The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-01, Page 2tt 't ; • • by • ! R,OSEMARY THYME.' k Don't you, hear a InYried calling you to -various, activities -these wonderful - spring daYs? There's the one that calls you to rake the,.leaves, you missed last, • fall (how does' one's yard get so untidy over whiter? ) ; there's. one .ealling• you to paint that roorn, upstairs that needs. it 5O. hadbr; ihe woodwork- all over the house' is Calling for a cleaning, -th- sil- : 4 ilve.F fora thorough spring -time polishing. You wish you liad::fOur bands, •or maybe six. Anethru., it all, old Mother -Nature is say, ' film • 4f0h; take .a day off, arid , go, Out to the Woods. .See what's pushing ;through the earth". . • Out in our garden the rhubarb • • is piishing through,ever so Inuch of it When it reallY gets going, ' Won't be able to eat a fraCtion of it. We aren't to enthusiastic • about it, eicceptjust at first. But .74.4/e love asparagus, and, of course, it comes up:very sketchy, 4 gtalk -here; and. one ..oVer there.; , What don't we do that we should; to have plenty, of it? . 'I think ru give my famil3f lets of •rhubarb juice to drink this year,' becauSe, it is really good -7-flifTfott;:yOtricnovr.'Cciok.the barb. as yOu. Would .fOr. stewed rhubarlio a bit • mushier, then • squeeze , through :sieve, Measure. • juice, and to each euP .of juice, .add V& or one-third cup of Sugar: Stir until '.dissolved: Chill: When serving, 'add.' a. dash. of lemon jUice; orange juice,' and grape- frUlt juice to taste:. , • -,Rhubarb *Custard Pie is more • popular at atir house, than plain rhu.barb pie. It has two-- advan- tages over plain 'rhubarb • it doesn't soak, the Crust,nor run out. For one pie, beat 1 eggs, add 7/4 cup. milk. Pk cups .sugar, tbsp, flour; and add to cut up rhubarb, enough to fill the ishell7 li.sually. about .4 cups, Vse • what- ever flavoring you like at; your 'house,: nutmeg; mace or vanilla. Pour all into ,Pastry4ined.: pie .,plate.. ake.. ixiModerate _.oven about' 45 Minute& It's a beatitift-il- looking pie. •Lthij-ik. cut ut• rhu- bait is one of the •nicest foods to look .at. ' Here's an idea for ' a: dainty :Sandwich:It sometimes pinch; hits* for cookies • at our house: Simple as can be to de. lierriove the - crusts .• from ,slices_ of soft ibread, sPread-with,biitter, peanut but- ler, salad -dreashig,!,preferably-the'._ Jeinon juice and condensed milk • - banana•'id half, tol rOil each h . in a S me read, You may need ' to use two slices .Of: bread 'if the ,banana, ]S.:a .fat one, lapping the edges, so -that: • the. bread completely encases the . bananait will usually stay "put", Very well;Iput you could skewer with tootfipickato :make doubly sure Chill,'.' Slice, 'thinly When ready to serve, Very dainty and _I'm starting a seige of refirr-' • ishing old furniture, an Old pine chest and 'a pine cradle tO!.begin with: The cradle IS, to litaa.tnag azines beside my bed: '(So YoU Cometo visit me,.and ' find a •;;•,. 'cradle rocking magazines, you'll lciroW: 'Ws' me!). .using that •preparatiOri of starch and Iye to. • reMoVe Paint; that I,: told you • About last spring,lieutralize with vinegar, Wash down .with ' cold w • and a er and sandpaper, • and oil And wax. 9.