The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-08, Page 6•. • Ni r.: PAGESIX h,• THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, L. =KNOW, Q..MIO TI LIRSPA. , MAY .8th, 1952 SPORT... JUSTICE; TO LUCKNOW SET$•SPORT.CIRCLES, AGOG The recent announcement .that 'Mr. Softbajt ' himself, Charlie Justice—would' do his pitching; in Lueknow this season has,• • set sport circles .agog. . • Hank . ssmitf�. of the Port Elgin Times: • 5..."s eechless" ,and used The; Sentinel's picture of Justice to introduce the big' fellow to' Port, fans. Hank figures Lucknow Legionnaires; have •. the•. • bravest f kers i the.lea .ue. bunch o bac.. � ng 1VLEaford, who has Russ ' John sorior on :the: hilltopfor them; is pleased'~ that Lucknowr• has .lust.- ice;,, T1he 'two .of them were or= • mei-• teammates With Tip Taps,• and Mea'ford•:is, banking on these. two headliners drawing the larg est.crowds in the history' of the ,game: 'Johnson, they claim, has never fared toobadly against: the • Negro .'star, Take a look at the schedule, Ad' see who,,opens here stead- Monday--;Meaford' it is! ,; The Kincardine' News figures that after an unhappy financial experience. last year, the. Lakeside tear. will . stay •clear of the "pro- fessional" Major 'league' ' t h i s season, 'and, confine . their activit-, ies to.:. the.. "strictly' amateur"' A • series.•' Mildmay Monarchs, ch'ampion.s' of the._W,O A.A "B":. series ;fin- • ished ',off 'a highly ".successful season 'by, a trip to . Toronto. to Make' in one. of the•:Memorial up playoff games' ibetween Guelph 8i` Regina. The Monarchs , proudly t • lay claim: to "the fact: that not a man• on their,' championship :team :gets paid a penny, Tncidentally artificial 'ice is. still 'a live topic im Mildmaand a p'ulblic meeting was held on: -Friday to gain ,lore • ° information : on the 'subject;, • M. 'L. "Tory" Gregg of Wing - ham and Frank. Buckland. of Pet- erbor'ough'' are vice' 'presidents .:of'. the . Ontario Hockey Association: Tory is' in line for the presidency' held ,at ! present by Stewart • Me- 'ravish:df •OshaWa whiff succeeded Jack _Roxborotigh * -* «, Goderich Lions '•• Club • •. h as' launched,7- a -. carripaign: __tp raise $12,000' ' .to install' a • ipermanen. t floor.: in the arena. Itis hoped to ''shave the 'floor.' in readiness•. for: : the Old Horne Week in . August: • .,.***:. :Saw 'Saturday night's: O.H.A. final : in • Eh -lira: between • Brace - WESLEY • GREER: PASSED H O -'L, y R O 0!' •] AWAY TN CALIFQRNIA • Word hac been reectved here by his brothers of the death •of Wesley Greer,, wMcn occurred at Riverside, California, He was' in his 78th year, and had been i11 With ' pneumonia in the winter .from which' he never _ "fully re- covered, . •• Mr. Greer .was , one of •eleven children of tYelate Geo. •Gr.eei•, sand Mary Adams. He was born at Gorrie but came here as salad when his parents . bought the farm no.w, •owned by• •Clairerice Greer,: "from ' the • late. Donald ,Camlptb'ell ..,.: Mr; Greer' went, West as'i young man'-- in 1897, and ',had never been 'back s;irce. aHe` was° a carpenter and.'confractor : and 'travelled extensively . in the .Wes- tern Western States. and Western Canada. Interment .ori. Monday was at Seattle, Washington, • ' Besides his . wife and three 'children, he is suzwived . by two - brothers,: George A. and J. Mel- vin Greerof Lucknowand a sis- t `of e er,; Mrs. A, ' L, (Agnes). Stewart, Detroit Bervie •Circuit Y. P.: U. • The Bervre:.Circuit Y ,P U,. held, their• , regular meeting Sunday ey ening, May 4th. 