The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-04-24, Page 21.ennall Fttsteir re, • 1111ELUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Services Conducted According "to Your Wishes At Your Mae, Your Church, Or At Our Memorial: Chapel°4 No Additional Charge. • AMI11.11;A:NCE SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT. • , • „ '.••••• • '• ' -.'Phone 181. Lucknow • , • !. 'usumutuu*s. • • • . • . , • SEEDING IN, FULL SWING Seeding oPrations. or .iprepara:. tions for it according to the -con- dition'of the land,. have 'been •in lull. swing during the. past week inn men, women gain 5,10,1$.1bs,':.. Get Neto:Pepf Vim, Vigor • Whit A thrill Bony limbs 511 out: ugly hollows 1111 un;_ neck no longer scrawny; body loses haltui •• starves. sickly "bean -pole" look. Thousands of • girls; women, men, who never could gain before. are now proud ofAhapely, healthy -looking bodies. They thank the special vigor-Indlding, flesh -building tonic, Ogres. Its tonics, stimulant& invigorator& . iron. vitaMin calcium, enrich. blood, improve tiPPetite, And 'digestion 10 rood •IllteS ypu morel strength and noluiebanut;•put nem on bare bone& • Don't fear Setting too tat. stop whew you've gained •'she 5, 10, 15 ot 20 lbs. you need' for normal weight., •Costs little. New "get acquainted" site only 500. 're/ famous' ()styes Tonic Tablets tor new vigor An added nude tills lent da,y.:..40 sadruintillta• with the arrival of warm,. sunny' weather. • . • Among, the first seeding. we heard of *as on the Henderson 'farm at the SecOncl•, Concession where sowing started last .Thurs,- day.and.was completed on Thurs- day. A .seedingl ."bee was also held at Eddy Gannt's:(the former where the sowing of a large acre- - -.Smith faini) last Week age was completed: On Monday* ST, tigiENts Service in the United. Church next Sunday will conimence at 11. a.m., DST. Sunday School will follow. , • . • '. .The .,May • meeting, of, the Wo- rnen's Institute will not be 'held until Thiirsday, May , Miss, Margaret MacPherson, Reg,N. •of the staff of St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, Waiehonie for •the iweek;encl. •Margaret,.at- tend,ed.the wedding of mate at Stratford ion Saturday'. • . , ••,.Mr. and Mrs., Gordon Miller & 1darry. and, Miss Doris .Taylor of London Were .home for"' the week, Tie ; Ruth. Anne :ari' cl‘ gins of Wmgham spent the .er•vacation with. their aunt, Mrs, Harvey Webb and Mr. Webb. d.• Terry. Wilson was a .holidaY1 visitor 'with his cousin, JunmY, Wilson at Whitechurch. 'Jimmy. teturned for a few days 'With hirn„ , • Miss. W. D. Ittitherfordsfient. a fow days in ,Toronto last week. .1 lVf.r.•Mid 111.Imphrey is home ter spending 'a "few days in Sit.. Joseph's Hospital, London `where. he received treatment on his eye. • .., . _ ..• • Miss Jean. Aitchison4he pre*, dent, was in the chair' for,, the social eve.ping under the auspices of the, •"Happy • Handicrafter Club" held., in 9 , the Community Hall on Friday .eyening. Tkie ,f017 lowing program was presented: community' ,singing with • Mrs. Chester: Taylor iat •the pIono; a duet by Mile .TodcLand. Mabelle MabPhersori; solo by Terry Wil- son; the JoUrnal •by Margaret Miller; piano solo by Carolyn Mothers; the sWortl, danCe• and the highland fling by, Isabelle MacPherson, .' mouth organ selec- tions'by•Fred McQuillin aCcorn- panied by Mrs, MOguillin. Dani ing followed to 'music 45y George 'Stuart, Don • Cameron, Chester Taylor, Eldon Miller,. Fred Mo•-: quillin 'with Mrs.,' Taylor, :Mrs: Stuart, ,Mis. IfeclUillin and Miss Doris TaYliir las aecornrianis.ta.• Mr. •and Mrs.. James Durnm were recent, visitors .with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm; Lux' - ton of Kincardine. - ' ••' - Mr, and Mrs. • Allan Durnin, , Helen and Charles of :London-, .wer.e. Sunday .visitors with Mr: and," Mr ‘... George Stuart, . 1 -... : , • , . . • : , A RATE OF 5.25 mills has been struck by the Wingliam District High .School.' Board.. This is: all increase of 3/4 of a mill over last ... -, ------ .4•••••• • • . 9444. • • . • , .• • • • MORE •'. • • • -.• • '• . . . . I'm one of the Aircraft Technicians that give it a inspection) and -keep it in top flying shape. We take personal pride in Ole work that we have been trained to do. , Our aircraft are, ready to fly in defence of freedom." • ; . . „ . .,MEN ARE NEEDED .NOW-lN THE R.C.A„F TO- TRAIN AS . . HNICI THURSDAy,APRIL 24.01,0 1 $ENT,11.4.E„L: •1 • THAT is cours ozl nUrsing. 