* . 1 'ME LUMCNOW SENTINEL„ lAtiCK.NOW,, ONTARIO RgbAY, MAY lst, 1952 .. . . , ,„ BOUN Y EAST I xiAligEs AUXILIARY MARKS ,,,,....,„,,i.,,m,,•,,,u,,,,_,..,,,,,,,,001.,,,,,,,,,,,I.,t.r.lro:rmile..•"”Kr.o.,91,..k."..;.".01.w.k.,..,.:;. meeting was held en Tuesday in Legion No 869 was held in the ' 4 41 ' ill .e g 1 ".1r... .111:R.,0. U. Gli ,• THE $ LOOKING . . , . . (11.4•endOill, for Last Week) BACKWARDS ' .., • .. • '-'" ' - • ' EIGHTH BIRTHDAY. ,.. .. ., , . ... ) The April e tin of the ' ENTITSI.L..• tILES' . The Women's' Instittite.'annual T. A..14.(ClieS Auxiliary to: Canadian .441011.0•10111p1:111:11ift411.111141401r17ifillti.041111.0•111w••01MMPONT•EllititeNtP0471. . Twe t Years A. - . the community Aixonotie Hal; forin . of • a: pot duck supper in . " . • ..pixty Years .0.40 , , - , . WhitechUrch. The meeting was observance of the 8th. birthday .' ' • Presided over by the retiring pre- of the :organization. Twenty-one Fred Grundy WO. having. .the li‘eilrelgh,amithdceodl'aFai,efloduoDwaZ•srnre. dbaolips, . . • . , hal): end opened by singing the nieffilherS were present, five of Orange Hall on Gough, St. fitted dent, Mrs: -George , .,McClenag, institute .Ode. minutes were react them charter MeniberS. -• . up for a residence . ' . champion, Art 'Andrew; Jr; 11)0y, r . J., „'H,', Garnier Raked Couneil's Doug Clark; Sr. ,girl, Isabelle Mc_ by INITst victor Eniergni, A. 1(0- ..C.O.E.: illlacek°11tipTesiwcleanst.'ocPoemn7ty-se by permission to - shoot rare . sPeci'. Milian and Flizabeth McIver ter '. read from til• Salvation pPuri4n7,,,,,phrees.ae;itieidca..ttihoen ' ;ffiQra,gx•ilaeiiind- mpoernasti;p-On,,f IhicrdosunWciilrini.ritheeffCebert-: (ties), Jr goitrit,4JoecaQ%Gdiriohilam.oi the . a Ar ,y about collecting for the Re : . ield. Mrs. E, Soholtz and *Cern. ' .Mal7garet Sall. :waa'' at Ihe thought. it ,;would he alright ' if .po4tcsmarket, John !Myra corn. Mrs. Walter James were appoint- ,w1,5-:•700..haipppofio,vAirod.-p:T-Benoh.d9mIlt.K0,etai: 1:.h.c,%ttleillist.iI.ed2.'hi4 ..i.ii°"41,g, as. Per .01110017beleeci potatoes t°Orhaids7.e.aAtti..e1,r1Halei i ecl' to Collect for 'it., Anyone .not .and adopted by the standing corn- , ', The mystery boX was won by or and truant officer 125, H. . • Austin P.- Woods, son .of Dr. 'Mit:tees; Mrs. W. R: Farrier' gave 1Com. Nellie Johnston., Commit- Morrison, ' clerk; ' $100. :, ' and 'Mrs.., H. :either of th*As0.141.te before the .pariadian ,Society for ,,polioni$,.., dall,..ireasnrer at 400 Per annum, Ped to Toronto ,. Robert ,.._ i.itIliiii.. net meeting rWiliCli Iletit..'kfribY .litis• The-' cheer . committee 7' is W H. Smith,. 40004 $50; ' John MT.., and. ' Mrs.: on their work. Aeports were read Corn. ',Cora •MaCquaig.. . Leod, cOnstable, sanitary inapect- nitersary, : 10-11 . be likeseilt Old *eve a \tcalic .ceiri, 'Thelnia, MacDonald and N..Ress, collector,. 00; K.'. J. MC- celebrated theth: 57th 'Wedding hn.,;. a: piano solo. Mrs, George Fidler tee in charge for the May meet- Contractors: Corrigan and Mc, donation, could leave same With iety; $4.(10 was' donated to the March meet4.1g.. l't.r.ete .G* .A' Sid- him .