetiari ,Church. • . The Ladies' Guild of St: Peters Church ssoriet last Week at the home. 'of 'Mrs: T. J,, Salkeld. The next -meeting' will be held at. the hOrne:*of 'Mrs. James johnstone;, Irigies St. • Mrs N, E. Bushell Vis?tecl the latter part of the .w.eek. in, Tor- onto And 'returned home, on 1Vlonday•Avith ,who spent tile • week -end ,in Hani1tcin, Mts. J; A. 4:10bo.tsoli Mount Forest (forrnetly. Dean Gcdthis, 6nd. Mrs. .1Vlavy lyfaclifenxie M' Winghltin •wer e gu est S of Mr. ani' Mrs.. W: AJPOttoOus .on Sunday, and • attended, tyhe Presbtyptian Church anniveiliar;i„.; ' . „ Wi,!fred. Blackhas .compfeted his•titst yofir in dentistry rit" onto tinivetsity. He spent the' week -end ,with his 'parents, Mv' and Ry .1311fek, .befc'n rc turning to the city:where hb has oniployinent' fbt. the Stim.met. • ,Misses goxy. kd.'lloth Ander- sok:have completed their year, at *Western University where they are taking ,•seeretariar .science -the home, of then; pa•rontsy. Mr. and.,Ntra,,W., B. Anderscin,- before 7returning to 4tondon', Where they • will be employed, fq the ,surri.• • r I • PAGE THREE, *. clitinkt NIWS ..PresbYteriancijj - The reading of the call to wor- ship opened the meeting on May 12th: Hymn 1 was sung and Mr. .Winn led in prayer. The •F,:e„ri-Pture lwia read and hymn .553; was sting, The speaker was Mrs. Morgan Henderson who Ably took .the topic. A., Dutch hymn was sung by Margiterite- Vanderiey, and Marian. MacDonald favered With a: PiaP0' sola. The ".closing -hytrin 461 WaS Sung 'followed by... the,benedictiori. On 'May 19th' our., Quild is'. jaVited social at Langside las pail 'of Vie...inter-: society ',v4itaticin prograln, • :The May meting at the W.M.S, was ,held at the horne . of Mrs.: J. W.' Joynt 'with 82 -members. 'pres- ent, Mrs, Mumford .conducted,the opening devotional exercises. The scripture reading was, read by Mr's. 'R. C. Robertson: Mrs. Al- bert Alton read a paper on tetri.... perance. ' Mrs'.. S. Stothers gaVe. A short talk on literature and' the library'eonnected with the W. M. S. Mrs. T. A. Cameron 'took the , chair. for the program. Readings were given by MrS. E. Hodgins and Mrs. .W. ;Drennan; the Pres- byterial report. was ..given by Mrs. Mumford; a duet, was sung •by Mks. Hall and ' Mrs,' Hoag; Mrs:W. B, Anderson read.a poem _iLI,loving:_imernory Of 1VIrs, Rathwell, • a faithful 'and valued •member. of .the Society. Mrs.1 N. J. MacKenzie :was :electecf:presi dent for the , remainder of the. year iii the absence of.Mrs'. 1VIUrn- ford.. After the singing of a hynin and prayer, the hostess' and:coin- mittee in charge, Mrs.: Hall; 'MrS. a,, A: Cameron, Mrs: Thos. Ander- son, served lunch. •. , ;Zion W. M. • • • Mrs, :Peter ' Cook was .'hostess to Zion W.M.S.fbr 'its Kayaneet-.• ing Thursday .afteinoon, May8th. There was a god attendance;:' 20 adillts and 6 children. 'The presi- • dent, Mrs: Gordon: Ritchie, -open- ed., .the Meeting with 'hymn 281 • and .the Lard's •• prayer,: after which. the secretary, MrS,•Nel§bn Raynard, read the minutes and 'called the Toll.. Mrs: Fred. Ander- ' son..ba_cl eh arge of_ the -.devotional!: period, and was assisted by, Mrs:. McDOnagh.„•With Mrs. Swan read-. ing. the scripture, and all reading hymn 366 in unisaiii Mrs.Will Hunter gave a reading:. and ' Mrs. Woolley th4 study baOk . John' Gardner and Mrs. Jim, 'Hunter gave splendid reports of HUron .Presbyter'iar.v&hieh Was -held. in Wesley 7•Willis United Church, Clinton,: on May 1st. A' vote"of thanks was tendered these. ladies for this service. • At 'the business session Mrs:. F. Ritchie reportedksending the spread: ar- meeting. 'Thanks for axing illness were received from Mrs, ".'W. Gardner and . Mrs. McDanagh." Contributions Of. $2.00 each for :the garden party were: sanction.; ed, with Mrs. Akin Gardner, Mrs. Bob Helm in charge 'of. e:ollectians. 'Mrs: Jim Hunter was appointed to prepare; the pragra.m for ,the next meeting, and menibers .wete asked to ;bring in ,Used clothing for relief., Rev: C. ' B. .Woolley: -pronounced the - closing •prayer:,. Mrs.' GeOrge Hunter, president of the W.,. A.;,.bpened her seryice with the'singing :.of "Son of •nriy- Soul". Mrs. 