'The. sing sting was led, by `Kori: Stanley, and Rev:G: A; Meiklejohn:opened the worship. service',with prayer. Ron Stanley, stewardshipand training convert-. er gave . the ,'call to ••worship and a hymn' was sung,, • followed by. the scripture read by Mary Stan- ley. The topic: and disc'iission; 'visas on "Stewardship:of our. material (possessions". Jackie Hedley took •charge •'of : the (business sesition and. ;following :the 'roll call, the. minutes 'Of the ' last meeting were read, 'followed by' the Y. 1' • eke-, opener,' Iunch.and gatiles. The meeting • was closed with "Blest be the Tie" and benediction. ' , won by ;,the :Polar Kings 5 to.' to 'give them' ,a '3-4 edge on... the series with one game tied. .Judg- ing'. froth. ucdg-ing'.from• '.this go., Elmira 'boys. are in. Butch' Martin: was 'thhe big gun with four goal , but was set up ,beautifully. on • three ofthem. by •Genre Miller, .the shifty, sinoott .working .centre: who back ,into the final' series, after suffering . a shoulder separation. - Mr,. and Mi S, J, Snowden •,and. Marilyn of Toronto were Sunday :visitors with Mr. and Mrs Geo, Hiltz. Mr: and Mrs.' 'Jack D. Watson' and 'Darlene of :St. Marys .visited on Sunday wit} Mr. ° and Mrs. Don Watson. • Mr, and • Mrd. John Walker of Owen Sound were recent visitors' with' her son, Jack. Ackert and Mrs. Ackert. • ' Mr. and , Mrs. l obt. Riddell„ .of• Kincardine Township visited on Sunday :evening. with Mr. & Mrs. ,Bushell..Islay who sent the week end with' her' sister, returned . '•home with 'thein,, • Kr ,I- eth ,Garrett, of 'Toronto,: spent a•-feW days last week With 1VIr.. and Mrs, Ernest Ackert. Mrs. Raynard' Ackert -spent Thursday and. Friday in Guelph attending :.the Institute conven- tion. • • Recent Visitors with Mr. and 11•54.- iiimtitilaiiii!oeurire..fril. blew. elm,* .; • i • Now IS • the time for all -'good. housewives . • To march on drabness wi' their Spring cleaning!: • ali. the cup bo rd§ and. Ttable drawers ii In. he ,p a., and lamps and 'woolens galore., I;ere S::•old . Tates,,^•. s 'in . •• - ,_•' . So turn r them out and • then cash z, and blankets. 'Twill make you grin` • �, . Folr money To hear the kids •chuckle. as down" they snuggle. • • = t, Tho' nights are still' chill and cold. •• ' hone u the Morgans; load up, enjoy the bargains 1 Just p � P M g ', ,• ... I For that's what this rhymes• meant to tell about. • e P40r1'laf•s phone 946 • • • • •:RU>i'LEir " 10th' Concession I Pure Wool • Blanke •• �.. ts, Kn;<tt;<n,'Vogls, .' Antiques. • (Mrs. L oyd. Ackert; were her ••par- ent• r•. and .Mrs: G.' McCallum • Shirley and Clarence of. Listowel. We extend congratulations, • to Mr. *and; Mrs. John McInnes' *hf, were married in Wingham May 3rd. Mrs. McInnes was formerly Marie Percy of Holyrood. • .Wingham, ;it's said,has had an "Coke"''is 'a '. egist'er.edtrademark: eye. 'on., Miller, but ,they'll have'; to bring' in some material to go. with 'hint :and • get into O.H.A. company or Gene will be .just:• :bridge . and Elmira which Was wasting 'his. time. ` : • ammiiimpaa Tamm mmama■ilmammaIIIUIiaimmaii■■ Prompt D�el�very .. On New 1852, ■ 11' • ■ Choice Of .' Colors ' . BIG VALUE CARS ■ ' 1952 ; BRAND NEW •PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN, ■ 1952 CHEM: STYLFLINE 'SEDAN, Brand •New. •�.''• " : 1951 CHEM; DELUXE �STYLELINE•'SEDA.N. ' • . 051 CHEM. DE XE • FLEETLINE 'SEDAN. ,• 11951 CHEV. 5 PASSENGER .COUPE., PONTIAC •'STYLELINE SEDAN,' ✓ , 1950 ;CHEM. 'DELUXE STYLELINE COACH, •. ■ 1950' FONTIAC : DELUXE-STYLELINE SEDA i,..' 1949 OLDS' FLEETLINE 'SEDAN, fully equipped, ■ 1949' .CIIEV. ,STYLELINE COACH, 1948 MPO(lti'IOiTTII COACN: ` • lo X1941. '.CHEM. FLEETLINL SEDAN, fully • equipped.; . 1,942 •CHEV. p'LEETLINE: SEDAN, completely reconditioned.., ■ t.� • u • ■ ■ ■ ' ■ • ■ ■ ■ U w • •1 '.■ ■ :■ '• ■ ■ a • • ' .1941 DODGE SEDAN, as g5 FORD COACH(.. • • TRUCKS ■ 1950 CHEM' 3%' -TON STAKE TRUCK.. • ■ , • ■ s Cash, Trade; Terms ■ ■ The Home of Better Used Cars'.' s r 1 I Y' en ~Evenings. Until 16:4• • .:A::. :, Cities Service Dealer , . .a. r ! ■ Phone 13x, Brussels re :1:'aularig'' i�:1%:r:� ri rrr::� :r :�r�rti:auras 4 Including' federal ;Sales` . and Ex lse Taxes' rr P deposit 2c per bottle •, Authorized bottler of'Coca-Cola utiide■ conaria t with• Cocd'r ole Ltd:; GOD RIC'H'' BOTTLING- WORKS Go'Phone 4,89. Goderich; Ont. •: • . • I ' • Lucke ow•'Ji hone,.15 ntario