-Iiiiil '094.:e..'''than.1Q. a bag if 'ship.' contactect,Who Wishes,: to Make .a donated .to the ,,,Red Cross '.80C- : Town appointments at :, the -did . not , fig1.11':.:,twherociWU(ilidesdlieietnt i was . appointed chairlady and Mg is COmrades Thelma . Mac, Milian , •started operations ...on - 'cost Of installing the fire. " Detroit'. . - ' :'; '• ''. Mrs. Alex Robert**. secrestary Donald, cora maecivaig and jes, CaM's nelv. hotel i •Messrs. 1VICCar- as approximately $500 was traub, ' for the election of . ahem for sie• Johnston,, It will be in the rol and .14YOnsi started work .on Iii:ig. the Council, but the purchase' .1952„ Mrs .' Alex 'Robertson read, fOrin. of an .initiation meeting, ' the 'big stables, at the. hotel. ' was finally :decided- upon, The. the slate of officers as follovrt:. . . , . , A previous,report, that. two Board was also discussing the'ad- hon. Pres., •IVirs..Geb. .1VicOlenag.- LADIES TO IIEAR2ABItIJT• .' . children' of Elliott Traver hadvisability Of paving . Havelock . . Ilan; .firea.,.. Mrs. James McInnes; 'YOUR FOOD .& YOUR FIGURE' died in. Strathroy was not. true. §t„ which was opposed by Coun. 1st vice, MTS'. George Fisher; 2nd • . ' -----,----, . •• The..:Senttnei happily darrected. , cillOr, Muilin. ' vice; Mrs Orville Mitchell, sed,..1_- . Have you noticed hoW inter- :. ... . . • • . —t. . treas., Mrs. ,E. CasemOre.;...aSsist' :eSted people- are, -these days, in'. ThirtY7F1Yer ..Years:Alic, . ten :Years Ago ant ' antlee..„, Mrs, *alter ',Taffies; .Press their • weight?..Men• and Women, in . Rom II • France's 'Spence • 'John 'Moss of the 'Dungannon reporters, WS. George Fisher & old land .youngall'Seern Concern Was: teachingl.Wallace.,Howe, :E17, 'district 'observed. hiSt.'01St ,birth - "Mit. Dusten 'Beecroft, ' Program.. ed. .Those who are neither too: liott , Burns, Duncan 'MacDonald, -day on February 15th.):. •"'"-. ' • :committee, Mrs. I'Lliseel Ross, Mrs. .fat . nor too thin. wish ..to keep: L.' Taylor, .Lovell Murdoch,:.;/ -20,, , "Mrs ; Fred; Emberlin received'. -J.- . Bnrchill.. Mrs 'Wm' HenrST - their trini figtites. Those who are Carter,: • C., .McDonald, Marjorie, wOrd'that•her Maher7.MrS. Frank : Mrs: Mae Miss, Mrs: Pharii-Math- stout -long for pleasant ways of 'Douglas Florence Reid; Margaret Solomon, was .killeirrl.w.hen, th.eir, :. •erS;' standing committees.; Home losing unwanted. pounds. .Everi, ;Chisholm; Walter, Eaton, :W. home in LOWestoft,..England.;..waS ..: .eCondrnica: and health, MrS:. Ezra One Seemsto be asking questions • Sproul, Dorothy HaiightOri,..elar;• boinhect :c1nridg . an air raid Scholtz; public 'reitationS,: Olitve about dVer,Weight. . '.: • ' erice. Murdie; Stuart.. McKenzie,. Neil c ariipb.ell. of West Wawa-. Terriff; 'historical research, Mrs. .. yoirt -*pi find the :answers,. to Neil 1V1eInnes,Jein Stewart, Mut- .nosh: passed away in his 77th year:: D. .Craig;. :agriculture, '. Afrs. ,R, many: .'of:.. these, questions at a lel McKenzie, . Deily Webster, Al- ..DispOsal. :of Robert ..MalCoinfS, Gaunt; citizenship and, education,' tnetitang sponsored by the . Kair •:b.eit Taylor, Campbell, . Thdmp- 'Shorthorn " fleid.. at ' KinloUgh; ' Mrs.' 17,. 