'W. • 0, Hunter read the Scripture, : and Mrs. Jake hunter the Minutes. A diseusSion. Of the' re -decoration .o'f the Urch4o4owed,_ wallpaper displaYed • and,' 'Diana Made.' Rev. Wo011ei- offered pra'yer and a dainty lUrich was served by the hostess assisted by. Mrs. McDonagh, aid Mr Gordon Ritchie. • , , • , South Kinloss W.M.S. , • The May meeting of. the, Snuth Khi1oss W.1VI,S, was 'held at the hoMe of ,Mrs, Harold- Campbell with meMbersand fotti.,visitors present. After the opening hrinn. 'and the Lord' s praye7r, Gib- son , gave , very. fine scripture, and,-- meditation fbllowed pitoyer b Mis, T1an MALeod. • The, thinuteS •of Ithe %April Trl.edt- lTirgZ'rcrlirtVrgffgrertrrfgiTlt5frer:'' which was held in the' church on- April 13.th with Miss Helen - Malcolm: of Toronto , as, • gtiest • ' 1 •1 P. • LADIES': AND MEN'• S 'WEAR T04ErifoNF:i5 - and • Co...tton Wee* MODERN SHAMROCK LINENSfrom Ireland Ask Fijr, Our Folder ShOwn. And Jriced , . FOR. THE'.HOIVIE : , • "" ". • And GIFTS ;FOR,...A1L1,. * ITableclUths.: • • :.•Sheets' and PilIOW Cises7 LUncheon, Sets • Towellingby the Yard • Bridge Sets " ,Towels, guest and fingertip Handkerchiefs Tea Towels • Traditional White ..and Decorator Colours BEDDING . Cotton and Flannelette , Sheets • Woollen Blankets Pillow •Cases.. Bedspreads SPECIAL • Tubular Pillow Cotton, 42" wide for home making and .bazaars -to stamp. • • • . 98c . TARTAN sCAR ' RUGS •,. ESTABLISHED tEraquciti sEirtrtticE,,. 4°. • • 1 * •• •••• ; • • • • . 4 .a, ,., . A TRACTOR'? ., . .• .A,. COMBINE?. . ' . ' ,., • A SIDE,RIGGER? : • A HAY -LOADER?: . FIL favors agriCuttural'irnplements and often- helps; farmers to pay, for them. Why 1)ot•ee.ycit0' nearest B of M,manager about . a Farm Improvement Loan tis . foryourSelf?, .•• 7 . • • ,• • • • . • , . • • I . . 1 . • 44 • . • ; •• '4 • •'" • •••t ....! t • eN • , 1 ' • • AN0 . -,TREA-1, ' • . .... --.' ....4. .-.:•., . • • , . •. ..., .: ...,... . . , . . • .. . eiiietitia:r7e4,4it 64.4. • . • . .. . ' . ,,: ,...- - • . 4.- . T . • -.-' . . _ • „, ., WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE•S NCE 1817 , . ' • . Mrs... W.:' F,•,1VCapaonald motion seconded by Mrs. • AleX- Sutherland that. $10 .be sent to Miss Ijel0,114-alealth for her work in appreLation of her splendid addresS- at, the Easter Thankof.- 'fering:. •The treasurer, Mrs.. A. MacIntyre, rePorled• -that. $84 :.has already been sent' to:the W.M.S, treasurer : After. a short business • diseussi,o_n the roll call:L.,was_ans. Wered by "'Mothers of the Bible" Mts. •D: L. MacKinnon gave a splendid report ,of the Synodical in Hamilton in April. Miss Dean .. • , made a MacLeod read exeeripts from' a letter from ainiSsiOnary-2, friend. whois' i:)on, to go. to Siam. 1VIrs.. B.4u1;Ch and Mrs. 1VIacWer led in`: , Praker, then hymn 448 was sung. • , • . :1VIrs.---WT-T..--MacDoilald read a:7 • .. • well.. prepared sumrnary-:- of . teresting• items frain. the :Glad Tidings. Hymn .616 was Sung . and ' Mrs. Alex Sutherla.nd clased the • ••• ' : „rneeting_With--pra-yer. A.-7taStk lunch was served by thehostess • Mrs. Harord Campbell. and clir- ectors, Mrs:. W. & Mrs. Archie 1VIacIntyre.'" • • .We have. alt your. Requirements ' '• ' 1-.... -,:. , '. , . - . . ".... for . 1 .., .-..,- . 4:. .•, ,i:: , .• i. 11 • , 4 • i I. • • _ • • 11 : '4.*:.GYPROC LATH • , • • 1---- . - . ARDWA 1 ---'. ----- . 1 ' ii."PLA-ifER 1 • • .• • _, /1 1 ' • :VINISI-IING LIEM . ' . I + .. • ... ...0, . • 1 ° ° : :: , . 'WIRE LATH - • . i. ., ' L. t ' ' : 1, "CORN -ER BEAD • ,i' _ , . ‘ • . • . • # _ • . • . • e".1 '4* • • . , • . •I GYPROc BOARD in '6', ,7', 8', 9',:I0' 1, ths .! .s, , JOHN W ,H ENDERo. = . . Lu, •• .„ •,,„ •GYPIZOC FILLER •ANDITAPE :* • ' • • I . . • • • . • • . • • : •ootatio ':` • 1 4-- Phone 150. , •• . • V• : . St*.aittt we read and - .clotOted k ' titer. • ••, .• .• , „ •„ I * A ; • , • .