The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-08, Page 2PAGE TWO 7K • In . 5 � � 11H,E;. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTAR; Luelgnow Legion .eej If/ $3,25 I1 PRIZES MUST GO 'In The "Recreational Centre, t1J. C KNOW CommienOng at .9.00 . p.m; Sharp,, D S..T. 15 <REGLJLAR 'GAMES •FOR $5.00. EACH 3 SPECIAL GAMES: FOR $15.00 EACR. 1: ,FRE. GAME FOR $5.0.0 Ja pot. Special $200.., (Must Be Won) Regular Gaimes :$1.00-, 1 1 1.: Extra .and Special Cards 25c •� NOTE .,CHANGE OF. PLACE AND NIGHT URPLE GROVE Mr. and , Mrs ' 'Gordon. Stanley. of Ripley visited With Mr. Bur- ton !Collins. on Sunday. .Mrs Harold ,Bannerman is with her, mother, Mrs. Wm Walsh, who we ;are. sorry . to say is not as wen as : her. many: , friends: Would like' to see, her: • Mr. and -Mrs. John. Emerson. visited with ' Mrs. George Emer- son, Sr., recently. • ' • Mrs: Donald McCosh • attended •' the Institute Convention , at 4.4 ii 44 1j yi • ,44 6/ie 1/ YOUR FAVOURITE BEVERAGE KIST IIN LAV - 16. Guelph' on, Friday. . Mr,. and Mrs. Ernie McComb. of Berrvie visited Mrs. Elsie Scott Saturday. •evening. 'Mrs. Dan'. McDonald visited her daughter, Mrs... Edbert Bushel on Saiturday: On Friday evening of last; week the house and* •contents of . Mr. Herb. Farrell .:were completely de- stroyed by fire: "The, sympathy, of :the community is extended'. to Mr. and Mrs. Farrell in their ;loss. Many . of `the farmers i this district .have . completed heir seeding.' .: May Alter Riding Boundaries With the: 'census s ,h o w:°i ,n g Bruce's population as x28,000, some` two thousand below ,:the', 30,000 - minimum um for .a rural riding, there is talk of the .County's electoral boundaries being altered : to take insome of Grey -Bruce riding to equalize the populations; . Donald Blue is the `Federal representative for Bruce,andHon Walter_Har ris ;for Grey -Bruce, which: `riding• s pOpitratioq. af ' some 35,000.- t is n 5,000. • tairOteed Mat Certificates regular sa‘vings, Guaranteed Truk are unconditionally guaranteed as to principal „and interest \* • —7.1. are •aUthorized „investment., for —. have ho fitiettiatioh ih prinCi;a'f." Invest wisely and well LING ITRUSTS. I Bay ti. 'Torohio cit • this'n by ROSEMARY THYME We" went fora longish rid the' country the other da The country is • beautiful noW, with the trees all breaking out in, leaf bud, ' some fruit trees even. . in. blossom . buds, and the fields, spread out in varying shades of, green • or the gray=brown. Of plow-. ed or cultivated .fields.. , O1i• one particular stretch ..,of road. we remarked. to .each other of one feature, and "remembered, that -We ,had remarked on it lie fore, ori previous drives through IMO.: House after shouse stood as -bleak—and -barren : las -a-prison Prosperous -looking places, • brick or stone' houses with not a shr'u'b or •r a. flower to soften the line: wherehouse • met 'ground. So Many •would have been, tremend= ously .improved with .. a few shrubs to brighten the ,surround- ings. 'A lilac bush or .a flowering currant toflaunt some color; and perfuxne in'',theoair with their de' .rightful fragrances.. Imagine. no 'fresh spring flower smells! • • Then we remembered, anOther 'road wkere there are. Many at- tractive - looking farm. homes, ':With nicely arranged fonridation, planting, ficirwer borders arid Win:- nPt only serving the purpose of pearance of the plates. I.reniern.:. ber orie very,' attractive place. Where We :stoPped and admired the' fence, and window 4oices; 'etc, '‘Vas. pointing out • vatious things tO My :husband in a' meit SuggeStive manner; with the man things; finally - concluding .with, - wife did the most Of .6 CREWE Mr., .and. Mrs. A1don Hasty and. girls from Grimsby visited re, c eptly,. with Will Hasty and Mr;. • and. 11Qrs: Lorne Hasty, Mr. Raymond Fi igan "spent lastweek-end in Toronto. ,Mrs. Harvey Ross and Janette of near sudlkiury are spending; a week with her parents and. sister, Mr. and . Mrs, Jim Sherwood and Norma.• i. tell you where ,you may see thoie nit& homes—somewhere in Kinloss. You'll find them. You. go, up orie concession and Cross over 'to another, and 'somewhere in there you'll See them. You'll also find -the most- delightfUl-tree- lined Winding rOads. We're 'hear-. make them safe for Motorists. That,it, so they may drive .faster more •safely. . Nevertheless; it, is.. deplorable. What's.' going to come .af that hice feeling of. an- ticiPation as to. what's. aromid the bend! 'Maybe some o . you ave your gardeni in already. 'Planted lois of gieens, I hope., 'Ilhey- Will be the firSt things. you can' use., I .a.)Ways-.—h-ave7crets ready before, bed for salads, or mixed in s11-. acts, such a nice Curly green, and tastes just right in spring: Spin- ach, Swig's chard, kale and beet tops. And, of comae, you print them successilvely throUgh the. seaSon. Tcy the young tender leaves untooked, chopped in sal- ads. When you cook, don't .over, - cook. 'Spinach should. cook from 5'to 10 niinuths in as little water something I've never .been .able to do. rnuCh with, --they lose their character --arid. %flavor arid food THURSDAY, . MAY 8th, '195i: Mr, and Mrs, Ervine Zinn spent last week with relatives in. Clin- ton and Mrs. , Zinn attended the Presbyterial in• Clinton. last Thursday, • Mr. Alvin McNall is assisting Jim. Sherwod for a While.. , Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert ."Thorns of Carlow spent Sunday evening .• with Mr...a__nd-Mrs Jack -Curran.• • .Mr,.Ray Boak-of'Toronto spent • a few days.. with relatives to this community,f 73 r .80 3 cd 040 73 rn, g-gi?"\ ro74:::,, 74 x --1`."-:p."4:r'_,<".: -43Niqx—§r- vl ZztAmp .2,3awes rig 0 /Ever made rhubarb ice cream. I haven't either, but a* friend ped 'rhubarb, cooked. 'until' ten', evaporated milk, chilled' icy 'cold. Put rhubarb 'iri Saucepan; cook until, tender. .Add sugar and beat :with fork until pulpy, Cool rhu- ' • barb., .Fold in .evaporated milk which has been whipped stiff. I Pour into refrigerator' tray and freeiing: 13A, quarts: • And a:friend' is most ienthus iastic 'about:this idea with harm' Spread with peanut ,botter and :baste .• with orange juice—thick censoting this column. He's a telt-i rifle ,curb on my sense of hum- o nvo 0 rn roe . g i0 -As 0