'drain; reSoIntiOns, .;IVirrs.: shea and,JIOlyrood Women's In- •• Son,. Eris :Arrristronigl, Margaret •WrOte finis to 'extensive framing .: Ben ., •MeClenaghan; :branch . dir- stitntes. ' This .ineetihg. • will be Geddes, Perky, Webster, : Pearl and .butterrnaking operations ,car- .. ectors, Mrs: Ben. MCClenaghan,.held. in the Township- Hall, gob- ;Beaton, Andrew. Thompson:, Clair. .tied'. On by the Malcolins:,since.. Mrs:. 'Albert Walters, . •Mrs,. Bob icloci. on May '14th, 1952 punctually' . Milne,: Peter . Mortis,. Kathleen coming' to Kinloss .' in 1862.:' - Piirdon; Mrs.. G`: Gillespie, MrS.:, at 800. p.M, '.. , . ' :::, ..' . '''. . Chisholm, Sydney . Decker, Ed, .•tuCknoW, stibscribed ,$60,100 :in Tom. Moore and Mrs Herb Laid-. All, women of the,. community Win •Tayler„ . Harold . MciritoSh, the. :Second ' Victory. Loan law; , auditors, Mrs;', Ab, .COultes are cordially 'invited to. atten.d .Tracy Webster; 'Dan McInnes. •,: paig,m ,.. •• ./ . • • • • , .and, Mrs ; F., xewinam. pianists, this ineetig, , ,,,,, . . : • ; ..viord ':wasreceived that, , Herb .Mr. and: Mrs. Hector MacKay , Miller. had been • wounded in of Whiteehurch. celebrated • their.: action. . . . . . . ...66th wedding' anniversary7, . '• I . ,•have 'to do ;• something • with -this Cradle. All my life Coveted it, Withotit •having seen mOre lhari its vague shadow in ,the dimness through the Man,- • (.• •• hole of our upstairs; ast at on' the rafters, just visible land *no More. It! had.:belonged to: the 'dap- ghter' of the fornier,owner of our • hOuse, and was sure 'it wobld ' a superlatively beautiful:piece of antique furniture, 'Never could • 1 persuade my dacl 'to bring it , clown: "That ' old.rthing!" • and since he :Usually werlit; up through r • that .mari-liele enlY ,to see that everything was alright after a Chimney fire, never really presS.. ed the point-• , Mrs. Garnet Farrier ancli'MrS. E. Miss Elaine Found, Home Econ - Scholtz, :: district director,' Mrs. omistiof , the Women's Institute George ,M°Clenaglian. A vete of Branch ancifforne'Econornics Ser - thanks Was Moved by Mrs. Robt vice, Ontario Department of Ag, WEDDING BELLS 'Ross to Mrs. Geo. McClenaglian ricUlture,will lead.the.disCuSsion. -7: •. who has been president for two Come and bring your friends.. ,AITCHE'SON-4EY.1VIOUlt . • •years and ,by Mrs Lance Grain The liesPeler lJnited Church to Mrs Victor Emerson; the sec,- OBITUAlt. 4Y. was :adorned with lips, daffodils and ferns, iris, tu-. 'plissyWillows; ..treas; for --the-past: ifiVe _ years. IA , • .. short course .,.On oven Meals is. MRS. ANDREW HAMMON— And-the4iiest pewswereinarked. to he held in. the hell t.he 'after- The 'death' of •Mia. Andrew .With White' satin/ ribbon, for the noons • of 'June 8th and 9th from Hamilton;'.a fernier 'resident. , of , marriage. 'Om Saturday: 'of Miss 130 to 400, St Helens institute this Comanualty, • occurred ; :on Patricia Lilhan SeYnionr; •,datigh.„ will be invitedto join „tis and •Thursday of:\laSt week at her ter Of Mr. and Mrs T. Jr 'Duvall, all lidieS. Of the:community .who home in C011ingWood. She Was 79: H, espeler, and John Thomas Ait- are interested'. are quite welcome year a • age and had been', in Cheson, Peterborough; son .of Mr. to attend. " failing heakth. . ' . and Mrs. 