'atomic, biological Atiaghemical warfare, which is given in con- 'neetion With.1,he Civil Defense :progi am,. began, in. Walkerton , • last. Wednesday , and Will be. held -Weekly for six •weeks .- The • nursing iristructor*illicle •Miss „Edith . Munroe, PUbiic.. Health, .nurse ,of 'Walkerton; 'and form, • erly stationed hero; :who has • taken 'a speCial course iii' this -field of nursing; • ••• • • ' • . . . , THAT fixim Miss 1.4eea Smith of . Swift '• arrant we have recei.v- . ed a copy of the Swift Current Sun which depicts graphicalii the havoc and desolation caus- ed by the flood that, Wrecked the : new' bridge over. the /Sask. atthewan River. The wrecked : • Centre -sea -U -1:m cost $177,000 to • ,uUdThe.new bridge; replac- ing. ferry' traffic, and linking , northern and southern,..Sask- ;* ati,-2heyoan.., was „dedidated • than a year.. ago:. .Since that .....major catastrophe early-.' this month,. Swift:Current has sincc been further plagtied by .floods, ' . . . • : • THAT, the conference Of the Fed:, • • erated Women's Institutes ;of Ontario is to be held in. Guelph nekt,Wednesclay,:thursdaY and Friday., •: Delegates : appointed •.from „the Lucknow •Branch are .the "president and Secretary., •MrsRuss Johnstone : and Mrs. • . Alex HaVens. • • • . , . • • . . • . , . • THAT duet° theitiability Of .eraLspecialists to be in attend-,, ance, the l7iuron'dounty•Crip.. pled Children's Clinic at ;clip:: ton has been postponed • Wednesday; May THAT the-,tuckno-w Iii:gl-$(1- .7:8and Concert will, be held in• TOWn Hall tomorrow night • (Friday) Commencing at .8.15 ' • • - - - A E -R 0 --E NS-TRUMENTiRAIN , „4R_APAR:_*ARMAMENT • AIRFRAME • • • • 14 fr • •. , • ' , • I 0, ,4 • u •• . . . % ......,...:.-:;••*.i00)0617" • • • . • „." • • •::%'• • •• ,, • • ••••• '••••••••44..."••••••••• These men have an important job in the operation cifcis- ex- panding Air Force. . . -A-STa • ski1ldR.CAT--Aircraft.---"Fechniti-ani7yOu-Wilftgai-nTva1Uab1e technical and training experience---receiegood pay -30 clays annual • leave with pay—and a pensionto be .64rned.. , • • , • You will play your partindefence againsfaggression. You will seti•e, • , • Canada—and yourself!. • ' • .71I-14.77,,Charlie Cook had a: baci• time of it the first of the'we6k . • • When bleeding started ',after •• • having :two •teeth -extracted.' Medical attention was :requir- , 7 •. : ' • . •• e.0.0%fr • •.:0; T1 •. , • IV '4 • i , It • 10 ; • • , 10 YOU AtiE 1ETWEEN . 17 AND 40 AND• ' PitAbr 8 EOu cA.ION • . , • oiTTER , • EE THE RCAF cAREER COUNSEELOR ADDRESS IN COUPO4 1 41.. OR MAI t THE COUPON • II ; • ' 77: • , • , ' .0 ' • . • . . 4-0 • ` I •' Headquarters, Ottawa: , 1 Please mall me,' iiiitkout parlic;elats regarding -enrohnetrequerementsan# ofiepsngs nowlyelelabk en the &Cit& ,1 - I .igIVE (Pledge Print) , '• • • . . . . " " "" • • 1 I STREET AlDpRESS . 1 • •• CITY ,•. . . ' • .. .. . . I • Director of Personnel Manning, • EDUCATION (by grad e 4nd .... .. . ..;„. .1:AGF• .11 d • • • . • • , CAP,7.5WS . • • •• ••••• .44.14 iii•c4 maim '•1 1 " IL C1111;1101 • • • *"1,., • • A. OP) INPANT; Peri" -ted-• - dead for:several day; was loqnd covered with a' towel in a ekrtl- ••• bliarcl Pox, half bilirllTrilli17(77-, of ,,a hill pri the outskirt The* discovery Wsrnadehy Some children at play. . • WEDDINC • •• ITANNA-411omrsorr.7 -th Kincardine On ,Wedneday. pril-10th, Rev ..• Gi•lbet;Got.ni • • united iii••intarriage ••,Ernest Gw scin of J9eph and ,the iuI Mr. 'Hanna andOljve Bernice; • daughterof Mr, and Mrs. Diifisac Thompson of 'Culi'oss:.• • The bride; who. Was unttend:-.. ed.; worea grey suit With and ptal.- accessoris. /tor orsage *as..ofpink CarriationS. • After a dinner at tfie. bi•jdo*, • • home 'ittended,by, tlielmniedittie ararailles happy C Qt.ipt 4eft on a: short Wedding trip to 'N.ew • • On. their ;return they will aide in KinlosS TOwnShiPIon the gtoeni's farm.. '1•BORN Leonard and•Freda McInnes, Cn, j2,•aci.Kitiionl.a.tid ma -..aiecnoiiii,a 1.01' JOHNSTON—in St •. Josdih",,i; llos-• )1 O: -4u0IhrInst.on. 6Mt artd rsioBrh71.11•Ycl ,.1 LauraCoin) datig•hter) Louie, , •• •' • ' . I • • • •