'Clifton Aitalieson, Hes- Mass Vivian FiSher of - Aylmer, . Mrs. --Hamilton was formerly peler and formerly of •Lticknow. Miss Mary Foster and Bill Fisher ..Barbara 'Anzr• Eliza Cook, daugh-. Rev. Earl F.. Smith, Minister Of '�f Mitchell Off. --ter-Of-the---lateTHenry-Cook.,-and= „St:.-A-ndrev4s.-PresloYterien,Chnrch= _eed of Wallaceburg spent 'Easter Eliza McGee. She was born at officiated atthe double ring cert.' Gec•r e Fisher. 'Llickriow On February.,.4th,..1873 emony. Kathleen Fisher, Mh1 ancriikine-ofit903-7waiTinarrie • wen 'in marriage • by, her son,. Wayne and Frances'Henry at PtielPh to hr now bereft hus-• lather, the bride Was 'radiant, in and-Barry--Tiffin-haVesthe-numiPs-Jaand. . ' . a • beautiful Wedding_geWn of 'Mr: and Mrs. 'Seett Patterson Mr Hamilton is .a retired sec- Riviera white French' lace, and' and family of Detroit spent the tion foreman; having retired. 'at _ . Week -end Avith Mr. Kea, Patter, ,collingwood irt• 19n ,They were. son•".; , at •Henfryri for , 2.4...‘years, from , Mr. and MrS.. Wilson.' Wall vis, 1909 1930; two years at .ited with their .son Ira and Mrs.' Durham before going to Coiling- Walt.on Surida. •• ' weed. . Funeral service' was held :;at Cbliingwood • BaPtist Church on 'Saturday e6nducted by' Rev. Mr, Taylor, assiSted by • Rev. John Kerr . of Creernore. The remains •were ,then brought to LuekriOW .where service was 'held .On. Mon- day at the MeLennan-MacXen-' zie, Metnorial , Chapel ,cOnducted by Dr. W, j-...1/1tirrifor,c1. During ,the service; , Billy- Kennedy,. a' grand nephew', sang "Beyond the Sunset" and "The• ,End. .of the :Road". • • . Interment was in Greenhill itery;---th pallbearers being- SLR l 1 C._.., Mt: 6 bottle carton 36' •• . CHURCH NEWS Presbyterian E.Vg: Auxiliary . The meeting 'opened with pray- er by the president,.Mrs. Morgan • Henderson, at the ,honie of .Mrs, C. K MacDonald, followed With . , . the singing of hymn 184 and the; zLord's prayer repeated in uni- son.. Mrs. Norman Taylor gave •the 47th. chapter of the Study book . ' and Miss Rozella Mullin took the, chapter in the .supplement book. 'An invitation to the May meeting ; 7 •of the United .Churcn. Evening Auxiliary was read and .accept - e.. An • • interesting • letter :frorn 'Miss Dorothy DOuglas in•Tamsui, Formosa; was read. Plans wet inadtid. .attend the annual meet- netlOng dolirian sleeves, jewel neck- Society .to • be . held, in Wi•nghair ing.of the Maitland .Presbyterial' over taffeta, fashioned 'With: the lace .,pattern,,- and ' king. torso' on May ,6,th, The scripture 'read-. line. appliqued With Cut-outs' of waistline draped to the ,Side, from .ing . Was. taken' . by -Miss I‘/Iarion which a: full net 'Skirt fell in ,MacDoriald;, the ".bible stud, Qi,,. giTacefui folds' into a slight train. sPisi:)1;1.14etrh?crid.Dartishaerni. . lipkIralic7i;iiljd: Her lovely' finger4ip A:411;a tulle had illifsion•waS Caught to a halo of ' the 'current' events. The dos - shirred net ;and: Seed pearls, She .ing hymn was followed prayer .carried a ,white, prayer ,bp.*:ar. anda,Bible Ciniz. by the president. , • ranged with two 'mauve ,Ot!. clads .'litinioSs ,United wxt.,g. and stephanotis : •,,. I . • Mrs..EliiSon Hodgins Was. hos...' . Attending the bride • were .her .tesS to the April Meeting of the sister; Mrs, 'Jack Everett ; of Cxr, _ Kinloss • W.M.S. with a.- good, at:.., I . • . GS matron of hOnOr:I'' and - 4.4.0; tendanee, Mrs. Dean 'Hew.iit was Robert Barber of Galt and Miss. convener Ora' ' 6 1 ee's cradte-Friend-inis= my sister, "NOw,'1 really•do want -.grodinknaiLIVIFt Charles 81eich, lowed by brother. •of .• the: groem, . ,. ' :. . MissiOnary\ Monthly. The 4 Lhein,e as ,gram,which was taken frkim the ".Eiaster, Gave -t.js, The 'Bible ', of the: devotional pro. .• Eileen . Peart of Kitchener,. , ...However, „dame the day that •bridesmaids : ' :My family Were MOving...I said to ' Roy Aitcheson of Peterborough, was -:6, hand Will get it down",. So, MY !Wellington Henderson, , Carman A.T.C.M. or'llesl3eler,', Pleyedwtah:: .01'heedci: 7s71Bnb.pglr-eahYrYeen:rdlibi.trilmg:148W-1'16.5:844'rciatY:klii.i. - • .. . good sister. and 'my 'good iiiiSband ,gamiltori,,Win.. Griffin, &,t, Rob-' Wedding music and as soloist, 'en by Mrs. Wm, :Campbell, Mi't. went ' UP into the upper 'reaches' ertson,: Reg met4ee. and Henry. ,Robert Rendall of HeSpeler sang t J, Hedley,.11/r8, LArne.floclgin:', right It was tough pine, roughly ,Billy and Jack Kennedy, and down to me. "That Old thing" WAS 'Allan,. Neil and Jiin „MaCKenzie, ath Not Promised", , i• Of '. the .hoilSe and let the cradle Mackenzie., Plower hearers were `2 he .' tordt§• PraSter" and "God 1.2,13M:pirist.nerrArhitlbeae;i.trotitCoeivilawlrfe:lwlMoliesi..c.Eallniliepi: !. •A 'reception for 'selverity-three , . Tcl put together', Ilitillu.sippment .Finley Cook, Jr. '• " . .g ts) Was held at tlie Moffat's can tell what is will look like; Hamilton is survived by One lieu- . The g , t of the , groom' to ' the with' rse74i'llit:6ertfhekhil.sYthg.tin'anglis6. ilisili8lirristdriai t‘'Iehv:1(:af'd1: . conipletel , However' you never • Besides her ,htisband, ,'MrS, bancluet all, Galt, •* ' • When' i finish Sanding and wax- ghter, Mrs:, Finlay COOK (Irene) .Matron' of honor and the %brides- Bannerrnan presided for 01(3., busl'' . . 1 • . ings . , ,. • . ' . : ,' • of .CollingWood; a' grandson, .Fin- Maids s er . silver en- •i.i eSS - part of the rn eeting. :Pi a lis. ' Homemaking can be such .good fay Hamiltbn Cook.; a sister, Mrs. grav.ed. bracelets, to e• :groOrns., were mad d j1;y Mrs: R..1, lat,ilie, fun, if yoU have • imagination— Wm, Robb of Lucknow-and'a bro-' man land...ushers, cuff li kS. .. and can let • it run riot!. . What I ther,,... Albert Cook,"1 t.oundary For ithe..we'dding 140 gheybdroide! .tilaplelPiMis..,t•rtleatriarn5re'rm'f°arn tchicol*.kg,(1?1.rtillige COuld. do .iWith the contents .of WeSt., ..,: ' , I donned ,a hand-stitehre ed. some attics t.' Old • butter bowls,' ' Friends' attended the funeral, skin, 'snit, -.:bIack e :7 a' punipst seerevteldnqa.,diathinit°yriY4rc'n'll,hil'e*h}(1.6sMtea ,''. And candlesticks arid trivets and fro rni London, Goderich,' hipley,, mauve 'Ara* h ,orthid Corsage ,, ri, AtWbOd and Palmerston, . at 80 , ' St, ,, Peterborough , ii , . re8i.d.e, meeting is 't° be at the....horie of dear knows what all: my mouth Ethel, Durhani,, ..Bi'uSSels, Hen- On their .retur they' will .,61.1 DiloatingiI-In§e,Welotntvwehitell;Mrs. ti fry - waters! ' 4. • tio